69. KINGS & SUPPORTERS   --page 572--

         If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things? (1Cor.9:11).

         1. God's children & prophets have always needed powerful friends.
         2. Let them minister to us of their carnal things, as we minister to them spiritually!
         3. Our friends do need some explanation & a little encouragement to clear up some mistaken ideas!
         4. You must be strong enough & diplomatic enough to stand up to kings when necessary.
         5. Kings are nearly always more interested in preserving the tree & all the branches, than the unseen Sap!
         6. We need friends in the System too!--Not all can be soldiers in the Army!
         7. With all kings, it's not a matter of how far we can go with them--it's how far are they willing to go with us.
         8. All kings eventually think, "Dump the prophet & keep the power & the people!" But God will not tolerate it!
         9. Kings think they can have it all & not share it with God, so they wind up with nothing!
         10. You must warn the king fairly & in advance that either he does it God's way with His leadership, or "We will not follow you!"
         11. It's only fair to warn your kings!--That if they don't honour God's leadership & quit trying to compromise or suppress His message, they're going to lose everything!
         12. A friend lost is usually an enemy gained!
         13. No Home we establish is going to succeed without friends.
         14. Kings love efficiency, they love success, they love to see you save their money, & they don't like waste. They like you to be good stewards of the kingdom.
         15. Nothing encourages your donors to give, more than to see how meticulous you are!--To see what excellent care you take of things!
         16. Kings always want to be prophets!
         17. The prophets' biggest problems were their kings & queens.
         18. No revolution has ever been able to get along without outside friends!
         19. If they minister to you materially, you owe them a spiritual ministry of encouragement, inspiration, & fellowship.
         20. Don't let yourself get into too great a bondage or obligation to anyone so much that you're not free to work as the Lord leads.
         21. We must not neglect our friends & kings & queens! We must minister to them! They need our help spiritually. We need their help materially. We are in a bondage of obligation to each other.
         22. With kings, when you lose a friend, you gain an enemy.
         23. "There leave your
blessing"--it's something that stays with people who receive you. (Mt.10:13)
         24. Every prophet & man of God had to have their patrons, protectors & providers in order that they might accomplish God's work.
         25. It's not easy to minister to kings! But if you want to be faithful to God, the King of kings, you must! Kings have a King over them, & He's your God, & they are His kings! If you want to be benefited & be faithful to God, you're going to have to be faithful to God's kings, & if you're not, you'll be sorry!
         26. Kings live in the material realm & minister in the material kingdom, so they like the material rewards, & God gives it to them to share it with you!--So you must praise them for it! It's what every kind lives for, glory & honour!
         27. Kings & queens that you only see when you need them, are not going to be your kings & queens very long. The thing that will please them is when they see you're not only interested in their kingdom or their money--but in them!
         28. If you are good stewards of the king himself, his needs, his problems, etc., tomorrow you may be good stewards of his kingdom!
         29. One of our biggest failings seems to be consideration for other people, especially our kings.
         30. Kings love financial efficiency.
         31. Kings love good leaders!
         32. The very fact that they're willing to be connected with you is protection & support.
         33. Somehow let kings know they are part & parcel of your work.
         34. Unless you really minister to these kings, you're going to lose them.
         35. The reason our kings are rich is because they hang onto it & value it.
         36. You must have good communication with kings. Without communication the whole thing can go dead!
         37. You have to live with some of these kings to bring them through.
         38. We still don't have our literal kingdom yet, we haven't arrived at the Promised Land yet, & we are still dependent upon our kings & we need them! You'll probably always have to deal with kings.--So you might as well get used to it!
         39. Kings are conscious of every little thing--that's how they got started & they never get over it. Nothing escapes the king.
         40. Kings have their pets, the ones they love, & you can't shove the job on someone else or you'll hurt the king.
         41. You have to first spend time with your
King of kings, then your King, & then with your kings.
         42. Religious kings are the hardest to get along with.
         43. These helpers of ours are not neutral. They are pro-Family even if they don't join us.
         44. Kings are sometimes our most neglected helpers.
         45. It's more difficult for the rich & rulers to forsake all than anyone else, because they have the most to forsake.
         46. Our kings are our biggest babies & require constant nursing.
         47. If you're leaving the rich North to go to the poor South, raise your support at home first before you go.
         48. The rich at home ought to support you. They owe it to you & the Lord & the unevangelised poor of the World.
         49. Get your home folks to give to Missions like they ought to, & don't expect the poor peons of the World's undernourished millions to foot your bills!
         50. If you can't be
on the field, you can at least help the field.
         51. If the field is too rough for you, then stay home & support the ones who can take it!
         52. If you can't be
serving the Lord full-time, at least you can be giving fulltime!
         53. In the door-to-door ministry you can continue to minister to a variety of people & have a following better able to support you.
         54. Sock it to the home folks & say, "You send me the money & support me!--That's the least you can do!"
         55. People will give much more freely & willingly & are much more inspired to give to personalities than organisations. Keep those prayer letters goin'! It's your lifeline!
         56. Those who actually visit the field & have seen the people & the need, how hard it is & how the missionaries really live sacrificially, they make the best givers.
         57. If you're going to stay free & in fulltime service for the Lord, somebody's got to support you. You've got to be able to
ask for it & not be ashamed to ask for it. You've got the worthiest cause in the World!
         58. I'd rather have 10,000 little widows sending me a dollar a month, than one big rich man giving me $10,000 a month, because then I have 10,000 little widows praying for me instead of one big rich man telling me what to do with his money!
         59. Anybody that's investing in your business wants to see some results & some dividends, some profit: "What am I getting out of this?"--They want to see some
souls saved, some lives changed. They want to see the pictures. They want to hear about what you're doing & you've got to tell them, because if you don't tell people, they're not going to know, & if they don't know, how are they going to support you?
         60. People are just like kids when it comes to giving donations. Unless you keep telling them & telling them & telling them you
need it, it doesn't sink in!
         61. God is with our advocates. He makes them ten feet tall! They are become as the mighty men of David! They cannot lose!
         62. When you are accepting a lot of help from others, you are making yourself obligated to them & you're no longer totally free. They receiver is servant to the giver, & the Scripture says, "The borrower is servant to the lender." (Pr.22:7)
         63. One of the first things you need to learn if you're going to stay free & in full-time service to the Lord is that somebody's got to support you.
         64. I would rather they wouldn't give us anything than to be obligated & bound to compromise for advantage.
         65. The kings must not be allowed to overrule the prophets. Don't counsel with kings on spiritual issues. Just inform them.
         66. Prophets must learn to work with & appreciate the kings, but not be run by them.
         67. The spirit must dominate the flesh always. Don't ever let the physical overrule the spiritual.
         68. Don't be so dogmatic about everybody forsaking all. God's got to let a few Systemites stick with it, so they can give their pants to clothe us & their bottom dollar to feed us, or their power & influence to protect us!
         69. Although working with kings can create many problems for both you & the king, it can also solve many more.
         70. God's children & prophets have always needed powerful friends, kings, protectors & patrons or they could seldom have survived in the face of the bitter opposition aroused by their message of God. God knows we need all the help we can get!
         71. The rich are the most neglected class of people there are spiritually.
         72. If you are a poor little Home that's starving to death, there's something wrong! God usually supplies His children abundantly! Most of all you probably didn't honour & cultivate your kings & queens & minister to them spiritually, share your spiritual riches with your system friends, so they could in turn share their material riches with you.
         73. The poorest people in the World spiritually are the rich materially.
         74. The rich materially are the hardest to reach because of our pride. We're ashamed to go to the rich for fear somebody will accuse us of wanting their money!--Why shouldn't we want their money for God's work?
         75. The places where we are making the most progress are where we have reached the leaders & the rich first.
         76. We should not always be expecting kings to forsake all their riches & their power, because if they did they wouldn't be able to help us any more!
         77. We need to honour kings for what they are & where they are, as long as they share their riches with those of us that need them!
         78. How are we going to help the poor unless we start with the rich & the powerful who can make it possible?
         79. Keeping appointments with System kings is very important!
         80. You should have some outstanding king in every area to help you get going: For provision, for good PR with the system, for protection & for defense. The very fact they're willing to be connected with you is protection & support!
         81. Kings can become your worst enemies, so handle them prayerfully.
         82. You've got to sell your work to the public, share your needs with friends. Tell them, "If God's called you to make money, why aren't you giving it to His work?
         83. Some of the most successful armies in the World have starved to death because they neglected their line of supply!
         84. You should have regular meetings & projects for your kings & friends. There should be things they can do for you better than you can do for yourselves. It's easier for them to ask for help for you than for you to ask for help for yourself.
         85. Some of the most pitiful people of history were the kings & queens who were the worst prisoners of all, released only by death! There's always a sword hanging over their head.
         86. If we would help free our kings from their enemies, they would help free us from ours.
         87. How many kingdoms could we be running now if we had taken care of the kings & their money & their equipment & houses they've given us!
         88. If you don't use the one little talent your kings give you & invest it properly, they will take it away & give you no more!
         89. Nothing escapes the king. They notice how you're dressed, the papers lying in the yard, & the junkers behind the garage!
         90. You must do anything you have to do to win them: Bathe their feet or wash their clothes or cook their meals, or stand in for an employee that's sick, or answer the phone, to show them you're concerned about
them & not just their kingdom.
         91. If you would seek more after the will of your King of kings & the Words of your own King, God would give you more understanding & the love you need for your material kings also.
         92. They've usually lived longer & usually know more about a lot of things than you do, & you might profit by their knowledge if you'd listen, even if they're not always right!
         93. They may not always be right, but they're still your kings & queens.
         94. Kings are seldom satisfied with being kings!--They want to be the voice of God as well.
         95. Kings try their best to tell you what to do spiritually as well & that's where you, the prophet, have to draw the line!
         96. Gently & tactfully decline when the king tries to tell you how to run the spiritual kingdom.--But try not to offend him.
         97. This is a frequent problem with kings who want to be recognised as one of us & yet have not really fully become one of us the hard way as you have. As soon as you give them the slightest bit of recognition or authority to keep them happy, they try to start running the whole show, & then you have to put them down & risk losing them.
         98. You need to ask God for wisdom to know how to handle these queens & kings in a diplomatic fashion which will retain their friendship & not lose their help, but still not give them the idea they can take over & run everything.
         99. King Saul was God's classic dandy-bad example of a king who refused to obey God's prophet.
         100. The rich young ruler is a classic example of a king who wouldn't pay the price of full discipleship.
         101. When kings begin to be reluctant to follow the teaching, they'll soon renege on following the teacher as well.
         102. Kings think they can have it all & not share it with God, so they wind up with nothing! But the prophet's mistake is not to give the kings fair warning of this.
         103. Either kings have got to accept you & your message or reject both!--Including your leadership! They can't have their cake & eat it too!--They've got to share it!
         104. Teach them how to live by teaching them how to give.
         105. It's only because we minister to them of our spiritual riches that we can expect to receive of their material riches.
         106. Most of these kings & queens are living behind the Green Door & are literally love-starved!
         107. The less you have to ask for, the less you're obligated to do it their way, & the more freedom you'll have to do as God leads!
         108. When you voluntarily withdraw & close up a public ministry, your supporters wonder why, when you were going great guns & they were giving you so much help & support, that you suddenly dropped everything & retreated for no apparent reason. If they've already heard some of the criticism & scandalous reports, it's apt to make them think maybe they're true because you're on the run.
         109. If they thought you were worth supporting, they'd be supporting you! If you'd keep in touch with them & let'm know what you're doing, they'd support you. If you'd write'm faithful prayer letters & thank-you's they'd support you. If you'd get out there & work right in your field & minister, even the poor would support you! And if all else fails & everybody else fails, if you're obeying God & preaching the Gospel & winning souls & disciples & doing His will,
God will support you no matter what!
         110. Every country has its rich! Every country has its big business moguls & governing kings & queens & princes & princesses who have lots of money & who would be happy to support you if you'd win'm to the Lord & win their love & their friendship & their interest to encourage them to support you.
         111. There are plenty of rich people in every country who could help & support you if you would ask God to help you find them & get ahold of them in some way that they would be willing to help you.

         (See also Nos. U, 27, 37, 61, 67, 193, 199, 211, 212, 217, 218, 311C, 312A, 333A, 571, 673, 783, 860, 922, 936, 1549.)

         112. GEN.39:21 But the Lord was with Joseph, and shewed him mercy, and gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison.
         113. PRO.16:14,15 The wrath of a king is as messengers of death: but a wise man will pacify it. In the light of the king's countenance is life; and his favour is as a cloud of the latter rain.
         114. PRO.21:1 The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: He turneth it whithersoever He will.
         115. ECC.8:2-4 I counsel thee to keep the king's commandment, and that in regard of the oath of God. Be not hasty to go out of his sight: stand not in an evil thing; for he doeth whatsoever pleaseth him. Where the word of a king is, there is power, and who may say unto him, What doest thou?
         116. ISA.44:28 That saith of Cyrus, He is my shepherd, and shall perform all my pleasure: even saying to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be built; and to the temple, Thy foundation shall be laid.
         117. ISA.45:5,6,13 I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me: That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside Me. I am the Lord, and there is none else. I have raised him up in righteousness, and I will direct all his ways: he shall build my city, and he shall let go my captives, not for price nor reward, saith the Lord of hosts.
         118. JOH.12:42 Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on Him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue.
         119. 1TI.6:17,18 Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy. That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate.

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