Raise 'em Right!--A Guide to Raising Happy Children


A Collection of Articles Assembled by Christian Gospel Books and Printed by Courtesy of the Authors and Publishers as Credited

Illustrated and Designed by Original Artists and Eastern Graphics Association
--Privately Published & Circulated without Cost to Members Only


Raise'em Right is an invaluable collection of more than 50 condensations of the finest books currently available on how to raise happy, healthy and secure children. Regardless of how knowledgeable, experienced or spiritually-enlightened you as a parent, teacher or counsellor may be, this book will provide you with fresh insight and inspiration in your relationship with your children.
         Raising happy, healthy and well-adjusted children is the greatest challenge today's parents face. If you, like most of us, are still searching for solutions and ways to improve your relationship with your child, you will find a wealth of new insight and inspiration in these pages. Whether your child is a tiny tot or a growing teenager, you will discover in this book a thousand new and practical ways to put love into action in your home.
         Nearly 10,000 pages of tried-and-proven counsel and advice have been carefully summarized into this single easy-to-read volume, complete with new illustrations and a fully annotated index to make reading and referral easy and enjoyable for busy parents.
Raise'em Right is virtually a mini-library at your fingertips, covering such varied topics as how to handle sibling rivalry, overcome problem behaviour, teach sensitivity, communicate, listen, discipline, tell stories, praise and encourage, motivate, inspire your child to achieve, bring order out of chaos, teach decision-making, have family discussions, put children to bed, handle reluctant eaters, teach independence, give moral training, make more effective use of your time, help children through a divorce, home school your children, and much, much more! We know this book will prove to be a great blessing for you and your children as you grow together in love.

         "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." (Pro.22:6)


         Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World        1
         A Hug and a Kiss and a Kick in the Pants         22
         How to Be a Hero to Your Teenager        49
         Siblings without Rivalry         58
         Leading a Child to       Independence     75
         If I Were Starting My Family Again       94
         The Key to Your Child's Heart!   101
         Dare to Discipline!      122
         Never Lose Faith in Your Child   136
         Discipline While You Can!        138
         Applause!--How to Handle Kids with Praise!       146
         How to Talk So Your Teenager Will Listen         148
         It's OK to be Shy!       163
         401 Ways to Get Your Kids to Work at Home!       171
         Teaching Children Joy    208
         The Total Man    225
         Discipline--Without Shouting or Spanking         228
         The Strong-Willed Adolescent     258
         Sibling Rivalry  267
         Teaching Children Sensitivity    281
         Learning from Children   301
         Laugh with Your Teenager         315
         Annie Stories    327
         Teaching Your Child to Share     345
         Mega Skills      348
         Raising Good Children    380
         Let's Succeed with Our Teenagers         419
         Hide or Seek?    427
         Teach Your Baby Math!    440
         How to Really Love Your Child    444
         How to Live (Almost) Happily with a Teenager!    458
         Listen to Your Child     476
         Teach Your Child Decision-Making         485
         Between Parent and Child         515
         Communication!--Key to Your Teens        524
         Raising Siblings         528
         Home-Spun Schools        541
         Creativity in Children   561
         Linda Albert's Advice for Coping with Kids       563
         Preparing Your Children for Adulthood    580
         Teach Your Own   582
         Parents: Talk with Your Children         597
         Teaching Children to Make the Right Decisions    611
         Parent Effectiveness Training in Action!         613
         For Parents of Teens     631
         A Survivor's Guide to Home Schooling     637
         What Do You Really Want for Your Children?       661
         Home Grown Kids  691
         Prime-Time Parenting!    713
         School-Proof     743
         How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk     753
         Winning Ways to Talk with Young Children         765
         101 Ways to Boost Your Child's Self-Esteem       769
         Home Schooling--Tried and Proven!        775
         Why Christian Children Should Be Kept Out of Public Schools!     789
         The Secret to Child-Training: Love!      804

         Bibliography     809

         Index    811

Topical List of Contents

Communication & Parenting
         Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World        1
         If I Were Starting My Family Again       94
         The Key to Your Child's Heart!   101
         Never Lose Faith in Your Child   136
         Applause!--How to Handle Kids with Praise!       146
         The Total Man    225
         Learning from Children   301
         Raising Good Children    380
         How to Really Love Your Child    444
         Listen to Your Child     476
         Between Parent and Child         515
         Linda Albert's Advice for Coping with Kids       563
         Parents: Talk with Your Children         597
         Parent Effectiveness Training in Action!         613
         What Do You Really Want for Your Children?       661
         Prime-Time Parenting!    713
         How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk     753
         Winning Ways to Talk with Young Children         765
         101 Ways to Boost Your Child's Self-Esteem       769
         The Secret to Child-Training: Love!      804

         A Hug and a Kiss and a Kick in the Pants         22
         Dare to Discipline!      122
         Discipline While You Can!        138
         Discipline--Without Shouting or Spanking         228

Teaching Skills & Practical Knowledge
         Leading a Child to Independence  75
         401 Ways to Get Your Kids to Work at Home!       171
         Teaching Children Joy    208
         Teaching Children Sensitivity    281
         Teaching Your Child to Share     345
         Mega Skills      348
         Teach Your Baby Math!    440
         Teach Your Child Decision-Making         485
         Home-Spun Schools        541
         Creativity in Children   561
         Teach Your Own   582
         Teaching Children to Make the Right Decisions    611
         A Survivor's Guide to Home Schooling     637
         Home Grown Kids  691
         School-Proof     743

         How to Be a Hero to Your Teenager        49
         How to Talk So Your Teenager Will Listen         148
         The Strong-Willed Adolescent     258
         Laugh with Your Teenager         315
         Let's Succeed with Our Teenagers         419
         How to Live (Almost) Happily with a Teenager!    458
         Communication!--Key to Your Teens        524
         Preparing Your Children for Adulthood    580
         For Parents of Teens     631

         Siblings without Rivalry         58
         It's OK to be Shy!       163
         Sibling Rivalry  267
         Annie Stories    327
         Hide or Seek?    427
         Raising Siblings         528
         Home Schooling--Tried and Proven!        775
         Why Christian Children Should Be Kept Out of Public Schools!     789