Additional Reading--Selvegion Back to Main Page
From: The Dangers of Division! Conviction versus Compromise, Part 2 By Maria Maria #581 CM/FM 3362 8/01
Warning Vision
95. (Mama:) Okay, now let's move on to the warning vision I mentioned earlier in this letter. Prepare yourselves; it's graphic and shocking. With this warning, you are accountable. So if you don't change, you can expect to have even more trouble than you're having now! The Lord has given a message that is so vivid you can't possibly misunderstand it unless you're completely asleep!
96. (Channel explains vision:) I see terrible destruction. Everything is dark--very dark and dreary. It's a battlefield, I see; and it's after the battle. There's a terrible eerie feeling. The night has fallen, and all I can see is destruction. It's awful--devastating destruction everywhere. It looks foggy, but it's smoke I see rising. It seems to be smoke from cannons or gunfire or explosions. There are small fires burning, scattered all around, and there are bodies as far as I can see, maimed and mutilated bodies lying all over the place.
97. Jesus help me, give me faith. Forgive me, I don't want to look at this, but if You're showing me this for a reason, help me and give me faith. I'm Your servant, Your channel; pour through me as You will. Please help me to explain what I'm seeing.
98. For as far as I can see, all I can see is ruin. I see dead bodies lying everywhere and there's a horrible foreboding feeling. Oh, Jesus, help me. Please, please help me.
99. Now I see something different; the scene has changed, as if it's a flashback. I see horrible creatures. They're so terribly ugly--they're frightening! There are snakes slithering all over the place and all sorts of crawling creatures. I don't know what they are. They're not exactly snakes; there are a variety of different ones, but they're crawling and slithering all over the place, and all of them are so terribly repulsive. They're intertwined and snarling--it's a horrible noise they're making! They're screeching and growling at each other. It sounds like they're bickering and hissing at each other. It's a shrill, high-pitched, terrifying sound.
100. Some of these creatures have fangs, which show when they make this horrible sound; others have long tongues that dart in and out as they hiss at each other. Something is telling me there's poison both in their fangs and their tongues. It's highly poisonous, deadly venom. Some of these creatures have frightening eyes.
101. Please help me, Jesus! Do I have to look? Please forgive me, Jesus. Please help me. I'm so sorry, forgive me, dear Love, I don't like to look at this, but with Your help I will if this is what You want to show me. Please help me to explain what I'm seeing now.
102. Their eyes are red. They're filled with blood, and it drips down their face whenever they hiss.
103. All of a sudden these hideous creatures are morphing right before my eyes. They're transforming into these little elf-like beings. They look like little black elves, or like dark fairies. They're not good fairies; they're black and vicious. The words "black elves" keep coming to me, so I'll call them elves. They're like little black elves, little black demons.
104. They've just morphed right before my eyes from these slimy, gruesome-looking, evil, creepy, crawling creatures into these little black elves. I still feel that horrible foreboding I felt when I was seeing the destruction in the first scene. These black elves are frightening; they look very evil, and they're very dark.
105. They're small in size, but the impression I get is that they're powerful. They can do a lot of harm, terrible damage, because they're still the same slimy, snake-like, crawling creatures on the inside, and they're still filled with this highly poisonous venom. In other words, these little black demon elves are the slithering creatures; they're the same on the inside, but they took on this other form. They've morphed into these little black elves. They've only changed their appearance and taken on this different form, apparently so they can get around more easily because they're so little. I see they are very agile and quick; they dart all over the place. They're very dangerous, possessing this deadly poison.
106. One of them just looked up at me and sneered at me. The evil black elf looked right at me and growled and showed me his sharp teeth! Back off, you damn punk! I rebuke you, in Jesus' name! He showed me his teeth, the same sharp fangs the slimy creatures had.
107. Apparently when they were in their slimy crawling form, they seemed to be contained in some vast area--an eerie, dark, dismal place. I have the impression they're not allowed to leave there, not as long as they're in that form. But now that they've morphed into these little black elves, they seem to be able to move around and go all over the place.
108. There's a huge explosion and I see these black elves hurled all over the place. They're being shot out, like the explosion propelled them out into the atmosphere and they're everywhere.
109. Now I see; it wasn't just any explosion I saw. This was no accident. It's like someone put these evil black elves in a giant cannon or some type of shooting device and shot them right out, aimed them dead center at certain targets and fired them right out to do their dirty work, to do damage. They were aimed at something and shot out with a specific mission to harm and destroy their target. Oh Jesus, help!
110. Now I see several Family Homes, and these black elves are all over the place. They're hanging all around, sitting everywhere--on the furniture, on the floors, on the counter tops. They're hanging on the ceiling, and some of them are riding on people's shoulders--on Family members' shoulders! It's terrible!
111. Jesus, please help me. I can hardly look at this; I can't bear the thought of them sinking those fangs into our Family. Please help me.
112. I don't see them on everyone's shoulders, it seems they can only ride on the shoulders of those who are vulnerable. Some Family members have a shield around them, and the black elves cannot penetrate their shield. Others have no shield, nothing guarding them, so these black elf demons can latch on to them. They can ride on their shoulders, or on top of their feet, or slip right into their pants' pockets; any way they can latch on, they do.
113. Thank You Jesus! Praise You Jesus! I'm sorry, dear Love, I don't think I can look any longer. Help me, Jesus. I think I'm going to be sick, but if You know I need to see more, please, please, help me to yield to You. I feel cold and icy. It's a frightening sight. It seems inevitable what will be next--that these demons are going to sink their teeth into their prey--and these are our Family! Jesus, please help me.
114. I see Family Homes, so many of our dear Family brethren, and these vile black elves are latching on to Family members all over the place.
115. Oh, Jesus, not that! It's awful what I see now. I see the black elves morphing back and forth! They've latched on to whomever they can in our Family Homes, whoever didn't have their protective shield raised. They've latched on and now they're morphing back and forth. Yuck, it's sickening. One minute they're these slimy, hideous crawling creatures and they're slithering all over our Family members, and then they morph again into their evil black elf form--and back and forth they go, riding on our Family members, on their shoulders, on their feet, in their pockets and so on.
116. I get the impression they're trying to demonstrate their power; they seem to be flaunting it in my face. Now they're morphing into their black elf form and they're all looking up at me with evil grins. They're showing their teeth and they're grinning at me and laughing, only it's more like a spiteful cackling; it's very wicked. They're very haughty. They seem to think they've triumphed and they seem to be mocking me with their evil grins and loud shrills, all very, very evil.
117. I rebuke you, damn devils! Oh, Jesus, no! No, not that! It's so, so horrid what they just did, it's nauseating! (Channel prays in tongues.) Jesus, help me to explain.
118. All of these evil black elves just morphed back into slimy, snake-like creatures, and all of a sudden, all at once, in the blink of an eye, they slipped right into the body of each person they were latched on to. Just like that, bloop, and right into their body they went. (Weeping, channel prays in tongues again.) Praise You Jesus! Thank You, mighty Deliverer! Sweet Love, there's more? Please give me strength to look. Please forgive me. I want to yield to You. Please help me.
119. Now I see these horrific creatures inside the bodies of our Family, of those who didn't have their shields up. I see them inside their bodies; they've become part of them. Right now everyone looks all right on the outside. From outward appearances you wouldn't know anything is wrong at the moment, but inside they're being eaten up. The evil creepy crawlers are feeding on their insides; they're steadily eating away on the inside of each Family member they were able to latch on to. They're gnawing away at their internal organs, eating them alive. Some are going quicker than others, but they're all being eaten up. They're being eaten alive and they don't even know it.
120. Jesus, give me strength. I feel faint, Jesus. Surely this can't be the Family. Surely this can't happen! Oh, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
121. Now, just like I saw in the beginning, I see bodies all piled on top of each other. All that's left are maimed and mutilated bodies. It looks like the pictures you see of the Holocaust, of all those dead naked bodies thrown in a huge pile. The slimy creatures went in for the kill and it looks like they succeeded with those they were able to latch on to, with those who wouldn't keep their shields up--they ate them right up, all their internal organs, until they ate their hearts out and they couldn't function anymore. (End of vision.)
Choose Ye This Day!--Unite or Be Left Behind!
122. (Jesus speaking:) United you stand, divided you fall. United you walk on to victory, divided the battle is lost. If My Family will not unite, this will be the end result, what you saw in the vision--a battlefield, the battle lost, death and destruction. This will be the end result of those who do not unite. United you stand, divided you fall.
123. I have opened your eyes to the reality of My spirit world. I have pulled back the veil and shown you a portion of what transpires in the real world. For the emissaries of Satan target the children of David. The black demon elves of disunity have stalked their prey. They are more dangerous than My children comprehend, with their venom of doubt, division, dissension, bitterness, jealousy, selfishness, hatred, bickering, backbiting, negativity, covetousness--all that fosters disunity.
124. They have latched on to many of the children of David. They have debilitated some already, and now, unless they are rooted out, they will go in for the kill. Their mission is to damage, knock out, destroy and kill. They seek any port of entry through which they can latch on, any chink in the armor of those who let down their guard, who put down their shields, who lay aside their weapons, who do not raise the protective force field around themselves that I make available through obedience and yieldedness to My call to unite.
125. How long will you, My children, leave yourselves open? How long will you fight amongst yourselves, instead of turning your energy to fight the real Enemy who is out to destroy you? How long will you leave yourselves open to the deadly poison of disunity until there is no remedy? How many will fall prey to the venom of the dark demons?
126. No longer, My children, no longer will I tolerate the smoke and stench of the smoldering fires many of you leave burning within your camps. Today I intervene. Today you must take the stand. Today you must put out the fires, or be put out of the camp. Today all must raise their shields and close the door to the evil ones who seek to target and destroy you.
127. I have instructed, I have pleaded; I have plainly spoken to My Family on the subject of unity. I have poured out volumes on its benefits, on the blessings it will bring, on the strength it will generate, on its dire importance if you are to survive the days ahead.
128. Now I must tell you, it's the end of the road. Now I tell you clearly and plainly; today you must choose. The Enemy has hurled his fiery darts at every Family member--his dark, destructive demons which would seek to encourage disunity, to feed on disunity, and eventually to feed on them. Those who are caught without the protective shield of obedience and unity are open prey.
129. Those of you who wish to go on for Me in this Family must unite at all costs or be left behind, for I will not, I cannot stand back any longer and watch these evil ones of the netherworld pick off My chosen one by one, eating away like a cancer within, until there is no remedy.
130. My Spirit and anointing will not always strive with those who continue to disobey, who continue on in open and blatant defiance of Me and My Word, who will not pick up their shields and fight and unite against the Enemy, who will not rebuke the dark forces, repent, and unite to fight the foe. United you stand, divided you will fall. Those who leave themselves open to the venomous poison of disunity will fall, for as in unity there is strength, in disunity there is destruction!
131. I issue a call to you, My children and army of David, as My servant Gideon did to his army of old. He told those who were faint of heart, fearful and unbelieving to go home, to choose. Today you must also choose: You can either unite and march on, or go back and be counted among those who care not to give all.
132. The time is come. It is now! Today, this day, I call on every Family member to take a stand. Stand up and be counted part of My strong Bride, My united Bride, or go, do what you need to do.
133. Only in the strength of unity will you, My Family, be able to fulfill your destiny. There's no other way! Today you must choose. Take the stand to unite, or be left on the scrapheap of those who cared not to take up arms against this inside enemy.
134. Satan has you targeted. He has hurled his black demons against you; they seek to enter those who leave themselves open. Their mission is to destroy.
135. There is no longer room to sit on the fence; there is no longer room to hang in the balance. Each must choose--you either move forward or backward. There is no standing still. Choose this day, My Family.
136. My fervent prayer today is the same as when I left Earth--that you will unite as one. You must choose to be one as My Father and I are one, or choose your own desires and move on. You must choose to unite, or to follow your own willful hearts. It's as simple as that. For the only way you will be able to fulfill your destiny, the only way you will be able to access the keys, the only way you will have the power to rise above all impossibilities is in the strength of unity. The only way you will win this war in the era of action is by uniting.
137. What I require in these Last Days of those who will follow Me closely, of those who will use the keys to the Kingdom, of those who will have the power to rise above, is that you join as one. There is no other way. Only in the strength of unity will all these things I have spoken of your glorious future come to pass. Only those who unite will be able to fulfill what I have spoken. It is written in My Word. Time and time again I spoke of this to you, My Family; today you must obey or fall away.
138. How oft, dear Family, have I made this plea? I have pled, I have wept, I have spelled it out to you. I have repeated time and time and time again: Only those who are agreed, who dwell together in unity of mind, heart, body and spirit, will be able to walk on to fulfill your destiny in these Last Days. United you stand, divided you fall.
139. Today I close the door. Therefore everyone must choose this day on which side you will stand. Those who continue on in the army of David must strive for unity at all costs. You must endeavor to live My Law of Love, to live together in unity, to unite in vision and goals, in oneness of heart, mind, and spirit. You must join together as one wife, one body, one bride, ready and willing and yielded to the desires of your Bridegroom.
140. I don't ask for perfection. You will make mistakes, misunderstandings will come, likes and dislikes will be evident. But what I do require is that you not give in to these vices of the Enemy, but rather seek to rise above them. There will be times when you will not always see eye to eye with one another, but what I require is that you walk arm in arm. What I require is that you take the stand, that you fight for unity at all costs; that you forsake the past and walk in newness of life and spirit; that you put away childish bickering; that you don't give in to bitter strivings and contentions; that you put out the fires of dissension, contention and familiarity among you.
141. Temptations will come. You will stumble, you may fall from time to time, but what I require is that when you are tested, you hold on to Me; you get up and walk on together in obedience to My Word. What I require is that you bind yourselves together in My Spirit, in My love, in My power. What I require today is that you choose--that you take the stand to unite, or move on. What I require is that you make the decision to yield your all to Me--that you allow Me to melt your hearts together, and that you bring forth the fruits of unity. I require that you demonstrate your faith in Me through endeavoring to keep the unity among you by taking action on such things as:
-- working together to resolve your differences through love, humility, communication and prayer;
-- taking the humble seat and apologizing, even if you feel it's the other person who is in the wrong;
-- asking Me what your part is in the problem and then being willing to rectify it;
-- being willing to confess your sins and wrong attitudes and get united prayer;
-- praying a "whatever it takes" prayer and allowing Me to work in your life;
-- working to overcome your strong personality traits that stand in the way of unity;
-- asking your brethren to safeguard you;
-- seeking correction when needed;
-- being flexible and learning to give and take;
-- giving others the benefit of the doubt;
-- persevering in loving communication even when you feel misunderstood or rejected;
-- going to others in love and humility to communicate and seeking Me together for solutions;
-- forsaking all criticism and gossip;
-- fighting to overcome familiarity;
-- forgiving and forgetting--forsaking the past;
-- yielding to Me in all things;
-- calling on the power of the keys to help you rise above all that would stand in the way of your unity.
142. Each Family member must choose today: Walk on with Me in unity, or suffer the consequences. Today I blow out the candle; I close the book. Choose this day which side of the fence you will stand on.
143. Be warned, My children. See the future, and therefore be well armed to fight. If you heed not this last call, you must suffer the consequences. For as many as I love, I must chasten when the need arises.
144. My Family, never before was there a need as there is now to lower My rod that I might save you, and direct those who care to follow Me to the End. This is My love and My mercy that you might fulfill your destiny.
145. Those of you who continue on in disobedience and heed not My call to unity, not only endanger yourselves and your own lives, but you endanger My Family, My work, and My Kingdom. This I can no longer tolerate. Therefore My chastening rod must fall upon those who heed not this call, in hopes that you will see the error of your ways and repent.
146. Those who care not to obey this warning and unite NOW, those who do not repent and bring forth fruit for their repentance, force My hand. In My love and mercy, I will send My judgments upon you in the form of persecution. This will not be persecution for righteousness' sake, but persecution because of your waywardness and disobedience to Me.
147. This is love, My brides, for I am not an infidel; I care for My Own. I know the way of disunity will only lead you to destruction. I will not stand back and see My Family and work destroyed. Therefore, choose this day: Take the stand to unite at all costs, or suffer the consequences. This I do in My mercy, to save you from the greater threat, from being utterly destroyed from within. Therefore you must choose: Take the stand for unity, or receive the rod of My chastisement upon you and suffer the consequences. (End of message from Jesus.)
Rebuke Them by Name!
148. (Channel prays:) Thank You, wonderful Love, for speaking. Thank You for Your love and mercy for the Family. Jesus, can You please tell me the names of these devils? I described them as "black elves" because that's what came to me as I was seeing this vision. Dear Love, we know the Family will want to rid themselves of this disunity, so can You please tell us, do these evil imps have a name or names? We want to rebuke them by name and get rid of them once and for all.
149. (Jesus speaking:) These black elves I have shown you are black demons straight from Hell! These venomous creatures of Satan are straight from the dungeons of the netherworld. You have seen them in their slimy and slithering state, and likewise you have seen them morph into black elves that they might be hurled around the world to target My children. Satan has shot them out, hoping they will find entrance and be able to destroy My children and My work from within.
150. These are black elves because their hearts are black with sin and evil, because they proceed from the Dark Kingdom, from he who is the blackest of all, and because their deeds are black and dirty and evil. They hate the light, and they would pull each of My children of light into the blackness and darkness themselves if they could.
151. These are called "Selvegion" [pronounced SELL-veh-juhn], for they are dark, they are vile, they lure their prey to put self first, and they are many. These are they who oppose unity, for they know the tremendous and awesome power that is wrought through unity in My Spirit.
152. Take a close look, My love, and see the meaning of this thing; see what is in a name. What word have I laid on your heart to describe these dark demons? Black elves. Take this word "elves" and add an "S" to the beginning and you have "selves." These are they who promote "self," who blow out of proportion interest in one's self. These are they who oppose unity and encourage selfish living. They oppose oneness and harmony, and instead foster self-service, self-interest, discord, dissension, strife, and all that divides.
153. They are called Selvegion, and now I ask you to take a look at the second half of their name. Yes, it resembles "Legion," for they are many. "Legion" is contained therein, for these are akin to Legion, to those who terrorized many in the days I walked on Earth. The Selvegion are your bitter enemy.
154. Call them by name; command them to leave in My Name! These have no power over the children of David, over those who call on Me for deliverance, who call for the laying on of hands, for the anointing of oil, and who command these dark ones to be gone. They have no power over those who call on Me for forgiveness and for the power to forgive, who take the stand from this day forward to yield and obey My call to unite.
155. My children must rebuke them by name. Call them by name, call them out, call them down. You must resist and rebuke and bind the power of Selvegion in My Name, and they will flee. (End of message from Jesus.)
156. (Mama:) What the Lord is telling us is undeniable. Division is a serious threat, and we need to overcome it! We have the power to rise above, and nothing is impossible to us. We have the keys to the Kingdom, which allow us to tap into all the power of Heaven. Use these gifts, fight with them, and overcome! Rebuke these evil little monsters from the netherworld and don't ever again give them entrance to your life, heart, mind or Home! If you have any of these little demons tucked away in your pants pockets or sitting on your shoulder, don't let another minute pass. Cry out to the Lord for deliverance and then do what you need to do to get right with God! Send these evil Selvegion to Hell where they belong! They have no part in you or our Heavenly Homes!
From: Keep Fighting! Conviction versus Compromise, Part 6 By Maria Maria #585 CM/FM 3366 11/01
More on Maintaining UnityAnd Defeating the Selvegion
36. As you know, in "The Dangers of Division" the Lord explained that where division exists, everyone who has anything to do with it is guilty, regardless of the details. When you're actively rooting out the Selvegion in your Home and lives, it's not the time to try to sort out the blame but rather to forgive. I know this is true, and I believe that through forgiving and asking for forgiveness, the Lord will lead those who have been divided to the blessing of restored unity.
37. But a question has come up about how you can be united with people who are not dedicated, not on the same wavelength. Two of the COs commented:
38. What about division that is because of one party's disobedience or lower or differing standards, which causes the other party to be in disunity with them? This happens between Homes, between individuals in Homes, and between FGAs and young people. Some people think that if they take steps to be in unity or agreement with the ones that they consider have a lower standard, or a standard or attitudes that they disagree with, then it is compromise and would result in a lowering of their standard too. After reading "The Dangers of Division," it seems it could result in the more obedient people feeling that they have to yield for the sake of unity, even if it means agreeing to the lower standards of others. I know the answer to this is better shepherding so those with too-low standards can be challenged to change or leave, but some Homes or areas don't have such shepherding, and what happens is that Homes or individuals just stay away from each other so they can all live the standard they have chosen.
39. Would there be any counsel for those who feel that to try to truly be in unity with others who they feel have a lower or different standard than they do, would be to compromise their own convictions, as they would have to lower their standards to accomplish this?
* * *
40. On the subject of unity: I agree 1000% with everything that was given; it's personally convicting and I pray that I'll never be the same. The field's need for it is obvious. But a recurring question that I have is this:
41. In order for there to be unity, doesn't everyone have to have it clear that they want to do the will of God? I feel that the standard of unity that is expected can only be reached after there has been a very clear division in the Family of those who want to be here more than anything in the world from those who don't want to meet the discipleship criteria that the Family has.
42. Just like the Lord doesn't expect us to be united with the churches or the System, I don't see how you can be united with people who aren't really your brethren in heart. You can love them, but you certainly can't live and work together. If they don't want to witness, hear from the Lord, live "One Wife," or abide by the Charter standard, then the only way that you can live in unity is to find like-minded people--in which case I would have the faith to overcome anything, no matter how difficult. It's the heart and attitude that make all the difference.
43. To me it seems that the greatest conflict in unity arises over this very point--the discipleship standard! So I don't see how it's possible to "get it together" if you're going in two different directions. I'm not talking about people who have problems (myself being first on the list), but you have to know that the people you're uniting with are at least trying and striving to live by the Word and obey with their whole hearts. (End of comments from COs.)
44. (Mama:) In "The Dangers of Division," the Lord has asked you to overcome your division almost immediately. The exposure of the evil Selvegion and getting rid of them will make a huge difference in spirit. I fully expect that people will apologize and get right with each other at the worldwide prayer and fast day, if not sooner. But questions still come up about what to do when there is a very big difference in standard. And there will be situations where there will still be people in our Homes that really shouldn't be CM or in the Family at all. The Lord indicated that this purging will take some time, and in some cases the Lord may have to take matters into His Own hands, which indicates it won't necessarily be quick. So there will be situations where there are people in Homes who aren't disciples living with people who are trying to be 100%ers. That brings up the question, "How can two walk together except they be agreed?"
45. As one of the COs said, isn't it a prerequisite for lasting unity that everyone actually wants to do the Lord's highest will? Yes, of course it is, but what about the situations where there are some who don't want the Lord's highest will, who are compromising and not progressing? Of course, we hope for the best in the months to come, but what we don't want to see happen is people lowering their standards to be in unity with people who are compromising and not fully dedicated--all for the sake of "unity." That's not the purpose. We do need unity, obviously, but not at the expense of compromise!
46. I asked the Lord what, practically speaking, He expects people to do. What are the steps you should take when you see that you're not in unity or you've lost the unity you initially gained after the prayer and fast day, because people in your Home or areas have different standards? How can that be overcome? What is the solution? How can unity be maintained if there is a difference in standards? Here is the Lord's counsel on these questions.
Don't Run Away from Disunity
--Change Things!
47. (Jesus speaking:) The complete unity that I seek among My Family is unity between those who are of like mind, like heart, and like spirit, in the sense that they are committed to Me and to serving Me in this Family. I do not expect nor seek for complete uniting of minds and hearts between those who are dedicated and those who are compromised, though I do expect there to still be love between them. It is not possible to have total unity between a Family member who is wholehearted and committed and a Family member who is halfhearted and compromised and on his way out. Those who are compromised are causing disunity by the very act of compromising.
48. To begin with, I had to give the message I gave about unity and tell everyone that if there is any disunity, all involved are at fault. This is true. This is the case now and it is where the Family stands now. At the time of issuing the major warning to the Family in "The Dangers of Division" I had to tell everyone that if there is any disunity, all involved are at fault. I had to get the Family away from the mentality of placing blame. I had to make it clear that no one can hold on to bitterness, resentment, hatred, or even dislike for another Family member. No matter what others have done wrong, these vile feelings, attitudes and words that have been tearing down the unity of the Family must stop. You had to rid yourselves of the evil Selvegion! I had to make it clear that that was the first step, the call to unity.
49. The next step toward unity is that all those who have been compromising need to get on board and start working on their weak areas and ridding their lives of these compromises. I don't expect overnight perfection, but I do expect overnight desperation and taking action. Action may be small steps or relatively slow progress at times, but it must be motion in the right direction, movement toward the goals I have outlined and the standard I have clearly set.
50. Once forgiveness has been given, once commitments to unity have been made, that unity must be kept by everyone striving together toward the same goal. Everyone must refresh and renew their own spirits daily with the commitment to discipleship if unity is to be maintained. If someone is not committed, or is not striving toward the goals of greater dedication and purity of heart and spirit and Home, then that person is guilty of sowing division.
51. In saying that, I would also warn those of you who have been guilty of sowing division through self-righteousness or criticalness to be on guard. For the evil Selvegion, having been cast out, will still seek a way to enter your ranks again. If you are faced with co-workers and Home members who are compromising, and through this compromise weakening your unity, remember that two wrongs do not make a right. Two forms of division do not bring unity. Your becoming angry, resentful and critical will only bring in more division and destroy what you have been building. As I said earlier, though it is not possible to walk in complete unity unless all are striving for the same goal, it is still possible to walk in love, to have My love and concern for each person, each individual.
52. I do not expect you who are dedicated to compromise your convictions for the sake of being in "unity" with those who are not striving to be committed to Me nor striving to minimize ungodly influences in their lives. This would be wrong, and in fact I expect the opposite--that you will all encourage and lift each other up, spurring each other on to greater commitment and conviction, so that you can walk in unity, all walking the same direction, the path of discipleship. Nevertheless, I expect you to be able to see with My eyes, to separate the "sin" from the "sinner," and to correct the behavior of those who are compromised, and even make a motion for their moving on from your ranks, if necessary--but to do this with love and tenderness, not with bitterness, envy, resentment, or a critical spirit. This is a tall order, I know, but this is what I expect. This is part of the unity and love amongst the brethren that I call for.
53. In the past there has often been division because of different "standards." Some have standards that are too low, and others have standards that are too high. Now the standard of full-time discipleship has been clarified in the "Conviction vs. Compromise" series. That standard must be upheld if you are to remain in the CM Family. Of course, personal choices will still need to be made as you are faced with your own set of circumstances, conditions and needs, but now you have the clearer guidelines which I have set in My Word, and a greater understanding of the true spirit of dedication and discipleship which I am calling for.
54. If someone is demanding a higher standard than that of the Word, and has a harsh and self-righteous spirit, then that person is guilty of sowing disunity and must repent and change. If someone is failing to fulfill the requirements for discipleship, is not committed to Me and is not living the Word, then that person is likewise guilty of disunity. In that case, the disunity must be corrected by the person either changing his ways or changing his status.
55. The method that has been used in the past of splitting a Home or moving to another Home because of differences is not a solution to disunity. If disunity is a matter of personal differences, or people needing some correction to help them live up to the standard, this should be sorted out within the Home. If disunity is a matter of people lacking overall commitment and not belonging in the CM Family, then shepherding should be given, by the Home and/or area officers, so that the people involved can either be given the help to change or to move to the level of membership that better fits their lifestyle. The day of escapism, of trying to solve problems by running away from them--which is compromise in a big way--is over. That is not the solution to internal discord and division. The problems must be fixed and attended to--not run away from or swept under the carpet.
56. This is part of the call to greater conviction: that when you see something that is amiss, that is not in line with My Word, that you go on the attack to remedy the problem and change things. Moving to another Home or sending others in your Home off to some other Home is NOT, and I repeat, NOT the key to solving disunity. Because either you or they or both will take your divisive, independent spirits elsewhere, and continue to promote either a low compromised standard or a self-righteous and critical spirit, wherever you go, further polluting others in the Family. These things must not be given place. Disunity must not be run away from. Don't cower and tremble in the face of the attacks of Satan and his Selvegion, but stand up to them, resist them, and cast them out! (End of message from Jesus.)
57. (Mama:) In the above message, the Lord repeats His warning that (at the time this message was given, before the worldwide prayer and fast day) if there is disunity, all are guilty. His "starting point" instruction was that every person who is involved in disunity is wrong and needs to get right with Him and others. That's the first step. You know that. You read it in "The Dangers of Division."
58. The Lord brought out, however, that the next step toward unity is that everyone who has been compromising needs to work on their weak areas and rid their lives of the compromises. Having a day of prayer and fasting, of forgiving and asking for forgiveness, is only the beginning. Then the Lord expects you to change your life. There must be action, desperation, genuine yieldedness to the Lord, and a desire to get rid of the compromises that have been exposed in the Letters. You can't just pray, fast, go through the motions, and then continue living as you have been. That won't cut it! You have to change, meaning work to overcome the compromises in your life.
59. True lasting unity of spirit can only be found if everyone is committed to the Lord and the Family. The idea is not that those who are dedicated must try to be "in unity" with those who are compromising, disobedient, rebellious, and on their way out of the Family. That's not possible. Two cannot walk together except they agree. The idea is not that those who are committed should become less committed so they can live in unity and peace with those who are halfhearted and compromised!
60. If you're compromising the standard, you're causing disunity. Just the fact that you're compromising makes you guilty of fostering division, because the whole point is that we will all unite around obedience to the standard of the Word. That's where our unity comes from--living the Word. It's not a matter of figuring out in your own minds what you think is right and deciding what you'll tolerate according to what seems good to each individual. The Word is what sets the standard--the "Conviction versus Compromise" series, the other GNs, and the Charter, which are all based on the Lord's call to discipleship.
61. It's important that you really get this point, because we're not looking for a unity that comes with people just figuring out in their own minds or amongst themselves what they think is right so they can decide to live the same way and find some kind of so-called "unity." That is a counterfeit! The guideline for what's right, also known as the standard, has already been decided. It's in the Word. It's not negotiable. You do not have the right to unite around some other standard, whatever you happen to think is better or more comfortable or seemingly more convenient or appropriate for your situation.
62. If you or people in your Home continue to compromise, you will not find the lasting unity you seek, and you will lose the Lord's blessing. You might be able to restore unity temporarily through forgiving, asking for forgiveness and starting fresh. But if the cause of the disunity--which is often compromise--is not rooted out for good, then the division will eventually return.
63. If people continue to compromise, they should be shepherded. If they refuse to change, they should be encouraged to move to a different level of service and be helped along their way. This is a key point. Unity is not found in compromising with the compromisers; it's found in getting the compromisers out of the CM Family if they refuse to change, so that the CM Family can be strong and united, with no weak or broken links in our chain of unity.
64. Special care should be taken that you who have a tendency to be self-righteous or critical do not cause division through those wrong attitudes and lack of love. If you react self-righteously, critically, or in anger or resentment, then you are also guilty of sowing division, because that kind of treatment of others causes them to feel unloved and ostracized, and even to rebel. It won't encourage them or give them hope or the help, faith, prayer and support they need to move closer to the truth, but will only result in provoking them to want to go further in the wrong direction. Beware of giving the Selvegion entrance through your own sins! They will look for a way back into your fellowship, but don't let them in!
65. Running away from problems or choosing to live on your own to avoid hassles is no solution to disunity. In fact, running away like that is a form of compromise. Instead, you need to face the situation, ask the Lord for His help, look to His Word, counsel, and then fix the problems! If you have differences or conflicts in your Home, you need to work it out in your Home. If people in your Home are not committed and refuse to be shepherded and change, then those individuals should move to the level in the Family that better reflects their personal commitment. If you want your Home to be united and free of compromise, don't just coexist with those who continue to compromise. If you do, you're apt to suffer for their sins, because you didn't obey.
66. Face the problems with division that will come up in the future and find solutions! Don't give place again to the Enemy and the evil Selvegion!
Online Only GN 05
How to Be On Guard Against the Selvegion
By Maria Maria #615 CM/FM 3403 2/02
Let Me rewrite history for you
Stay clean
Repair the wounds
Get those specific instructions
Getting rid of the old wax
Keep your garden pure
Delete the "lying vanity" files
Train to recognize the attacks of Selvegion
Stop the gossip
Dearest Family,
1. We are so thankful to our wonderful Husband for His exposure of the Selvegion that were threatening to ruin us, and that He gave us an opportunity for deliverance. However, true to the Enemy's nature, he doesn't give up after a one-time defeat. The Lord has confirmed that the Selvegion are continuing to look for ways to reenter our midst. Following are just a few excerpts on how the Selvegion find entrance, and how to stay free of them, compiled from personal prophecies that you have sent in.
2. Like the other evil forces of the spirit world, the Selvegion look for a weak spot to enter. They study their prey; they watch you and wait for the time when you're weak. So please be faithful to ask our Deliverer and great Shepherd for His personal counsel as to how you can best keep your guard up against them. Ask Him to expose any weak areas in your life so that you can work on fortifying them, before the Selvegion have a chance to reenter and do more damage. As you call on the power of the keys and sincerely request the Lord's help to keep you on track and strong in spirit, He will.
3. God bless and keep us all united in Him. It's the only way we'll have His full blessings and be equipped to handle the days ahead.
With love and desperate prayers,
Let Me Rewrite History For You
4. (Jesus speaking:) Those horrible pests don't wait for an open invitation. They are constantly pecking, biting, gnawing, and trying to find entrance. They live to pester My children, and they try to divide them and eat them up. So deliverance from them is not a one-time deal. It's something that you have to be continually on guard against and praying against, and doing your part to keep your spiritual defenses strong.
5. The way they entered your life was through sensitivity. When you feel hurt by someone, you often brush it off, but don't really forgive and forget. Then, the next time it comes up, it becomes a little bigger deal. With some of those that you've been living with for a long time and have quite a bit of history with, it's become more serious, to the point where it doesn't take much to make you feel sensitive, offended, unloved, or upset.
6. What you need to do is wipe the slate clean. With some of those that you have some "negative history" with, you've hurt them and they've hurt you, and even though things are pretty much okay most of the time, it doesn't take much for you to feel hurt or sensitive or upset about things, if even a small misunderstanding or something happens between you. The solution is not to delve into the past and try to rehash things, but to simply apologize and start again. As you pray against the evil Selvegion, I will deliver you, the wounds will heal, and you will have a clean start.
7. It's important to keep asking for My cleansing and not let things build up with anyone. I know that you feel it's sometimes hard to avoid‚ because so much that happened in the past is often unclear or easy to misunderstand, and it's even more painful to talk about it. So often everyone just tries to pretend that everything is okay. But that's not the solution.
8. If it's something that's not possible to talk about and sort out, then at least you have to bring it to Me, get My Words on the subject, and then stand on those Words every time the Enemy brings the subject up or it's brought to your mind for any reason. In so doing, you cleanse and renew your mind with My Words, constantly reminding yourself of what I've said, and you can actually "rewrite history" in your memories, choosing to instead remember things as I have said they were, rather than how you felt hurt or remembering it from your perspective, which is very often inaccurate.
9. As you hear from Me, let Me wash you clean. You can go on to have sweet, mature, unhindered friendships and working relationships if you will each let the past go and let Me give you a new start. Trust that your mates and co-workers want it also, proceed in faith, and watch Me do the miracle.
10. And from now on, don't let things build up. If you feel awkward or hurt by someone, ask Me about it, and let Me help you see things as I see them. Then go on to remember them as I have told you they were, and it will keep this from happening again. (End of message from Jesus.)
Stay Clean!
11. (Jesus speaking:) The Selvegion have been trying to enter your life through the mind‚ through tempting you with critical thoughts of others. Overall, you aren't so critical of people, and you understand that everyone has weaknesses and there are causes for these things, but in personal matters that have affected you‚ the Enemy has had more chance to get in. Since you've been so immersed in your personal situation, the Enemy has tried, and succeeded at times, in slipping in one of his imps, and then working to destroy you from the inside.
12. I've given you deliverance and you've cleared the Selvegion out of your life. But you must fight to remain clean by yielding to Me and resisting the Enemy's lies and negative attitudes. Having a cleansing prayer will be a boost to you and a safeguard in this area. (End of message from Jesus.)
Repair the Wounds
13. (Jesus speaking:) Back in the days of your middle teens, you had a lot of problems with the so-called "generation gap." It was you teens against the adults, and the conflicts and problems that arose in those times were the work of the Selvegion.
14. I bring this up to let you know that you have had them on you‚ you have heard their lies, you have had their attacks, and they have sunk their teeth into you. I am your Protector, and as you yielded certain parts of your heart to Me, I came in, and eventually I chased all of them out of your body and outside your protective shield. That meant that you were out of immediate danger--but there is still always the matter of the repair of your heart and insides of the damage that was done.
15. The Selvegion do not flee forever; they wait outside like lions around a campfire--testing, trying, poking, and prodding to see if your shield is down or is weakening. They can tell when it's getting shaky. When you do things that damage your unity, such as gossip, or when you harbor unkind thoughts about your brethren, or when you're negative or rebellious, they see the shield about you lose its power somewhat‚ and they make attacks against it.
16. With My help over the years, for the most part you have kept a positive, united spirit. Or in the times you didn't, you at least wanted to try for that goal‚ and you haven't been given over to disunity‚ bitterness, and infighting; thus, the Selvegion have not had a hold on you. Nevertheless, their influence is strong and you must see them for who they are. You must recognize the negative input of division and divisive thoughts and comments as their handiwork. You must connect the little twinges of negativity toward your brethren to the end result of the dead and dying corpses, the victims of the Selvegion. It's all the same cancer--just in a more advanced state in the end.
17. When you lower your shield for one reason or another, or weaken it through unyieldedness, rebellion‚ disobedience or unprayerfulness, then you can undergo attacks by the Selvegion again. Even if one doesn't latch onto you permanently, you can let one in for periods of time in which it begins, like a tick, to instantly burrow into your life and heart and begin to snack on your insides. It attacks love, compassion, pity, faith, unity, and every good thing. So even if you call on Me for deliverance, and dig it out and rid yourself of it afterwards and repair your shield, you'll still have some internal damage‚ and this has happened.
18. The way such wounds are healed is through confession, apology, forgiveness, honesty‚ Word time, prayer, praise, and calling on the power of the keys. These things disinfect the cuts and they repair what was broken.
19. Your shield is powered by prayer‚ positiveness, faith, trust, unity, and large measures of love. It's a love that you cannot possess on your own. It's a love that comes from Me and that you must be filled with in order to keep your shield's power at maximum. You get this love by spending time with Me, by reading My Word, by doing the things I ask‚ and by asking Me for it.
20. On your own, eventually your own love and tolerance will wear thin, and you'll see problems rather than solutions; you'll get on a negative train of thought and you'll be open prey. You must ask Me for My supernatural love which sees beyond the day-to-day struggles of unity and into the hearts of those you need to love. That love is only of Me, and I am the only place to get it. (End of message from Jesus.)
If you listen to the Enemy's lies and dwell on his negative thoughts, either about yourself, your situation, others you live with‚ your mate, or the work in general, the Selvegion have a crack or hole to enter your defenses. Fight to stay positive by letting the light of My Word and the truth of My message flood your heart and mind daily. That's a must, or else your defenses will be down and you will get dangerously close to the point that the Enemy can strike you a deadly blow in an unguarded moment. So go on a proactive, offensive war by soaking in My Word and communing with Me daily.
Get Those Specific Instructions
21. (Jesus speaking:) As each Family member seeks Me diligently, hears My voice, and heeds My directions, the unity will flow. I desire unity, and if you will listen, you will hear My Words that tell you the best things to do, the way to go. If you follow, there will be unity, for I have provided you with counsel that works.
22. The sound of the trumpet is clear! It's clear in the Letters. It's clear through My voice to this Endtime generation, Maria and Peter. It's clear! If you will only heed that alone, there will be unity. If you will also hearken diligently to My voice of personal prophecy, you will find the path to unity even clearer. I will provide you with more details, and I will outline the how-tos to resolve your particular situation.
23. Each of you must seek Me for personal instructions, and My instructions will be clear. My guidance will show the way, and by following it, you will bear fruit. The difference which My Words make will be clear to see. The unfruitful and unprogressive areas will be further highlighted. The spotlight of truth will narrow down, and the reasons for the problems will be known.
24. My love and forgiveness that cover all sins and all transgressions will abound to degrees you never thought possible! I do not dwell on the past. I am dwelling on the future. Once you make the commitment to change, all My force of love and the full power of the keys goes to help you move forward--not to rub your nose in the past mistakes. But if you will not learn nor heed, then the mistakes and sins will remain a stench and it will be very clear who is moving forward and who is remaining in the stinky past. (End of message from Jesus.)
Getting Rid of the Old Wax
25. (Jesus speaking:) These little problems and personality clashes with others are like old candle wax. It hardens and doesn't just go away. It sticks and blobs up and generally requires a knife to come along and scrape it off. But there is also another way. Bring out the light and fire of My Word and Spirit! This will melt away all of these differences that lead to disunity. Let My Word burn bright within you. Hold it up to the old, sticky, waxy blobs, and they'll melt away.
26. All that come to Me I will deliver. As you call on the keys, as you claim the promises, it is done. But you have to daily raise the light of My Word to your life to see if they're coming back or building up again. Keep the standard high. Keep the flame burning bright. Keep My Word and Spirit flowing freely in your daily life. (End of message from Jesus.)
The harboring of Selvegion results in bitterness, hatred, and jealousy--all of those untoward attitudes that eat away at your stomach and soul.
Keep Your Garden Pure
27. (Jesus speaking:) Diligently guard the garden of your heart, for the Enemy is always lurking and trying to enter your garden to sow his evil seeds--not only your garden, but that of all those around you. You must be on guard and on the attack and constantly calling on Me to keep your garden clean, constantly weeding your garden and calling on My help when you feel even the slightest twinges or feelings of the Enemy trying to enter through pride, jealousy, selfishness, or hurt feelings of any kind.
28. Stay desperate daily to keep a humble heart and spirit, and then My grace will be sufficient. Stay full of My Word and Spirit so there's no room for the Enemy to get in, because your spiritual walls are up and strong to withstand the Enemy's onslaughts. Neither give place to the Evil One through criticism or negativity of any kind‚ for this, and all points mentioned, are the ways of entrance for the evil Selvegion.
29. Stay strong and vigilant and on the attack! Don't allow any chink in your armor, crack, or breach in your wall to open up. The best defense is an offense, an attack, and strong, powerful resistance to the Enemy's evil tricks and devices and subtle attacks on the walled city of your heart and spirit. (End of message from Jesus.)
Delete the "Lying Vanity" Files!
30. (Jesus speaking:) The Enemy seeks to eat away at you. Everything that is good and right, he wishes to take and change with his poison and corruption.
31. I have shown you the evil Selvegion and you recognize them; you have seen the evil black elves that sit upon your shoulder and whisper to you. What you need to see now is that the words of their mouths are all lying vanities. They breathe out vile whispers, and these fly in through your ears and reach your heart very quickly. These words of lying vanity are carried on the breath of the Selvegion.
32. Just as I have said that My Words are life‚ so the words of the Enemy are death. They are like a virus on your computer, small and vile. They enter in through the ears and quickly contaminate and pollute the inner chambers of your being. Once they have entered in‚ it doesn't take long for them to distort and alter the words that you hear, and your perception becomes tainted and corrupted.
33. When praying against the Selvegion you must also pray against the lying vanities that they have sown in your heart. For if you are not cleansed, you are left with a false perception of things. These evil lying vanities can attach themselves to the "files" of your heart and mind, and there they do their damage. While other areas of your heart and mind are not directly affected, the files that relate to these particular people or circumstances are altered and changed. The only cure is to delete these lying vanities, these corrupted files‚ through cleansing prayer and through My Word and hearing from Me in prophecy to set you straight. You must pray against these incoming lying vanities repeatedly, until every trace of the virus is cleansed and healed.
34. Your perception of certain situations has been altered and corrupted. Lying vanities have taken over. The problems that exist are real, but lying vanities have entered in and you perceive things to be extensions of the problem that are not so. You cannot give [those you are working with] the benefit of the doubt in this state, because from the moment you hear their words, they are twisted and distorted in your perception. It becomes unpleasant to even be near them because the lying vanities have corrupted your relationship and everything is tainted and strained.
35. These lying vanities can actually use your corrupted perception of someone or some situation to attack you seriously, even when no such intentions are present on the part of the other party. [Lying vanities] have taken hold of these things and turned them against you, all of their own accord‚ without even the need for further help from outside. You cannot receive from [those you are working with].
36. These lying vanities cause you to believe that every move of the other is an intentional strike against you, with the intent to do further damage, even when this is not in any way the intent of the other. They convince you that there is no love or positive motivation in the words and actions of the other. Your entire perception of the other is negative and corrupt. This can actually become your immediate response, and the voice of lying vanities can become very difficult to discern. (End of message from Jesus.)
You must be aware that the Selvegion are alive and around in the 2000s‚ and you must be prepared to fight them! Selvegion manifest themselves in over-concern about the faults and failings of others, especially how they relate to your own personal life, children, etc. It results in a hatred of others, forged by bitterness. This you must avoid like the plague when you see it.
Train to Recognize the Attacks of Selvegion
37. (Jesus speaking:) The Selvegion come into your mind and eat your heart out from the inside. They devour and destroy. They've been allowed entrance through your negative and critical thoughts. You let them in by allowing yourself the luxury of thinking that you're justified in being bitter against someone for something they said or did. They're empowered when you're frustrated and you take it out on someone that you feel is the cause of your frustration--even if you don't take it out on them in words, but you take it out on them in your thoughts. You rebut, retaliate, and carry on a little war with them in your heart and mind by thinking of all the things you could have said or should have said to make them see how frustrated you are.
38. You cannot allow this to carry on one moment more! Seek prayer. Ask those who you've had difficulty with if you can pray together for some kind of solution. The solution for you personally is to trust Me and to commit all your differences and disagreements to Me rather than letting them fester within yourself.
39. This is a prime example of what can happen when you're not on guard. You must become trained to see these Selvegion. Even if you can't see them with your naked eye, you can learn to be attuned to what they do so that you know when they're around, and then you'll know how to fight them.
40. Fight them with My Word! When you feel them coming close, when you feel anger or frustration welling up inside you, fight them by praying, by claiming My Words, and that will form a protective shield over you so that they will not be allowed entrance.
41. It's sometimes hard to live communally, and you feel that you do enough, that you sacrifice enough, that you're doing your best, and then it's frustrating when something doesn't go the way you'd like. But trust Me, and know that all things do work together for good--even for your good--if you trust Me.
42. In My Name you can cast out devils, so claim the power of the keys for today and fight the Selvegion with My Words! Call on My Name and they'll run screaming and trembling! They won't be allowed into your heart, mind, or spirit again if you learn how to fight them, if you learn how to use My Words against them.
43. Zap them with prayer, with My Name, and by claiming the promises of the keys, and they won't be able to return! It's going to take a fight. So pray and praise, claim My Words, and know that I wish for you to do all you can to be a blessing, even if you feel those you are blessing don't deserve it.
44. This comes from pride--pride in thinking that you know best‚ that you're right‚ that others are way too narrow-minded and need to be set straight. Did it ever occur to you that you might be the one at fault? Rebuke the Selvegion in My Name and you will have deliverance! (End of message from Jesus.)
The Selvegion know that they cannot stand when you call upon Me and upon the power of the keys. Call upon the keys and you shall have the victory!
Stop the Gossip!
45. (Mama:) Here's a very good message that someone received when they asked the Lord the question, "What can I personally do to encourage greater unity in my Home?"
46. (Jesus speaking:) Well, for starters, there is one very simple thing: Stop the gossip now! Stop talking negatively about others behind their backs. Stop saying anything about anyone else that isn't uplifting and that doesn't inspire the person that you're talking to to love the person that you're discussing more.
47. I know that you don't often maliciously malign someone, but there are times when you laugh with your friends about someone's funny quirks, or you say they're "weird" or many other various things. It gets ugly sometimes and it's not a good spirit. Although it's often in fun or in jest, it's still a disuniting influence, and if you want to help encourage unity‚ you're going to have to start being nicer, saying nice things, and doing nice things to back it up.
48. It's not that you never do the opposite; I'd say you say nice things about people just as much, if not more‚ than you sometimes make negative comments. But all the same, the nice things you say don't cancel out the negative words. Because of human nature, people often remember the bad, and, sad to say, negative words that paint a certain person in a bad light often linger in the memories of the hearer much longer than a compliment you give someone, or something uplifting or nice you've said.
49. The reason little comments can be so divisive is because they are a wedge that cuts into My Bride, My united Body, and subtly and slowly divides one from the other in terms of cliques or classes or whatever you want to call it.
50. You don't usually talk badly about your good friends, do you? No, you don't. So if you're talking wrongly about someone else, that sends an indirect message to your spirit, and to whoever hears you, that that person is not your friend, is not in your close confidence‚ is not on your good side, and basically is not in unity with you.
51. That's a very sad statement to make, because as I have said, I need My Body, My Bride‚ to be whole, with no schism among you. Those comments strike at the heart of that unity, and they need to stop. I know the question was what you can do, not what you should not do, but, really, stopping negative discussion about others is the biggest step you can take at this moment to bring up the level of unity in your Home.
52. Then there are all the regular things--the reaching out, the learning about others, the being more understanding and trying others' hobbies, doing activities with them, and getting to know a broader range of people. The more people you know well, the easier it is to have a real bond of unity with them.
53. Something else you could do is to make sure you resolve any differences with people when they come up. Don't wait until you've had a nasty scene or some disagreement. Even if it never comes to a head or any kind of confrontation, if someone gets under your skin, instead of letting it sit there, go to them and try to work it out. Actually, before you go to them, come to Me and ask Me for My advice on how to proceed and whether or not to discuss it with them.
54. Another point about the gossiping is that it's always helped when you've told anyone that you're close to that you don't want to talk that way anymore, and that if they could help you not do it, you'd appreciate it. That would be a good thing to do again. Let your friends know--the people you discuss stuff with a lot, you know who they are--that you're going to try to work on not talking negatively about certain ones, and that if you get on that topic, you'd appreciate their help in changing it. That sends a positive message that you want to repair the breaches in your unity, and it will get you reminders, and it will remind your friends not to do it either.
55. Everyone has some influence in some sphere or another, and you need to be aware of yours and make sure that you use it wisely. Your opinion counts to those people who care about you. Those who love you want to be in line with the things you like and dislike, and there are others who look up to you, or at least respect your opinion.
56. I tell you this not to make you proud, because this is a common situation, but to let you know that people are swayed by the things you say and do, and if you decide to make a positive move toward greater unity and acceptance of people that you haven't previously made such an effort with, the effects will reach further than just you and that person or those people. Others will notice and will even make changes accordingly. (End of message from Jesus.)