Endtime Series, The--Part 3

May 5, 2003

Table of Contents

By Maria #522 CM/FM 3280 8/99

Dear Family,

1. Here's part three of our Endtime series—full of information and invaluable counsel on what to expect and how to prepare for the Endtime. Thank the Lord for the additional insight He's given into this important

Are There Any Physical Preparations to Make or Skills We Should Learn for the Endtime?

2. Q: What else besides the spiritual new weapons do we need in order to be prepared for the Endtime? Is there something we need to be praying for or learning how to do, or will the Lord just use whatever we end up learning now in whatever Endtime scenario arises?

3. (Jesus speaking:) Your present jobs and ministries are preparing you in the best poss­ible way for the Endtime. I will continue to call you to be shepherds and teachers of My flock. I will call you to be a light in the midst of great darkness. You will stand up as My torches of light to light up the darkness around you.

4. The spiritual weapons that you're now becoming practiced in the use of are the weapons that will be of most use to you in the coming dark days. The training you receive now in feeding My sheep, in being shepherds, teachers and pastors to the flock, the skills of people hand­ling‚ of understanding and feeding the sheep, are the things that I will use in the Endtime.

5. Compared to the great masses, there will be so few who will have this knowledge, who will have the light that you have, who will have such a connection to Me and to the spirit world. This is the most important thing you can do to prepare, for in those days you will be called on to be My witnesses, My pastors, My shepherds of the sheep. You will not always be in your big loving family groups; some will have to operate on their own, so each individual's connection with Me is vital.

6. There will be those in your flock, those of your contacts, those you minister to, who will have the practical and technical knowledge that you will need but may not possess. So you don't need to fear that the time you spend preparing for the spiritual will leave you ill-equipped for dealing with the practical things. I will not leave you comfortless.

7. Whatever situation I engineer your life and ministry into in the Last Days, I will have those by you with the practical knowledge you need in order to effect that ministry. Whatever it may be, whatever the need may be, I will raise up within your flock or from your sheep and contacts those who will have the knowledge to back you up and support you. They will be ones whom you have led to Me‚ but they have not the same calling as you. They have not from their youth devoted their lives to My service‚ learning and committing themselves to be in My Endtime army, possessing the spiritual weapons which will be in much demand in those days. But I will have gifted them with the necessary practical or technical knowledge, or whatever the need may be.

8. So the answer to your question is: Continue to strengthen yourselves in the spirit‚ in hearing from Me, in loving Me and becoming My bride, in trust and in faith in the Word. This is the knowledge that you will need the most. In your ministries and in your life of feeding your sheep, continue to progress to be the shepherds and teachers that I'm making you into. Continue to raise up a broad base of support through your contacts and those to whom you minister.

9. Everything you come across, each thing that you're learning now‚ I will use for My glory, either now, or in the Endtime, or in the Millennium. So if you have learned some practical or technical skill, then I will make use of it. But if you have the chance to gain some knowledge you didn't have before, you must ask Me if this opportunity is My will for you. For some people, it will be My will that they seek to increase their knowledge on a certain subject, because it will be of help to them in the Endtime. For others, it will not be necessary, or will be a distraction or a hindrance.

10. But knowledge puffeth up, and it is important to realize that in the dark days ahead, knowledge will profit nothing without My Spirit, without My leading and direction. So seek not after worldly knowledge or instruction‚ but seek after My Spirit. Seek to prepare and arm yourselves with My Word. This is what will be in demand; this is what you will need the most. This is the ministry to which I will call the great majority of My children in the Last Days—that of being shepherds and teachers, leaders of the flock.

11. Don't spend your time in futile pursuits of worldly knowledge, for I will supply you with the knowledge you need in the day you need it. Spend your time now in preparation of the spirit, for this is what you and others will profit by the most. You will be able to profit from their technical knowledge, but they will profit by your spiritual link with Me, and that will be what is needed the most. (End of message from Jesus)

What Is Vital to My Endtime Prep?

12. Q: With the Endtime approaching fast, I'd like to know what things I'm supposed to do and how to best prepare. I know that I'm supposed to be using and practicing the new weapons, but is there anything else in my personal life that is vital to End­time prep?

13. (Jesus speaking:) Stop. Think. Does news of things to come cause you to stir yourselves up and get desperate with Me as to what you should do personally, and as a Home and family unit? Or do you just wait for your king and queen to hear from Me for you? Think about it.

14. Now consider this: What if for some reason WS was not able to communicate with you to prepare you for such things? What would you do?

15. Don't be as those who sleep, who have eyes but see not and have ears but hear not. It's high time to awake, to stir yourselves from slumber, and put on your armor of light. Do you stir yourselves up daily? Do you ask questions?

16. What am I trying to say to you—individually, and as a Home? If you're concerned about where you're going, how your Home is doing‚ how the Family is progressing, and the impact you're having on the world, what are you doing about it? You can't change the world without changing yourselves first!

17. Your queen is like Joshua‚ your king, Gideon. They'll declare war on the enemy. They'll organize you, lead you, and command you. They'll help feed you My Words. But first they'll lead you down to the river. What you do then is up to you. Will you sip the water from your hand vigilantly, ready for imminent danger? Or lap like a dog, all caution thrown to the wind?

18. Your queen and king lead the way. You must follow. But a soldier who follows without any personal conviction and determination for the war he's fighting is no soldier. He may think he is, say he is‚ look like one, act like one, talk like one, and even be called one. But he still isn't a soldier. He's a deserter waiting to happen, a mobile casualty of sorts—very hazardous.

19. The time to be mature is now. You should be able to decrypt the signs that are popping up all around you and figure out what I'm trying to say to you and to the world. The point is and has always been: Seek and you'll find. The ­answers will not find you; you must find them. They're all around if you'll just look, and keeping the world out of your hearts facilitates this.

20. For those of you who think that My warning of the coming End is exaggerated or will not come to pass, think again. Remember Noah and his ark. It was ages before the floods came, but the flood did eventually come. Calamity will come, there's no question about that. Don't worry about trying to set a date upon it or analyze exactly how these things will come to pass. Have faith.

21. The world isn't what it used to be. Things aren't what they were. Times have changed and they change still. Keeping up with high-tech industry takes a lot of effort, but keeping up with the spirit world takes even more effort. It's not difficult, but it's in continual motion. Unless you log on every day for updates, you'll be stuck in the present while your counter­parts have moved toward the future.

22. You must prepare spiritually and physically. These are the days when both the spiritual and the physical realms collide. Activity between these dimensions is tremendous, and continually increasing. Being physically and spiritually prepared goes hand in hand. He who tries to explain these as separate is like one trying to define the beginning and end of a circular object.

23. If you're prepared physically but not spiritually, then you may be ready to weather the coming storms of calamity, but you won't know just when they'll hit, or how hard, nor will you know what's really happening behind the scenes and why. You won't be able to comfort others, or yourselves. You'll have no notion as to what your next move should be, or if you should even move at all. You'll have zero spiritual stamina and strength for anything. The difficult days ahead will drain you of all your strength and even your reserves. There is no guarantee of survival without spiritual readiness.

24. But if all you do is read your Bible, GNs‚ and pray, and that's it, you won't be of much use to anyone. The Word was made flesh, remember. Your faith and beliefs must be seen and heard. They have to be put into action.

25. If all you do is hear My voice, but fail to act on it when I tell you to go, come, stay, hush‚ speak, witness, pray, praise, follow‚ write‚ sing, wake, sleep, nap, rest, love‚ make love, buy this‚ sell that, hang on to this, discard that, give a hug, take the bus today instead of your car, start a new ministry‚ start a mailing list, start busking, stop busking, get a job, quit your job—and on and on the list goes—then you're not going to make it.

26. If you can't do what I tell you personally to do, then you aren't ready. If you doubt My instructions or My voice, then you're not prepared. I give you counsel in the GNs, but there is so much more that I have just waiting to be poured out to you, even more specific and personal counsel, if you'll only tap in.

27. Your king and queen are great and mighty in My eyes because they've learned to log on daily. They keep checking in with Me, keep tapping in to My Words and power, and keep seeking Me for My updates and counsel. They're shining examples of how to hear from Me and be used of Me. And you can also learn to seek My face so diligently and be greatly used of Me if you'll only do what your king and queen have been telling you for so long now.

28. To be prepared, you must keep your eyes wide open. Are you now, at this very moment, concerned and prepared? Think about it. (End of message from Jesus)

Any More New Moves of the Spirit Coming for Our "Endtime Prep"?

29. Q: Will the Family undergo any other new moves of the Spirit in preparation for the Tribulation and the Last Days? We've received the gift of prophecy, Loving Jesus, and the Law of Love. Are there other things the Family needs to know and areas to grow in before the Tribulation begins? If so, what are they?

30. (Jesus speaking:) I am a moving God. My Spirit moves, it stirs, it thrives. My Spirit never stagnates, for My Spirit is alive, vibrant‚ on the move. So I keep you, My children‚ ever changing‚ ever growing, and ever moving. I keep you stirred up; I keep you pressing onward‚ going forward, and never settling down.

31. I have moved you into a new day. I have poured out New Wine on you. I have given you these new moves of My Spirit that you might stay fresh and alive, moving, changing, and pressing onward so that I can use you mightily in this Time of the End.

32. Before the great and terrible day of Tribulation is poured out upon the Earth, I will continue to prepare you and keep you pro­gressing and moving forward. All these new moves that I've given you add to the sum of a great move of My Spirit, as I move you now into the days of greater faith.

33. I will blow the winds of My Spirit upon you‚ that those who follow closely might flow along, propelled by great faith. In the days ahead your faith will grow and blossom; it will flourish as the grass of the earth. Through these moves—through loving Me intimately, through honing your gift of prophecy, through learning to live and abide by My Law of Love, through your great bonds of unity, through learning to hear from Me on all things—I am working to cultivate within you great faith, mighty faith such as the world has never known.

34. In the days to come, there will be a great move of My Spirit as I lead you into the way of greater faith. Those who will listen to My Words, and who will receive and obey them, will receive a great anointing of faith such as the world has never seen. I have endowed My servants with faith from the beginning of time, yet as My Spirit moves in these Last Days, I will pour out greater faith such as has not been seen since the beginning of time.

35. These days that are soon to come upon you will be the days of great miracles! These will be the days of greater things, and this is a great move of My Spirit. This will be the fruit of your faith—the great miracles I will work on behalf of My children who follow closely. Those who hear My Word and obey will put their faith into action and call down mighty miracles from the Heavens! This will be the mighty moving of My Spirit.

36. I am a moving God. My Spirit moves; it never stagnates. So will I keep My children on the move, always growing, always changing, and always moving in tune with My Spirit in these Last Days. I speak to you of these things for this moment, and I do not reveal all to you at once, for I am also the Lord of surprise, the Lord of wonder, the Lord of mystery. I do not guard portions of the future behind a veil to tease or taunt you, My children‚ but in My wisdom I do these things in perfect love.

37. I take you a step at a time. I do not reveal to you every new move of My Spirit that is to come, for I reserve a portion for the appointed time. The time to tell all is not yet. I do not reveal to you every detail from the beginning, for in this way I keep you coming back for more, I keep you excited, intrigued and challenged, and I keep you growing and moving forward at a steady pace.

38. Yes‚ My loves, I have sufficient new moves of My Spirit in store for these exciting days of the End. I have just enough—not too much, nor too little. At this moment I reveal only what you need to know now and no further. I have many‚ many things to say to you, My children, which, if I told you at this moment, you would not be able to bear them, for the thrills and wonders of the days ahead would overwhelm you, as would the dangers and foes you will face in some cases. And it would also be too much to contain, for you would be bursting with excitement, with wonder‚ and in some cases with worry about the future‚ hindering your present ministry and outreach. So I do not burden you with such things now.

39. But fear not. Let this encourage your hearts, for the days ahead will be great and mighty for those who follow closely. You'll flow along with the new moves of My Spirit and flourish as the grass of the field as righteousness covers the Earth. (End of message from Jesus.)

What Kind of Troubles Will We Face in the Endtime?

40. Q: The Lord has been trying to prepare us for the very difficult times we're heading for in the Endtime and Great Tribulation, warning us how bad it's going to get and teaching us to use the new weapons. What kind of troubles will we face? Will it be mainly a test of our faith‚ remaining strong in our convictions, standing up for and witnessing to others about the Lord, or will it be mainly physical suffering and hardship, or both?

41. (Jesus speaking:) The last seven years, and especially the last three-and-a-half years, the Great Tribulation, will be a very dark time for the world. There will be much persecution of My children, as well as those who don't know Me but believe in freedom‚ and choose not to fall at the feet of the son of perdition. Many will suffer, and some will die during this time, for it is a time of tribulation such as the world has never seen before.

42. But all of My children can be assured that I will never leave them nor forsake them for even one moment—even during what may appear to be their darkest hour. I will not let any of you suffer more than you are able to bear. In fact, I will compensate you by performing outstanding miracles, giving tremendous harvests of souls, and a greater closeness to Me.

43. The degree of suffering experienced during the Tribulation will have a lot to do with the individual. Those who have grown in their relationship with Me and have learned to come to Me with their problems and questions, who have learned to be connected to the spirit world, will suffer much less, because I will be able to lead and guide them down the path of safety. Those who have learned to ask Me for guidance in prophecy will be the most sought after during that time, because so many Christians and AACs will be confused, not knowing what to do next.

44. There will be a chosen few of you, My leaders of the End‚ who will suffer and die for My sake‚ for a testimony against the Evil One and his wicked regime. Through this, many un­believers will see and know that a prophet has been among them. They will see the light shining on the faces of My Endtime martyrs and will know that I am real. But these will be few in number, and I will give them the faith and courage they need for that time. Because of their closeness to Me, I will prepare them well in advance, and their love for Me will make it worth it all.

45. But sad to say, some of My children will suffer and die in those days simply because of wrong decisions and a lack of preparedness. In those days I will speak even more clearly to My children, and when they ask, "Lord‚ shall I go left or right?" I will tell them which way to go and they will be safe. But those who have not heeded My Endtime call to take up the mighty spiritual weapons will not know, or will simply not remember to ask Me; they'll lean to their own understanding and go the wrong way, falling into the hands of the Evil One. Yet even those who are not prepared and do suffer more I will give great grace in their time of suffering. I will be by them and cover them and bring them yet closer to My bosom.

46. You must see the importance of drawing close to Me now and getting into the habit of hearing from Me at every turn. While it's true that I will give you grace for your suffering, suffering is not the reason I'm bringing My children through the Tribulation. It will be a time of suffering for many; especially those who will need to wake up and turn towards Me. But for you who have heeded My present call to arms, the Great Tribulation will be the greatest time of harvesting souls you've ever known!

47. There will be a degree of suffering for My children, and many of the conveniences that you're accustomed to today will no longer be available, but these will seem like nothing when you see the souls and disciples being harvested by the hundreds and thousands. This is the purpose of the Tribulation for you!

48. Many in the world will suffer during this time, and I will use this to open the hearts of many. Even now I allow disaster and trouble to cause people to make a decision. In some cases they will become soft and moldable and will look to Me, but in other cases they will become hardened and bitter against Me. What is now happening on a small scale in the way of natural disasters‚ wars, and times of suffering, will then happen on a global scale. It will be a time of decision for both those who know Me and those who do not.

49. This is where you come in. I will need strong soldiers, those who have a close connec­tion with Me, who will be able to lead My weaker children through these times of testing. You'll be able to stick together in some cases, but for the most part it will not be My will for you to bunch up in large groups, for you'll be needed all over the world to lead the thousands of Christians and AACs who were never given the privilege of learning to use the new weapons.

50. So sharpen your swords and learn to use them now. Prepare for the Great Tribulation in earnest as a soldier prepares for a soon–coming battle. If you learn to use these weapons now, in the days of Tribulation you'll find yourself spending much more time witnessing and bravely standing up for the truth than suffering and dying. For you it will be the most exciting time of your life—a time of great fulfillment and supernatural strength.

51. Though I will at times allow you to call down fire from Heaven to smite your enemies‚ much of the time it will be your close connection with Me that will keep you from your ­enemies in the first place. This will allow you to concentrate your time and energies on feeding the flocks I have given you, winning new souls, and defying the Antichrist regime.

52. Hold fast to these promises and know that I will empower you greatly. The more you use the new weapons now, the more effective you'll be during the Great Tribulation and the less you'll suffer.

53. Be prepared. Don't let the Great Tribulation catch you as a thief in the night. It saddens Me even now to know that there will be so many millions who will be caught unprepared because they have lived only a mediocre Christian life, and in many cases were not warned of the troubles to come. There will be a sudden widening of the eyes for many‚ who will find themselves wide open to the persecution the Antichrist will bring.

54. In a few cases it will be because you have failed to warn them, but in the great majority of cases it is because their own shepherds have been blind leaders of the blind, and both have fallen into the ditch. Their shepherds rejected the warnings in My Word, refused to heed My checks and counsel and the voice of My Spirit speaking in their hearts, and they have led their flocks astray. Such is the sad state of many in the church system.

55. But many of their flocks would have it so, for they do not wish to be stirred up about such things and reject those of their shepherds who would try to do so. So both shepherds and sheep have settled into a drowsiness, a sleepiness, a spiritual blindness, and know not that the ditch is fast approaching.

56. Please take up the challenge now‚ My dear ones, both to warn the world of the evil to come and to learn to be soldiers for the new day, so you can help to relieve their pain and guide them down the right path. It will be a time of great confusion for many, and I will need leaders with a direct connection to the realm of the spirit. (End of message from Jesus.)

57. (Mama:) The Lord is really trying to stir us up! He's really making an effort to get us to use the spiritual weapons that He's given us. He's even spelling out the difficulties and troubles that we may stumble into unawares if we're not closely connected to Him, well practiced in our gift of prophecy, and using the weapons He's outfitted us with for the Last Days. Please use them, folks!

58. As the Lord's children, we can rest assured of His protection and care—that is, if we're doing all that we can to stay under the shadow of His wings, and using the new weapons is part of the deal. We don't need to be fearful. As we do our part, the Lord will do His, and we'll be right in the center of His hand, feeling His care and protection like never before.

59. Following is an encouraging excerpt of prophecy about the powerful force and testimony we'll be as we let His light shine through us during that time.

60. (Jesus speaking:) The days of tribulation need not be feared. In that day your light will shine brighter than it ever has before. In that day all the training, all the breakings, all the battles you've fought, will show visible fruits. Then you'll know it has been worth it all‚ for you'll see how through it I have strengthened you and made you a powerful force upon the Earth, a force strong enough to withstand the flood of evil and rise above it‚ shining as a beacon of light across the dark waters, calling all those who will to come and place their feet upon a solid Rock and be saved from the doom of hell on earth. (End of message from Jesus.)

What if You're Dreading the Endtime?

61. Q: I've been in the Family for a long time and have been waiting for the Endtime for most of my life. But now that the Last Days are closer at hand, I feel differently. I feel tired. I'm not as eager to go through that period of time. I'd rather remain in this time of relative peace and calm, doing our job like we're now able to‚ without all the upheaval the Endtime will bring. I know the Endtime is going to come, regardless of how I feel, and I'll be glad for Jesus' return. But how can I strengthen myself in this area and prepare my heart and strengthen my spirit for the inevitable?

62. (Jesus speaking:) My love, you and many of My children get tired and weary in well doing. You become dull in spirit because it's hard to continue with afflictions of the flesh, persecution that arises in some way year after year, and with the day-to-day problems that constantly beset you. I understand your desire for peace and calm to be able to do your work of leading people to Me‚ for this is very important. But there are other even more important things that I will have for you to do in the Endtime, that you can only do in a time of trouble.

63. Do you remember the verse that says, "Greater things than these will ye do"? Some of the "greater things" will come about because you'll be in a situation that I was not in. You'll be in a situation of chaos, confusion, and in­stability‚ where men's hearts will fail because of fear. Yet you will be an island of calm and peace and refuge from the storm for these people, because they'll be able to draw My Words from you, and thus My strength and My peace.

64. I know you feel differently now than when you were young and you looked forward to this time. Now you may even say that you dread the instability and difficulty of the Endtime that is soon to be upon you. But I say that your present attitude is in some ways a more mature one than you had in your youth. At that time you were ready for anything! You saw no dangers; there were no Alps—nothing too difficult‚ nothing that could not be overcome, no obstacle too great for you. Now you are wiser‚ more seasoned, and you are, in that sense, stronger. You look at a battle not as the untried soldier who yearns to jump into the fray, but as the seasoned and wiser veteran who sighs as he looks to the battle, knowing that it will cost, that there will be sacrifices and setbacks.

65. But do you know what? You also know that you'll have the victory. For through your many battles and the years that you've served Me, you've seen how in spite of the setbacks or obstacles, I gave the victory, and this victory was won by My mighty arm. So though you do not joy in the battle as you did before, at the same time you have more wisdom‚ more assurance of My peace, My victory, and My ability to see you through.

66. And I will see you through, My loves. I will keep you through every battle you face in the Endtime. Indeed, you will be My shining lights of freedom and victory. Although the young ones will be the stalwart, rugged fighters, you who have more experience will have the blessing of being the wise counselors, the fountains of Word, the counselors of peace in the time to come. Together you will see mighty miracles. You'll feel the rush of youth as My Spirit courses through your veins, and you'll be astounded at all I will do for you.

67. I could not do these miracles unless you were in the time of crisis and trouble and difficulty that is coming. But in the midst of it, you'll be victorious, and you'll carry your own bubble of peace and calm and love and joy with you, for all to enjoy. So do not fear that you'll not have the peace and calm you need to do My work—for you will. You'll have it in a greater measure, because it will be a spirit that will be given to you supernaturally in the time of great crisis‚ when you need it, and when you're giving your life for others. (End of message from Jesus.)

What Investments Are Safe to Make in Light of the Coming Crash?

68. Q: In the past, Dad made very specific suggestions about investments, which we could share with wealthy friends. At one time I believe he said to split your funds in thirds and invest them in different things. Many people invest in stocks, as they will gain interest. Others buy properties, which will increase in value as time goes by. Of course, the best investment is in the Lord's work. But if someone is already investing in the Lord's work, what would we advise them to do with their money in view of the banks crashing and the chaos that will happen when the bottom falls out and the economic system fails worldwide?

69. (Dad speaking:) I've always said the best investment is investing in the Lord's work. You can never go wrong by giving to the Lord, whether you give your heart, your time‚ or your money; whatever you give to the Lord He will bless you mightily for it in return. This is something that our friends and kings have seen and learned and can testify to, that the more they give to the Lord, the more they get in return. Not only does the Lord reward them by blessing their business and giving them more financially, but they receive more in other ways as well; the Lord blesses their health, happiness, relationship with their family and loved ones, etc. That's just how things work in the spirit world: Give and it shall be given unto you.

70. Now is a better time than ever to invest even more heavily in the Lord's work. Now with the Activated! vision and all the funding it requires, you really need more funds to get the job done. I feel you should plan ahead, and just as you plan on having a stock of survival food, water, and other essentials for the future, you should also plan on stockpiling tools! This is what people will be hungering after—to be fed spiritually—so be sure to have plenty of mags and books on hand so you can feed the hungry. Now's a good time to instill in our friends and kings the vision of giving even more to the Lord's work. As they do, they'll play a great part in reach­ing and feeding the lost through their ­giving.

71. As to what to do with their other funds, I would suggest that they steer clear of investing too much in stocks, or buying properties, or keeping too much in banks. It's okay for right now as the economy is still growing, but it won't be long till things start to change. When the bottom falls out, those that are holding stocks are going to lose. If the economy crashes, then people aren't going to have money to buy properties. And when the banks crash, then the money you're holding in them will crash too.

72. Every situation is different and each country is different‚ and that's why they need to pray. If they come to the Lord in prayer and ask Him to lead and guide them in their business and investments, He'll do so. If they'll continue to put Him and His work first‚ then He's going to take care of them and bless them for it. They should pray with those Family members who they're close to and who they love and respect, and the Lord will speak to them and open doors for them. If they ask Him to lead and guide‚ He will. But they have to do the asking, and do some seeking and knocking too. If they put the Lord and His work first, I can guarantee you that He'll keep them and bless and prosper them and show them exactly what to do. (End of message from Dad.)

Why Activated! If the End Is so Close?

73. Q: Many people in the Family now seem to have a rather long-term vision. That's a good quality, especially since in the past we've often had shorter-term ­visions, and by planning ahead and being willing to shtick, we can get a lot more done. However, with the Endtime closer than ever, I wonder if now is the time to get more settled down like some people are, preparing to be somewhere for so long or making big investments, if things are going to change suddenly. We're putting a lot of time and resources into the Activated! ministry. While I love the project and its goal, are we going to have enough time to complete it and make it worth our while?

74. (Dad speaking:) It's funny how the ­Enemy works. I don't like to talk about his dirty work too much, but the Lord also says we're not to be ignorant of his devices, so let's expose a couple of them here so that you folks can be better aware of them.

75. As I've said before, one of the Enemy's favorite wiles is wait awhile! He's happy when you're lethargic, when you procrastinate, when you don't redeem the time, when you pass up opportunities to preach the Gospel, and when you don't feel the need and the burden to pray without ceasing and to love Him and others with all your heart and mind and soul. While we all have our bad days or moments‚ the Enemy is positively thrilled when such bad moments turn into bad weeks, months, and eventually a bad lifestyle.

76. Another of his favorite devices, and the one we're focusing on right now, is that you have to rush, rush, rush‚ because you have no time. It's the exact opposite of his "wait awhile" strategy. He'll say, "You don't have time to read, to reflect, to pray, to commune with the Lord, because you've got to be busy doing the Lord's work. You don't even have time to think about any long-term aspects of the Lord's work, because the End is too near!" And, as we all know, haste makes waste. You get hurried and flurried, stressed and strained, and then you suffer burnout and breakdowns. And you not only suffer, but the Lord's work suffers and lost souls ­suffer.

77. So the Enemy will try to cool you down if he can. If he can't do that, he'll try to speed you up so fast that you can't do the Lord's work as effectively as you want to and need to. If he can't stop you, he'll try to hinder you in any way he can‚ even if it seems like a good cause. Yes, we're to burn up fast and bright for Jesus, but if we burn out completely, we're no good to Him. If we burn in the wrong ways or in the wrong places because we're not taking the time to be in tune with Him, then we won't provide as much light to the lost as He'd have us provide—or we may even start a destructive fire.

78. Of course‚ there's a time for resting and communing with the Lord, relaxing with others, and enjoying sweet fellowship with them and Him. And there are times when you're in the heat of some battle or project or push and you have to work like crazy, when your goals are sure and definite and defined by the Lord and they require quick work to meet them. What I'm talking about here is when either the rest or the rush becomes a lifestyle.

79. You have to seek the Lord to know when to do what—whether it's a time to rush about, getting out the tools, running here and there preaching the Gospel, reaching many people in many different places, or whether it's a time to build and to plant a more lasting work, to work on more long-term projects that will reach even more people in the end. There's a time for both. In fact, sometimes it's time for both at the same time! At the moment we need to be getting the message out like never before‚ and we also need to be following up on those who get the mess­age like never before‚ like we should have been in years past.

80. As far as I'm concerned, no matter how long the Activated! program lasts, it will be a valuable tool and great help to the Family. It's forced us to focus on follow-up like never before. It's helped us produce the greatest variety of in-depth GP tools we've ever had. It's led us to new and different ways to get out the Lord's message. And you ain't seen nothing yet, let me tell you! The fruits will be spectacular and long–lasting—eternal, in fact. Praise the Lord!

81. The Lord led us to start this Activated! ministry and He's led us each step of the way, confirming His will again and again. That's how you know a long-term project is of the Lord—He tells you so! And when you wonder if it's still His will, you confirm it with Him and check and double-check. That's why we're tackling this long-term project—because it's the Lord's will.

82. Even if something unforeseen were to happen tomorrow‚ even if the End were to come suddenly, you simply need to have the faith to obey what the Lord has told you to do. Again, be like Martin Luther, who said that even if he knew the world would fall to pieces tomorrow, he'd go on paying his debts and planting his little apple tree. [See GT 1, pg.514, #56.] In other words, he'd go on doing what he knew the Lord expected of him, long-term or short-term, no matter what comes. None of the circumstances and conditions around him moved him, because he was so sure of the Lord's will. He checked and double–checked with the Lord.

83. That's how the Lord has led us over the years too—first me and Mama, and now me and Mama and Peter. We've always checked with the Lord and followed His leadings, whether He said to think long-term or short-term, to rush or go slow, to sow the seeds or reap the harvest. We've just obeyed what He said to do.

84. We'd be in a real mess if we hadn't had the long-term vision right from the start. When we first started having kids way back in the early seventies, what if we'd argued with the Lord or tried to take matters into our own hands, saying, "But, Lord, we don't have time for kids. The End is coming soon, and these kids won't have time to grow up and become what they need to be. And at the moment, they slow us down from preaching the Gospel the way we need to and want to."

85. Well, you can see what happened! Those kids of yesteryear have become the Revolution of today‚ along with their parents, and are having kids of their own. And this new batch of kids will be the Revolution of tomorrow—at least for as many tomorrows as you have left here, and on into the Millennium and eternity! So thank God for our kids, and thank God we had them, each and every one of them!

86. Thank God we've had the long-term ­vision in reaching some nations around the world. That's the only way we've been able to stay in places like Japan and other places in the East and Mideast and go on reaching their people. If we'd gone into them with only a short-term vision to get out a few tapes and posters and videos, that's about all we would have done before we got kicked out. But we're still there, still ministering to people whether openly or clandestinely, and getting out our tools to boot.

87. Of course, there's a time and a place for everything. In Russia in the early days we were completely undercover, nurturing a long-term work. Then when the Berlin Wall fell, we flooded into Russia and Eastern Europe and spread the message to the multitudes like crazy! Now that things are clamping down and tightening up, we've settled down for the long haul again, as we follow the Lord and His leadings.

88. You just have to follow the Lord and do what He tells you to do. And if you're not sure, keep checking in with Him until you are sure. Then do whatever He tells you to do, whether it's a long-term project or a short-term push or both. Let Him lead, and for God's sake‚ follow God. He knows best. Even if the world seems to be falling to pieces around you, if He's told you to plant that apple tree and pay your bills, or do that CTP project, establish that Home‚ minister to that contact‚ or produce or distribute those tracts and tools—then go ahead and do it in full faith, trusting that He knows best. Amen? I love you! (End of message from Dad.)

How a Long-term Vision and Shortness of Time Jibe!

89. Q: If we're going to invest so much in Activated! it seems the Lord should give us at least a ballpark figure of how much time we have left, so that we're able to put our all into this project without having to worry that any day, just as this project is about to get off the ground, it'll grind to a halt due to the Endtime being upon us. How can we set our hearts and minds to these long-term projects and still prepare for the End?

90. (Dad speaking:) You say, "Mass marketing sounds great. Publishing all these books sounds fantastic. Organized, long-term follow-up is also a dream come true. But it takes time, it takes planning, it takes a good deal of organization, not to mention personnel and finances to boot! We want to do it, we want to obey, but we just don't see how we can, Dad. It just doesn't seem feasible. It's hard to have the faith to invest the time and finances to get these projects going if there's not gonna be time to see them completed. We'd love to get on the stick and live as if the End is coming tomorrow, but what about all these projects? Why is the Lord leading us into these areas that look like long-term projects if the time is so short?"

91. Are you wondering how on earth you're supposed to get turned on to what seem like long–term projects when there's not much time left? Well‚ for one‚ the Lord said He wanted us to witness right up to the very time of the End! The Lord promised there would never be a time when we wouldn't be able to get out the Word and our tools, right up to the very End!

92. Right in the middle of all the chaos and mass confusion is when the world is gonna need our message the most. Our materials are gonna go far and wide and get into places that our people would never dream of going. The ­Enemy knows this, so he's tryin' to scare our folks out with a few little minor details and facts and figures about how long everything takes and what an investment of time it's gonna be.

93. But don't limit God! Don't put God in a box! All you have to do is follow where He's leading—and if He's leading you into a more organized follow-up program, then you'd better follow. If He's leading you into mass marketing and into a more structured plan to distribute the tools, you'd better follow—and trust Him for all the details!

94. But this doesn't contradict the shortness of time, folks, not in God's eyes. It doesn't contradict the Endtime vision at all. On the contrary, it complements it; it's all working together, even though you can't see how right now.

95. If the Lord let you in on some of these things before the right time, it would greatly hinder your faith. Your faith wouldn't necess­arily get tested, so it wouldn't be able to grow and flourish like the Lord wants it to. It's so important that your faith grows and flourishes. Your great faith is a very special gift from the Lord. Anything that increases your faith and causes it to grow is important as well. And this is helping your faith to get tested and helping it to grow!

96. Another reason why the Lord can't reveal some of these things to you in exact detail is for security reasons! The Bible says that the Lord will do nothing unless He reveals it to His servants the prophets, and that holds true. But it never says how much notice He has to give you. There are some things that the Lord Himself has a certain time frame for‚ and He doesn't reveal to you until a certain time, simply for reasons of security! The Lord runs a pretty tight security system. And on this one thing, it's not that He doesn't trust you; it's just that He's all-wise and all-knowing and He knows what kind of repercussions it could have if He let you in on this particular truth too soon! Not even the angels know! Selah!

97. Here's another thing to remember, and something that oughtta encourage your hearts when you think about these long-term projects. Everything in the world is revving up. Technology is revving up and things are moving faster and faster all the time. What took a long time to produce yesterday, you're gonna find might go a lot quicker tomorrow. Things are taking less and less time, simply because of modern technology booming. The Lord is able to open the doors for the Family in the blink of an eye, and as you stay faithful, as you keep at it and stay importunate‚ He will do it for you‚ precisely when the time is right!

98. He's taking you a step at a time for many reasons—to sharpen your faith, to keep you humble in some cases, and to cast your lines in places where He wants you to be at the moment.

99. Remember, by the time Jesus started His public ministry, He didn't have much time left—so once these projects do take off, your time will be nigh! By the time the Lord really had full exposure and He went up to Jerusalem and delivered His soul, His time was about up. Those were His days of final publicity, and then His days were numbered.

100. The Lord is going to fulfill all that He promised. He's gonna get the message out through our publications, our books and tools, the videos and so on. As long as you keep following closely, He will open the doors wide and lead you to places you never thought possible. All of a sudden it'll take off, and you're gonna fly! But you'll burn up fast and bright for Jesus‚ because these are the days of fast living. These are the days of the End, and it's later than you think! In this day of fast living, everything is going to go faster than you think. (End of mess­age from Dad.)