Additional Reading--The Vandari                                     Back to Main Page

Gn 1007 Pray, Obey and Prepare!

The Vandari

135. (Vision:) I saw a clean-cut‚ handsome-looking man‚ around his early 30s. He looked like a nice guy‚ well-groomed, together, confident and on top of things. Then all of a sudden he morphed right in front of me into the most grotesque creature! He turned blood red from head to toe, starting from his head down. His clothes were no longer defined once he morphed‚ but rather it looked like he was covered in some type of blood-red cloak that was clinging to his body--it was like a hood over his head, and it covered him like a long cape all the way down to his feet.

136. His eyes look very bloodshot. His red cloak looks somewhat like the traditional cartoon picture you see of a ghost--the typical ghost covered in a sheet--only this covering is clinging to him and it's blood red. The horrible thing about it is that he seems to be dripping all over with blood. It looks like he's just come up out of a swimming pool or some body of water, like the ocean, and he's dripping wet. Only the outstanding and yucky thing about this is he seems to be dripping not water, but blood--from his eyes, his nose, his lips, his arms, his hands.

137. It's totally grotesque, and if I didn't know the Lord is protecting me, it would be downright frightening. It's horrible, disgusting! One minute he's this handsome-looking fellow, then he's this horrible, red, dripping creature. Then there were rats, of all things--horrible, big, filthy rats running all around!

138. Now I see a big crowd of people. It's a public place‚ like a crowded city street, but among the crowds, I zero in on different people. I'm not able to pick or choose where I want to look; it's like I'm being led by a spirit helper to zero in on specific people in the crowd. And as I look at certain ones, they are morphing into these same ugly-looking creatures.

139. I see a woman, about 20, fairly normal looking, not outstandingly gorgeous or anything, but my first impression was that she was sweet looking. And all of a sudden she morphs into the same red-dripping creature, a blood-red dripping monster! I see a teen boy, about 16 years old, who looks like your average high school student, and he morphs into the same horrible red creature too! Now I see an elderly couple, a man and woman, white-haired, about in their mid-70s, and they morph into the same thing.

140. It's horrible--they look terrible! For a few minutes I feel like I am going to get sick. But I have amazing peace, because I know they can't touch me. I know I'm protected and I feel very peaceful. There seems to be a sober warning, though, about these creatures. It's not a light matter, but at the same time‚ I know if I claim the keys and if I'm obeying the Lord, they can't do a thing to me. (End of vision.)

141. (Jesus speaking:) As I have revealed to you before, the emissaries of Satan can often take on many forms. You see them disguised as the innocent‚ the inviting, the average member of society, and I show you that all that meets the eye is not as it appears. I show you what lies beneath, that you might walk circumspectly, that you might continue to raise your guards and walk in vigilance in these dark days. I reveal this to you‚ My friends, My brides and lovers, so you can watch and pray and not be ignorant of the Devil's devices, so that you will not enter into temptation as those in the world.

142. These repulsive, blood-red creatures you see transformed before your eyes are the Vandari, agents of the netherworld, who infiltrate the world population in the Last Days. (Note: Phonetically this is pronounced Van-DAR-ee, with the accent on the second syllable.) Look at the significance of the Vandari name in your human language. The "van" is derived from the word "vandals," the "dar" from the word "dark," the "i" spelling of the last syllable signifies "I," denoting self or selfishness.

143. The Vandari are out to destroy. They are out to suck the very life out of the living. These seek to snuff out both the physical as well as the spiritual lives of those who are not protected by My Spirit. They are hitchhikers who work through many vehicles--those who are ignorant of the truth‚ darkened in their understanding.

144. The Vandari latch on to their prey and seek to use them to oppose My truth. Be aware, My children. Be wise, not ignorant of the Enemy's devices. Walk in vigilance. I don't care to give undue importance to the dark workings of Lucifer, yet I am a true Husband Who warns His brides of danger so you can avoid it.

145. The Vandari are let loose upon the Earth. Their mission is to recruit those who will bow down and worship the son of perdition in the appointed day. Likewise, they seek to oppose My truth. Walk in wisdom toward all who are without, for the world is full of demons, sorcerers‚ and every foul bird.

146. You've seen rats, because these cohabitate with the Vandari. The Vandari populate and dwell in the sewer systems of the world, a fitting place in the physical world for such creatures. In the netherworld, they belong to some of the lowest strata and levels of the spirit world, where they dwell with the dregs of the spirit. They dwell in the darkness in these stinking tunnels and putrid bodies of water‚ where they seep up to the cities and civilizations of man above to do their dirty work.

147. You, My brides‚ have nothing to fear, but I call you to live in My Word and to do all things in the power of the keys of the Kingdom.

148. I'm giving you another piece of the puzzle, in order to help you open your eyes more to the spiritual warfare that rages. The Last Days are not far off. They have begun, this is why I keep revealing to you the things of the spirit, so you are aware, forewarned, and forearmed.

149. I show you this picture so you can avoid Satan's traps. I want you to open your eyes wide and see the truth about what goes on in the real world. I have revealed to you evil ones, against whom you must take a stand--those who oppose the children of David. I have revealed the identity of these evil demons who oppose you--Oplexicon, Lethargy, the evil Selvegion, Pan, Bacchus, Apotheon‚ and others--so you will not be ignorant of their devices and can fight to defeat them. Now I reveal to you the identity of the Vandari--not to overwhelm you, but so you can bind their power, as well as catch the full vision.

150. Like it or not, you are in a war of the worlds. No matter what personal choices you might make, this war is raging and will touch all the inhabitants of the Earth. The Last Days are playing out--it is inevitable. As the passageway narrows, the time quickly approaches when no neutrals will stand; all must choose to be either for Me or against Me. Those who are not strong in My Word will fall.

151. Time is running out; you must stand strong and be armed. The world has become the habitation of devils and of every foul spirit. The nations drink the cup of fornication.

152. My call to the children of David remains the same: Come out of the world! Do not touch the unclean thing. Do not partake of her sins. Do not give in to her delicacies. Do not let your guards down and leave yourselves open prey, to be washed away in the wave of iniquity that sweeps the world, but do all in your power to live in the Word. Do all in your power to advance in the use of the weapons I put in your hands. Do all in your power to win others, to salvage souls whose spirits cry out for salvation.

153. I pull back the veil and reveal more to you now, to strengthen your resolve as to the need to put on My mind and live in My Word. Along with revealing to you the identities of the wicked ones who fight you, I have spoken repeatedly to you of the need to work more closely with the spirit helpers I freely send to aid you.

154. I know your temptation to mull over these truths in your mind, to ponder, "Is it really so?" I know Satan tempts some with thoughts of wondering if this is all too bizarre. "Is this all too much? Are there so many who would fight such little ones as us? Do such strange and odd creatures truly exist? Do such powers really fight to oppose us?"

155. Yes, they do exist. Yes, they are determined to stop you. Even the children of the world at times catch glimpses of the truths of the spirit. Even in the wildest of fiction stories created by modern man and presented to the world through books and popular movies, you catch glimpses, albeit small, of the truth. Science fiction portrays stories of aliens infiltrating the Earth and taking on human form to work their wickedness, of heinous creatures bent on destroying the innocent and taking over the world. And these tales are a shadow of the truth, for these netherworld creatures are alien to you and seek to destroy you and to take over this world for their evil master, Satan.

156. The Devil promotes this‚ for it is one approach through which he tries to desensitize the masses, by familiarizing them to a degree with glimpses of his own monstrous cohorts. He tries to inoculate the masses to the workings of the spirit world through making it seem like a fantasy, like child's play, or a figment of the imagination. These books, movies, and things of the world do not show a true picture of the true things of the spirit, for the Enemy mixes a lot of lies with glimpses of the truth--but I show you true pictures through My Spirit.

157. I have revealed to you some of the Vandari regiment, evil lords of the netherworld, set on preparing the ignorant to worship the son of perdition. These of the Vandari are dark, malicious ones. They are bent on destroying what is pure; they seek to mar the truth.

158. Every dark demon who serves Satan is ultimately out to destroy you, My children, for you represent the greatest threat to their dark kingdom. These of the Vandari, however, target others who would then try to hurt or destroy you, or hinder your work in some way. They are hitchhikers. They cannot travel freely on their own, but they work through vessels who yield to darkness‚ through those who are ignorant of truth and darkened in their understanding. I show you this picture because the Vandari are many and they seek to work through your enemies--that through them they may hurt you.

159. You must rebuke and bind their power to work through those who want to bring you down. Rebuke the evil workings of the Vandari through your enemies‚ through those who have rejected My Words, and through those who hate My Words and have been a long time under their control.

160. The Vandari are dark ones, defiant, willful‚ and vicious; they are vandals of the spirit world‚ who seek to destroy. They are dark vandals of the backwards‚ upside-down world. Thus they are called Vandari.

161. I show you this picture that you might call on the keys and bind the evil working of the Vandari through your enemies. Rebuke them in the power of the keys, and bind their power!

162. Be wise and prayerful; acknowledge Me and acknowledge the keys in every way, so that I can keep you protected. Your constant protection is to stay so close to Me, in tune and in sync with Me, My Word, your spirit helpers, and the keys, so that I can see to it that there is not a moment concerning you that goes unguarded. Live in My Words moment by moment. Let the Word burn in your hearts, for this is the light that will carry you through to triumph. (End of message from Jesus.)

163. (Mama:) The Lord knows we need this information to combat our enemies' attempts to destroy the Family. We need to pray both against the Enemy using our detractors and apostates‚ as well as misguided officials, sensationalistic reporters, deluded lawyers or publishers, and against the specific evil spirits, the Vandari, that inspire these people's ungodly actions and stories. Use the keys and the key promises to pray against our enemies‚ and against these vile, disgusting vandals that live in the filthy, putrid sewers of the depths of the netherworld!

Vandari Repellent--the Word!

164. Here is more insight, which I pray will help to increase your vision for the need to really study and get well grounded in your foundation of faith through the Word.

165. (Jesus speaking:) The Vandari, like all of your other spiritual enemies‚ cannot harm you or even come close when you are strong in My Word. That is your best defense against spiritual attacks, to be strong in My Word and My Spirit‚ for then you are well armed, well defended, you are one with Me and one with the keys‚ and you have access to their full power. The Enemy, being cunning, doesn't like to attack those he knows will give him a hefty blow in return; he looks for those who are weak.

166. These are the reasons for revealing the Vandari to you at this particular time:

1) You are preparing for battle against your enemies. The Vandari are attacking you through your enemies‚ so in praying against your enemies, pray against the Vandari. They seek to harm you through your enemies. You need to know this in order to be able to pray more effectively. You had to be able to see them in order to clearly oppose them in the spirit. I wanted you to be aware of their presence and more watchful, and also aware of how to strengthen yourself against them, which is through My Word. Now that you know about them, you can pray against them specifically, and be aware of their attacks.

2) The Vandari look for prey among those who are ignorant of the truth, who reject My Words and are darkened in their understanding, and they likewise seek out prey among those who are weak in the Word. Each time I put forth the call for greater obedience, the stakes are raised. Those who don't obey and move forward in the spirit with My call become easier prey for the Enemy. I'm like a shepherd moving you, My flock, to higher pastures. Those who remain behind are more susceptible to attacks from the wolves, because they are weak in faith, weak in the Word. So because the stakes are raised, the Vandari are now empowered more than before.

3) For each weapon of war that I arm you with, the Enemy tries to come up with an opposing weapon. In this case, as I am trying to strengthen you and make you stronger in Me for the days ahead, the Enemy has unleashed the Vandari as bloodsuckers that weaken. Again‚ they cannot touch you when you are strong in the Word. But when you are weakened, they start to hang around; they try to bite and suck the lifeblood out of My children, and it can become a vicious cycle of spiritual weakening, poisoning, and lack of desire for the Word.

167. You must pray against the Vandari influencing and working through your enemies and others in the world who can harm you. Simultaneously, you must strengthen yourselves in spirit through taking in My Word‚ so as to guard yourselves from falling prey to the Vandari, who also seek to work through those who are weak in the Word. Being strong in the Word gives you the conviction and strength to rebuke and bind the Vandari, and makes you a powerful and effective prayer warrior.

168. My Word is like repellent; the Vandari can't stand it, and you are no longer appealing to them when your spirit is liberally coated with it. To Me, they appear as mosquitoes. Yes, they are annoying and pestering and dangerous carriers of disease, but also easy to squash, and easy to stay free from, through the repellent of My Word. Through the power of the keys they are minimized from large, blood-dripping creatures into little mosquitoes--easy to squash and be rid of, if you are using the repellent of My Word and taking it in faithfully!

169. Do not fear, My brides. I reveal this to you not to scare or threaten you, or to make you live in fear, but rather to arm you against these attacks, to make you aware and able to defend yourself through My power--the power of the Word. It's very simple. As long as you are strong in My Word, they might try to fight you through your enemies, through those in the world that have become their prey, but they cannot touch you. (End of message from Jesus.)

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