Shooting Straight‚ Part 3—Letter Links: Nudity ... To Be or Not to Be?

July 16, 2004

Table of Contents

(ML #3501, GN 1088)

FD/MM/FM July 2004

The Drugstore

(ML #266, Vol.2.)

First typed 8/25/69: Dream given to David in the Summer of '68, during early days of the Light Club, Huntington Beach, Calif., the beginning of the Jesus Revolution."

1. I DREAMED THAT IT WAS VERY DARK—A FRIGHTENING SORT OF DARKNESS and I was alone. There was an awesome dreadfulness about the darkness‚ as through it was a time of great trouble or just before some impending doom.

5. EVERYWHERE THERE IS A TERRIBLE SILENCE, AND I'AM IN THIS CITY AND THE STREETS ARE DARK. There is nobody on the streets, and I'm so terrified I want to run down the streets to where I see a rather dim light, and it turns out to be a drugstore or chemist's shop. So I decide I want to go inside to buy a newspaper to see what has happened.

6. THE DRUGSTORE IS RATHER DIMLY LIGHTED AND A FEW PEOPLE ARE STANDING AROUND INSIDE, BUT ALL ARE EITHER ASLEEP OR HYPNOTISED, unconscious, or dazed—totally unaware of what is going on outside. Suddenly my Mother appeared (this was not long after her death), and she said, "Son, come this way and you'll understand what's happening."

7. SUDDENLY WE WERE UNDERNEATH THE DRUGSTORE IN A LABYRINTH OF BEAUTIFUL BRILLIANTLY LIGHTED UNDERGROUND CATACOMBS crowded with young people—nearly all hippies with beards long hair, and all stark naked! So we walked through these corridors, and the deeper we went the lighter it got and the more people there were and the more activity there was.

8. EVERYBODY WAS BUSY AND HAPPY AND STARK NAKED, but didn't even seem to notice it or weren't conscious of being naked. So I asked Mother, "Why is this?" It seemed as though she communicated to me the meaning by mental telepathy, for immediately I could understand that they were mostly young and hippies because this was part of the youthful underground church.—But why do they have to be naked? She said to me,

9. "THIS IS A SIGN THAT THEY HAVE BEEN STRIPPED OF ALL HYPOCRISY AND ALL SHAM AND THE COVER-UPS AND FASHIONS OF THE WORLD."—And I woke just like that! As I lay there trying to figure it out I knew it was symbolic. It was strong and vividly clear in my mind, and I knew it was from the Lord. Then He explained it to me as I lay there in prayer.

10. IT CAME TO ME CLEARLY THAT THIS WAS IN THE LAST DARK HOURS OF THIS WORLD IN THE DAYS OF TERROR AHEAD, and even now the darkened streets symbolized the blinded world, and the drugstore was the church—the visible but drugged organized church. Though there was a little light there‚ it was very dim! As Lenin said, "Religion is the opiate of the people!"

11. SO THEY ALL SEEMED DRUGGED IN THE DRUGSTORE‚ THE CHURCH! BUT DOWN UNDERNEATH THE SURFACE IN THIS HAPPY HIPPIE UNDERGROUND BEEHIVE OF ACTIVITY WAS THE TRUE REVOLUTIONARY CHURCH, all stripped of the appearances of this world, and yet brilliantly lighted and enlightened!—Very active and happy and busy, but underground and naked!

12. THE WHOLE DREAM THEN WAS TO GIVE THE CONTRAST BETWEEN THE CHURCHY SYSTEM AND ITS BUILDINGS WITH THEIR DIM SPIRITUAL LIGHT AND DAZED DRUGGED PEOPLE‚ AND THE HAPPY HIPPIE UNDERGROUND CHURCH BELOW, which was very wide awake and busy and stripped of the things and hypocrisy of this world! I know it was symbolic, but who knows?—Maybe we're really going too live like that someday!—Underground, busy, happy and nearly naked!

13. I HAD THE FEELING IT WAS THE LORD'S VIEW OF THE JESUS REVOLUTION in the spirit—maybe the spirit world‚ or the spiritual heavens or heavenly places! If so, it would appear to be Heaven's lowest level!—But God's way up is down!—And who knows where the heavenly dimensions really are?—The spirit world is all around us, up, down and all around—and even in us! Hallelujah!

14. IF HEAVEN OR THE HEAENLIES ARE ANYTHING LIKE WHAT I SAW IN THIS DREAM, I DON'T THINK THE CHURCHY SYSTEMITES WOULD LIKE IT VERY WELL!—Just like they didn't like Jesus and His disciples and His ideas of a spiritual Kingdom while He was here!—If fact, they crucified Him for even suggesting such a thing!—And they didn't like His opinion of them either!—"Liars!—Hypocrites!—Ye are of your father the Devil!"

15. SO MAYBE THEY'D FIT THE OTHER PLACE BETTER?—I SURE DIDN'T SEE ANY OF 'EM IN THAT HIPPIE HEAVEN down below, undermining the churchy drugstore and all its opiated religious zombies!—Ha!—I'll take that underground Hippie Heaven any day!—It was so free and bright and busy and happy and beautiful—and naked and unashamed!

16. YOU KNOW, ADAM AND EVE ONLY BECAME ASHAMED OF NUDITY AFTER THEY FELL and had sin in their hearts—the wrong sinful view of things!—Before that, with pure sinless hearts and a heavenly outlook, they weren't even conscious of being naked!—They'd never been anything else!

17. ONLY SINFUL MAN HAD TO BE CLOTHED!—ONLY SIN BROUGHT THE NEED TO HIDE REALITY! Salvation from sin brings freedom and openness, with no longer any need to hide!—Will it also bring freedom from clothing?—In a totally free and sinless heavenly society created by God in the spirit world, what is there to hide?—Why hide His own most beautiful creation of all?—The human body!—IT WOULD CERTAINLY ELIMINATE PRIDE AND KEEP US HUMBLE!

18. To say the least, it would surely hinder hypocrisy if there were no cover-ups in a happy hippie heaven of completely unclothed realities and naked truth and honesty!

19. Which would you prefer!—The deceitful lies of this world, or God's open, honest beautiful creation?

Come on, Ma, Burn Your Bra

(ML #286, DB 5.)

1. As Jesus Himself said, He had to pour His very new wine into very new bottles who could expand their receptivities sufficiently to take it, accommodate it & even rejoice in it‚ for it spoke their language & helped Him to reach the drunks & the harlots & the publicans & sinners & the radical young zealots with whom He associated.

2. It also proved He was no part of the System & was not bound by its conventions, inhibitions and prejudices. He was totally liberated and free in the Lord to enjoy to the full the naked truths of God & His wonderful Creation.

3. A Revolution is a total break with the traditions of Man & his churches & his preconceived ideas about God & misconceptions of morality. We have turned completely around & are going a different direction, no longer Man's way‚ but God's way, & we are free to enjoy to the full the beauties & wonders of His Creation with all of its pleasures which He Himself created for our enjoyment.

4. So why quibble about reality & hide the naked truth of God's raw revelations & cover up in hypocrisy & self-righteous pride & a lack of total abandonment to the utter humility of God. As Jesus said, "If ye cannot receive it when I speak to you of these EARTHLY things, how can you receive it if I speak to you of the HEAVENLY?"

5. So if you think that sex & the human body are something evil & to be hidden instead of the beautiful & wonderful creations of God to be revealed & enjoyed to the full, then you are indeed an old bottle!

6. This is no day for the weak & the fearful & those who are unable to bear the many more things that God now has to say to us in these Last Days when He must tell us the WHOLE Truth & nothing BUT the Truth, so help us God!

7. I'm sorry, but the Revolution did not begin with our trying to please the people & giving them only what they were able to believe & accept!

8. If you are not young enough in spirit‚ pliable enough, resilient enough & elastic enough to expand your vision & faith to accommodate this new wine of the Lord, you will certainly be unable to take what is coming & your vessel now shaken will be truly shattered! BUT THAT'S LIFE & THE REVOLUTION, WHICH IS BUILT ONLY WITH NEW BOTTLES on the broken remains of the old!

9. If you can't take these & understand what is happening, you'll certainly never be able to take what is coming & we're very sorry for you.—Because if you quit now, you'll really miss the main events! We're not out to change the World—we're creating a totally NEW one! And if you don't fit it, I'm afraid we'll have to leave you behind.

10. I'm sorry, but that's what being born again—repentance, regeneration & revolution—are really all about! If you're not really REVOLUTIONARY‚ you'll never make it anyhow. If you're not ready to abandon the OLD for a brand NEW World, if you're trying to cling to old worn-out concepts of self-righteous MAN instead of receiving the total grace & utter freedom of the glory & ecstatic Love of GOD, you'll never be able to bear the explosions of the love-making of the SPIRIT that are yet to come!

11. If for some inexplicable reason it hurts you to hear the simple names of the PLAIN PARTS of your own body that GOD HIMSELF CREATED for your use & enjoyment & to illustrate His Own relationship with us, His Bride—if you are ashamed of what God has made & are embarrassed by BOSOMS, PENISES & VAGINAS, you are most surely going to be horrified by the coming ORGASMS of the SPIRIT & naked truths of the Spirit World which He has YET in store for you.

12. If naked truth bothers you, you are definitely an old bottle & had better avoid the crash! But if you can accommodate this new wine without asking why or trying to analyze its ingredients, God has such thrills & intoxications of the Spirit in store for you that you will be glad you drank it without question & you'll be whisked off into a World which you never dreamed existed, where you'll enjoy the very wonders of TOTAL intimacy with a SEXY NAKED GOD Himself in a WILD ORGY of the SPIRIT as His TOTALLY surrendered Bride!

13. Remember the warning Jesus gave to some: "I would that ye were hot or cold, but because ye are LUKEWARM, I will spew you out of My mouth!" Halfway, half-hearted, half–baked disciples make God sick at His stomach! Please don't be one of them! It were better that you had never heard the Truth than to have heard & gone back! God says, "My soul abhorreth him that turneth back!" Cut loose & come on!

14. Forget the old & find the new & drink & be satisfied!—Or some day you'll wish you had! IF YOU CANNOT EVEN UNDERSTAND THESE CARNAL THINGS & their symbolism, accept them, use them & ENJOY them, how in Heaven are you ever going to understand the SPIRITUAL?

15. We have a sexy God & a sexy religion with a very sexy leader with an extremely sexy young following! So if you don't like SEX, you'd better get out while you can still save your BRA! SALVATION sets us FREE from the curse of CLOTHING & the shame of NAKEDNESS! We're as free as ADAM & EVE in the GARDEN before they ever sinned! If you're NOT, you're not fully SAVED!

16. May God damn every self–righteous, sex-condemning‚ truth-hiding hypocrite who would hide the truths & beauties of God's Creation from His holy pure-minded children! To the PURE ALL THINGS are pure! But him that is filthy‚ let him be filthy still! May God deliver you from such horrible bondage! COME ON, MA! BURN YOUR BRA! BE LIBERATED TONIGHT!

Nudes Can Be Beautiful

(ML #1006:13-15, Vol.9.)

13. NUDITY IS TRULY HUMBLING & THE TRULY HUMBLE ARE THE TRULY LOVING, & the truly loving are truly humble, because love & humility are virtually the same. They're impossible to separate. You cannot have real genuine love without humility, & you can't have real humility without a lot of love, & nudity takes humility too!

14. IT TAKES A LOT OF LOVE & A LOT OF HUMILITY TO STRIP YOURSELF NAKED & BARE BEFORE SOMEBODY ELSE, bare yourself & all the awful truth before someone else. Of course it helps if they are baring at the same time also, & you know that they are humbling themselves before you, baring themselves entirely in all the naked truth whatever it may be. But it is a complete humility & it takes a lot of love to strip & bare, it takes a lot of courage & a lot of humility to do that in front of someone else, to bare all your secrets & all your details—to bare de-tail & de-front too!

15. NUDITY REALLY IS HUMBLING & IN SOME WAYS VERY HUMILIATING, & it takes a lot of love to be able to bare it!—To grin & bare it! You girls who send me your cute little nudie cuties, I love'm, every one of'm! I kiss'm, pray for'm, put'm up on my desk or my bedroom wall & love you & think of you & pray for you daily & I'm so grateful. I just can't tell you how grateful when I know what courage it took & what love & humility & a real desire to give all & bare all, a willingness to expose yourself completely & hide nothing—no hypocrisy, no coverups, just the lovely naked truth! GBY! ILY!

Thou Shalt Have Sex

(ML #1181‚ DB 2.)

1. THE FIRST COMMANDMENT IN THE BIBLE WAS "THOU SHALT HAVE SEX"!—The first commandment was not the Ten Commandments; the first commandment in the Bible, in the very first book‚ first chapter, 28th verse is "Be fruitful & multiply & replenish the Earth!"—Thou shalt have sex!

2. And both Adam & Eve were created perfectly beautifully naked & never even thought about wearing clothes, never had any such idea until the Devil put it into their minds, they didn't even know they were naked! After all, that's the way they'd always been, that's the way God created them, with all their beauteous physical splendor in full view.—Nothing at all wrong with it!

3. The one who made Adam & Eve ashamed of being naked was the Devil after sin entered in. To think that there is something wrong with nudity & nakedness is a lie of the Devil! Therefore to think that nudity & nakedness is wrong & evil & sinful, that is sinful! That is wicked!

4. There's nothing wicked & sinful about a little baby born naked to a virtually naked mother! It is only the Devil‚ Satan himself, that put that thought into the mind of Adam & Eve & told them that they were naked, therefore insinuating that it was wrong & evil to be naked. And of course his next lie to them was that sex was evil, because the Devil hates sex because it is God's plan to populate the World & the Kingdom of God with babies as its new citizens!

5. THIS IS THE MOST WONDERFUL THING ABOUT BEING A HUMAN BEING, TO BRING MORE HUMAN BEINGS INTO THIS WORLD & INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD! God wants babies! So there's nothing wrong with either nudity or sex or having babies! It's the will of God for you to be fruitful & to multiply!

6. So here I am back on the subject again, but this is the Garden of Eden series & we're covering the Bible from the first Garden of Eden to the marvelous Garden of Eden of the future when the whole World will be a Garden of Eden!

7. That gives us the hope to fight on & live on & be faithful to the Lord, because we know there's another beautiful Worldwide Garden of Eden coming where all will be beautiful & happy & plentiful & peaceful & you can have all the sex you want & all the pretty girls you want, like angels of God!

8. There's sex in Heaven, yes!—There will be sex in Heaven! Maybe the Muslims were not so far wrong after all! I've seen some of those gorgeous Houris of Heaven! Boy‚ that's my kind of Heaven! Amen? Isn't that the kind of Heaven you want? Come on, be honest! If that's not the kind of Heaven you want, you must be half-dead already!

9. SEX WAS THE FIRST COMMANDMENT, & TO HAVE SEX IS THE FIRST OBEDIENCE TO GOD'S COMMANDMENTS‚ THINK OF THAT! So as you can see & as you can hear, we are a very sexy religion with a very sexy leader & a very sexy following & a very sexy doctrine, & we got it all out of this book called the Holy Bible!

10. That's why we're such a sexy religion—we believe in this book! We believe God created man & woman & sex—"male & female created He them‚ & they two shall become one flesh"—that that's what God made your bodies for, to produce human beings, immortal souls for the Kingdom of God! And there's only one thing better‚ & that's spiritual sex‚ intercourse with God Himself in the Spirit, being married to Jesus Christ as His Bride. (Rom.7:4)

11. Have you received Jesus Christ as your Bridegroom? Have you become a part of the Bride of Christ & enjoyed spiritual communion, spiritual intercourse with Him? You don't know what thrills are until you have had a spiritual orgasm of the Spirit, an explosion in the Spirit by being possessed with the Holy Spirit of God!

Sinless Sex

(ML #1969:1-19, DB 8.)

1. GOD'S FIRST COMMANDMENT TO MAN IN THE FIRST BOOK OF THE BIBLE, FIRST CHAPTER‚ THE 28TH VERSE‚ IS "BE FRUITFUL & MULTIPLY & REPLENISH THE EARTH!"—OR, "THOU SHALT HAVE SEX!" Think of that! Sex was God's first commandment to man!—And to have sex was man's first obedience to God!

2. CONTRARY TO THE DOCTRINE OF SOME CHURCHES, MAN'S FIRST SIN WAS NOT SEX, BECAUSE SEX IS NOT A SIN, BUT GOD-CREATED IN THE VERY BEGINNING TO BE ENJOYED BY ALL! Those parts which fit each other, those nerves which give us pleasure when put in pleasant motion, those rapturous ecstasies & orgasmic explosions were being enjoyed by Adam & Eve as a part of the pleasures of God's wonderful creation in the pure, sinless Garden of Eden long before Satan entered in with his temptation!

3. ADAM & EVE ENJOYED SEX BEFORE THEY FELL & were created with sexual organs to do so in the very beginning! So how could sex be sinful if they were commanded to practice it before the Fall? Sex was not a result of the Fall of man & the introduction of sin, as is taught by some of the deluded churches & believed by so many poor church people to therefore still be sinful today.—This simply is not true according to the Bible!

4. "YOU MEAN GOD WAS SO SEXY THAT HE PUT THOSE TWO MOST GORGEOUS PEOPLE WHO EVER LIVED IN THAT BEAUTIFUL GARDEN OF EDEN STARK NAKED, totally nude, without even a fig leaf? You mean to tell me that He allowed them—commanded them—to immediately participate in sex? And it wasn't a sin?"—Of course not! And it's still not a sin to have sex! In fact‚ He made men & women to have sex!

5. IF IT'S A SIN THEN GOD'S A SINNER, BECAUSE HE MADE IT!—And He commanded Adam to have sex with Eve before the Fall, before Satan even came along! So if you want to blame somebody, blame God!—Or thank Him! Hallelujah! He created sex & the human body not as something evil to be hidden, but as His Own beautiful & wonderful creations to be revealed & enjoyed to the full!

6. IF SEX & YOUR BODY ARE UNCLEAN, THEN WHY DID GOD MAKE THEM? If sex is bad & evil, why did God make it? And if He didn't intend for you to enjoy sex, why did He put all those nerves in your sexual organs that make you feel so good? So how can sex possibly be wrong when God made it & He made your body & He made your sexual organs?—He made it for you to enjoy!

7. SO SEX IS NOT EVIL AFTER ALL, BUT A WONDERFUL GIFT FROM GOD to be freely & fully enjoyed in the right relationships! The Devil was not responsible for sex & it was not a result nor part of the Fall, but was created & instituted by God in the very beginning as His Creation for you to enjoy.—Not only to enable you to have children, which is a wonderful part & result of it, but also to have fellowship with the ones you love.

8. CONTRARY TO THE FALSE DOCTRINES OF MOST OF THE CHURCHES, THERE'S NOT ONE SINGLE PLACE IN THE ENTIRE BIBLE THAT STATES OR PROVES THAT NUDITY IS EVIL OR SEX IS WRONG! In fact in the original Creation, God intended for people to run around stark naked in the open air, in the Garden, with no houses, no bedrooms & no privacy, & to make love on the grass under the trees, right out in the open! Nudity & sex in the Garden were the first order of the day‚ & therefore, having been created by God in the nude & never having known clothing or any kind of bodily covering, they didn't even know they were naked!

9. ADAM & EVE HAD BEEN LOOKING AT EACH OTHER FOR GOD KNOWS HOW LONG!—A long time! They had been looking at each other's nudity & sexual parts, totally exposed & unclothed, thoroughly enjoying sex, & never even thought of it as being bad or evil. They only became ashamed of their God-created bodies after they fell & had sin in their hearts—the wrong sinful view of things! Before that, with pure sinless hearts & a Heavenly outlook, they weren't even conscious of being naked because they'd never been anything else!

10. ALL WAS BEAUTIFUL UNTIL SATAN LIED TO THEM, UNDERMINING THEIR FAITH IN GOD'S WORD regarding the tree of the knowledge of good & evil, so that they disobeyed & sinned against the Lord. And when they took of the fruit of that tree of the knowledge of good & evil, suddenly they thought nudity was bad!—The Devil put the thought in their minds that sex was evil & that it was wrong to show their sexual parts!

11. THEN THE LORD CAME ALONG & CALLED THEM, SAYING, "WHERE ART THOU?" TO WHICH ADAM REPLIED, "I WAS AFRAID, BECAUSE I WAS NAKED, & I HID MYSELF." (Gen.3:9,10) Now remember, they'd been naked ever since they were created, & when all they knew was the knowledge of good‚ they weren't even aware of it! They saw each other & each other's bodies & never thought anything of it!—Except that they were very beautiful & they liked to make love to each other! But they never thought or saw anything wrong with it‚ because there was nothing wrong with it!

12. THE LORD THEN ASKED THEM, "WHO TOLD THEE THAT THOU WAST NAKED?" (Gen.3:11) Where did they get the idea that they were naked & that it was wrong to be naked?—The Devil told them they were naked! Instantly, as soon as they disobeyed, the Devil polluted their minds with the lie that nudity was evil & that the sexual parts were evil & should be hidden.—A lie of the Devil!—Part of the knowledge of evil that came into man's heart through sin & disobedience!

13. THE DEVIL KNEW THAT IF HE COULD GET THEM TO BELIEVE THAT NUDITY WAS EVIL, THEN OF COURSE THEY'D BELIEVE THAT SEX MUST BE VERY EVIL TOO, because nudity is the baring of your body & sexual parts. And if that's wrong‚ if that's evil‚ then the sexual parts themselves must be evil, the body itself must be evil, & of course sex itself must be very evil! If it's wrong to be naked, then it must be very wrong to have sex, because how are you going to enjoy sex without being naked?

14. REMEMBER, GOD'S FIRST COMMANDMENT TO MAN WAS TO "BE FRUITFUL, & MULTIPLY & REPLENISH THE EARTH!"—"THOU SHALT HAVE SEX!" (Gen.1:28) God intended on using His marvelous creation of sex as a tool to keep man & woman together in beautiful harmony‚ having children, lovely families & happy, loving homes‚ thus filling the Earth & completely frustrating Satan's plan to destroy mankind!

15. BUT BY PERSUADING MAN THAT NUDITY WAS WRONG & THEREFORE SEX WAS EVIL, THE DEVIL WAS ATTACKING THE VERY ROOT OF THE CREATION OF GOD‚ because without nudity you've got no sex, & without sex you've got no children! If God's first commandment to man was to have sex & be fruitful & multiply, it was one of the Devil's first commandments to man not to have sex, to get them to disobey God & thereby frustrate God's loving plan for man!

16. THE DEVIL WAS STRIKING AT THE VERY BASIS OF PROCREATION, RE-CREATION, OF HAVING CHILDREN TO PERPETUATE THE RACE OF MAN WHICH HE WAS TRYING TO DESTROY! He tried to destroy it by first of all undermining their faith in God & getting them to disobey, & then by getting them to believe that there was something wrong & evil about the beautiful bodies that God had given them & that it was therefore wrong to be nude or to have sex & children.

17. SO CONTRARY TO WHAT THE CHURCHES TEACH & WHAT MOST OF THE WORLD BELIEVES, THE DEVIL HATES & FIGHTS SEX! Sex is God's Own creation‚ His idea, His gift to us, & the Devil is its arch-enemy! Of course he tries to take the credit for it & then trickily turns around & condemns you for enjoying it, telling you that it is a sin, that it is his sinful offering for your pleasure & that the only way you can really enjoy it is by being a sinner!—Because "sex is sinful!", so the Devil says!

18. THE DEVIL HATES SEX, & YET HE'S GOT THE WHOLE WORLD DECEIVED INTO THINKING THAT HE LOVES IT & that, in order to enjoy it, they've got to love him! Therefore they think they're getting away from God by indulging in sex, when actually they're getting back to God's Own original plan & freedom of the Garden! The Devil stole the credit for the whole works, & now he's rationing it out to his people as his favors for worshipping him!

19. THE WHOLE WORLD IS ABSOLUTELY PERVERTED IN ONE HELL-OF–A-WRONG ATTITUDE TOWARDS SEX!—That it's something horrible, dirty, filthy, evil, sinful & wicked! They are virtually blaspheming the Creation of God—the most marvelous, miraculous & beautiful of all physical activities that creates life‚ new human beings! Sex brings the most wonderful, thrilling fruit of almost any human activity—beautiful children that God gives us for His glory!

We've Got a Lot to Learn

(ML #2054:16-21‚ Vol.16.)

16. I WAS THINKING THIS MORNING, BEING NAKED IS SO HUMBLING!—And the peculiar mechanics of sex is so humiliating, it really is! I think it does you a lot of good to be naked in front of each other & have sex, it helps keep you humble! So don't be proud of it! Be thankful for it, but it's nothing to be proud of. It's a necessity!

17. WHY SHOULD YOU BE PROUD OF EATING OR SLEEPING? Eating is a very gruesome operation if you want to really think about it!—Stuffing all that food in your face & slip slop slurp! And to think we get together at one table facing each other for that kind of operation‚ really, it's very humbling! Most of the necessities of life are very humbling, because it shows you have a need, you're not sufficient in yourself, you need something.

18. I DON'T KNOW OF MANY PEOPLE WHO ARE PROUD OF SLEEPING, MOST PEOPLE ARE A LITTLE BIT ASHAMED IF THEY SLEEP TOO LONG! You sort of have to apologize that you yawn & you're tired & say, "Excuse me‚ but I've got to go to bed, I'm sleepy." It's nothing you're proud of, it's confessing a need, humbly confessing that you are weak & human & mortal & frail & you need sleep!

19. WHAT OTHER NECESSITY OF LIFE BESIDES THE GRUESOME HABIT OF EATING & THE WEAKNESS OF HAVING TO SLEEP DO YOU HAVE TO CONFESS? What's the next most urgent thing in life? (Fam: Going to the toilet?)—That's a very good point! Did you know even Jesus had to go to the toilet? It's not funny, it's the truth! A lot of people never thought of that. He had to go to the toilet just like we do.

20. JUST THINK, THE LORD OF HEAVEN, KING OF KINGS, MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE, HAD TO COME DOWN TO EARTH & PUT ON THIS RIDICULOUS FLESH, human flesh, corrupt flesh, weak flesh, subject to temptations in all points like as we are, it says so! (Heb.4:15) It was like a King putting on a clown's suit! I like the way they portrayed that in that famous movie, "The Parable". That was a pretty good parable. It was like the great King had come down & put on a clown's suit, ridiculous, to put on human flesh! And they made fun of Him as such, called Him all kinds of names, even jeered at Him when He was on the cross‚ while they were killing Him! It's pretty humiliating to be a human being, maybe more humiliating to some people than others.

21. BEING NAKED IS VERY HUMILIATING‚ EVEN TO THE BEST OF YOU, EVEN TO THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE THE NICEST SHAPES. It's more humiliating to some of the rest of us who maybe aren't shaped as well as you are, but it's good for us all, it keeps us humble! And by the way, did you know that self-respect is self-righteousness! It does my pride good! It does your pride good to have to let it all hang out! Of course, some of you beauties may not be ashamed to show it off because you've really got a lot to show off!—Some of us more than others, of course.

The Bible Is Necessarily So

(ML #2321:10-18, Vol.18.)

10. It's almost beyond my comprehension that the World is so screwed up & so ridiculous about sex & babies & their normal human bodies! They're more ashamed of their bodies & sex than anything else. The very first thing that Adam & Eve were ashamed of after they fell & sin entered their heart, they were ashamed of their bodies, they tried to cover up their nudity. Do you remember what God said? Do you remember the first question He asked them when they said they found they were naked? He said, "Who told you you were naked?"—Gen.3:11. Well, who do you think it was? (Fam: The Devil.)—The Devil! In other words, what was he telling them in telling them that they were naked? (Fam: That it was wrong.)—That it was wrong to be naked‚ that it was evil to expose their genitals & their sexual organs, it was wrong to be nude!

11. And having believed the Devil's first lie to them, they believed everything he told them after that! He said, "Eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil & you'll be like gods!"—Gen.3:5. And he immediately began attending to his ministry of making sure they learned everything evil & everything wrong & all of his lies, till that has become the generally accepted norm of so-called moral behavior‚ to be ashamed of your body & ashamed of sex & hide it‚ hide it, hide it!—Because the Devil has said that it's wrong!

12. All these people out there are following what they think are Christian & church doctrines & church teaching. They think it's Bible teaching to be ashamed of nudity—they call it pornography—to be ashamed of sex—they call it obscenity—& think they're following the teachings of God because that's what their preachers & priests have told them! Therefore the laws have been built on what the church said was right & wrong, & as a result the whole World is absolutely screwed up following the lies of the Devil taught by preachers & priests even, that it's wrong to be naked, it's evil to have sex‚ etc.‚ except within just certain very restricted confines.

13. When my Mother was a girl it was shameful & a disgrace & absolutely considered wicked if even a husband or a wife went to bed naked! It was considered a shame & a disgrace if ever a child or anybody didn't wear clothes in bed, pajamas or a nightgown or something. We wear'm to keep warm sometimes, but I think some of those people that created such rules never must have lived down in the Tropix! In fact, they're the ones that used to squirm in their seats & look embarrassed & ashamed when the missionaries would show motion pictures of all the naked natives in church! Oh, they would get more complaints afterwards: "I don't think you should have shown those pictures here in church, of all things! It might be that way over there, but it's a disgrace, it's a shame, it's wicked, it's evil in church!"

14. Those are what you call the mores of society, & there's a little difference taught between mores & morals. Morals are what are generally accepted as definite rules of good behavior taught by the church & supposedly taught by the Bible, & if you keep those rules you're a moral person. But then society has a vastly larger mass of customary behavior or customs & traditions called mores. This means the general, usually accepted form of behavior that's considered right by your particular society, & anything that varies from that norm is considered wrong. Even though you don't find that in the Bible, you don't find it in religious teaching or whatever, it's just a normally accepted thing that it's considered wrong by your society or others.

15. And most societies not only have laws to enforce what is known as morals—genuine generally accepted rules of human behavior, much of it founded on the Bible & more of it founded on church & Christian & Jewish tradition—but they have this vastly greater group or mass of generally accepted rules of behavior known as mores that are just customary. For example, when I was a little boy it used to be customary for women to wear their skirts down to their ankles, & any woman who exposed her ankles was considered indecent. If she crossed her legs like this & her foot was hanging out there with her ankle bare‚ she was considered a bad woman. Times have changed! That was a more, that was a generally accepted custom, a considered norm of human behavior.—That is, at least in the Western Judeo-Christian Northern World.

16. They had high lace collars clear up around their necks & it was disgraceful for a woman to have short sleeves that didn't come clear down to her wrists! But they were beautiful dresses, I must admit, & you couldn't absolutely hide all of a woman's charms just with a dress even down to her ankles & down to her wrists & up to her neck! She was really up to her neck in clothes, that's for sure! But they were still women, praise God, even if you couldn't see much. They still had a certain form & shape so that you could tell that it was a woman, certain bulges here & there, certain "pudge" as dear Techi calls it. Well‚ women have certain pudges in certain places that identify them as women.

17. But that was the norm of human behavior & anybody who varied from that "custom" was a disgrace, a bad woman to expose her ankles! In fact, in some cities & some States there were laws as to how high a woman's hemline could be! I can remember when I was a child seeing women arrested on the streets of Miami‚ Florida for what they called indecent exposure, because their dress was so short or their neckline was so low or the dress was so thin in that hot climate! They came down from the more wicked North where they were used to considerably more freedom, whereas the Southerners on the average were very narrow-minded, straitlaced Christians & had very narrow ideas of behavior, so their laws were based on that too.

18. They used to have the "blue laws" on Sunday. You couldn't play ball on Sunday‚ you couldn't play games, in fact, I was even stopped by a policeman from running down the street of Savannah, Georgia on Sunday when I was a little boy! It was against the law to run on Sunday! Well, there are some of your mores which they considered morals‚ & even graduated from there on into actual law! People start off with what they think is right & wrong, & at first they just begin to frown on what they think is wrong. Then by & by they begin to speak against what they think is wrong, & eventually they persuade the lawmakers to make laws against what they think is wrong!

Why Do Ye Stone Us

(ML #2835:1-6, 18–22, DB 11.)

1. With this new wave of persecution, we are of course again being asked questions about our sexual freedoms as they become more and more widely known through the exposure that our enemies have given our lit. Again, the Enemy has overstepped himself, and thinking to tribulate us, he has done much more to help us in enabling us to stand up and proclaim God's truth through His Word. To answer any of the questions on our sex beliefs‚ we have to go back to the fundamental issue as to what is basically wrong with nudity and sex.

2. The subject goes back as far as the very beginnings of man. Men and women were created naked and with visible sexual parts. Why didn't God immediately cover them up and say, "No, no, you must stay dressed and hide these parts because they're evil‚ and using them is also evil!" Why did Adam and Eve not consider that nudity and sex were evil until the Devil told them so?—As is brought out by the Words of the Lord when He returned to the Garden of Eden for His usual fellowship with Adam and Eve, after their disobedience to His commandment not to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. They had made themselves aprons of leaves to hide their sexual parts and had hidden themselves from the approaching presence of the Lord, saying, "We were afraid and hid, because we are naked." (See Gen.3:7-11.)

3. And immediately the Lord asked them the primary question which is basic to the whole issue: "Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?" Here we go back to the basic, fundamental question of what is good and what is evil. Were their bodies really bad? Were their sexual parts really evil? Isn't that the way God made them to begin with? Didn't God tell them to be fruitful and multiply? (Gen.1:28). And in order to comply with that, they would certainly have to have a lot of sex, as well as nudity. They certainly could not be fruitful and multiply without sex! So what then was wrong with sex after the Fall which had not been wrong with it when they were first created?

4. It was a totally new concept after the Fall. Before that, they didn't even know they were naked. It was perfectly natural to them to be naked. And of course upon seeing each other, it was perfectly natural to be inspired with sexual feelings and to want to have sex.

5. If it was wrong to be naked, then why did God make them naked in the first place? And why were they not even conscious of being naked and never forbidden to be naked? "God saw every thing that He had made, and‚ behold, it was very good" (Gen.1:31). God intended for them to be naked to begin with and to have all the sex they wanted‚ and as many children as they wanted, which they obviously did, and had sex before the Fall!

6. This is what the Bible says! And this is the basis for our belief that sex is God's gift to us, that He's the one who created it and all of its pleasurable sensations, and that He expects us to enjoy it! Yet our self-righteous enemies condemn us and accuse us of being wicked sinners because we thank God for His gift of sex and because we're not ashamed of the bodies He has given us and because we have been freed by His grace to enjoy sex as He intended for us to!

18. Nudity and sex were obviously received without question in the days of Adam and Eve. So where then did this question arise about nudity and sex being something bad‚ evil and wicked? Well, it's quite evident from what God asked Adam and Eve when He came to talk to them. He said, "Who told you you were naked?" In other words, "Who has told you that it is something bad or evil to be naked?—Or that there's something wrong with your sexual parts that they shouldn't be shown?—That there's therefore something evil about sex?"

19. Who first taught man that it was bad and evil to be naked, and that sex was evil? Well, it's obvious from the story in Genesis of Adam and Eve that it was Satan! It was the Devil who originated the doctrines which have become standard doctrines of the churches against nudity and sex in all forms, condemned by society and programmed into the laws that way by the churches!

20. Who then has been encouraging this idea of nudity and sex being evil? Who originated it but Satan himself in opening the eyes of Adam and Eve with a knowledge of supposed evil in the matter of nudity and sex. The Devil has carried this on as his primary campaign against man and his ideas of sin ever since.—To condemn nudity, God's beautiful creation of man, and the sexual organs of men and women as something to be ashamed of and something that is evil, and therefore implying, of course, that sex is evil.

21. If sex is evil‚ why did God create it? If nudity is evil, why is that the way God made men and women to begin with? God created your body, He created the sexual organs and He commanded men and women to have sex—to "be fruitful and multiply!"

22. But man today has turned things around completely, and Why has everything become so backward and wrong-side-out and upside down that man today and self–righteous hypocritical society accept with open arms the most vicious‚ vile, wicked, evil, filthy, sexual sin of all?—Sodomy! The wicked are now condemning the righteous as wicked!

Copyright © 2004 by The Family

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