Selvegion: Self-first opposers of unity                                       Back to Main Page

These are called "Selvegion", for they are dark, they are vile, they lure their prey to put self first, and they are many. These are they who oppose unity, for they know the tremendous and awesome power that is wrought through unity in My Spirit.

These are they who promote "self," who blow out of proportion interest in one's self. These are they who oppose unity and encourage selfish living. They oppose oneness and harmony, and instead foster self-service, self-interest, discord, dissension, strife, and all that divides

Like the other evil forces of the spirit world, the Selvegion look for a weak spot to enter. They study their prey; they watch you and wait for the time when you're weak. So please be faithful to ask our Deliverer and great Shepherd for His personal counsel as to how you can best keep your guard up against them. Ask Him to expose any weak areas in your life so that you can work on fortifying them, before the Selvegion have a chance to reenter and do more damage. As you call on the power of the keys and sincerely request the Lord's help to keep you on track and strong in spirit, He will.

Those horrible pests don't wait for an open invitation. They are constantly pecking, biting, gnawing, and trying to find entrance. They live to pester My children, and they try to divide them and eat them up. So deliverance from them is not a one-time deal. It's something that you have to be continually on guard against and praying against, and doing your part to keep your spiritual defenses strong.

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