Shooting Straight, Part 17

April 14, 2006

Table of Contents

GN 1172 FD/MM/FM

God's views on current issues and attitudes in the Family

By Maria 3591 2/06

Note: The "Challenging Thots" in this Letter address commitment and discipleship in general and aren't always related to the issue being discussed.

Clear Channel?

The issue:

1. Some people have the idea that if they're just desperate and claiming the keys when they receive a prophecy‚ that it won't be influenced or affected by disobediences or sin in their life, or areas of unyieldedness or waywardness. It's the attitude of‚ "Well, I know I'm not really being that obedient to the Lord, and I have this and that sin in my life‚ but I've claimed the keys, and because the keys are powerful, I'll be able to receive a clear message in prophecy."

God's mind on the matter:

2. (Jesus: ) All My brides want to be clear and reliable channels. No one ever wants to be guilty of receiving a tainted prophecy that could hurt in any way. The thought that maybe you would be responsible for giving a prophecy that would hurt someone in any way is a terrible thought. No one wants that. Everyone wants to be in tune with Me, in the spirit‚ on guard, and the best channel that they can possibly be.

3. Generally speaking, hearing from Me in prophecy makes people desperate. Even if you have weaknesses in your personal life, when it comes to receiving prophecy, most people are very desperate to get it right and receive My will via My words in spite of their own personal weaknesses. You do need to be desperate before Me, as this definitely helps to wash and cleanse your channel. Desperation is a spirit of humility and reverence before Me, which helps you to more clearly and easily receive My words.

4. I've said a lot about the spirit of desperation, which of course takes yieldedness and humility on your part. You can't really be desperate without also desiring to be yielded to Me and humble before Me. So being desperate about prophecy is very good and needed, but being a clear and reliable channel requires more than your desperation.

5. Think about this possible scenario: A Family person is generally out of it spiritually. Everyone in the Home knows he has a problem with pride. He walks around giving orders. He's always in a hurry and hardly ever takes time to talk to others. He isn't the type of person who is known to be prayerful and to ask Me everything. He seems to make decisions on the fly. He doesn't even look happy. He criticizes people, puts people down, and at the same time, he wonders why he doesn't have friends. And most recently, it was discovered that for some strange reason, knowing this was totally against the Charter, he tried drugs.

6. "What's going on? Why did you do drugs?" "Well, maybe I'll tell you sometime. But I can't think about that right now because I have to do this important prophecy assignment. I feel like a mess, but I'm sure if I just claim the keys, everything will be fine, and I'll be able to receive a clear message from the Lord."

7. No, not necessarily, My friend. The keys are powerful and important, but if your life is a treadmill of unyieldedness, disobedience to the Word, a string of actions motivated because of your pride‚ you can't just expect to snap your fingers, call on the keys, say one desperate prayer, and voila—perfectly sound counsel from Heaven drops in your lap.

8. Now, I have exaggerated the above example in order to make a point. You, of course, wouldn't tolerate a person in your Home if he were to act like this and be such a reproach to your work. And with such a serious Charter infraction, he would be put on PS or possibly even excommunicated. But the point I'm trying to make in this rather outlandish example is that the wrong choices and the disobediences and the sin in your life will affect your channel, and you won't be able to claim the same promises as those who are making the right choices, who are being obedient‚ and who are vigilant against sin in their lives.

9. Your channel is earthly—and because it is, you have to take care of it. Yes, I can do miracles and cause even dumb asses to see the spiritual realm and pass on My messages. Yes, I can cause the sun to stand still. Yes, I can speak through any channel at any time and miraculously give revelation, clear counsel‚ and whatever is needed.

10. But do you know which channels I will choose to give such clear, prophetic revelations through? Not the ones that are full of unyieldedness, pride, disobedience, lack of love for others, lack of prayerfulness, and not even trying to obey the New Wine. You don't have to have My mega brain to know that anyone who is not faithful to keep their life for Me on the straight and narrow is also not going to be a reliable channel.

11. Think about it. Would you like someone who you know is not right with Me to hear from Me about something that's very important to you, such as making a major move to another field, taking on more responsibility, getting married, deciding whether you should have surgery, etc.? Or would you rather the channel be someone who is desperate to stay right with Me every single day? The answer is obvious.

12. You can't live your life on the edge of sin and disobedience, and then expect Me to wash away all that filth and muck of your pride and disobedience with one prayer and the claiming of a few keys, so that you can hear from Me clearly in prophecy. It doesn't work that way. I need channels who are doing their best every day of their lives to be as right with Me as they can possibly be.

13. Prophecy is a serious responsibility, and those who take it seriously know that they need to take their entire lives of service for Me seriously. You can't just flip into "channel mode" when you feel like it, but live the rest of your life being disobedient, unyielded, proud, unloving, or whatever. What kind of a channel is that? You will be as good and reliable a channel as you live your life every single day.

14. If you're doing your best to work on your weaknesses, then when it comes to hearing from Me in prophecy, your channel will be yielded. If you're doing your best to keep your life free of the pollution of the System, then your channel won't be clogged up with System influences. If you're really trying to stay right with Me by confessing your sins before Me and asking Me to cleanse you, then when you come to Me to receive prophecy, your channel will be clean.

15. The goal is not perfection. No channel is perfect. "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Rom.3:23). You will always have sin in your life, but the point is that you should not choose disobedience and sin. Sometimes choosing sin can just mean deciding not to do anything about a weakness, problem, or addiction that you have.

16. Some people's areas of weakness are obvious to themselves and to others. In some ways‚ they have it easier. They know what they need to work on and what they need to fight to overcome. Other people's weaknesses might not be so obvious to themselves and others, so they need their shepherds' help more. But whatever the case, everyone should be seeking help and taking steps to make whatever changes I show them are needed.

17. If you're just coasting along and putting up with your weaknesses, thinking that you'll never change, so why bother, that's pure disobedience and unyieldedness. A big part of prophesying starts before you ever get alone in your closet. It starts the minute you wake up in the morning with your thoughts and how you actively use the weapons of the spirit and call on your spirit helpers and fight to make progress in your weaknesses. You have to walk the walk of a Family disciple. You have to act like you believe what the GNs say, and try to do your best to obey My Word and implement it in your life every day, not just when it comes time to receive prophecy.

18. I have chosen you weak, earthly, imperfect, sinful vessels to receive My pure words. But I also expect you to do your human best to fight to be clean, unpolluted‚ obedient, yielded vessels. This is accomplished by the way you live every day. Then when it comes time to receive My pure words, you will already be in a spirit of yieldedness, obedience, desperation and belief, and there will be much less chance of you receiving a tainted or influenced prophecy that could cause hurt in any way.

19. So be yielded and obedient and desperate with Me every day. Be willing to receive the shepherding you need, and keep your heart clean of the pollution of the world.

20. Ask Me what you need to do to ensure that you will be as good a channel as you can be. Be willing to obey and do whatever I tell you to do. If you're not willing to give up your pride in a certain area, or whatever I might show that you need to do, then how can you expect to be humble when it comes time to receive prophecy? Sins of pride and disobedience take a toll on your life, and they will eventually take a toll on your ability to receive reliable prophecy.

21. It's wise to work on your connection with Me, your obedience and sample and yieldedness as a disciple, and keep working on it, and never give up working on it. The way you live, what you think and do and believe, affects everything, including your channel.

In summary:

22. (Mama:) Being a clear channel is a way of life. You are not guaranteed a clear channel if all you do is pray a prayer and claim the keys right before you hear from the Lord, regardless of what spiritual state the rest of your life is in. The gift of being able to receive clear and complete and uninfluenced prophecies is a gift given to those who live the discipleship life—those who are obedient, yielded‚ who drink in and believe and strive to live the New Wine, who keep their lives free from unconfessed sin.

23. As a brief‚ and for your review, here is a list of the most outstanding requirements for being a clear channel, taken from ML #3275 and 3243. If you would like more of an explanation about why all of these things are so important, then I suggest that you reread and study the "Understanding Prophecy" series again, as that contains answers to the most commonly asked questions, and thoroughly explains why each requirement for being a clear channel is essential.

• You must be yielded, right with the Lord‚ knowing you don't know the answers.

• You must be obedient to the printed Word.

• You must have a clean heart that is free from unconfessed sin.

• Be faithful to ask the Lord to override your own thoughts.

• Have faith. Believe that what God has promised, He is able to perform.

• Be willing to accept the Lord's answers; give what you receive by faith without analyzing.

• Be willing to take any questions about the prophecies you receive back to the Lord.

• Build your faith by spending time with the Lord in the Word‚ meditation‚ and loving Him intimately.

• Avoid distractions or interruptions when hearing from the Lord.

• Be full of praise.

• Sincerely and wholeheartedly ask Jesus to lead you and to have His way.

• Commit your thoughts to the Lord.

• Be desperate with the Lord for His will; be hungry.

• Stay humble.

• Sincerely want to please the Lord.

• Desire God's answers, regardless of the consequences.

• Create a vacuum and let Him fill it.

• Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and mind.

• Cry out to the Lord and expect an answer.

• You must be open to shepherding and counsel regarding your prophecies so you can get any additional information or clarifications that are needed and thereby stay right in the center of God's will.

Key promise:

24. The keys of discipleship will help you to live the life of a disciple every day. Then when it comes time to hear from Me, you will be able to ask in full faith for what you need, and you will receive it.

Challenging Thot:

25. (Jesus:) The gifts of the spirit are given in abundance to those who show that they treasure them, that they are worthy of them—not that they are worthy because they are perfect, as there are none righteous, but those who show themselves worthy through their faithfulness‚ obedience, and following closely.

26. The gifts of the spirit are strong in those who are strong in the spirit‚ and grow weaker in those who follow afar off. So if you treasure the spiritual gifts, stay close to Me and remain worthy of them. It is My pleasure to give you My gifts in abundance if you do whatever I ask of you.

Dig deeper:

[ ] "Prophecy Questions You May Have Always Wanted to Ask, Part 3," ML #3036:2-13‚ Vol.23
[ ] "Mama's Surprise!—Part 2‚" ML #3134:137-138, Vol.24
[ ] "Hearing from the Lord Step by Step," ML #3149:117–123, Vol.24
[ ] "Mama's Memos!—No.9," ML #3243:129,131-133,135,140–144,149-153, GN 845
[ ] "Understanding Prophecy, Part 1‚" ML #3275:76-83, GN 875
[ ] "Understanding Prophecy‚ Part 2," ML #3304:100-133, 137-161, GN 905
[ ] "Fast-day Follow-up," ML #3381:32-44, Post-it GN #1
[ ] "Issues, Part 16," ML #3450:160-171,173, GN 1040

Common Potting!

The issue:

27. (Mama:) Over the years, your faith in the principle of Acts 2:44-45 seems to have weakened, especially in the area of common potting. This was one of the areas that we, as a Family, allowed ourselves to compromise in. Recently‚ however, we have highlighted the need for common potting in our Homes. It's an important point in the CS Home Review criteria, and was highlighted in a "Common Potting" Charter Amendment (which was also published in the CS Home Review criteria).

28. But it seems that many of you still lack real faith in the common potting plan—or at least you need more motivation to get behind it full force. You wonder how you can make it effective, how you'll be able to cover the medical and other expenses of those in your Home, how you can ensure that everyone in the Home has enough, and none too much, and that everyone has their needs provided for, etc.

God's mind on the matter:

29. (Jesus: ) Thank you‚ My dear loves, for taking up your cross and following Me, for being willing to be counted as My followers, My disciples, My Endtime brides. Thank you for your faith to live My Word to the full—not partway or with reservations‚ as many Christians and churches do, but all the way, every day‚ because of your love for Me and for others. Your love and dedication are a great testimony to the world, and even to the spirit world‚ that it is possible to live so fully for Me even outside of the heavenly realm!

30. Nevertheless, I have somewhat against you, My brides, when it comes to the area of selfishness, for some of you have set aside one of the principles upon which both My early church and the Family was founded, Acts 2:44-45. Instead of having all things common, sharing your possessions and goods and finances, parting them to every man or woman as they have need, so that no one would lack, you have modified My plan.

31. Many of you have decided to have most of your things in common‚ sharing some of your goods and possessions and finances, as long as you don't lack yourselves. Instead of having all things in common, maintaining a common pot in your Home, you have decided to follow the plan of having some things in common, sometimes more and sometimes less, splitting certain expenses and keeping the rest of your income for your own needs or desires. This is not the plan I established for My early church, nor the plan that David established for the early Family, nor the plan that I would have the Family live today.

32. My loves, how can you say that you live like Me and My early disciples if you do not? If there is within your Home selfishness whereby each member parts only some of his goods and possessions and finances to others, because he feels he must care for himself and his own needs and family first, is this living My financial plan? Is this faith that I will care for you and supply your needs? Is this trusting that you can never outgive Me?

33. Is this true love for others and esteeming them better than yourselves, even when it comes down to finances? Is this the unselfish love of God, the Law of Love, whereby you love your neighbor as yourself? Even though you share some things and pool some finances, in the end isn't the attitude "me and mine first"? Isn't this rather what the world does?

34. Because of this selfishness, this financial withholding, your Homes suffer. Some members have all that they need while others lack what they need, and this eats away at your unity and your love with little roots of envy, resentment, and selfishness. In addition, I am not fully able to bless your income as a Home and to supply for you all as I wish to, for how can I bless a spirit of selfishness and withholding, of "me first" rather than "others first" and "the Family first"?

35. Sharing all things, including your finances, was the cornerstone of My early church, and I would have it be a cornerstone of the Family both now and in the future. What a witness and a testimony it is when you are able to say that you common pot your finances and make distribution to every man, woman, or child in your Home as they have need!

36. What a sample of My love it is‚ and how it shines now and will shine in the future, when the hearts of the men of the world will be increasingly dark and selfish! What love it is, and what obedience and trust, that you are willing to bring all your income and lay it down at the apostles' feet, so that all might receive as they have need! How wonderful it is when you give all you have, whether it is a widow's mite or the equivalent of a rich man's offering, to your Home treasury.

37. Please, My dear ones, set aside all selfishness, division, and lack of love, and love to the full as you share your finances to the full. Give all your income just as you have given all your heart and mind and life and spirit to My cause. Share all your finances with your brethren and the Family just as you have shared your lives with them.

38. In giving all, you will receive all. In sharing all, all will be shared with you. Let there be no more haves and have-nots in your Homes‚ some who abound and others who abase. Let love and sharing prevail, and if something is to abound, let it be unselfishness, sacrificial love, and concern and care for others. If something is to abase, let it be selfishness and self-interest. Have all things in common, and all things will be given to you, according as you have need.

39. I know this may seem hard, and some of you sputter that it won't work, or it's not feasible, or it's outdated, or any number of other reasons. But I'm here to tell you that it will work, and it is feasible, and it's not outdated‚ because My financial plan for the church has worked for centuries and will continue to do so. It's just that, like true Christianity itself, so few have been willing to try it.

40. Don't be one who says, "It won't work." Be one of those who say, "It will work, because we're going to make it work as the Lord intended! We're going to persevere, work out the rough spots, and maintain loving communication and cooperation, and it will work because we have the Lord and His love and the power of the keys. Nothing is impossible to us, and we're going to prove it and live it, because we love the Lord and each other!"

41. Can you take that stand of faith? Having given so much to Me—your heart and life and living—can you not trust Me with your finances as well, having the faith that I do all things well and will not suffer you to lack? I hope so, My darlings, because I want to give more to you and supply more for you all, so that none will lack. Put your will on My side so that I can give exceeding abundantly, as I wish to. I love you, and I love to supply for you! Prove Me now herewith, and see if I won't do it. If you do your part, I will do Mine.

Additional reading:

42. (Jesus:) In the Bible and all throughout Christian history—starting with the early church—this theme of giving and sharing has been present. More recently, however, the fundamental concepts of giving and sharing have been clouded by the selfishness that My brides have gotten into.

43. To spell out the problem further, there is a prevalent spirit in the world of "get what you can while you can, hang onto as much as you can‚ and don't give or share unless you can make a profit." This very selfish "me first" attitude has been propagated by the spirits of Greed and Lust in the world.

44. The Family has been affected by this attitude, and it's something that breaks down the freedom of the spirit and unity that I want to give your Homes. In the spirit, when the selfish "me first" attitude is allowed entrance in your Homes‚ it's like each person is damming up a little bit of My river of supply. Soon the river is slowed down, dirt accumulates, and each person is trying to keep as much water in their little personal reservoir as possible‚ while others go thirsty.

45. When people do this, they siphon off the strength of My Spirit, and their walls separate them from others. It's as if everyone went swimming in a lake but insisted on keeping the water around them private, so they each brought a large box or container to swim in—one which they kept for themselves alone. The fun and intimacy and rush of the free flow of My Spirit are all but gone, as everyone sits in their stagnant ponds within My Spirit.

46. This has an effect on the Home. Each person's hoarding keeps needs from others and builds up walls and divisions between them and others. My Spirit cannot rush through in total abandon anymore, and your Home will suffer as a result.

47. When no one brings their own dividers and personal "pools" to the swimming event, My water flows freely, and people are able to share in the feelings and the currents of My Spirit. No one is holding back or withholding the waters of My Spirit and blessings from another. Everyone has what they need. They are happy. They are intimate. They are loving and sharing.

48. This is the kind of environment that you should foster in your Home. It has to start somewhere, and it might as well be with you. You can be a good sample of sharing and giving and not trying to always get the best in the provisioning, or keeping a private stash of funds aside which you raised on your own, or keeping your possessions so carefully that you can't share when there's a need.

49. Let My Spirit sweep away the barriers by opening up and sharing and giving. Sacrifice the money you might have gotten if you were to sell an item, and instead consider that I might want you to give it away for free, and share with those in need. All these things open the floodgates of Heaven, and the flow of My supply and spirit will wash through‚ carrying away the old, the junk, and the stagnant waters which have been hoarded. A fresh and alive spirit of giving will enter your Home, and your needs will be met.

50. Sharing is the name of the game. When a spirit of giving prevails in your Home, you'll find that the needs of your Home are met and My supply is greater and more abundant. But more than that‚ a freedom of the spirit will enter that will wash through your Home, taking with it the old stagnant waters that people have been hoarding, and that will bring a fire and joy into each heart.

51. Giving and sharing freely is a taste of the way things are in Heaven, as My heavenly supply flows from one to the other, meeting every need. It opens up the floodgates so that I can pour out more upon you. It is opening up and trusting Me to supply your needs, knowing that I can do a much better job than you can yourselves. So in the end you wind up with more and better supply than if you had tried to hang onto it all and provide for yourself.

52. Remember that I know your needs. I know what you have need of before you ask. I can help you make the right choices to open up and give and share and trust Me to supply when you have a need.

53. Selfishness and greed are actually based on a lack of trust in Me. You think that you have to get while the getting's good, because the time may come when you'll need it and won't have it. In this carnal mindset you completely forget to factor Me into the equation. You leave Me out of the picture entirely‚ and by so doing you neglect your greatest source of supply and provision.

54. You need to pray for and cultivate an attitude of trust and faith in Me in your Home, that I will supply everyone's needs when they need it. I am more than happy to provide the needs of My brides. I am not a grudging husband who would withhold for his own ends. I am happy to share. I am happy to provide. I have so much that I want to give you. But when you lack the faith to ask for things when you need them, when you lack the faith to trust in My supply, how can I give you what you need?

55. It saddens Me that so many have lost this faith for supply for their personal needs. If all were living in the freedom of My Spirit in this area, then all would have what they needed, and all would be provided for and cared for, and I would do more miracles of supply for you because of your faith.

56. Faith looks ahead in confidence, knowing that when the need arises I will supply for you. Faith doesn't hoard and withhold from others in fear that I won't supply. It gives with the knowledge that I will bless you and provide for you when the need arises.

57. This is the spirit you need to strive for together. Make it a point to share all things. Have a common pot, which people can contribute to and receive from when they have needs. Have a "free store" where everyone brings their extras or things they don't need and freely exchanges them with others. That's why I've set up the blessings of giving and sharing, so that all might have what they need and even what they desire within My will.

58. I'm happy to provide, but I'm overjoyed when My brides share that which I have given them with others who have needs. It makes Me sad to see them withholding and being selfish. I just can't bless those who hold this attitude. I bless those who freely give‚ who give even to their hurt.

59. The more you give, the more I am able to pour back in the way of blessings and supply. Ask Me to give your Home—and each of you personally—the faith that you need to trust in My provision and supply. Trust that I will supply when there is a need. Share all things. Have all things in common. You'll notice that as people begin to give more and share more, the spirit of your Home will change. It will become a much warmer and cozier place. Fewer people will have lacks, and My blessing of supply on your Home will be greater.

60. Trust Me, and as you trust Me, and manifest that trust through your actions and giving, it will inspire that trust in others. The more you trust Me for your needs, the greater My supply will be for you. The more you share the blessings that I give you, the more blessings I will be able to pour out on you. Remember that he that withholds more than is meet [right], it tendeth to poverty (Pro.11:24). If your Home is not doing well financially, check to see how giving you are. I guarantee that you'll see the difference once you all open up and give more.

61. I always bless giving in some way. Maybe I won't return that exact item to you‚ but I will send multiple blessings your way which could never have been bought. I will also supply the physical things and possessions you have need of. Have I ever failed to supply? You just need to obey and have the faith to share, and trust that when you have a need I will provide.

62. This is going to be increasingly important as the Endtime draws closer, when you won't be able to buy or sell things anymore without the Mark of the Beast. You'll have to rely solely on My providence, and on your brothers and sisters sharing what they don't need with you, and you with them.

63. I'll make sure you'll have what you need. But unless you're open to sharing what I give you with others, I won't be able to provide nearly as greatly‚ and you'll have significant lacks as time goes on. Sharing is the key to having your needs met. As you pour out, I'll pour in‚ and you can never outpour Me. Amen?

In summary:

64. (Mama:) It's our commission, as Endtime disciples, to live the principle of Acts 2:44-45 in our Homes: "All that believed were together, and had all things common; and sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need." We're to common pot our finances and make decisions together as a Home about how to use those finances, in order to avoid some people having a lot and others not having enough. (See the Charter Amendment on Common Potting in GN 1107.) This is the true discipleship sample, and one of the keys to receiving the Lord's full financial blessings as a Home.

65. You may also want to study the Word and the Charter, as well as hear from the Lord, for guidelines for your Home about some of the practical issues or obstacles you may encounter when common potting. For example:

• What to do when individuals or families are raising funds to go to the field.

• How to handle personal money. It's generally a good idea for everyone in your Home to receive some personal money, if feasible, and you may need to decide how to go about raising or budgeting this money, and ensure that everyone receives an equal amount.

• How to lovingly and wisely handle designated gifts in the spirit of Acts 2:44 and 45.

• How to handle special requests, such as someone wanting to sell something, or embark on a fundraising venture for a special need, etc.

Key promise:

66. It takes the strength of the keys of faith to enable you to give everything that you own, including your finances, to Me and your greater Family. But as you do‚ I will bless you richly and you will not lack. Your obedience will enable Me to fulfill My strong-as-steel promises of abundance and supply.

Challenging Thot:

67. (Dad:) It takes great faith to believe something that the Lord has said, especially when it goes against your natural reasoning or human nature. But having the faith to obey is what made the way for God to save the lives of Noah and his family, what proved Abraham was worthy of his promised seed, what enabled God's anointing to fall on Moses to lead his people.

68. The examples in the Bible of what faith and obedience wrought are endless. Faith and obedience have brought supply and miracles for God's people all throughout the ages, and those same spiritual principles are in play today. If you obey God, even if by faith alone, whatever kind of miracles you need are guaranteed. That's a fact! He'll never fail, if you trust Him and do your part.

Dig deeper:

[ ] "Acts 1-10," ML #1383:44, 71-74, GN Book 3
[ ] "Goals for 1998," ML #3160:141-144‚146-147‚ Vol.24
[ ] "Living the Lord's Law of Love!—Part 2," ML #3202:9-15,18–21, Vol.25
[ ] "Putting Skin on Sin‚" ML #3453:39,40, GN 1038
[ ] "Show Me the Money," ML #3462:120-123,125,377,384-399, GN 1047, 1049
[ ] "Shooting Straight, Part 1," ML #3499:54-68, GN 1086
[ ] "CS Home Review Criteria," Charter amendment on common potting, GN 1107

The God Factor

The issue:

69. (Mama:) As full–time disciples, we are to be a sample to the world of living by faith and trusting the Lord to supply all of our needs. As disciples, we are to depend on the "God factor." The CS criteria clearly states that as disciples we need to manifest faith in the Lord's ability to provide our needs abundantly. But this has been an overall weakness in the Family in recent years, as we have unfortunately tended to work more in the arm of the flesh for our needs rather than desperately claiming them in prayer and going about acquiring them God's way.

God's mind on the matter:

70. (Jesus:) Many of you, My children, think that the "God factor" only goes into effect once you have exhausted all other possible options. So you run around in the arm of the flesh trying to make things happen—trying to bring in the finances in your own strength, frantically running around trying to open up avenues for supply. While I want you to do your part and proceed by faith, doing the "wenting" and expecting Me to come through for you, there's a difference between that and trying to do it in your own strength.

71. When you proceed in your own strength without having really gotten My plan of action, you very often end up pushing forward in your own steam. You don't enact My plan that will bring about the supply you need, and you usually end up exhausted and spent. Sadly, your spirit also suffers, because you become discouraged and frustrated.

72. The problem isn't that the "God factor" failed, but rather that you didn't do your part in order for Me to come through for you. Remember that the "God factor" means that you're putting your complete trust in Me, you're claiming My promises, you're obeying what I tell you to do. Then I supply all of your needs according to My riches in glory.

73. You lack childlike faith that I'll care for you. You lack this faith because you're so busy trying to work up the faith that you don't go about strengthening your faith in the proper way—by diving deep into My Words to feed your faith and to study the general principles and guidelines, seeking My personalized counsel for your situation in prophecy, and following through. You think you're helping Me out by "setting the stage"—getting a personal plan in order, without My assistance, and then frantically setting about to put it into place so that I can then work the miracles. But if your plan is not My plan, if you have not sought the Word for the overall picture and have not heard from Me about the specifics for your situation, then I can't bless it; I can't come through for you and activate the "God factor" on your behalf if you're not following the proper steps to bring about My blessings.

74. Working hard in the arm of the flesh to create opportunities for Me to supply for you is a profession that some Family members have taken on unwisely. You feel that you have to go to work in the flesh to set up opportunities for Me to then "make it happen." But let's set this straight: I'm not the One in training. I don't need to be taught how to effectively use the "God factor"—you do. I created the "God factor." I'm the One Who instructed My children to learn to live by faith and trust Me for supply; so don't you think I'm fully aware of when My part comes into play? The question that begs to be asked then is what's going wrong?

75. Here are some pointers to help you to evaluate what you're doing, and pinpoint areas in which you might be preventing Me from supplying your needs:

76. 1) Obedience to the Word. Are you fully obeying? Have you faithfully studied the guidelines I've laid down in the Word for today that instructs you to do your part and trust Me to do Mine? For example, are you faithfully feeding the sheep, putting those priorities above what you feel are important needs, and trusting Me to come through for you as you obey? This is just one example; there are countless others in the Word.

77. (Question: ) Lord, we want to do our best for You, but can we ever "fully obey"?

78. (Jesus:) My dear ones, I use such terms to encourage and inspire you to your maximum‚ not as yardsticks which I am prepared to club you with when you don't make it. I know that you are not perfect, nor can you "fully" do anything at the moment but be My fallible human creations. Yet at the same time I encourage you to love Me with all your heart and all your soul and all your might. I ask you to be perfect and complete. I direct you to practice pure religion and undefiled. I call you My virgins‚ unspotted by the world. In using such all-encompassing terms I seek to make you more than you are, as well as commend you for what you are, not berate you for what you are not. I simply encourage you, My dear brides, to obey Me to the best of your ability. (End of message.)

79. 2) Build your faith. Is your faith strong? Are you doing your part to increase your faith in My ability to supply? Unfortunately, many of you are of the opinion that faith only grows when you see My hand work miracles, or when something outstanding happens that proves that I am still very active in My miracle-working abilities. However, faith is built by faithful study of My Word. And your faith also increases when you obey My Word.

80. Your faith shouldn't be easily discouraged by circumstances or situations. Faith believes that I will come through. It relies utterly on Me. You should be confident that I am able, because you have faith in Me. If your faith is lacking and you're not fully relying on Me‚ then you need to work on strengthening your faith—creating a vacuum for Me to fill and having the faith that I'll fill that void. Study the Word on the subject of faith; note the areas that your faith is weak in, and strive to grow in faith. Wield the keys of faith aggressively and with utmost conviction that they work.

81. 3) Check your plans with Me. This may seem a cliché to you, but the truth of the matter is that many of you operate more out of habit; because you've always done a particular method of fundraising in order to bring in the funds, you aren't as consistent as you should be in finding out whether My plans have changed. Your fundraising methods have not quite gotten to the "ask Me everything" stage.

82. My methods change, and you have to change with them. Sometimes they're a one–time change, other times I lead you to adopt a temporary change, and still other times I'll lead you to change a mode of operation on a more permanent basis. But if you're still proceeding with yesterday's ways of doing things out of habit, you'll miss out on the blessings that I could give you if you were to do things My new way for today.

83. Don't just come to Me with a new plan and wait only for the "okay" I may give, and then hurry off to put that plan into effect. Get My full input, My full plan. I may say that something is okay to do‚ but if you'd stop to listen longer, you may find that while your plan is "okay," I have a plan that is "perfect" and "awesome." But if you are in too great a hurry‚ you won't get the full answer.

84. Don't be afraid to change plans even if they're a little wacky, not yet tried and proven, or unconventional. If it's a plan I've given and you're certain it's of Me, proceed by faith and you'll be creating an opportunity for miracles to happen.

85. 4) Praise Me continually. Discouragement is one of the Enemy's favorite tools that works against the "God factor." He uses discouragement to weaken your faith and confidence in Me, which then makes you try extra hard in your own strength. Refute the discouraging lies of the Enemy with praise. Wield that unbeatable weapon, and not only will the discouraging thoughts vanish, but the worry you felt will vanish as well, and your faith will increase.

86. 5) Refuse to worry. You might think that's easier said than done, but really, don't you have weapons of the spirit that can blast to bits any worries, fears, or concerns that the Enemy would try to weigh you down with? Don't you have the keys to rise above, the gift of faith, praise to see you over the obstacles, prayer to bring about miracles and change‚ the gift of prophecy to hear My voice, spirit helpers to aid you‚ and your intimate relationship with Me to dispel all worry and fear? Then why are you worrying?

87. Worry hampers the "God factor" from working fully, because the "God factor" works on faith‚ and when you're full of faith you're not heard to worry, fret, or despair. Fight the Enemy offensively in this area by not allowing worry to enter in—by remaining praiseful and positive even when circumstances are not optimal.

88. 6) Check your heart. Are there areas of your heart that aren't clean or are not fully yielded to Me even though I've been shining the spotlight on them? Are you resisting the changes of My Spirit in your life or heart? If so‚ you may need to do a little spiritual cleaning of your heart so you can benefit from the full blessings of obedience and yieldedness to Me.

89. 7) Give even when it hurts. Don't wait until you feel ready to give; give when it hurts‚ and when I lay it on your heart. You'll be creating a void that I can then fill. Be like the widow of Zarephath, who gave what little she had, but was then blessed abundantly to see her through the days of famine (1Kings 17:8-16).

90. 8) Don't be wary of a little stretching. Part of the "God factor" is being willing to let Me stretch you spiritually‚ to push you a little past your comfort zone to see whether you'll rely heavily on Me. Be willing to stretch your faith, even when it hurts a little, and to trust that stretching is part of growth. In these Last Days, the more you stretch, the better, because it keeps your spirits limber, agile, and flexible—qualities that I need My disciples to have.

91. These are just a few steps that will help you to grow and to learn how to trust Me for the supply of your needs. Learning to trust Me for supply requires that you forsake your carnal attitudes and views, because the "God factor" is a thing of the spirit. It has to be moved along, oiled, and put into effect in the spirit—in obedience to the things I've said‚ backed by the Word, activated in conjunction with your spiritual weapons, and with the confidence that I honor and bless obedience.

92. Don't be scared or worried about the tight spots, but trust that I have a beautiful plan in mind that will come to the fore as you do your part. I love to supply for My children‚ and I do so whenever I can. So if you do your part to meet the conditions, the results will be happy ones for you and for Me. Learning to trust Me for supply and to rely heavily on the "God factor" is part of your spiritual training and growth.

93. In the Endtime there will be very few practical means by which you can meet your financial needs, and you'll have to rely primarily on Me coming through in supernatural ways. Today you still have loopholes, because there are still many avenues where you can make ends meet financially. I can't always bless those abundantly, but they do help you to scrape by at times.

94. In the Endtime, those loopholes will more or less vanish. But if you've been consistently training in learning to have complete and utter faith and reliance on Me, then not only will you live better now—because I'm able to supply above and beyond what you need—but you'll be much better prepared and full of faith that I'll see you through the dark days ahead. You'll have so much more confidence and faith in Me that you'll expect bigger and greater miracles, which I will readily do on behalf of you, My Endtime brides.

95. Don't be afraid to take the baby steps now that will help to increase your faith. Just keep moving forward, strengthening your reliance on Me and My Word, and you'll see just how much I am able to do because of your faith.

In summary:

96. (Mama:) Remember what the Lord said in "A Strengthening Year" (ML #3577)? He instructed us that in 2006 our Homes need to become more financially stable. We need to build better bases of support, live less hand-to-mouth‚ and learn to have more faith for His supply. The preceding message goes very well with the counsel He gave in that GN when He said:

You must not just strengthen your Homes spiritually, but also practically. One practical way many Family Homes need to be strengthened is financially. You should be working to reach the rich, and cultivating kings and supporters and friends and contacts who will be able to supply your needs‚ so that in time you will hardly need to fundraise, but will be able to focus on offensives, proactive measures, and witnessing adventures that may not bring in immediate funds, but that will bring in mighty harvests.

Being financially stable—at least much more so than Family Homes are today—is a key to the Family becoming the offensive army of the future that I have promised. Of course, you will never be completely stable financially, because you will always live by faith and need to depend on Me. But you should have much more stable incomes, and you would if you would obey the counsel that I have given on how to do so in the "Show Me the Money" series and other Letters. This must be something that you are working toward in 2006, because it's a part of advancing and continuing to be strengthened. (ML #3577:125-126, GN 1163)

97. If you haven't yet had a chance to study the "Show Me the Money" series since reading "A Strengthening Year‚" I strongly suggest you do. This will help to strengthen your faith as a Home and help you to be able to achieve these financial goals for 2006 that the Lord has laid out. You'll find basically all that you need to know about the Lord's supply and how to appropriate the Lord's promises in the "Show Me the Money" series (ML #3462, GNs 1047-1050). I pray that re-studying these GNs will be a blessing to you, and help you to retain and put into practice the principles of this milestone series‚ as well as the counsel the Lord has given in this "Shooting Straight" message, as they go hand in hand.

98. "The God factor will make all the difference in the world. It means the difference between your success or your failure, your premature end or your hope of survival. It means the difference between life and death for the souls waiting to hear My message. It means the difference between you receiving the blessings and promises I have reserved for you, or going through life as beggars, destitute of your needs." (ML #3363:164, GN 959)

Key promise:

99. The keys of obedience pave the way for My blessings, the keys of faith open the treasure vaults of Heaven, and the keys of appropriation cause you to reach out your hands in belief to receive what is rightfully yours.

Challenging Thot:

100. (Dad:) Not many people have what it takes to live by faith, because it goes completely against carnal reasoning and the ways of the earth. But those who do are blessed in ways that flatlanders will never know. Living by faith sets you apart from the world. It makes you stand out from the masses. It makes you different, unique—a phenomenon!

Dig deeper:

[ ] "Looking Unto Jesus," ML #126:25-27‚ Vol.1
[ ] "Serfs, Supers Or Super-Dupers?—Which Will You Be?" ML #1036:37-39,42,44-45,59–62, Vol.9
[ ] "God's Financial Blessings," ML #2813:1,25-40, Vol.20
[ ] "More On George Mueller," ML #2814:1-3,7-11,18,23-29, Vol.20
[ ] "Be a Missionary," ML #3135:105-110, Vol.24
[ ] "Be Ye Separate," ML #3363:55-69,146-147,151-165‚ GN 959
[ ] "Potent Prayers‚" ML #3566:105-116, GN 1154
[ ] FJWL 1‚ #82, 415
[ ] "Practical How-to Aid for the CS Board Criteria," GN 1108
[ ] "Supply," #1-2,4-6, Word Basics

Murmuring Matters

The issue:

101. (Mama:) I recently got this sad note about the prevalence of murmuring within the Family, from a concerned SGA:

102. I've been increasingly aware of how much murmuring goes on in the Family. More and more freedom to complain has developed, and we don't even realize how much we do it. I'm plenty guilty myself, so I'm not pointing the finger at others, but am rather just very convicted about how drastically the "gratitude attitude," which was so characteristic of the early Family disciples‚ has become such a rare phenomenon these days.

103. I don't mean to compare, but there is something to be said for how thankful everyone was in the early days. People were just so thrilled to have the truth, the spirit‚ joy‚ love, peace, freedom, and to be part of the Revolution that it didn't really matter what happened to them, where they slept, what they ate, what they wore, or what they had to do. Like that little quote from Dad, they were just so happy to have the joy of their salvation that they were willing to do anything out of plain love and thanks to Jesus!

104. Some young folks come across very strongly like the Family owes them something because they were born here. Sadly, they are missing a major point—that being born here is one of the greatest things the Family ever "did" for them. It's a privilege to have been brought up in the Family‚ and I feel the Lord expects more of us because of that very fact. We should be so, so thankful that we didn't have to go through years of searching for the truth, unlearn everything the System taught us, or try to overcome all the trauma of a life without love, that we're willing to do anything for the Lord, others, and the lost.

105. [Some] FGAs come from a different angle: "I've given the Family the best years of my life for so many decades—now I expect such–and-such." In both cases it comes across like we are doing the Family a favor to be here, when in truth we are blessed to be in the Family.

106. The problem with this attitude is that it engenders a spirit of plain old-fashioned murmuring. If we focus so much on "what the Family owes me‚" we'll be caught up in a cycle of discontent and complaining, instead of realizing how much we owe humanity because of what we've been given.

107. I often think of people like Bill Gates or others who are wealthier than most, and how just that fact puts them in a position of responsibility. They almost owe it to others to help them—others who have been less fortunate. But we really are the billionaires in the spirit‚ and as such do have a responsibility to others.

108. This "what's in it for me" attitude has created an epidemic of murmuring and demanding that we have a certain standard in order to be happy. I agree that we all want to keep a professional discipleship standard, which is high, but part of that high standard is being content and praiseful in whatever state we're in and willing to gladly do anything just because we're so blessed.

109. The Lord has greatly emphasized praise, and with good reason. Maybe it would help us to be more in the fear of the Lord about following all the praise counsel and using that weapon with fervor if we could expose murmuring for what it really is.—Or expose these subtle ways the Enemy is taking our attention off of what we should be giving, what we owe the Lord and others, and making us focus on what we think we deserve.

110. I think Dad's wee word of wisdom applies: We can't possibly murmur and praise at the same time. If we're continually thanking the Lord for how good we have it, we won't have time to complain about the things we think we're not getting.

111. If the Lord is using praise as a very major weapon for this era, then it stands to reason that the Enemy would try to get us to do the opposite—murmur. I think somehow we need to get back to murmuring being a taboo in Family Homes. Of course, people should feel free to express their hearts prayerfully to the right person, but a lot of murmuring is done under the guise of "sharing my heart." The Bible is pretty clear on it: "For I have learned, in whatsoever state I am‚ therewith to be content" (Phil.4:11).—Even when we're going through a trial. I'm guilty as number one, so I know I need a change just as much as anyone else.

God's mind on the matter:

112. (Dad:) I don't know how many times I've addressed the topic of murmuring. There are whole Letters dedicated to it, and some of my most strongly-worded talks have been on that topic. But sadly, murmuring has been creeping into the ranks of the Family at an alarming rate, and many of you don't even realize it.

113. I'm talking about all types of murmuring—whether it's the simple, generic "Why do we have to eat beans again?" or "It's such a drag to do dishes!" variety of murmuring, or a more serious variety. There was a time when murmuring was more than frowned upon, and for the most part, Family members avoided voicing these complaints. However, I'm sorry to say that today there are many Homes in the Family where such outright murmuring and complaining is not just tolerated, but is an accepted way of life.

114. I'm not going to repeat the details of how much and why God hates murmuring, or relate the story of the children of Israel in the desert, because you can go back and read that yourself—and you probably should. [See "The Murmurers' Fate," page 480-487 of Treasures.] But I do want to open your eyes to the fact that murmuring is becoming more and more widespread, and you are each personally accountable to put a stop to it.

115. The main reason there is so much more complaining than there has been for a long time is due to some specific attitudes that have crept into the minds of so many Family members. Some of you feel you have the right to murmur for various reasons. For example:

—You're a young person born into the Family, and have made many sacrifices that have come with the territory‚ so you feel the Family owes you everything.

—You're an FGA who has been around for years and you've gone through a lot as a disciple. You feel the Family should be grateful for your services, and that the hard times you've endured give you the right to do a little complaining.

—You're at any age and you feel your shepherds are not doing their best to make life comfortable and ideal for you, or are not giving you enough help spiritually. So instead of doing something about it yourself, you feel you have the right to murmur and complain.

—You have grown familiar with the Lord's supply and care for you. You take so much of His provision and protection for granted.

—You older ones see the "button off Mutt's vest," while you younger ones have grown accustomed to a certain standard‚ not recognizing how blessed you truly are.

—You envy and covet those things that the world has to offer, and murmur if you don't have things as outwardly good as they do. You are blinded to the fact that you are God's chosen people and are separated from the world for a reason—that you be not entangled with the yoke of bondage.

—You have never experienced truly having to do without and haven't learned to be respectful and care for what the Lord has given you. This has affected your attitude of thankfulness.

—You have ignored the Word which admonishes you to do all things without murmurings and disputing, thinking that it's okay to murmur "just a little."

—You have listened to the voice of the Selvegion and laid in the bed sheets of Lethargy.

—You have yielded to Bacchus and his tentacles have ensnared you, feeding dissatisfaction with what you have and your addiction for more, more, more.

—You have an exalted view of yourselves and what you think you should or should not do. You are lifted up in pride and high-minded, not esteeming others better than yourself. You think that you deserve as much as—or in some cases even more—than others. You don't see the Lord's gifts and blessings as He does‚ and feel that you have been dealt with unfairly.

—You are afflicted with the attitude of "the haves" and "have-nots" and "keeping up with the Joneses," and it has fostered murmuring and complaining and a lack of thankfulness.

116. Whatever the reason you have for murmuring‚ it's just plain wrong. There is never any reason or excuse for murmuring at all. Ever! Do you understand what I'm saying? If you ever feel you deserve to murmur and complain, then you can just realize you are wrong (Phil.2:14). No need to even ask the Lord about it. Murmuring is wrong, and that's all there is to it!

117. What you do need to ask the Lord about‚ though, is whether or not you are complaining in more subtle ways. You may not outright complain about food at the dinner table, but do you often find yourself making negative comments about issues such as Family life, communal living, shepherds, and shepherding? Maybe you even pad your comments a bit to make them sound less negative. But if you're not speaking constructively and you're not really doing anything to try to change things, then you're probably plenty guilty of murmuring.

118. When in doubt‚ check your motives. If you find yourself repeatedly saying something like, "I'm thankful for the house the Lord has given us, but the garden sure is a mess‚" and you never raise a spade or a hoe or a hand to do anything about it, then your criticism is not constructive and just amounts to murmuring. If, however, you mention it once or twice and actually get out there and tend to the garden, then that's much more constructive and your attitude is probably right—you're trying to do something about problems rather than just stating that they exist.

119. Let's expand on the garden example a bit more. Let's say you do go out there and start tending to your Home's garden, but with every weed you pull you grumble under your breath about how no one else is out there helping you. Well, that's murmuring right there—and you're probably far more in the wrong than the other possibly lazy members of the Home.

120. You must constantly check your negative comments with your attitude. If you're not planning to do anything about the situation, or you can't do anything about it‚ or the Home has voted in a certain direction you're not happy with, then there's probably no reason to harp on the issue.—Not to your Home, not to your spouse, not to your friends, and not in your heart.

121. For some of you who have made murmuring a habit, there's hardly a better way to kick the habit than to humbly ask for united prayer. And don't forget about the offensive weapon of praise. Go on the attack and take whatever measures are necessary to help you defeat the Devil. Set safeguards if you need to. United you stand‚ divided you fall. Attacking this device of the Devil as a Home will send the Enemy packing.

122. Some of you folks feel it's almost too old-fashioned to ask for prayer against murmuring and to go on the attack with some good old positive praise. You might feel you've already done your fill of that back in the early days of the Family or at the such-and–such combo, and now that you're an older, more mature disciple, you're above that. Well, that's simply not true. Murmuring is a silly‚ pointless‚ childish problem, but it can be remedied pretty easily by simple, old-fashioned prayer and praising the Lord.

123. Just keep in mind that you are a professional disciple. You're not an old-timer or a pampered SGA—you're a professional disciple. So be a professional and get rid of all that murmuring rot! It'll just stink up your life, stink up your Home, and corrode your discipleship.

124. You have some pretty powerful spiritual weapons at your disposal now, so there's just no excuse for complaining and murmuring—and every reason in the world to go on a spiritual killing spree, slaughtering the Enemy through the power of positive praise! Hallelujah!

In summary:

125. (Mama: ) God still hates murmuring, no matter what form it takes! Our Homes should be Homes of praise—not Homes where grumbling and murmuring can be heard. Praise and murmuring cannot occupy the same airspace‚ so let's go on a push to let our praises thrive, and any murmuring thoughts and words will be forced to flee.

126. And if you have a problem personally with murmuring—whether you consider that weakness to be occasional or chronic—ask the Lord to help you. Hear from Him about how to overcome your bad habits and how to strengthen your weapon of praise. Ask for help from your shepherds, friends, or loved ones. Ask for prayer, study the Word, and go on the attack against the Enemy! Turn your weakness into a strength!

Key promise:

127. Murmuring, discontentment and dissatisfaction flee when the fire of the torch of praise is lit. Use the keys and set your torch of praise on fire!

Challenging Thot:

128. (Dad:) Murmuring takes you down to the slimy pits of Hell. Praise sends you flying into the courts of Heaven! Which direction do you want to go? Where is your desired destination—down or up? Your words will take you there in the spirit!

Dig deeper:

[ ] "Fighters," ML #551:11-18,40-47‚51-52,58-59, DB13
[ ] "Pill?—Or Pilgrimage," ML #599:78-79,83,87-88,110-112,114,116-120,124-128, Vol.4
[ ] "Positive Praise and Fighting the Devil‚" ML #1375:20-21,25-27,46,48-53,58-62, GN Book 18
[ ] "On Guard," ML #1377:1,46-49‚103,105-106, GN Book 3
[ ] "God Hates Murmuring," ML #1879:4,6,17,19–21,24,30-32,34,36,40,44–45,47,54-55, Vol.15
[ ] "Bitterness!—The Deadly Root that Devours and Destroys‚" ML #2672:54-64,75-81‚100-108,174-197, Vol.19
[ ] "Goals for 1998," ML #3160:54-60, Vol.24
[ ] "Show Me the Money," ML #3462:422-428, GN 1050
[ ] "The Art of War, Part 2," ML #3533:224-230, GN 1131
[ ] "Shooting Straight, Part 13," ML #3536:56-83, GN 1127
[ ] "Praise = Answers‚ Solutions, Progress, Power, and Victory," ML #3539:6–9, Link #1
[ ] FJWL 1, #333
[ ] "Thankfulness," #1-6, Word Basics

Thin Is Not "In"

The issue:

129. (Mama:) We've touched before on the issue of women desiring to be unhealthily skinny. But I've received reports that this is something that some of you men, unfortunately, encourage. Here is an excerpt of such a letter:

130. We've been wanting to write you about a side to anorexia and bulimia, and that is the influence it has on the girls when the men they love comment and make it known that they like skinny girls. Presently, two of our daughters are quite overly "obsessed" with excessive exercising and/or eating very little and/or eating mostly vegetables and things that will keep their weight down. Both of them are very thin, and both of them have told us that their husbands have let them know that they like thin girls. One of our daughters has had a few miscarriages in the past few years, and we've wondered if part of it is her health and the fact that she hasn't been eating much for so long.

131. We feel the husband's influence on the girls is a pretty serious thing, and that our girls are obsessed with being overly thin to try to keep the affections of their mates. Now, we understand that we are the parents and as a result, some of this could be "colored," but we do believe that in the Family in general there is a problem not just with the girls' perceptions of what's beautiful, but that the attitudes of many are also a reflection of what they are being inputted by some of the men.

132. We've also heard of other girls mentioning some guys just like skinny girls‚ so we feel it could also be a problem with more men in the Family. In other words, that it's not just the girls looking at the models and wanting to be skinny—but just as bad, or perhaps worse, that some men have this wrong desire for women to be skinny. We feel that has even more of an effect on the girls, greatly influencing them to have problems with anorexia or bulimia to try to please their boyfriends or mates.

133. It seems that this philosophy of the skinny female is from the wrong side. It's causing lots of heartache for some of the women in the Family, and it is not going away.

God's mind on the matter:

134. (Jesus:) Women are the greatest and most beautiful creations ever. It brings Me much pleasure to view the beauty and variety of women. I love each one of you, in any shape or form, no matter what the bust line, waistline, shape, and figure. Each of you is a work of art, and one to be proud of.

135. Ideally‚ you men should look at women in the same way—as beautiful creations that should be appreciated for their variety. To put it simply, the more appreciative you are of women's different shapes and sizes, the more fun you're going to have with sex and companionship.

136. But I also understand that you men are all different and have slightly different tastes and preferences when it comes to women. You're not all endowed with My supernatural attitude of 100% appreciation for any and all women with no specific preferences. Some of you are, but it is rare, because you are human and you have likes, dislikes, and preferences. You might have more of a preference for women with more curves. Or you may be slightly more attracted to brunettes. Or perhaps you fancy Asian women. There is such an amazing variety in women.

137. Of course, the more appreciation you have for all types, the more you'll be able to enjoy yourself, but you should not feel condemned if you have preferences. That's just the way you were created. Some people enjoy sweet foods more than others, or some enjoy fast-moving sports more than others. Some enjoy wine, whereas others prefer other types of alcohol.

138. However, an important point I'd like to cover here is regarding the preference some of you men have for thin women. If you have a preference for thin women, this may be the way that I have made you. You may simply enjoy the small, petite type more than the curvaceous, heavier-built type, and that could be perfectly normal. But you'll notice I'm using the words "may" and "could," and that's because it's very possible that your preference for thin women may have originated not from the way I made you, but rather from attitudes portrayed in the media.

139. As far as worldly entertainment goes, the ideal woman is almost always going to be thinner than is realistic for most women. In the case of worldly models, "thin" is often not even the right word; it's more like "skeletal." Most models go to great lengths to ensure that they are incredibly thin, intentionally making anorexia or bulimia a way of life. The worldly standard for a woman's figure is becoming increasingly thinner, and many of the men of the world—and even men in the Family‚ especially young men—are going along with it like zombies.

140. If you men are so obsessed with thin women that you automatically consider women with a bit more substance to be unattractive‚ then something is wrong. It's one thing to have a bit of a preference for smaller women, but it's another thing entirely to be so affected by the ways of the world that you are only really attracted to thin women.

141. What's worse is when you convey this worldly opinion either verbally or through insinuations. This can have a very negative effect on your wife, girlfriend‚ or other female acquaintances. Some of you men are personally accountable for the mental anguish and discouragement some women have gone through, or the tortures of anorexia and bulimia. It's a very serious thing. So if you fall into the category of someone who has an unhealthy attraction for only thin women—and in some cases even sickly thin women—then you should ask Me about it, and ask for prayer against this hold of the world.

142. Let Me emphasize that you should not automatically feel condemned about a personal preference for thinner women, as long as you have a balanced attitude. But even if they are your preference, if you have a godly attitude, you will be attracted to other types as well and appreciate each woman for the attributes I've given her that are beautiful and sometimes unique. If you are not, then that's when you should ask Me to give you My mind on your attitudes. You may also benefit from discussing this issue with your wife or girlfriend, or your shepherds, and asking them what kind of an impression you give, because some of you hardly even notice your worldly attitude about women.

143. Through little comments about your dislike of overweight women, or unprayerful comments about why so–and-so is so beautiful because of her thin figure, you may be wearing away at the woman you love, causing her to feel horribly discouraged, and she may be apt to go to extremes to keep the figure you prefer. This can be especially true for women in their mid-30s, or older, when it becomes more difficult to keep up with the so–called "ideal figure," and there are so many younger, thinner women to "compete" with.

144. It's definitely a good idea for women to stay healthy and to keep their weight at a healthy level. But there are so many women who are already at a perfectly healthy weight, or even already unhealthily thin‚ who are constantly dieting or overdoing it with get-out for the sake of a thinner figure. It really saddens Me.

145. So if you suspect you might have the wrong attitude in this area, then please discuss this with your wife, girlfriend, or maybe your shepherds—and please do ask Me for counsel as well. I can help you to find the right balance, and differentiate between your personal preferences and the destructive and unrealistic attitudes of the world. In the end, you'll be a lot happier, as will the women around you. Trust Me.

In summary:

146. (Mama:) When it comes to beauty, you men might prefer blondes to brunettes, or dark-skinned women to lighter-skinned women. You might prefer tall women to short women, or larger women to smaller ones. You might prefer small breasts to large. The options when it comes to personal preferences about women are endless, and there's nothing wrong with having a personal opinion. But if you only consider women who fall into your category of "perfect" beautiful, and you are vocal about such attitudes, then you've probably allowed your personal preferences to be tainted by the world.

147. Regardless of your personal preferences when it comes to women, you should be able to admire the God-given beauty of every woman. There's something about every woman that you can appreciate and find attractive if you're looking at her with the eyes of the spirit. And you men need to realize that your attitudes toward women—and your comments about them (even behind their backs)—can either encourage them and lift them up and make them more beautiful, or discourage them and send them into the pits of despair, depression, and negativity.

148. Don't you be guilty of pushing one of our beautiful Family women over the edge into the abyss of discouragement, anorexia, or bulimia through your worldly attitudes about beauty! Women have enough discouragement about themselves to contend with, without you contributing to it with your attitudes and comments, men. Encourage our women. Appreciate the variety. Look for and acknowledge the beauty in each one of God's creations. See women the way God does, not through the eyes of the world.

P.S. from SGA and FGA women

149. We sent Kristen an advance copy of this message and she had the following reaction‚ which I thought you might find interesting:

150. Thanks so much for sending me the portion of this Shooting Straight GN! It's very, very good and I really think that the words therein are feeding and needed!

151. I feel for the girls who are in these types of situations. However, I think that if girls are hearing comments or think that their husband or boyfriend feels this way, they should ask him straight-up instead of just thinking that he might think that way, or they've heard him make a comment once or twice, and so they're basing their whole life and health on it. The fact of the matter is that it's their body, their babies they're miscarrying, their hair that's falling out, their skin that's getting acne and looking sallow, their life that's going down the drain, and they could be basing it all on a misunderstanding or taking a comment too seriously that was made as a blunder of the mind. Guys are not exactly the most tactful with sensitive issues all the time, and while most probably appreciate a fit, trim body, they probably would love her just the same if she wasn't "perfect," and it's just a matter of us girls having the humility to admit that and accept the love.

152. When it comes to anorexia, I think I've probably hit the extreme‚ but in all honesty, I can't say that any guy was the cause. If anything, guys are the ones who stood up to me the most about it—even the guys who'd given me the impression that they liked thin girls. I'd say that men are by far waaay more forgiving of a little extra weight here or there than women are to themselves and to one another.

153. I guess I'm so fortunate because I have a husband who loves me even when I'm 9 months pregnant and the size of a house, heh, and he makes me feel like the prettiest girl alive, regardless. I've just had to learn to accept that love and not answer with "no you don't" when he tells me he thinks I'm pretty.

154. I think that girls who are being affected by comments, looks, or impressions need to take a look at their own lives and hearts. In my opinion, a lot of the thoughts we put on our boyfriends and husbands are projected. We think that their opinion is such–and-such, so we tell everyone that, "I'm skinny and I watch my weight because my husband doesn't like me 'fat.'" Well … maybe that's true, but it also sounds to me like they need to really take a good look and see who they're trying to kid.

155. I just feel that us women need to grow up and stop being so affected by everything. I was also affected, but I had to get past it‚ had to accept love or acceptance even if I didn't feel deserving of it‚ and move on.

156. (Mama: ) One of our FGA women who read this in advance also had a few comments about the mental anguish that comments about gaining weight can cause to those who are getting older.

157. (FGA woman: ) Another aspect of this "thin is not in" issue is women commenting to other women about how they look. It's a big adjustment for some of us women who are getting older or going through menopause to look in the mirror and see that our tummies and hips are expanding and aren't as firm as they used to be. It may not look that way to others‚ but when you know your body has been one way for decades and now it's not that way any longer and isn't going to be, because that's life, it is an adjustment. I've heard comments from other women who battle the same thing.

158. I have heard comments from men and women that haven't helped that adjustment, and it can be a real mental fight to not let it affect you. I've put on ten pounds, all in my tummy and bottom‚ the normal place women my age put on weight. I get discouraged whenever I see myself naked in the mirror. No more flat tummy‚ but one that now hangs over my jeans. I avoid looking in the mirror, and I'm not overweight! Then when someone says‚ "I noticed you've put on weight," or "You can't fit into that size anymore, huh?" it feels horrible.

159. I'd love to look like I did before, but those days are gone. I thank God I look as good as I do! But I will confess I do go through it at times with other women who look at FGA women and make comments that they don't want to end up looking like that or how sorry they are about the fact we put on weight. It's sad. Then when you add comments by men into the equation‚ it gets worse. (End of comments.)

Key promise:

160. Call on the keys of cleansing to wash away the attitudes of the world, and you will be able to see everything in life so much more clearly. It will be as if you were once blind, but can now see.

Challenging Thot:

161. (Dad: ) For God's sake, if you are privileged to have a blossom (a woman) or more in your garden (your Home), don't cause them to wither away because you don't give them enough attention and love. Or worse yet, don't let them shrivel up and lose their brilliance because of your words and ungodly attitudes regarding beauty.

162. Instead, be like an artist in the spirit, someone who truly appreciates beauty in all its forms. See each woman for what she is, a reflection of God's love in your life. And if you must voice an opinion about what is beautiful and what is not, voice God's opinion, not an opinion that you have heard—or seen—from the world.

163. There are enough women in the world trying to fashion themselves after the world's standards of beauty. Family women should be free from that—free to shine with their individual, God-given beauty. Appreciate the fact that we are different‚ that our women are different. Don't foolishly put out their flames of individuality and unique beauty by forcing them to conform to an ungodly and worldly mold! It won't make them, or you, happy.

Dig deeper:

[ ] "Man Looketh on the Outward Appearance, Part 2‚" ML #3125:44-80, Vol.24
[ ] "Mama's Memos!—No.11," ML #3253:1-72,78-79, GN 858
[ ] "Fight for Life, Part 1," ML #3390:205-207, Post–it GN #6
[ ] "Fight for Life, Part 4," ML #3393:1-2,11-25,145-237, Post-it GN #9
[ ] "Exposing Bacchus," ML #3402:153-174, Post-it GN #4
[ ] "Shooting Straight, Part 7," ML #3506:57-75, GN 1095

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