128. SURVIVAL    --page 1001--

         Trust in Him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before Him: God is a refuge for us. Selah. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge & my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust (Ps.62:8; 91:2).

         1. The only Christians who are going to survive are those who know already how to live by faith when the Trouble comes.
         2. Multitudes of you are going to survive right until the very coming of the Lord, otherwise there wouldn't be anybody left to Rapture.
         3. It's better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.
         4. God says not to worry about tomorrow, but he doesn't say not to make plans for it.
         5. It's better to be planning now, than not to be prepared!
         6. He who is not ready today, will be less so tomorrow.
         7. Think ahead, plan ahead, but don't worry.
         8. God won't let `em kill you unless you've finished your job and can give a better witness that way for the grand finale.
         9. We can be almost anything to have peace and be at peace.
         10. It always pays to be prepared for the worst, because sometimes it happens!
         11. We may have to come to some terms, if necessary, even with the enemy in order to survive and promote the work of God.
         12. God always got His children, or at least a representative of them, right near the top.
         13. Co-existence is our best hope of surviving.
         14. The coming World government is going to be swept to power along with us, for our sakes!
         15. You don't have to worry about the future, but you should certainly plan for it.
         16. We can't lose for winning, dead or alive!
         Either way, we're sure to survive!
         17. Remember, the only point to survival is to be able to help and tell others.--Otherwise, it's better to go quick, and the quicker the better!
         18. We should never be surprised! The Lord has always told us. He's never done anything unless He's already told us in advance, so we could be prepared for it!
         19. The best refuge is on the mission field! The best survival is preaching the Gospel!
         20. I really believe in preparing. I'm not going to worry about it, but I am going to do all I can do to get ready for it, and the Lord will have to do the rest.
         21. It is far better to be ready years too soon, than to be one day too late!
         22. Get ready for the crash, but most of all for Christ!
         23. The next depression cannot be prevented, only prepared for!
         24. Gideon's men weren't judged by the amount of water they drank, but how fast they drank it and how prepared they were for the enemy!
         25. He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day!
         26. The true survival of the fittest is not by natural selection, but
God's selection, not evolutionary adaptations, but God's creations.
         27. Save life before luggage--body before baggage!
         28. Be ready to give an answer and be prepared with a plan.
         29. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
         30. Prepare in advance and not when someone is knocking at the door.
         31. Our only hope of survival is to be prepared spiritually and even practically with both the personal experience of salvation and a working knowledge of His Word and what it advises us to do under such conditions of the difficult days that are coming.
         32. Learn now to live by faith, learn now to survive under difficult conditions.
         33. You're always supposed to have some emergency canned goods on hand. You can't afford not to.
         34. If you belong to the Lord, He'll take care of you no matter what happens, even if they kill you.
         35. The only sure retreat is the Lord.
         36. We're going to have to hide while the Lord is punishing the wicked.
         37. Be in touch with God to get your signals everyday, moment by moment.
         38. You'll survive better if you're always ready to move and willing to give it up and forsake all. If we are going to survive and keep on doing what we're doing, we have to keep on the move.
         39. If we want the body to survive, the head especially must survive. The body is not going to last very long without the head.
         40. Always keep a fleebag packed for a quick escape in case of any emergency--including fire, earthquake, war, and persecution.
         41. A city is the most dangerous place in the World to be in any kind of a disaster, including war.
         42. Only the Lord can take care of us and keep us, but we know in many cases in the Word His servants escaped by various ruses and by being prepared to go quickly.
         43. It's better to have survival plans and not need them, than need them and not have them.
         44. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these other things, such as protection, shall be added unto you. (Mt.6:33) And that doesn't make any exceptions of emergencies or crashes or wars or whatever! If you're putting God's kingdom first He'll take care of you no matter what.
         45. By all means prepare all you can, but most of all trust the Lord and don't worry.
         46. The main thing is to live close to the Lord and in His will and obey His Word. Then even if there's war and turmoil and confusion and chaos on the outside, you're going to have peace on the inside--in your own heart--through the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. He is faithful and never fails to keep those who trust Him.
         47. How you're going to react when the trouble comes will depend largely on whether you have faith or not and whether you're in the will of God.
         48. If you obey the Lord and stay in the centre of His will and do what God wants you to do, you can expect God to take care of you.
         49. Keep close to the Lord, constantly claiming the protection of the Lord, always asking Him to keep, bless and protect you, and He will.
         50. Putting refuge farms and survival first is not seeking the Kingdom first. Survival and refuge farms ought to be the last thing you worry about.
         51. We're not citizens anywhere, we have no refuge, we have no survival, we're not putting those considerations first. We put God's work first and He takes care of the rest.
         52. Your best defence is the Lord and to obey Him and to do His will and to get out on the mission field where you belong, serving the Lord and winning souls! If it kills you, well, you'll die happy.
         53. The dear little missionaries out on the field saving souls and preaching the Gospel are the ones who are going to save their lives. They're the ones that God's going to save even if He has to do mighty miracles to do it.
         54. To Hell with refuges and survival! Come and fight and die with us! We're fighting and dying for Jesus to save the World, not ourselves.
         55. I'm sick of these people who want any other refuge than Jesus!
         56. You want to survive? The easiest way to survive is to go ahead and die quick! Go to be with the Lord!
         57. If you put your faith in any other kind of survival except God's will you're going to find out it's not going to save you and you just wasted your time and money and strength.
         58. The kind of survival that will save you is being in the will of God and taking care of God's children and His missionaries, not trying to save yourself.
         59. Refuges and survival stocks won't last, but souls are forever. Which are you stocking for His Kingdom and eternity?
         60. In an emergency, life is the first thing to preserve, even if you have to leave your fleebag and briefcase behind you. The main thing is to try to save everybody and save life.
         61. "Ye shall be safe in the midst of storm, in the hollow of My hand in the place I have prepared for thee if thou shalt go and be obedient to the things that I shall show thee."
         62. I believe in planning on how to get along without something if someday we might not have it.
         63. I know that as long as God wants me to survive I'll survive and He'll feed me if He has to send the ravens with bread and flesh in the morning and bread and flesh in the evening and give me a Brook Cherith to drink out of. (1Ki.17:5,6)
         64. We should always be prepared with fleebags packed, tickets bought and other alternatives in mind, prepared to move on if we have to.
         65. We're not supposed to worry about the future but we are supposed to prepare for the future when we know what the future's going to be.

         (See also No. 172, 190, 311, 386, 801, 807-1, 812-4, 854, 855, 858, 859, 870, 885, 899, 938, 1003, 1312,
Childcare Handbook 1, Emergency Survival Handbook.)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family