Activated Incentive Program, The—Part One

February 8, 2006

Table of Contents

January 2006 — AM

Recommended reading for ages 12 and up. May be read to younger ages at parents' discretion.

(Editor's note:) The Activated Incentive Program (AIP) was initiated worldwide for the Family's JETTs and teens as an endeavor for them to reach the world with Activated and become more proficient in witnessing. Each region hosted a variation of the program, based on the idea that the Lord gave Mama for the JETTs and teens so that they could partake in their own Activated explosion!—The results were dynamic!

This three-part series of Xn/FSMs, starting with this issue, includes some of the details and highlights of the programs held in the 12 regions.

(Mama:) When thinking and praying about you and your great potential, the Lord inspired me with the idea that you, dear teens and JETTs, could have your very own Activated explosion! I was thrilled with the thought that you—such an outstanding force of power and initiative, with so many of you around the world—could really make a difference through a push like this. … It inspires me, because I know that if each of you jumps into this push with your whole heart, it would be not only fun and fulfilling for you, but also a tremendous learning experience. It would also mean that we, as a Family, would get out a whole lot more Word than ever to the world via the Activated magazine. Our most important job is witnessing, so through this push you'd be key players in this.

The overall goal would be … to saturate every area of the world through your united effort to get out more Activated subscriptions than ever before! It's going to be a witnessing explosion, an Activated harvest! I know you can make a difference. I have faith in each of you as individuals and as a team together. ("To Family Teens and JETTs from Mama," February 2005)

"Extra Hot" Activated Curry

By Tim (SGA, of Beth) and Sara (SGA), for the India JT board

It was so cold, even the sun had a hard time getting up this morning. Neatly tucked away in the snowy mountains was a little town, Vladivodka. Vladivodka was known for two things—inventing Vodka and giving birth to Vladimir. Vladimir was no ordinary Siberian. Not only was he the strongest man in Russia, but he was also an elite member of the RSS (the Russian Secret Service). Today he was traveling to Moscow, for a high-level security meeting.

Moscow, 19:00 hours

Boris Itcheebollstein was Vladimir's boss, and a man to be feared. Though Boris himself was not exactly intimidating for a man of Vladimir's size and intelligence, it was known that he was merely a figure for other important leaders … and yes, that was scary. Vladimir entered the dimly lit building and climbed a flight of stairs before nearing the hall. As he entered into the conference room he noticed something peculiar … it was snowing inside the conference room!

"Mr. Boris, is everything alright?" he shouted over the blizzard.

"Da, da! Recently, I have developed an acute allergy to sweat. Therefore, I told Yuri to develop SnowCon—daughter of, and improvement on, Mother Aircon. Enough about me, let's talk to you. As you know, there has been an outbreak, and I'm not talking about my pimples! You don't want to know what happens when I start to sweat. Anyway, this group, they have started a new campaign. It is named AIP! Thousands of juveniles are let loose with dangerous subversive propaganda to misguide and mislead the poor people into misery, when all I want to do is make them happy. How dangerous is that?! Every time I talk about it, I feel I'm sweating. Yuri, turn up the SnowCon!'

Vladimir reached for his ski mask, zipped up his coat, and tugged at his long johns.

"This campaign they have started is going to ruin our plan of world takeover."

"Who's 'they'?"


"Who's 'them'?"


"Oh, I understand."

"It is worldwide interconnected conspiracy. No small joke. That is why we have chosen you to go to spearhead this operation. We are sending you on Level One Importance, Deep Secret, Hush-Hush. What shall we call it? … Operation Snow Duck. … Hmm, let me think. … Operation Search and Destroy … little too obvious. Da, it has come to me—we can call it 'Operation PIA.' We will turn their campaign upside-down and outside-in with PIA—Peep, Investigate, Annihilate.

"Your objective is to locate these infiltrators, find out more about this worldwide plan and annihilate the program. Here is your ticket, and your mission. Operation PIA begins in India! We only send the best, Vladi, and I can assure you that you will be glorious part of the action when New World Order takes over. I can put good word in for you."

Moscow airport, 22:00 hours

Vladimir boarded an Air India plane bound for Mumbai. As he sat down in his seat, which was just a tad too small, he spoke into his wristwatch, which was also his data-recording device.

"Sitting around on crowded airplane. Nothing looks like suspicion here, except for man sitting across alleyway, with double mustache, one above eyes and one under nose. Vladimir out."

The flight was uneventful and the plane would land in an hour. Time to go over my briefing, he thought as he pulled out his laptop. It read:

"A sure way to attract one of these infiltrators is to look 'sheepy.' To look sheepy one must look: smiley, searching, lost, lonely, anorexic, depressed, or drugged out. They will probably approach you and offer you some subversive literature. Remember to give a generous donation—this may aid you in your status as a sheep."

Vladimir was thankful that he'd played similar roles in the past. He could pull this off with no problem—easy as borscht.

"When you land in Mumbai, you will meet one of our local representatives and be told what to do next. Remember, you are to infiltrate their ranks and find out the details of their plan so that we can find out how to put a stop to this happening internationally."

At immigrations Vladimir had a little difficulty trying to explain to the officer at the counter that he was indeed a pacifier and baby bottle salesman. He got his bags with no trouble and proceeded to the exit, where he was greeted by a very eager Anupam (pronounced: Anoo-pum), who held a bright yellow sign: "Welcome, Mr. Wodka." Could this be his partner? Operation PIA was in full swing.

The taxi ride to his hotel was an overwhelming experience for Vladimir's senses. The heat was almost unbearable, and he knew in an instant why Boris had not made this trip himself. The permeating smells were a curious mix of local sweets, snacks, and delicacies made by vendors on the side of the road, with a twist of the smell of laborers' sweat. He couldn't understand how anybody here could be so dangerous; they all looked so simple and harmless.

As he got out of the taxi, he saw two young people whose smiling faces made them stand out from the rather large crowd. The boy was brown with blonde hair and blue eyes and the girl was white with red hair and an oriental look to her eyes. She was interacting with an Indian-looking adult, who also sported what seemed to be this trio's trademark—glowing, smiling faces. He realized that these were definitely some of the very people he was searching for. This was too good to be true; at this rate he would make it for tomorrow's flight back to Moscow, and he wouldn't have to miss the first seasonal episode of the most popular TV series in Russia!

His thoughts were jolted back to the present by the two young people who were approaching him. They asked him if he had a minute, and if they could show him something. He remembered he was supposed to be looking sheepy. … What was that again? He replaced the harsh look on his face with a mixture of sad, lonely, smiling, depressed expressions.

Sure enough, they presented him with a magazine. This was Marty's favorite part of the day, when he could reach for the mag with the chick with blue lipstick and watch for a reaction. He felt cool to be associated with such a great product. The mag was called Activated.

Cunning name, Vladimir thought. Smart people to send out such genuine-looking convincing youth such as these—a good strategy too. I could see how it would work on some ill-trained civilian, but not me. This is probably a cover for their devious plans. But something struck him odd. Why did they have such flair? They spoke as if … well, they were telling the truth. They were so convinced, sincere, and genuinely concerned about him, or so it seemed.

"We are participating in a program called the AIP. It's a 'race' that a number of us youth are participating in," Suzy said with a twinkle. "And I want to win!"

Marty quickly joined the conversation. "We're offering this magazine, if you'd like. It has changed a lot of people's lives, and it could even change yours." Marty ended the sentence with a gaping grin.

Vladimir reached into his pocket, remembering the memo point about the donation. He handed Suzy $100, to which she replied, "Why, thank you, sir! This will enable us to sponsor 700 magazines for needy students who can't afford these and who really want them."

"If you're free this afternoon around 5 o'clock, we'd like to invite you to a youth meeting that we host at a local hotel for people who we have met during the AIP," Marty added. "Would you like to come?"

They exchanged phone numbers and Vladimir agreed to come. Operation PIA was going to be easy, Vladimir thought.

Anupam had parked the car and strode up to where Vladimir was now standing alone. "I've seen these people before. They are very energetic, very busy, and they've done a lot of good to my country." Vladimir shrugged his shoulders.

"Mr. Wodka, it seems you have pulled down in size," said Anupam with a friendly smile. "You actually have reduced since I last saw you. As my grandfather on my great-great-grandmother's side once said, 'Had your lunch?' I know a place. My second cousin's sister's brother-in-law's sister's dog's father's owner has a restaurant near to here. We are close family friends, he will be sure to treat us well."

They proceeded to the restaurant, which according to Anupam was three furlongs away, but ended up being a 45-minute brisk walk. Vladimir noticed some peculiar advertisements.

"Lovey-Dovey Bakers," read one sign. "Human Fit Tailor," and "Please Do Not Pass Urine Here," read others. But one froze him in his tracks—a sign that glared "STD Booth"! He was assured by Anupam that this was not a disease distribution booth, but instead a place to make international phone calls.

At last they were at the restaurant. The waiter approached them, Bunty from Bunty's Dhaba. Vladimir looked over the menu card, and he was lost. Not wanting to show his incapability, he promptly said, "I'll have one of everything." Anupam made a special order of extra hot chili chicken.

What seemed like moments later, tray after tray of exotically colored dishes were brought to their table. As Vladimir dug in, he was overwhelmed by the new tastes, tingles, textures, twitches, and even itches. He was having such a great culinary experience; he could hardly believe it.

As he looked over to what Anupam was eating, it too looked irresistible, so he asked Anupam for a bite. To which Anupam flatly refused. Anupam went into a book-length explanation of why white men can't eat spicy food. Anupam also threw in anecdotes of ancient occurrences when it was attempted, and the apocalyptic-scale repercussions that it had had.

But Vladimir wasn't about to stop now. With one deft move he dug his fork into Anupam's plate of chili chicken and devoured a big piece. Almost instantly his face erupted in a simultaneous combustion of profuse sweating, heat rash, and a swollen tongue that could only manage a feeble attempt at, "Help me, please."

After twenty minutes of pouring everything possible on his swollen tongue, he found that eating large quantities of Indian sweets was the cure; in fact, he began to really like them.

The ride to the youth meeting was full of culinary admonitions and remonstrances from a very smug Anupam.

When Vladimir arrived, his stomach was full and on fire. Marty was strumming his guitar to a lively tune, but Vladimir was not about to participate in the jump-down-turn-around-touch-the-ground song that everyone else seemed to be enjoying so intently. He smiled and asked the nearest person where the restroom was. Vladimir was already getting tired of these bathroom emergencies. He flipped out his phone and dialed Boris.

"Hello, my comrade!" Boris exclaimed. "Ah, finally some good news. That blasted SnowCon has broken down, and I have been itching and scratching. My allergy is out of control. It has escalated to where I am breathing through a pipe in my ear! Enough about me, let's talk to you. Remember that you are looking for someone called the JT board member. Probably different looking and odd acting. You can obtain all information about AIP from this person. Boris out."

Vladimir would do just that. With one deft move, he lifted his right wrist to his mouth and began to speak...

Mumbai, 15:00 hours

"The air is stuffy. People gathering. Foul smell afoot, could be this bathroom. Guitars being tuned, some video device is to be put on. Vladimir out."

That night Vladimir checked into his hotel and quickly closed his room door. He pulled out his laptop and smirked in Russian. Unbeknownst to JT board member Jonathan, who had led the evening's class, Vladimir had bugged Jonathan's computer—with a sneeze. Yuri was a genius! This particle was so minuscule; it was hidden in a tiny mint. When inserted in the mouth it was then sneezed and absorbed into the plasma screen of the laptop. Jonathan didn't notice the blurb that appeared on his computer screen, as he was rather engrossed in a skit about the Endtime. Yuri would be happy to hear that his super bug was finally put to use. Vladimir ran a search on the AIP ... there it was. A whole folder about it! He opened a file that read: "AIP India."

Number of AIP* participants in India: 60

* AIP in India, code name: "The Amazing Race"

Method: Prizes given out every other month according to groups for the highest amount of subs and mags. Every month tallies toward the end prize.

Groups participating: JETTs and junior teens

Hmm, that is their code word for their young members, Vladi pondered. I remember Suzy telling me she was a JETT, and Marty said he was a junior teen..

He had heard some first-hand information from Suzy, who seemed quite happy to talk to this good-looking Russian hunk. Boris could not know this yet. He would break out into a sweat, and he didn't know if Yuri could handle it any colder!

He recollected his thoughts and remembered that anytime soon Boris would call and give him further instructions.

RING. It was Mr. Itcheebollstein.

"Vladimir! Some terrible news. Yuri overdid himself, the SnowCon is working again and I am snowed in! Enough about me, let's talk to you. You have done well! You have Peeked, Infiltrated, and now the next step, my friend. You know what to do. You will find the address of the Family Home in your memo. Good luck, my friend. Operation PIA is about to end in India."

As Vladimir prepared for bed, he taped a hair on the door handle that would trigger a motion sensor if anyone tried to disturb. He decided to get an early night's sleep, so that he could do the dirty work in the early morning. Little did he know that there was a great fight happening in the spirit world at that very time.

As he drifted off to sleep, there gathered a host of spirits, both evil and good, around his bed. On the side of the good there were personalities such as Pandita Ramabai, William Carey, and others speaking to him and showing him pictures. In his "dream" he was at the youth meeting watching Countdown to Armageddon. The pictures all merged, and in a second it had all clicked into place!

"That's right, that's what they were talking about!" Vladimir realized in his dream. "The AC takeover ... the Endtime … Boris's plans!"

Boris was out to stop the AIP because it was a great threat to his and his bosses' plan for world takeover! Boris knew that if the Family could get their teens hooked onto witnessing, the ripple effects would be felt forever! Vladimir finally realized that each of these young people were each extremely powerful in the spirit, and that their destiny was important to protect. He had to do something to help them.

Mumbai, 5:00 hours

Vladi awoke in sweat. He quickly packed his belongings and tried to recover from the dream he had had. It was more than a dream—what could he do? He would go to the Family Home and find out more. …


Vladimir went to the Family Home that morning and met Marty and the rest of the Family members. He got marvelously saved with Suzy and activated by Marty! He was so impressed with them that he gave them all the money he had and wished them the best with the rest of the AIP. He went back to Russia, and before quitting his job, made Boris an Indian meal of chili chicken—thanks to Anupam's recipe! He felt that that was the least he could do. …

Anupam read the magazine with the blue lipstick girl cover that Vladimir had left in the car, got saved, wrote in and got activated as well.

As for Boris, the effect of the chili chicken was 100 times worse than it had been for Vladimir. Rumor has it that he is in an army hospital in the North Pole and hasn't stopped sweating yet.

Yuri quit his job and decided to come to India after hearing his friend's tale. He is currently working at the Indian Science Museum developing high-tech air-cons for Indian weather, and is now receiving regular Bible classes from a nearby Home.


A letter in Vladimir's mailbox! It was his first Activated mag, and a letter from Marty. It read…

Dear Vladimir,

God bless you! I want to tell you the most exciting news! Suzy and I won the AIP in our region. She won for the most subscriptions and I won for the most mags. Would you believe it? All together the JETTs and junior teens combined in India got out 7,114 mags and 722 subs! We had an exciting ceremony-party in our city that our parents, friends, and older brothers and sisters attended too! We received certificates, bags tailor-made to fit Activated mags, and as you can imagine, were entertained by a skit from our friend Jonathan and his team!

You will be happy to know that the AIP doesn't really end here. We are so turned on about reaching others that we are going full swing into the Christmas season activating. Who knows where the AIP really ends anyway, or if it ever ends—the Word lives on in the hearts of others such as yourself. We miss you! Enjoy your first Activated mag.

P.S.: I enclosed some microwaveable instant curry.

Maria (FGA), India: Since the AIP, both our JETT and teen have become regular witnessing partners. Their interest in how to teach others has grown tremendously. They are now able to follow better in a witnessing conversation and are much more confident with each individual.

Mercedes (15), India: I discovered a new love for witnessing. It was totally cool! It goes to show that putting the Lord and His work first is a cool key to being happy and fulfilled.

Sam (16), India: I was never a real outgoing guy when witnessing. I can say that since the race, I started going out more and became bolder. Thank the Lord it has been a blessing in my life, even more so as I call on the power of the keys and pray for the people I meet.

Sophie (15), India: This incentive program propelled me to change people's lives through Activated. It gave me the drive I needed to start activating, not only to participate in the race, but because the Lord asked me too. It also showed me how fun it actually can be—witnessing is not boring or routine!

Words can't express how extremely grateful I am to you, dear Mama, for putting this incentive program into action for all of us. It's done wonders for me personally, and it's given me the desire to hook people on to the Lord, which is a desire I never had before. Without you helping me with this, I wouldn't be in such a decent state.

Joy (13), India: Participating in this program helped me realize the importance of doing my best to reach each person the Lord puts in my path.

Mama, the prophecies you got for us at the kick-off of the Amazing Race showed me just how much you care about all of us JETTs and teens, and our future in the Family.

Activated Craze Takes Pacific by Storm!

In the Beginning…

By Joyce (SGA), for the Taiwan national JT board

(Notes scrawled at a top-secret national JT board meeting. … Things you always wanted to know!)

Today we had a meeting. Need I say any more? We're comfortably settled at the Ministry Home—muffins for snack, etc.

I wonder how much self-styled sign language Brother Joab* will use in this meeting? Thank the Lord for different personalities, and alternative forms of communication, as it sure helps us stay balanced! Okay, Joyce, keep on track! Right, note down decisions made about the Taiwan AIP. (*Name changed to protect the innocent, so you won't have a clue who we are talking about.)

Here we go:

* In order to qualify for the program, the JETTs and teens need to get a subscription out and send in a testimony of how they did it. From then on, in order to stay in the competition, they have to get out a minimum of four subscriptions a month.

* We'll keep a blog, which will be updated every Friday night with the latest stats.

* Note to self: Far-out idea! How about adding to the blog testimonies the JETTs and teens send in, a photo of each of them, key promises to claim, video clips, Word class excerpts, listing of monthly winners, etc. That'll keep 'em coming back for more!

* Every month we'll send the Homes form sheets so that they can keep track of their JETTs' and teens' stats. Each stats sheet will be verified and signed by their Home's JT counselor and CGO monitor, which will be sent back to us weekly.

* Activities will be hosted every month for those who have gotten out the minimum of four subscriptions. We'll award the monthly winners and hold Word classes on the theme of witnessing.

* What about inviting those from other boards to give speeches at our activities? Ooh, that'll score us points with the other boards!

* The JETTs and teens will also receive credit (in the form of points) for souls won, Activated mags out, and any Bible/Activated classes given or which they took part in. These points will go toward their Home prize!

* The AIP will run for three months, from April 16th, 2005, to July 22nd, 2005.

* The JETT and teen group will be divided, with juniors and seniors in one contest, and the JETTs in the other. Prizes will go to:

1) Homes with the most points.

2) The three top individuals who obtained the most signed subscriptions.

* Prizes will be cash envelopes distributed to six individuals (three from each age bracket) and one Home.

* Note to self: Hmmm, I wonder if the JT board members can be in the competition. …

Whew, that was a long meeting! Imagine how long meetings took before we had key power. I shudder to think of it!

Memo to me: Must remember to not look too shocked next time. Now to get some fresh air. …

Taiwan AIP participants

JETTs: 11

Junior and senior teens: 23

There You Have It!

By Michelle (SGA), Taiwan national JT board chairperson

"What?! No way!" she whispers. An elated war whoop rising to her throat is quickly checked by a glance at the clock reading 1 am, and concern for the couple sleeping next door causes her to instead be content with pinching herself to ensure consciousness while she continues to whisper into the phone receiver, "You're kidding, right?"

Whatever is said on the other end of the line we will never know, but this Odd Girl (a.k.a. me) sheds a token tear and after muted thanks and farewells, hangs up the phone and proceeds to dance a quiet jig. The innocent bystander would in all probability be moved to concern by these irrational antics, but soon enough the dancing subsides and she creeps back into the soundproof room that she had emerged from. Once inside she repeats the same magic words to two male conspirators: One, a rather Wooly Parisian, and the other, a Charming Manchurian. Again, more shock, more surprise, and more muffled midnight celebrations.

We follow these souls to the next day, as they make their way through the morning hours till noon, occupying themselves with gathering all manner of possessions, ranging from large rolls of blank cardstock to pots and pans, and even a drum kit! Our curiosity is piqued as this odd assortment of humanity and inanimate objects are all sandwiched into a SUV and driven by Lovely Female Islander across town to a handpicked location. There they greet Hot Chick with a Crutch, who we soon discover was the voice on the other end of the line.

We'll spare you the details of the next few hours as all involved took on the likeness of worker ants to accomplish a face-lift for this empty hall. Activity reaches its peak when dozens of purple and yellow balloons fill the venue, and tables of food and drinks magically appear. Then as the clock begins to strike half past four, vehicles begin pulling up at the sweeping drive depositing their precious teenage cargo. Demure babes in gowns, lip gloss, and designer smiles, and charming young men attired in suits and ties (and the mandatory hair gel, of course) grace the scene. Odd Girl makes announcements into a microphone that's displaying signs of personality disorder, and Hot Chick with a Crutch whips the security into gear. The entire guest list is ushered through registration and seated with a rapidity that would make one's head spin.

There is anticipation in the air! There is something more to this picture! Our eyes drift to the large sign proclaiming "AIP Celebration, 2005." There's a dazzling display of gleaming trophies presided over by Graceful Lady One, aided and abetted by Graceful Lady Two.

A hush falls on the crowd and a certain Rogue Preacher takes the mike, welcoming and informing, praising and praying. Soon he utters the magic words. The reaction is overwhelming! The entire crowd, of 90-plus people, hoots, hollers, cheers, and applauds, while a Latin Lover catwalks the stage parading a large card bearing the magic words: "721 SUBSCRIPTIONS!!"

It's becoming clear now, even as the room spins at a frantic pace! This is the scene of the Taiwan Activated Incentive Program 2005 Celebration! Again the Rogue Preacher takes control of the crowd and leads them on through the journey that began 14 weeks earlier when this was all a dream passed on from Queen Maria to those gathered. He reminds them of whence they came, the hard work and efforts that followed, and the dramatic climax! He then begins handing out awards left, right, and even center!

A Golden Boy and Dark-Haired Lass hit the stage first claiming 3rd place and a golden trophy, then a couple of Farmer Femmes Fantastique in shimmering silver and crisp black claim 2nd place and are honored by all as being part of the pace setters: Amazons who put the race into fourth high gear without batting a eyelash! With smiles, they too claim gorgeous trophies to the sound of cheering. Then, the moment we've all been waiting for: two of a Band of Brothers stride to the front amidst ear-shattering applause to claim 1st place! A Dashing Duo they are indeed; the younger brother praises his mother (Graceful Lady Two), and the older resplendent in a pink shirt ("…it's 'salmon'!") and giving all glory to the God Factor!

Whoo-hoo! We can scarcely catch our breath as the Latin Lover continues to parade the winning scores.

Taiwan top listings

3rd Place:

Ben (15) — 33 subs

Rosie (12) — 40 subs

2nd Place:

Jeanine (16) — 64 subs

Celeste (12) — 69 subs

1st Place:

Victor (17) — 78 subs

Patrick (13) — 82 subs

Each winner is handed a hong bao, (traditional Chinese red envelope, enclosing a tidy cash prize) courtesy of the highly touted and widely acclaimed PC, sponsors of the competition! However, the enormity of the miracles behind such stats is generally accredited to the use of some extraordinary keys. These keys were worked, heavily used over time as the young people hoofed it to get out a record number of subscriptions in a non-Christian country, and where they had to study lines in one of the world's most difficult languages.

And now the crowning moment of the evening as each of the contestants take center stage, receiving a certificate of excellence and a treasure of "jewels" from the Master Jeweler, specifically for this occasion!

A general feeling of well-being has taken hold of the gathering, and words such as "carnival" and "live music" are on everyone's lips. Charming Manchurian proclaims that the games will begin.

The rest of the evening will fade into a blur of unforgettable action. There was a song in honor of Queen Maria. Cameo vocal performances from a trio of sisters had people going mildly insane, though there was nothing mild about the unbridled use of the male population's vocal appreciation. Stiletto heels were tested to the limits when an all-male band not only commandeered the stage, but meaningfully and eloquently urged the crowd to: "JUUUUUUMP! JUMMMMMP! JUUU…!" You get the picture!

The evening drew to a climactic close with a Herculean trophy presented to a team of brimming and beaming Home members who had scored the bag for the most points collected during the last three months, from souls won to Activated mags distributed, with a whopping 549 points per contestant. Three strapping teenagers and fellow Home members from Pillars Home stood to receive this accolade and were nearly propelled into the next room by the collective fanfare mustered up by our very own Wooly Parisian and Charming Manchurian who took it upon themselves to treat those musical instruments to a large helping of VOLUME!

In the end, all one can do is praise for all the miracles, for the hard work, for the Family, for the keys, and most of all, for the Lord. And for a queen who can lead and guide us into such unknown waters, with such tremendous results!

Jeanine (16), Taiwan: Once the AIP was in swing, every week I'd be phoning or chatting with the others to see how many subscriptions they had, or checking the website, talking about it with Joe (SGA, JT counselor) and listening to his speeches. Hearing about how many subscriptions other people got out helped to motivate me. In the long run, the program changed me a lot.

Jamin (15), Taiwan: Through the AIP Activated became a priority focus, and I spent a lot of my free time on it! It was time worth spending! The AIP made me become more professional in talking to people and getting them sold on our products. The Home was supportive, but not super involved. It was more or less left up to us and our partners. That was good 'cause it made me try harder.

Chinese Intricacies

By Michelle (SGA), Taiwan

Chinese kung-fu expert to student: Lee Fu Veh Ree Yung, though you are very young, as sure as water will flow by side of shore, hear my words.

Lee Fu Veh Ree Yung: Hao!

Chinese kung-fu expert: We must complete this mission for honor of our house!

Lee Fu Veh Ree Yung: Hao!

Chinese kung-fu expert: But hao? Did I not taught you (soree my Engrish not so good) that balance is starting of troo greatness? So too must you have balance. You can do good karate chops, such as I have not seen since days when Long Tail of Great Dragon lived. But now you mustes get out magerzine called Actibated. You cannot by yourser do this thing. Old man, such as Ehf Gee A, must help young man. Ehf Gee A will teaches you words of Chinese language, and also in ways not to be scary of them. This way when you will talk and a people will listen.

Lee Fu Veh Ree Yung: Hao!

Interpretation: In Taiwan and China, the young people need to learn the local language in order to be able to feed the people they witness to, and even more so to get out Activated. This also means that we have to work together with the FGAs/nationals to learn the language and how to relate better to the country that we live in!

AIP Action Down Under

By Faith (SGA), Australia

The Australian AIP was structured loosely on the same rules and procedures as the Taiwan AIP. The competition ran from mid-May to the end of August. We divided the ages into three categories, FGAs, SGA/YA, and JETT/teen. We also had a prize for the Home with the most points won by distribution of Activated mags, souls won, and total subscriptions distributed. On a weekly/monthly basis, we compiled the stats from the Activated Desk, who reported to us as the subscriptions came in. We offered a total of 30 points for each subscription, then there were points also given per soul, per individual mag, etc.

One cool way we got out the subs was to get a team of girls all dressed up and go singing in factories! God bless Rose from Melbourne, who set the pace with this method, and it worked like a charm, literally! We'd invade a factory full of men at work, sing them a song, do a little dance, and then explain to them about the competition and ask them to subscribe. Although a little novel, this worked very well, and we met some really sweet people who signed up on the spot!

Other than that, it seems most of the shiners had a lot of success getting their good friends or people whom they'd been ministering to for a while to sign up. Some of them even signed up initially simply because they knew the person presenting the mag, and were doing it "for them," so to speak, but then they'd get hooked on the mags and really be interested in them as a result.

In the end it was a lot of fun and a real victory with a grand total of 116 subs!

In closing, here's a breakdown of the winners for Australia:

* For the FGAs: Lynn (17 subs)
* For the SGA/YA: Faith (SGA) (16 subs)
* For the JETT/Teen: Amelia (14) (8 subs)

Rocking the Planet with the AIP

By Abe (of Love), for the EEA JT board

We enjoyed an incredible Activated season with a wonderful team leader, Mama! She made a great combination with our young people when she challenged them with the AIP, which has done wonders here in East EurAsia (EEA). It was so cool to have her vision and inspiration as she headed up the program, and got us all going. Thank you, Mama!—You rock! Because of you, our part of the world has changed and we'll never be the same.

Agents were handpicked to deliver "mission instructions" to appointed units of JETTs and teens! Agent Phillip reports about his journey to join his unit at their predetermined rendezvous point to impart the message from Mama:

(Transmission begins:) I found myself as Moses and the Children of Israel with a barrier of water impeding my progress, but thankfully there was no army of Egyptians in pursuit. The expanded banks of the Danube meant that the ferry service was inaccessible for any vehicle with less than a one-meter wheel height because the docks were flooded by the free-moving H20.

And yet my destination was so close. Just out of immediate sight, was the city of Craiova, where descendants of a group of agents employed by an extra-terrestrial intergalactic Kingdom aiming for global domination, were gathering. It was to these younglings that I was to deliver mission objectives for the sector that they were stationed in. Yet here I stood, an alien encased in mortal flesh, blocked by earthly elements, and not equipped with the advanced hovercrafts that are the norm in galactic starships.

I was limited to traveling in a primitive combustion-powered vehicle, although I was more fortunate than the early agents who were restricted to grass-eating-creature-towed wagons. To lift my spirits even more, as I looked out over the glassy expanses, I recalled the numerous agents who had crossed rivers in their time.

I recollected myself and beamed an undetectable-inaudible-groaning-that-cannot-be-uttered communication to HQ about the impasse, and I received a clear "mission is go—top priority—find a way" response. Since digging a tunnel was out of the question, I opted to follow the river eastward, where natives said a structure would be found after several days by foot. My spirits were lifted, as I realized my vehicle would shorten that timeframe, quite considerably. So I was on my way, leaving the dust molecules to resettle in a new and unique formation.

I will conclude that I did manage to meet at the delivery point, the mission instructions were successfully transferred to the younglings, and the results were devastating to our arch-nemesis. (End of transmission.)

With mission instructions delivered and to the sound of the official battle cry ("Revolution—for Jesus!"), everyone was off to a roaring start. The goal was clear: Subscribe as many earthlings as possible within the next four months. What seemed like an already challenging mission was complicated by "Babelian" conditions. It was clear to see the confusion of tongues had a lasting effect on this region of the planet. But this did not dampen the agents' wits and will to win.

Initially, monitoring the progress of the mission in all sectors appeared to be a simple task; however, with agents deployed throughout nine countries, status monitoring and details of the accomplishments of each agent were sketchy at best. An informational bulletin was transmitted midterm, but even that was outdated by the time it reached our agents.

"So did you hear any news? Who's in the lead?" asked JM1, as he bit his nails in anticipation.

With a look of concern on his face, SM1 replied, "Nothing new. But when I called JTB3, he said he thought the twins were in the lead," referring to two of the female agents, JF1 and JF2, who were stationed across the country.

"Oh no, now what are we going to do?" exclaimed JM1 with a tone of despair.

"We can't fall behind! Let's combine our efforts. Maybe that way we can get ahead easier."

"Great idea," piped in JM1 with a glint in his eye.

The saga continued for four challenging months as each agent did their best to complete their mission with the highest success rate feasible under the linguistically challenging conditions.

Daniel Yoder (22, of Mari): I feel the level of discipleship amongst our JETTs and teens is at a whole new level compared to my "generation." The Word is more a topic of daily conversation and not something considered uncool.

Jan (21, of Paula): To me the JETTs and teens have come a long way, especially when I look back to the time when I was a young teen myself. These kids are on fire for the Lord and the things that count! I'm overjoyed to see how these young people each have their own trials and tests, but are still close to the Lord, and are getting spiritually stronger while at it! It's been a definite inspiration to me. We are becoming professionals!

The Figures Speak

The EEA AIP was a single event, with all JETTs and teens competing for the top prizes.

JETTs participating: 20
Teens participating: 37
Total subscriptions: 570
Languages of subscriptions: Hungarian, Romanian, Russian, Croatian, and English
Countries with young people involved in the AIP: 9, with as many languages as there are from Russia to the Balkan peninsula.




Total subs.


































Val (26, Russian): As a result of participating in the AIP the JETTs and teens are generally more confident in the "great commission" of "going into all the world and preaching the Gospel to every creature." They are now going out to find the sheep, and not only get them saved, but offer them a subscription or mags, invite them to our 12 Foundation Stones classes, get their phone numbers, arrange to meet again, etc. They are learning the importance of follow-up and building a strong church.

Planet "Regional" Celebration

At the end of August, after four months of hitting the streets and hooking people up to the Source, we brought the whole crew together for a rewarding time of fellowship and hearing from the One Who keeps us grooving to His tunes! There were 67 JETTs and teens, and about 30 staff, so there were approximately 100 people in attendance.

When preparing for our regional JETT/teen camp the Lord said, "Make it ring, make it sing, make it shout and dance—and above all, make it bring forth the fruits in each of the teens' lives of feeling the joys of the spirit, and the desire for the things that come from Me." This is exactly what happened!

It's not so hard to get this many people together, but to enjoy themselves the way we did, you have to have a group of yielded hearts and a lot of brotherhood. There was a lot of excitement in the air from day one, and the JETTs and teens who attended made all the difference in the world, because for the most part, they have made many choices for the Lord and the Family that have kept them going for Him till now. They're a great team!

Don't get me wrong! They are normal, have problems, but I still stand by the fact that I see a cool group of young people who love the Lord, are going forward for Him, are willing to learn, grow, and be a part of what He's leading us as a Family into, and this will get them far in His service.

Val (26, Russian): I love and admire their determination to take up the challenge the Lord put in the Word about their destiny to succeed and to be a light to the world! It's inspiring to see the results of their obedience and their choices. The sacrifices that they're willing to make every day are not going unnoticed by the Lord. He's blessing them and using them in bigger ways to bring more sheep into His fold, and to help the Family at large to be the special army that it is meant to be.

"What about having an EEA Wordstock for the camp this year? We'll be all together, and there are a few bands around. Word classes … sports … live music ... etc. Whew! That would be so great!"

— Silence —


— Silence —

"Do we dare try?!"

— More silence —

"I mean, we don't have any big, known bands. We don't have hundreds of people coming. We've never done it before. Should we let that stop us?!"

What started as a brave idea became reality! We had a blast with a variety of musicians, singers, and full-blown live music to our hearts' and ears' content. We had so much happen that on the last day of the camp we nearly ran out of steam.

Our musicians rock, big time! The bands ranged from the experienced to the new-and-upcoming artists, many of whom were the JETTs and teens themselves! We enjoyed a variety, from slow and moving music to the wild and free rock and alternative styles.

Try to picture it, if you can, 100 of us moshing, dancing, getting out of ourselves, and enjoying the music. It was awesome!

Before I get too far ahead of myself, let me introduce the bands that played: Spirit Tree (Romania), Hole Truth (Croatia), The Ds (Romania), Jo and Job (Ukraine / Romania), Rubber Band (a.k.a., Elysian) (Ukraine), and Highway 777 (Czech). An awesome selection and great deal of talent over the course of our event! There were other individuals who were not included in the bands listed, and we want to thank every one of you who contributed in your special way. You were awesome!

You may have heard of them, heard their music, or even seen them play, but we had the privilege of being there for Spirit Tree's debut on the Family music scene. They played a song for us that was completed at this camp and dedicated to the Family young people. What a treat from the Lord!

I'll let James (24, of Miracle) from the band tell you more about it.

I'm in a Family band called Spirit Tree, along with Dan (guitars and vocals), Sam (drummer), and Danny on bass. The name [of our band] was inspired by the MO Letter of the same name. Here is a testimony about the song, "Dedicated," that we wrote that we dedicated to the young people of the Family.

The idea the song started a few weeks prior to the camp, when Eva, a cool teen girl in our Home, and I were discussing music. I told her I'd write a song for her, and then asked the Lord to give me something that could also be for all the young people in the Family who have given up so much in order to serve the Lord. I received most of the song (verses and pre-chorus) then our band started messing around with it a bit in practice.

When we got invited to the camp to play, we were determined to complete this song. We prayed and called on the keys, and I received a melody that Danny then got some lyrics for. We had a blast, and it was a blessing for us to be able to play for so many awesome young people all with a common passion of being disciples!

A video of this song performed at EuRoCk can be downloaded at:

The Awards Are Passed Out

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first East Eurasian Activated Incentive Program award ceremony! It is with great admiration that we are here to recognize the astounding achievements of all individuals participating in the AIP.

"It has been because of the great determination, faith, initiative, and perseverance of many of those being honored tonight that they have excelled in the distribution and establishing of the Activated magazines as a viable source of spiritual sustenance for hundreds of individuals in East Eurasia. We would like to recognize the efforts of all those who participated in the AIP, and of course, the resultant enhancement of the spiritual well-being of many.

"We are all proud of you and. Mama and Peter are proud of you. The Lord is proud of you, and so are a host of spirit beings. So without further ado, we would like to present to you the winners of this AIP season!"

There was something for everyone, enough backpacks and "Activated" T-shirts to go around for all who didn't receive the top prizes. Thank the Lord for His supply and those who provisioned them in Germany!

The third-place winner received an MP3 player with 128Mb memory and an SD expandable memory for longer play lists.

First- and second-place winners received Nokia Engage mobile phones. A great tool for following up on the new list of Activated subscribers. These phones were equipped with an MP3 player (128Mb memory), loudspeaker, GPRS, Bluetooth, as well as optional gaming possibilities.

To Those Who Made It Possible…

With Jesus at the head of it all, the success achieved at this camp was in large part due to the willingness and unity of a wonderful staff and team of organizers! They came from all over the region, but when joined together under a common goal, the load was evenly distributed and voila, that banana there was good!

Jeremy (14), Romania: Getting serious about Activated is something I wasn't accustomed to. This program has encouraged me to be a witness. I thought that only older guys could be outreachers, but now I know that teens can too; it depends on your attitude.

Kat (15), Romania: The AIP sparked the revolution in my life all over again. It was so inspiring to be fighting together for the same thing, the right thing! It was different, it was new, it was revolutionary! Activated is not just a magazine; it's a lifestyle! And it changed my life and rocked my world. Activated is a revolution, and this is just the beginning!

Rufus (of Dulce, AMBER JT board): Before this program, the JETTs and teens in our Home felt that they didn't have any use in the Family. Their efforts in the Activated program transformed our Home into an activating Home, and brought the changes in their lives that we had been praying for. Our JETTs and teens have become the heartbeat, nucleus, and inspiration of our Home. The AIP greatly contributed to that.

Our Home has been in existence for five years now. Before the AIP, we had only gotten out a handful of subscriptions, and lacked motivation in believing we could get more. The contest and our young people's efforts were a complete godsend. Two of our Home's young people took first and second place, which unified us, motivated us, and infused incredible faith into our Home that much more could be done.

MIP Action = Dynamic Results!

By Ethan Gale (alias), for the Middle East JT board

Brasten: Good evening. This is MEBC news, and I'm Ted Brasten. A look at the stories making headlines this hour: Another outbreak of the killer bird flu virus has been confirmed, bringing the feared disease into much of Western Europe.

Protesters in France bring Paris to a halt as thousands of workers demand better health benefits. France declares a national emergency.

Oil prices continue to soar as the dollar slides on the market by.

But despite all these climactic events, another story is grabbing the world's attention by surprise. Our correspondent Lucy Hawkings reports.

Hawkings: Thank you, Ted. The Middle East is often described as a nerve center in the world's geopolitical map, and today is no exception. For several months from April 1st, 2005, through to July 31st, 2005, a movement began that swept most of the region's countries. What originally seemed like a small school competition grew to colossal proportions.

I've followed the progress of this project since day three of its launch. The Motivated Incentive Program, or MIP as it is better known, is a branch-off of the worldwide Activated Incentive Program that internationally rocked the second half of 2005. MIP is a unique version of the AIP for the young members of the Family International in the Middle East.

What began as a competitive encounter between individuals or groups, soon united into one massive push. Of course, it was still a competition, but the spirit soon changed to make it a united or kindred spirit amongst many of the individuals who participated. The contest was received with high enthusiasm and exuberant involvement by many of the members.

Brasten: Lucy, this does sound very much like a high-end school contest. What was the motive for this competition? You said that it lasted for four months, were there guidelines, or shall we say, rules that this competition went by? Were there any preliminary entrance requirements?

Hawkings: The goal of the Motivated Incentive Program was to distribute as many Motivated magazines as possible—whether singly, in bulk, via subscriptions, or through sponsorships (without the help of grown-ups). There was one simple rule: It had to be fueled by the participants, and be the young people's personal initiative.

So as you can see, Ted, it was quite an undertaking. Not only did it require a complete shift in the Homes' Marketing Evaluation Departments, but for many of those participating it was necessary to have an absolute change of thinking for the individuals.

To take part in the MIP competition, any young people who were interested were required to distribute fifteen mags two weeks prior to the actual launch of the program. Most of them would tell you that it was not an easy endeavor, but they were willing to try. I have one word for their efforts: courageous.

The results of their effort were astronomical: Several of the younger participants on the last night got out the required fifteen mags that very evening or within a two-hour period of time. Another young man got out seventy mags during this two-week ante period.

Brasten: Since this was a contest, how did they keep score? Was there a prize or an incentive to prompt them to excel in the program?

Hawkings: Each Home was also assigned an MIP monitor who would verify their stat count by checking the amount of mags distributed, and that aside from the young participants, the other adult Home members didn't get involved in the actual distribution.

The actual distribution was a team effort. Each mag that was distributed was counted as one point, which would then be divided to count towards the individual team's average. For example, if you were in a five-man team, and you, Ted, distributed 103 mags during the week, it would then be divided amongst the five of you, equaling 20.6 mags per person.

Some of the JETTs and teens had more opportunities to go out than others, as their peers contributed to their Homes in other ways during their ministry hours. However, with the point system I've just described, they all gained marks as a team.

If someone on the team was not pulling their end of the bargain, and bringing down the team's point average, the JETTs and teens had the right to report them to their MIP monitor, who then notified the JT board when the next stats were sent in. If significant contributions weren't made toward the team in a period of time, that young person could potentially be disqualified from the program.

In answer to your other question, Ted, there were prizes that served as incentives for these young people:

* First prize was $75 per member of the winning team.
* Second prize was $50 per member of the team in second place.
* Third prize was $30 per member for that team in third place.
* Fourth prize, an unexpected late addition, was $15 per member of the team in fourth place.

Brasten: Did they focus only on Motivated distribution and subscriptions or were there other methods of outreach also participated in, for which the teens could receive additional points?

Hawkings: Good question, Ted. The JETTs and teens also received additional bonus points for sending in:

* Outreach photos
* Outreach testimonies
* Video footage of testimonies
* Video presentation (skits and performances on the MIP)

Brasten: Were all JETTs and teens involved in the same program or were they divided by age groups?

Hawkings: Yes, all young people were in the same program.

Brasten: So, Lucy—I'm sure this is the question everyone's wondering about—who did win the MIP contest?

Hawkings: These are the names of the members of the winning group—Ameena, Jojo, Melody, and Steve. The second prize went to Chris, Jamie, Marie, Robin, and Rosemarie. Jenai in Lebanon claimed third prize. Then there was the late addition fourth prize, which went to a lovely group of young women from Pakistan—Amy, Claire, and Jessica.

Brasten: Lucy, could you please explain something that you feel made this region unique?

Hawkings: For that question I have my co-correspondent, Hugh Mannis, on standby. Hugh…? I'm sorry. Hugh seems to be having some technical difficulty connecting. We'll move on to our next question, for which I'm joined by duplex by Andrew Hammerham, also on location. Andrew, what were the results from the MIP?

Hammerham: Good evening, Lucy. Ted. Yesterday I interviewed a senior member of the JT board and she gave me these figures that are the result of the MIP:

* A total of seventeen JETTs and eleven teens participated in the program

* A total of 12,995 magazines were distributed

* 302 souls were won

This soul stat of 302 was a particularly heartwarming bit of news, as in this part of the world, souls won are as rare as an eclipse. Three hundred of those souls were won by Dusty Rose (13) and friends in Turkey.

Hawkings: Thank you, Andrew. Hugh Mannis is now calling. Good evening to you, Hugh, please go ahead.

Mannis: Good evening, Lucy. There were a lot of challenges and difficulties that the majority of the JETTs and teens had to face during the last four months. Besides some of the obvious and ongoing obstacles and difficulties in this region, an anti-western sentiment had sprung up in several countries. Although this somewhat discouraged and slowed mass distribution, it didn't hamper these young people's spirits. Regardless of the political climate, these determined young people overcame all odds and distributed almost 13,000 mags!

The language difference was a barrier that many had to scale. In some of the countries in the region not many of the locals speak English, thus many participants in the MIP had to learn to communicate in the local dialects. My hat is off to them for a job well done.

Hawkings: Thanks, Hugh. Back to you, Ted.

Brasten: How did this event come to a close?

Hawkings: Ted, at the ending of the MIP, spirits were high in celebration! The national JT board chairperson organized a special outing for the winning team. They went out for a special meal (which was donated), and then a trip to the cinema.

Then there was a two-week camp held that was attended by all who participated in the MIP. The classes were prepared by the regional Church Growth and Outreach board, focusing on catching the vision for outreach in the Middle East. The activities held during the camp included paintball, a day at a water park, a trip to an amusement park, and more special meals.

There was then another MIP celebration held in each Home. This included a special DVD featuring a letter from Maria Fontaine, who, in fact, was the initiator of this fantastic program. There were also prophecies read to encourage all the youth who participated in the MIP.

After the video showing the fine young men and women were presented with pendants which were created for the international Activated Incentive Program, a photo slideshow of the teens' outreach. Additionally, any personal MIP presentations were also shown. These featured participants' amazing talents and were showcased in the form of skits, music, and drama.

I managed to get a few interviews with two of the participants. No one can say it better than they can … so here they are:

Marie (15): During the MIP we got a lot of mags out, and it was a blast! The adults in our Home were very supportive, and it was great fun going out with them on outreach and presenting Motivated to our Home's contacts. During the program I went to Canada on a visit with my parents, and asked my relatives if they'd like to sponsor the magazines. The first of my uncles who I asked didn't fully understand my presentation and only took one set, and didn't sponsor any. So after that I learned to be clearer in how I presented Motivated. It was a total miracle, as all my aunts and uncles sponsored a good amount, and I even got to talk with my uncle on the phone—the one who at first hadn't understood, and then he sponsored a bunch.

Robin (14): Through participating in the Motivated Incentive Program, I learned to communicate with people without feeling shy. When I first went out it was difficult, but the more I did it, the easier it became. On the first appointment to present Motivated, I met a man in an office who gave me good tips on how to talk to people, which consisted of always remembering that "you are as good as anyone else" and to not be afraid of people just because they seem more important. He also took 150 magazines!

The next day I went out with my dad where we met an important lady whom my dad knew from before. I wanted to put my best foot forward, even though I felt a little nervous. I gave her a hearty handshake, a big smile, and presented the program with as much inspiration as I could. And guess what? She took 500 magazines for her and her employees.

Hawkings: These are just a few of the reactions I've gathered. Virtually all the young people who participated have similar tales. Ted?

Brasten: Now that the MIP has come to a close, Lucy, are there any future outreach incentives that will keep these fine young men and women active?

Hawkings: Yes, Ted, there is. The JT board, in collaboration with the regional CGO board, has launched another witnessing program for the entire Middle East area. Code name: A41/14A (All for One / One for All).

This push is not limited to the JETTs and teens alone, but it is for all FD and MM Home members to participate in, and will also come with a prize. There was a lot of preparation involved in this push, and I'm sure the results will be staggeringly high. … We will see in due time.

I don't know much more, as the JT board has offered no further comment. However, from an inside source, I do know that it will last for two months, beginning November 10th and ending January 10th. The three top winner Homes who get the most tools out will receive cash prizes, as well as a subsidized gift of Motivated mags. So it's quite a prestigious competition, and by the New Year there should be more news out. Lucy Hawkings, MEBC News, Middle East.

Brasten: And now … rebels in the Indonesian province of Banda Aceh have agreed to the UN-brokered ceasefire. They will be holding peace talks…

Dusty Rose (13), Turkey: The things that happened were incredible—distributing 11 Motivated mags in half an hour, doing a music video, winning 300 souls in one sitting—these were things that only God could ever do through us!

Chris (16), Turkey: I want to thank Mama for her letter, which helped me to see how much more I could be doing to get the Word out.

William (13), Turkey: It was amazing what the Lord did through someone like me. Talking to someone about Motivated gives me such a rush! It's exciting to see how the Lord is working and moving in us JETTs and teens. Even though our Home didn't win a prize, we could still feel the Lord working wonders through the lot of us.

Angie (17), Turkey: Mama, we could have never completed the Motivated Incentive Program without your ideas and letter of encouragement. It was a great three months! I'll never forget the things that have happened and all the changes that took place in my life.

Amy (13), Pakistan: This competition gave me a sense of boldness, knowing that I can actually present a product to someone. It also helped me to be outgoing when witnessing. I overcame fears I had in regards to doing public speeches, talking with businesspeople, or any type of people.

Jojo (17), Middle East: I LOVE WITNESSING! It's awesome to see people and talk to them. The whole competition was great, but the best part in all of it for me was when we would be out talking with someone and they would say, "You know what? I really like your work. You are so young, yet look at what you are doing. You are helping people." These type of comments make it worth it all.

I could tell countless testimonies of how we would call on the keys of miracles for the Lord to touch someone's heart and the next second they would get a set of magazines. Each time we called on the keys, it would happen. It was so great seeing the keys work like that.

When you're in a sensitive field and you can't witness openly, you tend to lose the vision of why you are even there, but I have to say that the MIP gave that vision back to me.

Ameena (14), Middle East: It's cool when you follow up on people and they tell you that they read the mag and enjoyed it, which makes it worth it! One awesome thing about the MIP is that we have never done something like this before. It's a new venture, which a lot of people doubted could be done, but with the MIP, we have found that it could be!

Jenai (14), Lebanon: I was thrilled at the thought of being in a worldwide competition that the Lord gave to us JETTs and teens. Looking back at when I started giving out those first Motivated magazines, it seems like nothing compared to how my vision has grown. What I gave out at first seems like little mustard seeds compared to all the magazines I am getting out nowadays.

I feel more confident now when presenting Motivated after these months, and even just talking with people, it has strengthened my speech and witnessing skills.

Stick it out and train!

—A spirit helper received for the Mideast young people

(Apostle Timothy:) Our Lord has need of young leaders, young, vibrant youth who can buck the tide and who dare to be different. Now you are in school, and those of you that learn, you'll be able to face the future and the youth of these lands and be able to help them. Being an adolescent is tough, but having a vision and a goal can make it less tough and give you unspeakable courage to fight and be the fighter the Lord wants you to be.

The temptations of the world are plenty and all around, so that's all the more reason for you, the elite troops in training, to fight! That's what the world has need of, people who are different. Your calling will grow stronger and you will face greater and more exciting challenges. You will be known as the youth of the keys and of the Master. Hone all your skills that you can; you won't regret it. (End of excerpts.)

Torch—A Key Wielder

—A spirit helper received for the Mideast young people

(Jesus:) I would that you, My young people, burn bright and free without hindrances or distractions during the coming days. I would that you put forth My light, love, Words, and spirit in great abundance to reach many, wherever, whenever, and however you can. I will anoint each of you to be bearers of My light, and you will go forth with My glory and touch the hearts of My sheep.

I give unto you Torch, one of My formidable light bearers. He holds the oval handles of golden keys in his hands, and [from the] other end of those keys shoot forward rays of light in all directions. These keys not only convey My message clearly and in such a way as to be readily received by each individual, but they have power to pierce through even the darkest and most obscure of places and hearts. Torch bears these spiritual weapons and uses them with such skill and deftness that none of the Enemy's imps dare try to obstruct him or fight back.

He is sent to you, My young warriors, with brimming enthusiasm to go before you into each battle and adventure and so that you come back with victories—souls won and territory conquered from the Enemy's clutches.

[In boxes throughout the magazine:]

(Jesus:) You teens and JETTs have got what it takes! You can do this! You can reach your goals! Don't let the Devil or anyone else tell you something can't be done. Don't let anyone tell you that you're too inexperienced, or you're too young, or you just don't have what it takes. I'm not limited by experience, or age, or anything else. All I need is your willingness and cooperation—your willingness to take the plunge—and then I will do through you what you can't do. I will make your dreams and goals realities. ("To Family Teens and JETTs from Mama," February 2005)

(Mama:) I'm behind you all the way, and I know the Lord and your spirit helpers are going to give you all of the help you need as well. It might be a bit of a challenge at first as you step out by faith, and it will probably be a bit hard on your pride initially, and you might feel incapable—and of course, the Enemy will try to discourage you. But if you take the plunge and don't give up, I know you're each bound to be a success! I know you have it in you—the wherewithal, the enthusiasm, the ideas, the faith, the initiative, and the conviction that is needed. ("To Family Teens and JETTs from Mama," February 2005)

(Mama:) This Activated push will boost your confidence and self-esteem. As you set goals for yourself and reach them, you'll feel good about your progress. You'll realize that you can do anything that you put your heart and mind to, with the Lord's help and the power of the keys. …

If you're shy, this Activated push will help you to be bolder. If you feel like you're not eloquent, you will learn how to express yourself better. If you feel inadequate, you will discover how capable you really are with the Lord's power. If you feel like you can't relate to most people in the world, you will learn what it means to become one in order to reach them. You will find many of your weaknesses being turned into strengths as you take the plunge and give this push all you've got. ("To Family Teens and JETTs from Mama," February 2005)

Cover design: Keith and Tana