Intimate Details of My Life!

May 5, 2003

This GN is to be read unitedly on the evening of December 30th

By JesusCM/FM 3268 9/99

1. (Jesus speaking:) Why don't you come over here where I can hold you close, and let Me share some more intimate details of My life with you? I love talking to you like this, in the intimacy and privacy of this special cozy place, snuggled up in each other's arms.

2. While I was there on Earth, faithful scribes recorded some of My Words and significant portions of My testimony. But because you're more to Me than a disciple and more to Me than a friend, because you're My intimate Bride, I know you long for Me to tell you more in-depth details about My life. And I enjoy telling you. I love to share My life with you like this.

3. So much happened during My lifetime in the flesh. I had trials and tests, happy times and sad times. I had battles to face and lessons to learn just like you do. And just like you‚ I learned to obey through the things I experienced. Because I was in the flesh, I had to learn how to yield and obey and follow My Father's will the same way you do.

4. You know that when you yield to Me and follow where I lead you, I will always do great things for you. It was the same with My Father and Me when I was on Earth. He did great things for Me and through Me because I stayed close to Him and looked to Him‚ because I yielded to His will and I obeyed His counsel. But this was a test for Me at times. Because I was in the flesh, I had My share of tests in the flesh, and when those tests came I had to choose to do the right thing, just like you do. Your life is full of choices and decisions, and so was Mine.

5. I'd like to share some more with you now about My experiences as a man of flesh, because I know that this will help encourage your faith that if I could make it, you can make it too. I know when I say this, it's still a little awesome for you to grasp, because you think, "Yes, but You're God's Son! You're part of God‚ one and the same, so of course You could make it!" I can see why you might think this way, and you likely conclude that even though I was in the flesh, nevertheless, being the Son of God must have given Me a little edge on gaining victories when I was there on Earth. Well, it might surprise you to know that it didn't—at least not in the way you think.

6. Flesh is flesh‚ and all those who are in the flesh are men and women of like passions. As I've told you before, when I was in the flesh I was tempted in all points, just like you. I had to pass My tests, just like you. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to be your intercessor today, the One Who understands you and knows exactly what you go through.

The Battle of Flesh and Spirit!

7. I had a lot of tough situations to confront when I lived down there. There were plenty of obstacles I had to hurdle and overcome. Do you know what one of the biggest lessons I had to learn was? One of My biggest lessons and tests was learning not to lean on the arm of My flesh, but to lean on God, My Father. Yes, I was sorely tested in the battle between flesh and spirit. I had gone to Earth and become a man in flesh and blood. I became flesh so that I could feel like you feel, hurt like you hurt, laugh like you laugh, and experience life as you experience life.

8. Here I had done it, I became flesh—only to discover that one of the most important things I would have to learn as a man of flesh was to lean on the spirit! In simple terms, I had to learn to get back to My beginnings‚ to get back to the basics!

9. I know what it's like to struggle between flesh and spirit and to be torn between the two. I had to be tempted with this in order to understand you. Had I not been tempted with leaning on the arm of My flesh, I would not be able to help you now to get the victory over this all-too-common ploy of Satan.

10. Every time I was faced with a needy situation, I had to make a decision. I had to choose whether I would try to solve the problems on My Own or I would stop, check in with My ­Father‚ acknowledge that I needed help from Heaven, and get My power from on High.

11. The Devil was always on the lookout for ways he could tempt Me with this. As you already know, just as I was about to launch out into My public ministry, the Devil tempted Me with riches, power, and glory when he offered Me the kingdoms of the world. But what you don't know is that when the Devil saw that that didn't work, as I ventured out in My work among the public‚ he tried to hit Me from a different angle altogether.

12. That slimy Devil would often try to get at Me in more subtle ways. He wasn't blatantly tempting Me any longer with quitting altogether and forsaking the calling I'd been given, but he did try to tempt Me to go about My work leaning on My Own fleshly wisdom. I soon found out that some of these more subtle tricks of ­Satan were potentially more deadly than some of his more obvious attacks upon Me.

13. One of Satan's favorite tricks was to try to get Me to fall by leaning to My Own fleshly wisdom and understanding instead of listening to Heaven and getting My direction from above. He'd try to tell Me I could do things on My Own, that now that I had ventured out from Home, why not flap My wings a little and see what I could make of Myself—that is‚ in the flesh! Ha! It sounds so ridiculous now! Nevertheless, this was a big test for Me, because I was in the flesh, so in My fleshly mind it looked tempting.

14. Satan would toss out the thought, "Here I am in the flesh and this is all new to Me. And after all, I am the Son of God, so surely even in the flesh, I must be superior to everyone else around. Even My fleshly wisdom must far surpass these others, so why do I need to stop and hear from Heaven‚ when I can likely solve all these problems on My Own?" Ha! The absurd­ity of his lies!

15. When this didn't work, he'd try to tempt Me into thinking I didn't have enough time to hear from Heaven on certain things—that because there was always a pressing need, I had to cut down on My time in prayer. Satan knew good and well if he could get Me to lean on My Own arm of the flesh‚ that I would lose the power I needed to overcome him and set you free.

16. So I had to fight these battles of the flesh and My Own fleshly wisdom and understanding just like you do, because I was in the flesh! Just as your life is made up of constant choices, so was Mine. I had to make choices every day, and all of My choices included this: I had to choose whether I was going to get My directions explicitly from My Father in Heaven or I was going to try and give it a go on My Own and try to solve the problems in My Own fleshly strength and wisdom.

The Key to Success

Is in Hearing from Heaven!

17. The battle of flesh and spirit was a definite hurdle that I had to clear if I was going to do the things I knew My Father expected of Me. The only way I was able to hold on and to pass the tests was because I called out to My Father and He gave Me a plan. And it's when I followed that plan that I found the strength, stamina and wisdom to fight and win.

18. I learned through the things I experienced on Earth, but I also learned through the experiences and mistakes of others. As I observed others around Me, I sometimes had questions about their behavior. When I took these questions to My Father‚ He answered each one‚ and I was able to learn through this. Because I asked My Father about everything, He opened My eyes so that I was able to learn from what I saw around Me. I was able to grow this way and avoid making the same mistakes as others. I learned from observing. I learned from others' mistakes.

19. As I did this, it was plain to see that I had something far superior to fleshly wisdom—because everything My Father showed Me always worked out. I had a connection with Heaven, and as long as I kept that connection strong, as long as I heard from Heaven rather than leaning on My fleshly wisdom, I succeeded.

20. The plan My Father gave Me was simple. If I was going to be successful, if I was going to have the strength and stamina, the faith and the wisdom to accomplish My mission, I would have to take time with Him every day. I would have to get away from not only the crowds, but even My closest friends, for a few moments of personal time in the quiet, free from distraction and alone with My ­Father, where I could listen and hear clearly from Him.

21. This is why I got up early and went out to pray before the busy day began. This is why I would often hide away or go out to the hills—so I could have this time to look to Heaven and get My direction for the day. This is how I was able to have the strength and the wisdom to carry out My ministry. This is how I was able to work miracles, and how I was able to give answers to those who asked Me questions—because I heard from My Father first and I got My directions from Him.

22. Every time I was going to face a tough situation or do anything of significance‚ I had to look to My Father alone to see Me through. The Devil was on the job‚ trying to tempt Me into thinking I could do it Myself. Why not just skip this step of having to hear from My Father and give it a go on My Own? But because I made the right choices, because I made the de­cision every time to not make a move without hearing from Heaven, I always won in the end.

23. As I followed the plan My Father had given, He opened My eyes to how others around Me had fallen. He showed Me clearly where they had failed. Those who seemed strong in the flesh, who were wise in the ways of the world, who were learned‚ who were men of understanding in worldly ways and wisdom, knew nothing compared to what My Father was showing Me. It became clear as I looked around Me that My fleshly wisdom was no match for what My ­Father gave Me while I was alone with Him in the spirit. It was clear how superior I was—not because of any great thing of My flesh‚ but only due to the miracle-working power of God that I possessed.

24. My flesh was just like everyone else's, but My wisdom far surpassed any wisdom, power or strength on Earth‚ because I listened to Heaven. Heaven was in Me‚ and the proof was in the results. The miracles I performed, the power I demonstrated which changed hearts and minds and healed bodies—the power that helped Me overcome the world was My proof. I won the victory because with Heaven's help I passed the tests. I gained victory because I refused to lean on the arm of My flesh, but instead yielded My fleshly self completely to Heaven's power.

25. So this was one of My big tests on Earth, to lean on God, My Father, and not to lean to My Own fleshly mind and understanding. I had to yield and lean on God in Me and not on My flesh—just like you!

Tests of Pride!

26. Another great test I had to pass, and one that is akin to leaning on fleshly wisdom, is the test of pride. The temptation to yield to the pride of life is the great test of all mankind, and I was not exempt. Pride caused the downfall of Lucifer, and it was his hope it would be Mine too, so he tempted Me with pride.

27. Even though I was born the son of a lowly carpenter, even though I didn't have much to be proud of in the way of worldly riches and education, as I grew and became strong in spirit, the Enemy tempted Me with pride in other ways.

28. It was at the time of that famous feast in Jerusalem when one of My greatest temptations occurred. I was just 12 when I sat among the wise and learned men in the temple, but when I spoke they were amazed at My understanding. This wisdom came from My Father in Heaven; yet Satan whispered in My ear, tempting Me to take the credit to Myself.

29. A short time later, when My mother and My father Joseph returned for Me, if I had yielded to this temptation of pride‚ I would not have had the strength to yield and obey My parents' wishes to return with them to My hometown. You see‚ My fleshly pride was telling Me to stand My ground, to declare My independence, to let My parents know that I was master of My Own fate, and to insist on staying there in the temple where I might both learn and further display My wisdom in front of the wise and educated men.

30. Up until that point, it was My Heavenly Father's will that I sit among the elders, for during those few days I was able to learn a good deal from them. It was also during this time that My Father wished to demonstrate there in the temple that His power and wisdom was with Me. During this time He was able to reveal this to those whose hearts and minds were open as I spoke in the temple.

31. But at the moment My parents returned for Me, My Heavenly Father had accomplished His purpose, and it was time for Me to change gears. In that moment, as I was tempted with pride to want to ignore My parents' wishes to return home, I shot up a thought in prayer to My Father. As quickly as I called for help, the ­answer came, right there on the spot, I heard His voice clearly. With simple instruc­tions He said, "You've finished My business here, and now it's time to go. I will help You resist the pride of life as You go and obey Your fleshly parents‚ for I have given them charge over You."

32. Hearing this word from My Father gave Me the strength I needed to resist Satan's temptation to yield to My pride. Having this word from My Father gave Me the courage to ­humbly submit to My parents' wishes and return with them to Nazareth, where I obeyed them until it was His time to launch out into My Own ministry.

33. I passed this test of pride as a young boy‚ and others that were similar. But when My public ministry got into full swing, that's when My fleshly pride was put to the test in yet a bigger way.

The Humility Plan!

34. If you think about it, you'll see that it stands to reason I would be tempted with pride. After all, in My days of glory on Earth‚ though My enemies sought to kill Me, those were also the weeks and months when the crowds and the masses hailed Me. During My days of popularity‚ the Devil tempted Me with the pride of life.

35. He tempted Me time and again to take the credit to Myself, to pat Myself on the back and indulge in self-glory for the mighty things My Father did for Me. I could have easily taken the credit for all those miracles, had I yielded to pride. The only way I was able to resist this temp­tation was to be constantly looking to My ­Father in Heaven and calling on Him for help. When I did this, He again gave Me a plan. This time it was the humility plan. Whenever I was tempted with pride, He said the way to combat it was to openly give Him all the credit and all the glory, even when My flesh didn't feel like it.

36. This is why I regularly reminded My disciples and those around Me that in Myself, in My flesh, I could not do one mighty thing­­, and I knew nothing except what the Father showed Me. This was the absolute truth, and voicing it, reminding others of this fact, not only gave rightful credit to Whom credit was due, but it helped Me to continue walking the humble road. I had to constantly give My Father the credit and the glory, and because I did, I was able to resist the temptation of pride.

37. The next step of the humility plan My Father gave Me was this: After I was sure to give Him the credit, I could then reach out and do a humble deed. His advice was never to pass up a needy situation without doing something about it, and to never pass up an opportunity to do the humble thing. He said, "Ask Me every time. Ask Me what I want You to do in every situation, and I'll make it clear to You. I'll show You what action to take right there on the spot in every situation You find yourself in. I'll show You how You can demonstrate My love through Your humility. Humility, My Son, is the key to combating the pride of life that plagues the flesh."

38. So I followed this plan step by step‚ and as I did, My Father showed Me how I could put humility into action by getting up and doing the humble thing. As you know, He led Me to take on the role of a servant. Oftentimes He led Me to lay My Own desires aside and reach out to those around Me—whether it was walking out of My way to heal the sick, or stooping to lift a soul that was weary with a sincere smile, a kind word, a warm embrace‚ or a reassuring pat on the back.

39. There were so many ways He showed Me I could be humble. He showed Me to always lend a listening ear to those who needed to pour out about their troubles, and I was never to be too busy to stop and acknowledge the children. He led Me to give loving appreciation to those around Me, and to show My appreciation through deeds of kindness and love. He led Me to put the needs of others first, before My Own, making sure the others in My company had a place to sleep, enough food, a warm coat when needed, and a shoulder to lean on.

40. There were endless ways the Father showed Me I could show humility—most of which I have spoken about to you today at various times. And as I followed His instruction every time, I was able to resist the temptation of pride.

41. So you see, I also had to battle and resist these sins of the flesh—not only learning to resist leaning on the arm of My flesh, but learning to resist the pride that threatened Me! But as I resisted, as I turned to My Father instead for His strength and help to keep walking the humble road­­, that's when He was able to manifest His strength and power through Me. This is how I was able to work great miracles—by walking in humility, by not leaning to the arm of My flesh, but by leaning on the power of Heaven to do through Me what I could not do in My flesh alone.

"D.O." Miracles!

42. My early disciples recorded many of the miracles My Father did on My behalf, but they did not record some of the more "D.O." miracles that I performed, for these would have been either too much for those outside our intimate circle to comprehend and receive, or not wise to disclose at the time for security's sake.

43. Often it was necessary for Me to pull down miracles of amazing protection and supply from Heaven so that My disciples and I could continue our work. It is written that I walked through the crowds unnoticed, and I also found it necessary to call on Heaven for great miracles of protection in order to blind the eyes of both the Romans and our enemies from noticing our presence.

44. One time as we were camped out under the trees in a certain field, Roman soldiers were passing by. As it was the custom at the time to round up would–be troublemakers—and in Roman eyes we certainly fit this bill—had those soldiers spotted us that night‚ our ministry would have been prematurely ended. So I prayed and asked My Father to do a miracle so they would not see us. As the soldiers rode by in full view of our camp, instead of spotting us, their eyes beheld a lake of calm waters with only an occasional mother duck and her ducklings gliding by. This was not a facade nor an optical illusion, but a miracle of Heavenly power.

45. Today some people might call this a mirage. Scientists theorize and try to explain it away. "An illusion," they call it; "a trick of the eye." Don't be fooled with the "explain away" theories of Satan. I worked many "mirage" miracles during My time on Earth, as I still do today if you have faith and pray!

46. Peter, James, and his brother John were well deserving of the blessing My Father gave them that day on the mountain when the glory of Heaven shone on Me, and Moses and Elias appeared. I knew I could well trust them after that time, because they followed closely and carried out My request to keep their silence about the incident, as I requested.

47. Because of this, it wasn't many weeks after I was transfigured before them that I took them up to that same mountain. It so happened at the time that these same three, Peter, James, and John, were each going through a special time‚ and I wanted to give them some extra encouragement. As we returned that night to the same spot on the mountain, I looked up to My Father and asked Him to open the windows of Heaven to these faithful ones whom I loved so dearly.

48. They got a good taste of Heaven that night as we were translated into the Heavenly realm for a time of praise and fellowship and Heavenly festivity as only Heaven can provide—including dancing with the houris of Heaven! This was a special miracle from My Father's hand to allow them this Heavenly tour and a taste of Heaven's delights in this way. Needless to say‚ this event kindled a burning fire within them and gave them a well–deserved boost and strength and inspiration to carry on! It was also a touch of love from My Father to Me‚ and strengthen­ed Me for the days I was soon to face in Pilate's court.

Miracles of Healing Hearts!

49. Walking on the water, even raising Lazarus' fleshly body from the dead, were great miracles, but these obvious signs and ­wonders were not as great as some of the less-obvious-at-first-sight miracles which My Father worked on My behalf in the hearts of men. Walking on the water and turning water into wine was super­natural, yet the miracle of changing a hardened heart was a far greater wonder and proof of Our divinity.

50. These miracles of healing hearts which My Father worked through Me‚ and that I in turn work through you today, are the divine work of My hand. False science appears to work great things‚ but only I can touch a hardened heart. Yes, I did many wondrous acts of raising dead flesh and turning the water to wine, multiplying the food, healing bodies, and calming the angry sea, but it was the less showy, the apparently unseen miracles, that were My greatest works—those performed in the hearts of men.

51. As Solomon asked, "Who can bear a wounded spirit?" Only My miracle-working power can touch and heal a wounded spirit. I worked many miracles in the hearts and spirits of men, women, and children when I walked on Earth, as I still work in the hearts of men today, and these truly are My favorite miracles.

My Greatest Miracles

Are Yet to Come!

52. Yet human beings are always seeking spectacular signs, and because of this, I do display awesome, sensational wonders beyond human comprehension. When I walked on Earth‚ it was not necessary for Me to call down fire from Heaven‚ nor to breathe fire out of My mouth, nor to split a mountain in two, nor to call on the armies of Heaven to charge from the sky, for in that day My Father in His wisdom worked differently.

53. When I walked on Earth, healing the sick of the palsy, restoring sight to the blind, and raising the dead was about as sensational a wonder as mankind could handle. Yet today, science has advanced to sometimes do the same. This is one reason why in this day and age, I will work greater miracles through you than I ever did while I walked on the Earth‚ because today the situation warrants greater things. Today, because iniquity abounds‚ My grace will abound greater. So will My miracle–working power be displayed in a greater dramatic display!

54. When I was on Earth, I worked countless miracles—many more than are recorded in My written Word of old. But I assure you, today I'll do greater things through you, because the needs are greater. These are the times of drastic measures, and because of this, you will see signs, wonders and miracles in Heaven's full glory!

55. When I stood before Pilate, I told him if it were My Father's will, the armies of Heaven would come to My rescue and fight for Me. It was not My Father's will back then, because such things are reserved for you. I worked countless miracles when I walked on the Earth, yet My greatest miracles are yet to come; I have reserved them for you.

56. Today, as Satan is loosed and runs through­out the Earth, greater spectacles and greater shows of force will be needed. Because evil flourishes, My Spirit will thrive in you and will sweep the globe in a mighty wave of awesome power!

57. You are My faithful, My chosen of the End‚ and if you will stay in close communication with Me, I will do mighty works through you. And when the time is right, the armies of Heaven will come down and fight for you, as they avenge you on all your enemies and those who fight against My righteous Kingdom! This is what will be necessary to fight evil in these Last Days.

58. When I walked on the Earth, I performed countless miracles; some I have shared with you, and others I will reveal to you as I see fit. In the meantime, hang on to these Words and let them encourage your heart. I assure you, the best miracles are yet to come! As long as you stay faithful, keep fighting, and refuse to give up, you're going to see them happen. As long as you keep tuning in and following through on what I show you, together we're going to conquer evil and overcome the world! I love you! (End of message from Jesus.)