Endtime Series, The--Part 2

May 5, 2003

By Maria

Maria #521 CM/FM 3279 8/99

Dear Family‚

1. I hope you enjoyed the first GN of this series. There's more to come—lots of exciting counsel and information from the Lord about the timetables and happenings of the End and the part we will play in it! Praise the Lord!

Is the Order of the 16 Points

Of the Endtime Still Accurate?

2. Q: Are the 16 points of the Endtime in the Memory Book still valid? Is that the way we still believe the order of events will happen?

3. (Jesus speaking:) These 16 points of the Endtime which I gave to your Father David are as pillars, and they remain the same. Although they might change in outward appearance, or the conditions and furnishings around them in the building might change, yet they are set in place and remain pillars which you can depend on. The time frame changes according to men's decisions, but each of these are events that are now happening or will happen. The way in which they come to pass may be different than you expected, but they will come to pass.

4. My Word is sure. Even though at times you interpret it differently, yet My Word never changes. Being versed in My Word and familiar with what I have said is the best preparation, for then no matter how different things are from what you anticipated, you can go back to the foundation of My Word and find that it has not changed‚ and that through it you are able to be steadied and firmly set upon the rock, sure of My promises, sure of the things which will come to pass. (End of message from Jesus.)

What the Times and Years

Mentioned in "The Watch" Meant!

5. Q: Dad received several very specific prophecies regarding the Endtime. At least one specific time-related one, namely "The Watch" (ML #186A), made mention of years and times. At the time it was given, it seemed to make a lot of sense, but now the years it spoke of have all passed. Can the Lord give us any further explanation of what that vision was about and whether this "clock" is still ticking, and if so, what the years mean? What will they bring for us, the Family, and for the world?

6. (Jesus speaking:) This message and ­vision that your Father David received was in relation to his life and the years that he had yet to live in service to Me on this Earth. The times were not exact in this case because much depended on the decisions that your David would make as the time drew near. I had set the general time when he would be gathered unto Me, but the specific time was up to him. Your Father David thought that midnight would be in the year 1980 or 1981, but then he clearly heard My voice in his heart saying, "That will not be your midnight but your noon. Your midnight will be 12 hours later." The date he then got was 1993, which was 12 years after 1981.

7. Your Father David nearly came Home to be with Me in 1993, and had even given you his farewell talk then. But in answer to your ­fervent prayers and pleas, and David's own choice to re­main with you a little longer, his life was extended another year. So David finally returned to Me in 1994. The passing of your David from this life to the next was a significant sign of the End.

8. The clock is still ticking for you, and your midnight hour has not yet come. Midnight will come! The clock will strike 12‚ and then you will be with Me forever. (End of message from Jesus)

Any News About Smaller Events

Preceding the Endtime?

9. Q: What should we be telling the GP at this time regarding the Endtime? So many events that Dad predicted came true, and this was a testimony to people who knew about them. Can the Lord tell us more upcoming events that precede the major End­time events, which we can share with our friends and those we witness to, as a testimony that will support the fact that we are in the Endtime, and we need to be spiritually and physically prepared?

10. (Jesus speaking:) All of the major events and signs of the Endtime have been laid out in the Bible. Some of them you see now and understand clearly; others are a little hazy or blurry, maybe even totally hidden. But as these things come to pass, you will understand in full and will be amazed. Many events of the future are hidden within the pages of the Bible—some that I have revealed the meanings of, others that you will yet understand.

11. Some events of the Endtime are not fully set in stone. Satan is still perfecting his plan, thus many of the smaller events preceding the Great Tribulation‚ those that are not clearly spelled out in the Bible, are not yet concrete, because the Enemy has not sealed the issues. I am bound by My Own laws, and thus I can only tell you those future events that will not change. The major Endtime events, signs of the times‚ and road signs of the End are unchangeable, but there are smaller things that are fluid and could change. The Enemy has the freedom of choice, and since he has not yet made all of his final decisions, My lips are sealed until such a time as he has.

12. But just because I can't tell you any new things at this time, this should not dampen your fire or hinder you from giving out the End­time message as never before. Though you've heard about all of the coming events that precede the End for many years now, it's all fresh and new for those who are ignorant and clueless. So share it with them by the inspiration of My Spirit‚ that they may be moved to know Me and draw close to Me, so that they may have the power and strength for the dark days ahead.

13. As for your friends and sheep that are close to you, those that you have been ministering to for some time, or even for a short time‚ share with them the things that you are learning, the things that you're doing in preparation for the days ahead. I gave you the new weapons, and especially the gift of prophecy, that you may teach others. I gave it not to you to hoard for yourself, but as something that you can give to others and instruct them in the use of, so that they may also be prepared for the days ahead. (End of message from Jesus.)

What Is the Antichrist Doing

To Prepare for His Takeover?

14. Q: What is the AC's current plan? What preparations is he making? Is he already moving into his upcoming role in world domination? Is he clued in on what's going on and already gaining control behind the scenes? Is there any update on him or when we might see a little more of his direct influence coming out?

15. (Jesus speaking: ) The signs of the times pave the way for the revelation of the Antichrist. Even now are there many Antichrists in the world, and you must be aware of them also. But do not be deceived by the great global cooperation. There is one Antichrist to come, and he will use this global cooperation and the schemes that have already been planned as his platform. He will spring up as a little horn, but with his smooth words and cunning mind will deceive many, even the very elect, if you do not watch and pray.

16. Even now he prepares, but his preparation is largely in the spirit. Satan also has to wait until the time is right, until I have approved the opening and the time when the Antichrist can emerge. What I have spoken of and foretold will come to pass, but it will not overstep My boundaries or My rulings.

17. The major preparations for the takeover of the world by the Antichrist are being carried out by those who are ignorant and unaware. The masterminds are behind the scenes‚ and these will not show their faces. They use pawns and puppets—figures of the world's leader­ship, politicians and powerful men—to do their dirty work, which they disguise in good and helpful packages. But there is an end to all the good means which they promote‚ and this end is not good. The unification of countries and currencies, and the spread of communications and Internet resources are a major part of the Antichrist's design and plans. Remember that while these things appear good now, the Antichrist and Satan that dwells within him will twist the good and turn it to evil. So watch and pray. (End of message from Jesus)

When Will the Antichrist

Rise to Power?

18. Q: When will we see the Antichrist rise to power? Is it going to be soon? How much longer do we have to wait before we are actually in the days of his power?

19. (Jesus speaking:) You will see the Anti­christ rise to power in this generation. I tell you plainly because you need to prepare. I tell you plainly because the spiritual warfare intensifies‚ and will continue to intensify. I am now preparing the hearts of My children around the world for greater things. Many will see his rise, but not all of this generation. (End of message from Jesus.)

20. Lord, when You say "in this generation‚" could You possibly make this a little more specific or clarify this in any way?

21. (Jesus speaking:) Some things must remain a mystery for now. I give you the seasons now, not the times. I give you generalities now, for the most part, and the specifics will come later. For now My children must study the Word, rightly dividing what I have given, that they may understand. As time goes on, I shall provide more specifics. The glass through which you peer will not be so dark and you shall see more clearly. But for now, in this mess­age, I would not go beyond what I have said. (End of message from Jesus.)

Will the First Generation Be Around

During the Great Tribulation?

22. Q: Will the FGAs still be around when the world enters into the Great Tribulation?

23. (Jesus speaking: ) Many will still be around, but some will not. Some will be taken, some will have already departed, and some will remain. (End of message from Jesus.)

24. (Mama:) I asked the Lord for further insight and clarification into His answer about how not all of the first generation will still be around during the Great Tribulation, and He gave the following beautiful message, explaining that while He will take a number of FGAs Home to Heaven before that time to be mighty spirit helpers for those of us who remain, many more FGAs will stay on Earth during the Great Tribulation period. And He promises special power and anointing to those of the first generation who have fought long and hard for Him!

25. (Jesus speaking:) I'm already calling some FGAs Home to work with Me in the spirit, for those days will not be for all to fight the battle on Earth‚ in the flesh. Some will work with Me from the Heavenly realm, as your spirit helpers, as your spirit warriors, and they will fight the battle from the spirit. They will be with you in the time of the Great Tribulation and will be able to help you in those days.

26. I'm already preparing the way for those days, and though I say that some FGAs will not be around, this shouldn't alarm you, because I have many more who will be around, ready and armed to be My vessels‚ who will be ready to do great exploits. But I need warriors in the spirit, those of My Family fighters who are experienced in the use of the new weapons, who have been trained on Earth and understand the spiritual battles and the physical battles that the Family faces; who have compassion and a vision to help the Family and fight alongside them like no others, and who I will be able to use mightily as strong spirit helpers in those days.

27. This is part of My reward and blessing to the FGAs who have served Me faithfully for most of their lives. This is part of the vision and mission of the future that I've promised to the older generation. This is what I've been preparing some of them for; this is what they've been hanging on for, having faith for. They've remained faithful and loyal and dedicated to Me and the Family, waiting for the fulfillment of My promise. And some shall receive this reward early while others will receive their reward later, for they will still be there upon My return.

28. Some will be taken to the spirit world, but many will remain on Earth. But let not your heart be troubled, for I know exactly how to use each of My children. I have a plan and purpose for each one, and I do all things well. I will not give you more than you can bear, or call you to do something that you cannot do. Trust Me‚ for I am a loving God and I will do that which is best for you. I'm preparing you now, and even though you might not feel you have what it takes today, trust Me that in those days you will have exactly what it takes, because I will empower you to do great exploits, whether you're Here in the spirit world with Me or on Earth with your brethren.

29. In those days I will introduce new spiritual weapons to you. In those days you will have great power and do great wonders, for this is part of your testimony, part of your witness that you are the children of the great God of the universe. (End of message from Jesus.)

What About Prophecies that

Give Us Times and Seasons?

30. Q: Dad said that he didn't like to put precise times on things concerning the End­time. But, based on one or two prophecies, we're saying that the Lord will come back within this generation. And we also seem to be narrowing down the time frame for other Endtime events. Is it okay to base such great predictions on a prophecy or two?

31. (Jesus speaking: ) Heaven and Earth may pass away, but My Word will not pass away. Not one word shall fail, but every jot and tittle shall be fulfilled. It is an anchor to hold you‚ a light to illumine your path, a strong tower in which you may take refuge, a weapon to cut the Enemy to the heart, and a very present help and comfort in time of trouble. You may depend upon it‚ My children, for what I have said, I will perform. What I have predicted, I will fulfill, and many of you of this generation shall see this fulfillment‚ for this is the time of the End.

32. I understand your hesitancy to say this is it—the end of all things, and the time of the Last Days, before My return. But I Myself have made this prediction in the Bible, that the generation which sees the signs you have seen will not pass before all these things are fulfilled. So you may trust My Word.

33. It is good that you come back to Me again and again to confirm these things, to make sure that they are so, searching the Scriptures and seeking My face for certainty. I commend you for this‚ for I know you wish to pass on My Words exactly as they are, with no error and no shade of self, or words or thoughts of your own. Blessed are you for your love of the truth and your desire for the pure Words from My lips.

34. Again I confirm to you that these are the Last Days, and that many of you shall see these things come to pass, for the fig tree has put forth her buds and the time is nigh, even at the doors.

35. As for whether you should trust such a prophecy based on just one channel, I am not limited by many or by few, or by one. I can speak My Words through any little one, for they are My Words, and the channel is but a means of delivering them. But if you wish a confirmation so that you may be more certain in your heart and your mind‚ then come to Me again, or again and again. I love to commune with you and speak with you, for you are My children, My beloved, My brides. You are those who love Me intimately and actively seek to share My love with others, so I will share many things with you and speak clearly to you of things to come. (End of message from Jesus.)

Has the Covenant Already Been

Signed in Secret?

36. Q: Dad has sometimes speculated that the Covenant could have already been signed secretly. If so, we may already be in the first half of the last seven years. Is there any way we can know whether we are or not?

37. (Jesus speaking:) The signing of the Covenant will be open; it will not be a secret to the believers. You will see the writing on the wall, for I will make it plain to you. You will not wonder or be mistaken. You will know because My Spirit will bear witness‚ and the signing of the Covenant will bear witness. (End of mess­age from Jesus.)

Shouldn't We Be Getting Out

More of the Endtime Message?

38. Q: If the End is so soon, how come we're not preaching more about it? The material that we're getting out to the public is not pre­dominantly about the Endtime. Shouldn't our main job be to warn the world about the coming Endtime days?

39. (Jesus speaking: ) Fear not, for I have the Master plan, and My plan includes the events which the Devil and the Antichrist will attempt to bring forth. Only when I permit it will their plans be allowed.

40. For the past few years I have allowed the Family to concentrate on their personal lives and spiritual state. I have used this as a time of training, of preparation, for I know that in the days to come‚ this will be needed. It's better for you to practice and learn how to use the new weapons now than if I revealed them to you just days or months before you would need to be using them daily‚ at every turn.

41. This is why I have concentrated on the Family's spiritual lives and strengthening. I know that it would be too much to ask of you to both work on your internal spiritual matters at the same time as you put a great focus or emphasis on spreading the Endtime message.

42. There are posters and other tools which do have the Endtime message and you have been getting these out all along, but not in a concen­trated push, and certainly not as the Family's main warning message to the world. But this will come. It will come after these days of training are over. I wait on you in part, for I do not wish for you to be ill prepared in the days to come. But the times and seasons will not wait forever, so you must press in now. The time of waiting and the season of prep­aration have ended‚ and time marches towards its finale. I will allow the events to come to begin to fall into place. I will not hinder nor hold them back.

43. I have given you sufficient time to prepare. I've given years of peace and provision, and now you've been given the means wherewith to protect and guard yourself in the spirit with the new weapons. Now the focus must shift back to your main job of warning the world and of spreading My message. You've had a time of internal improvement and focus‚ but your main job is and has always been to the world, to the lost. You are saved; they are lost.

44. You must be prepared for the days ahead, or you will not be ready. Those who are not ready will find themselves at a disadvantage, so prepare, while it is still day. For in the night, I will call you to be My whisperers and bringers of truth to those who would listen. I would have each of you be one of My candles, rebelling against the darkness and standing up for the truth. Even though it's dark and the Evil One has tried to cover the truth with his lies and deceits, you will shine brightly and expose his plans and evil devices. So prepare your hearts and spirits. (End of message from Jesus.)

What Will Our Calling Be

During the Last Days?

45. Q: What will our main calling be in the Last Days? And are we doing the right thing now and getting out the right message, or does the Lord want us to do something else? Right now the Family is being a good sample‚ showing love, doing CTP ministries, winning souls, etc., but we don't seem to be doing as much to warn people about the Endtime.

46. (Jesus speaking:) I have made the children of David to be all things to all men that they might win some and lead My lost sheep into My Kingdom; that they might free men from the snares of the Enemy and from the lure of the System. One of the roles that I have ordained the children of David to perform is that of warning the lost, of warning the world and exposing the spirit of antichrist.

47. As the End grows nearer, as the Enemy puts his devices in place and the spirit of antichrist becomes more open‚ I wish for My children to also take steps to warn the world and counteract the lies with My Words and the truth. The lost sheep will not know unless you tell them; they won't recognize the spirit of antichrist unless they're warned and given the truth. So you must be prepared to tell them.

48. The Family must not only be a sample of love and compassion, of reaching out to ­others with My Spirit of love, which they do very well, but they must also be My mouth to warn the world—to warn them of the signs of the times and what to look for, how to recognize the spirit of antichrist and how to stay close to Me. The lost must be able to recognize the signs of the Endtime so that they can make their de­cision, so they can follow Me and be saved.

49. This is part of the job of the children of David, to be a warning beacon as well as a sample of love. And even though they will not be popular for their voice of warning‚ and some will suffer persecution, this is part of your calling and what I've been preparing you for. All that I've spoken and poured into the Family through the new weapons of the new day, all the New Wine, and the new moves of My Spirit, has been part of your preparation for the days to come.

50. I will use the Family to stand apart, to stand strong and warn the world, to raise a voice for the truth and against the spirit of antichrist. I will use them to lead many to salvation, to save many from the horrors of the Enemy. But the Family must be prepared to be strong, to stand strong and to warn the world in the days to come. For as those days grow closer you will not have the same freedom and peace that you know now, for those will be days of battle, days of persecution, and only those who have been preparing themselves through My Spirit and the weapons of the new day will be able to understand and do exploits.

51. This will be your calling in the Last Days, this will be your ministry—to warn the world‚ to expose the Enemy, to fight for My lost sheep. The Family does that now, but as the days grow darker they will be called upon to warn more, to speak more, to stand up more and let others see the light so that they can come to Me. (End of message from Jesus)

What Pace Do We Go at Now?

52. Q: When I read New Wine that talks about the Endtime's imminent approach and the need for us to give our all now, I feel very convicted to do more for the Lord. Though the world around us is war-filled and things are going wrong right and left‚ still, I guess because we're in such a bubble of protection‚ I find it hard to believe that we're just going to wake up one day and hear about the Antichrist having risen to power. I want to have more vision in my life in light of time being short, but it's hard to find the balance between pressing in and living each day as if it's our last, and going slow and having a longer-term ­vision.

53. (Jesus speaking:) You believe the Endtime is going to come, but it's hard for you to think that you will wake up one day and hear that the Antichrist has risen. In order to help you understand how things will happen, look at some of the other prophecies that have been fulfilled.

54. For example, one amazing vision I gave your Father David was of the great and import­ant role that your young people would play in the Endtime. Flaming evangelists, he called them. I gave him this vision and he saw how they would be in the vanguard, carrying the banner of My Words and speaking loudly and boldly of My truth for all to hear. This is being fulfilled and will be even more fulfilled as time goes on.

55. Also, look at all the prophecies about My birth, about My coming to Earth. Some seemed contradictory, because I was supposed to be born in Bethlehem, yet I was supposed to be a Nazarene. I was also to come out of Egypt. These were all prophesied and seemed contradictory, yet all came true. How did this happen? It simply happened because each prophet sees a little portion of the tapestry, a few threads or a seam here and there. He sees a part of the puzzle, like seeing a section of the glorious stars in the night sky.

56. When you look at the stars‚ you only see a portion—that which is visible from your spot on Earth at that time of year. But I see all the stars. I see them shine in majesty, and so I know the overall picture. But that doesn't mean that what you see is not accurate; it only means that it's just part of the puzzle.

57. So it is with this great Endtime mystery play that is unfolding. The players are acting out their roles, but you don't yet know the plot and what part each character will play. And some of the main characters have not even been introduced. Although you know the ending of the play and some of the highlights, you do not know how the play will reach that point and exactly how long each act will take.

58. Whatever the case, it's good to continue to work as though you have little time, for in reality you do not have much time. As you have grown older and the promise of My coming has seemed to drag on, you may now feel like, "I thought it was all going to be over before this!" You feel a little cheated, like maybe you pressed in too much at an earlier date, when you could have taken it easier.

59. But don't you see that the times you pressed in were to your advantage? I used the sense of urgency to get you to accomplish more. Now many of you have learned to relax more and to go at a more moderate pace, and to be sure to check in with Me and to act according to My Spirit and My guidelines. This necessitates going slower. Maria has written the lessons she has learned on going slow so that you can partake of My Spirit and be led of Me‚ by taking the time to hear from Me and to get My instructions.

60. If, because you think the Antichrist is going to arise tomorrow, you go in haste, this could result in what you in the Family call "a jerk." You could be going too fast, moving too hastily, and not seeking Me enough to be sure that you're in tune with Me.

61. So in that sense, I'm happy when My children are not in a rush-rush, push-push mode of operation, in a frantic, frenzied, tense‚ anxious, and even fretful mode. "Oh my! The End is coming! We have to quick do all we can RIGHT NOW!" I would rather that you move in an attitude of faith, which takes calmness and trust, knowing that I will lead and guide you in each moment.

62. In the past some of you moved with frenzied activity. You were full of energy and did things very fast. But some of these same people who moved so fast are now going much more slowly and are more full of My Spirit! They're more led of Me. They're more in tune with Me instead of with their own flesh. The flesh wants to go fast, accomplish things, finish things, and give itself the credit. I want you to go slow enough to hear from Me, to follow My instructions, and to do what I want you to do.

63. This doesn't mean you have to slow down to a snail's pace. But it does mean that I don't want you to become frantic and too hurried by the news that the Endtime is upon you. I just want you to move at My speed. And this speed may not be as fast as it was in years past‚ okay?

64. The key is to keep checking in with Me. Let Me direct your steps, and I will lead and guide and help you. Prepare for the Endtime by being in tune with Me every day, every hour, every minute, and I will see you through all that is to come. (End of message from Jesus)

How to Ensure that You Can Hear

From Heaven During the Last Days!

65. Q: During times of persecution in the Last Days, we're going to want to be in extra close touch with our spirit helpers and those trying to guide us. What can we do now in practice to make it easier for us to hear their voices and instructions then?

66. (Dad speaking:) You'd probably like it if I gave you some shocking revelation, some real fast‚ work-free way to link with us‚ sidestepping the age-old rule of just tuning in. But practice, practice, practice makes perfect!

67. But besides simply being faithful to take that time to practice listening to Heaven on a daily basis, there is something you can do—take some time alone with the Lord to ask Him for a tailor-made preparation strategy just for you. There is one up His sleeve that's just for you. Are you gonna take the time to hear it?

68. There are a variety of things that the Lord would like to tell you that would help strengthen your link with Him, His angels and messengers, and His readily available Heavenly host of ministering spirits and beings. These are the days set aside for schooling.

69. Oh, I'm telling you‚ you've only just begun to tap in to your Heavenly resources. You've barely scratched Heaven's charmed surface. The Lord is going to teach you new ways for these new days of how to communicate with us. He'll teach you a great variety of new ways to be more Heavenly-minded and tuned in to our frequency, hearing as clearly as clear gets. There are whole new discovery channels that the Lord's about to open to you.

70. The Lord has a special, fresh approach for each of you to get you to be more aware of the world of the spirit than you've ever been before, so it will be easier for you to link with us and receive our messages.

71. Have you ever tried developing a special friendship with your spirit helpers? Ask the Lord to reveal to you the names of some of your personal helpers. Get to know some of them. It's such fun; they're such fun. You know how it is when you've developed a special relationship, or you have a kinship, a bond, or a real special friendship with someone there on Earth‚ how it usually becomes easier to work well with that dear one you know intimately? Why not try working on your working relationships and friend­ships with some of your spirit helpers too? You'll want to talk with them and pay them heed more and more if you do, just the way it is the more you talk with the Lord.

72. Your spirit helpers are eager to talk with you. They'll even tell you about themselves if you've got the time and wanna hear it. In time, you could even get to know their unique person­alities and voices as they're helping to lead and guide you in the ways the Lord has asked them to be a help to you. That'll help you tune in some.

73. For the most part, though, you simply need to tune in. Sit still so you hear the still, small voices, and practice that again and again and again. But on top of that, there is a unique way that the Lord wants you to take steps forward in this. Ask Him about it! (End of message from Dad.)

Do Our Young People and Kids

Need More Endtime Input?

74. Q: Should we be teaching and training our young people and children more about the Endtime? That used to be more of a focus, but it seems that it's now on the back burner. Also, are the rest of us adults keeping up to date and prepared for the End­time?

75. (Jesus speaking:) If your children and young people are reading the New Wine that I'm pouring out in abundance, then they are being prepared for the End according to My Word. I am a faithful Father and Teacher‚ and I know what they have need of in the way of spiritual feeding and preparation for their futures. I know the need and I know the future. I have carefully planned the New Wine so that each child, young person and adult in My Family is being fed what good, essential and proper nourishment they need. If you're faithful to read the Word that I pour forth with your young ones, you can be assured that they're getting the essentials for both now and the future.

76. A faithful teacher and parent will also supplement this Endtime diet with other pubs and Word, to complete their training. You have many ways of doing so, especially through reading the compilations of material that your ­Father David poured out over the years. Read the Book of the Future for the whole vision of the Endtime according to the Letters and scriptures. Familiar­ize your hearts with the Endtime memory verses so that your heart is filled with the basic Bible verses on the subject of Endtime events. As you feed your children the Word, you'll see what they do not know yet or have need of learn­ing, and one study will lead to another. Ask them questions, help them to grow in faith and peace about the Endtime days ahead. I am always available to answer any need you have!

77. There is also Endtime material in the new pubs that I have inspired or poured out over the years. There is much in the Letters, in the Currents, in the ENDs, in "The Future Foretold," in the tracts, posters, songs and videos I have given you. So you have a wealth of Word‚ both old and new, which you may use to instruct your little ones. I ordained these publications both for the world and for your own youth, that they might benefit from them.

78. I continue to pour out insight into ­major Endtime events through the new Letters‚ through the END, and in teaching you to use the new spiritual weapons that will give you strength and power and help in the Last Days. The onus is now on you to study these Words.

79. If you're reading and studying what I've already prepared for you, there's no need to worry that you're not getting what you need to be fed spiritually about the Endtime. But it's up to you parents and youth who can feed yourselves to use your time wisely and to put due priority on reading and studying these Words of life so that you might get full benefit from them. How else can you teach others, including your children?

80. I put the delicious plates of good Word food in front of you, but I cannot make you eat it. Nor can I make you maintain a good diet. Some do not desire this type of meal, but prefer to snack or even partake of worldly input and diets that do not help‚ but only weaken them. The re­sponsibility is yours, personally, to feed yourselves and to help feed your children this essen­tial diet of the meat of My Word on the End­time. This is My protein of the Spirit! If you will be faithful to eat, to feed, to nourish yourselves in the New Wine, the Endtime Word for today, and if you will pray for vision, faith, and understanding of these Words as you read, I prom­ise to do My part to see that you're strengthened‚ empowered‚ and even anointed by these Words, and thus sufficiently prepared for the Endtime days ahead.

81. I ask that all My Family be faithful to feed My lambs these Words of life. I have ordained that the parents and teachers and even siblings of My children feel the responsibility to help feed them these essential Words. The chil­dren's versions of the New Wine are wonderful and just what these children need, yet I have also ordained that it is the parents' and others' responsibility to feed the children more of the Word‚ both new and old. What better way to feed yourself and be strengthened in faith and trust about the Endtime than to feed ­others?

82. Please do feed My lambs! Learn with the children. Memorize with them. Review with them. Research with them. Make it a family or Home project to feed on and study the Words of life that I've given on the Endtime. I've done My part to provide these helpful pubs for you; your part is to feed it and more to them, according to their need. Don't let the Enemy intimidate you that you don't know enough about the Endtime to teach others. Even if you simply read the compiled Endtime pubs with them (see list below), you have covered the essentials, along with reading the children's New Wine. You will see that this is not a lot to ask or expect, and that you too will be greatly fed and encouraged by the wonderful vision I have for you through these Words!

83. I want to see faithful students feasting on My Word! I love to see the diligent soul made fat and prosperous and wise through faithful study of My Words (Pro.13:4; Josh.1:8; 2Tim. 2:15). This is how I raise up strong leaders for the Endtime, faithful workmen who are eager to labor in My Word and doctrine. I bless and empower those who feed diligently on My Words.

84. I understand that you parents feel you have so much to do and cannot take care of all that is needed. That's why I've already prepared the Endtime pubs for you, so that you don't have to feel you must cover every MO Letter or pub with your children. I've done the hard work for you. Just read what is already compiled with your kids‚ or see that they read it, and that they have a basic understanding of these Words.

85. My Word is full of My promises of protection, supply, and miracles! Your faith will increase as you read and study these Words of life, and thus you and your children will be prepared. I would not have you go through these dark days ahead if I had not done My best to prepare you for them! But a lot is up to your faithfully feeding on these Words that will give you what I know you need! (End of message from Jesus.)

Some Endtime Pubs for Children

mKidz MOP 2: The Future, pg. 159: 63 pages summarizing the Book of the Future for young children

mBook of the Future (For older MCs and up) Part 1: A complete summary of the End­time events, compiled from over 20 years of Dad's many Letters. Part 2: Topically arranged Endtime scriptures which accompany the categories covered in Part 1.

m"The Revelation of the End" TK, pg. ii in the BOF: A complete picture study through End­time events with Bible verses.

mKiddy Cat Book, pg.33: Endtime listings of pubs, TKs‚ New Heaven's Children, posters, Bible passages, etc., for children.

mChildcare Reference Handbook, LNF 199 (1994), pg.669: "The Endtime"–reading lists for JETTs and teens on interpreting pro­phecy, Bible Proph­ecy‚ Current Events, and Endtime up­dates from Dad.

mWord Basics, The Endtime, pg. 259. Scriptures on each of the 16 major points of the Endtime.

How Will the Family Operate

As a Group in the Endtime?

86. Q: Will the Family still be able to operate in a somewhat united manner, with Mama and Peter still leading directly through the Letters and commu­nicating with the Family at large by some means? Or will we be forced to be much more scattered and fragmented, needing to get our direction and counsel on an individual ­basis, mostly straight from the Lord and poss­ibly some local leadership?

87. (Jesus speaking:) There are still several years ahead in which you will be able to operate as you have to some degree, with Maria and Peter continuing to communicate with you through the mail, or at least through personal couriers and various forms of written or recorded communications.

88. There will come a time, however, in which such direct earthly communications will not be possible, at least not for everyone. You never know whether you'll be one of the ones who will be able to stay in communication, or whether your field or country or continent will be an area of the world where the Antichrist's control will become strong‚ making it difficult or even impossible to have a continued link with your earthly king and queen via mail. Once the Evil One arises, this could happen quickly in some countries.

89. Therefore I have given you the gift of prophecy‚ a direct channel with Me, so that with this secret weapon, this ultimate weapon, you'll be able to overcome and defeat the Enemy, to the very end of your days. You'll be able to get My specific guidance and direction, as well as My general overall vision and counsel and plan through your own personal channels with Me.

90. The need for unity and counsel among the small groups of My children who will band together will be essential as well. For some of you, the time will come sooner. But the time will come for everyone at some point, where you will be cut off from communications with ­others, whether for a short time or indefinitely. You will then be more grateful than ever if you have cultivated the habit of communication with Me via prophecy. If you have not, you will discover that you are found lacking, and that you'll not have the faith and confidence to face what's ahead of you.

91. Fellowship and counsel of the brethren will be a much more highly valued commodity than it is now. In the darkest days to come, when you have opportunity to meet with a local leader in your area‚ or any other Family members‚ you will consider this a precious privilege. You will be grateful for the strength of spirit, the power of unity, and the increased wisdom and perspective through counsel­ing and comparing notes, that this will bring.

92. Most of you will not have to ever be totally on your own, though there will be times when many will get down to groups of two or three or four, some interacting with other small groups from time to time, and others going for long periods of time without such interaction. Yet you need not fear, for in the absence of earthly leadership, I will still be your Good Shepherd, your Leader, and your Counselor.

93. I will guide you towards My highest will and away from the traps of the Enemy, so that you will not be removed before your time‚ but will either last until the end, or depart as a martyr in the way that will be most effective and the greatest witness possible. (End of message from Jesus.)

The Reason Behind Recent

Failed or Suicidal "Raptures"!

94. Q: How come there are so many religious groups and sects nowadays proclaiming that their messiah or savior is coming‚ selling all their possessions and going up to a mountain or other remote location, only to be discovered missing, dead, or disappointed? It must be one of the Enemy's ploys or decoys to distract people and keep them from believing that the Lord really is going to return soon. Has the Lord or Dad said anything about this in relation to the Endtime?

95. (Jesus speaking:) In My Words, both old and new, I told you many times that false prophets would arise. I explained and made it very clear that this would happen, and that the Enemy would even send emissaries into My Own Church with flatteries and lies‚ dressed in sheep's clothing, trying to deceive, if it were possible, even My very elect.

96. What are some of the flatteries that many of the false prophets have used to entice men's souls?—The flattery and false teachings of those who would deny the sound instruction written in My Word. Many have allowed themselves to become deceived, because they've had itching ears, itching to hear and believe what they wanted to hear—doctrines and philos­ophies that were not founded upon the truth in My Word. Instead, they have received into their midst false teachers and false prophets who have twisted My Word and convinced themselves and other weak ones that they would not have to endure to the End.

97. Many have taught that they were going to be taken away in the clouds before the time of Great Tribulation which has been promised to come upon the whole Earth. Others have even taken it upon themselves to take their own lives and the lives of their followers, promising that they would become as gods upon leaving their physical bodies behind.

98. Did I not give ample warning in My Word that there would be false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, My Church, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies‚ even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction, and that many shall follow their pernicious ways? (See 2Peter 2:1.)

99. Because I knew that there would be false prophets and false teachers, even from the very beginning—those who would spurn the love of the truth and bring upon themselves strong delusion, that they might believe lies—I gave you specific warnings about them, that you should beware of them. I also made it plain in My Word what kinds of prophets you should believe and follow.

100. I told you in My Word that you would know the true prophets by their fruits. If their fruits are according to My Word, then they are also according to My Word and are led by My Spirit. "Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them" (Mat.7:20). Also, if they are truly of God, they will acknowledge that I came in the flesh to save them from their sins; they will teach this openly.

101. Another way to know whether a pro­phet is of God, and not of that Evil One, is whether he speaks of the world, the things of the world, or from the viewpoint of the world rather than My Word. He that is of the world, the world hears, such as those who preach materialism rather than the Gospel, and the false peace prophets who promise that there will be peace and safety. These are preparing the way for the New World Order‚ which will be led by that man of sin. The world at large will believe and follow them, because that is what they want to hear. For wide is the gate that leads to destruction, and many there be who go in thereat.

102. Another way to know whether or not a prophet is true and if the words that he speaks are of My Spirit is by judging what he says against the guidepost of My Words. If a prophet promises a quicker way of escape in the Endtime from the troubles and tribulations that I have promised will come upon all the world, then he speaks not the truth, but is deceived or seeks to deceive others. For I have clearly said in My Word, immediately after the tribulation of those days will I return to gather My elect unto Me. I want you to stick it out there on Earth, so that you may be a blessing and a witness for Me right up until the very End. Then, when it becomes impossible to go on and there's no other way out but up, then and only then will I call the rest of you Home to be with Me at our wedding supper celebration.

103. I have explained in My Word, both through My Own Words and through the Words of My mouth spoken by My prophets, that you should not expect My coming before the fulfillment of the predictions that have been made, for all must be fulfilled, and then the End will come. When some say, "Lo, He is here," or "Lo, He is coming there," then you will know not to believe them‚ for when I come, you will know it without a doubt—for where I am, there you will be also. When I come, you will know.

104. It is the Enemy who has flooded the face of the Earth with his lies, making some believe one thing and others believe another. He knows exactly which lie will work with which people, and he feeds them his false teachings as frogs from the mouth of the dragon and the beast.

105. Many who have been deceived were simply unskilled in My Word. They were too lazy to find the truth of My Word for themselves, and instead accepted what was easiest and most convenient to believe. This has played right into the hand of the Enemy, and he loves to publicize to the world every time a group has been misled to believe that I was coming at a certain time or place.

106. The Enemy has also worked on the pride of some who have allowed themselves to become puffed up with the Devil's vainglory into believing that they themselves were the saviors of the world, and that when they and their followers died, they would become as gods. This has been inspired of the Devil himself, who told them that they would be as gods, just as he told Eve in the garden. Once they swallowed his lies, he led them down the path of ultimate destruction, for that is always his goal—to destroy. Just as with those who have waited in vain for My supposed arrival‚ the Enemy also loves to publicize the death and destruction of these ones who he was able to dupe and to deceive, as it causes the rest of the world to feel that they should beware of anyone who believes in anything other than the struggle for material survival and gain.

107. Although the Enemy, through his puppets‚ is always warning the world to beware of fanatical believers and false prophets, he is the instigator of all false doctrines, both within the Church and without. And ultimately he will possess his own false prophet and world dictator to do signs and wonders in order to deceive many. Therefore I say unto you, be not deceived‚ but be prepared. Be not conformed to the false prophets of the world and what they're teaching and promoting. Prepare yourself by yielding wholly and completely to Me, which is your reasonable service. Learn now to hear from Me so that you might be able to confirm what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God (Rom. 12:1-2). (End of message from Jesus.)