Amahl: Heavenly Communications Specialist                                   Back to Main Page

Tips from a Heavenly Communications Specialist!

    (Spirit helper speaking:) Hi! My name's Amahl, and I'm one of the communications instructors Here in Heaven. First of all, you've got to realize that you have a hotline to Heaven, a direct link to Jesus. This isn't just theory we're talking about here or some far-out language I'm using--it's the truth! You, as the Lord's child, living in the Time of the End, have a direct link to Him. The Enemy tries to throw in static and hinder you in any way that he can, but when it really comes down to it, he has no power. He can't break the flow or sever your hotline to Jesus.

   Think of it this way: Let's say you're walking through a minefield. Take one wrong step and you'll be blown away! But you have a little headset that you can put over your ears that will be your salvation. The person talking to you through the headset has a bird's-eye view of the whole minefield. He can see beneath the ground; he can see where the bombs are. If you put on your headset and listen to him, he'll tell you when to walk straight, when to veer over to the left or right, when to jump and when to stop, in order to avoid stepping on one of those deadly bombs.

    What would you do? Would you pick up the headphones and wear them--or would you risk walking through the minefield alone, taking the chance that your instincts will tell you which pieces of ground to put your feet on? Well, your instincts might be fine for a while, but one wrong move could mean your life! So why take the risk when you could be walking the field without fear, with perfect guidance and instruction from someone who can see the whole picture, can see everything that you can't?

    That's much like your connection with Jesus. He's given you a direct link to Him, and all you have to do is pick up the headphones and wear them. He'll be whispering in your ear, "Turn to the right. Now turn to the left. Now jump here. Stop now." But if you don't tune in to Him, if you don't wear your communication headset, you're risking your life and the lives of others. I know this sounds rather drastic, and maybe the decisions you make on a day-to-day basis don't seem like life-and-death decisions. But don't discard this warning. Don't push this aside.

    Though the decisions you make in your life and in your Home today may not cost you your life, in the soon-coming future your decisions may mean life or death for you or someone else. That's why you've gotta listen today and learn how to tune in to the right frequencies, so that you'll be able to receive clear instruction at the time when your life is going to depend on it.

(From: Ask Me Everything, Part 2!  3271)


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