Putting "Skin" on Sin

March 17, 2004

By MariaCM/FM 3453 6/03

Dear Family,

1. This GN is a summary of five hours of video that Peter filmed while in Brazil. The Lord showed us that it was important to put more "skin"—in other words, more detail, explanation, and examples—on the major sins that I outlined in my "Woe!" video‚ and thus this video series came about.

2. While in Brazil‚ Peter talked with the COs and VSs about the state of the field, and from the information he received, along with the many personal letters and heartcries we've received from Family members in Brazil, Peter was able to clearly outline the manifestations and outcroppings of the major sins the Lord highlighted, in order to help the Brazil Family see how these particular sins have taken hold in their lives.

3. We're not able to print the full video transcripts for you, as they're simply too long. However, the Lord showed us to briefly summarize, in point form, the main points of Peter's talk, which will give you an overview of what was covered. I'll also include a few clips from Peter's explanation and commentary, along with the prophecies that were read. But please understand that this is a very brief summary; it's not complete, as there simply isn't space to include every sin, detail‚ or example.

4. I pray desperately that the Lord will convict your hearts as you read this summary. We're not printing this GN for you, the worldwide Family, just so that you can know the "inside scoop" and hear about the sins of your fellow Family members in Brazil. This information is not so that you can point the finger at those in Brazil while you pat yourselves on the back. We're printing this GN so that you can benefit from the correction and lessons that your brethren have received. Even though the messages from the Lord and the examples are directed to the Brazil Family‚ you can and should apply them to yourselves, as the lessons are for each one of you.

5. Many of you are guilty of these same sins. So take the time to check your heart and honestly assess your own spiritual state. These sins are common to all‚ and as this summary puts a "face" on how these sins are commonly manifested in day–to-day Family life, I'm quite sure you'll find that a number of them will look very familiar to you. Reading this summary should help you to recognize some of these sins in your own life. And as you do, get desperate with the Lord to clear those compromises and sins out of your life! Right the wrongs, ask for prayer, get deliverance, and commit to forsaking your sins and bad habits. Call on the keys and you will be delivered!

With desperate prayers for you,


[Note: Peter opens the video with prayer and a short introduction.]

Peter: As Mama said in her video, you've become so familiar with the Lord's forgiveness, with His love and His understanding, that you've lost the fear of the Lord. You've begun to think that the Lord is an indulgent parent. You as a child figure‚ "He's never going to do anything. I'm never going to get spanked. Why in the world should I have to listen to Him? There's not going to be any judgment. My father, my mother, my God is a wimp."

God is no wimp, and you're going to see that. You may think there's no judgment. You may think, "Oh well, what's the big deal? The Lord gives all these warnings in the GNs, but He never brings judgment. There is no judgment." Well, I've got news for you—you're wrong. There is judgment, and today is judgment day.

It's important that you understand that the Lord is being very fair about this. It's not like this is the first time you've heard any of this and you're getting spanked for something you didn't know was wrong. The Lord has warned of this day over and over and over again. He's clearly explained the sins in GN after GN, year after year after year. He's been patient. He's tried to convince you. He's tried to cajole you. He's given warnings. He said, "I'm going to have to withdraw My blessings." He said, "I'm going to send persecution."

Did you think He was kidding? Did you think, "Well, I just don't believe it's going to happen"? Have you been like the people in Noah's day? Noah spent 120 years building that ark and preaching away, and they were like, "Ha, ha, it's not going to rain! What are you talking about? It's never going to happen." Well, it happened! And they were one day too late. They didn't repent in time. They didn't change. They wouldn't believe. They mocked. They mocked the Word. They mocked the messenger—until Noah went in and God closed the doors, and the rain came down, and he floated away, and they all drowned in their sins.

It's important that you know this correction is just. It's important that you know that you are accountable.

It's just this simple—the Lord is not going to allow these things to continue. You have sinned. You have been disobedient. The Lord has patiently and lovingly explained things to you, and now He is going to have to spank you. And before the spanking comes, you're going to get the lecture. And this is the lecture.

6. (Jesus speaking:) My loves, you know Me as a God of mercy and righteousness and judgment. But because of My patience and longsuffering with you, you sometimes forget the judgment part. You think of Me as a God of mercy more than anything else. And it's true, I am merciful and loving, and I suffer long with you. But there comes a time when I have called and pleaded, and called and pleaded‚ and it's like a parent counting for their willful child‚ "1 … 2 … 3," to give them a little warning. But then there comes a time of judgment.

7. This time of judgment and sifting and purging and chastisement has come as a shock to many of you. You weren't expecting it. Many of you knew clearly that you were straying far from the life I had called you to, that your spirits were not right with Me, that you were missing My blessings in your life in some way, but most of you tried to ignore it, or hope that it would get better with time.

8. You're not used to being judged. You're not used to giving account for your sins. Some of you are tempted to cry, "Unfair!" It has become a Family weakness that you don't have accountability for your actions‚ that you expect instant forgiveness, and that your disobedience and sins will not be brought up again.

9. You prefer to refer to disobedience and sin as "mistakes," "weaknesses," "NWOs," or "blunders of the mind." The word "sins," "evil," and "wickedness" aren't even in your vocabulary. You're so used to being forgiven—time and time and time again—that you've lost the fear of Me. You've lost any sense of serious conscientiousness about disobedience and compromise. But just because I have forgiven you, it doesn't make the sin any less bad.

10. I want to remind you of something: when you sin, there is loss to My work. You might not always see it immediately, but when you disobey, bad things happen. People are stumbled. Souls are lost. There is a breach in the wall and a way for the Enemy to get in. The Kingdom suffers because of your disobedience. I forgive you‚ yes. But you will have to live with that loss for all of eternity. That is the reality of the situation. And for you who have been given so much, who have benefited from My living Words for today, when you disobey, and disregard My warnings, and take My Words in vain, the consequences are serious.

11. You have hesitated, delayed, procrastinated, and continued on in your willfulness and selfishness for so long that the work in the entire field is in danger of being lost. So it is now time that, as a good and loving parent, I clap My hands and say, "That's enough!" It's time for retribution. It's time for consequences. I've given you warning after warning‚ even specific ones for your field. But have they been heeded? No, not as much as necessary. Some of you have tried hard; all of you have tried occasionally. But that's not what I'm talking about.

12. I'm talking about victories. I'm talking about obedience no matter what it costs you personally. I'm talking about being willing to work together as co-workers and mates and not letting go until I've given you the solutions. I'm talking about living the Word. I'm talking about loving Me above all‚ and putting Me first no matter what it costs you. When you are doing those things‚ My blessings fall on you. The victories come. Progress is made. The work is blessed.

13. I haven't seen this kind of dedication, determination to obey, and to strive for victories. Now I have brought out the rod of chastisement, and I will purge the Family of those who have been weakened through disobedience to the point of no longer wanting to obey.

14. Get used to it, My children, because I have warned, and I have pleaded, and you're getting very close to the Last Days. I am again purging and making a Gideon's band of the children of David, and those of you who have slipped under the wire time and time again will find that things are much tougher this time around. There are consequences for disobedience. You are held accountable for your spiritual progress and discipleship standard.

15. I am no longer calling and pleading—it's the day of reckoning. Judgment begins at the house of God. And just as My judgments are getting ready to fall on the Earth and the wicked, so My judgments will begin with you‚ to purge, to purify, and to make white, that those who go on to be My rulers of the Earth will truly be worthy of that great honor.

16. Today, for those who choose to endure the consequences and determine to go on for Me, it will be a day of obedience—obedience to My Word, and obedience to the prophet and prophetess that I have given you. Those who do not wish to obey may find another level of service, and prepare as best they can for the days that are coming. For there will not be a spot on the Earth that will escape My coming judgments. Those who have already been judged, who have repented and been strengthened, will be the leaders of the End. Those who escaped the judgment in some way will have to live through what befalls the Earth. The choice is yours, but it is no longer the day of mercy, comfort, pleading, and patience. It is the day of judgment.

17. The Family in Brazil may not see that things have gotten worse, for to them their problems may be similar today to what they were in the past—but what they don't see is that the results of their decisions, the offspring of their long-term disobedience, is disaster. What you are seeing today—the very serious problems, the falling away, the hurt, the pain, the difficulties, the stumblings—this is all the result of long-term neglect of My Word, even My Word and counsel that was very pointed and specific to this part of the world.

18. I am quick to forgive, but those who do not repent and change will eventually be judged and chastised. This is the point in time that many of you have reached in Brazil. Many of you have already felt My hand of judgment, but some of you are too dull in the spirit to recognize it. But sooner or later‚ you, My wayward children‚ will see that though I am plenteous in mercy and slow to anger, I eventually do lift My hand in judgment‚ and it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

19. A part of My love is judgment, chastisement‚ and purging. Part of My mercy is correction, instruction, and admonitions. I cannot allow you, My children‚ to continue in disobedience‚ in disregard for My laws of the Spirit, or rejection of My truth‚ especially you who have been given so much and who are so accountable. You are not ignorant, and you should know better.

20. I would be a delinquent parent, a delinquent God, if I did not chastise the wayward, rectify the problems, and purge from your ranks those who are no longer wholehearted. And so it is in My love that I do this, even though it hurts you and it hurts Me. "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten." (End of messages from Jesus.)

21. [Note: Peter then read a number of published ML quotes, containing the Lord's plea to the Family to get right with Him, including numerous warnings. These quotes have been printed for the Family over the last five years. You can find these quotes and more in the GN titled "Our Accountability" (ML #3452, GN 1037), included with this mailing.]

Lack of the Word

Peter: One major point the Lord spoke about was your lack of the Word, which is the one thing I'm not going to comment about. I'm just going to read a prophecy. The Lord has talked about this in GN after GN after GN.

22. (Jesus speaking:) You have made room for the Enemy and his devices through your choices. Your choices have weakened you‚ and the manifestations of your weak connection with Me are clearly seen in the problems that surround you: disunity, bickering, division, contention, strife, selfishness, jealousy, covetousness, rebellion, pride, fornication with the world, compromise, tolerance for things which I do not allow, gossip, squabbles, familiarity, lack of a fear of Me, disobedience, riotous living, foolishness, hoarding, and discord among the brethren.

23. Every problem, every sin‚ every disobedience‚ and every straying in your life comes back to the primary cause: a weak connection with Me, familiarity and disregard of My truth‚ delayed obedience and often downright disobedience, and not fighting to keep your connection with Me strong. You have lost your reverence of Me. You have failed to look upon Me and My Word as the salvation and safeguard it is. You have begun to treasure other things—things of the world, personal pursuits‚ glorification of self, the lust of the world and the pride of life—above Me.

24. Instead of Me and My Word being a sacred and untouchable part of your life‚ you have moved Me to the bottom of your list of priorities. And as I have said many times before, I will not take second place to any thing‚ to any one, to any work, to any cause, or to any "good intention." So because your priorities are backwards‚ you are now living with the consequences of your decisions—little wrong decisions that you've been making for many years now, day in and day out. It's these little decisions that have weakened your structure, that have slowly but surely pulled you away from Me and weakened your spirits. It wasn't a big‚ booming decision to disobey or to neglect Me, it happened gradually over time, to where now the manifestations of these disobediences and the wrong choices are very clear for all to see.

25. The situation must be rectified immediately, your connection with Me and My Word strengthened, and once again put in its rightful place in your life—atop any thing or anyone or any "god." (End of message from Jesus.)


*There's lots of disunity within Homes. Your Home discipleship standard is not united; some want to do their own thing, others want to follow closer, and those who want to do less make things even worse by their bickering and lack of unity with those who want to do more.

*Home members aren't united as a team. Instead of getting together and praying and hearing from the Lord about the mission or ministries of the Home, each person holds rigidly to their own way, making it impossible to function as an effective Home.

*Teams living under one roof become like two separate Homes, with two (or more) separate ministries and visions.

*There's a lot of rivalry and disunity between Homes. This Home doesn't agree with the way that Home does things. Your Home doesn't like the way the other Home feeds their sheep, gives Bible classes, or raises their children.


Jesus: The Family is a united effort, and those of you who disunite it do just that—you tear apart the spiritual fabric of the Family in your part of the world.

*Homes talk negatively about each other, resulting in people within the same city not even being on speaking terms.


Jesus: There has been much disunity and bickering in Brazil. As I've said before, those of you who are participating in disunity and bickering are participating in the taking apart of the Family.

*People speak negatively to the COs and VSs about someone in another Home, cutting them down, going on and on about how bad they are. Then later, when it's convenient or profitable for them, the same person who was talking so badly about that individual suddenly becomes an "ally" of that person, because it's going to benefit them or their Home. Suddenly, "This guy's okay."

26. (Jesus speaking:) Their sheep see the familiarity and the disunity, and they cannot correlate it with what's coming out of the brethren's mouths concerning Me and the Family. It's very sad! (End of message from Jesus.)

Peter: The sheep see it. Your kids see it. And here you are preaching love. "Oh yes‚ the Family is love‚ and God is love, and we've got to be disciples." And then you're just tearing it apart. You don't think people get confused by that? You don't think it hurts the work? You don't think it hurts you spiritually? It tears you apart in spirit. It weakens you.

Your choices have weakened you—your choice to not yield; your choice to not be humble with one another, to forgive and ask for forgiveness, and to work together; your choice to speak evil of the other Home, to foster disunity. It defeats you. It drives you away from the Lord. It destroys you spiritually‚ and it rips the Family apart.

God help us! You can see why the Lord's angry and upset. You can see why He wants it to stop. You can see why He doesn't want people who are that way in His Family.

Pride and self-righteousness

*Pride and self-righteousness are strongly linked to bitterness and being unforgiving. Many of you have been very unforgiving and bitter. You hold things against others. That's pride.

*When you're disunited as a Home, that's pride. By pride come contentions, arguments, and disagreements (Pro.13:10).


Jesus: The spirit of pride has had its perfect way amongst My children of Brazil. It has been allowed entrance, to become rampant, and to do great damage.

*Some of you are too proud to stop and ask the Lord who is right in any given situation, because you're so sure you're right. You don't want to be humbled. You don't want to have to come back and say, "I was wrong‚ you were right."

*You accuse the other person of being guilty; in your eyes, the other person is always wrong.

*Nearly every time you sit and talk with the COs or VSs‚ they say you're always talking about this guy or that guy. It's always what other people did to you. You say that so-and-so yelled at you and was horrible‚ but you conveniently omit the fact that you first called him a liar or yelled at him first. In your pride, you leave some major facts out.

*There's lots of yelling and screaming between Family members. People lose their tempers, get angry in meetings, and then march out and slam the door when their point of view isn't taken. It's immense pride and it puts an end to godly counsel. But counsel is godly. So if something's ending it‚ it's sin, it's wrong.

*You see proud, System attitudes in your Active members and you're beginning to take them on and emulate them.

*Your pride is manifested in these ways because you don't see the Lord in others. You wouldn't act like that with the Lord or Mama or me.

*You say, "I'm Brazilian, I'm fiery! I'm Latin! I have hot blood! I'm passionate!" Just because it's your nature does not make it right. It's man's nature to be proud, selfish, to steal, kill, rob, and take. We have God's nature‚ the mind of Christ. We're supposed to be like the Lord.

27. (Jesus speaking:) At the root of every sin is pride. Every compromise and every tearing down of the fabric of the Family within Brazil has been fueled in large part by pride and love of self. Pride has gotten a tremendous stranglehold on My children in Brazil, to the point where they hardly recognize the manifestations of pride in their lives. Pride's manifestations have become a daily part of life to them, and because they are so familiar with pride and its evils, they have not been stirred up to fight against pride. Pride must be rooted out of My Brazilian brides' lives if they are to win this fight against the Evil One. (End of message from Jesus.)


*So many of you haven't been willing to let go of your bitterness, and now it's bringing about your defeat—personally, as a Home, as a country.

*You continue to bring up situations from years and years ago, still blaming those same people, not willing to forgive. You bury the hatchet but leave the handle sticking out.

*You constantly refer to the past and the supposed wrongs done against you, which shows you haven't really forgiven and forgotten. You haven't fought to be rid of it.

*You put the blame on others because you're seeing things in the flesh and not in the spirit. You're not asking the Lord how He wants to use those things in your life, why He allowed those things to happen. You're always blaming others; it's like a broken record.

*You feel so free to share your bitterness about others with anybody, not only the shepherds. It's one thing to share your bitterness with your shepherds, but sitting down with just anyone and dumping out the sewer system of your bitterness is wrong. You're one-sided in your story. You burn others through your gossip and bitterness.

*Those who are on the receiving end of your tales of bitterness often take your bitterness and make it their own. Then they begin speaking against that leader or that person, judging them. Your bitterness spreads to others—your kids too.

Peter: It's like secondhand smoke. Let's say I smoke and it's giving me lung cancer. Well, I blow the smoke out and it goes all over the room, so now other people are breathing in my smoke, and they get cancer from it too. They're not smoking. It's not their bitterness; it's yours. But you're spewing it out.

28. (Jesus speaking:) The unity of the overall Family in Brazil has been sliced to pieces by negativity, resentment, and bitterness. Negativity that has not been replaced by My Word and rebuked has turned into resentment, and resentment that has not been rooted out has turned into deep and long-standing bitterness. You have nurtured and fed your bitternesses, nursed your grievances. You replay them in your minds and you're feeling so justified. And now your manifold bitternesses have put you in grave danger. For bitterness turns into hatred, and hatred lies at the very heart of the Devil's kingdom. (End of message from Jesus.)

Peter: The Lord called it a root of bitterness. It's deep. The roots go out all over, and it affects every part of your spiritual life. You've got to get prayer. You've got to ask the Lord about it. You've got to fight it. You're destroying yourself. You're destroying your usefulness for God. You're destroying others' usefulness for God. You're tearing apart the Family. It's got to end!

29. (Jesus speaking: ) I cannot and will not bless My children who are out of unity with one another. Those who speak ill of one another, who purposely tear down and cut others to the heart with their tongues‚ and those who hold grudges, gripes, and bitterness toward others are walking away from Me in heart and spirit.

30. How can you be close to Me and drawing ever closer if you are pulling away from My true Law of Love through harboring bitterness and resentment toward your fellow laborers and brothers and sisters? You must forsake all bitterness, forgiving those whom you feel have wronged you‚ and asking forgiveness of those whom you have wronged. It's time for a clean sweep. It's time to put all the past behind you and to begin afresh, with great humility and repentance. If you are willing to humble yourselves greatly, I can melt your hearts together and restore your unity and rid you of the bitterness that has plagued your field. (End of message from Jesus.)

Peter: Ask the Lord if you have any hidden roots of bitterness. Get cleansed, please. Bitterness is destroying you. It's destroying your spirit. It's causing your heart and your spirit to walk away from the Lord. Think how sad that is for Him. Here you are, His bride who He loves, but you have things in your life that are causing you to walk away from Him in your heart and spirit. It's so sad.

The keys can destroy that bitterness‚ any bitterness. No matter how much somebody hurt you, no matter how right you feel you are‚ the power of the keys can cleanse your spirit.


31. (Jesus speaking: ) There are many sides to gossip‚ but of this you can be sure, all sides of gossip are bad. There is never a justification for gossip. There is nothing good about gossip; not one side of gossip is of Me. Some consider that gossip is the spreading of lies. While this is true, and gossip often ends up in telling outright lies, this is only one side‚ one face that gossip bears. You, My children, must beware of every face of this ugly and vile monster called gossip. You must shun every mask that gossip wears, for each one is equally as wicked as the other and will only lead to ruin.

32. There is not one speck of gossip that I will tolerate, and those who begin down this treacherous road will only find emptiness, pain, and eventual destruction. For this is its purpose; the reason gossip is perpetrated by the Evil One and all of his hellish demons is to bring you, the babbler, to your end, and likewise others along with you.

33. Gossip is talking about another behind their back—whether it's fact or fiction, whether it's true or false. It's the spreading of news of another's life, of their activities and affairs—chattering that turns to rumors. To talk about another behind their back, even if it seems to be innocently "spreading the news," is wrong. It is gossip, and it leads to rumors, speculation, twisting, contorting, embellishing, backbiting‚ and quite often, outright lies. But at whatever stage this "tale-bearing" is in, it is equally evil. Let Me spell out to you what gossip is, that you may know the gravity of the matter.

34. Gossip is ungodly.

Gossip is kindred to criticism.

Gossip is slander‚ libel, defamation.

Gossip is spreading Satan's propaganda.

Gossip is filthy.

Gossip is perfidy.

Gossip is vicious and malicious.

Gossip is hurtful‚ it promotes pain.

Gossip is meant to destroy.

Gossip is more than a lack of love, it is the voice of hatred.

Gossip is a stumbling block; it is one of the Enemy's favorite tools.

Gossip is designed to promote disunity.

Gossip is a springboard to destruction.

Gossip is a direct attack on My Law of Love.

Gossip is allowing Satan to control your tongue.

Gossip is an unruly evil.

Gossip is a deadly poison.

Gossip is a killer.

Gossip is straight from the pits of Hell.

35. Many have confused what gossip is‚ justifying in their minds and hearts that they're storytelling. [In other words, just telling stories, recounting news or happenings.] I challenge you, My brides, today. If you want to be sure that you are not gossiping, if you want to safeguard yourself against it, follow this cardinal rule of thumb: Whatever you have to say about another, if you wouldn't say it in the presence of that person, face to face‚ then don't say it at all. Then you will know that you are not spreading gossip. (End of message from Jesus.)

36. (Jesus speaking:) Gossip is a two-edged sword. While it is straight from Hell and one of Satan's most destructive weapons‚ yet it has a lulling effect on those who are exposed to it repeatedly. Few see what a deadly weapon gossip is‚ for it feeds the pride and creates a false sense of superiority both in those who spread it and those who listen to it and take it in. Gossip has its deepest roots in pride and in self-righteousness. It is as the bore worm that bores through your flesh and then eats its victim from the inside out. Gossip is a manifestation of the Selvegion. (End of message from Jesus.)

*There's gossip that is obviously malicious—telling lies or expanding stories to make somebody sound particularly bad. But there's another side of gossip—the spreading of news of other people's lives, business, and affairs. You feel you have to be the purveyor of all the news to everyone. You act like it's your job, your ministry. If you hear something‚ you feel compelled to pass it on, even though it's none of your business.

*Gossip is an addiction you have. You chat with your friends, get on the phone, or write e-mail messages and spread news about others, cutting them down, talking about them, spreading "news" which turns into rumors and gets twisted and turned around as it passes from person to person.

*You're guilty of "The Pastor's Pillow," spreading all those feathers around that can never be picked up. You can never undo the damage, the hurt you've inflicted to the very depths of people's souls.

*There's gossip about everything—sex, who's having dates with who.

*People call girls "sluts" who have dates. SGAs call their mothers and other FGA women who have FFed in the past "whores" and "prostitutes."

Peter: If you're saying that about your mother or about some FGA woman who sacrificed herself for the souls of others, then God help you! That's all I can say. I commit you into God's hands, because that is so evil. That is mocking God, Who asked those wonderful women to lay down their lives so that lost souls could be brought to His Kingdom.

*You couples who are having marital problems feel free to sit down and pour out your gripes about your mate to just about anybody—not to the shepherds who could help you, but to young married couples, young people who are thinking about getting married, etc. How dare you disrespect your husband or wife by your gossip, feeling so free to talk negatively about them to other people!

*Some of you talk negatively about children who are Jesus babies, cutting them down, spreading rumors about them, saying things like, "That's not really their flesh father."

Peter: How can you do that? How can you think of yourself as a Christian? Have you any idea how sickening that must be to the Lord? How hurtful that is?

*Some of you have gone to young children whose father is no longer in the Family, and you say bad things about their father to them. "Your father was like this; he did these bad things." Or, "The father you have now isn't really your father." Or you tell someone else, "Oh, did you know that this child is from so-and-so?" and that person tells another person, and sometimes it goes all the way around, back to the kid. The kid ends up hearing it from another kid, who heard you gossiping about it in your room.

Peter: What business is that of yours? Who are you to be telling others or some child that? That's the responsibility of the parents‚ not you. Oh my God, it's just terrible to think of the hurt that it causes.

*Some of you young people get on the phone to other young people and you gossip, murmur about your Home, talk about your shepherd, and on the gossip spreads.

*In your gossiping, nothing is sacred. It doesn't matter if it's somebody's sex life, somebody's health, somebody's sickness‚ somebody's parents, somebody's spiritual problems.

*A lot of you feel free to murmur against your shepherds and criticize them.

*You gossip to the kids, your friends, our enemies, your Active members. You leave people feeling stabbed in the back, hurt, betrayed, and discouraged.

Peter: I hope we never have to write another word about gossip. I hope we never hear the word within our Family again. I hope no word of gossip ever comes out of your mouth again. You need to pray desperately that the Lord will shut you up if you begin to gossip again‚ spread stories, or tell people other people's business. It's a sin. And as the Lord said, you're going to have to account for every word. Get prayer against gossip. Don't listen to it, don't repeat it, and it'll end. It's that simple.

Living Acts 2:44-45

*You're not living Acts 2:44-45.

*You're not living communally in spirit‚ as One Wife. A number of people live together in a Home, but it's not one Home; it's different people living together who have separate finances‚ separate responsibilities. It's not a community. It's different families living under the same roof. That's not communal living.

*You don't share all things. Your attitude is, "This is mine and that's yours."

*Often in a Home there is a couple or main family and they more or less run the Home; they own the house, they own the furniture, and everything is done the way they want it done. If someone new wants to join the Home, they basically have to understand and agree that things are "the way they are."

*There aren't bona fide elections, there's no real counsel in the Home. When it's election time, the guy who "owns" the Home, or de facto runs it‚ goes around and talks to everyone individually, so that by election time‚ everyone knows who they'd better vote for.

*Not living Acts 2:44-45 causes compromise. If a single mother lives in the Home mentioned above, if she sees that things are going amiss in the Home, she can't say anything because she might get kicked out or voted out, because a few people run the Home. These few people have the power and authority. It's like they've written their own rules, their own Charter. It's a private, selfish Home, not a Family communal Home.

Peter: That is so un-Charter. That is so un-Acts 2:44–45. That is so un-communal. That's not Family life. That's not the way it's meant to be!

*There are so many single-family Homes because people are unwilling or unable to live communally due to pride, selfishness, and bickering. These single-family Homes are crumbling because they don't have the Lord's blessing.

*Some of you new disciples that have joined in recent years often have apartments or cars that you leave with your System relatives. You don't forsake all and give to the community—the Family Home. You're keeping something to fall back on "just in case."

37. (Dad speaking:) There are many who have turned away from true loving and sacrificial giving, and have fallen into the trap of becoming entangled again with the affairs of this life. They have forgotten that they were called and chosen to be soldiers of the cross, not selfish members of a Christian society.

38. And unfortunately, their selfish samples have affected others around them, to where many Family members are afraid to live Acts 2:44-45 for fear that they will not be able to survive. If they give unselfishly themselves to those who are selfish, they are afraid that they will not receive anything in return, and therefore they begin to hold back, and on and on the cycle goes until they have become little different than the so-called Christians who do not follow the full counsel of the Word. (End of message from Dad.)

*A big problem with you young people (and others) is that you're focused on accumulating personal possessions. You've become selfish and self-centered, and you've lost the Acts 2:44-45 vision. You don't want to share. For example, you want a car. Not that having a car is bad in itself; it can be an asset, can save time, can be a blessing if you have children, etc. But the problem is that many of you have private projects going to raise money to buy not only your personal car, but your personal everything, and then you don't want to share. You've lost the vision to allow other people to use what you have. How is that different from how people in the world live?

Peter: "Sure the Home has a car or two, but I've gotta have my car." "I've gotta have my computer." "I've gotta have my this, I've gotta have my that." "I've gotta have my little house, my little family, my little children, all my belongings."

That sounds like my parents, who are Systemites. It sounds like all the rest of the world. It sounds like selfish Christians to me, a little Christian society.

Well, we're not just some little Christian society; we're a Family—a Family of disciples. We're a discipleship society‚ and if you're not a disciple, then you don't belong. If your heart is in your TVs, your videos‚ your house, your car, your selfishness, and your "me, me, me," "gimme, gimme, gimme"—there's a whole world of people in the world like that! Go join'm!

39. (Jesus speaking:) Many of you think that living Acts 2:44-45 in this day and age is not possible. You're wrong. You feel the world has changed so much‚ the System is different now‚ and that even the makeup of the Family and the way it's operating and its traditions are different now, so you feel justified in having your own private families, homes‚ and belongings. You are departing from the spirit of discipleship and communal living, which is an integral part of My plan for revolutionary Endtime discipleship.

40. You're not meant to be straying further from ultimate discipleship and radical living; you're meant to be coming closer, being more dropped out, more pure. It's time for all your selfishness and cozy, independent living to change. It's time to get back to the basics of the Word—sacrifice‚ giving‚ sharing, having all things in common. Only through such giving of self to each other will you be united and the true testimony of My Endtime New Church. (End of message from Jesus.)

Law of Love

[Note: Many of the above points about communal living, etc., are part of the Law of Love. The Law of Love is doing unto others as you'd have them do unto you. It's living the Word. So although there are many other aspects of the Law of Love, this will cover only the sex-related portion of it.]

*Unfruitful love relationships that are not in accordance with the Law of Love are quite common with both young and old.

*There are runaway relationships, resulting in men and women getting so tripped off in these extramarital affairs that it destroys the marriages of those involved and ruins their usefulness.

*A number of you FGA men have run after SGA women or new disciples‚ getting into hot and heavy relationships and becoming very tripped off. You've pushed your desires on your wife. Your wife wasn't really in agreement, but you kind of railroaded it through. Worse yet, some of you have just done it in secret.

*Everyone is gossiping about everyone's relationships, so it's spreading all over and your little "secret" sins aren't very secret anymore, because everyone is hearing about them—your children, your teens, the young men and women in the Family, newly married SGA couples, and it causes them to think, "This Law of Love is garbage! It doesn't work!"

*Your disobediences to the Law of Love, and to the 12-part GN series we put out on the subject explaining in great detail how to handle things in a loving way, are destroying people's faith in the Law of Love. You besmirch the Law of Love through your ungodly actions.

*You've caused people to doubt the Word through your bad samples. You've caused young people to believe that the Law of Love doesn't work. Why? Because they've witnessed that it hasn't worked in your life—and that's because you've been disobedient or unloving in some way, and sometimes in many ways.

*Your Active members have seen so much misuse and abuse of the Law of Love that they don't know what to think. "Family of love? Huh! Family of lust, maybe!"

Peter: The Law of Love is so beautiful. It is such a precious gift. What a privilege that we can fellowship in that way. God has given us, through Dad, this beautiful, beautiful gift that can draw us close together, that can make us one, that can bring purity and unity in spirit.

But when you say you're following the Law of Love and you don't, you besmirch it. You take that beautiful gem and you cast it in the mud and in the muck, and people see it and they think, "It's not beautiful. It's dirty and ugly. It doesn't work."

The Law of Love does work. It works if you use it properly. It works if you're prayerful and obedient and if your actions are loving. But it doesn't work when you're lustful, when you're secretive, when you're running out on your mate. Then what you are doing is wrong, is sin, is dirty. In itself the Law of Love is not, but its misuse—which I'm sorry to say, many of you are guilty of—makes it look like an awful thing. The Law of Love isn't an awful thing; it's a beautiful thing. It's a precious gift. And you've hurt it. You've caused others to stumble over it because you aren't loving. It is so sad.

*Some of you have taken on a second mate or partner, but you haven't gotten the full agreement of your wife or husband. You railroad it through. You threaten, "If you don't let me have him/her, you can leave. But you can't take the kids; they're all staying with me."

*Some of you married couples who have split up, the man has moved on and married someone else‚ and you‚ as the father‚ have kind of forgotten about your first mate and your children. You don't help to support them either financially or spiritually, visit the children, or care for them when you can. You just forsake your first family, your first kids.

*Your sheep are stumbled by your lack of care for your families and children. They feel, "Why should we support your Home and kids when the fathers of those children have moved on and don't even help or seem to care?"

41. (Jesus speaking: ) How it grieves Me to see how far you have strayed from the Law of Love, from the beautiful and perfect treasure that I have given you. Instead of using it for the good of others and the good of the overall work‚ so many of you are using it selfishly, for your own gain, and even worse, you're hurting others through it, besmirching the name of the Law of Love through your horrible examples of lust, pride, greed, and carnality.

42. All of these sins will have to be paid for when you stand before Me on judgment day. Do you really want to have to give account of all the hurt‚ confusion, unloving deeds, and poor choices that you're making? Every word and action‚ you will have to give account for.

43. The Enemy has tempted you with your own lusts and desires, your selfishness, pride, and unyieldedness to follow the rules and the boundaries that I have set in place in order for the Law of Love to flourish in your lives. Many of you have disregarded these rules, and in doing so, you have hurt and stumbled many. (End of message from Jesus.)

Marital problems and battles

*A lot of your marriages, especially the longtime marriages of FGAs, have turned into something they shouldn't be. You have strong personalities and your pride tears down your marriages. You don't yield to one another. You've stopped doing the humble thing. Your marriages have become loveless and a bad sample.

*Some husbands and wives scream at each other‚ being a horrible sample to their children and the Home, having big arguments and exploding at one another in public areas of the Home.

*You foster fear in your children through your horrible sample, and destabilize them through your words and actions toward each other, and lack of love for each other.

*Many of you have stopped being affectionate with each other; you've stopped showing your children and others that you love one another.

*You have bitterness because of past sins and hurts that you haven't forgiven your mate for. You say you've forgiven them, but every time you argue, up comes the past.

*You have very little love for each other. You say ugly things to your mate—things you'd never dream of saying to anyone else, but you say them to the person who is closest to you.

*Do you pray together? Do you pray for your marriage together? For your children together? Do you love Jesus together? Do you show verbal appreciation for one another in front of others? Things like: "I'm so thankful for you." "I need you." "You're the best thing that ever happened to me next to Jesus."

Peter: Do you read the Word together? Do you get fed in the spirit together? Marriage is a spiritual union, and you have to feed that union spiritually by hearing from the Lord together, by praying about your marriage together, by letting each other shepherd the other. You have to do the humble thing with your wife or your husband, more so than with anybody else.

*Some of you young men are very proud. You have a cocky attitude toward your wife, toward marriage. You say supposedly cute things to your friends and make jokes about your wife and marriage, and you hurt your wife. It breaks down your marriage. It's a lack of respect.

Peter: Ask yourself this question: Am I the person and disciple today that I was when I first got married? Am I the same person or a better person, a more spiritual, sold-out person today than when my mate married me? If your answer to that is no, then you're probably headed downhill, and your marriage probably is too.

Macho men


Jesus: It grieves Me that you men are given over to macho pride, thinking women are beneath you and putting them down.

*Some of you men have so much pride that you hold your wife back from taking on more responsibility. You want your wife to just be "the wife‚" supportive of you and what you want to do. You're not supportive of them when the Lord offers them something new or gives them a ministry. You don't let them shine. You have to be the big macho cheese and you feel they have to be under you.

*Some of you men have been miffed if your wife is on a board. You're jealous and you don't help to support them in their board work, or you do it begrudgingly.

*A lot of you men make fun of your wives and put them down in public, to boost yourself and make yourself look good.

44. (Jesus speaking: ) There is a predominance of men who tend to fall prey to this spirit of arrogance and a need to feel superior to women. There is a demon that promotes this spirit of machoism—the worship of the fruits of Mach and the need to feel superior. (End of message from Jesus)

*A lot of you young men have a very macho attitude toward the women. You strut around like you're the big rooster, and all the chicks have to come to you. The women don't like it; they sense that arrogance.


Jesus: [The demon] Mach is the source of the feelings of pride in self, power, and self-achievement.

Proud and haughty women


Jesus: Many of you women are proud and haughty, given over to mannishness, refusing to submit in spirit.

*Some of you women humiliate your husbands; you put them down. You make them feel that they're inferior, not talented. You have showy gifts and you demean your husband. Some of you women are very strong and forceful. You're self–righteous and mannish, in the sense that you wear the pants around the house‚ you rule the roost.

*You're not yielded, you're too proud.

*Some of you have drive and talent‚ which is good, but you're not wearing the cloak of a godly woman. You're not humble in your dealings with your husband and others, and your pride hurts others.

*You cut your husband to the core by making it obvious that you feel so superior to him. You may have gifts that your husband doesn't have, and that's not wrong. Maybe you're a stronger personality, more talented, or more spiritual. But it's the spirit in which you act and which you live that makes the difference.

45. (Jesus speaking: ) Where are the beautiful, revolutionary, yielded, and spirit-filled women that I have called out as My brides as children of David? How is it that you have let the pride of life and the pride of man seep into your life, so that your faces have become hardened and your love has grown cold? You profess love and righteousness, but your heart does not show forth the full fruits of My Spirit. You must turn again to Me. You must break upon the rock of My humility, so that you can again be filled with the true beauty of My Spirit and not your own righteousness. (End of message from Jesus.)

Disobedience to the Word

*You've stumbled people by your sample of disobedience to the Word, by your hypocrisy of not living the Word. You say, "I believe this" and you even preach it to others, but you don't live it. You expect others to uphold the standard of the Word, but you don't.

*So many of your young people have expressed that when the sheep come over, everything is, "We love you! We have time for you!" There's unconditional love for the sheep. But as soon as the sheep leave, the spirit changes. You're harsh with others in your Home or yell at them; you don't have time for them. You show more love to the sheep than you do to your own brethren.

*You've stumbled the young people and have made them wonder‚ "What kind of a Christian are you? What kind of a disciple?" You tell them to obey the Word, follow the rules, and you punish them if they don't, but you don't obey the Word yourself.

*You complain that you're not visited enough by your VSs. You blame them for the problems in your Home, your marriage, your work, because "they aren't coming to help me." Yet you have the Word, over 3,000 MLs, and the gift of prophecy, but you haven't obeyed it.

*You're like children in the spirit, wanting to blame others for your problems, when the answers are right there in the Word, but you just don't want to dig them out and obey them. You disobey the Word and then blame your leaders.

*When the VSs do come around, you don't want them getting involved in your life. You don't accept what they have to say.

Peter: What happens to you and the way your life goes is the sum of your choices, the sum of your decisions, the sum of your obedience. So if your life is shipwrecked or your Home is crashing and falling apart, I don't think the VSs are to blame. I think maybe you ought to take a good, hard look in the mirror.

Robbing God of tithes and offerings


Jesus: You rob Me in your tithes and offerings.

*A lot of you get personal gifts that you don't tithe.

*Some of your parents decide to give you large sums of money, or you receive inheritances. You think, "If I get the cash, I'll have to tithe it." So you ask your mom or dad to just buy you a house or a car, because that way you don't have to give to God.

*Some of you leave things with your families or parents—apartments that they're renting out for you—and you're accumulating wealth out there, not giving it to God and trusting Him to care for you.

Peter: You don't think God sees that? You don't think that He thinks, "That's pretty selfish; they don't even want to give to Me. Not only do they not want to share with others, but they don't even want to give to Me. I mean, I'm God, I'm Jesus. I'm your Husband!" You're withholding.

Speaking against the Word


Jesus: You take My Word and you speak against it.

*One of the major ways you speak against the Word is that you don't obey it.

*You say things like, "Oh, it's just impossible to get the amount of Word time the Lord is asking us to. It's unrealistic." But if the Word says it and the Lord is asking it, He knows it can be realistic. In vocalizing those things, you're speaking against the Word. You're tearing down faith in your own heart‚ and the faith of others as well.

*Some of you have said, "The Family's not ready for Activated. Activated doesn't work." That's speaking against the Word, the new moves of the spirit.

*Many of you pick and choose what Word you're going to obey‚ cafeteria style.

Addressing the parents

*A lot of you parents live in single–family Homes with the minimum number of Home members. Some of your voting members are your 16–year-olds‚ and you want them to stick around so that you don't become an undersized Home, so you compromise with your teens. You let your kids do things that aren't spiritually right; you don't correct them as you should because you don't want them to use their right of mobility.

*Many parents don't shepherd their teens. You don't think and pray about how to make life in the Family exciting for them. You don't teach them to witness or give them opportunities to witness. You let them watch TV, get into selfish living‚ play computer games, etc.

*Many of you shield your young people and your kids from correction from others. You protect them from others shepherding them‚ but you don't shepherd them either.

*You leave your teens to their own devices. You don't invest quality time, talk time, time to help and guide them.

*You don't teach your teens how to go to the Word, how to feed themselves, how to find the answers to their questions.

*You don't invest time in your teens, and then you wonder, "Why are they leaving? Why are things so screwed up? Why are they so unhappy?"

*Some of you push your young people into the System by encouraging your older teens and SGAs to get translating jobs or similar jobs, which boosts your finances. Encouraging them to do that promotes selfishness. It promotes the idea that "the Lord can't support me."

Peter: Are you shepherding your teens? Are you helping them to learn to be fed by the Word? Are you being the sample that they need to see so that they too will want to be Christians and Family members and disciples? Please don't fail them. Our young people are so important, but they need the shepherding. Not mean shepherding, not yelling shepherding, not parents saying, "You'd better do this because I'm your parent!" I'm talking about godly, Word-filled shepherding. Taking time to talk with them, to hear them out. Not getting angry with them, but leading them to the Word. Praying for them. Helping them to get prayer. They're important. They're your greatest investment.

*(About JETTs and younger kids: ) Many of you within a Home have differences in discipline standards. You need to come to agreements. Those of you who are overly lenient need to change.

*Some of you parents feel that you upheld a good standard with your older kids, yet they made the choice to leave the Family. So you figure that "it didn't work," when the truth is that your children reached an age where they made their own choice of whether to serve the Lord or not. But you accept the Enemy's lies and argument that "there's no use," and consequently decide that you're going to be lenient with your younger ones.

*Many of you allow your kids to watch a lot of TV.

*You allow your kids to watch movies that aren't appropriate for their age level.

Peter: Your children are your sheep. It's up to you to protect them as much as you can from input that is not proper for them, that's not right for them, that's not age-appropriate for them. They're not spiritually mature enough to discern what's right and wrong. You have to protect them. They're your sheep. You've gotta protect them from the Devil's wolves and the System's wolves. You can't just let them out there and say, "Oh well, you might get nipped and bit and killed and slaughtered, but hey, I just don't have time to shepherd you." Please, folks, your children are precious!

*Many of you talk about very heavy adult things in the presence of your young kids. You gossip‚ argue, or discuss Home business or problems in front of them. You place burdens of worry and fear on your kids as a result.

*Some of you have a defeatist attitude about your children, like, "Well, my kid's not an angel. He's just the way he is." You don't get in there and do the hard work of praying and helping your child through. You give up in the spirit.

*Some of you have taken what Mama and I said on our last videos about the importance of your children receiving a good education, and you've used it as an excuse to put your kids into System school. Some of you have the mentality that it's really good to put your kids in System school.

*You could be schooling your kids at home, but it's more "convenient" for you to send them off to school. And if they go to System school‚ you're not putting the time, Word, and prayer into them afterwards or obeying the stipulations that the Lord gave in the Word. (See "Our Children's Education‚" ML #3066, Lifelines 23; "Are You a Disciple?" ML #3365:90-119, GN 963; "Where to Now?" ML #3398‚ GN 991.)

*Many of you SGA moms and dads feel, "I don't want to raise my kids the way I was raised. I want to let them have freedom. I want to let them eat junk food and watch TV. I don't want to correct them." You're letting your kids eat physical junk and take in spiritual junk—junk food of the spirit.

*A lot of your younger kids don't really understand what the Family is all about. They don't have a basic understanding of the Family because so many of you live in single–family Homes. You're just like System families, so they don't understand communal living very well. They don't understand the basis of what we do from the Bible because you haven't been teaching it to them, and they haven't been seeing a sample.

*A lot of kids are just babysat. They're not poured into. They're stuck in front of a TV to watch video after video.

Addressing the Fellow Members

*As FMs, you've chosen somewhat of a different lifestyle. You've chosen not to live communally and to be under all the rules of the Charter. But that's supposed to be a lifestyle choice, not a choice of compromise in spirit. Being FM doesn't give you allowance to commit spiritual sins, to be a poor Christian sample, to not believe the doctrine. Therefore all of these spiritual sins apply to you also.

*Some of you FMs are fully with us in spirit. You uphold the things of the spirit and are part of the Family in spirit. Then there are other FMs who are basically not even in the Family in spirit. You call yourselves FM, but you don't believe the doctrine, you don't interact in the spirit. You complain, murmur, and are a poor testimony of a Christian.

*Some of you FMs don't witness; you don't do any outreach. Your TRFs are zero outreach, zero souls, everything is a zero. That's not being in the Family. That's not being FM.

*Some of you complain and are bitter and upset that you're FM. You feel it's so unfair. But if you're FM and want to be CM, and you're desperate to live the life and the Lord wants you in the CM Family, you can do it. Live the CM life!

*Some of you get upset when your young people and teens aren't invited to camps or parties. You get bent out of shape and feel, "The shepherds don't love us! My teen really needs this." But your teens aren't always a very good influence on the CM Family. (This can go both ways, as sometimes the CM teens aren't a good influence on FM teens either.) You can go CM yourself so that your teens can have CM fellowship, or encourage them to go CM.

*Some of your teens have pulled the wool over your eyes. They go to CM parties or fellowships and pull out the cigarettes, speak against the doctrines of the Family, against discipleship‚ preach about how great it is outside the Family, etc.

*The CM Family isn't trying to discriminate against you or your teens, but you need to delve a bit deeper into the lives of your teens and find out from the Lord where they're at. Please don't be offended if your young person isn't a good influence and therefore really shouldn't be fellowshipping with other CM/FM young people.

*Many of you are a reproach to the Family name. You're a reproach in your business dealings with contacts and friends, in your interaction with the Family, in your lack of love and unity, in your criticism, gossip, and bitterness.

*Your sample in some cases is so poor that it brings shame to the Family and tears down and hurts the work.

Peter: Being a Fellow member does not mean that you can do anything you want‚ or live any way you want, or believe anything you want. If you're in the System you can be that way, but if you're going to be a Fellow member, we expect certain things of you. We expect you to witness. We have rules for Fellow members. We expect you to believe Family doctrine. We expect you to work and live in harmony with other Homes, and with the CM Homes. We expect you to live as a Christian and to not be a reproach to the work.

Addressing the follow–up shepherds

Peter: The sins of the follow-up shepherds are no worse than the other sins the Lord is exposing. A few more things will be pointed out about them because they have been public figures and very exalted, so they're going to get a bit more correction. But their sins are no worse than your bitterness, criticism, pride, perversions, and all the rest. Sin is sin!

*We're proud of you pioneers of the follow-up work. The Family has benefited from it and we commend you for that. But a number of things have gone wrong. You've pioneered what not to do as well as what to do.

*Many of you built your follow-up works on your charisma, your style, and it has become a "cult of the personality." It's based on you and the way you do things, rather than being based on the Family and the way the Family operates.

*Some of you have the attitude of, "We're beyond the Family. We're beyond the Charter. We're beyond the Folks. We're out there and they don't understand."

*Many of you won't allow yourselves or your works to be shepherded.

*You haven't obeyed the counsel given you about the need to invest in your spiritual life. You continue to give your sheep 24/7 service. It's a work of the flesh and is destroying your spiritual life.

*You're not taking time in the Word, with the Lord, with your family. Your Home is crumbling, your spiritual life is crumbling, and your personal life is crumbling. Your sheep see all this.

*Your sheep have questions about you, their shepherds. They wonder about your lifestyle, about how out of the spirit you are sometimes, about your wrong attitudes.

*Some of you have gone to the churches to get your information, and in doing so, have brought that churchy spirit back with you. Some of you have made a god of this. Soon you're saying, "This is better than the Words of David. The Family's wrong."

*You've strayed from the simplicity of the Family. You feel like you've pioneered your way beyond us.

*Many of you have compromised for your Active members' tithe. You don't teach them the meat of the Word. You don't tell them the truth. You've let your standard slide down to theirs because you don't want to lose their tithe.

*In some cases you've become a social club—parties, late nights‚ fun and fellowship. You're not teaching discipleship. You're bad samples of the Word. You're bad samples of preaching the Words of David.

*Many of you go to the Letters and get your information and class material from them, and then you sit down and teach your sheep. You don't point your sheep to the pure Word, so your sheep end up thinking that you're so great, that their shepherd is so spiritual to come up with all these things from the Lord. You allow your sheep to exalt you.

*You don't give credit to the Lord, to the prophet. You take the credit to yourself. You lift yourself up. You don't give your sheep the MO Letters, the pure Words of David.

*Your pride has blossomed to the point that you speak against Mama‚ against me, against the Family. "The Folks aren't doing it right. The Activated program isn't the way to go. Oh‚ the Folks, they don't know. We know. We're doing it. We've gone to the churches and found out what they're doing and we know what to do."

*You don't allow the shepherds to shepherd you‚ but when your work falls apart‚ you blame the shepherds for not shepherding you.

46. (Dad speaking: ) You can't model the Lord's work after the works of a dead or dying church system, regardless of how fruitful that system was in the past, or how fruitful it now looks to be.

47. Yes, there are things you can learn from the old‚ some of what to do and what not to do, but the comparisons quickly come to an end with the realization that the children of David have been called out of the church system.

48. There are many churches that are godly in their own little way. They're niche ministries, if you will, and they bring souls to salvation or help and teach others. There are many churches that know how to build and organize their following. But where are the churches that promote the deeper, meatier, stronger messages of the Spirit as do the children of David? Many are saved, but few there be that are the children of David.

49. So if you want your following to join the bands of David, the Gideon's few, you have to lead them to the water by the spirit and into the spirit‚ instructing them in the deeper truths of the spiritual world around them and into a passionate, intimate relationship with the Lover of all lovers. (End of message from Dad.)

*Many of your Active members are quite churchy. You compromise feeding them the meat of the Word because you know that if you tell them about hearing from spirits or hearing from the departed, there goes that tithe—that cash!

*Some of your sheep you've had in your Bible classes for years now, but you're failing in teaching them to be children of David and imparting the Family spirit to them.

50. (Dad speaking:) The folks in Brazil started in the spirit, and the Lord blessed them mightily. He rejoiced in them. But as the work grew, the individuals grew in stature in their own eyes, and slowly, slowly they started to edge the Lord and His message of the day more and more to the sidelines. As they began to stop looking to the Lord, they began looking more to the pattern of the successes of other churches and the successes of other men. The beauty of their original desire to build the work of God became corrupted as the acclaim they received ministered more to their pride than bringing out the humility that they once knew so intimately.

51. The greatest danger, though, is that they haven't seen this creeping paralysis slowly taking over their hearts and their spirits. As their desire grew to be the center of attention and successful in the eyes of their flock, it meant they had to avoid dishing out the meat of the Word, the deeper truths of a relationship with the spirit world. They can still change, but they will need to make the right choices. (End of message from Dad.)

*You have the desire to feed the sheep and to train them, but because you haven't stayed humble‚ it's taken a toll on your spirit. You haven't avoided drinking in the praise of man. You've become addicted to exaltation.

*Many of you have lost the Family spirit of love, care, and the One Wife spirit between your works. Your works are divided. "I am of so-and-so" and "I am of so–and-so." You talk against the other follow-up shepherds and their flocks to your sheep because you want to keep your flock. You want to keep that tithe.

*Some of you have confided to your sheep personal things about other shepherds‚ and you've hurt their faith. You've told your babes negative things about others, and they've spread them to yet others.

52. (Jesus speaking: ) Besides feeding the new church on the meat of the Word, the feeders themselves must be on the right foundation and have the spiritual components themselves to be able to produce the fruit that is needed for the End. If the tree itself is weak, the fruit can certainly be no stronger. If the builders are rife with disunity and lack of taking time in the Word themselves‚ and even putting the fruit of the Word or their followers themselves above their own time in the Word, they will not produce the disciples that are needed. They will produce a weak church‚ one that will crumble‚ just as they will crumble in the Time of the End if they do not have the spiritual foundation and constitution to make it through the heavy storms. If My builders are rife with bitterness and disunity, or outright blatant disobedience to the Charter, then how can you expect their fruit to be much better? They will simply produce the kind of fruit that they are. (End of message from Jesus.)

*Maybe you need to consider taking a break, a hiatus from your follow-up work. Tell your sheep, "I'm sorry, I need to take a personal retreat for a while. I need to get back to the basics and get cleansed from my sins." You can get in touch with them once a week or once a month and give them a reading list of MO Letters to read, so that they can understand the true spirit of the Family straight from the source. Not regurgitated by you, not filtered by you—just the truth.

*You need to take time to get back your connection with the Lord and with your family.

*You folks need to consider not being the shepherds of your Home, not being on the teamwork. You need to restructure your Home so that you're not the big cheese, running the ministry, making all the decisions. You need someone who can shepherd you and shepherd your work.

53. (Jesus speaking:) The worker is more important than the work. Getting in the Word is more important than getting it out. Putting the fruit of the Word above the Word itself in your life is not fruitful. These principles you must retain in the foundation that you are building, or alas, these too shall crumble.

54. It's a good thing to minister to your sheep; that's one of the main things you are here for. But what is the greatest commandment?—To love the Lord your God with all of your heart‚ and all of your soul, and all of your mind, and all of your strength. If you're putting your sheep before your own spiritual feeding or strength, what will happen? You will get weakened. And what happens when you get weakened? You don't have the spiritual strength to perform My service and to do a good work.

55. If you allow the tending of your flock to be put before Me and My Word in your life, you simply will not prosper—not in the long run. You will weaken and fade away; it's only a matter of time. So the policy of 24/7 availability has an inherent weakness, and that is, if taken to the extreme, it results in the weakening of the shepherd, which results in the weakening of the sheep. (End of message from Jesus.)

Addressing the young people

*We're proud of those of you who have bucked the tide of the System, sometimes of your peers, of your brothers and sisters who have left the Family. Some of you have really been striving to put the Lord first and to move forward, to be in the Family in spirit. But others of you haven't; you're not putting forth the effort for true discipleship.

Peter: I want to read a portion of a letter that someone recently wrote us from your field, talking about you young people. This person said, "Some of our young people, you hardly know they're Christians. … Many of our young people have no respect for others. They lie and steal. They cheat and deceive (provision). They smoke and take drugs. They gossip and malign others, and are basically selfish. They are racist. And they look down on those of lesser social standing."

I would be ashamed to have people in the Family writing that about me or about my peers. I'm sure this person knows that not every young person is like that, but generally speaking, that's the impression that this person has—and not only this person, but others. And that's very, very sad.

*Some of you do lie and steal. If you don't outright lie, you cover up—for yourself, for your friends.

*You don't have the courage to help your friends, to stand up against the wrong things that your peers are doing. You don't have conviction. You're wimps in the spirit.

*You have false loyalty—loyalty that is misplaced. You want your friends to like you and you don't want to do anything that will upset them, so you're willing to let them go to Hell in the spirit, because you want to keep their friendship.

Peter: "Oh, no, no, I can't do that! I mean, I'd be disloyal. I won't have any friends." So? You'll have Jesus as a friend‚ that's for sure. But at the rate you're going‚ you're not going to have any true friends anyway, because true friends love one another. The Word says, "Faithful are the wounds of a friend" (Pro.27:6). That means if sometimes you have to wound your brother or your sister or your friend by correcting them, that you'll do it. Those are faithful friends.

*You have a lot of bitterness—bitterness about the past, against the Law of Love‚ against harsh discipline and things of the past. (Peter apologizes once again on behalf of him and Mama for things that happened in the past that were hurtful and unloving.) But you have to forgive in your heart and move on or your bitterness will eat you up.

*Many of you are pretty critical of the first generation. You're critical of your parents for having so many children. You don't show your parents much respect or respect their stand of faith.

*Many of you are so into open-mindedness that it affects your faith in the Word and your obedience to it. You don't like the rigidity of the Word. You want to be so very open-minded that you open your minds to all sorts of junk and end up speaking against the Word‚ letting the world influence you over the truth of God's Word. There's lots of open–mindedness toward lesbianism, sodomy, etc. You say, "It's a lifestyle." That's not what the Bible says. That's not what we believe.

*A lot of you don't conduct yourselves very well around your brothers and sisters. The things that come out of your mouths—your criticism‚ words, and attitudes—pollute your younger siblings and affect them negatively. They look up to you and admire you, and then you speak against the Word.

*Lots of you have had sex with outsiders and many of you haven't confessed. Then you have sex with others in the Family and endanger them.

*Many of you hang out sexually on the borderline of perversions. Some of you cross over. You need to pray about your sexual attitudes and relationships. Are they godly? Are they loving?

*Some of you young guys are very macho in your sexuality‚ and you lack the Lord's Spirit. You're not gentlemanly; you're sort of crass.

*Some of you tend to have misplaced compassion when somebody is corrected. If someone gets put on probationary status, your reaction is, "Oh, you poor guy! That shepherd was so unfair!" You go to your friend's defense without seeing the Lord's hand in their life.

*Oftentimes there's quite a mix of CM, FM, and former members at parties, and that mix isn't always good. We're supposed to be loving toward and understanding of former members. They've made their decisions and we should respect them and not talk badly about them. But it doesn't mean you have to hang out with them, especially if it's a former member who doesn't believe as you do, and who is vocal about it. Many young former members want to show how cool they are‚ and they talk about how great the world is and they talk against the Family. They're not doing you good.

*You need to seriously pray about who your friends are, who you hang out with, and whether their friendship is good for your spiritual life.

Peter: You have to look at your friends, and the people you hang out with, and ask yourself, "Are the people I'm with helping me to move forward, closer to the Lord? Or are they dragging me back?" And then you have to make a decision about who your friends really are. Jesus said, "Who is My mother and My brethren?" In your case, "Who are my friends"? They should be those who do the will of God. You need to associate yourself with people who are doing the will of God.

Closing message from the Lord

56. (Jesus speaking:) My dear Brazil Family, I know it is painful to see such a clear picture painted of your sins and of your failings. It's difficult to be shown so clearly how you've strayed from My side, and how you've disobeyed. Even though I'm chastening you and rebuking you for the ways in which you have strayed and disobeyed My Words to you, My correction is given in love, and in the hope that you will be convicted and pricked to the heart, and motivated to repent and to change.

57. I don't joy in disciplining you. I do it with a heavy heart, a sad heart. My prayer is that you will see where you have sinned clearly, and that you will be humble enough to confess and to forsake your sins, so that you can receive My forgiveness and My blessing once again.

58. Even though you have strayed from My side through your disobedience and compromise, even though you have not obeyed My Word and heeded the many warnings that I have given you‚ I still love you. I am married to you and I am committed to helping you come through as finer gold if you will receive this chastisement and show that you are serious about changing—by doing something about it and bringing forth the fruits meet for repentance.

59. My message to you is a heavy and sober message, and you may feel smashed and broken, realizing how far you have strayed and how you have fallen short of what I was expecting of you. Nevertheless, there is hope. There is a light on the horizon. There is a tremendous victory that you can claim through the power of the keys if you will rebuke lethargy, compromise, pride, and the many other sins that plague you, and turn to Me in yieldedness and full submission.

60. If you will be humbled, you will receive forgiveness. If you will repent, you will receive My mercy in the form of My cleansing your Home and your field. If you will confess and forsake your sins, and vow not to return to them, and fight militantly against the Enemy, you will be restored and once again can walk close by My side as My humble brides.

61. Don't let the Enemy tempt you to despair and to give up. Receive My correction and chastisement and let it purge and cleanse your heart. Receive My intolerable compliment of love. Because although My Words are stern and are given in judgment for your sins and your failings, they are given in great‚ great love. They are given because I love you. They are given because you are My brides. They are given because I want to rescue you. They are given because you are so dear to Me. They are given because you are My precious children whom I wish to preserve, and I will go to any length to save you and to rescue you.

62. Hold fast to My love for you and My faith in you. All that I do, I do in love. I have not stopped loving you. Even though My love for you is manifested in correction and discipline, it is nonetheless My love‚ so cherish it with all your hearts. Those who are humble in My sight and in the sight of their brethren, and those who bow themselves low before Me, I will lift up and bring through this time of purging.

63. I have given My heart and soul to you. Now the choice lies with you. Will you open your heart and bare your soul before Me? Will you humble yourself before the brethren and those you have wronged? Will you let Me break and remake you? Will you let Me remake your proud and brittle vessel, and make you into the vessel of My choosing? Will you allow Me, the One Who loves you more than anyone in the world, to correct and purge and make you white?

64. No chastening for the present is joyous. It is certainly grievous. It's not only grievous for you, but also for Me. But unto those who are exercised thereby, it brings forth the peaceable fruit of righteousness. Will you be exercised thereby? Will you allow Me to bring back the peaceable fruit of righteousness in your life? (End of message from Jesus)

Copyright © 2003 by The Family

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