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May 6, 2003

What the Future Holds, Part 5

By MariaMaria #578 CM 3359 6/01

Dear Family,

1. God bless you! I love you so very much! This is the last in this series of GNs containing mess­ages received after Feast 2001. The Lord certainly put a banquet before us of encouragement, insight‚ direction‚ and challenge, with plenty of details we didn't know before! I pray this ­series has been an inspiration to you! It's definitely one of my favorites, and I've enjoyed hearing these messages over and over again!

2. Please try to make time in the days to come to reread these GNs as much as needed to fully grasp the marvelous truths contained therein. Only by fully understanding these revelations can you incorporate them into your daily life, habits, mindset‚ reactions and expectations. Someone in one of our WS units commented that he was so thrilled with one of the GNs in this series that he had already read it eight times, busy as he was! That's a good picture and application of the verse, "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2Tim. 2:15). Praise the Lord!

You Have New Power to Confront

Greater Evil—Nurture Your Faith!

3. I find the messages about End­time events particularly challenging, as well as crucial to our keeping the vision. This first prophecy emphasizes how important it is for each of us to nurture our faith, so we'll be ready for the role we will play in the End. Right now, the information in this prophecy might sound pretty far–fetched to some of you‚ but time will continue to speed by, and before we know it, we'll be living these events and actually seeing them come to pass! Then we'll be thankful we believed and took the Lord's admonitions to heart, as we'll be part of the fulfillment of these awesome promises!

4. (Jesus speaking:) When you received the keys‚ I rained down power from on high on you—power that will not just be for your everyday lives, but power that is to be used as your strength, your life, your everything. This is the power that now runs through your veins. You've been endowed with much more of My supernatural strength and the spirit of My love. You have all the power of God on your side now through the keys to the Kingdom‚ and this is the lifeblood that flows through your veins. You now are endowed with the ­secret weapons of My Spirit. I've given you the secret to unlocking the vaults of Heaven, and you now have at your command any and every thing you might need. If you ask for it, it will be yours. I can now give you this gift because you have dedicated your hearts to Me and have loved Me like never before.

5. You now have the greatest weapons that have ever been unleashed on this Earth at your command! You now have the most powerful weapons at the ready, for you've proven yourselves worthy and loyal. You've stuck through the tests and the trying of your faith, and this is your reward:

6. In the years to come, the world is going to go through thousands of upheavals and rumblings in economies, in governments, in people's lives and hearts. They're going to go insane with worry, for the world will be in such chaos that there will be none to turn to except Me. Their hearts will be torn and brutally suppressed by the powers that will rise in an attempt to salvage this world. But I tell you now, as sure as My promises will not fail, this world is coming to an end.

7. They have invoked the last protocol before the rise of the Antichrist, and it's only a matter of time before his rise and revelation. He has taken his throne, and even now has been crowned as the king of this world. The leaders and the rulers of this world have bowed at his feet.

Text box:

8. Question: Lord, can You please tell us what it means that they've invoked the last protocol before the rise of the Antichrist? We'd like to know who "they" are and we'd especially like to know what this protocol is, if You could please tell us more.

9. (Jesus speaking:) "They" are the evil forces, both the human ones and the evil spiritual forces who lead and guide them.

10. As for "protocol," it has a number of meanings. It is an agreement among these evil forces for how they will attempt to bring the world into sub­jugation, a plan for dominance‚ and a code of conduct and behavior among these evil ones, a way they behave to bring down leaders and their nations or economies‚ until they are ready to receive any savior, even the false ­messiah.

11. In saying they have invoked this last protocol‚ I say that these evil ones have called upon the great Evil One‚ the Prince of Darkness himself, to set in motion the final part of his plan for world domi­nation. They have agreed together upon it, and will now go forth to try to put it into effect.

12. In saying this, I do not indicate that you stand on the verge of the last seven years, or that the Tribulation is at the gates. But this time period draws closer, for the Enemy has committed himself to a specific timetable now, and so have I. (End of message from Jesus.)

13. Question: Lord, in that same paragraph You say that the Antichrist has already been crowned as the king of this world and that the leaders and rulers of the world have bowed at his feet. When we think of the Antichrist being crowned king, we think of his reign and the beginning of the last seven years. But You just indicated that hadn't begun yet. For one thing, You said it hadn't‚ and for another, we haven't seen the Covenant, which You said wouldn't be a secret to us.

14. So can You please explain more about how he could be crowned king and how the rulers of the world would bow down at his feet without anyone knowing about it? Some world leaders might do so‚ but others don't seem as likely. For example, George W. Bush is reportedly a good Christian and professes his faith in You all the time. It doesn't seem like he would bow down to the Antichrist, or it seems he'd at least make some sort of public ruckus about it.

15. (Jesus speaking:) The Antichrist is a king in waiting. He has indeed been crowned, but has not assumed full control over his kingdom, for he is still preparing it and consolidating it, getting ready for his reign. He wields much power of the world even now, but it is not absolute among men, as it will be in the days to come. So his full kingdom and reign are yet to come.

16. When I speak of the leaders of this world, they are often different than those you would imagine. There are political leaders, leaders of nations, who are very apparent‚ but such leaders come and go at the whims of those behind the scenes, who are the real leaders and ­rulers I speak of. Those who control industries‚ the media, finances and economies, and the politics of nations, wielding great but unseen influence and authority, are those of whom I mainly speak of here. Although there are some leaders of nations who know of the Antichrist and his plans, many are but puppets, whether they see their strings and controlling wires or not, and those who pull their strings are the real leaders and rulers. (End of message from Jesus.)

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17. You haven't seen this yet, for it has taken place secretly and in the hidden chambers of the Antichrist government. But the decisions have been made and war has been declared on the righteous, and Satan's power has been loosed in great measure against the people of this world. Even now does the Antichrist take steps to prepare the world for his revelation. Even now does the world shake and rumble with his whims, as it will in the years to come. He has set up his government like one who has been elected but has not been sworn into office yet. He selects his officials and formulates his policies, though this is hidden from the sight of men for now. But he will not be long in hiding. He will come to the fore shortly; you will see his ugly head arise‚ and Hell will rule over this world. Even now his forces are being marshaled, and you will see the fruits of this in every country on Earth.

18. Why do you think I pour out to you in such abundance? Why do you think the Heavens have been opened to you? Why do you think I am bestowing on you more power than has ever been known to My children since the days of creation till now?—Because you will need this greater power in the days to come, for you will confront greater evil. The Antichrist will soon rise before the nations and take control.

19. His fulfillment is a little time in coming‚ but he will rise soon. Then all doubt will be erased from your mind, for you will see him rise to power and command the troops of this world into battle. You will see his armies go forth to crush those who are his enemies—those whom the world regards as evil or oppressors. He does this to attain a false air of right­eous­ness‚ but he will bring peace to this world—seeking to upstage My Own peace. Though fake, it will bring a measure of stability to the world—but not until this world has trembled under his hand‚ and not until many things are broken down before his face.

20. The governments you see in power now are but a façade. There is a greater and more powerful work behind these mere puppets who will soon be removed when they're proven incapable of ruling and taking responsibility into their hands and governing with dignity. You will soon see the fulfillment of this first step. Govern­ments will begin to be eroded and will crumble into confusion and corruption, as they're set up for the fall.

21. Wars are but a few of the plagues of humanity. Also during this time, due to the increased Satanic activity, the Earth will render up her foulest stenches, and vol­canoes and earthquakes will terrorize this world as never before. "Earthquakes in diverse places" will be fulfilled in yet a greater way before your very eyes. Places that have been peaceful and have not felt the power of this Earth's forces for ages will suddenly be confused and thrown into chaos.

22. Now is the time when not only has your greatest anointing been released, but also the greatest evil has been released on this world‚ and great wars and famines and pestilences will ravage the Earth.

23. Do you not see it? Do you not see the beginnings of such sorrows every day through the news media? Do you not see their effect and potential? They will come as surely as the Word of God cannot lie. A great evil has been awakened, for many of the forces of Satan have come down to Earth to make war with the saints and with them that dwell on the Earth. Now begins a time of fierce spiritual battle between the good and the bad. Now is the time when the righteous will stand up and defend the weak‚ and will be a voice for the oppressed.

24. The wheels of the future have been set in motion. Until now I withheld the forces of Satan, because I knew you were not fully prepared for their unleashing. But now have I given them permission to proceed, for I have equipped you, My children, with more power than ever, and you are able to withstand the greatest wickedness of all time. You are being prepared and trained, so that I might send you into the arena to face the forces of night face-to-face, sword-to-sword, for the time draws near.

25. I will unleash Satan and his evil upon this Earth to fulfill the final stage of his plans. At that time I will cease from holding back his destructive powers upon the Earth and upon living creatures, except for My children. Your power will be unleashed also, that My plans might be fulfilled. Great signs and wonders will you do in the defense of right and My Name! You will proclaim My Name as never before, ashamed of nothing. Many of those who rise against you will be ground into powder and dust, which the wind will carry to the far corners of the Earth as a warning to those who fight against you. And even if you should fall by captivity or by sword, I will use you as a greater and more powerful witness than ever.

26. Be not deceived; the forces of ­Satan will stop at nothing to destroy you. For this reason, it is imperative that you don the new armor and take up the new weapons and anointing I have given you. There is no remedy for the wicked, but there is defense for the righteous. You, My brides, are called to lead this final great assault against the forces of evil on this Earth. This responsibility has been placed in your hands, and I now give you an even brighter torch of My Word to bear before you.

27. Your Queen Maria will shine as never before. A flaming prophetess shall she be—powerful and filled with My Spirit! Kings will bend to her demands. Nations will bow at your feet for the words that I give to you, and the light of My love will be shed upon all as never before.

28. It's not possible now to fathom the power that I pour upon you. It's not poss­ible to see the greatness of My Word that will be poured forth and engulf the world. Every corner of the world will hear of My Name, and never before will the Gospel have been preached as it will be in these next years. Great will be the noise of your triumphs and your victories over Satan and the forces of darkness! Great, great miracles will be performed at My hand through My Children of the End!

29. You are indeed the final show of this Earth's history. Have you wondered when the fulfillment of these things would come to pass? Has your heart been despondent and heavy with discouragement? No longer, My loves. Rise to the occasion! Rise to shout the song of victory before the nations! No longer will you be downtrodden and trampled upon. I will raise you up as a power on this Earth, as I have promised, and no man will by any means prevail against you. You will be as bright lights in the darkness; you will be cherished and treasured for the light you bring.

30. Those who try to snuff out your light will be condemned by Me. Those who touch you will know that by touching you they are touching Me, and they will reap swift judgments for their wiles against you. I will see to it that no man touches you without just recompense. I will see to it, like never before, that you are victorious. I will see to it that your name is spread abroad as never before. The name of the Family, the Children of David, or the children of Maria and Peter, as you will become known, will be spread across the oceans and the seas, and great will be the noise of your accomplishments.

31. What you have seen up until this day has been a pea by comparison to the gigantic snowball of My power that will take hold of you and thrust you forward like never before! Have you had a problem seeing My hand? Have you felt like you were going nowhere? No more, My brides. No more will this lack of vision rest upon you as a dark cloud of despair. You will be living the Scriptures' most profound prophecies, and among those who know My Word there will be no question as to who is the anointed for this era. All will know that the Children of David are the Children of the End, even if they only mutter about it secretly amongst themselves. All will know that this is the last and greatest manifestation of My power on this Earth before I crush and bring to naught Satan's plans.

32. Do you believe this? Can you see it? Trust Me for the era of greater miracles! You may not see miracles immediately‚ but as you grow into this armor you will begin to see these miracles. Be not dismayed if you can't walk on water tomorrow; don't give up, for tomorrow may not be the day for it. But the day may be next week‚ or next month, or very soon.

33. Learn all you can, and dig as deeply into My Word as you can, because the era of greater works has begun, and you are in it! You are among the most privileged of all people to walk this Earth, for you've been given the anointing to perform these greater works.

34. I tell you these things not to discourage you, but to encourage your faith if you don't see immediate progress and fire-from-the-sky miracles. Know that you do have such power‚ but it awaits its perfect time to be revealed. Your light will shine as never before, even if you don't see great miracles taking place immediately. I will build your faith, precept upon precept, until you are strong enough to call down fire from Heaven, or manna, or rain, or withhold the rain‚ as the need may be.

35. As you gain faith, so will you gain power before Me. The key is your faith. As it grows, so will the manifestations grow as you learn to call down ever greater mir­acles.

36. So begin today to ask Me how I will give you the victorious power of My faith. Ask Me to explain to you what your weaknesses are‚ and how you can defeat them through the power of My Spirit. Today is the day of action! Today is the day of your salvation! Your redemption draws nigh. Today is the power loosed, the greatest power on Earth! You've been given the gift, and now you're learning how to use it.

37. Begin today to invest time in strengthening your faith so I can work through you. If you're doubting or unsure, bury yourself in the faith-building words I have given on the subject, and believe. That will be your key. The moment you believe without a shadow of a doubt‚ there will be nothing impossible to you. The moment you've expunged from your mind the notion that it can't be done, there will be no end to what can be done. Work today to achieve this place of full faith.

38. I will pour out My Spirit upon you like never before, and you will be filled with My faith! Nurture that faith, and there find greater strength to do greater works. Faith will be the key to all these miracles I have spoken of—faith to believe that, "Yes, I can through Christ," "Yes, there are no limits to Him," "Yes, there is no mountain that cannot be moved through a-grain-of-mustard-seed faith." When this faith flows through your veins‚ there will be no end to the power that you will have available to you.

39. Start today, that the miracles might flow from your hands to reach the nations with My message of hope and salvation. Today is the day to ground yourself deeply in the faith that I have given you. Today is the day of strengthening for the miracles that will be bestowed upon those who have the faith to receive them.

40. Faith is your key to all the secrets of the universe and the power thereof. Seek it diligently, for when it is found, unlimited power will be yours. Faith comes from My Words, and it is nurtured by belief, commitment and trust. It is also given as a gift to those who ask‚ and is again nurtured by all these things, as well as the Word. Let nothing steal away your faith. The Devil will try very hard to steal away your faith. Resist his attacks with all your being. Keep the faith. Resist all attempts by Satan to extinguish your flame. Rise above these attacks and hold on to your faith, for it is your life! (End of message from Jesus.)

41. (Mama:) Please take heed to the Lord's plea to dive into the Word, to strengthen your faith‚ to find out what your weaknesses are so you can grow in those areas. We have been given this gift of enhanced faith, but obviously we need to do our part to nurture it and help it to grow. As we do the things the Lord is asking of us, a growth of faith‚ a deepening of our awareness of Him, and an undeniable conviction about the power we have through Him will be born within us. We have to work at growing in faith. It's not just going to happen effortlessly. We have to let the Lord have His way in our life, and we have to want with all our hearts that increased power that comes through great faith. Please do your part! Obey! Create a vacuum! Study the Word! Now is the time to devote some serious time to preparing and strengthening your faith!

Act on Your Faith

—Use the Keys Now!

42. You can't help but notice the recurring theme in the messages of this series about the need for us to put our faith into action. Acting on our faith is one of the ways we guard ourselves against falling into the pit of impossibilities—giving place to the thought that "it's impossible." This was a key point in the Letter "Nothing Is Impossible," in which the Lord said:

43. "Now is the time when you must begin stepping out and exercising your gift of faith to a greater degree by putting it into action.… Step out and prove there are no impossibilities to a man or woman who depends on the power of God! Stretch your faith to greater measures. Take greater leaps of faith every day and defy any and all impossibilities that get in your way" (ML #3316:44.3, GN 920).

44. Here is more insight into this important spiritual principle. If we want to lay hold on the tremendous spiritual power that is rightfully ours, then we need to claim it, believe in it, and act on it!

45. (Jesus speaking:) Your future is as bright as these promises that I've given to you. And how bright will these promises shine? That's up to you and your faith. As you step out by faith and exercise your faith, you will increase the power of these words to you. These words‚ My promises, might seem like only a tiny light right now, but I promise that this light will grow brighter and brighter as you do your part. I know that you want this light to shine brightly in your life. I've given you the keys and now you must do your part.

46. What is your part‚ you ask? The first step is simply to believe—not just to believe that you'll have these powers someday, but that you have them today. For that's what I've done—I've given them to you today. I know that this is no small thing to believe that you have unlimited access to all of the powers of Heaven, but that's what I've promised‚ and that's what I've done. Once you fully believe this in your heart‚ nothing wavering, the power of the light will be increased.

47. But it's not enough to just believe My promise; you must also act upon it. Put Me to the test! Step out on the water! See if these things are true. Test Me! Test your keys! For it is only as you step out on the water and put Me and the keys to the test that I can pour down My full power and anointing upon you. I've given you the keys, but it takes this stepping out upon the water to fully release their power that I have given you.

48. Don't hesitate and don't wait! The time is now to begin stepping out on the water and putting Me and these promises to the test. I've given you greater openness to My truth, which will help to increase your faith. So don't hesitate to act, for if you hesitate, the Enemy will seep in with his doubts and lies, and it will be difficult to have full faith in all of the promises that I've given to you. Don't let go of these keys that I've given to you; use them now while they're hot in your hand so that you can begin to experience their full power and anointing on your life.

49. You live in the era of action, and now that you have this powerful weapon, the keys to the weapon arsenal that you need to complete this mission, it's up to you to step out and go forward in full faith, knowing that nothing can stand in your way. You should ask Me each day, "What obstacles can I overcome today? What difficulties can be solved? What miracles can be performed?" I will show you how to use the keys as you ask these questions. And as you use the keys to unlock the arsenal door, you'll be amazed and overwhelmed by the power that I've given you! This power will blow away those obstacles, it will cause you to overcome those difficulties‚ and you will do miracles!

50. So don't hesitate to put your keys into action. Pray and ask Me right now how to use the keys, and follow through on My instructions. As you use the keys, My power will be unleashed and you will grow in faith. And as you grow in faith, these powers will be multiplied, and you will see that these things are true and that I have helped you to overcome. (End of message from Jesus)

Giving All the Glory to God

51. (Mama:) In light of the awesome power and gifts that the Lord has blessed us with, there could be a tendency to begin thinking pretty highly of ourselves. But we must remain humble and obedient. Our loving Husband has warned us numerous times in this series about the dangers of pride, of getting lifted up, or of taking credit to ourselves. We need to stay meek and weak in ourselves, continue to show love to one another and the lost, and constantly give all the credit to the Lord! In this next message the Lord is talking specifically about Peter and me, but the principles apply to you as well.

52. (Jesus speaking:) I am able to trust My Queen Maria and King Peter with such powerful gifts because of their great, great love for Me, and because of their great faith. By Me, kings and queens rule. I ordain who will rule‚ but how they rule is then largely up to them. I give kingdoms into the hands of men and women to rule for a time, and the welfare of their kingdoms rests with them. Much depends on the choices the rulers make, and sad to say, very few of those who I would like to use to rule in righteousness choose to do so. The heart of man is proud and selfish and unloving, attributes which are not of Me‚ and few ­rulers are able to resist the temptations of power.

53. But I have not found it so with My Queen Maria and King Peter. They are both rulers after My Own heart. So it is that I am able to entrust them with such power­ful gifts as I have bestowed upon them and the Family now. Because of their faithfulness to lead and guide and teach My children aright, I am able to also entrust the rest of the Family with these gifts—as many as have the faith to reach out and receive them. Most rulers seek to control, to retain power themselves, but My Queen Maria and King Peter seek only to share and to give and to see others used of Me. In bestowing these gifts on all My Endtime children of David, I am, in fact, granting Maria and Peter one of the desires of their hearts and rewarding them according to their faith.

54. Did I not say that it would be done to each of you according to your faith? As by one man's faith many are made right­eous, by the faith of these two‚ many are empowered. I bestow these gifts according to the faith and desires of your queen and king, and I can trust the Family to use them wisely and well because I can trust these two to lead the Family wisely and well in the use of these gifts.

55. My queen and king will indeed lead their people to do greater works for Me than have ever been done before. But this will not be done by them thrusting themselves into the limelight with great fanfare, as is the custom with most rulers and leaders. My queen and king will continue to rule as they always have—in lowliness, humility‚ meekness and weakness of the flesh—that all may see and all may know that it is still I Who work in them and through them, and that all they are and have is only because of Me. My queen and king will not rule according to the ways of man‚ but according to My ways. So shall they go places no others have gone before and succeed where others, who seemed more gifted or charismatic or powerful, failed.

56. Because of their great love for the kingdom—those of the Family and those who will yet be gathered into My Endtime Family—I will bless and prosper their kingdom and cause it to flourish and grow. Because of their great faith in their followers' love for Me and connection with Me‚ I will be able to use their followers in greater ways. Just as I said that I would raise up many little Davids, I now say that I will raise up many little Marias and many little Peters. And have I not raised up many little Davids? Have I not poured out My Spirit on David's children and given them a measure of his spirit and a measure of his anointing and gifts? So shall I now raise up many little Marias and many little ­Peters by sharing a measure of their anointings and gifts with those who choose to give their all in order to follow Me closely and become all that I want and need them to be. Because My queen and king have not sought to control, but rather have wisely chosen to share the responsibilities of running the kingdom, I am now able to share their anointings and gifts. Again, this is according to their desires and faith.

57. Many will see the sample of My queen and king, and will be inspired to call out to Me for the gifts that their queen and king have: great love for Me, great love for every Family member, and great love for the lost; great faith in Me and great faith in Me in others; humility, meekness and lowliness of heart that gives Me plenty of room to have My way and work My will; a deep hunger for My Words, My seeds, and the things of the spirit that enables them to live above the trials and temptations of the flesh; dedication and loyalty to Me and My Kingdom, and a singleness of heart and mind that keeps the Heavenly vision fresh and alive. So shall My Endtime Children of David be led aright, so shall they learn to avail themselves of the power I now bestow upon them, and so shall they fulfill My will in this era of action. (End of mess­age from Jesus.)

Go Forth to Conquer

In the Name of Activated!

58. (Mama: ) The Activated program has been stressed repeatedly this last year in various GNs. The Lord has a lot to say on the subject, which is understandable as it's a key factor in our future progress! The Lord knows you have a lot on your minds and that you're busy, so the surest way to keep you focused on Activated and to remind you of its importance is through repetition. Some people don't like repetition‚ maybe because they feel it's condescending, as if to insinuate they didn't get the point the first time around. But there shouldn't be any kind of negative connotation attached to this kind of repetition. Like I said, knowing how busy you are, it's necessary to keep bringing up the priority issues. Other­wise, it's human nature to be totally occupied with whatever is happening at the moment. We can't really afford to just be propelled along rather aimlessly by the events of the day. If we're to have the impact we need to have on the world in the next years‚ we must do it through the Activated materials and gaining outside members.

59. The emphasis on Activated is being handled much the same as Dad's emphasis on the poster push, in that he published Letter after Letter on the subject. It was practically all that was on his mind for the longest time, because he knew it was the priority witnessing method that the Lord was ordaining for that time. Now the same can be said of the Activated program. So please don't just skim or skip altogether the messages on this topic because you think, "Oh, I already know that!" They're important! Please read them carefully and pray about them.

60. In this next message it is again made clear that the establishment of the Activated program and our outside members and greater church is a key to our success in the future. We sure have a lot to do to make this happen! You might get tired of hearing warning after warning about the shortness of time, but undoubtedly the Lord knows we need this repetition and emphasis if we are to do the works of Him that sent us while it is day, for the night comes when no man can work.

61. (Spirit being speaking:) There is a sound of rushing waters. The rushing becomes louder until it becomes a roar. The roar is the roar of the lost souls who cry out from the four corners of the Earth for the words of David, for the words of his children who hold the truth this world is in desperate need of.

62. "The time is ready," cry the angels of the End! "The time is ready," they cry! For the cry of the needy and the cry of the destitute have come up into the ear of our King and He cannot deny their plea any longer. They cry unto Him‚ "How long, O Lord, how long? Our souls long to be free from oppression! Feed us words of truth, for we die from the lies of the Evil One and no one seeks to save us!"

63. (Jesus speaking:) I will save them! I the Lord, the God of all flesh, hear the cries of My children, and I will save them. I will save them through giving them the truth through these, My soldiers of the Endtime, that they may be freed from the bondage of the Enemy.

64. I have set the wheels in motion! I am raising up My voice, Queen Maria. She will lead her people and those who follow them through the maze of the Endtime, against the forces of evil who seek to defeat the forces of righteousness. Fear not, for I lead your queen and king, and I lead you. You will weave through the lines of those who oppose you, and none will be able to defeat you. My Maria holds My banner high—the banner of My truth, My Word—and no one or nothing will prevail against it! So fear not, My little ones, for truth will triumph over evil, and righteousness will cover the Earth once again. You must not doubt.

65. These days of righteousness will not come until the time appointed. In the meantime, there will be many dark nights and many dark days. But fear not, for I am with you. I am going to lead you on to final victory. You must not be shaken by what will take place, or by what you will see, or what you will experience. You must keep your eyes on the final goal.

66. Evildoers will wax worse and worse. Much more evil will become apparent; such as you have never seen. You will be shocked. But, My loves, marvel not at the evil that will prosper, but rather marvel at the fact that the time draws near for you to raise your voices on My behalf to defeat and destroy the forces of darkness. You approach the time when you will stand up and be counted on My behalf as never before.

67. First I must set your new foundation. I must establish your work through Activated. I must publish glad tidings throughout all the Earth. Then sudden destruction will come, and you will rise up and shine in the night of this world. Your queen will shine! She will lead you and the many who will choose to be called by your name.

68. Go forth to conquer on My behalf in the name of Activated, in the name of My Word. Work now while it is day, for the night draws near. Diligently tend your flocks, both in the Family and in the world. Tend to the flock in the Family through going forward with the board structure and establishing it throughout My Kingdom. And publish glad tidings through Activated establish My Words through the Activated desks‚ and prepare in your hearts by ex­pand­ing your faith.

69. Then will the light of My Family shine brightly in the midst of gross darkness, and you will become a voice crying in the wilderness, "Prepare the way of the Lord‚ for He comes for His children!" You will shine as never before!

70. Work now, for the time comes when you will not be able to work as you are. The night comes upon the Earth. Pour out! Establish the churches! Prepare for the time when you will be a mighty voice sweeping the Earth as never before! (End of message from Jesus.)

From Grain of Sand to Pearl

71. (Mama:) Here are some glorious promises for the Last Days, as well as an easy-to-remember word picture. Please don't just casually read these promises out of interest and then forget all about them. Review them and even commit your favorite ones to memory, to help your faith grow and stay strong.

72. (Jesus speaking:) At times you have seen yourselves as tiny specks of sand on a vast ocean floor. What is one grain of sand among the millions? It seems to be nearly nothing. But all this time you have not seen yourself as I have seen you. For though you've remained as lowly grains of sand, I handpicked you from the masses. Just as a tiny grain of sand is placed within an ­oyster to bring about a brilliant creation, so have I picked each of My children and placed them within the oyster mouth.

73. You have continued to see yourself as the grain of sand, the insignificant one in a million. But like the transformation awakened within an oyster‚ I have done the same to you through the years! I have coated you with many layers, and you have grown in beauty and splendor. The once-plain grain of sand has altered continually, for each new layer has made its worth grow many times over. You now are a magnificent, priceless pearl!

74. Now the beautification of your pearl has reached its peak. No longer can it remain at the bottom of the ocean, hidden from the eyes of the world. It's time to bring you out into the open, to display you in front of the world. For you are not as ordinary pearls—you are much larger, more beautiful and outstanding than the rest. All other pearls pale in comparison to your glory, for you are pearls touched by My hand, fashioned by Me alone.

75. I have harvested you, My precious pearls, and am now stringing you together to form the most awesome string of pearls ever known to mankind. This string of pearls is not as a normal pearl string, only gracing the necks of the rich. This string of pearls decorates the entire world. It touches every corner of the globe, so that all will see the splendor of these pearls and re­alize that they are not of this world, but have been supernaturally crafted by Me alone.

76. Wherever you go‚ this string of pearls will be seen. But the pearls are not merely decoration; a Heavenly light surrounds them. They pulsate with Heaven's light. They remain within the grasp of the searching, so that all may touch them‚ and from them receive life and regeneration. For these pearls do not only cover the entire world, but they're also linked to Heaven itself—they are the connection between Me and the world.

77. You, the children of David, are this string of pearls. Don't say you are as nothing, for I have transformed you all into pearls of life, the link between My Kingdom and Earth. In the days to come, people will simply hear your name and will feel the power of God.

78. In a world submerged in depressing dismal­ness and glutted with opulence, in a time soon to come when the Evil One's face will seemingly be carved upon the very structure of the world, when demons and every evil spirit will be rampant in every corner of the Earth, My Spirit must make a stronger declaration. The light you bear will be as a knife tearing through the curtain of darkness. They will but see your face and know that you have known Me in a way that no one else has.

79. It is Me within you that makes all Hell tremble, for you will be so filled with Me that to speak your name would be as calling on Mine. Just as My Spirit partook of My Father's Spirit when I was in need of more power, so will the fire of My Spirit ignite your spirits in these days to come. Demons and dragons will cower at your name; they will bow low before you in homage and in reverence. Even Satan himself is not fit to defeat you, for you are a part of Me‚ and he cannot defeat Me. Nay, he cannot even consider the thought of defeating Me; the thought is as a scorpion sting to his heart.

80. His brutality will come to the fore as his corruptive evil stretches its tentacles far and wide, sinking them into the heart of this earth‚ but he cannot win for losing. He simply forces men to make a choice between good and evil, between life and death. And though he will gather many evil men, he will also lose his grasp and hold on many undecided, on many who will turn to the good instead, to Me.

81. In the hour when he believes he has won, I will counter him with you, My chil­dren. You are as the fire of life to those in search of freedom and rescue. And to those who refuse, you become as a consum­ing fire, calling up the brimstone from within the earth to destroy those who oppose Me.

82. He cannot defeat you, for you are destined to win. You will rule over his kingdom on Earth, for it will have become My Kingdom, and you will rule and reign with Me over the men who remain. Days of peaceful reign will come, but now you must fight for your subjects. You must be willing to give even of your life to rescue them from the oppression of Satan. I call you now not only to stand as witnesses before the whole world, but to be the very ones to fight for their freedom, to challenge the Evil One himself, defying his claim to their souls. For you are as Me upon the Earth. Your mission in life is only beginning; the reason I placed you on the Earth and chose you individually is beginning now.

83. I knew that of yourself you would not have what was necessary to oppose Satan, so I have spent these many years, even your whole life, to groom you for the place of opposition to the Enemy. Your future has only just begun. Now is the day of beginning‚ the day of transformation. The tomorrow you dreamed of has become today. I have awakened the warrior in each of you; My Spirit has descended upon you‚ melded with your spirit. Be ready for the battle of all time—the battle for the souls of men, the hearts of those bleeding and lost. Though you will be witnesses of My power and My mighty strength‚ you will also tell of My gentleness, My compassion‚ and My undying love.

84. Your eyes will be as My eyes—so much so, that if one should look deep within them, it is Me that they will see. You are now stronger, more powerful conduits of My Spirit to the world. I have ­chosen all of you, infused you with more of Me, and am now sending you out better prepared to conquer Satan's domain, to rescue the downtrodden, the captives ensnarled in his trap.

85. Your footsteps will be as footsteps of gold imprinted upon the earth, as a path others will follow. You must take the first steps into the unknown territory of the Evil One, claiming the very land upon which you tread, snatching it from his grasp, and there will be nothing he will be able to do about it. You must walk as a body‚ and watch as he cowers at the sight of you‚ yea, at the sight of Me, for it will not be you he sees but Me.

86. These golden footsteps will be as a sign to the world of the pathway leading to Me, the steps to light and life eternal. Satan's minions are no match for you; they will be as tiny, annoying bugs, buzzing about you in an attempt to find your weak point, or even to learn of your power—My power—but they cannot comprehend it. They have drunk of the cup of iniquity and allowed the darkness to flood their hearts, and darkness is no match for the light.

87. You will stand out not as an ordinary bulb bringing light to a darkened room, but as a constant flash of lightning, accompanied by the clap of thunder! There is no way you can be hidden or covered; there is no switch that can flip you off. I am the source of light, the essence of your fire, the heat of your light. The world will know that once the lightning strikes, there will be no hiding‚ no sidestepping.

88. You will be My beacons on the Earth, and as others touch you‚ they too will be set alight! The flame of My Spirit will be awakened even in the darkest of places, even within the domain of Satan himself. There will be those of his intimate aides who will be drawn by My light, and will reject the ways of darkness and embrace the light once again. There will be no impossibilities to the miracles My Spirit will bring to life through you.

89. I say now, stand strong. Allow My Spirit to fill every vein of your body. Let it be as the blood pumping through your veins. Let it be the essence of your life, the power of your spirit. It will not be you, but Me within you. I will be the driving force, the life of your spirit. The words that spill from your lips will be Mine, your thoughts linked to Mine, even your heartbeat in sync with Mine.

90. Are you overwhelmed with what I'm promising to do? Don't be! This is the day of no impossibilities, the day of your greatest anointing, the day in which My prophetess will stand before the multitudes, and when you‚ My Family, will make your declaration to all nations of My Spirit, of My takeover of this world.

91. The words of My prophetess will echo throughout the world, beckoning the hearts of My children, wooing them to Me and evoking a transformation throughout the lands. Not since I walked the Earth will such a message have been heralded and turned so many hearts, and one voice have made such an impact.

92. I said that Maria shall shine; behold, she will pulsate with light! She will be illuminated by a light that will blind the unbeliever, that will sear the heart of the evildoer. Yet to the searching soul‚ the light she radiates will be comfort to their soul, respite from darkness, the light to wash away the impurities of sin. She will be My last witness to the world, the testament of My covenant to man‚ the ultimate defiance to all evil‚ the final proclamation that I will take back that which is Mine.

93. This is only the beginning, My brides. The spectacle of power is being readied to be revealed, each day that brings a little more darkness signals the potency of the light. Channel My Spirit, be the open conduit, ready to saturate the world with My Spirit, My light, and My promise of a better tomorrow. It is within you; all you must do is draw on the power. (End of mess­age from Jesus.)

Gold Magic!

94. (Mama:) Next is a prophecy that was received by one of the young people in our Home. The Lord first talks to her about her "birthday treasure," which is related to the surprise treasure that He promised to give each person during the Family Birthday. (See ML #3320:19-24, GN 924.) Then He goes on to explain more about the wonders of the keys! It's fascinating!

95. (Jesus speaking:) The birthday treasure that I have given you is complete freedom from the past. It is a release and a breaking of your chains from the conformity and the condemnation of your past. It is the word to set you free. It is to give you a totally new, clean start, with no past‚ no history, just beauty before you.

96. Isn't that the most beautiful and valuable thing to you? Don't you want it? You wouldn't want to miss that, would you? I know you don't.

97. You have to be willing to receive this gift in order for Me to give it to you in full. Do you want it? Yes! Okay, then it's yours. Here it is. Take it. Cherish it. Hold on to it. Revel in it. Apply it today in your life and you'll never be the same again.

98. The power of the keys to the Kingdom for you, coupled with this birthday treasure, open the doors of Heaven to you. Now that nothing will hold you back, and the Enemy has lost his grip on you through fear, worry, pride and guilt, you can charge forward in all the might of the angels‚ because what is holding you back? What is stopping you?

99. Let go of the past now and don't compare anything with the past. You need to let all that go and not even think about it anymore. Just step out by faith and trust Me for today. Let Me wipe yesterday and all your yesterdays clean. Will you let Me? If so, then you can move forward in faith and trust, believing, receiving and enjoying the tremendous rewards and fruits that the keys to the Kingdom will bring to you.

100. If you're bound and held back by one of the Enemy's vices in your life, then you can never have full hold on the keys to the Kingdom. With fear in your life, you lack faith to fully access all the wonders of Heaven. You automatically cancel out some of the most wonderful and needed features of the keys that I've given you.

101. So now you should have a whole new lease on life. You've just been granted much more power, life, love‚ joy, happiness, fulfillment and treasure. You are a billionaire. You have no limits‚ because the gifts that I have given you have no limits. I have no limits, and I'm your personal slave now, waiting to do your bidding. I've placed My­self in that humble position because I gave you the keys to the Kingdom—My ­King­dom—and I will command your requests to be fulfilled with ease and speed, because I have given you great, great power. I will teach you how to use it, and then I will delight in your commands. This is a wonder of the Last Days.

102. You have to learn how to use these keys. You must practice now. You have to ask Me in every situation, "How can I use the keys? What can they do for me here?" It's magic. It's not black magic or white magic—it's gold magic. It's the highest form of magic, and it far surpasses all other magic, illusions, or trickery.

103. You can be a magician, a wizard, a miracle worker. At last, you have the highest form of power. But it starts small‚ and you have to practice, experiment‚ and utilize the power in order to make it grow. What are your desires? What are your passions? What have you always wanted to do? Ask Me about the keys. Find out what the keys have to offer.

104. How can you possibly not desire the greatest power in the universe?—Not just spiritual power, but the direct, tan­gible, physical, moving, commanding power of the keys. Yes, it is gold magic. It is the purest and highest commanding power over the physical realm—over matter‚ people, animals, weather—as well as all opposing spiritual forces. The keys can do battle with lower magic and base magic, evil magic‚ even the so-called white magic that supposedly does good and creates harmony and peace.

105. The magic of the world has absolutely nothing on the golden magic you now possess. It's available. Why not use it? Why not become skilled in it?

106. The people of the world go to great and bizarre lengths to obtain low levels of magical power. I'm handing the keys to gold magic to you on a diamond-studded platter. You can take it or leave it, but taking it would be the wise choice, because in the days to come, you will battle spiritual forces and powers of the air and of the realms of magic, wizardry and sorcery. You will need these keys to counter the evil of the days to come, in both the spirit and the physical.

107. I will be your teacher and trainer. Look not at the magic or the powers of the world. Look at Me and let Me guide you through the courses of magic and wonder that are yet secrets, kept from all others who claim to be able to move mountains and change hearts. They are still wandering in the deserts and void of understanding. They perform toylike tricks com­pared to the wonders I can perform in the twink­ling of an eye. And this magic and power are not reserved for Me; they are available to you. The power lies in the keys. (End of message from Jesus.)

108. (Mama:) Jesus has blessed us far beyond what we could possibly express! He certainly is our Miracle Worker, Champion, Hero, Answer Man, and Lover. Our life of service to Him has been a step-by-step process over the years, and each time we obey and see the fruit of that obedience, it lights a fire in our hearts to not fail Him. No matter what the sacrifice, when you see the rewards, it's worth it.

109. Dear loves, Peter and I are praying that your faith fail not. God has marvelous things in store for you, if you will just believe and remain faithful. He's not looking for perfection or sanctimonious holiness. He just wants your love, devotion‚ humility and surrender. He wants your desires and priorities. He wants your body as a living sacrifice, willing to die for Him and others by freely giving of your strength and time to bring the truth of His love‚ forgiveness, hope and salvation to the lost. We know you have what it takes to believe, accept and act on the enhanced gift of faith your King has put within you, and through that faith, we will conquer the world!

With undying love in our unfailing Anchor,


Quote set off near end of Letter:

You cannot fail in your mission, My loves; you can only hold yourself back. Use the keys. Use them. Don't let them go to waste! These are the keys that all men dream of possessing, but I've given them unto you, for you are My beloved brides and have sucked My seeds, and I know that with these keys you will do so with a greater intensity.

Though you were a beautiful and a powerful people even before you received these keys, you didn't have the full power as you do now. You may not see the difference with your carnal eyes just yet, but you will know that there is one once you use the keys. Now that they're in your hands, you will gradually emerge from the cocoon of the physical into the form of the spiritual. There's nothing to fear, precious ones‚ and so very much to be gained.

(End of file.)