CGO Home Review Questionnaire [Update]

January 2, 2005

Table of Contents

GN 1099a FD/MM/FM

CGO Home Review Questionnaire

By the International CGO Board

For Family Discipleship Homes‚ January 2005

This is an updated version of the questionnaire (checklist) that was printed in GN 1099. Some important changes have been made to better reflect the criteria, so please refer to this version! You do not need to fill out this copy. You will receive a separate report form at Home Review time for that purpose.

Notes on how to answer the questions at Home Review:

Some of the following questions ask "How often do your Home's members ..." This is referring to how often one or some of your Home's members participate in that activity (such as distributing Activated). Obviously not every member of your Home will be able to participate in these activities frequently, but at least some members of your Home should.

These questions cover a six–month period, which is a long time. Ideally it would be better if you could answer these questions on a monthly basis, but doing a monthly review would be a lot of work for you. So you'll need to discuss together as a Home what your general answer for the past six months is, and most importantly, what you're doing currently.

As explained in the criteria, there are certain activities which are essential for any Home to be engaged in regularly in obedience to the Word and in order to be building a well-rounded missionary work. Those points are listed in this questionnaire with an asterisk (*). These questions carry more "weight" in the review than others, and a low score (the two bottom replies in a multiple-choice question or a "no") in two or more of those questions will likely result in your Home receiving a failing grade in the CGO pillar overall. However‚ as explained in the criteria‚ your review board will take your country into consideration, and Homes in sensitive countries where preaching the Gospel is difficult or limited would be evaluated accordingly; some of the questions are also worded with that in mind.

There will also be a box after each question where you can write an explanation of your answer. Please do use that space to explain any low or "no" answers that you give, as there may be legitimate reasons why you were unable to participate much in that particular activity during the six months, such as prolonged sickness affecting most of your Home, etc. Your comments will also be taken into consideration by the review board.

Additional explanations on how to answer some of the questions in this checklist are posted on the MO site ("CGO Home Review FAQ" in the Activated section), for your reference when filling it out. We'll keep the FAQ updated with additional explanations as needed.


1. Sowing the Seed/Getting out Family Publications and Products

* Distributing the Activated magazine, if available in your local language. How often do your Home's members distribute Activated?

[ ] Several times a week

[ ] Once or twice a week

[ ] Less than once a week

[ ] Less than once a month

* Distributing other Family publications and products. How often do your Home's members distribute Family publications and products other than Activated?

[ ] Several times a week

[ ] Once or twice a week

[ ] Less than once a week

[ ] Less than once a month

Possible methods by which to accomplish the distribution of the Activated magazine and other Family publications and products. For informational purposes, please check the methods you use (these don't carry any "weight" in your review):

[ ] Distributing the Activated mags en masse.

[ ] Direct sales.

[ ] Display marketing.

[ ] Wholesale distribution.

[ ] Busking/restaurant singing/shows that include distribution of Family publications or products.

[ ] Distributing posters/tracts on the street or other locations.

[ ] Mail ministry or follow–up visits that include distribution/mailing of Family publications or products (i.e.‚ Activated mags).

[ ] CTP ministries which include the distribution of Family publications and products.

2. Bringing People to Jesus/Personal Witness

* Personal witnessing, including being an "instant witness." How often do your Home members engage in some form of personal witnessing?

[ ] Several times a week

[ ] Once or twice a week

[ ] Less than once a week

[ ] Less than once a month

* Soul-winning. How often are you offering salvation to those you meet, in a manner corresponding to your field? (If you are in a country where you can't have an open Christian witness, as specified by your Regional Council, answer this question to correspond to how often you are personally witnessing to people with the goal of eventually bringing them to salvation.)

[ ] Several times a week

[ ] Once or twice a week

[ ] Less than once a week

[ ] Less than once a month

3. Activated Magazine Course

* Signing/re-subscribing people to the Activated magazine, if available in your country. How often are you offering Activated readership (whether via a subscription from the desk or a personal delivery program) to those you witness to, especially to those you lead to the Lord?

[ ] Several times a week

[ ] Once a week

[ ] Once a month

[ ] Less than once a month

(For informational purposes only:)

____How many Activated readers do you deliver the magazine to each month in person or via mail?

____Approximately how many Activated subscriptions have you sent to your Activated desk in the past six months?

4. Church Growth/Building a Local Work [Follow-Up]

* Are you regularly teaching the 12 Foundation Stones and/or the 12 Bridges courses, or are you consistently working toward bringing your flock to that level?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

(For informational purposes only: )

____How many 12 Foundation Stones students do you currently have?

____How many 12 Foundation Stones students have completed the course in the last six months?

____How many 12 Bridges students do you currently have?

____How many 12 Bridges students have completed the course in the last six months?

____How many General members does your Home currently have?

Generally speaking, how often are you following up on each (or the majority) of your Home's General members (besides those who are taking regular 12 Foundation Stones classes)?

[ ] Once a month or more

[ ] Once every two months or more

[ ] Less than once every two months

[ ] Less than once every three months

[ ] Not applicable (no General members)

(For informational purposes only:)

____How many General members does your Home currently have?

* Generally speaking, how often are you personally feeding and/or shepherding each of your Home's Active members, whether in person, meetings, or via phone/email/mail?

[ ] More than once a month

[ ] Once a month

[ ] Less than once a month

[ ] Less than every two months

[ ] Not applicable (no Active members)

(For informational purposes only:)

____How many Active members does your Home currently have?

Are your Home's General and Active members fulfilling the requirements of membership and conducting themselves according to the "General Member Declaration?"

[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not applicable (no General or Active members)

* Are your Home's Missionary members receiving faithful feeding and shepherding?

[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not applicable (no Missionary members)

(For informational purposes only:)

____How many Missionary members do you have reporting to your Home?

Are your Home's Missionary members abiding by the standard outlined in the Missionary Member Statutes, including monthly reporting and fellowship?

[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not applicable (no Missionary members)

Are you actively contributing to and/or bringing your sheep to Activated meetings, Church of Love, retreats, etc., held in your Home, city or area, according to the needs of the sheep, in order to give them the sample of the greater Family?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

* "Reach the rich": How often are you investing time and effort to reach and follow up on the professional, upper/middle class in your city/area, the labor leaders who can support, protect and/or work with you?

[ ] Several times a week

[ ] Once or twice a week

[ ] Less than once a week

[ ] Less than once a month

Which type of people are you reaching and ministering to? (Check as many as apply, for informational purposes only.)

[ ] Professionals (i.e., doctors‚ lawyers‚ academics, etc.)

[ ] Business leaders and owners

[ ] Labor leader students

[ ] City fathers, people of influence (leaders in their community)

[ ] Government officials, diplomats (and their families)

[ ] Upper social class in your city

[ ] Middle class

[ ] Provisioning contacts

[ ] Wealthy individuals or families

[ ] Military officials

[ ] Heads of organizations, foundations, etc.

[ ] Influential parents/relatives of your national disciples and members

[ ] Other

Other Outreach Methods/Specialized Ministries

(For informational purposes only: )

Check if you are involved in any of the following ministries:

[ ] CTP ministries

[ ] Provisioning

[ ] Mail/email ministry

[ ] Shows and performances (includes puppet shows‚ clown shows, etc.)

[ ] Seminars

[ ] Radio/TV (getting Family shows on radio/TV)

[ ] Ministry of miracles (i.e., healing, etc.)


Are your main witnesses/follow-up shepherds getting appropriate and sufficient quality Word time and good shepherding?

[ ] Almost all of the time

[ ] Most of the time

[ ] Some of the time

[ ] Hardly ever

Are your Home's main teachers and follow-up shepherds familiar with the content, structure, and goals of the 12 Foundation Stones and the 12 Bridges courses?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

* How often are you teaching the meat of the Word in your witnessing and follow–up as appropriate and as defined in the CGO criteria GN (see GN 1099, pages 30–33)?

[ ] All of the time (as appropriate)

[ ] Most of the time

[ ] Some of the time

[ ] Rarely

Are you witnessing in the name of the Family?

[ ] All of the time

[ ] Most of the time

[ ] Some of the time

[ ] Hardly ever

[ ] Exception given by Regional Council due to sensitive circumstances

* Are you introducing your friends, contacts, and supporters to the Family and our teachings at an appropriate time?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

If your Home has a CTP ministry, are you using it as a means to a greater end‚ such as to minister to people spiritually, to cultivate sponsors for your Home's missionary activities, etc? (See ML #3400:127,134-135,138; GN 992.)

[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not applicable (no CTP)

Are all your new disciples (under one year in the Family) getting the 17½ hours of Word time each week as required in the Charter, and are they reading through the 12 Bridges course if they didn't finish it before joining, or if they've finished 12 Bridges, reading through the "Priority Reading List for a Disciple's First Year in the Family" in the Charter?

[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not applicable (no new disciples)

If you have new disciples, are they getting regular personal time, shepherding, and training‚ getting their questions answered, and is someone making sure they're understanding what they read in the Word, etc.?

[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not applicable (no new disciples)

Are you hearing from the Lord for or with those you minister to?

[ ] Very often

[ ] Regularly

[ ] Occasionally

[ ] Hardly ever

How often are you teaching your flock to witness or taking them out witnessing?

[ ] Very often

[ ] Regularly

[ ] Occasionally

[ ] Hardly ever

Are you keeping records of your sheep and their feeding and progress in some form, to ensure that you are faithfully and consistently following up on them?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

Are your witnesses presentable in dress and appearance, appropriate to your country?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

Do you send in testimonies and/or photos of your witnessing activities to your Regional CGO and PR boards, and to WS so they can be published, as much as you are able?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

Generally speaking, how often are your Home's members investing time and making a concerted effort to learn the local language of the field where you live, in order to become one and be effective witnesses?

[ ] Very often

[ ] Regularly

[ ] Occasionally

[ ] Hardly ever

[ ] Not applicable (Home members already speak the local language)

Does your Home read and observe the memos and advisories and reply to surveys sent out by your CGO board, local Activated desk and PC?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

If your Home is engaged in any work with churches or religious groups, have you counseled with your regional CGO board about it?

[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not applicable (not working with churches/religious groups)

In your follow-up ministries and Bible study groups, are you generally sticking to using Family publications, rather than using teaching material from System Christian groups or other System publications? (See ML #3454:8.)

[ ] Yes [ ] No

Are you holding your tool fund for each member in your Home ($50 per

disciple) in either cash or tools that are current and/or sellable?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

Does your Home have enough of a tool stock to meet your outreach needs?

[ ] Yes [ ] No


* Are all your eligible voting Home members meeting the Charter-required minimum of 2 hours per week, or 8 hours per month, of quality witnessing hours outside the Home?

[ ] Every month

[ ] Almost every month

[ ] About half the time

[ ] Less than half the time

If not a), please explain why:

If you have anyone in your Home who has received RS exemption from the 2-hour-per-week minimum witnessing requirement, please list who and why and for how long. (Exceptions granted will be reviewed yearly.)

Average weekly witnessing hours of the Home's members 18 and up. (See GN 1099, pages 41-46, on how to calculate this. The number of children in your Home‚ and their ages, will be taken into consideration when evaluating your reply to this question.)

[ ] More than 15 hours

[ ] 12–15 hours

[ ] 5–11 hours

[ ] Less than 5 hours

If you have any RS–authorized "service personnel" in your Home who don't count in your average‚ please list their name(s) and ministry here:


(For informational purposes only: )

List the approximate percentages of your total income from the following sources

(you can list other significant sources of income below):

____Follow-up and regular supporters (including mail ministry)

____Distribution of Family publications and products, including the Activated magazine.

____How many people are tithing to your Home?

____How many pledgers/monthly/quarterly donors are giving to your Home?

Please feel free to explain below anything not covered in this questionnaire that you feel would be helpful for the review board to know regarding your Home's outreach.

Copyright © 2004 by The Family International

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