116. SECURITY    --page 900--

Then took they up stones to cast at Him: but Jesus hid Himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by (Jn.8:59).

         1. It's bad enough for the Enemy to betray you, but it's worse if you betray yourself by being foolish.
         2. In the Lord we have complete security!
         3. A stitch in time saves nine!
         4. We have no security except in the Lord!
         5. Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom and eternal security.
         6. Spiritually we have eternal security, but physically on this Earth we have constant insecurity.
         7. As World tension grows and situations get tighter and governments stricter, we must tighten our security as well.
         8. It is extremely dangerous to overestimate your security, while at the same time underestimating the dangers. Overconfidence can lead to disaster.
         9. The Enemy is always listening!
         10. As long as your enemies know you're strong , they're not as apt to attack you! "A strong man armed keepeth his goods in peace!" [Luk.11:21]
         11. If the System can't get the leader, they try to get somebody close to him.
         12. The grave danger of the unguarded moment is that just one of them can put you in your grave!
         13. Good PR is good security.
         14. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
         15. Safe in the arms of Jesus,
         Safe on His gentle breast,
         There, by His love o'ershaded,
         Sweetly my soul shall rest!
         16. When you are guests in a country you have to tread softly, much more so than in your own country.
         17. Forewarned is forearmed.
         18. Let sleeping dogs lie.
         19. Walls have ears.
         20. What wonderful security God's Kingdom has! No man can enter it except in the Spirit, and only then if he's allowed.
         21. There's not a loose thing on the premises that they can use for a missile to hurt you if you keep a clean strong house wide open to investigation.
         22. "Watch and pray!" [Luk.21:36]
         24. He that feels too secure is not safe.
         25. A living dog is better than a dead lion. (Ecc.9:4)
         26. Help us, Lord, for meat not to destroy the Work of God!--For some carnal desire, some carnal weakness, some foolish fellowship, to endanger Thy Work and Thy children. (Rom.14:20)
         27. The Lord takes care of us, but He expects us to do our part and give Him some cooperation.
         28. If we are willfully or woefully ignorant, careless, negligent and slothful stewards, then He sometimes allows us to suffer for it.
         30. In some ways it's bad security being a Prophet or even a Christian, but in other ways it's the best security in the World--Eternal Security!
         31. In these Last Days the true sheep are becoming fewer and fewer, and the wolves more and more numerous, so watch your step, watch your words and watch your lit!
         32. Sometimes we're our own worst enemies! We have power over the devils and demons, but sometimes we can't even control our own tongues or our own spirit! Sometimes our biggest problem is our own spirit, which is still a free moral agent and can do as it pleases.
         33. If you're leaning to your own understanding and forgetting all about acknowledging the Lord or listening to the Voice of His Spirit to lead and guide you every moment, then you're apt to fall into one of the Devil's traps during one of those unguarded moments, and it's a dangerous business!
         34. One little compromise with the Devil is extremely dangerous.
         35. Security means being conscious of possible trouble, anticipating it and doing everything you can to avoid it!
         36. There are no such things as little dangers in God's Work. Any little chink in the armour, any little tiny gap in our united front could cause serious problems. There are no such things as little problems. Little problems are usually a sign and evidence of big problems.
         37. Seldom is it worth risking the Army for one soldier's personal problems.
         38. Our security really is in God's hands must of all, and we have to depend on Him to take care of us and protect us and keep us in spite of our own stupid mistakes. "If any man lack wisdom let him ask of God, Who giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not." (Ja.1:15)
         39. The Enemy is always listening. Don't tell him what he wants to know.
         40. You can't have both: You cannot have both security and freedom, it's impossible.
         41. Pay attention to the checks of the Spirit and heed God's still small Voice when it checks you, "No, don't do that."
         42. Be mindful of the things you should do and should not do, so you can continue your work for the Lord.
         43. You have to be even more concerned about your security in the Spirit than in the natural. You might be very careful about natural security, but mighty damn careless about spiritual security!
         44. I want to shake you out of any false sense of security and remind you that we have no security except in the Lord, and we cannot trust man, whose breath is in his nostrils! (Isa.2:22)
         45. What is everybody's responsibility is nobody's responsibility.
         46. Public relations is good security and is worth almost any price because it can save your neck.
         47. Don't make it hard for authorities to protect you! Try to keep and obey their laws to make it easy for them to keep you!
         48. [A]void undue notice, attention and notoriety.
         49. The Devil can never do as much damage on the outside as he can on the inside.
         50. Every soldier must try his best not to be a casualty. Obedience and cooperation with the Lord's leaders may save your life and liberty for the Lord's service.
         51. Go
public [mass witnessing] and blow it!--Or stay personal [personal witnessing] and sow it!
         52. The quicker you go public, the quicker you're going to go absolutely private with no more [public] ministry at all!
         53. Always protect your leaders' security!
         54. I'd rather be a live fugitive than a dead hero!
         55. If saving your words saves your life, it might be a good idea to keep your mouth shut sometimes.
         56. He who fights and runs away
         Lives to fight another day!
         58. Always go two by two!
         59. Don't ever give any [private] information unless somebody asks, and then don't tell'm if you can help it.
         60. One of the best securities you have is to have friends and to be friendly, so that people
like you and are not apt to start talking about you because you have angered or frightened them somehow.
         62. When you
see out--others see in!
         63. Your friend has a friend, and your friend's friend has a friend, so be discreet.
         64. He who trusts his secrets to a servant makes
him master.
         65. It is easy to rob an orchard when no one is tending it.
         66. Don't let yourself get caught criminally liable for someone's serious illness or a death in the Family by not reporting it immediately to the authorities. Call the doctor immediately.
         67. Even if your situation may seem sometimes not the best natural
physical security, the Lord may know it's the best spiritual security in order that you can be united together in close communion and community and fellowship to better organise and synchronise your work together and be quickly available to each other.
         68. A passport is one of your most valuable possessions, because it is literally your passport to freedom from your country--whatever it may be--to "go into all the World to preach the Gospel to every creature." (Mk.16:15)
         69. Many enemies can be at least pacified, if you keep sweet, don't lose your temper, let them bawl you out, but don't bawl them out! Don't preach down at them! Be a sample, not a sermon. Give them a chance to back down and save face.
         71. When you leave things lying around openly, or leave doors or windows open, you're inviting theft, and you're just as guilty as the thief because you're inviting him to steal.
         72. If a robber wants it that bad, let him have it, to save your life. The Lord can replace things.
         73. Always consider that whatever you write down is [public], and whatever you say out loud is going to be heard by [others] and whoever you greet at the door could be [hostile]!
         74. It pays to be generous, it pays to be good to the local folks.
         75. You ought to conduct yourselves in these countries in such a fashion that the people of the country and its officials will be proud to have you there and be thankful for you!
         76. Before leaving the house, notify everybody of where you're going and when you plan to be back, in case of an emergency.
         77. Be ready for a knock at your door, that you respond to with hospitality and cheerfulness and cooperation.
         78. Answer their questions very honestly, try to give'm the honest truth and nothing but the truth, but no more than you [legally] have to give them.
         79. A lot of times the best answer is, "I don't know."
         80. It's dangerous to have people around who are not in tune with the Lord, who are grumbling and murmuring and complaining, etc., because if
you don't spank'm, God will! And you're apt to have to pay the bills for it!
         81. King David left a dummy in his bed to make it look like he was still there while he escaped through the window. Paul was let down over the wall in a basket. Jesus' disciples pretended to go one way when they left town but actually went another. The Three Wise men, instead of going back the main road to Herod, went another way home. Jesus hid Himself and escaped out of their midst.
         82. In general, it's best to live in a large city where you can have protection and anonymity amongst a lot of people. Avoid small towns where the only sport is gossip--about you!
Before you sign a lease, you are a client, after you sign, you are a tenant, and there's a World of difference. Study the contract carefully before you sign it!
         84. Almost anywhere in the World there are going to be some people who want to steal. As long as they don't have quite as much as someone else, they're apt to be tempted to try to get it by theft, if they don't love the Lord and others.
         85. Thieves are like mosquitoes. The light may attract them, but they don't like to get in the light.
         86. No matter where you are in the World, you've got to protect your goods and housing and be cautious about security.
         87. Be sure to have emergency telephone numbers of police, fire and ambulance posted by each telephone.
         88. The best protection, even more than locks, is to keep things hidden and out of sight, where thieves will have a hard time finding them. Don't leave valuables lying around, especially when you're absent. Lock them out of sight.
         89. Don't carry a gun unless you know how to use it, are permitted and have to. I suggest you don't have any.
         90. There's nothing a thief hates as much as being seen, and that's why they work in the dark.
         91. A watchful watchman is worth a thousand locks.
         92. As a responsible watchman on the wall, you'd better work with your sword in one hand and year trumpet in the other, because it is your duty to protect others and you cannot merely turn the other cheek.
         93. It's inexcusable for the person in charge of security to go to bed without being absolutely 100 per cent sure that everything is locked up and as it should be.
         94. It's better to lose a few things than to lose your life. Burglars have killed people to keep from being identified. So it's not good to apprehend a burglar in the act. Sometimes a light or yell can scare'm away. Don't try to chase them or go looking for trouble.
         95. Avoid any activities after 10 p.m. which might disturb the neighbours or draw attention to yourselves.
         96. All cash, records, and [private papers] should be kept locked up! Always lock up any [private] materials when leaving the house and keep your bedroom or office doors locked when absent or when visitors are in the house.
         97. You'd be surprised how much the System can learn about you from your trash. I remember a gang leader who was caught just through the police sifting his trash.
         100. Pray over each visitor who comes onto your property, even if you have to do it silently so as not to offend them, and command any demons or unclean spirits to leave in the Name of Jesus.
         101. If you start witnessing heavily to your neighbours, your witness might not last very long, as you could have to leave.
         102. When you are a guest in a foreign country, the local neighbours are always right.
         103. Whatever the cost of a P.O. box, it is worth it, as it saves many hassles with changes of address, confrontations with the public, officials, bill collectors, enemies, crackpots, general nuisances, etc., showing up at your house.
         104. Pray over every piece of mail you receive before you actually touch it, that the Lord will rebuke any bad spirits it may be carrying and cleanse it thoroughly.
         105. It can be very dangerous to forward mail, especially if it involves people who have 10:36 or legal problems.
         106. Just one or two foolish people can ruin it for the whole Family in a country.
         107. In foreign countries the Family had better stay out of anything political and show absolutely not political opinion whatsoever on either side! Show no sympathy nor take part in any kind of demonstration or discussions which would show you have sympathy with anything or anybody except the powers that be!
         108. When abroad, we have less rights but more freedom!--But don't start interfering with or commenting about their politics or economics or anything else!
         109. Be extremely careful and conscious and prayerful about your personal security and that of your most important security materials and your personal family and co-workers.
         110. It's a very ticklish business, this business of staying [low-key]. But it can save your life, liberty, limb, lit and happiness if you are very careful about it.
         111. Always call in just before you come home when out, and make sure you are not followed home.
         112. The place to hide a pebble is amongst other pebbles.
         113. One of the worst things you can do is show people where you keep and carry your money, especially if you're carrying a lot of it. Don't carry around a lot unless it's unavoidable.
         114. In most countries life is cheap and they're willing to risk theirs and take yours to get anything to eat on.
         115. Never resist an officer or interfere with the performance of his duty!
         116. Don't make it hard for the authorities to protect you! Try to keep and obey their laws to make it easy for them to keep you. Don't be obnoxious and objectionable and overbearing so that they have to do something to get rid of you!
         117. If a policeman knocks at your door, it doesn't necessarily mean that he's coming as an enemy! He is a minister of God [Rom.13] and is there to protect you! Officials often like to pay a "courtesy" call on newcomers to the community. He may just come to find out who you are and may just be a friendly visitor.
         118. It pays to make a good impression and do PR when officials visit. Hopefully they will go back and deliver a favourable report to their superiors.
         119. It's very dangerous to lie to the Police. They'll catch you sooner or later. A lot of times they ask questions when they already know the answers, just to see if you're lying.
         120. When talking to officials, either tell the truth of what you're doing if you can, have a good explanation of why you're there! Don't beat around the bush!
         121. In view of the way the World is going and the coming Government, we'd better start thinking of a few ways of keeping [low-key]! We'd better be called something besides a cult, a sect, an ism, a church or a religious organisation.--Or even a Family!
         122. We should nationalise wherever we can, to make it almost impossible for the authorities to get rid of us, unless they violate their own laws and their own constitution.
         123. The leader of a Home is supposed to know about everybody's passport, even supposed to have a passport inspection. He should go around and check everybody's passport to make sure of the exact date of expiration of both passports and visas and keep a confidential record of same to remind'm when it's time to renew.
         124. Never give out [private] information about yourself if you can possibly help it. Never talk about your affairs except in a general way unless required to do so by law. Casual conversation has a way of reaching ears that it was not meant for.
         125. Home deliveries of babies can be hazardous to security, as not many Systemites have them and it can create a lot of questions.
         127. Do not get too involved with the churches, even for support, as they'll usually reject you sooner or later.
         128. [When you come] home after litnessing, caf singing or public witnessing [beware of] any followers.
         129. When the officer of the law has told you to stop, stop! Don't disobey him and don't break the law!
         130. I don't want you to pass out literature that you're afraid to pass out or that you don't have the faith for, or that you're not willing to suffer for.
         131. It is very dangerous to permit unsaved and un-Spirit-filled people even in the same house with your children, but especially be wary of hiring them as servants! Parents should be in close watch over their care and supervision and constant oversight, knowing all that goes on.
         132. Don't tempt servants unnecessarily by leaving cash or valuables out openly or in open drawers.
         133. During the French Revolution Voltaire said: "Gentlemen, if the servants could hear what we're saying, our lives would not be safe."
         134. In protecting your children, you're protecting God's Work, and its future.
         135. You should never let new disciples come to live in until you know something about them and you've got a real conviction that they can deliver the goods. It's a whole lot harder to get rid of them than it is to take them in.
         136. Watch out about harbouring, or what the System calls contributing to juvenile delinquency, in the case of minors. Even a meal or a night's lodging could get you in trouble.
         138. People with problems with the law should not be accepted. It could get the whole Work in trouble and give it a bad name with the authorities against you.
         141. It is every disciple's duty to report any violation of the rules by any other Home member. Otherwise, you yourself are an
accessory to the crime and also guilty. Failure to report a crime is a crime!
         143. You're bound to have some problems with some parents--Mt.10:36 has promised this.
         144. If you insist on antagonising parents, you'll find that an angry parent is one of the worst and most persistent of enemies!
         145. We are in a war, brethren!--And it is not altogether spiritual. We don't believe in violence, but our enemies have made it violent, so you may have to use a threat of violent defense to prevent their violent attacks.
         146. If an unwelcome visitor invades your property, call the Police and defend yourself until they come! Try to let the Police handle it.
         147. If 10:36ers resort to violence, you are perfectly justified in calling the Police.
         148. Read the signs of the times, comb the newspapers, watch the news and know what the Government is doing, its attitudes towards foreigners, etc.
         149. The Pharisees had to work a long time to trap Jesus into giving them something to use against Him. We should be very diligent to make things just as hard on our enemies. Use wisdom! Discretion is the better part of valour.
         151. Always pray over your car before you leave it, even laying hands on it, praying for the things inside, that the Lord will protect and keep His property.
         152. Never leave luggage unattended! Never take your hands or feet off of it. Squeeze it between your legs if you have to. Mentally handcuff it to your wrist.
         153. A well-dressed, well-groomed appearance is important, and more often than not is a determining factor in the type of reception and treatment you'll receive at border points.
         154. In most poor countries you can't really trust hotel employees. They're poor and representatives of the poor and it's a very frequent practice for maids and maintenance men to act as spotters and case your room and your jewelry and inform a gang which will come along later and steal it or rob you!
         155. Everybody needs to have contingency plans--an alternative to follow in case of an emergency.
         156. Negligence and indifference in security matters cancel all good qualities, such as loyalty and devotion, etc.
         157. Beware of reporters--make sure you know who they are and what they are up to!
         158. Be diligent to take care of little business details like license renewals and payments of bills and not leave things neglected that could focus undue attention on you or bring about any kind of investigation or reflect on you or God's Work.
         159. Lord, help us to follow our hunches and feelings and those checks of Thy Spirit and that small voice that tells us, "This is the way, walk ye in it." (Isa.30:21) Help us to mind Thy voice, even though it may seem unreasonable or ridiculous, and we wonder why we should not do as usual or go to this place as usual, or to that as usual or say that. If we have any check in the Spirit at all, help us to mind it, knowing that
You know why.
         163. We're not as apt to be chased by the police as we are by our enemies who don't have to abide by the law.
         164. You can't guard yourself from everything, but you can stay so close to the Lord--awake or asleep, conscious or unconscious, whatever--that the Lord will see to it that there is not a moment that's unguarded.
         165. Give us great wisdom, great caution, Lord, immense security! We know, Lord, that Thy angels encompass round about them that fear Thee and that You have given Your angels charge over us to care for us in all our ways, Lord. (Psa.34:7; Psa.91:11.) But Lord help us not to give them a hard time.
         166. The time always comes when we're through and when the Lord figures we've done enough. Of course, it comes sometimes a little too soon through some people's foolishness and lack of wisdom in the matter of security and too much premature publicity of our
own, not to speak of the Enemy's, when we might have continued much longer with less exposure and less publicity in milder quieter forms of ministry.
         167. Try not to give people any reason to be suspicious of you. Suspicion is followed by interrogation, and interrogation by search, and search by seizure, until you're maybe even thrown in jail.
         168. We belong to the Kingdom of God but we are to obey the powers that be, like'm or not! We are dependent upon them and their hospitality for our stay in their country.
         169. The officials don't usually bother the women and the children and the families and little nobody helpers, but it's the top leadership they're always after.
         171. Where the police stop, the reporters begin! Reporters can use methods and measures which are illegal and the police don't dare use!
         174. [O]ur people need to be more faithful to report publicity about us. We need to get indications of the Devil's devices and what he's up to and what he's trying to do and his plans and tactics so that we can be prepared and on our guard against them and secure our walls and fortifications so that he is unable to
breach an attack and cause damage.
         175. [I]t would be a tragic thing if you give the government some excuse to take your children away from you and put them in the System permanently.
         176. You'd better make sure you are legally fixed to where you can protect yourself with legal papers to prove that you are fit parents and these are your children and you have legal custody of them, or you may be very sad and heartbroken to find the System can literally steal them away from you and give them over to the custody of the Devil and his cohorts.
         177. It would be a heartbreaking, heartrending thing to lose our children because of our own carelessness and our own lack of preparation and our own procrastination in preparing protection for them.
         178. When we talk about some [office] Homes being [behind-the-scenes] it doesn't mean being exactly like everybody else. It doesn't mean we don't let people know we're Christians.
         179. Security is essential to success if we're going to survive and keep going and keep preaching and keep our lives and disciples and continue the Message with the men and methods and secure, including our records and stats, etc., and not permitted to be neglected not kept in unsafe places or operate unsafely with any measure of insecurity, if at all possible.

         (See also No.26, 47, 51A, 107, 143A, 210, 274A, 326C, 356, 364, 367, 381, 542, 553, 651, 747, 749, 750, 758, 761, 765, 797, 856, 953-2, 980, 1067, 1377, Gen Series.)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family