Promises of the Future

January 14, 2006

Table of Contents

By Maria 3573 10/05

GN 1160 FD/MM/FM / Feast 2006

This GN is to be read privately during the Family Feast 2006.

My dear Family‚

1. In this GN I want to share with you a potpourri of messages that those in our WS Homes received for me for my birthday. It's become somewhat of a tradition now for our folks in WS to ask the Lord a variety of interesting questions and then present the messages to me on my birthday, as a combined gift from everyone in WS. They know what I love best of all! And one reason I love these birthday messages so much is because many of them are very helpful to Peter and me in our shepherding and care and guiding of you, our precious Family. The Lord always pours out a lot of insight and instruction about the needs of the Family overall, and Peter and I are so thankful to be able to have that instruction!

2. This year someone asked the Lord for a long list of questions about things that I might find interesting or helpful. Then that list of questions was passed around to our WS Homes, and each person picked two or three questions that they had the faith for. The result was a wonderful variety of instruction, counsel, new spirit helpers introducing themselves, previously known spirit helpers giving further information and counsel‚ and lots of encouragement and promises about our future. I want to share some of that encouragement with you, my loves, because it's about all of us and our future, and I know it will be encouraging for you too.

3. There's no way I could share all the messages with you—there were over a hundred‚ as some people in WS took time to receive two or three—so this is just a sampling of some of the ones I thought you'd find interesting. I hope to share more of them with you in future GNs, time permitting, especially some of those about spirit helpers and the spirit world and spiritual phenomena.

4. These messages are in no particular order, and are simply meant to be feeding and devotional reading. I pray they are an encouragement and strength to you.

With much love in our Husband, Who always has a bigger capacity to give than we do to receive,

Called, chosen, and faithful!

5. (Jesus:) I'm proud of you for restructuring the Family! You've taken on a monumental job‚ and along with this, you've fully applied My warning in "Builders Beware" and you are ensuring that not only adequate but plentiful ballast is kept in the House of the Family.

6. Thank you, My dear love, My darling, for clinging to Me so faithfully. I promise to take you from mountain peak to mountain peak of victory. As the Family climbs this mountain of restructuring and finally reaches the summit, I will take them from mountain peak to mountain peak at that time. That means I will make broad and large advances with the Family once the structure is built, strengthened, and in full operation.

7. It's like the butterfly. First it's a worm, crawling along the ground, hardly going anywhere. But when I transform it, the progress it makes and the distance it flies defies what could have ever been imagined for that crawling worm!

8. The Family is in the cocoon right now. The future Endtime events look so large compared to what this enclosed worm looks like right now, that it is very easy for the carnal mind to wonder how the Family could ever attain to the feats I have promised. Well, that could also have been said of Moses and the Israelites in the wilderness, and of many of My people in the past.

9. What you must understand is that I am all–powerful. I'll say it again: I have all power! That means nothing is impossible to Me. I am the Creator of the universe and I formed all that exists. With that in mind, it's easy for you to see how I could pick up this butterfly of the Family and cast it into the air where it would take off, powered by My breeze. And that, My love, is exactly what is going to happen.

10. Once the Family has built and reinforced the structure that I want, once they become the vehicle that I need, once those who are going to stick it out and become what I want them to become do so, once I have this crew firmly in My hands, this instrument, then I will pick it up and inhabit the House of David, of Maria, and of Peter.

11. "Oh," you say, "don't You already inhabit the Family?" Yes, I do, as much as they let Me. But yieldedness is a pivotal thing, and in order to be inhabited‚ they must be yielded. As they yield to Me, I enter. Once they have taken on full yieldedness through obedience, I will enter fully and take over the reins of their heart as I did in the beginning, to where when I say to go‚ they go. Right now, up to this point, they often go when I don't say to go. But in the future it will not be so. When I say to rise up, lift up your voice and spare not, they will do so. When I say settle back down and go to your Homes, they will do so.

12. Right now I am building that army. I have set up the required structure, and once that structure is inhabited and up and running with yielded hearts, the next step will be the expanded Family. That is putting on the wings. And once the wings have been fully put on and have become a fully integrated part of the body, I will use those wings. I will blow upon the wings and they will lift the body and take it places where they could not go on their own.

13. This is why it is so important for the Family to put on the wings. But they couldn't put on wings until the structure was straightened out. This is what is happening now. Once the body is fully strengthened in the cocoon, and once it fully develops the wings‚ and once the wings have stood the pressure that makes them a full-blown part of the body‚ I will lift up the entire creation onto My Spirit, and she will fly high and all the world will notice.

14. I will begin to give message after message to the nations, and they will take note. The reason they will take note is that little mouthpiece of Mine, the Family, will say something and then it will come to pass. And then you will say something again‚ and it will come to pass again. This will continue until it gets to the point that the pharaohs of this world realize that there are prophets among them.

15. Yes, you will be My prophets among the nations, spread around the Earth, yet a cohesive nation and mouthpiece speaking to the nations of the world. That, My loves, is what I have planned for you.

16. But that is just the beginning of your real ministry, your real calling. This is what I have been aiming at, and it is what I will do as you continue to obey Me and to yield to the slightest call of My voice, that when I say "go there," you go; when I say "do this," you do it. You don't question it or muse on it, but you act at My behest.

17. In the recent past you became a lazy house. You wandered in the wilderness outside the System. But now I have raised you up again and called out My Gideon's band, and you have proven thus far that you want to take up the task.

18. I promise that as you follow Me now, when you are ready, I will lead you out onto the world stage and I will speak to the nations through you, and not only to the nations, but to the people of the nations, that they might hear My voice, that they might know that there is a God in the Heavens and His people upon Earth, that Satan's grasp might be foiled and that My lost children might find hope in the land.

19. You are My called-out ones, the Last Church‚ the Ecclesia. Many will come to you, and you will become powerful as a unit—for that power will be needed to stand up in the Last Days. You will not receive power for your own sake‚ but rather power to stand up in the Endtime days and to do My job. That is why I will make you powerful, so that you can use that power to preach the Endtime message to the nations, and to reap the souls who wouldn't find Me without that message.

20. So come! Are you ready? Well, you're getting ready. And through this restructuring and strengthening now, I will make the transformation necessary to use you, My loves, as the Endtime Church, as I have promised in My Holy Word. You are called and chosen. Now be faithful. I love you. (End of message.)

The gift of humility through weakness

21. (Mama:) Most of the messages I'm sharing with you in this GN aren't about me personally. But I thought you would appreciate this one, even though it's more personal, because it goes to show that if the Lord can use me to do my job, He can use any one of you to do anything wonderful and amazing! Thank the Lord, He is so wonderful. He's even wonderful enough to make up for all our lacks‚ and not only that, but to use our lacks for His glory. Thank You, Jesus‚ that I am so weak that I need You so much!

22. (Jesus:) I have made you a simple woman who needs a lot of help, who is very dependent—not only on Me, but on others. You are so unlike your Father David, who was strong and bold and brave and domineering and even pushy at times. I created him that way for a divine purpose, and he fulfilled that purpose beautifully.

23. I have made you differently, and sometimes you get discouraged about your lacks and failings and weaknesses. Whenever the Enemy tempts you to get discouraged because you're focusing on your weaknesses, remember these words: "I have created you this way."

24. This is the way that I have created you. I have designed you and I have made you. I have made you weak that you might glorify Me through your weakness. I have made you incapable. I have not made you eloquent; I have made you simple. And you must be honest about these things—honest with those you work with, honest with your flock, honest with your mates, and honest with the world.

25. Weakness is a great strength. Some of the greatest men and women of God were able to accomplish the most when they were in their weakest state. I said through the Apostle Paul that you should glory in afflictions (2Cor.12:9-10). Even the Apostle Paul's bodily presence was weak, and his speech was contemptible (2Cor.10:10). When they saw him, they were not impressed with his outward appearance. But his witness was with conviction! I have chosen the weak things of this world to confound the wise (1Cor.1:27-29). That is part of My plan. The weaker you are, the stronger I can shine through, and the more My Spirit can come through.

26. My queen, I have made you weak, and that makes you humble. I make each person differently, but when you look at your weaknesses and the Enemy tries to discourage you about your weaknesses, I want you to remember that I am the One Who made you that way. You must glory in that weakness. You must bring forth that weakness. You must magnify that weakness and let it keep you humble‚ for there is no greater gift, no greater sample, no greater opportunity for My Spirit to work‚ than when there is a spirit of humility.

27. This is a gift that I wish to give to the children of David—the spirit of weakness, the spirit of humility. And if they are a humble band of soldiers, if they are a humble band of prophets‚ if their strength comes from their humility, they will accomplish great things for Me. This is a virtue that the children of David must continue to convey, and you, as My queen, can lead them in this direction—the direction of weakness, the direction of humility, the direction of lacking in self-reliance and self-confidence, but having great confidence in Me.

28. Although you, My Family, are a called and chosen generation, and although you are special in My eyes, your special anointing, gifts, and talents will be manifested in the soil of humility. You will be led by the weakness of your queen. The world may look at you and laugh, but in the end they will be in awe at what I will accomplish through such a pitiful, weak, incapable band who focused not on their weakness, but rather used it to be a strength. Through this weakness‚ humility came forth, and through this humility great works were manifested.

29. So, My queen, continue to be a sample of weakness, that the world might be confounded, and that My Spirit might work, and that My miracles might come through and be performed. The world will be in awe, for they will see My Word being fulfilled, that My strength is made perfect in weakness.

30. Oh, how weak I felt the day I was crucified. How helpless I felt. How like a failure I felt. I knew I was fulfilling the role My Father had for Me, but the feeling of failure was overwhelming. I was crucified in weakness, but the power of God lived on in Me.

31. When you as a Family must suffer the disdain of the world—which you have and will continue to—I will be there and I will work miracles through you. I will perform My will, and it will be because of your weakness. It will be because of your humility. It will be because of the very things that the Enemy uses to discourage you.

32. I will use these weaknesses to glorify Me and magnify My Word and allow My message to come through. Then you will see the real weapon of praise in action, when you can thank Me and glorify Me for your faults, failures, and weaknesses, which allow Me to be strong and to work in you.

33. So go forth in weakness, My queen, leading My humble army into battle. Though the Enemy will laugh and the scoffers will scoff, My Spirit will prevail and will overcome and I will be glorified. (End of message.)

Greater darkness, greater light!—And encouragement about the second and third generations!

34. (Jesus:) Although dark clouds are on the horizon—and they most assuredly are—I will use these days of darkness to push the Family further into the light. Darkness never has to overcome; in fact, darkness can easily mean victory for the children of David.

35. I must allow this darkness to come, and to even spread rapidly. It is time. Man has rejected Me and My truths over and over again‚ and now it is time for the rapid spread of darkness. It must take place. The time is now. You won't see this darkness this month, nor will you even see it this year or the next in full, but the coming events that will bring on great darkness are now being orchestrated.

36. As I told you at the beginning of 2005, the tsunami was the Devil's herald to the world of the evil spirits he had released. These evil spirits are now at large, and there is a great company of them. For the most part they have been working quietly, as they organize and get in place. They are finding the most influential and yielded pawns they can to work through. That's their priority in these days.

37. Take heed‚ My children. It is imperative that you not let down your guard in the atmosphere of today's darkness. There are demons everywhere that would love to rush into any spiritual space that's left unguarded, or infiltrate it. I have created the rules so that the places guarded by My Spirit are where My children either empower My spiritual beings or draw on their help. You empower My forces through your obedience, and you draw on their power and take advantage of their help through your prayers. It's up to you.

38. You wonder, "What about the millions of Christians worldwide? What's their role in what's happening? What can they do to prevent the darkness from being so pervasive?" It's not a question of what they can do but what they will do. I have enough saved children in this world to put a full stop to the machinations of the Devil. They could stop his program if they would, but they won't. Instead, as you've seen, they are often active members in doing and promoting his will.

39. Some of the greatest warmongers in the United States are Christians, those who profess they know Me but whose deeds are a testimony against Me. Some of them are saved—saved in the sense that they will continue on for eternity, and will even have a place of service for Me. But what a sad place of service awaits them. It will be a testimony against their choices for eternity. Their greatest service for Me in the next life will be one of manning the booths that teach the lessons of, "If I only had." Or in some of their cases, those booths will also be teaching, "If I only had not." They will continue to teach from their dandy—in fact, horrific—bad examples. This is their lot, the fruit of their choices.

40. Back to the current day. While the rich North is turning away from Me either in word or in deed, the poorer or less knowledgeable nations are floundering. The world is therefore ripe for the rapid spread of darkness that is occurring.

41. And how will this affect My children‚ especially My children of David? It will shoot them forward into the light! The darkness will have a wonderful effect on My Family, for it will block My children from the ways of the world that they currently find attractive or hunger after‚ and shoot them forward spiritually!

42. Many in the Family today are making the right choices, and yet they still aren't going forward as exuberantly as they could or even should. They try, but they had previously fallen so far behind that they don't know how to go forward as much as I wish them to. They are still gradually being strengthened‚ and this is where the darkness will work to your advantage. Because My disciples are making the right choices, they are now in line to be catapulted forward into My light‚ and the catapult I will use is this darkness that is going to engulf the world.

43. If I were to give you specifics about how this darkness will look, it would fill most of My faithful children with fear. But by just telling you that the darkness is coming, and giving you the promise of how it will bear great fruit in the lives of the children of David, this focuses your hearts on the light and promises, while giving you only minor apprehension. I am focusing your attention on the light, and the darkness is going to push you forcibly into the light. That, My children, is pure joy!

44. You will not be forsaken; in fact, you will be very well cared for. The care I will be giving you will be so strong that the world will take note. I will set up all of My children, each within the realm I have placed them, as a beacon of light to the world.

45. Today you may look as if you are weak and floundering. Many are trying to be disciples, but come from backgrounds of such deep-seated weaknesses that even in their efforts to be My full-time disciples today, they often fall very short. But they are choosing to go forward, and that is what matters to Me. I look on the heart and the love and obedience and faithfulness therein, not just the outward success or failure. They are willing and yielded and they have their hearts in the right place, and therefore they are in the right place for Me to shoot‚ or perhaps even shove them forward into places of being My beacons of light to their part of the world.

46. This is true of your first generation‚ and of your second and third generations as well. Each generation has its battles. Your younger generations struggle so much, and I have given the answers and the solutions, but sometimes the fruit doesn't seem to match My promises because of the things that hold them back.

47. I understand that familiarity with My words and My ways holds back many of the second and third generations of the Family. It is a battle they must fight. I also fought battles during My time on Earth. I went through 40 days and nights of fighting the Devil to give Me the final preparation needed before My ministry began. My Father used the darkness of the Devil to catapult Me forward into being a beacon of light.

48. So will I use the darkness that is about to engulf the world to do the same for the children of David of all ages. Many are making choices of yieldedness and discipleship, yet they still struggle in reaching for the goals set before them. You could look at these disciples and wonder what they're waiting for, why they don't do more with all I've given them. But they will. All those who are doing what they can today, when the time comes that the darkness is fully apparent—and this day is almost upon you—these disciples of Mine will turn on and will receive the power that they have been lacking.

49. They are making the right choices today, but they still are unable to be fully active for Me. They are held back by familiarity with My words and ways. But I see their choices‚ and I will have mercy upon them concerning their familiarity. And when the darkness does indeed engulf the world, My children of light will shoot forward and become the beacons they have been called to be.

50. Encourage yourselves with these words. Those of you who are parents, shepherds, bellwethers‚ and in positions of responsibility especially need this encouragement. Many times you become discouraged, wondering when the Family will wake up to the full, pure discipleship that I've been consistently calling you to. It will happen. Continue to keep your ranks clean and pure and called out, and trust Me to turn these yielded but sleepy ones into powerhouses for Me, and strong beacons of My light to the world.

51. I have given these Words because it's important for My bellwethers and shepherds to not lose faith that the preparations will bear fruit—the full fruit of radical discipleship that I'm calling those born and raised in the Family to live.

52. Continue, My queen, to lead them along the path of the right choices, to encourage them to fight, to forsake the world, and to stand strong. When the time is right, their keys will be turned and they will be My strong and radical beacons of light.

53. Many in the Family today are much like David was for years before his life's work took off. They are faithfully plugging along, doing a little here and there, trying to serve Me, trying to give their lives for Me‚ but not breaking forth into being the powerful and consistent beacons of light that I've created them to be.

54. However, just as with David, when the time was right, because he had been making the right decisions, he had been willing to be a fool for Me, he had been willing to forsake all‚ he was in the right place at the right time, and I turned his key and he broke forth and never turned back.

55. The same will take place with the second and third generations. Continue to lead them down the right path and encourage them in making the right choices. For it is My promise, when the darkness takes hold in the world, that the key of David will be fully enacted in their lives, and they will break forth as the thousands of radical little Davids that I have ordained them to be. They will no longer be held back by familiarity, but they will burn brightly for Me and lead many away from the darkness into fully embracing the light.

56. They will be so very strong that you will be in awe! You'll look at them and think, "These are the children I knew who served Jesus, but never seemed to have the full conviction needed. Now look at them! They're new people!" And indeed they shall be.

57. Rejoice, for this promise is true. Continue to lead them along the path of light and the right choices for today‚ so that they will be in line for this empowerment. And when the time comes, I will turn the key of David for each of them and they will light up the world with My radical truths for this day and age. It will be done. (End of message.)

58. (Mama:) I asked the Lord if this applied to our first generation too, as I know many of you probably feel the same as Dad felt in those days before he started the Family. You probably wonder if this is all that is in store for you or if there's more to come. Our wonderful Husband answered:

59. (Jesus:) Yes‚ My loves, there is so much more to come! I gave this message through a mother who loves her children and longs to see them fulfill their destiny—her concern was primarily for them. But these promises apply to all My children of David who have stuck it out thus far and are making the right choices—choices which are strengthening them and preparing them to explode for Me when it is their time.

60. Each of you, My loves, will fulfill your destiny. Not one promise that I have given about your future, your ministries, the far-reaching effects of your witness, will lack fulfillment. All will be fulfilled wonderfully, and at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, the most common note of praise will be amazement at all that I was able to do through little old you. So hang in there, the best is yet to come! (End of message.)

A new Psalm of David!

61. (King David:) I have a special, unique little gift for you, my dear queen. The Lord has asked me to write a brand–new praise Psalm for you‚ using a tone and style similar to the Psalms.

62. In order for this to work, I'll need to write the verses in my earthly tongue, but dear Shakespeare has kindly volunteered to translate them for me so that they retain the same beautiful poetic style as the Psalms in the King James version of the Bible, but with a modern touch. I hope you enjoy this, and we both wish you a very happy birthday.

63. (Mama: As much as I love this gift from King David, there are a couple of verses of this new Psalm that are embarrassing and humbling for me to share with you. They're the ones where it talks about my humility and greatness—because I know without a doubt that any goodness or love that shines through me is only from Jesus. Without Him, I truly am nothing, and that's why I really don't like drawing any attention to myself, and don't feel worthy of any credit at all.

64. (All that to say, I didn't want to share this one birthday message with you, but one of my helpers prayed about it and got that it would be doing the humble thing for me to let you enjoy this beautiful new Psalm. And you can just skip over those portions about me if you want to, ha! Praise the Lord. He sees us so differently from the way we see ourselves. He loves us in spite of ourselves. Isn't He wonderful?)

The hand of the Lord is strong and wide; it stretches over His people and shelters them from their enemies.

The enemies of your soul encompass you about like raging waters. They seek to envelop you and destroy you; they are without mercy.

But so great is the Lord, and so great is the power of the keys He has bestowed, that a plain path is formed through the midst of your enemies so that you may walk to the other side unscathed.

The Lord will dry them up so that they are become as dust, and are blown away so that they cannot be found. So will you be saved and so will you serve the Lord with happiness and great joy.

Your enemies will stand in awe when they plainly see the mighty hand of the Lord defending you.

Your enemies will stand in awe when they see the peace that is upon you and all of the children of David, in spite of their vicious attacks.

Your enemies will stand in awe when they see that through the power of trust in the Lord and in the monumental power of the keys, His children have become a mightier army than ever.

For the armies of the Lord have been steeped in the Word of the Lord. They have bathed in it and have swum in it. They have heard it and they have spoken it.

They have planted it deep in their hearts, and they have picked it fresh from the fields of the spirit and have enjoyed the fruits of their labors.

We will praise the Lord for the mighty power of the Word, for it is life and power and it is magnified even above His name.

Sing praises unto the Lord and tell Him plainly of your love for Him.

Magnify His name and His Word with the song and the dance, for He is worthy to be praised.

His queen has spoken the Word of God into the ears of the children of the Lord and she has put it upon their lips. In humility and love has she taught the children of the Lord.

The humility of the queen is stronger than the pride of her enemies, as fire overcomes straw. The love of the queen is stronger than the hate of her enemies‚ as the sun pierces the darkness without contest.

Oh‚ that all of the children of the Lord adorned themselves with the same love and humility. Oh‚ that they would love the Word as does the queen.

Praise the Almighty with all of your heart, and let words of praise be upon your lips, for He is great.

The Lord loves His bride with a passion that surpasses the imagination of man, and has prepared gifts for her that cannot be conceived by the mind.

As a bright star, so is the bride's love for the Lord strong and visible to all the nations. Thus will the love of the Lord shine brightly and reward her with every desire of her heart.

Staying pure!

65. (Jesus:) I have given many promises about your future. I have promised many things for you and for the Family, and your future through My eyes is bright!

66. The Family is drawing closer to Me as a whole and as individuals, and this can only bring about greater blessings and rewards. In these next years‚ you will start seeing more physical manifestations of My power as each person draws closer to Me and fully implements My counsel.

67. As you fulfill your part of the bargain, as it were, I will be able to punch through with many more mighty miracles than I am able to at present. Your greater closeness to Me will enable a much fuller and greater understanding of the keys, as well as a better knowledge and ability to harness their power in a more obvious way.

68. As My children get themselves out of the way and become My yielded vessels‚ as they become better channels and better conduits for My power to flow through, the results will be amazing. As they allow their faith in My Words to them to grow, as they continue to reject the trappings of this world and put on My mind‚ they will be unstoppable.

69. This strengthening is already underway. The Family is that much closer to being able to fully harness and avail themselves of the full power that I have made available to them. The renewal was a giant leap ahead, for many of My brides were made aware of how they had become entangled, how their minds had been trapped, or their time diverted, or even wrong attitudes towards fundamentals of the spirit world were formed through desiring and partaking of things that are not strengthening, uplifting, or faith-building.

70. Many of My brides, however‚ have not yet fully forsaken this world and all that it stands for, and this is a hurdle that will need to be crossed. Many have forsaken much and have seen how their lives, hearts, and spirits have been strengthened and renewed, but there remain unforsaken patches, "Huddersfields‚" in their lives. Whether it is a desire to "fit in," or a hankering for certain things that they know are wrong and have forsaken in theory but not fully in practice, these things stand in the way of My being able to fully use them.

71. Forsaking these things of the flesh takes time. I do not force My children to leave it all behind, for I need willing volunteers. I need those who have gone through the mud and seen that this world and its attitudes and ideals are not where it's at. I need those who are happy to forsake any vestige of that life and worldly priorities or mindsets in order to be more fully used of Me.

72. Many of your young people in the Family care a little too much about the opinions of others. They are happy with the role they have been playing of fitting in well and also doing something "good" and "useful." They are aware that this will not always be the case—they can't always "fit in" as the days grow darker. These days are fast approaching, the time when My children must be more single-minded. They must choose, because they will not suddenly and automatically not be a part of the System anymore. Yes, it will get dark fast at the end, but if they have the attitude of trying to fit in now, then in the end they will not be the separated, called-out brides that I need.

73. I need My brides to forsake the things of this world more fully now, not to slowly allow more of the System to seep back into their lives until they are in need of a second renewal.

74. It's a slow process, but if they keep forsaking a little more each day—coming before Me about an attitude they may have, and if it's not of Me, then getting rid of it; coming before Me about some possession they want or have, but that I have whispered to their heart may be distracting them in their service for Me; coming before Me about any aspect of their lives that I bring up—then I will slowly purge away that which is not of Me.

75. I will not ask it all at once‚ but one step at a time I will bring them along‚ and patiently I will help them to see what is and what is not of Me. Slowly will I cleanse them and purge them and make them white, that My pure energy may flow through their conduits fully and freely.

76. Many think that it is inevitable that they will settle back into their ruts and desires and cravings for the things of this world. This is an attitude that needs to be changed. If they are desperate and are listening to My voice and asking Me each step of the way, each time they need to make a choice, each time they are tempted with something, I will not allow them to sink back, to stop making progress, to go back to the muck and the mire that I have pulled them out of—providing they follow the counsel that I give them. If the sincere desire of their heart is to follow closely, then they can remain close through asking Me everything.

77. In most cases it's not the big things that draw them slowly away. It's those "little" choices that are "too small" to hear from Me about, that "will be okay just this once," or "it seems fine‚ let's do it." Those are the pitfalls that will lead them back down the path, away from My full possession.

78. The other main enemy of being fully possessed by Me is pride. Not even the angels are able to be possessed or used by Me if there is any pride in them. For how was it that so many fell? They allowed the pride of Satan's words to take root, and in allowing themselves to think that it was their power and strength that could save them, and attributing all that they had accomplished to their own power and might, they shut themselves off from My pure power. And their light, and the light that was in them, then turned to darkness.

79. They now live in servitude to the one who promised them they had power of their own. They had none in themselves, but were created as conduits of power to carry out My will. They are now in servitude to the source that corrupts, twists, disfigures, warps and destroys, and it is destroying, disfiguring, and warping them.

80. My brides‚ to avoid being caught in a similar trap, let My pure, loving, true life-giving power be what flows through you. Forsake any vestige of pride that would try to draw credit to you, that would seek glamour, fame, or recognition through your use of My power. For this will only get in the way of My being able to use each of you to the full. (End of message.)

A little glimpse into how the Lord makes all things right …

81. (Mama:) Following is another message directed to me personally. It's so beautiful, it makes me weep with thankfulness every time I hear it. I wanted to share it with you because it shows how the Lord works everything out, and while we are taking care of His work, He takes care of those dear to our hearts so perfectly. It also gives some very interesting insight into the spiritual realm and how things work there.

82. (Annette, woman in Heaven:) While I am not a spirit helper assigned to help you specifically, the Lord has let me introduce myself to you. He said that now is the right time. Maria‚ I have been waiting for this opportunity for a while now, and I am glad that it has at last come.

83. My name is Annette. I have not been in Heaven long‚ probably a few years in Earth time. There isn't much that's special about me. On Earth I was just your average woman, a wife and mother of two. I was a godly, caring woman, but I was not anyone great or famous; you haven't heard of me before, though we briefly met once in passing. I don't think you will remember me, though. While on Earth I loved my husband and children dearly, and still do‚ of course, very much, so when I died relatively suddenly, it was very difficult for all of us, especially for my children.

84. Since coming here‚ other than some unexpected special training I've been receiving, the Lord has granted me my heart's desire, and that was to be able to be close to and to care for my children, to watch over them like a guardian angel. I have a son and daughter, like you. They have had many ups and downs since my passing, and sometimes it's difficult and heartbreaking to watch them make their own decisions, often the wrong ones.

85. But I have stuck as close to them as possible, always there for them, speaking to their hearts and trying to direct their spirits. Sometimes they listen and sometimes they don't, yet I patiently and lovingly remain there for them, night and day, as any mother would. I've used every opportunity I've had to try to help them to make the right choices, and to help them be able to come to know Jesus in a more personal way.

86. As I said‚ I have also received special training from our Husband and from others since coming here. At first I was rather surprised to be receiving such close and personal training from Jesus and some of the greats here in Heaven. I was honored, of course, but a little puzzled by it. One day not too long ago, things became a little clearer to me. Our Lord took me on a stroll by a lake of Heaven where He said He had a special favor to ask me, He had a special assignment for me.

87. He took me on something of an interactive pictorial history of a young man's life, as well as the life of his mother—a woman that somehow seemed vaguely familiar to me, though I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I watched their lives from the time she conceived him till the day he died. I felt every joy and every pain, prayed every prayer. That mother was you‚ Maria. The son, Pete.

88. For what in Heaven was but a brief moment‚ I lived your life with Pete. And then our Husband asked me if I could take all my love for my children and all the care that I have been trying to give them and channel it to Pete instead. He asked me if I could be Pete's primary caregiver during this time in his life, and He said that in return He would care for My children as only He can.

89. He said that if I gave my all to caring for and helping your son during this time, He would do the same for mine. And as an extra bonus, to make this an offer I couldn't refuse, He said I could ask you to pray for my children. The prayers of Queen Maria are powerful in Heaven, for she has the ear of the King and the keys of the Kingdom. Our Lord will not refuse you, and all Heaven awaits your command.

90. I have waited many months for this opportunity to present this request to you, for in Heaven there is a proper time and place for each thing, and we must keep our Lord's timetable. But Jesus has told me that now is the time to present myself to you, to tell you what I am doing for your son, and to request your prayers for mine.

91. I love your son, Maria, and I care for him as my own. I am with him day and night; I pour all my heart and soul into him. He is heeding me more and more, and he is learning‚ although there is still a long way to go. He is being loved and cared for. I love him as you would. I ask you now to love my children for me, to pray for them, for your prayers will do what I could not do‚ not even from here. Our Husband will answer.

92. And then continue to do what you must do. Continue to feed and strengthen your flock. Persevere in the ministry our Lord has given you. I don't know exactly how Jesus will answer my prayers for my children. My hope is that they will come to know Him more through someone in the Family, or through the Words you pour forth from our King. I can't know how our prayers will be answered, but I know they will be, and that in time all will be well.

93. All is well with your son, Maria. He is safe; it is much better for him here. I am with him continually, helping him, speaking to him, and he is listening. He doesn't know of our arrangement, he only feels my love and acceptance of him. He only knows that I have always been with him, since the moment he arrived here‚ trying to help and care for him. I am helping him to grow and to change, to become the man he could've been, and can yet be.

94. I love and care for him as only a mother could, Maria, and I will continue to. (End of message.)

95. (Question:) Is someone else taking care of Annette's children while she is on this mission to help Pete?

96. (Jesus: ) Yes. When I asked Annette to take on this new role of caring for Pete—which I knew would take the majority of her focus and energy—I promised her that I would care specially for her children in her absence. She gladly accepted this offer, because, being in Heaven‚ she can see behind the scenes and knows how diligently I fulfill My promises‚ and so she had not the slightest concern about the welfare of her children. She knows that while she is tending to My business and has placed them in My hands‚ I am caring for them as only I can.

97. The same principle applies when I ask things of you on Earth, except often you can't see what's going on behind the scenes, so it's a big test for you. But when I say that I'm going to care for something, believe Me, I care for it and make provision for it as no one else can.

98. Annette's children are being cared for by spirit helpers who are giving them their full focus and attention. Annette is still involved to some extent and regularly checks up on them and gives counsel and input to those spirit helpers. So she is still involved‚ and is very happy with this arrangement—knowing that her children are being well cared for, and that she is fulfilling a very important role too in caring for Pete. (End of message.)

99. (Question:) Annette said Mama's prayers will do what she cannot do, not even from Heaven. What does that mean? How can anyone on Earth do something that those in Heaven can't do?

100. (Jesus:) Many of the departed are set free through the prayers of their loved ones on Earth, or even through the prayers of people on Earth whom they have never met. Your Father David prayed for spirits who wanted to be released, and they were set free—such as Edgar Allan Poe, the people on the treasure ship, and many more.

101. The prayers of those on Earth are powerful because it takes great faith to believe and pray. I have told you that things happen when you pray. Annette knows this, and that is why she understands that the queen's prayers will do things that not even she can do from Heaven.

102. This doesn't mean that spirit beings in Heaven are powerless or wimpy in their spiritual powers, for they are strong and powerful in many ways. But the Family on Earth has also been given spiritual weapons which are real and powerful to fight the attacks of the Enemy and to usher in My victories. Prayer is one of your powerful weapons, and although you might think that the prayers you utter on Earth can't possibly be as powerful as the prayers that are uttered in Heaven, it is not so.

103. Your prayers from Earth are mighty in the spirit world, and in some ways, those prayers move My hand to work in ways that the prayers uttered in Heaven cannot. Prayers prayed in full faith on Earth have a strong effect, both in the earthly realm and the spiritual realm. This is because I honor the faith of My children on Earth in a special way and I fulfill My word to answer your prayers. (End of message.)

104. (Mama:) I asked the Lord if there was anything else we could do to help Annette's children—if we should be trying to find them‚ or what they needed most.

105. (Jesus:) You can help Annette's children to know Me through your prayers for them, as you would pray for any other of My lost sheep. Her children are saved, but they don't have a personal relationship with Me‚ which is what they long for and what I long for. They don't know how to have that personal relationship.

106. Pray that they will meet a spiritual shepherd‚ either through the Family or through other Christians, who will help them to know Me more personally. This is what they need in their lives and what will mean the most to them‚ as well as to Annette. Your job is to pray, and I will do the rest. I will work on their behalf in answer to your prayers. (End of message.)

More about Pete's progress in Heaven!

107. (Mama:) I was concerned about publishing this message about Pete and the way he's growing and changing, because I know that the circumstances surrounding Pete and Angela's deaths still make it quite sensitive for many of you to think of him in Heaven and being totally forgiven by our wonderful Jesus. Here's a little encouragement from the Lord about that.

108. (Jesus:) Many of the early Christians didn't trust Paul after his conversion and new ministry, but I still had to send him out to preach My Word and use him as My mouthpiece for the Gospel. It took faith on Paul's part to carry My Words to the Church, as well as faith for the Early Church to believe and receive Paul's preaching. Those who did were blessed with My Words; they were blessed with faith for the impossible and a closer link with Heaven.

109. The Family is a bit shaky about Pete‚ but the time must come when they fully realize that the old Pete is dead, and a new Pete is being born out of the ashes of the old.

110. The Family can't continue to think of Pete in a rather negative light. They must forgive him and move on and trust that I do all things well. The Family must be cleansed from the darkness that surrounds Pete's death and how the Enemy used him, and instead allow the beautiful reality into their minds that Heaven is a place of miracles.

111. If Satan would repent and have a complete change of heart, after all the trouble he has caused My children, even he could be saved. That is how great and how deep My love and My mercy goes.

112. My power‚ coupled with the powers that merge in Heaven with all the spirit beings, is great enough to change the heart of Pete or anyone else who is willing to repent. So it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that Pete is growing and changing and putting his will on My side—considering that he is in the presence of many heavenly spirit beings and in the presence of the One Who created him.

113. It's still a long road for Pete; it's not nearly over yet, and if you understood more about the remorse and clarity with which you see things in Heaven, you would understand that it's not a light thing that he has been through, or continues to go through. He will continue to experience what is good for him to experience in order to learn his lessons. And by the time he comes through it and I deem him worthy to graduate from this grade‚ he truly will have earned it. (End of message.)

Push Activated, and make slippery children of David!

114. (Jesus:) My love‚ here is some important insight for you concerning the Family of the future. Right now, the most important job the Family has in regards to their outreach is getting out the Activated mags‚ selling subscriptions, getting people around the world not only feeding on these Words but becoming addicted to them. It's the most important job I've given the Family when it comes to reaching the world at this stage of the game. The Family is making progress in this calling.

115. These mags are full of liberating words that will make the readers so slippery that the Enemy won't be able to get his hands around them! The more they read these mags, the slipperier they become. The harder the Enemy tries to grasp them, the more force he applies, the more these slippery readers of the Words of David in these magazines will be forced to speak up for the truth. And they will!

116. The full-time disciples of the children of David are only the framework. If you want to know who is going to take this Word around the world and get it preached so all can hear, it's the sheep you are endeavoring to feed through these mags. And like persecution today helps the Family to get out more of the message, persecution in the future will help and push the Activated readers to get out the message.

117. You must make more slippery children of David whom the Enemy will not be able to grasp. Get those mags out!

118. Be excited, My Maria, for these slippery children of David are on the increase. And no matter how weak your disciples feel at times, if they are true to the Words of David and getting out the Activated mags and subscriptions, then you can't help but conquer the world for Me and Mine. That's My message to you!

119. Time is short. But if the Family today concentrates on promoting this mag with all they've got‚ then the amount of time for feeding My sheep will be lengthened.

120. I will explain a secret to you, something you haven't yet fully grasped about the Endtime and the flow of the Word. There will come a time when it will be difficult to spread the Word. That's guaranteed. The Antichrist will gain such firm control over the world that it will be harder to get out My Words. But how hard or difficult it gets depends on My Family's dedication today. If the Family promotes Activated as if it's the only bread of life available—and truly it is for those I bring to you and expect you to feed—then you'll make such strong inroads into the lives of men that the flow of the Word will be impossible to stop.

121. If the Family doesn't wait, but goes wholeheartedly in this direction of getting out My Word—and specifically Activated, now—then the Words of David will flood the world in such force that Satan will not be able to stop the flow, or barely even stem it. It will be like an unlimited reservoir pouring out. If all the reservoir's gates are opened, he won't be able to shut them. But if the water is only trickling out‚ it will be much easier for him to dam it up, and much harder for you to find new avenues to let out the floodwaters of My Word.

122. It's up to you, the children of David of today. Will you get out Activated like it's the most priceless bread of life available? Indeed it is, but will you act like it? If you do, it will take off! My Word will take deep root in the hearts of My children, and nothing anywhere can stop it from saving My children from the rise of the Antichrist and his evil ways. The world will be so full of slippery children of David in the Last Days that he will be unable to get the control that he wishes. The flow of the Word will then be impossible to stop.

123. But it all depends on how many gates are opened to the reservoir today, and how many ditches are dug that lead out from this reservoir. Now is the time to open those gates, more and more and more, and dig more and more and more ditches. Because what's done today will directly affect how much Word can get out to My sheep even in the darkest days that are so near.

124. You can never get enough of these subscriptions! Understand that it's up to you whether or not the world will be full of slippery children of David in the Last Days who will make it impossible for the Enemy in the person of the Antichrist to feel success. Do you want to see him gloat? Then hold back the Words and continue to only dribble out the subscriptions today. Or do you want him to scream in frustration, because every time he reaches out to grab hold of someone, he finds he's again grabbed hold of a slippery child of David who then slips out of his grasp and goes on to win others with My Words?

125. Now, that should be your vision!—Thousands, no, millions of slippery children of David who have been fed on the Words of David in the Activated mags of today. That will keep the Word flowing fresh right through to the End when I appear to gather all of My slippery children home. (End of message.)

126. The reservoir is full. The gates are opening. But it's up to the children of David to open those gates, and more and more and more gates! The reservoir is so full that even if every gate was opened, and more channels were dug from the reservoir, the waters would still gush forth and would never run dry. I would keep filling it from Heaven. It's not possible to run the reservoir dry‚ but it is possible to bottle up the reservoir. So open those gates now; constantly open more. Never be satisfied with the number of gates that are opened. Never be satisfied with the number of channels that have been dug. Open more gates and dig more channels, and keep opening more gates and digging more channels until I come!

Wings out of weights

127. (Jesus: ) The forces of Heaven have gathered around the children of David as the time comes to usher them into the final days. Each one is being fitted by My forces of Heaven. Each one is being trained by their own trainers. Each one is being advised and given tips and warnings of what to watch out for and which areas they need to work on to get stronger.

128. Some are being tended to as they come through the different battles that they are facing. Others are in the midst of battles that I have sent their way to make them stronger, but by their side are those whom I have commissioned to help them, to strengthen them, to be there when they call out for their help‚ to watch over them and pray for them and see to any of their needs.

129. Each of My brides has entered into a time of intense battles, and they are all experiencing—to some degree—the heat of the battle and the weights that I have allowed to be placed upon them to make them stronger.

130. But they are advancing. They are making it through the obstacles that the Enemy puts in front of them to stop their progress, or to cause them to turn back and give up because it's too difficult. The Enemy knows he is going to fail, but he must try anyway.

131. Those who continue to persevere through these difficulties and who do not turn back, who make it through this time of testing, will be the bright and powerful army that I have spoken of that is going to take the world by storm.

132. I know it weighs upon your hearts to hear of the many battles that various ones are facing, to hear of the difficulties and the trials and the heartbreaks that many are going through. But I am the One Who allows My brides to go through such difficulties, because I know this is what they really want. Each one wants to be all that they can be for Me. Each one wants to be free of those things that have held them back in the past. Each one wants to give Me their all. And so I put them through these seeming dark days to purge, to purify, and to make them white.

133. They will have so much more strength to rely upon, as they will have learned how to truly fall upon Me—not just in the difficult moments, but all the time. They will be much more attuned to My whispers and My voice, because they will have learned in the darkness how to cling to My voice each moment. They will have learned how to take on My mind and let Me possess them through relinquishing all their carnal thoughts when they face battles. They will have learned the strength of unity through leaning on others to pull them through. They will have the burning desire in their hearts to reach those that are lost and searching, for I will have turned their thoughts away from themselves and onto others. They will know the meaning of joy and happiness in abundance, for they will be obeying Me and pleasing Me‚ and I will give this to them in full measure.

134. The promises that I have poured upon you, My Family, are endless. They are there. All you have to do is pull them down, claim them, hold onto them‚ and see them work.

135. My loves have but to pull down the victories that are before them. They have but to hold on and fight a little harder. They have but to cling to Me and have the heavenly vision before their eyes so that nothing can deter them from reaching the final goal.

136. They are at the point where they're going through the most difficult time of the whole changing process. They are learning new habits, getting rid of old attitudes, realizing and coming to grips with their inadequacy and mistakes, and feeling the monumental weight of the change that is ahead of them. So this is the most difficult time‚ but once they've overcome, once they've become stronger, once they've made the changes and have developed new habits and start running at the capacity that they are capable of‚ they will come into their full glory.

137. They will feel My power working through them. They will be able to pull down My blessings and ask what they will, and it will be done for them. They will see miracles performed before their eyes. They will see lives transformed, and they themselves will be transformed and made new.

138. Once they have reached this point, the weights that I allowed them to struggle with and that they have been running with will be taken off and they will soar. They will have made the connection to Me, their Source, and they will be completely Mine, and nothing will stop Me from using them to the full.

139. This is what is ahead of My brides who persevere, who hold on‚ who do not give up. This is what is ahead for those who yield to Me and obey Me. I will do mighty things through them and they will know the power of their God. (End of message.)

A tip on connecting with your spirit helpers

140. (Dad:) Hi, honey, I love you! Thank you for being so concerned about the needs of the Family and taking care of the Family so well. You certainly have the heart of a mother‚ so tender and loving and caring for each of your children around the world. You and the Family are so dear to my heart, and I want all the needs of the Family to be met and taken care of.

141. One of my jobs since I've come to Heaven, and something that I love doing, is going around and assessing the needs of the Family. I go around to the different areas, and the Homes in those areas, and I look into what they need. I look into the reasons for those needs. I analyze the input that I gather, and then I do my best to highlight the needs and solutions so that all of Jesus' wonderful brides can be happy and fulfilled in their service to Him. I travel from here to there and I come up with a lot of things. I was always thinking about the Family and how to make it better and improve things while I was on Earth, and that's still one of my favorite jobs up here.

142. When you are in meetings, especially meetings when you are going to be discussing and praying about the Family's needs or ways you can make things better, don't forget to call for my help. I'm there‚ but the fact that you call specifically on my help opens your channel to the things that I have to tell you and better enables me to punch through in the spirit. It's like that with all of your spirit helpers, and that's why it's so important to pray and call on them.

143. It's not like all your helpers are off in Heaven and only come around when you specifically call on them. They get their assignments from the Lord and are around and available. However, you can't use them to the full if you don't call on them. That's because until you call on them by name, your channel to them isn't completely open. In many ways and in most cases, you call on them for your sake so that you can get your spirit in tune with them.

144. I've used the analogy of a radio many times in my Letters, but it's such a good analogy that I'm going to use it again here. Connecting and availing yourself of the help of those of us on the other side is like tuning into a radio or TV station. The station is there and it's broadcasting. The signal is all around you. You can't see it, hear it, or feel it, but it's there. You can only use it when you tune your radio or TV set to the station. Then in the case of TV, what you couldn't see or hear suddenly comes to life. You see it, you hear it, and you are connected. It was always there. The TV station didn't change anything; you just put your TV set in a position to receive the picture and sound.

145. That's similar to how the spirit world works and why it's so important to call on us by name. It tunes you in to our frequency and you get the picture loud and clear. That's a little tidbit on communicating with us over here. So call on us, okay? (End of message.)

146. (Dad: ) You are truly a Gideon's band, with each in their place of service striving to be what the Lord wants you to be. There are a few of you here and there who still need to find your proper place‚ but the vast majority of you have found your calling and are being the best you can be in that calling.

147. Family discipleship is right where it needs to be—on the cutting edge, revolutionary, dropped out, united and focused on the job you have to do. Missionary membership is a wonderful place of service and full of dedicated missionaries that I'm so proud of. And Fellow membership is made up of those who love the Lord and love the Family and are doing their part to make the Family as a whole what it needs to be. I'm so proud of everyone!

148. Then there are the Active members, who are the new fruit. They are the future and what the Family is going to largely consist of. They have the drive and the anointing and the vision to reach the world and to make disciples of all nations. And let me tell you, this bunch of Family members has only begun to grow. It's gonna explode! This is where the Family is truly going to expand. Praise the Lord! (End of message.)

The Hall of Warriors!

149. (Mama: ) In the message the Lord gave for the appreciation dinner at the end of the Feast, He mentioned a "Hall of Warriors" in Heaven. The channel who received that message was interested to know more, and as always, our wonderful Husband was ready to pour out!

150. (Question: ) Jesus‚ can You tell me more about the "Hall of Warriors" that You mentioned? I'm a little tempted to feel like this is an influence from Star Trek‚ because a race of aliens in that TV series has a "Hall of Warriors." But You said it and I'm not going to let anything of the world get in the way of Your Words. So I claim a clear channel with You, as is my right as Your bride. Please show us more about this, or if I got it wrong because part of my mind got in the way, please show me what You wanted it to say.

151. (Jesus:) Oh, My bride, you think that because an earthly TV show has used the term "Hall of Warriors," I can't use it or that it doesn't exist in Heaven? What you need is a little expansion in the spirit. The Hall of Warriors is a very real thing in the Heavens.

152. I say "Heavens" because this hall exists in each Heaven. "Heavens" in this case refers to dimensions of the spirit world. The Earth is a dimension and the "Hall of Warriors" exists in the earthly dimension just as it does in every spiritual dimension.

153. It is a hall that spans all dimensions. Although you may not see it with your eyes, you each have a place in this hall. It is your privilege and honor because you are My warriors of the faith. You have fought well and are charged with this calling. You are warriors before Me.

154. On this Earth the Hall of Warriors is sparsely populated because so few are willing to be fighters for My name. You of the Family are in it, as are some other Christians. But they are few, because so many are not willing to pay the price and endure the tests that are required to gain entrance to this hall of fame.

155. In the next level of "Heaven," or the next dimension up, where the spirit helpers and devils make war, the hall is overflowing. It is fully populated, and every seat is occupied as My forces overcome again and again.

156. Satan has no entrance to the Hall of Warriors, for he is a coward and a yellow-bellied loser, from the time of his fall till now. He has no courage, therefore no honor such as this. This honor is reserved for My warriors of the faith.

157. It is real. It is the gathering place of the warriors, the hall where the chambers echo with shouts of victory! The hall is filled with praise, tales of overcoming, tales of unmatched conquests over Satan's forces. It is an exciting place to be, and all present feed off of a spirit of praise, as all within glorify Me and give Me honor for the battles that have been won.

158. It is your commission as warriors to partake of the glory of these halls. It is your destiny to stand with the warriors of all time, in all spheres and dimensions of Heaven. You are called to these sacred halls and can partake of the courage, inspiration, and excitement that is found here.

159. (Question: ) How do these halls interact between dimensions? Or do they even interact? You said they exist in all dimensions of Heaven.

160. (Jesus:) The power from the higher levels is passed down the line. The very highest level of Heaven contains this Hall of Warriors, where I Myself reside. Tales of great victory are told there, which are sent by messenger and ambassador to the lower courts. These tales are passed down through the levels, and with each tale is passed the power of God to do exploits.

161. When you enter the Hall of Warriors in spirit‚ you receive supernatural power from My throne. You receive the power and courage of those in the higher spheres of Heaven. You find a camaraderie with others who fight alongside you in this great spiritual war for the salvation of mankind. Their inspiration inspires you. Their war cries echo in your heart and mind, and your spirit is invigorated.

162. You will understand when you return to Heaven how this is part of "entering into the temple" that David spoke of. Did you think the "temple" was only one room with a dome to look up at and receive the power from on high? David saw but one room in this temple and described it to you.

163. The Hall of Warriors is yet another room in the temple of worship to Me. I pass on thrilling, adrenaline–pumping stories of conquests to you in this hall. I encourage your heart and spirit. By entering and partaking of these sessions, you find the power to stand strong and continue fighting for Me.

164. You will also find the searing heat of hatred for sin and evil in these halls. Compromise has no place here, for the sickening lukewarmness of compromise is vile and detested by those in these halls. Here you will find the strength to bear arms against Satan's wicked hordes. Strength is found here, the strength of the warriors!

165. (Question:) When we return to Heaven, will we still have a place in the Hall of Warriors?

166. (Jesus: ) Absolutely! You will be there to tell your tales of overcoming. You will inspire others with your valiant victories against seemingly insurmountable odds. You will be honored in the Hall of Warriors, and all will speak your names in honor.

167. Those who endure to the end will receive a crown of life and special honor in this hall. Your names will be added to the wall of history upon which all the warriors of all time are inscribed. Your names will be inscribed and honored.

168. All who enter will speak your name in honor and admiration. For you are My elite upon this Earth. You lead the battles, bear the heat of the battle, and are wounded and suffer loss for My name. Right now you are earning your place in the Hall of Warriors, where you will be remembered for all time.

169. Do not think this is a light thing. Although many of you have no aspirations to be great in the spirit‚ it is an honor I readily bestow upon you. You who have fought well deserve this honor and I proudly bestow it upon you. Already many of the names of those who have departed have been inscribed. Your Father David's name is upon this wall, and great honor is given unto him by all who enter herein.

170. (Question:) It seems that this is a place, sort of like a building in spirit. I know it's much more than that, but what keeps coming to me is the picture of the fairground that Dad saw in the Heavenly City. Is this a pavilion of sorts?

171. (Jesus:) A pavilion? Yes and no. What you have to understand is that in the spirit world‚ space and time are not issues. Dimensions overlap and occupy the same space, contrary to the laws of earthly physics. There is one place in Heaven where this pavilion stands‚ but the experience of each person who enters is different, depending on their "clearance" level.

172. To those upon whom great honor has been bestowed, the dimensions they enter when they enter this Hall of Warriors are larger than those who have lesser access. While it is one "place" in spirit, the experience is different for each person.

173. There are some upon whom very little honor has been bestowed, who perceive this merely as a building, and that's all they see when they enter. They see the wall of honor; they see the names and may read of some mighty acts. But that is the extent of their experience.

174. To those upon whom high honor is bestowed, they enter a dimension where time is suspended‚ where they can see the battles and they can relive the events as you did. They can take part in the battle and become a part of their brethren's conquests. They experience exactly what it was like to fight and overcome.

175. There are many levels in between, many dimensions to be experienced, and each person's experience is based upon the clearance they receive.

176. (Question:) Can You tell us more about this "honor" and "clearance" that You've spoken of?

177. (Jesus: ) These things are your rewards. As you have heard many times, there are rewards for your faithfulness. This honor and clearance is part of your reward. By giving 110% for Me, you receive greater honor in Heaven.

178. The more you give for Me during your mission on Earth, the higher your reward of honor is, the more places you can enter, the greater your clearance to the things of the heavenly realm.

179. I do not speak of a classless society, for there are, as your Father David said, "shiners and shamers" in Heaven. There are those who did little and for whom salvation was a "fire escape" upon whom no great honors are bestowed. To them Heaven is a beautiful place, and they have many thrills and excitements, but they cannot enter higher levels till they have earned a place among those upon whom that honor is bestowed.

180. This is all a part of the rewards of Heaven. The greater your sacrifice, the greater your rewards. I reward you accordingly. Those who receive high honor before Me receive access to places which few others have entrance to.

181. I do not deal out equal rewards across the board, for that would not be justly rewarding those who have given more or less. I bestow My rewards according to your works, according to your faithfulness, according to your obedience and sacrifice.

182. Would it be fair of Me to give a martyr for the faith the same reward as the "fire escape" Christian? Or what about those who will be raised to "shame and everlasting contempt"? (Dan.12:2). There are definite levels of rewards in Heaven, and you earn these by your faithfulness and sacrifices.

183. (Question:) Can these rewards be earned after we depart from this life?

184. (Jesus:) Yes, through other missions for Me. But believe Me when I say that you can achieve the highest rewards available through this life, for this is a very important mission for Me. This is the mission I have granted you. This is your opportunity to receive great honor and glory in Heaven.

185. This earthly life is the trial and proving ground through which you will receive great rewards. What you do on Earth determines your rewards in Heaven. Do not feel as though it is okay to shirk this life's tests and trials and take the easy way out now. For this is your battleground. How you perform on this mission determines in large part the rewards you will receive when you return.

186. Run the race well, fight the good fight, finish the course, keep the faith, and there will be rewards laid up for you that you cannot begin to imagine! Upon you I long to bestow the highest rewards of Heaven because you are My brides, My beloved, and have been thrust into the fray at the most difficult time in world history to stay true to Me.

187. (Question: ) Can You explain what You mean by "the most difficult time in world history to stay true to Me"?

188. (Jesus: ) Never in this world's history has it been so easy to abandon your faith and follow after perdition. Never have Satan's temptations been so enticing and desirable. Never before has it been so easy to be distracted and pulled away from your mission.

189. This is why your missions on Earth‚ and your faithfulness in them, will bring you such great rewards, because it is so easy here and now to "cast away your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward" (Heb.10:35). Take pride in this fact—that you are upon the most difficult battlefield of history! Take courage that you are still here‚ that you as My warriors are engaged in the hottest fight in history, and you are still making it, overcoming, and staying true to Me.

190. (Question:) Jesus, it seems that the martyrs and Christians who died for their faith in times past had it much more difficult than we do.

191. (Jesus:) While it is true that those of times past have suffered much more in the physical for their faith and they have received great rewards for their suffering and pain for My name, the world around them was much more easy to shun.

192. It was easier to stay true to My name, not because it was easy to be Mine‚ but because there were fewer temptations and pulls from Satan to derail them. That is why I say that this era in history is the toughest battle ever.—Not because of the physical suffering, but because of how easy it is to give up your calling now.

193. The trials of the past were great, but for the most part the battles for My children of old came at the end of their lives when it was time to make a stand, when it was time to go out in a blaze of glory. Their battles were much more of a physical nature.

194. Their enemies were much more obvious, the evil was less complicated, and the right path was much clearer to follow. But you who dwell in this last era of history are besieged and beset continually by propaganda and the ease and temptations of Satan—all designed to pull you away from Me.

195. The tests are greater on a daily basis. What you face every day is greater than what Christians of past history have suffered. The mind battles‚ the temptations of the world, the desires of the flesh, the compromises, are so rampant that today the battle is harder on a daily basis than ever before.

196. So you see, it is tougher, perhaps not in the final physical battles compared to those who were tortured and died for My name, but in the daily conflicts in which you must fight to stay alive in spirit. You die daily; you fight and overcome daily against greater numbers, greater odds, and greater difficulty.

197. It is much easier to die for My name than it is to live for My name. This is why, although great honor is ascribed to those who have died in the past for Me, greater honor is given to you, My brides, who fight and struggle daily to live for Me.

198. Upon you I bestow great rewards. For your faithfulness I am preparing such a reward that you will be ashamed for not giving more for Me. Give your all while you can‚ for this life is your proving ground. This is your test. This is your Gethsemane. This is your martyrdom. If you are called to die for Me in the future, it will be easy compared to what you've already given for Me on a daily basis. So be encouraged, knowing that you are braving some of the worst tests of all time, and thus the rewards will be some of the greatest rewards of all time! (End of message.)

Art by Tamar