109. REVOLUTION FOR JESUS        --page 859--

         See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build and to plant (Jer.1:10).

         1. It was our declaration of war against the Christless churches, our declarations of war against the damnable educational system, our declaration of war against the God-damned commercial system, which started this Revolution for Jesus!
         2. A real revolutionary must be revolutionary enough to pretend not to be revolutionary when dealing with the System.
         3. That so few now dare to be different, marks one of the chief dangers of our time.
         4. People have to know not only what you're preaching, but what you're
not preaching!--Not only what you're preaching for, but what you're preaching against!
         5. Our revolution has been as big a break with the past as the coming of Christ and His message was a break with the legalism of the Mosaic era.
         6. Our revolutionary is a total break with the traditions of man and his churches and his preconceived ideas about God and his misconceptions of morality.
         7. St. Francis has a passion for peace, poverty and the poor, and it soon won his pitiful people the approval of the Pope and the permanent antipathy of the pompous. And this flower unfolded the far-flung Franciscan Fathers of the future!
         8. I figure that if I shock you with the opposite extreme, it may wake you up enough to at least come halfway!
         9. If you can't get in through conventional means, go in through the back door!
         10. To get extreme results, you must use extreme measures!
         11. I am a fanatic, an extremist, a drastic and total revolutionary and I cannot even understand people who are not!
         12. God only makes major changes under very unusual circumstances when extraordinary measures are needed to accomplish extraordinary results.
         13. As the preacher known for his cussing said: "Listen, Sister, the World's heard about me!--Who the hell ever heard about you?"
         14. Jesus' and Moses' Revolutions were a return to God's original pattern and plan for man, as is ours.
         15. In a revolution you have to go to extremes and almost exaggerate to pull the rest of the people even halfway!
         16. I like to shock people, challenge them, stir them up, arouse them, awaken them out of their lethargy, cause them to explode over what I've said!--Make'm mad, sad or glad!
         17. I'm a hundred-percenter, I can't stand compromisers, I can't stand half-hearted people! I can't stand selfish people, I can't stand people who claim they believe in something but don't practice it!
         18. The goal of our Revolution never changes, but the methods of perpetrating it do! The purpose and goal remain the same, and that's to win hearts and souls!
         19. Revolution is not a dinner party, nor a essay, nor a painting, nor a piece of embroidery; it cannot be advanced softly, gradually, carefully, considerately, respectfully, politely, plainly, and modestly.--Mao Tse-tung
         20. Our wheel is the ever-revolting revolution of God's Kingdom with its basic rim of certain limitations and rules supporting the spokes (us), firmly embedded in the central Hub of God and eternally turning of the axis of His Will, geared to the power of His Spirit!
         21. David is a
Rescuer of the Bound! "He is fighting in a holy war to free men from fear with faith, from hatred with love, from sorrow with joy, from war with peace, from poverty with plenty and from death with Eternal Heavenly Happiness!"
         22. You've got to bury the old in order to resurrect the new!
         23. Ours is a revolution of youth, the young who have time to change themselves and to change things!
         24. I'm a red radical--red with the blood of Jesus Christ and radical for the Truth!
         25. We have arisen in a worldwide spiritual Revolution to claim the Kingdom of God in these last days.
         26. David's rebels are on the way with his inflammatory incendiaries to set the World of fire!
         27. A revolution has not only got to be
against something, but to accomplish anything positive, it has to be for something.
         28. The truly great revolutionists from Noah to Christ had to totally do away with the old and start with the new; for the old debris and the self-righteous hypocrisy of self-satisfaction always seek to smother the new flame and stamp it out, lest it expose the sins of the existing system with the brilliance of the new light.
         29. There are two kinds of dropouts: Some from the wrong System--some from the right System! Which kind are you?
         30. The Lord told us that this Revolution would rise like a mighty ocean and swell to a giant wave of witnessing which would sweep the World like a gigantic ocean breaker, rolling across the countries and continents of the World until it had thundered upon ever shore, sweeping all opposition in it's path and flooding the World with the Gospel as his Revolutionaries rode high on its crest, indomitable, irresistible and gaining power, strength, size, and momentum with every moment! (And it
has! Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus!)
         31. We are not talking about a revolution like the Communists, promising World Utopia someday! We've
got it right now!
         32. You'll never know the Truth until you're willing to let your false conceptions and preconceived notions be destroyed and all the chaff blown away, to let the true grain of His Word appear!
         33. What are we doing spiritually in our group?--Destroying idols and exalting the Lord alone!--We're sick of the damnable churchianity and idolatry! The Lord said we were idol smashers!
         34. When Jesus preached repentance, He was literally preaching spiritual revolution, which is why they killed Him.
         35. We are not just
thinking about revolution! We have a revolution and we are a revolution and we are already living a revolution! We are the Revolution of God!
         36. We are not physically violent!--We are talking about a
spiritually violent Revolution, that absolutely rends your heart right out completely and gives you a new Spirit, the Holy Ghost of God!--Violent spiritual Revolution! That's the kind of Revolution we've got!
         37. That which resist change is no longer part of the Revolution, but has become an old bottle, a part of an old System! But a Revolution keeps moving and changing and revolving and revolting! To revolve you have to go clear to this side, then to that side, and from one extreme to the other, but you never get any further from the Centre, Jesus, no matter how much you revolve or how far or fast or slow you go!
         38. Ours is a war of the Spirit in faith and love to win the minds and hearts and spirits and save the souls as well as the bodies of men! Ours is a war to free men from the evils of the spirit and mind and heart of man which cause them to be selfish and unloving and vicious and cruel and unkind to each other, man's inhumanity to man because of his lack of understanding of how to be happy, because of his lack of the knowledge of the love and faith and power of God and loving laws of God designed for our eternal happiness!
         39. The radical teachings and tactics of us Christian revolutionaries are from our Revolutionary Handbook, the Bible, and the greatest of all Revolutionaries, Jesus Christ, and His 12 bearded militants!
         40. The whole Revolution is in vain if we're not getting the Message out to others.
         41. It is impossible to reform the old, for they will not accept it.
         42. The dead and rotten crumbling timbers of the old must be totally swept away and destroyed in the fires of His purification. Too many have tried too many years to patch up the old.
         43. We have declared war of the Spirit on the System's Godless schools, Christless churches and heartless Mammon! We hope to stop the pollution and destruction of the Earth by the World's worst rebels of all time--the generation that produced us--our parents--who taught us rebellion against God and His laws!--We long to return to the Truth, Love, Peace and Beauty of our ancients and the simple life of true happiness in God and love for fellow man!
         44. All the prophets of God, from the beginning until now, including Jesus Himself, were always revolutionaries of the Spirit and preached first, last and always to their dying system: Repent! Revolute! Turn around and go the other direction! Have a revolution or die!
         45. We don't want reform or reformation! We're not trying to revamp the existing system. We want to see a complete and total absolute change of systems, from man's systems to God's system!--The Kingdom of God on Earth, a total and complete and absolute Revolution of the
Spirit which will change the hearts of men!
         46. All other revolutions have died or will die; this is the only genuine Revolution and the only one that will survive, because this is the revolutionary Kingdom of God and Jesus Christ!
         47. We are more revolutionary than the Communists because they haven't changed one damned heart!
         48. You, the Children of God, are God's Revolution for this hour and day!
         49. The job of a revolutionary is to shock people out of their lethargy! You almost have to go to the extreme in order to pull the rest of them halfway!
         50. I don't know of any other outfit in the World that is really religiously revolutionary!
         51. We have the revolution that changes and grips men' hearts so they can't get away, and turns them completely around and changes their direction!
         52. God has a lot of new methods for today, a lot of things that would have even shocked the Early Christians. God is today a lot more modern than most people give Him credit for. God is not a traditionalist, He doesn't have to stick to the past. The only thing He cares about is the present and the future--the past is gone and already forgotten.
         53. We, like the Early Christians, might have been brought under bondage to old church tradition by the churches and the church people if we had not been so radically revolutionary and revolutionarily radical that the church people just totally rejected us and our doctrine and condemned us and ostracised us and rejected us and refused to believe us.
         54. The Lord has made the division so great, the gulf so wide and the gap so big that no man can bridge it. We're so totally revolutionary and radical compared to the churches that it's impossible for us to conform or for them to accept us. This has kept us separate and pure and holy unto the Lord just like the Early Christians with their radical abandonment of Moses and the law.
         55. God loves our attitude toward sex and nudity because that's
His attitude. He's pleased and thrilled with our use of them in love to win souls. At last somebody is making good use of all that wonderful sex and nudity He made and using it for the best possible purpose, to win souls in FFing.--Something the church people cannot accept and which, thank God, keeps us totally separate and distinct from the defunct churches and far more acceptable to the sinners and the World we're trying to win.
         56. Thank God we're not encumbered with the church or the church Christians. We don't have to worry about pleasing them. We can never please them. We're entirely too radical, fanatical, revolutionary, sexy and untraditional. We violate all their favorite morals and taboos and contradict all their pet doctrines except Salvation.
         57. We don't want to be accepted by the church people. We want to be accepted by the sinners and lost souls who need our salvation and our love and our girls and their joy and happiness and even our sex. That's what the World needs today.
         58. We just don't fit churchianity and we never will! God called us for a different purpose, ministry, message and method to reach a different people and we've done it outside of the churches and without their help and even against their opposition as Jesus did against the church of His day.
         59. Because of the failure of the churches, God had to raise us up--a new church, a new young, beautiful, sexy, fanatical, radical, revolutionary Bride that would do the job they didn't do.
         60. Even the life of Christ and the Book of Acts is Ancient History. We're living our Book of Acts today! We're living in a sense the life of Christ
today! And we're far more interested in what we're doing now and what we're going to be doing in the Future than all this stuff that's past, that there's nothing you can do about now except learn some bitter lessons form it.
         61. Our revolution has been almost as big a break with the past as the coming of Christ and His message was with the legalism of the past of the Mosaic era. It's been like a whole new dispensation of grace.
         62. Revolutions are not for timid souls or the fearful or the unbelieving; they're strictly for courageous folks like you who are willing to risk your lives for the Lord's work every day!
         63. Rasputin was cursed and damned and vilified, but he was actually leading a spiritual revolution in Russia and there were thousands of people who believed in him. He had a mighty power of the Spirit of God and he really preached the truth! He led a spiritual revolution in the last days of the monarchy and that was their last chance. They rejected it and killed him and they got the Russian Communist Revolution!
         64. Our greatest resource and wealth is manpower, womanpower and kid-power in our Worldwide revolution for Jesus!
         65. It has been the intellectual intelligentsia of the upper-middle class that has led nearly every revolution, because they had the brains and education and knowledge and the language--and the money in some cases, to do it.
         66. God's Acts 2:44-45 and 4:31-35, has never changed, and neither have our basic revolutionary rules or God's basic loving principles of sharing with those in need.
         67. The thing that really started the Jesus Revolution was an all-out declaration of war against the System and the churches! It was a call to arms: "Come, fight and die with us for the truth and the Lord!"
         68. Every time God wants to raise up a new people, a new generation, new bottles to do what He really wants'm to do, He has to first give the old bottles a chance and sock it to'm and break'm up in pieces so that the new bottles can take their place.
         69. There's hardly anything we do or can say or print or picture which won't offend the System, because we are just not System! We are real revolutionaries and we are opposed to nearly everything the System stands for because the System stands for the Devil, who is pretty much behind it and pretty much has designed it.
         70. We're a revolution, we keep changing! If there's any way we can improve, we keep doin' it! I'm going to ask you daily from now on: "What did you improve today? What have you done today that you won't have to do again tomorrow?"

         (See also No.E, I, L, S, 6, 60, 65, 69, 97, 118, 148, 232, 255, 272, 286, 321, 333, 1336, 1592, 1598,

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