As Chaves do Reino!

May 5, 2003

By MariaMaria #550 CM 3318 10/00

Dear loves, mates, and co-workers‚

1. Peter and I pray you're having a wonderful time during this year's Feast celebration. We're so privileged to have such a wealth of Heavenly riches. No one else in the world has heard the awesome truths we're feasting on during these special days.

2. It's important to remember as we read these messages that seem so magnificent and im­pressive that the Lord isn't just trying to inspire us with beautiful passages of inspirational reading. These words are real and they signify change and greater power in our lives. The Lord is explaining truths that will and should affect our actions, the fruit we bear and our walk with Him. Things should be different as we strive, by His grace‚ to do what He instructs, and as we wait and watch by faith to see the fulfillment of His promises.

3. This next and final message is especially important, because in it our Husband is explaining not only more of His Own experiences on Earth, but also telling us about a big change in the spirit world that is happening as a result of this revelation. This is something that will make a major difference in your life personally. It's a tremendous reward that the Lord is giving each of us because we've made the right choices!

4. If you've been battling since entering the era of action, if you wonder why things have been particularly difficult, then this message will help shed some light on what you've been going through and why. You've been tested, but there is a reason. In this awe–inspiring prophecy, the Lord explains that He went through what He calls a crisis of faith, and because He called out to His Father, He was given the most ­precious possession He had ever received. His ­Father gave Him what He needed to do the job He had to do. This has special bearing on you and what you're going through at this very point in time. This is something that you'll see affects your life in a very big way. I'll let our dear Love explain this for Himself.

When Jesus Was Young

5. (Jesus speaking: ) Dear Family, if you are to continue carrying out the plans and goals for the era of action, if you are to continue to meet the needs and demands that lie ahead of you, some changes must be made. The arrangements for these changes start with Me; the ball is in My court at this moment. Therefore I will now give the order to release additional aids for you, My loves, without delay. This order and the resultant additional help you will receive must not be detained longer.

6. I've given each of you who have chosen to continue into the era of action a fresh new anointing. I've spoken to you about the dangers of the impossible and assured you that this phantom does not exist for you, if you'll believe and do what I show you. I've increased your faith by enhancing the gift of faith within your hearts and spirits‚ so that you can cultivate this strong faith, feed it, practice it‚ and live it. I've shared with you My Own lessons on learning the art of rising above, and have given you a list of practical tips and advice on how you can do the same. Now I want to give you what you are lacking to facilitate the work ahead. Let Me explain.

7. All through My life as a boy growing up on Earth, the Spirit was preparing Me and guiding Me. My faith was tested as a child. In My adolescence and on into My twenties, there were many tests I had to pass. All these experiences helped My faith to grow and prepared Me for yet bigger tests I would be faced with in the years to follow during My public ministry. Remember, I had to pass all the same tests that you have to pass. I had to go through the same as you; otherwise I would not be worthy to be called your High Priest. Otherwise I would not be able to fully understand you, empathize with you, and know the same feelings that you experi­ence. There were no shortcuts for Me.

8. On the eve of launching out into the great­est part of My earthly ministry‚ I had to pass a big test in the wilderness. I had to defeat the Devil, who severely tempted Me with his "kingdoms of this world" scheme, the temptation of earthly riches and fleeting human power. He tempted Me with pride, with doubt, with hunger. Though I had a fierce time of it during those days and nights, with the help of My ­Father and His ministering angels, I pulled through. Those were special days there in the wilderness, for it was at that time that I committed Myself to stick to My calling.

9. You could say those days for Me were similar to your S2K period and your Feast 2000. For Me it was much the same as your time of decision and renewing your commitment to carry on in the calling I have chosen for you. It was out there in the wilderness that I, in effect, signed My "contract" to continue. That was when I renewed My oath of allegiance and subsequently received fresh vision, and that was when I received My new anointing for the public ministry I was about to begin. That was My time of renewal and of declaration when I reaffirmed to Heaven, and to the Devil as well, that I was going forward with the challenge to die for the sins of man.

10. Those days of testing were vicious, but I was soon to learn that those fierce battles during My time in the wilderness were not isolated, but they were the beginning tests to prepare Me for more tests of faith and the greater vic­tories that would follow.

11. I know the thought of doing the imposs­ible seems awesome through human eyes. I too was tempted when I faced impossible situations. As I progressed in My public ministry, when I began to fully realize all that would be expected of Me, there were times I felt like running away. In My carnal mind and way of thinking, I couldn't see how it would be possible to do some of the things that were expected of Me—to call on the power of Heaven while encased in human flesh, to perform miracles on Earth, to work impossibilities in the sight of man. On the other hand, I knew there was nowhere to run, and I prayed to My Father to help Me hold on.

12. It was not long after My public ministry began that another big test came. You know how it is when you think you have an idea of what something is going to be like. You're about to experience something new; you might have heard about it or read about it, so you enter some new phase of your life thinking you're well aware of what to expect. Take having a baby, for example, or falling in love. You might have read up on it; maybe scores of others have told you about it and shared their own experiences with you, to where you think you have a pretty good handle on what it will be like when you experience the same. But then you find yourself in the middle of that experience and you discover it's much different than what you had expected. Well, that's what it was like for Me as I ventured out in My public ministry. In My carnal mind I thought I knew what to expect regarding My earthly life and ministry, but I soon found out that doing and experiencing were different than merely observing from afar.

13. As I stepped out into My new anointing, I found Myself surrounded with daunting tasks. The confines of the flesh, carnal thinking, and human emotions were a constant battle for Me‚ and I had to learn to cope and overcome. I was put to the test and found it necessary to demonstrate My faith often‚ to prove to the people that all things are possible with God. I came up against all sorts of surprises every day. Each experience was new and fresh, and each one taught Me a great deal—both about the physical world, as well as about the spiritual realities as seen through human eyes.

14. As I went about My business in those beginning days, I didn't expect the crowds to be so demanding right off. It wasn't until I was right in the middle of things that it dawned on Me that My ministry was going to snowball like it did. In just three short years, news of Me spread abroad. Little did I know from the day I performed that first miracle that things were going to develop so quickly.

15. I'll never forget that day when I turned the water into wine. I had no idea My mother was going to call on Me like she did at that wedding in Cana. When she came and asked Me to do something about the wine‚ I felt put on the spot. I didn't "feel" prepared to perform a miracle, as is so often the case with human flesh. This was evident in My reply to My dear mother when I told her it wasn't My time. I as much as told her‚ "I'm not ready, Mom. What are you putting Me on the spot for, anyhow?" Bless her heart‚ even though I was lacking in confidence at that moment, she didn't lose faith in Me. She had complete trust that I was going to pull through. Her faith was so strong that she told the servants to get ready, to be prepared to do whatever I asked them to do.

16. As many of you have experienced by now, whenever a miracle is needed‚ most often you're on the spot! You find yourself in a tight corner, in the middle of an impossible situation or predicament. You don't know what on earth to do‚ so you're driven to seek My assistance—and boom—a miracle is born!

17. That's pretty much how it unfolded with Me right then. I was on the spot, I had to stretch My faith, and a miracle took place that day. The Spirit of My Father moved in Me, convicting My heart, and I'm thankful I didn't brush it aside. The need was there, and it was, in fact, My time.

18. From then on, as My Father began to work more miracles through Me, I was driven to greater desperation. After that first visible miracle in Cana, I could see the handwriting on the wall; I caught a glimpse of what My public ministry would entail. I knew that the press and the demands of the people would only continue to grow. I knew the need, and I felt incapable of meeting that need in My flesh. I knew I had been called to put My faith into action, but I didn't "feel" capable of dealing with it in My flesh.

19. My Father had given Me a new anointing when I stood the tests of faith in the wilderness. I knew He wouldn't fail Me. But as all this was unfolding before Me‚ I knew I needed to get down to business and get some answers and direction, as well as something to hold on to for My Own peace of mind and spirit. I knew I had to sort things out in My mind and heart. It was not that I expected to understand everything with My carnal mind at the time, but I knew I needed some word from My Father, something to spark My faith, something to hold on to.

20. You could say I was passing through My Own crisis of faith at the time. My faith was being sorely tested. I needed help. So I desperately called out to My Father, and when I did, He called Me aside. He told Me to come up into the mountain by Myself. At that time, I had one of the most serious of all conversations (in My human life) with My Father, and it was there He presented Me with one of the most prized of all possessions. What My Father gave Me at that point in My ministry, I am about to give to you now; but before I do so, listen carefully.

A Boost from the Father

To Fulfill My Destiny!

21. Up until this time I had passed the needed tests and made decisions and choices that brought Me to the point I was at. I chose to fulfill My calling, yet in order to continue in My calling, My Father found it necessary to make some changes and give Me some special gifts in order to facilitate My mission. He had already given Me a fresh new anointing for the job at hand. He had enhanced the gift of faith in My human heart, just as I have increased the same in your heart now. But it was My responsibility to do something with that increase of faith I had been given. I had to believe it. I had to access it. I had to act on it. I chose to do so. I made the right choices, and even though there were times I felt like giving up, I didn't; I held on to My faith.

22. Some of you might picture this "holding on to faith" in different ways, but when I say I held on tightly to My faith, I didn't just sit there "holding on" for dear life waiting for something to happen. Hold on to it I did, but I did it as I was on the go, putting that faith into action. I held it tight‚ all right, but I held tight as I was on the run doing the things that natural man said could not be done. I wasn't only holding on to My faith, I was proving My faith, putting it to good use, exercising it, stretching it‚ acting on it at every opportunity that presented itself. I always had to do My part.

23. What My Father presented Me with at that time helped Me to put My faith into action. What He was about to put in My hands gave Me courage to trust and obey where He was leading. What He was entrusting Me with was the means to get the job done, and this boosted My faith into action.

24. In that moment He gave Me the keys to both Heaven and Hell—the keys to unleash the power of Heaven and to leash any power of Hell. He gave Me full access to every power source of Heaven, the code to unlock every solution‚ the means to bypass all impossibilities. He didn't just give Me keys to designated sectors or portions, but He gave Me full and unlimited access—all the keys to Heavenly resources.

25. Now My Father was giving Me full possession. I held at My fingertips the ability to unlock everything, to have understanding of every situation‚ to understand when necessary every thought and intent of every heart, to release all of Heaven's power and bind all of Satan's power, should it be necessary.

26. My Father did this because He was going to expect more out of Me in My public ministry. Before that, I had access to Heaven‚ all right, but now I had complete access—no holds barred. This was because I had passed the tests thus far and could be trusted to continue. It was because I merited this help from Heaven‚ and My mission was crucial to the saving of mankind; thus it was necessary to equip Me with such access.

27. All power was given Me in Heaven and in Earth. I had the power within Me all along, just as you have had, for you were ordained and chosen since the beginning of time. So actually‚ in a sense, I already possessed the keys, but what happened in that moment, in terms you can understand, is that My Father enhanced My gift of faith and turned on My activation key, enabling Me to access the full power! I was equipped from the beginning, but now I would be able to access all power. All I had to do was My part—to believe and to take action. All I had to do was access the key codes, which I possessed. Much like you do today in accessing information on a computer; you punch in the right code and you're able to access all you need to know. It was that simple.

Unlimited Access to

The Full Power of Heaven!

28. And now, dear ones, I reveal to you this truth. When I spoke to Peter and to My early disciples, saying, "I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven‚ and whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on Earth will be loosed in Heaven," who do you think I was speaking to at that time? I was speaking specifically to My early disciples at the time, and I was speaking to you, the children of David of the Endtime. It is given to you to utilize the full power of Heaven, to access the full power, to use the keys of the Kingdom I have put in your hands.

29. Christians through the ages have interpreted these words to mean that they too held these keys in their hands, and in part, some have. According to their faith and the need, I have given some access to the keys of the Kingdom, but this has only been in part—for it has been according to the faith they exercised. Up until this time, Christians have not accessed the full power, for their faith was not so exercised as yours is to be in the days to come.

30. You, the children of David, have had greater access than most through the years. I have already given you some of the keys, and I have released and/or bound many powers for you when and where necessary. You, My chosen brides, have bound in Heaven and loosed in Heaven, according to your faith.

31. Yet as you continue walking in the direction I'm leading, as you continue on in this era of action‚ right now, today, if you will reach out and receive‚ I will turn your activation key, giving you unlimited access to the full power of Heaven. I now wish to give you complete access to the keys of the Kingdom, for this is what you will need to complete the mission you have before you. Just as I needed this boost to fulfill My destiny, you now need the same. Just as I kept passing each test and making the right choices, to where My Father was able to reward Me with additional aid, I will do the same for you.

32. When I spoke to My early disciples, say­ing, "I will give you the keys of the Kingdom," I was also speaking to you‚ My children of David in the Time of the End—for I knew you would need it and I knew your faith would warrant it. This promise has been reserved for you‚ for I could see the future. I knew that you not only would need this in order to fulfill your calling in the Last Days, but that you would be worthy of this possession‚ that you would merit it.

33. For those of you who have committed yourselves to follow onward, who have willingly chosen to continue on in the era of action, I now present you with full access to the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven; according to your faith it is done. This is an amazing, awe–inspiring possession; learn to use it wisely.

34. And know this, the power of these keys I put in your hands has now been augmented since the time My early disciples used them. The key codes have been updated! Never before have My children had access to such power as I am making available to you now—not even Peter and the early disciples, or any of My faithful prophets and great men and women of faith down through the ages. It is given to you, My faithful of the Last Days, to possess new codes that were not necessary in the past because the need did not warrant them. But now it is warranted‚ for you will do greater works than I. And you will not only do greater works than I did, but you will also do greater works, much greater works, than My early disciples and all My prophets and people of faith throughout history. Now the power of Heaven is increased, so your power is increased!

35. I'm giving you access to greater power. All power is given you, and all the power of Heaven is augmented in these Last Days! The power has been there all along, within you, but now‚ today, you can access it—according to your faith it is done.

36. The evil forces are also amplified. They surround you; they are everywhere, working to keep people in bondage and darkness. But your power is amplified many times over. You have the power to release those in bondage. You have the power to overcome all evil. In your keys, you have liberty and freedom. Therefore start today and access this power I put in your hands; use it prayerfully and wisely, and walk in and claim victories. There are no obstacles to you; as long as you continue to do your part, I will never fail to do Mine.

37. This is your day! Now I give you all power in Heaven and in Earth; according to your faith be it done unto you. It is accessible to you who follow closely. Access it as often as needed, put it to use, exercise it, spread it around, use it to draw men to Me, to carry out the plan I put before you. (End of message from Jesus.)

38. (Mama:) I want you to please really think about this monumental message. It's difficult to grasp the full meaning of this revelation without taking some time to meditate on it. When you have time, please read the entire message a number of times, if need be, until you begin to see how this applies to your life and what our Husband means by this tremendous gift that He's giving us.

39. Here are a few points of summary for you to consider:

40.In order to accomplish what you're called to do in the era of action, you need something. You're lacking some key element. The Lord is going to give you what you need right now. This is in addition to your new anointing‚ your enhanced gift of faith, and the lessons you're learning on the impossible and the art of rising above.

41.You're supposed to do something with your enhanced gift of faith. You must act on it, exercise it, and stretch it whenever you can. This new treasure that you are now receiving will help you do just that.

42. • This is a reward that the Lord is giving to you because you have passed the tests so far and He knows that He can trust you to continue to do so.

43. • Here is how the Lord describes this magnificent gift:

  1. Complete access to all of Heaven's power, and dominion over death and Hell.
  2. The means to get the job done.
  3. Full access to every power source of Heaven.
  4. The code to unlock every solution.
  5. The means to bypass all impossibilities.
  6. All the keys to Heavenly resources.
  7. In your keys, you have liberty and freedom.
  8. The power to release those in bond­age.
  9. The power to overcome all evil.

44.No one has ever had access to such power before. It wasn't necessary in the past, but it is now if we are to do the greater works that Jesus spoke of.

45. • We need this boost to fulfill our destiny‚ just as Jesus did.

46. • According to your faith it will be done unto you.

47.We are the ones who will be faced with greater impossibilities, who will defy and overcome greater forces of evil, so we need greater forces of power to work on our behalf.

48. All of this is yours! Now it remains for each of us to do our part to learn to use and access this power so we can draw people to Jesus and fulfill His plan. Please don't minimize this astounding happening in the spirit. Please don't let the Enemy steal the reality of this away from you through disbelief. This is for you, today, and it's real!

(Note: After reading the above portion of this GN‚ please take a break for 10 or 15 minutes so you have a chance to stretch and be refreshed.)

Feast 2001 Service

49. (Mama:) Here's some insight regarding the next part of your meeting:

50. (Jesus speaking: ) Let everyone come together with the purpose of wooing Me and pulling down My Spirit. It is to be a time to enter into My Spirit, a time to rouse yourselves, to get in the spirit. As you do‚ then I will come and rest upon each one and activate your keys! This is the closing service I give you. It is to be as a Day of Pentecost, a time to become one. I will pour down My Spirit like a mighty waterfall, thundering from the heights of Heaven‚ flowing with magnificent power!

51. During this time of gathering, all should come before Me with great expectancy‚ joining hearts and spirits in a grand praise meeting. Woo Me and entice Me. Stir yourselves, that My Spirit may descend upon the united body. Pull down My Spirit with your praises. Unite your minds and hearts and spirits. Praise Me with song and words of love. Be roused, woo Me and receive My seeds. As you do this, My Spirit will come and rest upon each of you. I have said it will be a time of Pentecost; therefore, let it be so.

52. All should come to this gathering knowing it is a time to entice Me, to pull down My Spirit, to desire My seeds, to receive Me. Then, when My brides are roused, I will conduct a simple service. (End of message from Jesus)

53. (Mama: ) Now is the time to have an on-fire praise meeting. As you can see, the Lord wants us to sing, praise, and say words of love to Him, our amazing Giver of Life! Let the Spirit flow!

54. I know you want to enter into His Spirit and stir yourselves up to receive Him, but it's some­times not easy to know what to do or how to be as fervent and passionate as you want to be. What you say or do just doesn't seem to do the subject justice. When praying about it, the Lord reminded me of dear Natalia and the tremendous message of praise she gave us for last year's Feast. We petitioned the Lord about our desire for a message of praise, and were very happy when, in answer to our plea, Natalia returned, eager to give us words of thanks and adoration to our wonderful Husband.

55. Below you will see that she leads us to repeat the praise that she gives. In order to do this, one person can read Natalia's part and then the rest of you can read your response in ­unison.

56. Before reading this‚ please feel free to sing songs of praise together or listen to recorded songs of praise, if you wish. I personally find that listening to our spirit-filled songs of praise to our awesome Husband and singing along with them helps me to focus on Him and really gets me in the mood to love and receive Him. Enjoy!

57. (Natalia speaking:) Praise be to our great Love, our Lord and Master and King! To You, our faithful and adoring Husband, we give praise and sing Your glory!

58. Yes, dear Family, it is I, Natalia. I come once more to guide you in praise and adoration of our strong, all-powerful Husband. I come direct to you now, straight from the courts of Heaven, expressly for this special occasion, to help lead you in the praise of our faithful and loving Lord. I come to lead you in an extraordinary session, my friends. Let it be a time of abound­ing praise‚ a time to avail yourselves of the fullness of praise. You have grown and learned much about the power of praise. Yet as we join now, let this praise lift you up to even greater heights‚ and over and beyond into great­er fullness of His power.

59. Let loose‚ dear brides! Loose the gifts that stir within you! Be roused, be excited, be ignited! Prepare yourselves to receive your loving Lord in full degree.

60. Ready yourselves through this potent power of praise, dear ones. Ready yourselves, for the time has come. Join me in praise that we might woo Him, invite Him‚ entice Him. Let us bid Him come. Unite with me. Join with me now, heart to heart and spirit to spirit‚ that we might receive our passionate Love into every fiber of our beings! Indulge yourselves, dear ones! Indulge yourselves to the maximum. Don't hold back‚ but let go! Arouse your­selves! Flow! Go the greater distance! Experience the greater climax!

61. Ignite your fires! Burn free and receive our loving Lord in full capacity! He desires you, He longs for you. Revel in His passion; don't hold back. Defy the Tempter; don't let him stand in the way. Shoot him down with your power of praise. Quench not the Spirit, but open yourselves and let it flow—flow, flow, flow! Let it flow freely. Embrace the Wild Wind! Let it lift you above earthly concerns. Mount up‚ dear ones, receive, and rise—rise high above! Don't hold back. Receive, receive, receive! The King seeks to have you. He longs to possess you, therefore open yourselves wide.

62. Oh, how He loves our praises, how they bid Him come. How these praises call out to Him, how they lure Him; they pursue Him; they stir Him. Be roused, dear brides, and so will your Lover be roused. Join me in His praise. Praise Him to His heart's delight, that He might come into us. Let us declare our praise, that we might receive to full contentment.

63. (Natalia:) Praise, praise, praise our wonder­ful Jesus for His enduring love.

64. (Family:) I praise You, wonderful Jesus, for Your enduring love.

65. (Natalia:) Praise Him with all you have in you. Look upward and sing His praise. Lift up your arms in thanksgiving and praise Him for His greatness.

66. (Family:) I praise You with all that is in me! I look up to You and sing Your praise. I lift up my arms in thanksgiving. I praise You for Your greatness.

67. (Natalia: ) Praise Him in all things, with every breath you breathe, with every thought you think, with every word you speak.

68. (Family: ) I want to praise You, sweet Love‚ with every breath I breathe, with every thought I think, with every word I speak.

69. (Natalia: ) Give all glory and honor and praise to King Jesus, Master and Lord of all!

70. (Family:) I give You all glory and honor and praise, my King Jesus‚ Master and Lord of all!

71. (Natalia:) Praise Him for His goodness. Praise Him for His refreshing Spirit, for His unfailing love and His never-ending mercy.

72. (Family: ) I praise You for Your goodness. I praise You for Your refreshing Spirit, for Your unfailing love‚ and Your never-ending mercy.

73. (Natalia:) Praise Him for His promises. Praise Him for His infinite care. Praise Him for His tenderness. Praise Him for His peace that soothes and comforts your soul.

74. (Family:) I praise You for Your promises. I praise You for Your infinite care. I praise You for Your tenderness and Your peace that soothes and comforts my soul.

75. (Natalia: ) Praise Him for always being avail­able. Praise Him for carrying your load. Praise Him that you don't have to be strong. Give Him thanks continually that all you have to do is lean on Him.

76. (Family:) I praise You for always being available for me, dear Love. I praise You for ­carrying my load. I praise You and thank You that I don't have to be strong, that all I have to do is lean on You.

77. (Natalia:) Praise and adore Him for taking you to be His intimate brides. Praise Him for opening His heart and life to you. Thank and praise Him for sharing His intimate secrets, for confiding in you, for trusting you with His Own heart of love.

78. (Family:) I praise and adore You for taking me as Your intimate bride. I praise You for opening Your heart and life to me. I praise and thank You for sharing Your intimate secrets, for confiding in me and trusting me with Your Own heart of love.

79. (Natalia:) Praise and adore Him for en­trusting you with great riches of spirit.

80. (Family:) I praise and adore You for trusting me with great riches of spirit.

81. (Natalia: ) Thank Him and praise Him for the privileged place of service He's given you‚ for the trust and confidence He bestows upon you.

82. (Family: ) I thank You and praise You for this privileged place of service, for the trust and confidence You place in me.

83. (Natalia: ) Praise and adore Him for giving you great insight into the world around you. Praise Him for the insight He gives you to the inner workings of His Spirit. Praise Him for His boundless gifts.

84. (Family: ) I praise You for giving us great insight into the world around us. I praise You for the insight You give to the inner workings of Your Spirit. I praise You for Your boundless gifts.

85. (Natalia: ) Praise Him for His awesome power that defies all opposition. Give Him praise and honor for His might and power that surrounds you, protects you, and guards you from all harm.

86. (Family: ) I praise You for Your awesome power that defies all opposition. I praise and honor You for Your might and power that surrounds us, protects us, and guards us from all harm.

87. (Natalia:) Praise Him, for He gives you victory. Praise Him, for He conquers all foes. Praise Him for delivering you from the hands of your enemies.

88. (Family:) I praise You for giving us the victory. I praise You for conquering all foes. I praise You for delivering us from the hands of our enemies.

89. (Natalia: ) Praise Him, for He is the righteous Ruler. Praise Him, for His judgments are righteous and true. Praise Him that no hand that is raised against you will prosper.

90. (Family:) I praise You, our righteous Ruler. I praise You for Your judgments, which are righteous and true. I praise You that no hand that is raised against us will prosper.

91. (Natalia:) Praise Him, for you are chosen. Praise Him for calling you out, for setting you apart from the world.

92. (Family:) I praise You for choosing me. I praise You for calling me out, for setting me apart from the world.

93. (Natalia:) Praise Him for calling you to be His faithful witness. Praise Him that through you, others will come to know Him.

94. (Family:) I praise You for calling me to be Your faithful witness. I praise You that though I am weak, You can use me to lead others to You.

95. (Natalia:) Praise Him for choosing you, for rescuing you, for delivering you from the earthbound, for taking you in, loving you, and making you His bride.

96. (Family:) I praise You for choosing me, for rescuing me, for delivering me from the earthbound, for taking me in, as unworthy as I am, loving me and making me Your bride.

97. (Natalia: ) Praise and adore Him for giving you a rich heritage, for making you an heir to His Kingdom, for crowning you with honor, glory‚ majesty and power.

98. (Family: ) I praise and adore You for giving me a rich heritage, for making me an heir to Your Kingdom‚ for crowning me with honor, glory‚ majesty and power.

99. (Natalia: ) Praise Him for His unending love. Praise Him for His passion‚ His warmth, His comforting, strong arms, always reaching out to hold you.

100. (Family:) I praise You for Your unending love. I praise You for Your passion, Your warmth, Your comforting, strong arms that are always reaching out to hold me.

101. (Natalia:) Praise Him for His strength that is made perfect in your weakness. Praise Him for holding you and refusing to let go. Praise Him that He ever lives to make intercession on your behalf. Praise Him for His constant vigilance, His unending care, and His undying love.

102. (Family:) I praise You for Your strength that is made perfect in my weakness. I praise You for holding me and refusing to let go. I praise You that You ever live to make intercession on my behalf. I praise You for Your constant vigilance‚ Your unending care, and Your undying love.

103. (Natalia:) Praise Him for His supply. Praise and adore Him for His continual guidance, for His leading the way. Praise Him for charting the way ahead, for His provision every step of the way.

104. (Family:) I praise You for Your supply. I praise and adore You for Your continual guidance, for Your leading the way. I praise and thank You for charting the way ahead and for Your provision every step of the way.

105. (Natalia:) Praise Him for His greatness. Praise Him for His faithfulness and His infinite mercy.

106. (Family:) I praise You for Your greatness, Your faithfulness, and Your infinite mercy.

107. (Natalia:) Praise Him for His patience, for His understanding and His caring nature. Thank Him and praise Him for always being there for you. Praise Him for His angels that never sleep, for His ministering spirits that guard and protect and keep watch over you.

108. (Family:) I praise You for Your patience, for Your understanding and Your caring nature. I thank You and praise You for always being there. I praise You for Your angels that never sleep, for Your ministering spirits that guard and protect and keep watch over us.

109. (Natalia:) Thank Him, adore Him‚ and praise Him for His protection. Praise Him that His power is always on. Praise your dearest Love for giving you full access to His strength and might and power‚ that you can call on Him anytime, any day, any hour.

110. (Family: ) I thank You and adore You and praise You for Your protection. I praise You that Your power is always on. I praise You, dearest Love, for giving me full access to Your strength and might and power. Thank You that I can call on You anytime, any day, any hour.

111. (Natalia: ) Praise and adore Him for His wondrous works and His awesome power. Praise Him that at His Name every knee must bow. Praise Him that the devils tremble in the wake of His shadow.

112. (Family: ) I praise and adore You for Your wondrous works and awesome power. I praise You that at Your Name, every knee must bow. I praise You that the devils tremble in the wake of Your shadow.

113. (Natalia: ) Praise His Name for all His wonderful works toward the children of David! Praise our adoring Husband with all you have in you for showing His power through you.

114. (Family: ) I praise Your Name for all Your wonderful works toward us. I praise You, my adoring Husband, with all that is in me for showing Your power through us.

115. (Natalia:) Praise Him for His strong arm, ready to save. Praise Him that He is your own, your intimate Spouse, your adoring Lover, your Friend and King.

116. (Family:) I praise You for Your strong arm, always ready to save. I praise You that You are my own, that You are my intimate Spouse, my adoring Lover, my Friend and my King.

117. (Natalia:) Praise Him for all His glory and majesty, for His mighty works!

118. (Family: ) I praise You for Your glory and majesty and for all Your mighty works.

119. (Natalia:) Praise Him for His revelations, for revealing to you deep things of His Spirit.

120. (Family:) I praise You for Your revelations, for revealing to us the deep things of Your Spirit.

121. (Natalia:) Praise Him for the lavish flow of true riches He heaps upon you. Praise Him for His truth, for true values, for the wealth He lays at your feet.

122. (Family:) I praise You for the lavish flow of true riches You heap upon me. I praise You for Your truth, for true values, and for the wealth You lay at my feet.

123. (Natalia:) Praise Him, cling to Him, sing His adoration for drawing you in, ever close to His side.

124. (Family:) I praise You, I cling to You, I sing Your adoration for drawing me in, ever close to Your side.

125. (Natalia:) Praise Him for His great love for you. Praise Him for His faithfulness. Praise Him that though He is the might and power of the universe‚ He is also your humble Servant and your adoring Lover. Praise Him that though all the devils obey His command, He is not too big to confide in you, His bride.

126. (Family:) I praise You for Your great love for me. I praise You for Your faithfulness. I praise You that though You are the might and power of the universe, You humble Yourself to serve me. I praise You that though all the devils obey Your command, You are not too big to confide in me. I am Your adoring bride.

127. (Natalia: ) Praise Him for His love, His passion, and His burning desire.

128. (Family: ) I praise You for Your love‚ Your passion‚ Your burning desire.

129. (Natalia:) Praise Him with every ounce of your being‚ for choosing you, trusting you, empower­ing you, for coming into you, for resting His Spirit upon you.

130. (Family: ) I praise You with every ounce of my being, for choosing me, trusting me, empowering me, for coming into me and resting Your Spirit upon me.

131. (Natalia:) Praise Him for the gifts He en­hances within you today. Sing His glory and praise and honor; ring it out for all to hear!

132. (Family:) I praise You for the gifts You enhance within me today. I sing Your glory and praise and honor. I ring it out for all to hear‚ my adoring Husband, Master and King.

133. (Natalia:) Sing His praise continually. Praise, praise, praise our strong, adoring Lord.

134. (Family:) I want to sing Your praise con­tinually. I praise, praise, praise You, my strong, adoring Lord.

135. (Natalia: ) Praise Him for His fighting might. Praise Him that He is the unbeatable Lord and Master of all.

136. (Family: ) I praise You for Your fighting might, my unbeatable Lord and Master of all.

137. (Natalia: ) Praise Him for His supernatural power. Praise Him that He rules supreme.

138. (Family: ) I praise You for Your supernatural power. I praise You that You rule supreme.

139. (Natalia: ) Praise and adore Him for giving you a world vision. Praise Him for choosing you to reap His final harvest.

140. (Family: ) I praise and adore You for giving us a world vision. I praise You for choosing us to reap Your final harvest.

141. (Natalia: ) Praise Him for His power that propels you in the era of action. Praise Him for making you a part of the greatest era of history.

142. (Family:) I praise You for Your power that propels me in the era of action. I praise You for making me a part of the greatest era in history.

143. (Natalia:) Praise Him for the era of action. Praise Him for choosing you, for calling you to be His Own. Praise Him for calling you to be His representative in the Time of the End.

144. (Family:) I praise You for the era of action. I praise You for choosing me‚ for calling me to be Your Own. I praise You for calling me to be Your representa­tive in the Time of the End.

145. (Natalia:) Praise Him for the mighty power of prayer! Raise your hands in praise and adore Him for putting this power within your grasp.

146. (Family:) I praise You for the mighty power of prayer! I raise my hands in praise and adore You for putting this power within my grasp.

147. (Natalia:) Praise Him and thank Him for His Words. Praise Him for the great treasures He puts at your disposal. Praise Him for the strength that is yours for the asking.

148. (Family:) I praise and thank You for Your Words. I praise You for the great treasures You put at my disposal. I praise You, dear Love, for the strength that is mine for the asking.

149. (Natalia:) Praise Him for leading you into a new day. Praise Him for His prevision, for directing you and leading you down new roads that will bring great fruit.

150. (Family:) I praise You for leading us into a new day. I praise You for Your prevision, for directing us and leading us down new roads that will bring great fruit.

151. (Natalia:) Thank Him and praise Him for new horizons, for the new structure He leads you to embrace. Thank Him and praise Him for the new vision. Praise and thank Him for Aurora, Activated, for restructuring and the commission to form committees and boards.

152. (Family:) I thank You and praise You for new horizons, for the new structure You're leading us to embrace. I thank You and praise You for fresh new vision, for Aurora, Activated, for restructuring and the commission to form committees and boards.

153. (Natalia:) Praise your Husband that for you there is no standing still. Praise Him for keeping you stirred up, fresh and alive. Praise Him for change, for challenge, for expansion, and for life.

154. (Family:) I praise You, my wonderful Husband, that for us there is no standing still. I praise You for keeping us stirred up, fresh and alive. I praise You for change‚ for challenge, for expansion, and for life.

155. (Natalia:) Sing His praise that for you there is no boredom. Praise Him that for you there is no unemployment. Praise Him for showing His mighty power through you.

156. (Family: ) I sing Your praise that for me there is no boredom in life. I praise You that for us there is no unemployment. I praise You for showing Your mighty power through us.

157. (Natalia: ) Praise Him that for you things only get bigger and better. Praise Him that for you there are no impossibilities.

158. (Family:) I praise You, my precious Lover, that for us things will only get bigger and better. I praise You that for us there are no impossibilities.

159. (Natalia:) Praise Him for giving you the method, the plan‚ and the faith to follow it through.

160. (Family: ) I praise You for giving us the method, the plan, and the faith to follow through.

161. (Natalia: ) Praise Him for His strategy. Praise Him for lining things up, for putting each of His children in strategic spots around the globe, for positioning you just right for the days to come.

162. (Family: ) I praise You for giving us the strategy. I praise You for lining things up, for putting each of us in strategic spots around the globe, for positioning us just right for the days to come.

163. (Natalia:) Give praise and reverence to your King and Lover for His tokens of love. Adore Him and sing His praise for the compliments He gives you.

164. (Family:) I praise and give You reverence, my King and Lover. Thank You for Your tokens of love. I love and adore You and sing Your praise for the compliments You so freely give me.

165. (Natalia:) Thank Him and praise Him for the personal battles‚ afflictions and tests that help to sharpen your skills and hone your gifts.

166. (Family:) I thank You and praise You for the personal battles, afflictions and tests You allow to come my way. Thank You for this opportunity to sharpen my skills and hone my gifts.

167. (Natalia:) Praise Him for the weapons He puts in your hands. Praise Him for the New Wine, for praise and prayer and loving Him intimately. Praise Him for the gift of hearing His voice. Praise Him for the privilege to be His intimate bride.

168. (Family:) I praise You for the weapons You put in my hands. I praise You for the New Wine, for praise and prayer and loving You intimately. I praise You for the gift of hearing Your voice. I praise You for the privi­lege it is to be Your intimate bride.

169. (Natalia:) Praise Him for the marvelous truths He discloses to you, His brides. Praise Him for the marvelous and wondrous gift of prophecy. Praise Him for the great mysteries He opens up to you.

170. (Family:) I praise You for the marvelous truths You disclose to us, Your brides. I praise You for the marvelous and wondrous gift of prophecy. I praise You for the great mysteries You open up to us.

171. (Natalia:) Praise Him for the tools He puts in your hands that help facilitate your mission. Praise Him for the Activated program. Praise Him for this vision and plan for follow-up. Praise Him that He has chosen you and trusts you to feed His sheep.

172. (Family: ) I praise You for the tools You put in our hands that help facilitate our mission. I praise You for the Activated program. I praise You for this vision and plan for follow-up, and that You've chosen us and You trust us to feed Your sheep.

173. (Natalia: ) Praise Him for enlarging your borders. Praise Him for prospering you. Praise Him for expansion, for bringing along the help you need to finish the task He's given. Praise Him for His blessings and His promises.

174. (Family: ) I praise You for enlarging our borders. I praise You for prospering us. I praise You for expansion and for bringing along the help we need to finish our task. I praise You for Your blessings and Your promises.

175. (Natalia:) Praise Him for giving you the power to fulfill your destiny. Praise Him that where He is guiding‚ He is providing.

176. (Family: ) I praise You for giving us the power to fulfill our destiny. I praise You that where You guide‚ You also provide.

177. (Natalia: ) Praise Him for the gift of greater faith. Thank Him for helping you to grasp the great awesomeness of His full power.

178. (Family:) I praise You for this gift of greater faith. I thank You for helping me to grasp the great awesomeness of Your full power.

179. (Natalia:) Praise Him, love Him, adore Him for giving you all power in Heaven and power over Hell. Praise Him that there are no impossibilities to you.

180. (Family:) I praise You, love You, and adore You for giving us all power in Heaven and power over Hell. I praise You that for us there are no impossibilities.

181. (Natalia:) Praise Him for the victor­ies that are given into your hand. Praise Him for His strength that is forever.

182. (Family:) I praise You for the victor­ies that You give into our hand. I praise You for Your strength that is forever.

183. (Natalia:) Thank Him and praise Him for delivering you from the impossible. Praise Him that all things are possible to you. Praise Him for His power to overcome all obstacles.

184. (Family: ) I thank You and praise You for delivering me from the impossible. I praise You that all things are possible as I receive Your Spirit within me. I praise You for Your power to overcome all obstacles.

185. (Natalia:) Praise Him and thank Him for the opportunities He gives to stretch your faith. Praise Him for helping you to grasp the fullness of His mighty power.

186. (Family:) I praise You and thank You for every opportunity You allow to stretch my faith. I praise You for helping me to grasp the fullness of Your mighty power.

187. (Natalia:) Praise and glorify your loving Savior, for His is the majesty, the might, and the power of all existence!

188. (Family:) I praise and glorify You, my loving Savior, for Yours is the majesty, the might, and the power of all existence!

189. (Natalia:) Praise and adore Him for giving you the power to rise above. Sing adoration to Him. All glory and honor is His.

190. (Family: ) I praise and adore You for giving me the power to rise above. I sing adoration to You. All glory and honor is Yours.

191. (Natalia: ) Honor to Whom honor is due—all praise to Jesus we sing.

192. (Family:) Honor to Whom honor is due—all praise to Jesus we sing.

193. (Natalia: ) Praise Him for His awe­some­ness, for His splendor and greatness and glory.

194. (Family:) I praise You for Your awesome­ness, for Your splendor and greatness and glory.

195. (Natalia: ) Thank Him and praise Him for His power in you to work greater works and perform greater miracles. Praise Him for His Spirit that will rest upon you.

196. (Family:) I thank and praise You for Your power in me to work greater works and perform greater miracles. I praise You for Your Spirit that will rest upon me.

197. (Natalia: ) Praise Him for the keys He puts in your hands. Praise and glorify Him for His greatness‚ for opening to you all power in Heaven and in Hell. Praise Him for His sovereign power.

198. (Family: ) I praise You for these keys You put in my hands. I praise and glorify You for Your greatness, for giving me access to all power in Heaven and in Hell. I praise You for Your sovereign power.

199. (Natalia:) Praise Him now with all your might, dear brides. Open wide and let Him in. Flow, dear ones, flow with Him. Be thankful and praise your adoring Husband. Receive Him wholly and completely. Receive Him with all readiness and gladness. Let Him possess you fully as He will. Give Him your all, that you might have His all.

200. (Family:) I praise You now, my Lover and Lord, with all my might and strength. I open myself wide to receive You. Help me to flow with You. I take You, sweet wonderful Love. I want You wholly and completely. I am Yours, heart, mind, body‚ soul and spirit. Your desire is my pleasure. Your delight is my satisfaction. I want You, I receive You, with all readiness and gladness. Possess me fully as You will. I want Your all, and thus I yield my all to You. (End of message from Natalia.)

201. (Mama:) After you have finished your time of praise and song, you may want to take a short five or ten-minute break to stretch or go to the bathroom, etc. Then one person can represent our darling Husband in reading the following message:

202. (Jesus to His brides:) Close your eyes of the flesh, My brides, and enter into My Spirit. Leave that which is carnal behind for a moment, and breathe deeply of My Own breath. Let My thoughts become your thoughts. Let our hearts beat as one. Love Me, woo Me, entice Me, feel Me, receive Me, become one with Me. Let go, My loves, let go. Move with Me, flow with Me, receive Me. Allow Me to possess you. Be completely Mine. I am yours. We are one.

203. As you take Me in, as we join spirit to spirit, I will give you these keys. I will give you access to the fullness of My awesome power. Believe and receive, for I now put the keys to the Kingdom in your hands. All power of Heaven is at your command to fully access as you will. Use it wisely, My loves. Use it in love, use it with discretion‚ use it with great honor, use it to right all wrongs‚ to expose evil‚ to set at liberty those who are bound.

204. With this all-powerful possession you must never forget the purpose of it all. Today is a great Day of Pentecost for you, yet you must always remember what this means. I don't give you such great possession of My power for your benefit alone.

205. You know I love to commune with you. I love to feel you. I love to linger in your arms, I love to see you excited and thrilled by My Spirit. I love to be one with you. I love to possess you. Yet if it were only to fulfill My desire to possess you, I would gladly bring you Home to Heaven this very minute‚ where we would enjoy each other forever without the distractions of the flesh.

206. Therefore know, dear loves, it is not only because of My strong desire to have you that I give you these keys. No‚ I give you such great power on Earth at this time to serve a far greater end. It's not for you to wield My power for your own enjoyment and thrills. I ask you to shun being as those in the churches‚ who discover a measure of My power, yet are as young and unwise children playing with a high-powered machine as if it were a toy. Be not as those who dabble with a measure of My power, using it to their own end, forgetting the reason for it all.

207. You must remember, My loves, the aim‚ the purpose, the goal, the final end result of why I put such power in your hands—which is to win souls to My Kingdom! This is the reason for it all. This is the reason for such great possession of My Spirit within you. This is the reason I give you full access to all of Heaven's power.

208. Most people in the world today remember the Feast of Pentecost as a great outpouring of the Spirit. This it was; yet they forget the greater overall purpose of this time. Pentecost was to be a time of harvest, a time to reap. This is why I instructed My early disciples as I did, to meet in Jerusalem, for that is where the people were whom I wished to reach. The purpose for such a great outpouring of My Spirit upon My early disciples was not for their own fellowship alone, nor solely so that they could learn to speak in strange tongues for their own edification. It was so they could reap and gather in others to be saved. It was so they could save souls. Receiving the Spirit was important. Speaking in tongues was important; it was necessary. But all this without reaping the harvest would have been null and void.

209. The outpouring, the power, these blessings I give you, My loves, are all to this end—that you might reap the harvest that awaits you. This is where your eyes must always be focused. This is the goal. This is your purpose in the era of action. This is the reason for it all, the purpose behind everything you do, the reason I place these keys in your hands, the reason I come to you now, to possess you in such a great way. The reason for it all is to win souls, to reap the final harvest in the end of days. Time is short, dear loves, so very short, and the night is fast falling—this is why I pour out My Spirit as never before.

210. I ask you now to join arm in arm with one another. As we join as one‚ let this fire burn deep within your bosom as you receive these blessings and mighty outpouring of My Spirit. As you access these keys to the Kingdom of Heaven in the days to come, never forget the purpose of it all—to reap the final harvest, to win, to gather the lost, to get the job done.

211. I will not be totally satisfied until ­every one is Home again, and believe Me, neither will you. And when you come Home to Heaven, your satisfaction will be in knowing that you fulfilled your destiny. You didn't quit. You didn't give up. You did your part. You fought until the End and you brought others in. Let this passion light your fire! As you go forward into this era of action, as you access My power in fuller capacity, enabling you to perform greater miracles, as you work greater works, always remember the purpose and reason for it all.

212. Bring them in, My loves, from the fields of sin and darkness and despair! Let this be your driving force, your guiding light, your intense joy, your thriving passion, your ardent desire. Let nothing get in your way. Let nothing dissuade you or stop you. Let nothing separate us. Let nothing quench your flame.

213. And now, My loves, listen! For the time has come to reveal this divine composition for you. This is to be your national anthem. It was written in Heaven‚ composed for you since the foundation of the world, specially prepared for you, My brides of the era of action. Let this melody and these words burn in your hearts forever. This song is on continual play in the Heavenly courts, for we join you round the clock in this battle of the End. This is our anthem‚ our joint battle cry‚ our sacred song. Listen and learn. Let this anthem continually ring in your hearts. Let it rouse you, encourage you, and inspire you as you bring them in!

214. Listen now, My loves‚ then open yourselves wide, and I will come into you, for I wish to possess you fully, to rest upon you‚ to activate you, to place in your hands the keys to My full power, to speak to you personal words of comfort and confirmation that you may know that all that I have promised is yours.

215. And now, My loves‚ let the song be played‚ after which time, as My brides open wide, I will pour out My Spirit and speak through My prophets with words of encouragement and confirmation. (End of mess­age from Jesus.)

(Note: At this time, please play the song entitled "Song of Victory," if you've been able to download it from the MO site. After hearing the song as many times as you wish, please take time to hear from the Lord in ­prophecy.

(For those who do not have the means to download the song, here are the words to the song which you can read at this time. A recorded version of the song on tape should be arriving to all the Homes by the Family Birthday, Lord willing. Praise the Lord!)

Song of Victory

Swiftly falls the night, as a cloud across the nations.

Lord, we plead for Your strength, like we've never known before.

Take our yielded hearts and ignite in us the passion

To spread Your Words, shine Your light forth on every shore.

Awestruck by the truth of the promise You have given:

The keys of the Kingdom, You have placed within our hands!

Now is the hour, glory of Heaven!

Your mighty power is at our command


Come! Take the stand, hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder

March on together to our destiny!

Melted as one, weak and strong, younger and older,

We will rise above, with the Song of Victory.

Verse 2:

Yielding all to You without fear or hesitation‚

Jesus, You'll empower us

To truly rise above,

Faithful unto death with renewed determination

To do our part

Until every human heart

Has a chance to know the wonder of Your love!

Repeat Chorus


Standing on Your promises

There are no impossibilities

As we loose the faith within!

Yours are keys of liberty

To set the slaves of bondage free.

Over evil we will win,

By Your power!

Repeat Chorus

216. (Mama:) God bless you, dear Family! Peter and I love you so very much and pray this Family Feast celebration has been tremendous for you! We're praying for you daily.

Much love and prayers for our great promising activated future,
