Author(s): Nathan Te Amo
Songbook: Dad's Songs of Heaven
KeyWords: Animals,Thankfulness,

Verse 1
You'll never miss the Spirit's voice
Until He calls no more.
You'll never miss the blood of Christ
'Til judgment's at your door.
You'll never miss the praises
'Til woe and wrath have come.
You'll never miss the saved of Earth
'Til God has called us Home.

Verse 2
We never miss the blessing
Until our souls run dry.
We never miss the burning heat
'Til Jesus has passed by.
We never miss the friendship
'Til love's bright glow is gone.
We never miss the fellowship
Until God's Dove has flown.

Verse 3
Oh, I would walk with Jesus
Along His Holy way,
And hearken to His precious Word
Until the close of day.
I want to please my Master
Until my work is done,
And then I'll rise to meet Him
And see the Holy One.

Verse 4
Oh, wandering child so full of sin,
The Savior loves you still.
He'll draw you to His bosom
To do His perfect will.
He'll crown your head with glory
And fill your soul with rest;
Unite you with God's children,
The Ransomed and the Blest.

Verse 5
Behold, He'll come in glorious power
To take His Bride away,
To sit upon the throne of grace
Throughout Eternal Day.
Awake, the night approacheth,
O hear thy Lover's call.
Behold, your Bridegroom cometh,
Let Christ be your all in all.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family