Spirits of Christmas Yet To Come

March 17, 2004

Christmas message for 2003

By MariaMaria #661 CM/FM 3467 10/03

Merry Christmas!

1. Congratulations‚ dearest Family! You've made it through another wonderful year in service to our darling Husband! We can now look back with joy and praise and thankfulness for all that He has done in our personal lives, in our Family as a whole, as well as all that He has anointed us to do for Him and others! At the same time, we can look forward with eager anticipation to a fulfilling new year ahead—one that will no doubt be our best yet, since every year with Jesus just gets better and better.

2. Isn't it sweet how Jesus loves to give us gifts on His birthday? And this year is no exception! Last year at Christmas He revealed to us Tola and Tor‚ our commanders of the power of the keys, and Jesus has seen fit to bless us with another unique gift this Christmas. I don't want to give away the surprise; I'm sure you'll want to "unwrap" this spiritual gift layer by layer, as Jesus and Dad explain it. But I will tell you one thing in advance: This gift is something that's going to help us reap a mighty harvest of souls this Christmas. Souls are what Jesus is most interested in all throughout the year, but He wants to encourage us in our mission even more so at Christmastime‚ because many people are much more receptive to the witness and more open to receiving His salvation during this season than at any other time.

3. Speaking of Christmas witnessing: Peter and I are praying for wonderful and satisfying experiences for each of you as you make the most of this extraordinary time of year by sharing Jesus' love and truth with others. We're claiming the keys of witnessing and miracles—for open doors‚ our beautiful tools getting into the hands of thousands, Activated subscriptions sold, abundant supply, increased finances, and most importantly, many souls and disciples won and lasting fruit borne for the Kingdom of Heaven! May your Christmas season be blessed in every way, dear Family!

4. "The keys of the Kingdom go to work like never before during the Christmas season in answer to your prayers, to help you to reach the souls who long to know Me, and to assist you as you spread the gospel of My love and truth throughout the world!"

With love and prayers from Peter and me for a wonderful Christmas,


5. (Dad: ) It's Christmas yet again, dear Family! Hallelujah! One year is over, and another is about to begin.

6. You know me, I always loved to sing! After all, music was my first service and ministry for the Lord, and Christmas just seems to bring out the song and praise in me even more! Of course, there's nothing that beats those beautiful old Christmas carols and hymns and our own inspired-from-Heaven Christmas songs. But there are even one or two contemporary Christmas songs I'm fond of as well. I'm not sure if you're all familiar with "Don't Save It All For Christmas," sung by dear Celine Dion, but some of you might be. Some of the words are particularly meaningful‚ and even more so to us, when our whole commission and purpose in life is to give Jesus' love and message to the world.

7. (Dad relays a few stanzas of "Don't Save It All For Christmas":)

Don't get so busy that you miss

Giving just a little kiss

To the ones you love.

Don't even wait a little while

To give them just a little smile.

How many people are crying

How many people are dying

How many people are asking for love?

So don't save it all for Christmas day.

Find a way

To give a little love every day.

Don't save it all for Christmas day.

Find your way

'Cause holidays have come and gone

But love lives on

If you give on.


How could you wait another minute?

A hug is warmer when you're in it.

Baby, that's a fact

And saying, "I love you" is always better.

Seasons, reasons, they don't matter.

So don't hold back.

How many people in this world

So needful in this world

How many people are praying for love?

8. Isn't that beautiful? That says it all, really: Love! That's the reason for it all, and the purpose that compels and constrains us to give our lives to Jesus each and every day.

9. Lord help us all not to hold back in showing and giving Your love to the lost, nor to each other‚ for that matter. Help us not to wait another minute in giving love to those around us, and especially to the poor lost of the world, when it could be their last chance, their last minutes on this Earth.

10. Thank You, Jesus! We love You‚ Jesus! We need You, Lord! Thank You for giving us another Christmas! Thank You that for us Christmas is every day of the year, and that You shower Your abundant love upon us each and every day of the year! We are blessed above all peoples of the Earth! We praise You, wonderful Love!

11. The Lord is the ultimate sample of giving His all and not holding back. Even this Christmas‚ when we're supposed to be giving Him the gifts that matter most to Him, He still wants to give us, His brides, a special gift. Isn't that sweet of the Lord? But first of all‚ since the Archangel Gabriel will be helping from the spiritual realm in revealing the Lord's special Christmas gift for you, the Lord's given me permission to give a little honor to whom honor is due, and that's to Gabriel.

12. The Lord's already given us the Archangel Michael and his legions of warrior angels to help us. We're his responsibility, so to speak; we're under his jurisdiction. (See ML #3443:78-82, GN 1024.) However, in the future not only will we have the Archangel Michael's invaluable help and power available to us, but more and more the Archangel Gabriel will come to the fore. Gabriel‚ as you know, is the Messenger Angel‚ the angel who stands in the presence of God, and who bears the Word to the world in the form of heavenly messages and proclamations. (See ML #3444:121, GN 1029.)

13. As the keeper of the reservoir of God‚ Gabriel is a very important Archangel. (See ML #3119:21-34, Lifelines 24.) Not too long ago, the Lord gave me a sneak peek—a preview of the future—and told me that Gabriel is going to be overseeing and working alongside our Activation Angel of Revelation‚ the angel in charge of discerning the Lord's secrets. Gabriel is going to become our awesome personal "Revelation Angel" in the days to come, overseeing and working in teamwork with our Activation Angel of Revelation and the keys in helping you discern and see into the future. Pretty amazing! Praise the Lord!

14. Satan is always looking to quell the springs of God. He has an obsessive personal vendetta, if you can call it that‚ against Gabriel, because Gabriel took his place in the halls of Heaven as God's light bearer in delivering the Lord's heavenly messages. As much as the Enemy hates and fights the Word now‚ you're going to see him go into even higher gear in intensely and relentlessly fighting the flow of the Word in the future—seeking to plug and stop the springs of God.

15. So that's another reason why the Lord will be calling Gabriel to the forefront of the battle in the coming days, to protect and preserve the flow of that which is most precious and powerful: His Word. Then you can be sure we are going to witness Gabriel's unmatched power in protecting that which he guards.

16. The Lord's given Gabriel the gift of great insight and understanding. In Bible times he was given the responsibility on a few occasions of opening the prophets' mouths and eyes to the Lord's Words and visions. So that's something to be very thankful for in advance, that not only are we going to be witnessing his power to preserve and keep the flow of God's Word, but the Family is going to personally be hearing more from Gabriel in the near future, and he's going to help to open your spiritual eyes and mouths‚ just as he did with the prophets of old!

17. I have an interesting little tidbit on Gabriel for any of you girls who may be interested. I know some of you are very interested in the angels and what they look like‚ their characteristics and all! Ha! And I don't blame you! The beauty and majesty and power of the Lord's spiritual beings and entities up here literally takes your breath away! Anyway, here within the heavenly realm, Gabriel is often referred to as the Angel of the Lord's Passion. That got some of you thinking, didn't it? Ha! Yes, he is a very sexy angel. After all, he was given the very special commission of being used by God as His instrument—a theophany, or God body—to bring God's seed, Jesus‚ into the world. Now that had to be a very special commission! He was also used to announce to Zacharias and his wife the soon-coming birth of their child, when she was well past childbearing age.

18. Now what do you suppose represents God's passion? It's His love for us, as well as His Words. So Gabriel's been both a vehicle and messenger on more than one occasion of God's love and passion for mankind—a very sexy angel! Well‚ that oughtta be something you girls remember about Gabriel, if nothing else! Ha! Of course, that's not something you can tell everybody, but isn't it wonderful that we have the privilege of knowing these sorts of details about angels and the heavenly realm that no other peoples or groups or churches on the face of the Earth are privileged to know? Every single day I thank the Lord for the enlightenment and revelations He's given us. Praise God!

19. So thank the Lord for Gabriel, and thank the Lord for all our angels and spiritual helpers! Remember, that was one of the last things that the Lord gave Grandmother before she passed on: that we need to thank the Lord more for His angels and helpers. You don't realize just how much they help you, but you sure find out when you get up here! So don't forget to thank the Lord regularly for all His angels and helpers. And most of all, remember to ask for their help. Amen?

20. Well, that was a little detour the Lord gave me leave to share with you—an inspiring tidbit on how Gabriel will soon be stepping on to the scene more than ever before, as another powerful force on our side. He's already been an important part of the spiritual hierarchy, but he'll now be helping you‚ dear Family, more than ever before, and you'll be more aware of his help! Praise the Lord!

21. Okay, so now it's Gabriel's turn to pull back the curtain to the realm of the spirit. (End of message.)

22. (Vision:) I close my eyes, and I immediately feel as if my spirit is literally being taken somewhere else. I find myself standing in the middle of something very supernatural. It seems I don't do anything on my own; everything that I am able to do is not by my desire or power‚ but by an unseen hand and force.

23. I'm getting the impression it's a special place within the spiritual realm, but I don't know where. It's difficult to describe, because there's nothing earthly to compare it to. It's an expanse that seems endless, like a plane or floor or dimension of shining glass that stretches out in every direction for miles and miles. And yet it must have an end, because I also sense darkness on the outer edges of this dimension. On this plane, as far as I can see, is what must be a host of spirits—hundreds and thousands of spirits! It's very awesome to see, and they're all raising their arms and singing and praising!

24. Above them is the expanse of the night sky, which seems to have a supernatural depth and dimension all of its own, and there are millions of beautiful glistening stars in the sky, and they all appear to be dancing! It's as if everything is moving and dancing and singing in sync! The music and song is indescribable! It's like the sound of a thousand Christmas songs and hymns and praises all playing at once, and yet it's beautiful and powerful and awesome, and not confusing in the least. It blends into a powerful entity of its own and becomes one with this heavenly atmosphere.

25. Now I'm feeling another sensation; I'm feeling very, very small, very nothing, very dirty, very sinful and unworthy and out of place. All of a sudden I'm feeling the weight of my earthly body and its sin in the presence of what is undeniably perfect heavenly purity and light. But now, at what seems to be just the right moment‚ I'm seeing Jesus! All I can do is cry. It's an uncontrollable emotion, something that's welling up and out of my soul. It's Him, and all I can feel is overwhelming and complete love, understanding and acceptance. He's so beautiful, as if made of light, and I'm seeing that all of this—this praise and song and majesty and beauty—is for our wonderful Husband and Savior, in honor and praise of Christmas and His birth and what it's meant for us all! It's so beautiful! Thank You, Lord, for such an experience!

26. Now Jesus is taking my arm and drawing me closer to this host of thousands of spirits. At first it seems that everyone is holding candles, but as I get closer, I see that everyone has their hands around a beautiful flame that is resting slightly above and in between their cupped hands. This flame appears to be part of them‚ as if it's a manifestation of something within each of their souls. That's the impression I'm getting. They're holding and displaying these flames in honor of Christmas, the Lord's birthday. Now everyone begins lifting their hands and arms in what I can only describe as the most blissful and intense praise that I've ever seen!

27. I'm watching one man, and streams of tears are running down his face. But the tears don't fall to the ground. Instead, as they run down his cheeks, they turn into beautiful sparkles, like living diamonds, and then they twirl up into the air and become one with all the stars in the heavens above them. Wow! Many of the spirits have tears running down their faces‚ and as they lift their arms in praise—and what also seems to be intercession—all their little flames merge and become one! Now I'm no longer seeing this host of spirits before me. All I'm seeing is a huge form of concentrated light and power‚ a creation of all their individual flames.

28. This is truly amazing: Out of this light mass, walking toward me, are spirits. They're clearly those who have lived on Earth, just normal people of all ages and nationalities. (End of vision.)

29. (Jesus:) My loves, My darling brides, I give you—each one of you—the spirits belonging to a Christmas yet to come. What you have seen is within the realm of the future by Earth time. It is a Christmas yet to come, and you have seen the host of souls that will be reached this Christmas, rejoicing in their salvation and the great joy they have found in Me and My true love.

30. The flame each one possesses is a manifestation of their love and passion for Me. These are their passion flames, their inner souls. What you are seeing now are the spirits of souls won in your tomorrow, the future. Even though their spirits are with Me in the great eternal now‚ their physical bodies are still captive within the realm of time, in your present world. They are yet to be reached‚ yet to be found. But their destiny is with Me, because I want to draw them unto Me. It is up to you, My loves, to search them out and find them and bring them to Me.

31. Their souls, their inner flames of passion, have collectively come before My throne in supplication and desperation‚ that they would be found, and that other desperate and lost ones like them—those lost in the brambles of this world—would be found. These are the spirits you saw step forth from the light of their collective flames. These are My special spirits of Christmas yet to come, who will go with each of you, My children of David, to reach those who I know need to be reached this Christmas. These spirits are specifically for this Christmas, to aid you in finding the souls who are lost, and for whom time is now running out.

32. These spirits are My gifts to you this Christmas‚ My loves. These are they who will awaken in each of you the love and passion that will compel you to go out into the highways and byways in search of those who are Mine. These are they who will rekindle the fire within your heart and the desire to serve Me and live for Me no matter what the cost. These are they who will again stir your heart and spirit with the joy of your salvation!

33. These are they who possess the keys of passion, and as each of you, My brides, seek after and ask Me for these spirits to help and guide you in your Christmas witnessing, your heart and spirit will be set aflame! Those who are lost seek that flame, and they will see it in your eyes, for the children of David possess this great love and the true flame of God. (End of message.)

34. (Dad:) Hallelujah! Praise God! What a gift!—Isn't that beautiful!? And doesn't that make you want to find those precious lost souls who are destined to be found, so they can be part of their destiny—that Christmas yet to come? Praise God!

35. Just think of it: Our wonderful Husband is going to give each of you—at the touch of your faith and request—a special spirit who is especially gifted and commissioned with the sole purpose of helping you find their physical body on Earth in order to give them salvation, as well as other lost souls who need to be reached this Christmas. And it seems from what the Lord indicated, this could well be their last Christmas‚ and your last opportunity to find them‚ so that they can become one with their destiny. Pretty sobering, isn't it?

36. The souls and spirits of the lost are interceding before the Lord for their redemption and salvation. (Dad weeps.) They're praying, interceding in desperation, and weeping not just for their own souls, but for the souls of all those who are lost and need to be found. And as a result of these spirits' prayers and intercession‚ the Lord's allowed these same spirits—those who are right now lost on this Earth—to help us find themselves! They're coming back to the past in our present! Now there's a mind bender for you!

37. We can thank the Lord that‚ unlike dear old Ebenezer Scrooge, we don't have to be visited by a scary or frightening ghost of Christmas yet to come, or see our own deaths to be stirred up! But the Lord in His love and foresight is sending us these special spirits as a gift and extra special impetus and boost in the spirit in helping us this Christmas season to find and reach the lost. The Lord certainly has a sense of humor in naming them the spirits of Christmas yet to come, or at least knows what we'll relate to best. Thank You, Jesus!

38. So ask in the power of the keys, and you will receive! All Heaven is waiting to help you! All you have to do is tune in and follow their lead! Praise God! (End of message.)

39. (Jesus:) I have revealed to you, My Endtime children, a special gift. I am allowing you a link to the spirits of those who are lost in the world, those who are begging to be found by Me‚ praying to know My love. There are so many souls in the world who are longing for My love and truth, longing to be found, and their prayers and supplications have reached My ears in mammoth amounts this year.

40. I always hear the cries of My lost sheep, and especially at Christmastime so many are searching for meaning in life and are much more open to knowing Me and learning of Me. But this year, the heartcries that have reached My ears are of epic proportions‚ and so I have given you a glimpse of how you can call on these spirits to help you in finding their physical bodies on Earth, as well as many others who are also lost, to give them a chance to receive My salvation.

41. These spirits of Christmas yet to come are those who are longing to be reached, those who I am desiring to draw unto Me, those who in the future are going to be in the spirit world by My side, if you will reach them, if you will do your part, if you will go out into the highways and byways and compel them to come in. The spirits of Christmas yet to come in this vision are those who will be a part of My Kingdom in the future if you do your part today, this Christmas, to bring them to Me, to show them the gateway to My Kingdom.

42. The soul and spirit of man knows no boundaries, and can travel freely to the spirit world. That is why these spirits who are still on Earth today, and who are lost and wandering, have been able to come before My throne and ask to aid you in finding them in the physical realm. Their souls and spirits aren't bound to the physical realm, and that's how they can help you in the spirit. I have already found them in the spiritual realm: I know their hearts and souls and minds like none other‚ and I know they are dying for My love and salvation, but that is not enough. Their physical mind, body, and heart must be reached, and it is My highest will that they be given the opportunity to accept Me into their lives as their Savior in the physical realm.

43. This is why I am sending the spirits of the lost, their spirits which aren't bound to the physical realm, to you as you call on the keys of passion. Their passion will become your passion. It will drive you and give you greater impetus and fervor in reaching as many lost souls as you can this Christmas. You will not reach all of the lost souls this Christmas who are begging to be found‚ because there are many more lost souls than the vessels and witnessers I have to work through to reach them, but if you give Me your all—your whole hearts, minds, and spirits—and witness as if everything depended on it, then many will be found, and great will be the joy of the spirits who were once lost but will then be found!

44. It should not surprise you that I can allow the spirits of My lost sheep to help you to find them in the physical realm. I have in times past even allowed the spirit of someone who is alive on Earth to pass on a spiritual message to another person on Earth—that message was not from the physical person, but it was from their spirit that came to give you a message, unbeknownst to their physical body on Earth. I also allow your spirit to go places and do things that you, in your physical body‚ are unaware of.

45. Sometimes in your dreams you go places in the spirit and do things and help people, or travel to Heaven, and when you wake up in the morning you have no recollection of what happened. That's because your spirit and soul can go places and do things that your physical body and mind can't remember, much less comprehend. Sometimes you do remember little glimpses or have little feelings, but not very often.

46. Your spirit and soul also travel in a different realm as you pray. As you pray, sometimes a part of your spirit goes to the person you're praying for and gives them what they need—or encourages them‚ comforts them, or helps them. You don't know or feel like you're doing this, because your physical body is unaware of what's happening with your spiritual body.

47. Sometimes you meet someone for the first time on Earth, but you are almost certain you have seen or known them before, or there's something so familiar about them that it's almost scary. This has happened to almost everyone at some point in their life. Sometimes this is because you knew that person in Heaven. Other times it's because you knew them in the spirit, when your spirit went somewhere your physical body did not. These types of inter–dimensional time travel phenomena happen all the time in the spirit world. It's just that you're not used to hearing about it, and in your carnal mind it's hard for you to believe that it happens, because it takes great faith.

48. Don't allow your carnal mind to close itself to My Spirit by saying that this Christmas gift of Me allowing spirits of lost souls—souls that will in the future be in the spirit world if you reach them—to aid you in finding them is just not possible. You are then limiting yourself to the world of the physical‚ when you know there is so much more to life than that. After all of the truth you, My brides, have known, to allow the Enemy to cause you to box yourself into confines of the physical realm is like locking your spirit in a cage.

49. If the world of the physical was the limit, then how boring life would be, and the list of the things that would not be possible or real would be endless. There would be no Heaven, no afterlife, no such thing as prophecy, and there would even be no Me—because I came from the world of the spirit and was made flesh in your realm. So be careful that you don't throw out something I'm saying just because you don't understand it, or don't understand it completely.

50. I'm giving you a gift now for this Christmas, and you can be thankful for My generosity and faith in you manifested in Me giving you a greater knowledge of what is possible in the spirit realm, and then use it for My glory to reach the lost for Me this Christmas. Or you can refuse My gift because you don't understand it, and put it on the shelf to waste away. That would be sad—sad for you‚ sad for Me‚ and sad for the many searching souls who are waiting to be found, and whose spirits want to aid you in witnessing this Christmas. (End of message.)

51. (Dad prays:) Thank You, Lord, for our Family, who have given their lives and hearts to You. Thank You for their continued devotion and loyalty to You, dear Love. Thank You for each one‚ and all the miracles that it took to bring each of our Family members from all the corners of the Earth into Your special Endtime fold.

52. I ask, dear Husband, that You help each one to in turn seek out and find the lost wandering souls before it's too late. The end for some of these lost souls is going to be sooner than for others. So ignite that passion flame and fire in each Family member's heart, Lord! Restore the treasure and joy of Your salvation to each one‚ so that Your joy and passion motivates and drives and compels them to give You and Your salvation to as many as will receive You.

53. Bless and help our Family, sweet Lover, and make them a blessing in the lives of many this Christmas. Help each one to call on the keys and the awesome power that is available to them. Help them to seek You and have the faith to personally ask for these special spirits of Christmas yet to come to be with them in specifically guiding them to those lost in this dying world. Help them to pass on Your light, that others may find You. That's the whole reason for their existence on Earth, Lord, so help our dear Family to let Your light shine so that others can see that light and truth and passion in their eyes and know and see that You are real and that Your love is real.

54. Thank You for another year, our wonderful Husband‚ another chance to start over‚ another chance to give our whole hearts and beings to You. Give us mighty victories this Christmas season, Lord!—Mighty victories and miracles, marvelous wonders of supply, and most of all, many, many precious souls for Your Heavenly Kingdom, those who You know need You most right now.

55. Keep each dear Family member very close to You and Your Words—obedient, dependent on You, and desperate for Your direct leading and voice telling them which way to walk. Use each one as an instrument of Your peace and love this Christmas season. Use each one as a gift of Your love and passion to the weary and lost of the world.

56. And may we all sing Your praises at the dawn of the new year‚ as we praise and glorify You, Your helpers, and Your awesome gifts of the spirit that won the victories and claimed the lost for You! Hallelujah! (End of message.)

Christmas Praises

57. P.S. (Mama: ) As a bonus Christmas treat, here are some Christmas praises from Heaven that you can use around Christmastime to praise our Birthday Man and give honor to Whom honor is due.

58. * You're the holly of our lives, Jesus! You're evergreen, flourishing, perfect, and blemish-free! The intensity of Your love never fades. You not only adorn our lives with Your beauty through one season of the year, but You fill us with Your love every day, every minute, every second. You're unique, like the shape of a holly leaf. There is no one like You, dear Lord!

59. * Your bells never stop ringing in our hearts—the bells of Your will, Your Words, Your plan for us, Your still small voice that is continually leading us as we follow You. Your voice is never a loud‚ crashing sound‚ but beautiful, calm‚ tender, and gentle. You make us want to hear Your Words and follow You, our dear Lover, more than anything. Why would we ever want it any other way? We have closed our ears to the sirens of the world, and opened them to the bells of Your Spirit.

60. * Thank You for the wine of Your Spirit. What You bless us with is never dull, boring or routine. The wine of Your Word is like mulled wine*—spicy and potent, yet sweet to our lips and hearts! You warm our souls with Your love‚ and keep us separate from the world with Your truth. (* Wine heated with sugar and spices, and often citrus fruit.)

61. * We're Your candles and we'll burn brightly for You, our Husband‚ as long as You have need of us. We'll shine Your light in the darkness of this world, piercing the blackness. You created us from simple wax‚ and have formed us into Your vessels. You lit our wick with the match of Your Spirit, and we'll burn brightly for You. Without Your fire, we would have no light or life—but with Your fire, You use us to enlighten the lives of many. We thank You‚ the Light of our lives, and know that without You we are nothing.

62. * Christmastime makes us think of angels, so we want to thank You for Your angels—the valiant warring angels who defeat the Enemy; the powerful angels who show us how to let Your Spirit flow through us in full force; the gentle angels who comfort us when we're battling; the guardian angels who protect us from harm; the fairy angels who sit on our shoulders and whisper words of love into our ears; the praise angels and messenger angels. Each one—great or small‚ powerful or gentle—is a touch of Your love to us, a sample of Your care.

63. * You give us presents all throughout the year, beautiful and costly gifts that could never be contained in boxes covered in wrapping paper and ribbons. The gifts You give are endless and eternal. You give us physical gifts, too, because You love us and You're concerned about the little things that make us happy. But most of all, we love Your gifts of the Spirit—those things that will never fade away, never grow old, and that will be a part of us forever.

64. * I love to step under the mistletoe in the spirit—and I do this every time I come into Your presence. I love You intimately. I relish the kiss of Your sweet lips. When I'm with You, when we're under the mistletoe, nothing else in the world matters to me. It's just You and me—no trappings, no secrets‚ no reservations. I could live under the mistletoe forever, but since it isn't possible and You have work for me to do, my heart's desire is to carry Your Spirit, Your love‚ Your beauty with me always.

65. * Thank You, Jesus, that You're not just a piece of tinsel adorning our lives—sparkling and showy, but basically valueless. Though You're beautiful in all Your majesty and pleasing to us, You're the most important thing in our lives. You are our all in all and what makes our lives complete. You're not a glittering decoration to us, but You're our reason for existence‚ our purpose for living, the substance of our lives.

66. * You treat each of us as individuals. Each of us is like a special snowflake to You. None of us are exactly alike. You've formed us each uniquely and to satisfy Your pleasure, and we praise You for it. We know we're not perfect, but knowing that we're each perfectly suited to You, knowing that there is no one else exactly like us—just like no two snowflakes are alike—helps us each to feel special to You and secure in Your love.

67. * Thank You for our Family all around the world! They're stars shining brilliantly for You! They twinkle in the blackness and reflect Your light to the world. When things get darker and more difficult, when night falls, that's when You're going to help us to sparkle even more dramatically. Thank You for lifting us up and out of the world, and helping us to shine like diamonds in Your sky, showing Your love to the world this Christmas.

68. * The striking scarlet of the poinsettias reminds us of Your love, Jesus—Your love that is so strong, so pure, so powerful, so perfect! Your love is never dull, lifeless, marred, or pale! Help us to never be ashamed of our love for You, but to show our feelings to the world as clearly, brightly‚ and powerfully as we can. You aren't ashamed to be our Lover, and we are proud to be Your Bride.

69. * When we think about the baubles and pretty decorations that hang on the Christmas tree, we're reminded of all of Your blessings—so many, we can hardly count them. You send us special tokens of love each day that bring joy and delight to our hearts. We're thankful for each gift You bless us with—seen or unseen, big or small, understood or something we have to take by faith. We praise You for adorning the trees of our lives with the baubles of Your blessings in the way You know is best.

Copyright © 2003 by The Family

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