Living the Lord's Law of Love!--Part 12

April 29, 2003

Counsel for parents about questions their JETTs and junior teens might ask

By MariaMaria #458 CM 3212 3/99

Note: This GN is mainly for parents with older children, but it's still required reading for all Charter members over age 16. Even you young people might be asked questions by your younger brothers and sisters, and will need to be aware of this counsel.

Any mentions of sexual sharing in this GN are only to be applied according to the guidelines put forth in the Charter. You might want to underline or highlight relevant portions of text as you read through this Letter so you can review this counsel more quickly and easily.

My dear Family,

1. I love you and admire you for your willingness to receive the Lord's Words regarding the Law of Love and begin putting them into practice! Even if you don't feel like you're receiving them all very well, as long as you're asking the Lord for the faith and grace, and doing your best to drink them in and take steps to live them, you're doing great!

2. Many times when the Lord asks us to do something, we don't "feel" like doing it very much for one reason or another. We get hit with all the reasons why it won't work, why it will be so difficult, or how it's going to make our lives harder. But the victory comes when we put one foot in front of the other out of obedience to the Lord and trust that He's going to give us the grace, strength, wisdom, pro­tection and anointing we need‚ and even happiness and fulfillment in whatever He's asking of us! And He never fails! Praise the Lord!

3. So please don't be discouraged if some of the "Law of Love" series is still rather hard to receive, or you still find yourself reading through your tears and won­dering how you're ever going to make it or be able to live it, much less find joy or pleasure in doing so. You will make it, as long as you want to make it and you hang on! So don't let the Enemy persuade you to quit! Keep receiving by faith, and soon it will become not only clearer, but easier!

4. One thing that many of you parents might be wondering about is how any sexual sharing outside of your marriage is going to affect your children, because some of them will probably become aware of it with time. You might feel hesitant, knowing that it is or could become a sensitive issue with your kids. Naturally, you don't want to cause them unnecessary trials. The ­Enemy might also be flooding your mind with scenes of persecution and the past problems that seemed to have come about due to our beliefs concerning sex.

5. I can understand how those thoughts would make it even more difficult for you, and you might be wondering if it's really worth it to risk your kids having battles or questions, or possibly bring more persecution upon the Family due to this revival of the sexual aspect of the Law of Love.

6. We brought those questions before the Lord and got His Words of encouragement and instruction. He has repeatedly promised us that He will care for us and protect us as long as we're follow­ing Him. He's also reminded us that He's asking us to live the Law of Love fully, in­cluding the sexual aspect, in order to strengthen us, because we're not going to survive the days ahead without it! So He knows what He's doing; it's up to us to trust Him!

7. The Lord knew that these concerns would be a big battle for some of you dear parents, and He gave the following promises which are yours to claim:

8. (Jesus speaking: ) My dear parents, you must come to Me for the faith that you need. You must remember two things: First, that the enemies of God persecute you because you are My children, not because of specific beliefs. It is because you are not of the world but I have chosen you out of the world that the world hates you. If you had not believed and practiced My Law of Love, they would have found something else to condemn you for in hopes of harming the work of God‚ as they did in your early days. You did not practice sexual freedom at that time and had very few children, yet your enemies still condemned you viciously and raised great persecution against you.

9. Second, remember that because this is a move of My Spirit, I will protect as I lead you gently forward. As long as you stay within the established boundaries which I have put forth [see "Living the Lord's Law of Love!—Part 1," ML #3201:86-95, Lifelines 25]‚ I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert, and will lead you and your little ones through safely.

10. The moral and social climate of this day means nothing to Me, for I am able to use it to suit My purpose. Or if it interferes, I can do miracles to protect and shield My children. Be encouraged, therefore, and do not dread these Words of life—for they are given that you might have the strength to survive the days ahead. Eat them with joy and with faith, and this spirit of faith will be imparted to your children. (End of message from Jesus)

11. (Mama:) I know some of you parents may wonder how following the radical meat of the Word will affect you and your ministries‚ Homes and children. Following the Lord 100%, all the way, with no reservations, is an adventure—one that isn't without some struggles. Our journey can't be completely smooth sailing because the Lord has put us at odds with the world, and I'm sure we'll face some battles. But one thing we know for sure—if we follow Him, we'll win‚ because He cannot fail. "No weapon that is formed against us shall prosper" (Isa.54:17). We're destined to be the victors!

12. But if we fail to either publish or endeavor to live the special Words of truth that the Lord gives us, the Family, it will be our loss--lost blessings, lost fruitfulness, lost anointing, lost victories. Only in following the Lord completely will we move into our full ministry and anointing.

To Explain or Not to Explain?

It's the Parents' Decision

13. As you live the Law of Love fully, there will be more sexual sharing between adults. Some parents have written in to ask whether they should give an explanation of this private aspect of their lives to their kids, and if so‚ what they should say. The decision about whether to talk with your kids about your sexual sharing is up to you parents. You may or may not feel the need to do so. In some situations it might be advisable; in other situations perhaps it's not necessary. Each situation is different, just as each child is different. So the decision is yours, as is the responsibility to hear from the Lord about how to handle this.

14. Of course, the main thing that your children need to understand is the overall concept of the Law of Love, whether you choose to explain the aspect of sexual sharing or not. Our whole lives are governed by the Law of Love, and it's an integral part of all that we believe and why we live the way we do. As a refresher course, you might want to review "Living the Lord's Law of Love, Part 1," which might help give you some ideas of how to better explain the overall concept to your JETTs and junior teens. There is also a Hope TK recently published on the subject ("God's Law of Love," Hope TK 81), which you could discuss with them. Then, if later on down the road, or even in the near future, you feel the need to broach the subject of the sexual aspect of the Law of Love for any reason, they'll have the right foundation. Otherwise, if you first explain the sexual aspect and later explain the overall concept, they probably won't have the full picture, or the sexual aspect will seem out of proportion.

15. It's very important that they learn the foundation stones of the nonsexual aspects of the Law of Love—because our whole lives are based on living the Law of Love! In the prophecies in this GN, the Lord makes several references to ways that they can learn to understand the overall concept of the Law of Love. I want to emphasize that it is very important for your children to understand the Law of Love overall, whether you choose to explain the sexual aspect or not. So please read this GN with that in mind.

16. If you do feel the need to give your kids an explanation about sexual sharing, in this GN we're including some good practical counsel from the Lord for you parents, as well as a message in which the Lord speaks directly to the young people‚ answering some of the questions they might have. Just as you're not obligated to give your kids an explanation of the sexual aspects of the Law of Love, likewise you're not obligated to read to your kids, in full or in part, this message in which the Lord speaks to them.

17. Some of you parents might have already found the need to explain the sexual aspect of the Law of Love to your children prior to receiving this GN. If you've already done so, you may not feel it's necessary to go over this subject again‚ and you may be right. On the other hand, even if you have already given an explanation to your kids, you might find the material in this GN (or portions of it) helpful in reiterating these principles in varying degrees according to the need.

18. I asked the Lord for these messages to pro­vide answers to the questions you've ex­pressed, to make your job of explaining this aspect of your lives to your children easier. But please don't feel pressured to share this ma­terial with your kids. They're your children, and the Lord has placed the responsibility of their spiritual training in your hands, so you must address this subject as you feel is best and as the Lord leads you personally. Please feel free to share or not share this counsel as the Lord shows you, according to the needs of your individual children.

19. There is no set rule on when to share these things with your children‚ or how much and how often, because this must be established in each case, according to the child, the circum­stances, and the need. You might find that within your individual family some of your children will require more of an explanation than others‚ or you might find the need to give a fuller expla­n­ation at different times, as circumstances and situations change.

20. You might not need this counsel now, yet a few months down the road you might find it helpful. Today your kids might be perfectly fine with their circumstances and the adults living the sexual aspect of the Law of Love; yet in a month or two, one of them might have questions. The key is to stay in prayer, seeking the Lord for His guidance and letting Him speak to you as to when, what, and how much to explain to your children in each case as the need arises.

21. As with any matter that isn't properly ex­plained, if your kids aren't given a clear Word-based explanation about the sexual aspect of the Law of Love or sharing amongst the adults, they could possibly worry about it or not understand, or have questions on their hearts about what is going on. There are an in­finite number of scenarios that could come up‚ and we can't poss­ibly discuss them in detail here.

22. This is why‚ dear parents, I want to emphasize how important it is for you to keep praying and seeking the Lord as to what is needed, when it's needed, and what's the best way to explain the sexual aspect of the Law of Love to your children in a full-of-faith, natural‚ loving manner. Depending on your children's ages, the circum­stances you're in‚ and the questions that they themselves may have, varying degrees of explanation will be appropriate. Only the Lord can show you what is needed, when, and for whom.

23. I pray that these messages will help lighten your load, both in giving you faith and peace in instructing your children, as well as giving you good ideas of how you could address this issue with your children, should the Lord indicate it's needed. The Lord has promised that as you listen to Him about how to proceed with your children and then step out by faith to obey His Words, it will result in some very unifying times of love, communication and training with your kids.

Message to Parents on How

To Present To Your Children That

You're Going to Be Sharing More

24. This first message from Jesus is about how you can present the overall concept of the sexual side of the Law of Love to your children, and the idea that you're going to be sharing more. Thank the Lord for His wonderful answers!

25. (Jesus speaking:) Come into My presence, My precious parents. Come, sit around Me now, but let Me first embrace you. Let My smile inspire you and encourage you. For as I bring you into My counsel, I want you to feel loved and accepted. Before we sit down together and discuss the matter at hand, I want you each to be one with Me‚ to look into My face and to feel the love that flows from Me to you. I'm so proud of you parents of My Endtime generation.

26. I'm especially talking now to those of you who have JETTs and young teens. I'm addressing you because the question has come to Me about how you're going to explain to your JETTs and your teens that you'll be doing more sharing. I know that in many places sharing is not as common as it used to be when you were younger. But as we meet together now, I want to teach you how to explain to the JETTs and the younger teens that you will be living this aspect of the Law of Love more fully and putting it into practice more in your own lives, and that other Family members in your Home and around the world will be doing the same.

27. You know how young people can talk, and if things aren't explained to them in a way that they can understand, then they'll come to their own con­clusions, because in your small Homes nothing goes unnoticed by them. Often those conclusions are wrong. I don't want the JETTs and junior teens to get the wrong impression. I don't want them to draw their own conclusions. I don't want them to be hurt. I don't want them to have any fears or undue concern about the way this new move of the Spirit could possibly affect their parents or personal family. I want them to be at peace and to understand this issue in an age-appropriate manner. I don't want them to know more than they need to know‚ but I don't want them to know less than they need to know either.

Communicating More

With Your Children

28. You've been learning about communi­cating more with the children that I've given you, having open, honest, simple, clear, regular com­munication. You've been learning how much your children need to talk to you, and how much they need you to direct them to the Word, so that they can understand and receive the ­answers to the problems they face and the questions they have.

29. But when was the last time you had a talk with your JETT or junior teen son‚ when you talked specifically about the birds and the bees? When was the last time that you sat down with your daughter and gently, with love and understanding, tried to draw out those deep questions she may have concerning the issues of love, marriage, boyfriends and sex? All those questions are there, and there are lots of thoughts about such things in the minds of those this age.

30. You can't assume that because they live in the same house as you, they're going to catch things by osmosis, nor have a healthy outlook on love, marriage, sex and relationships. It just doesn't happen that way; it never has and it never will. You need to communicate with your children!

31. My dear ones, in recent years [before the Law of Love study months] much of your sharing with one another had stopped‚ and those that continued felt that they must be very careful to try to hide it. In the minds of the children, this can leave room for all sorts of wrong conclusions.

32. While sharing between two people is a private matter‚ it cannot be completely hidden, because I have joined you all together as one Family and you live together so closely. So you must exercise great wisdom. You must be prayerful and discreet, but at the same time not go over­board and feel that you have to be secret­ive, for this gives the wrong impression to those around you and to your children.

33. This is a delicate balance to find, for while it is a private matter and should be kept as such, it is not something to be ashamed of or that you must keep completely secret. If it were to be kept completely secret‚ I would not ask it of you, for I know that in some of your small Homes this would be impossible! So it is better to give an explanation, for their minds will be ticking, and if things are left unexplained, they will come to all sorts of conclusions which could be very unsettling for them.

Young Children Partake of the

Attitudes of Those Around Them

34. When I talk about kids and the need to talk to some of them, I'm talking about the ones who are older. I'm not talking about your little ones.

35. Young children partake of the attitudes of those around them. If you're happy and fulfilled and con­tent‚ if you're being loved, then they'll simply be at peace. If you're pouring out to others, loving others, learning to give more of yourselves and to be more in unity with those around you, then they'll partake of this beautiful, peaceful spirit in the Home‚ and they'll be happy and content. As you're giving out to others, you'll also be giving to them, communicating with them, teaching them, training them in the way that they should go, and this will give them great happiness.

36. Young children respond to the loving behavior of those around them by simply being happy. They'll be less argumentative, less ­grumbly; there will be fewer quarrels and behavioral problems when those around them are happy and loving. They will in turn be kind to one another‚ more willing to share their toys, and more yielded and obedient to their parents. They'll play better, sleep better, and work better. They'll just be happier all around, because they're My children, and they're created to be filled with My Spirit and My love.

37. So young children don't need to be talked to in depth about the sexual aspect of the Law of Love, for it is strong meat. But because you're being loving and are obeying Me by reaching out and loving the other adults in your Home, they in turn will learn how to be loving in little childlike ways. They'll be more kind, under­standing, patient, helpful, obedient, and yielded.

38. Of course, children are always children, and they always have behavioral problems of one kind or another. But you certainly do make it easier for them by being yielded and obedient to Me, by being loving and unified with each other. Then there's not much room for the Enemy to get in. And when the Enemy can't get in‚ he can't badger them and upset them. Then they have more of an opportunity to learn the things they need to learn at a young age that will help them grow into the loving, mature adults that they'll need to be.

Explaining the Law of Love

To Your JETTs and Teens

39. So when I talk about explaining things to your kids, I'm not talking about little children. I'm talking about explaining it to the ones who you know are going to be curious and who you know are going to draw their own conclusions, which could be very wrong conclusions. This is often the JETTs. Not all JETTs are so observant and curious, and not all JETTs want to know what's going on in the Home amongst the adults. But for those who do want to know, those who are talking amongst themselves and are curious, you need to have an answer!

40. You can be sure that your junior teens are going to know basically what's going on, for they're very curious, knowledgeable and observant. Many can also be judgmental and critical because they are idealistic and wish for perfection‚ both in their own lives and the lives of their parents and those around them. I have made them this way, to strive for the utmost they can do and be, but this often results in them seeing matters of the heart in terms of black and white, with no shades of gray.

41. They also do not have sufficient experience with life and emotion and matters of the heart to be able to judge them properly, so they tend to misjudge them. This can lead to criticism and self-righteousness, a feeling that they are right and others are wrong. This is a problem not only with junior teens, for many of My children are tempted with such things, but ­junior teens face such battles more because of their idealistic nature. If they yield to these incorrect attitudes, this leads to more wrong attitudes and wrong conclusions. But if they are able to resist such wrong attitudes, either because you have given them good counsel or have been a good sample, or they have a good connection with Me, then they mature more quickly.

42. Many have not seen a good sample of how the sexual side of the Law of Love can be lived, and much of their input along the lines of sex‚ relationships, and how things should work has come from movies and outside influences, or conversations with their peers. Even their older brothers and sisters or parents have sometimes been bad samples of selfishness, im­maturity, and lack of love. So the attitudes that these young ones have formed have not always been the right ones.

43. In many cases‚ they've developed fears, worries‚ and deep concerns, and these need to be taken into con­sideration and answered through the Word and through sweet, loving communi­cation. I do not want any of My young people to be hurt. I want them to grow in the right way so that when they're of age they can more maturely step in to the more intimate aspects of the Law of Love, the sexual side.

44. They need to understand and learn what the Law of Love means for them. They will ex­perience the Law of Love through being under­stood, through your taking time to draw them out‚ listen to them, and answer their questions. This is My Law of Love for them on their level. Of course, they will learn their part of living My Law of Love as well—to be giving, understanding, appreciative and unselfish. But it begins with someone loving them enough to sit down and listen to them, ask them questions‚ and find out what it is that's bothering them.

45. That communication is going to be an expression of love to them that they can relate to. So that'll be the first step. It doesn't have to be a big deal, this talking with your young ones. You don't have to feel like you're moving a mountain. Heart to heart communication is a wonderful thing. It solves a lot of problems, answers many questions, and brings understanding.

46. It could be that in your Home the junior teens have a good attitude and understanding about what's happening with the Law of Love in regards to sharing, or perhaps they haven't had any problems with it because there hasn't been much sharing amongst the adults. It could be that through the years you've trained them well in the Word and in your communications, so that they really don't have any fears or phobias about you sharing with the other adults in your Home. But you still might want to make sure they understand the concept of living the Law of Love more fully, and ask them how they feel about it and if they have any questions.

47. You can sit down with them and say, "You know what the goals are for '98 and '99. Do you understand what goal number 12 means, to 'Live the Law of Love more fully'? Do you understand what the One Wife vision is, and what it means to us and our family and Home? Do you understand why and how we in the Family can share sexually with each other, whereas most people who aren't in the Family don't believe it's a good thing to do? In our Home we haven't been embracing these goals and practicing them as fully as we need to, but we'd like to step out and try to follow the Lord more closely in these areas. Do you have any questions about that, or is there anything you don't understand or agree with? What are your main concerns? Do you have any trials about it?" This approach will help the teens to be more at ease to open their hearts, receive My answers and grow in faith.

48. It would be very helpful for them to have an understanding of why you're sharing. Other­wise, they're going to be left to figure it all out on their own, and many will come to the wrong conclusions. They could go through emotional battles and jealousy battles that you won't even know about if you don't talk to them, and to let that happen would not really be living the Law of Love.

49. These young ones need to grow in love, understanding and maturity, for someday they will be adults and will be living the Law of Love more fully, as I expect you to. So you must teach them, and you must help them in these initial stages to understand what it all means.

Hear from the Lord First About

Each Young One You'll Talk To

50. The first thing you adults must do is to come to Me and hear from Me about the JETTs and junior teens in your Home. If you ask Me, I will lead you on how to go about this. There will be times when it is best to seek Me unitedly as a Home, and other times when you parents may want to seek Me together as a couple, or individually—all depending on the situation and the circumstances.

51. The important thing is that you should pray and seek Me on how to proceed with your children, and that as a Home, you adults are united in prayer and all are aware of the counsel that I will give. As all you adults unite in prayer for the children, this will bring unity among you, and help you to all speak the same thing in your interactions with your younger ones. Please do not neglect to unite in prayer for your children, because it is through your united prayer power and through seeking My guidance that you'll be able to give your children good sound loving counsel and they will be able to receive the things of My Spirit. In these times‚ pray for yourselves also, asking Me to help you be good loving samples of living My Law of Love and conveying My Spirit as you walk in love towards each other and towards your children.

52. As you pray, ask Me about each of your children. Ask who needs an explanation regarding the sexual aspect of the Law of Love and who doesn't, for there may be those whom you do not suspect who are in need of explanation‚ and there may be those who are already receiving things in the correct spirit and need little explanation. The only way you're going to know is to ask Me about each one, to see who needs what and how much, and to what degree and detail they need. You parents and helpers may already have a good idea as to whom among your children is in need of an explanation, yet I remind you to ask Me about each one; confirm with Me your thoughts and feelings regarding what each child needs. It is important, My loves, to maintain these open lines of communication with Me, because I may have further details to share with you regarding each child, or further insight that would help you in your presentation and handling of each child.

53. When you know that some of your children will require an explanation, in order for you to know specifically what they need, start by listening to them. Ask Me for an understanding heart and for wisdom as you lend them a listening ear. Reassure them that you want to hear what they have to say. Let them speak, draw them out, listen to them. Then when you have heard them, you'll know how to answer them from the wealth of Word you have stored up in your heart, and you'll also know what questions to ask Me. As you bring these questions before Me, I will answer with specific counsel in each case.

54. If you'll seek Me in all these matters, then when you're talking to your younger ones you'll have the answers you need to give them‚ for you will have heard from Me through the Word which you've stored up in your heart—your foundation of truth regarding the Law of Love, and the specific personal answers that I gave via prophecy in response to the questions they had. I'm able to help you understand the unspoken words of their heart, reveal to you what they're thinking, and give you the wisdom needed to give them the answers and explanation they need. As the verse says, "Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out," and this you will need to do.

Direct Them Through the Word—

And Don't Give Them More

Than They Can Bear

55. I want you to help direct My young ones through the Word—but you must give them the Word that is appropriate for their age, so that they can understand. As you call on Me in prayer, I will speak to you through My living Word of prophecy and give you things you can share with your children. You may want to glean portions from parts 1 and 2 of the Law of Love series, as well as from the counsel in this GN. You can explain My Word to them, for it is truth, and it is our life, and these are the things that I wish to teach them and train them in.

56. Please don't give your children more than they can bear. You don't need to burden them with the details of any personal or sexual relationships with others. Simply help them see that this is a way of life in the Family, and that sharing is simply another aspect of living the Law of Love. You can explain the benefits of being close to one another, loving one another, and being in unity. This will take some time, planning, thought and prayer on your part, but it's a very important step and groundwork that needs to be laid.

57. I will do the work in the hearts of these young ones if you take these steps, for these are the right steps to take. I will do the work that you can't do. I will teach and train them, for they are My children of the End, My children of the Millennium and of My Kingdom. They're born into this Family for a purpose, so they will understand.

Your Responsibility to Shepherd,

Teach‚ And Train the Young Ones

To Pray

58. If your children are having trials about your sexual sharing, you can pray that I'll help them to understand. Pray with them, too, as you explain why you're sharing and help them under­stand. Each child is different, and some may not have such battles or need much of an explanation. If some are having a few battles, it doesn't mean that you have to stop sharing. But you must be sensitive to their personal battles and take time to help them through them, much the same as you would stop to help a mate or anyone else who's having battles about the Law of Love.

59. You have a greater responsibility in this day and age to shepherd and to teach and train many around you. This is not the day for a free-for-all, using the sexual liberties I have given you for your own selfish desires. Now that you have read the Word on the Law of Love a few times, you should have a greater understanding of the whole spirit and purpose for My giving you further insight into this aspect of your lives, and be able to better shepherd those who are having battles, tests and trials.

60. As you gain personal victories in this area of understanding and entering into the Law of Love in the right spirit, you'll be better able to pass on this right spirit to your young ones. If you parents and adults are united and maintaining good communication and prayer regarding your living the Law of Love‚ as you share and reach out to others, then your children are apt to also share in your faith and unity and sense of security. Even if they have their own personal tests and battles that you're helping them through, as long as they're fairly yielded and are letting you live your adult life and are content that you're trying to explain things to them, they will receive it. If they see and understand that you do not wish to intentionally do anything that's going to adversely affect them or hurt them in a big way, then they'll be able to learn and grow as well. They'll come along at their pace.

61. The main point is, if you're very faithful to be prayerful and to communicate and to hear from Me, to shepherd, to teach and guide, to answer questions, to show understanding, to be revolutionary and to have conviction‚ to be obedient to My Word and uplift it in your life and your children's lives, then I'm going to bless you. I'm going to bless your children's understanding, and they will see things from My perspective, from the Word's perspective.

62. Once this is in motion‚ they will grow into the mature citizens of My Kingdom that I have designed them to be, being able to make decisions based upon hearing from Me and My Word, and able to live the Law of Love in an age-appropriate, prayerful‚ loving, giving way. They will learn to be understanding, for they will have learned that they are understood; they will learn to help others see things from My perspective, as they were taught and shepherded to see things from My perspective.

63. I love you, My dear parents, and I pray for you, that you will be shepherds. I pray that you will enter into living the Law of Love with your whole hearts as the revolutionary Bride that I have called you out to be, and that you will take on the responsibility of teaching your young ones how to enter in in the right way. (End of message from Jesus.)

64. (Mama: ) Thank You, sweet, wonderful Jesus, for this very good and wise counsel. Thank You for helping us to see things more as You see them. Please give us the faith to live these Words that You've spoken, and to apply this counsel prayerfully, through looking to You and hearing from You for each individual child and situation.

How Much Should the Young People

Know About the Adults' Sharing?

65. You might be wondering how much your children should know about your private lives, including your sexual sharing, and how much is wise to tell them. The following mess­age from Jesus is in answer to that question.

66. (Jesus speaking:) Most of what adults do in their personal‚ private lives belongs there—in their personal, private lives. Adults live in an adult world, and children and younger teens live in a different world, and I don't wish to burden them with the weights and responsibilities that the adults carry.

67. Children, JETTs‚ and junior teens are learning so much. They're studying, learning to get along together, learning to interact with Home members other than their flesh parents and brothers and sisters; they're learning to witness, and they're learning about My Word. They're studying it, memorizing it‚ and learning to apply it in their daily lives and the lives of those they come in contact with in their witnessing. They're learning, growing and maturing each day, and as they grow in years, they're learning how to take on more respon­sibility in the care of others. They're also learning to recognize the gifts, talents, and abilities that I have given them, and learning to be the members of My Kingdom that I have created them to be.

68. As they learn and grow, they have need of guidance, direction and counsel—not the same control and authority they lived under when they were younger children, but the good advice and hearty counsel of a loving elder. So I ask you parents to spend time communicating with them‚ understanding them‚ guiding them, teaching them, training them, and involving them in more aspects of your lives, that they might be the well-rounded young people that I need them to be in these Last Days.

69. I want them to have fun! I want them to discover! I want them to do research and experiment. I want them to have contact with all different levels of society and people. I want My children to learn and understand how My Family has a special calling to meet the needs of My lost sheep, to bring them into My Kingdom, to comfort them‚ to encourage them, and to teach them and to love them in these last dark days. This is a lot of responsibility to place on such young shoulders. Therefore they should not be burdened unnecessarily with anything that is too weighty for them or beyond their years.

70. As I've already explained, it's import­ant for My junior teens and JETTs to have a good clear explanation of the Law of Love and to have their questions answered in a way that they can understand. They need to know why the adults are living the sexual aspect of the Law of Love more fully. I've given you counsel on how to help them to understand. On the other hand, I don't want My young ones to be exposed to too much of the adult life as you live the Law of Love more fully in your Homes.

Show Them the Good Fruit of

Living the Law of Love!

71. However‚ I do wish for My young ones to see the good fruit of the Law of Love. I want them to see more unity in the Homes. I want them to experience the good fruit of opening your hearts to each other, bearing each other's burdens, and caring for each other as you would care for your own or for yourself.

72. I want them to see the good fruit of loving one another, of spending more time loving Me together. I want them to see the good fruit of heart-to-heart sharing. I want them to see the good fruit of the fathers in the Home taking more time to love the single mothers‚ to care for them and their children. I want them to see the good fruit of the older generation breaking down any walls of disunity and past problems by spending time with each other in more intimate fellowship. I want them to see the good fruit of the older generation and the young adults merging in closer communication, working closer together and even loving one another. This is what I desire them to see.

73. I'm putting the responsibility on all of you older ones to be a good sample to the younger ones so that they can simply see the good fruit. As you obey the Words that I've given you on how to live the Law of Love, you'll bring forth good fruit that will speak louder to them than any sermons you could give them. They're well aware of the disunity that's been a problem in My Family. They know when people don't like each other. They can sense when some­one is being pushed away or excluded.

74. They think about these things, for they're My children, and they're being taught to love. They're being taught in My Word to care for one another and to put the needs of others before themselves. So they see very clearly when this is not being done. They know that love and caring are what they should strive for and how they should be. They know that love is right and lack of love is wrong.

75. I want them to see the good fruit of living the full Law of Love, ranging from simple everyday communications in love to the deeper and more intimate aspects that unite My Family in humility and love, and draw them closer to Me.

76. As you, the older generation and young adults, begin living the full Law of Love, including the sexual aspect, in obedience to the Words that I have given you in the Law of Love series, My younger ones will see the good fruit that it bears. They will see that what they had to take by faith through your words of expla­nation to them has been blessed. As you continue to talk to them openly and communicate with them about their deepest feelings and questions, they will believe what you have to say, for they will have seen the good fruit of your obedience to My Word.

77. My young ones love peace and harmony just as much as anyone else‚ and if they know that you're happy and that you're trusting, that you're overcoming, that you're loving, that you're reaching out and sacrificing to bear someone else's burden, to give of your own love to meet someone else's need, and they see your fulfillment in it and how much closer you are to Me because of it, and how much closer you are all together because of it‚ then they'll learn and grow the way they should. And though they may have their own battles, tests and trials, just like anyone else, they'll be able to understand and grow, for they'll see the good fruit.

Be a Sample of the Lord's Real,

Revolutionary Family of Love!

78. So I place a great responsibility to do this right upon you FGAs and young adults alike. For you aren't the only ones who need to benefit. I'm also particularly concerned about the younger ones growing up under you. I want them to have the full spirit of My revolutionary Family of Love. I want them to receive the training that they've been missing. I want them to see a sample of My real Family of Love. I want them to see unity, loving, giving, sacrificing, overcoming, happiness, joy, fulfillment, closeness to Me, and obedience to My Word. I want them to see the fruits of it. I want them to hear the right com­munications about My Word, about living My Word, about obeying My Word. I want them to hear testimonies of how I'm blessing you as you live My Word in every way.

79. I want My Spirit to be stirred up in your lives and in your Homes‚ so that My young ones don't wander and go astray. They wander for many reasons, but some have wandered because they have not seen a sample of true love and My Spirit in action in your Homes. This is one of the reasons I have given you the Law of Love in a greater measure in this day. If you take the steps and enter into this Law of Love, living it in a more intimate and closer way in this Endtime, then you will be able to impart more spirit, more love‚ and more of Me to My young ones.

80. You cannot enter into the Law of Love in your own spirit; it must be in My Spirit, and it must be in prayer and in hearing from Me. Oh, how I wish for the Spirit of Love to be poured out in such great measure upon My loved ones, upon My Bride! So as you enter in, take all of these Words that I have been pouring through your Queen Maria to heart; pray over them‚ ponder them, and find ways to live them and obey them.

81. You must enter in and do it for your own strength, for your own anointing in the Endtime, for your happiness and your unity, for your protection against the attacks of the ­Enemy. But you must also do it for the training of your young ones, for they must have My Spirit in greater measure. It must be more a part of their lives, so that they can grow up nurtured in Me. (End of message from Jesus)

82. (Mama:) This answer from the Lord might be a bit different than what you anticipated. Possibly you hoped for a detailed list, points 1, 2‚ 3, etc., of what you should and shouldn't tell your JETTs and junior teens about this personal side of your life. The Lord can't give a very specific plan on that question that can apply to all, because each young person is different, as is each situation. But He once again encouraged you to answer the questions your JETTs and junior teens have. Please spend some time with them to see what their questions are, hear from the Lord for them, and have some open communication. He also cautioned you to not burden them with more than they're able to bear. In other words, you shouldn't share the details about the sharing in your Home with them, nor your battles.

83. What the Lord wants them to see is the good fruit of living the Law of Love. That testimony is more powerful and will go much further than many sermons, and will be one of the best explanations of the Law of Love that they could possibly get! Your children want to see it work. They want to see some "proof" in the form of their parents being in unity and happy‚ and their Home becoming a better place to live where there's love and unity and people get along well. The responsibility is on each of us older Family members (and that includes you YAs and SGAs) to be a good example of living the Law of Love wisely, prayerfully, and according to the guidelines put forth by the Lord in this series, so that it can bring the good, happy, positive results the Lord wants it to.

84. This is a very important point to remember for those of you who battle jealousy. I know that it's an overwhelming battle‚ and very difficult to fight, but the Lord is saying that He expects you to be a good sample to the JETTs and junior teens, as well as the others of the second generation in your Home who will be watching your sample. They will be looking to you to see what kind of fruit living the full Law of Love bears! Knowing that they're watching should give you some added incentive to be very desperate with the Lord for the victory. It can give you more motivation to trust Him and keep your eyes on Him and not let it affect ­others, even when you're severely battling. If you're sincerely fighting for the victory and desperate with the Lord, He'll help you—and He'll make even the battles and the victories a beautiful sample of His ability to pull you through‚ and the good fruits of brokenness, sweetness and closeness to Him, as well as a good sample of sacrificial love.

Message to Young People About

Why Adults Would Share Even if it

Causes Others to Have

Jealousy Battles

85. Following is a very beautiful message from Jesus to help answer questions your young people may have on the subject of jealousy, and why we adults would share sexually even if it causes someone battles. He also gives a very good general explanation of the Law of Love and why He's asked the Family to live it more fully as He explains it to the kids on their level—relating it to situations that they would know and understand.

86. Even if your young people are not battling with this particular question‚ it's possible that parts of this would be very helpful to share with them‚ because again the Lord explains more about why He's asked us to love each other in this intimate way, and how it's a unique commission that He's given us. Please prayerfully read this message, and then ask the Lord specifically what you should share with your ­junior teens, JETTs and children. Remember‚ each child is different and each may have different needs. For this reason it's important to ask the Lord and receive His confirmation as to what each one needs or doesn't need.

87. This is a golden opportunity the Lord is giving you—not only to pass on some wonderful answers from Him, but also to have some very sweet time of intimate communication with your children. Sharing your hearts with them and letting them in on your personal life a little more will encourage them to be more honest with you in return, and will help build a stronger bond of love and trust between you. Peter and I are really praying for you‚ and know that as you go to the Lord to hear His counsel for your situation, He'll lead and guide you and make this a very fruitful time.

88. (Jesus speaking:) Your youth is a time of change. It's a time of transition from childhood to adulthood, and it isn't easy. But everyone has to go through it‚ and the decisions you make during these years will affect you, for better or for worse, for the rest of your life!

89. As you face challenges now in your youth, you'll face them throughout your life. Your parents also face challenges. I've asked them to again take up the challenge of living the Law of Love more fully, including sharing sexually. Now that's something that may not be easy for them, in many different ways. It's going to be a test of their faith. But they've committed to living it as I've asked them‚ and I've promised them that in return they will reap great blessings from their obedience. I'm very proud of them!

90. One of the difficulties that your parents might face in sharing sexually is jealousy. Now, your dear queen shared her lessons along those lines, and I encourage you to go back and read those again. The messages that I gave to her will help strengthen your faith, and her testimony of winning the victory will really encourage you, now that you're faced with it a little closer to home. (See "Golden Victories" for JETTs and Junior Teens, GN 768A.)

91. First of all, what is jealousy? It's fearing that you'll lose something that you really love and feel you can't live without. It's giving something which is yours to someone else, and wondering if it still belongs to you or whether you'll ever have it again. You won't be participating in the sexual sharing‚ but I think you can relate to those feelings.

92. Say you have a close friend. Maybe for a long time you lived with your parents and another family, but the other family only had young children, and you were the only older one. You felt pretty lonely sometimes. But then you found a friend—someone new who moved to your Home or area, and you right away started finding real friendship in each other. You felt like you could talk about anything together, you did fun things together‚ you looked forward to seeing that person and being with them. Your whole life was happier and you looked forward to special things more, because you knew you could do them with your friend.

93. Then someone else comes along, and all of a sudden your friend starts spending time with that person too. You don't see each other as much, and even though your friend is still sweet to you, you feel it's not the same because they have fun times with the other person when you're not there. The sadness or even anger that you feel—that's jealousy, and it's the ­enemy of love, because it loves to tear down the love in people's hearts and convince them that the other person doesn't love them anymore, that it's not worth it to share, and that you can only be happy if you keep what you love for yourself.

94. My answer is just the opposite—to give and share—and in sharing, your love is multiplied! You don't always see the results of giving right away, but you always do in the long run, and I bless you in many very special ways when you do the hard thing and continue sharing and loving, even when it hurts.

95. There are other kinds of jealousy‚ too. Perhaps there was going to be a singing team put together and you were going to be the lead singer‚ but then it was decided that someone else would sing the songs you hoped to sing. You could have felt left out or hurt that someone else got what you wanted to get. The hurt feeling in your heart‚ that's jealousy, wishing that you could have that special thing for yourself rather than being willing to let others have it.

96. Or perhaps there was a meeting and only a few people from each Home could attend. You'd really hoped to be able to attend and you were within the age range that could. However, someone else in the Home was picked instead of you. This could have caused you to feel quite hurt and left out, like the other person was being picked because they were better than you, or that they were loved more than you, or that they were needed more than you. So you could have felt envy or jealousy.

97. Here's another scenario: Perhaps you're very close to one of your parents, and you're going through a time in your life when that closeness and communication with them means a lot to you. But another teen comes into the Home and your parent spends time with them as well, talking to them, praying with them‚ and sometimes going on get-out or outings with them. You wonder, "Is that other person taking my place? Does my parent not love me the same anymore? Do I not mean as much to them as I used to? Will I lose those times that I had before with my parents?" You may feel envy or jealousy.

98. But you know what? I can help anyone who's jealous to have a real victory, if they call out to Me. Sometimes there's a difficult period when the Enemy tries to persuade them that it's not worth it‚ that the battles and the hurt will go on forever. But I promise you, once you start to fight, the victory is on its way, and the battle will not last forever! If you hang on and refuse to give up, soon the Enemy is defeated and you're stronger, more unselfish, more loving, and more like what I need you to be. So fighting through the battles is worth it!

99. The reason I wanted to talk to you about jealousy is because there's a good chance that your parents might struggle with it, or might even have big battles with it when they decide to share their precious husband or wife with others. You might wonder, if the Law of Love says that "whatever is done in love and doesn't hurt anyone is okay," then why should sharing be okay, because it seems like it really hurts people sometimes!

100. But I want to take you back through the scenarios I mentioned. Why does hurt and jealousy come into your life? Is it wrong for Me to bring another person into your friendship? Is it wrong for your parent to give attention to another teen who may not have as much attention as you've had? Is it wrong to give love, time and attention to others—to take some of what you have and give to someone else‚ knowing that you're going to lose a little bit of that time and attention that you used to have?

101. Something I've talked with your parents about in the "Law of Love" series of GNs is that sometimes there's what I call good hurt, which is worth enduring because the reward is so much bigger and better that it makes the hurt seem small in comparison. It's a hurt that someone chooses to endure willingly.

102. Look at the miners of old in the days of the great pioneers‚ who were willing to go down into the deep crevices of the earth. They had to breathe stinky air, they sometimes went for weeks without seeing any daylight, they often wore uncomfortable clothes and ate disgusting food, slept on the rocks or in hammocks and missed their families—and the list goes on of sacrifices that they were willing to make. But what did they gain in return?—Nuggets of gold, precious jewels‚ and silver!

103. They must've thought that the sacrifices were worth it, because the treasures were so precious. And just think, they weren't even guaranteed to find a treasure! Some of them spent their whole lives in sacrifice like that, and never found anything to make it worth it! Where­as each of your parents who have agreed to suffer some temporary hurt in order to obey and live the full Law of Love are guaranteed to win the prize, the gold medal, the reward of the ­jewels which they've earned through their obedience to Me! Isn't that wonderful?!

104. You can be very proud of your parents for their willingness to obey and follow Me in this—and you can pray for them! If you see one of them going through a difficult time, come to Me and tell Me about it, and ask for some extra spirit help for them to help them make it. That's the best thing you could do for them!

105. Through the "Law of Love" series of GNs from Mama and Peter, I've also laid down many guidelines for your parents to follow, which are going to help keep them from being hurt un­necessarily. If they obey and follow those guidelines, they'll stay within My perfect will for them, and this will help to keep them from problems or emotional difficulties. Of course, because they're human, they might still make mistakes sometimes, because no one is perfect. But if they do their best to obey the guide­lines I've put forth and keep Me first in their lives, I will protect them from suffering any bad or unnecessary hurt. The Enemy will still try to fight, and they might suffer a few battles, but it won't be anything too much for them, or that won't strengthen them in the long run and help them to be even better vessels of love for Me.

106. So please don't worry about them, sweet ones. Instead, uphold them in prayer. You don't have to fear that you'll lose through this—because as long as everyone is obedient to Me, you will only gain. Even your parents will be more loving, more understanding, wiser and better parents through their obedience and their sacrifice. And best of all‚ I'm going to shower down blessings like you've never seen before! I know that this isn't easy, but I've promised to more than repay! So if the battles are big, you know that the blessings will be even bigger! I love you! (End of message from Jesus)

How to Explain

About Mothers Possibly

Having a Child by Someone Else

107. (Mama:) This next message is a separate point altogether, in which the Lord addresses how to answer questions your kids might have regarding mothers possibly getting pregnant when sharing, and thus having a child from some­one other than their father. Our Husband gives you some helpful counsel and instruction on how to go about explaining this. He's addressing you parents in this message; this is not to be read directly to your young people.

108. (Jesus speaking: ) My dear parents, I wish to speak to you now on the subject of how to explain to your young ones regarding a child who doesn't have the same flesh father as their brothers and sisters.

109. I make no differentiation in the flesh. When I give a child, that child is from Me, and all are loved by Me and important in My sight. Regardless of whose fleshly seed I use to ­create a child, I look on the man and woman I have chosen to love, nurture and raise that child for My glory as My chosen parents and care­takers. I directed your Father David in this matter, and I led him to give you My counsel regarding these special "Jesus babies" when I said that the real father of such children is the one who loves and cares for the child.

110. When I bless a man and woman with children, though the woman bears children from different fathers, this has little importance in My sight. I look upon the real father of that child‚ and I ask you to do the same. The father of those children is the one I have chosen to love, care for and raise the child in My ways.

111. Therefore I ask that you parents keep these matters in perspective. If the child does not take notice, there is no need to try and explain something that has little importance in My sight—that is‚ whose fleshly seed was used. If your children do not question, if it is not ob­vious, then it is best to leave the matter as is and not draw unnecessary attention to it.

112. However, if there are obvious fleshly characteristics that would cause your children to question, such as skin color and so forth, if you are certain that your children are aware‚ then it is wise to talk to them and give them further explanation rather than let them draw their own conclusions.

113. If your children do know and they have questions, then it is important to answer their questions to their satisfaction and explain this aspect of living My Law of Love and what it entails. I ask you parents to come before Me, to seek Me and get My mind on this matter. Receive My confirmation regarding each child and what they know and how to answer their questions. I am able to reveal to you what their deep hidden questions are, and I will direct you on how to answer them if you will come to Me.

114. First I ask you to be certain a child does know before proceeding to discuss this subject with him. This you will know by prayerfully checking out the matter, investigating, talking to your child, praying all along the way for My guidance and checks of My Spirit, and then asking Me directly for confirmation. If a child knows‚ it's important to answer his questions and give him good sound explanation and counsel. But if a child doesn't really know and doesn't already have questions on this matter, it isn't necessary to bring it up, for this may only plant ideas in their minds and hearts and may cause them undue worry every time their mother shares intimately with someone other than their father.

115. In cases where your young people raise questions, when you've come to Me for confirmation and received My okay that it's a good time to discuss this with your child, I will give you counsel on how to proceed. Here are some points, tips, and ideas of what you might say. You may want to explain some or all of this to your child, depending on the situation and the questions he or she has. Again, as you seek Me, I will show you how much or how little to share. Take note, My parents‚ that in this counsel which follows I will also give ideas on how you can further explain to your children, if necessary, the Law of Love and why I've asked you to live it more fully.

116. Here are some things you may want to share with your child who has questions about My Law of Love:

117. It might help to explain why I've asked you to live the Law of Love more fully, including the sexual aspect. It's because you are going into the dark days which have been spoken of throughout all time. These are the darkest and most evil days the world has ever known. They can be compared to the dark of night before the sunrise. I will soon come again, and in that day all will be light and the darkness will be driven away. But in these dark days, I wish to protect and keep you bright, including your precious little children, who will be My lights in the darkness and will draw many to Me.

118. You can explain that because of this, the Evil One is furious! He's fighting mad, for he knows that his time is short and that his darkness is soon to be defeated by My great light. He has determined to do all he can to snuff out your candles, because he doesn't want My lost sheep to find the light. Tell your children I have devised a plan to foil the Devil and to protect My Family‚ My bright and shining ones‚ but the success of this plan depends upon each of you and your willingness to stay close to Me, My Word, and each other.

119. You might want to talk to your children about the bad results of disunity, pointing out examples that you know they've seen. Explain to them that although they're able to see some of the bad results of disunity now‚ they can't see the full results on this Earth. Right now, they can't always see the blessings and opportunities that are missed because of disunity. Discuss how when you and they and others aren't united, I'm not able to bless you, and thus you can't be as effective for Me; lost souls are not reached, and you all suffer from lack of My full blessings upon you.

120. Explain to them further about My Law of Love plan as follows: Tell them I gave you this plan so you could all draw closer together, spiritually, physically and in every way. In ­order to live in these Last Days, you must have greater unity, and one of the keys to this unity lies in living My Law of Love more fully, including its sexual aspects. Explain this is why I have asked you‚ their parents, if you'd be willing to take up the challenge again to live My Law of Love in this way. Share with them that this requires sacrifice on your part. It requires humility, obedience, yieldedness, and great love, which you don't have in yourselves. But you've committed yourselves to live it and to ask Me for the love which you need.

121. Explain how living My Law of Love involves many aspects of life‚ including the sexual aspect, which involves you, their parents, sometimes sharing with others outside of your marriage. It involves you bringing others in closer to your lives and hearts, and being more, as I have called you, "One Wife." Let them know that you understand they may have questions about all this and how it works‚ and that you understand they may wonder if it will be difficult.

122. Reassure your child that much prayer has been put into the guidelines of the Law of Love established by your Queen Maria and King Peter, and it is now all in place exactly as I would have it. If children are aware of past mistakes and this is causing them to worry, ­lovingly assure them that living the sexual aspect of the Law of Love today will not be as it may have been in the past, because now there are many safeguards in place, many guidelines and bound­aries which are not to be crossed. These guidelines will make it easier for everyone, as long as everyone commits themselves to act in love and obedience to My Word.

123. It's important to assure your children that you, their parents, love each other very much. Confirm your love and dedication to each other and to them. Manifest your love often, both for each other and for them. Reassure them and comfort them that they are a permanent part of your heart and life, and throughout all eternity they will be important and special to you. Tell them that the eternal bond of love between you and them will never be severed.

124. Be open with your children and let them know you want to help them understand‚ so that they won't be worried or confused about any of your actions. Repeatedly express how much you love them and want them to be happy. Explain that they can help you by expressing their feelings and talking to you when they have questions. Let them know you're open and want to hear what they have to say; you want to know their thoughts and feelings. Assure them you want to answer every question they have and that you'll do your best to explain things to them—that you're going to be honest with them and they can be sure you'll tell them the truth. Let them know they can ask you when they don't understand something, that they can always come to you and you'll do your best to answer their questions.

125. Explain that it's a very important part of the Law of Love for everyone, including them, to try to be understanding and communicate when they have questions or don't under­stand something. Let them know you're counting on them to ask you when they don't understand, or even if they're simply curious and want to know about something. You may find it helpful to point out that no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes‚ but that you, as adults, have committed yourselves to uphold the standard of the Law of Love which I have put forth, and that now there are many guidelines that will help keep everyone acting in love and consideration for each other.

126. Be aware of your kids' needs and be sensitive to them. Ask them if they have any questions on their minds that they'd like to talk about. Some of them may be worried about the possibility of their mother getting pregnant from someone other than their father. They might worry that the baby will look noticeably different than the rest of the kids. They might think it will be embarrassing, or be concerned that it will make dad feel bad. They may wonder if the new baby will feel out of place when he grows up, or in some cases they may worry what relatives will think.

127. If your children are tempted to fear these things, if the Enemy is trying to cause them fear and worry in this way, then it's very important that you help them understand, discuss the matter with them, explain to them, give them My insight on the matter, answer their questions, and reassure them that everything is all right and in line with My will.

128. Draw them out. Talk about their questions. Explain that I have put very clear guidelines in My Word regarding sharing with ­others, and that I have made it clear to you that you must not do anything which is not according to your faith. Share with them that if you do have a baby from someone else, it will be because you've discussed it, that you're both looking to Me and you have full faith that whatever I may bring is My perfect will. When you re­assure your children that you're trusting fully in Me‚ that you will love that new baby just like you love them, that you know I will not give you anything that will be too difficult for you or them, this will give them peace and comfort.

129. If you're loving, trusting, and full of faith‚ your children will be the same. As they see you approach this new situation in love, faith and confidence, this will help them to do the same. They will partake of your attitude and faith and trust.

130. If you as parents do not make a big issue out of the fact that little baby brother or sister may be from a different father than the rest of your kids‚ then this probably won't be an issue for your other children either. In My eyes it isn't an issue, and it shouldn't be for you either. Convey to your children that I send babies to those whom I know need them and can love and care for them, and it makes no difference whose flesh I use. Confirm to them that in My eyes all are equally loved—all are Mine, and I love each one very dearly. I love you, dear parents, and I am most pleased that you handle these delicate matters with tender loving care.

131. The question may come up with your young ones about what others outside the Family will think. You may simply explain that this too is a testimony to My love, which is so much greater than human love. You might share that in times past‚ this was a common occurrence, and I blessed the adults giving and sharing with each other. Instruct your children that every child who is born is of Me. Each new life is My blessing upon the mother, father, brothers and sisters who love and nurture the child. It is never a mistake when a child is created. I have ordained it. I have brought this new life to pass.

132. Express to the child who needs an explan­ation that this is a new day, the time of recommit­ment to love, unity, and sharing in My Law of Love. Explain that I am not asking you to auto­matically make the commitment to bear ­babies with those you share sexually with outside your marriage, but that it is a choice that you make on your own as a couple. Let them know that when you share love with others‚ great unity is created. Assure them that if I lead you to make a decision to bear another's child, I will make it a testimony of My greater love. Let them know that as outsiders see you both lovingly caring for the little baby along with all your other children, and if it's obvious that the little one is from a different father, those out­siders will know that the love between you both is very special—much more than normal love.

133. Assure your children they have nothing to worry about—that their hearts need not be troubled. Encourage them to love and trust Me‚ like they love and trust you. Encourage them that just as I'm asking you to do what you have the faith for and then leave the rest in My hands and trust Me, I want them to leave these matters in My hands and trust Me.

134. Explain to them that they too must make a decision, and it is a decision that they alone must make. They must decide if they're going to trust and obey Me. Share with them that if they decide to trust Me, they will be happy. If they don't, it will only cause them to be troubled‚ worried, and less happy.

135. Lead your children in the path of faith and trust in Me, dear parents, and encourage them to leave it in My hands. Let them know that one way they can do this is by talking about these matters with you, or with their shepherds or whichever adults they feel close to. Tell them that this is how they can get answers to their questions, and this will make it much easier for them to trust Me. Explain that if they can't get answers, or the answers they get don't make any sense at first, they can still decide to trust Me. If they'll make the decision to trust Me‚ then I'll make things clear as time goes on. I will also send My angels to come to their aid, to help bring them peace, understanding and victory.

136. Let them know you are trusting them to take this maturely, that you need their support, that you're counting on them to communicate with you and ask their questions and to trust Me. Remind them that your personal lives are private, and when you take them into your confidence, it's important not to share what you've told them with their peers or friends—because that could turn into gossip, and would not be a very mature way to handle it. Pray with them. Pray for them and ask them to pray for you‚ that you all can continue in love, humility, yieldedness‚ wisdom‚ understanding, and faith.

137. Encourage your young ones; show faith and confidence in them. Let them know that as they trust Me, I will do mighty things and they will have part of the rewards in Heaven—all the souls saved and victories won as a result of the greater unity of My Bride because you live the Law of Love.

138. My dearest parents, these are My thoughts on this subject‚ My tips and counsel in order to help you know what to share with your JETTs and teens who need an explanation of this matter. But I ask you first and foremost to come to Me, to get My confirmation on who needs an explanation, and what and how much to share and when. It is important to give an answer to all that ask of you, and in this case, to those who have need, but do not know how to ask. As you pray and seek Me‚ I will direct you and show you who among your children has a need. I will help you adjust this counsel accordingly to meet the needs of your JETTs, teens and children, according to your specific situation.

139. Thank you, My dear parents, for your faithfulness to tend and care for My most precious treasures—the children that I entrusted to your care. I will give you the strength of Samson, the wisdom of Solomon, the patience of Job, and My Own infinite love as you look to Me at every turn. I love you! This is why I can trust you with My most precious ones. (End of message from Jesus.)

140. (Mama:) Praise the Lord! I love you‚ dear Family, and I know the Lord is so proud of you for being willing to live this commission of love! May He bless and strengthen you and anoint you for this task of passing on this ­vision of love to your junior teens and JETTs, as needed. They need to understand the principle of the Law of Love, for it governs their lives as well as yours. The sexual application of it may be noticed by some of the older ones, hence the need for your explanation to them. But the general principle of living the Law of Love is something that will come from seeing your sample every day, in everything you do.

141. Because the Lord has told us that the governing principle of the Law of Love is what we're going to teach the world in the Millennium‚ it's very important that our children under­stand it and learn to live it now, in an age-appropriate way, of course! God bless and help and strengthen you as you impart it to them‚ both through your sample and actions, and through giving them the Word! Surely that's a job that's too big for any of us, but it's not too big for the Lord, and He has lots of counsel to give you if you'll just ask Him! I'm praying for you!

Much love always,
