Notice to FM Homes from WS

November 19, 2003


Dear Fellow Members,

God bless you! We love you very much and have you in our prayers! We're thrilled with the wonderful fruitful year the Family has had and with the progress that has been made in so many areas! Your service to the Lord and others has been a vital part of that progress! Praise the Lord!

We want to inform you that either with this notice or shortly thereafter you will be receiving the following 9 GNs:

"The Silver Lining!" (GNs 762 and 763)

GN 764: "Victory Review '97!"

GN 765: "Goals for 1998!" (with summary sheet sent OPD for age 12 and up)

GN 766: "Keynote to the 1998 Birthday Feast!"

GN 767: "Overcoming the Generation Gap!"

GN 768: "Golden Victories!"—For senior teens and up

GN 768A: "Golden Victories!"—For JETTs and junior teens

GN 769: "Your Open Heart Prayer to the Lord!" (Sent OPD for age 12 and up)

You will be interested to know that the CM Family will be reading GNs 766 through 769 during the Birthday Feast Celebration, which is scheduled to take place on February 15th through February 18th, as usual.

They will be reading GNs 762 and 763 in the weeks before the Feast. GNs 764 and 765 are also slotted as "pre-Feast" GNs, which should be read in the days right before the Feast.

We realize that your circumstances might not necessarily lend themselves to your taking days off from your regular schedule and work for the Birthday Feast Celebration, which we understand. We do pray, however, that somehow over the next weeks you will be able to take some extra time in the Word and prayer, to be able to feast on the many treasures that the Lord has poured forth, and that you'll also have the opportunity to celebrate the Family Birthday on February 18th.

The Lord had the following to say about this delicious banquet of Word that He has set before us:

(Jesus speaking:) As you seek Me and bring before Me your individual situations and needs, I will speak. I will answer, and I will guide you how to best organize your time, so that you are able to get the needed time to drink in these Words and this direction which I have so abundantly poured out. Where I guide, I provide; and these jewels, these messages, this direction that I am pouring out at the time of the Birthday Feast are of utmost importance. It is your lifeline, your vitality, your hope to carry on; therefore I will provide the way for all to be able to drink in of this all-important nourishment as you look to Me.

My Word never gets old. My Word is alive, it vibrates, it pulsates with the power of God! It is as living waters to a thirsty soul, bringing life and love, hope and health, strength and vitality. It is food to the hungry, water to the thirsty, life to the dead, hope for the weary, strength to the weak, health to the sick, love to the lost, companionship to the lonely, joy to the saddened, courage to the disheartened.

Therefore, it behooves all My children to swim often in My living waters. It will be to the advantage of all to dive in and swim often, to drink in and keep drinking in of these Words, to absorb them into the very fiber of their beings. I do not expect My children to merely wade ankle deep in the shallow pools, as if afraid to immerse themselves deeply and wholly in these deep, refreshing, living waters. But I would that they dive in, dive deep, dive down and partake of the treasures on the ocean's floor. I would that all dive in often, to be re-envisioned and refreshed by reading and rereading, exploring, seeking, searching these Words for the great truths and principles that are contained therein. (End of message from Jesus.)

God bless you with a very happy time of fellowship, unity and inspiration around the wonderful Word that the Lord has poured forth so abundantly. You are in our prayers. We love and appreciate you!

Much love,

Your WS servants

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family