NEVER RUN FROM A DOG!    2/85     DO 2367

1. Never run from a dog, or he may chase you! There are a lot of things I should have run from that I didn't & got beat up! Once in awhile I ran, but I found out you should never run from a dog, that's for sure, because then they'll attack you! They figure you must be guilty or you wouldn't be running! Aren't dogs smart? If you stand up & challenge them, they back off! They figure, "Well, maybe he's got some right to be here for some reason."--Especially if you challenge them in the Name of Jesus! I've stopped them in their tracks! You never ever turn your back on a dog that's barking & growling & snapping, or he will definitely bite you then! You face him, you never turn your back! Mama knows this too, she's seen me go through a few of these encounters on our walks. Always be prepared to defend yourself & face the dog. He may be standing there barking & snapping & growling & snarling & baring his teeth like he'd just like to get a hunk out of you, but if you look him right in the eye, especially with the power of the Holy Spirit, usually he'll go that far & no further, he'll stay a few feet away. And if you've got a good stick that looks like you can whack him one, sometimes that will keep some of them away.--Although I've had'm grab the end of my stick sometimes!
2. As I've told you, the surest method is a missile, & I'm not talking about rockets!--The very earliest missile Man ever learned to use, the same kind of missiles that little David used with Goliath! You just stoop right down & pick up a rock! Don't turn your back to do it though, keep facing him & look around out of the corners of your eyes if there are any rocks around on the ground, & if you dive for a rock & throw it at him, he will run! And I have found--& Mama has seen this happen--if I couldn't see any rocks or anything to throw, I pretended I was reaching for a rock. I just reached down on the ground & grabbed something & the dog couldn't tell whether I'd really found a rock or not! I'd hold it back like this & that's all you have to do! In fact, usually if you just reach for a rock they'll run! Remember that, it's very important! If you're out someplace where people don't lock their gates & leave their wild dogs running wild, you may wish you'd remembered this!
3. So I've never run from a dog, but sometimes I've run from countries!--From country to country!--Ha! Sometimes it pays to run, the Lord recommended it. He said in some cases you're to flee, don't try to stay & fight it out.--Mat.10:23. Maybe you can stay a little while & fight it out until you see you can't win, & you're bound to lose because they've got the upper hand. The System always wins, you can't fight City Hall, & when it gets too tough & too rough & you really can't do your job, then get out! That's a good time to run!--AMEN?