64. JEALOUSY --page 534--

         Jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame (SoS 8:6).

         1. Jealousy is selfishness & pride, lack of humility, fear & lack of faith!
         2. Jealousy is really a spirit of complaint & murmuring which is born of pride. You murmur because you feel you should be treated better.
         3. Jealousy shoots at others & injures herself.
         4. In jealousy there is more self-love than love.
         5. Suspicion is far more apt to be wrong than right, oftener unjust than just. It is no friend to virtue, & always an enemy to happiness.
         6. With people who are not willing to share what they have, it's a common practice for the Lord to often take it away completely, many times giving it to the one with whom they were not willing to share it!
         7. Are you having problems in your part of the Father's Estate? Has the Evil Sorcerer sown the evil seeds of jealousy or contention in your Garden?--Are they growing into bitter nagging gnawing choking weeds of discontent, dissension, bitterness & strife?
         8. Jealousy makes us smaller in the hearts of our friends, weaker in the eyes of our adversaries, & defenseless in the hands of our enemies.
         9. With jealousy, if the Devil can just get you started worrying about or suspecting something, then everything that happens has a little meaning of its own which it was never intended to have or never did have, but the Devil plays it up & exaggerates it!
         10. Blowing out the other fellow's candle won't make yours shine any brighter.
         11. If love is the major virtue, then hatefulness & selfishness & jealousy must certainly be the major sins!
         12. How foolish to throw away everything God gives you for envy & fear & pride!
         13. "Thou shalt give unto him that asketh of thee & of him that would borrow of thee, turn not thou away."
         14. How can you challenge God's right to supply others in their need when God has so mercifully supplied you in your need?
         15. Jealousy turns to hatred of the one you're jealous of.
         16. Twinges of jealousy are similar to twinges of selfishness. Let's face it, jealousy
is selfishness!
         17. Indeed beauty is thine like a rare & priceless jewel, but wouldst thou keep it for thyself alone to enjoy its beauty? The beauty is only radiant when thou dost share its radiance with others, & hold it aloft that it may shine & all may see, & not cover & keep it for thyself alone! But thou must have help to hold up thy arm that its radiance may shine before all. O Jesus! Wouldst that thou shalt reveal Thy love & Thy life which Thou wouldst lay down for many! For she that withholdeth, it tendeth to poverty, but she that scattereth abroad, it increaseth.
         18. Beware lest thou hinderest the sure mercies that I have given unto David, & beware lest thou shouldst assay to bottle up the love springs of his forgiveness!
         19. Yet shall these same strands of that web that he weaveth entrap thine own heart if thou wilt not share & if thou sharest not thy possessions, but like the spider devourest thine own mate that dost help to weave this web for thee.
         20. This web that I weave in My wisdom shall catch many. Be not thou selfish therefore, for there is room for many in the web that I weave for them all.
         21. Beware lest thou become thyself entangled with thine own love, so thou canst no longer weave & thou canst no longer run to fix each strand upon the heart of another in the places I have ordained for them, & thou become entrapped in thine own web that I have made to catch the hearts of many.
         22. There have been those who have become selfish & proud & jealous. Demanding their exclusive rights, they have lost everything because they weren't willing to share.
         23. You can become like a dog in the manger, where you don't want him, but you don't want anybody else to have him either--& you'll lose everything!
         24. Foolish, selfish & jealous people!--Do you know what they're willing to do? They're willing to even kill the thing they pretend to love just to keep it away from others! They would rather see it die than have anybody else have it!
         25. They'd rather kill it than share it!--That's the ultimate in selfishness!
         26. The proud, selfish & jealous kill rather than share! They'd rather kill it than let anybody else have it--which shows they don't really love it! They really only love themselves! That's the ultimate in proud selfish jealousy!
         27. In the long run, you won't kill your competition by jealousy, but you'll kill the one you say you love! You may kill his love for you, his faith in you, & even his faith in himself!
         28. Selfishness is one of the primary symptoms of insanity! In fact, selfishness really is insanity. The insane seldom think of others, they're usually only thinking of themselves & don't care what happens to other people. Insanity is almost totally selfish & self-centered.
         29. "Unto him that hath it shall be given, but unto him that hath not, it shall be taken away even that which he thinketh he hath."
         30. "Withhold thou not lest it tend to thy poverty, but scatter thou abroad, & the love which he hath for thee shall increase."
         31. "Give & it shall be given unto thee, pressed down, shaken together & running over! And out of the fullness that I have given thee, shalt thou give forth unto many & shalt not covet, neither shalt thou be afraid."
         32. "Give & it shall be given unto thee, & spread abroad, & thou shalt gather & share, & thou shalt increase."
         33. "For I am He that giveth & will not withhold. Even so be thou like unto Me, for I give without measure & I withhold not."
         34. "Therefore share thou & give thou, bestow thou & cast thou abroad among many, & thou shalt increase, for unto him which hath it shall be given! Wherefore, from him which withholdeth, it shall be taken away even that which he thinketh he hath. The more that thou givest, the more it shall be given thee."
         35. "Give unto her that is athirst that thou mayest keep that which thou hast! From thy riches thou dost give a little to her who is poor, & from thy abundance & affluence thou shalt share with her that is athirst."
         36. When you're jealous you're so God-damned afraid that somebody is going to have a little more than you have, a little of your share. You're so afraid that somehow or another he or she is going to get more attached to somebody else & you won't get your share & you won't be able to hang on & possess. It's just a very selfish egotistical proud jealous desire for private property rights.
         37. If God puts you together, what God has put together let not man put asunder. What
God has put together, I don't see how any man can put asunder. If God has put you together, nothing is going to separate you. And when anything or anyone says to you, "Oh this is going to separate you, this is going to take her away from you, you're going to lose her, she loves somebody else more than you, she gives him more time than she does you, she enjoys making love to him more than she does you," all these are absolute lies of the Devil!
         38. We need to get over the idea that we have absolute ownership, total selfish possession & we don't have to share, when on the other hand we're preaching & practicing sharing all the time up to a point.
         39. "Thou shalt not be selfish, but thou shalt share, & he that scattereth abroad, it increaseth, but he that withholdeth it tendeth to poverty."
         40. That which you give you have power over.
         41. You better be thankful for what you have, even if it's only a little. Be thankful you have to share once in awhile. Be thankful you're able to have something to share once in awhile. As Mrs. Billy Graham said when they asked her, "How can you stand to be married to a man who is gone most of the time?" She said, "I'd rather have a little bit of Billy Graham than a whole lot of somebody else."
         42. Marriage makes no difference whatsoever when it comes to sharing each other & with the Lord & His Work & others. Our whole life is sharing. The whole principle of our whole Family is that we share.
         43. It's the worst idolatry of all when you worship a person. God will not stand for your making an idol out of your wife!--That's spiritual sin & wickedness & idolatry & adultery & spiritual whoredom, to love your wife more than God! Spiritual adultery is the worst thing in the World, which makes it physical adultery because you withhold her from her own Husband unlawfully, who is God. Adultery is any illegal or unlawful or unloving marriage relationship. But any relationship which is motivated purely by the Lord of God & others, against such there is no law & it couldn't possibly be adultery. The Law of Love is supreme above all laws--the Law of Jesus Christ. Who is Jesus? He's the Bridegroom. Who is your wife? She's Jesus' wife. Then why does He let you have her? Why does He let you have His wife? Because He loved you & had compassion on you, so He loaned you His wife, His Bride!
         44. If you're going to be so damned self-righteous & holier-than-thou & hypocritical as to think you're holier than your wife because she has sinned against you, but oh no!, you've never sinned, therefore you're not going to forgive her, then you're the biggest sinner of all! Because self-righteousness is the greatest sin of all!--The only unpardonable sin!

         (See also No. 227, 287, 290, 507, 511, 512, 514, 572, 575, 603, 727, 984, 1295, 1378, 1395.)

         45. PRO.6:34,35 For jealousy is the rage of a man: therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance. He will not regard any ransom; neither will he rest content, though thou givest many gifts.
         46. PRO.14:30 A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones.
         47. PRO.27:4 Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; but who is able to stand before envy?
         48. SOS.8:6 Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.
         49. MAR.15:10 For he [Pilate] knew that the chief priests had delivered
Him [Jesus] for envy.
         50. GAL.5:26 Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.
         51. JAM.3:16 For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.

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