--Techi & Davida's Birthday Talk!

         1. FOR LITTLE CHILDREN, EVERY BIRTHDAY IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT because they're a whole year older, they've passed another big hurdle, another milestone! They're all trying to grow up so fast, they just want to grow up as fast as they can, & it seems so long between birthdays & such a long time since the last birthday &, oh my, they come so slow, don't they? It takes so long to grow up, doesn't it? Why do you suppose the Lord made it so it takes so long to have to grow up? (Techi: So you can learn things.)--Right! It takes a whole lifetime to learn what you need to know. It takes all those years of growing up.
         3. So birthdays are very important, you're a year older each time & you're getting closer & closer to being an adult & being able to have children of your own.
         4. NOW HOW DO YOU KNOW WHEN YOU'VE ACTUALLY BECOME AN ADULT? IS IT A CERTAIN AGE? Is it when a boy starts having semen or the girls begin to have periods? Is that the way you know you've begun to be an adult?--Or is it when you're fully grown at the age of 18, around there?--Or when you're legally of age at 21, is that how you know you're an adult? What are you gaining all this time? (Fam: Experience.)
         5. EXPERIENCE TO YOUR DEVELOPMENT IS LIKE EXERCISE TO THE BODY! Every experience you go through, every test, every trial, every new thing that you learn along the way, you are gaining experience, & experience is to your mind & your heart or spirit like exercise is to your body. And what does exercise do to your body?--It makes you stronger! So every experience you go through, God designs to make you stronger!
         6. WHAT IT TAKES TO MAKE YOU STRONGER IS ALL THESE EXPERIENCES & LESSONS YOU LEARN, EVERY TEST & EVERY TRIAL! What are all these games & these things that people go through physically in sports? They actually call'm trials! And the guys who make the grade at the trials, then they get to go on for the tests. They do the trials first & only the guys who measure up to certain standards get to enter the actual contest. It's a contest. They talk all the time in sports about trials & tests.
         7. SO YOU'RE ALWAYS GROWING ALL THE TIME! YOU'RE GETTING BIGGER & STRONGER & SMARTER & ABLE TO BEAR MORE BURDENS.--LIKE THE WEIGHTLIFTERS, THE PUSH-UPPERS! They don't start off with those great big weights, they just start off with little tiny weights, not very much to lift. Then they add another weight & another weight & keep pushing up until they get such big muscles they can really push'm up! That's the way life is! When God finds out you can lift a little weight, then He gives you another burden to see if you can lift that.
         8. WHAT I'M DOING IS COMPARING YOUR PHYSICAL LIFE & YOUR GROWTH TO YOUR CHRISTIAN LIFE! When do you actually become an adult? (Davida: The age of 18?) That's when you become fully physically grown. But I've seen some people my age that still weren't adults, they still were childish & acted like children & were naughty like children.
         9. SO JUST YOUR AGE DOESN'T MAKE YOU AN ADULT, DOES IT?--Although the World thinks so. That's the System method, that you've got to be 18 physically to be an adult, you've gotta be so old physically to get married, you've gotta be so old physically to vote. You've gotta be so old physically to be "of age," as they say, & be independent of your parents. They've got all kinds of standards & scales of what it takes to be an adult--physically, legally, morally & whatnot!
         10. BUT YOU WILL NEVER BECOME AN ADULT UNTIL YOU HAVE CHILDREN OF YOUR OWN! This doesn't always necessarily have to mean physical children of your own. Your "children" can sometimes be adult responsibilities. What are children? They're a big responsibility! What's a responsibility anyhow? (Techi: A job.)--A job! She hit the nail right on the head, that's exactly what it is! It's your job, your work, your burden, your share of the load that you have to carry. And as far as I'm concerned, having children is the greatest thing that any woman can do, the thing that God made them for & ordained them for!--Outside of being in some way an even greater handmaiden of the Lord & doing a job for Jesus, your Jesus job, whatever job God has given you to do for Him. So you don't become an adult until you have children or responsibilities or jobs of your own, mature, adult responsibilities.
         11. SO YOU'VE GOTTA LOOK AT CHILDREN LIKE THIS, THEY'RE GOING FORWARD! THEY'RE CHILDREN OF THE FUTURE! We've got to think about the future & their future & our future & what's coming! Forget the past! Thank God, God has entrusted us with knowledge of the future so that we can think & plan for the future! Amen?--And to Hell with the past! Forget the past!
         12. WE ARE CHILDREN, NOT ONLY OF THE PRESENT, BUT WE ARE CHILDREN OF THE FUTURE!--AND THESE ARE THE ONES WHO ARE GOING TO LIVE IT!--Even if I don't make it, even if you don't make it! I think most of you are, thank the Lord, we've lost very few by death. But we've lost quite a few who have gone back because they loved the past more than the present, much less the future!
         13. I'LL TELL YOU, IF THERE'S ANYTHING THIS GENERATION NEEDS, IT'S HEAVEN! Why? Because they haven't got any future, that's why! As far as this World's concerned, there's no future left for them & they know it! This World, as far as they're concerned, is going to blow up & be gone!--And it won't be very long, either. So what have they got to look forward to? They're too young to be living in the past, so what are they doing? They're just living up the present, just living it up & burning it up!
         14. BUT WE HAVE A FUTURE, PRAISE THE LORD? WE'VE GOT HEAVEN, AMEN? And if there's any generation that ever needed to be told about Heaven & about the future & that there's hope & there's Salvation & there's life ahead & there's beauty ahead, there's a wonderful World to look forward to, it's this generation who has no more World to look forward to here on Earth! Amen?
         15. THEY HAVE NOTHING TO LIVE FOR! THE WORLD HAS TAKEN AWAY FAITH FROM THEM! They've taken away faith in the Bible, faith in God & given them this evolutionary shit, garbage or worse, sewage, & left'm nothing but husks, husks, husks! They've got nothing to live for, nothing to look forward to, so that's their motto: "Eat, drink & be merry & go to Hell, because we're going to die anyhow! So we might as well live it up now."
         16. BUT WE KNOW THERE'S A FUTURE, AMEN? AND WE KNOW THERE'S A HAPPY FUTURE! Their songs are the heartcry of this generation, this age, the young people of today. You guys are getting to be old people compared to the people singing these songs! They're the modern teenagers in their early 20s of today like you were when we started 15 years ago. Let's face it, you're getting to be middle-aged, almost twice their age! Wake up, folks! You're now the older generation & they're the young people! And the poor kids, they don't have any hope, no future, no faith, no knowledge of the beauty & the wonderful World that's coming unless we give it to them! God help us!
         17. YOU ARE CHILDREN OF THE FUTURE, & THAT'S THE DIRECTION WE'RE LOOKING! But in order to be ready in the future, you've got to do what? It's there now, right? So we're preparing you for the future. Forget the past! We're not looking backward any more, we don't have time to look backward.
         18. BUT HOW COME GOD MADE IT PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE FOR THESE YOUNG PEOPLE TO START HAVING BABIES SO EARLY?--I've never had a Systemite be able to answer that question yet!--Because they don't dare give you the obvious answer! They don't give God credit for anything, they think it's all accidental, they don't think that it's right, they don't think it should be, but it is!--That young people are able to have children. Why did God allow them?--Because He wants them to have children! The quicker you start, the more you have! They wouldn't have so many juvenile delinquents if they were taking care of a few little delinquents of their own!
         19. THEY'RE YOUNG ENOUGH & STRONG ENOUGH TO HAVE'M WITHOUT HARDLY ANY PHYSICAL TROUBLES OR PROBLEMS! The older women get, the more difficult it becomes. But God made these young people in their early teens able to have'm, & if they're not ready for'm, I don't believe they're going to have'm! Because I believe in God & He designs the human soul & He designs who's going to have a baby & who isn't, & what babies are going to be born & what aren't! So if you're not ready for it, you won't have it! Some girls have periods for 5, 10 or 15 years before they ever have a baby. And some boys have semen for a long time before they ever get married.
         20. (FAM: THEY'RE STILL YOUNG ENOUGH TO BE AT HOME WITH THEIR PARENTS.)--EXACTLY! THAT'S ONE OF THE MAIN POINTS. God intended for them to live together as a family & for the grandmother to help teach the girl, not only housekeeping & cooking, but babycare! Isn't that what you get in this Family? We're doing for you what your parents failed to do.
         21. THE LORD INTENDED FOR YOU TO HAVE CHILDREN EARLY ENOUGH--& THAT'S THE WAY IT IS IN THIS FAMILY, THANK THE LORD--SO THAT YOUR MOTHERS & FATHERS IN THE LORD CAN HELP YOU KNOW HOW TO HAVE'M & HOW TO RAISE'M, & EVEN THE FATHER TO KNOW HOW TO TRAIN'M & DISCIPLINE'M! Look at the experience that dear David has had! Look at the experience & the training & the Scripture he knows & how much he knows about the Lord! Don't you think he'd make the best kind of a father in the World with all he knows about the Lord & God?
         22. --OR WOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO HAVE A MOTHER LIKE SOME OF OUR TEENS WHO'VE HAD ALL THAT CHILD TRAINING & ALL THAT LOVE OF THE LORD & more knowledge of the Word & God & Jesus & what's right than the kids of this World could even start to think about? Look at the responsibility our older children in the Family have taken for their little brothers & sisters, as much responsibility as some mothers have! And you can trust them because you love them & you have confidence in them, faith in them. You know they're responsible, you know they're wise, you know they pray & trust the Lord. You couldn't do that if you didn't have faith in their training & their love of the Lord & their prayer & knowledge of God. Right? That's the way mothers ought to be, like so many of our young teens are, & like these younger children are getting to be.
         23. Taking care of children will be nothing new! Look at all the kids they help take care of now!--Right? That's the way children ought to be trained! That's the way young prospective mothers ought to be trained! And that's the way God intended for it to be & that's the way the Lord meant for it to be, that they were reared in an atmosphere & an environment where there were lots of little children & where they had lots of work to do, housework, cooking, cleaning, childcare & finally they're ready for childbearing.
         24. HAVING A BABY IS GOING TO BE NOTHING NEW TO THEM WHEN THE TIME COMES! They've been with you when you had your babies, they've been around your babies, they've taken care of your babies, their little brothers & sisters, so it's nothing new! Cooking & housework is nothing new, there's nothing unusual about it! They're getting the perfect training to be a mother & to have children of their own. ...
         25. THE ONLY REASON IT'S TOO EARLY FOR SYSTEM KIDS IS THEIR GOD-DAMNED PARENTS HAVE NOT TRAINED THEM LIKE THEY OUGHT TO & have not given them the teaching & the training & the hard work that they should have had to learn how! Their parents were too God-damned selfish to have little brothers & sisters for them to take care of, & they spoiled the little God-damned brats so, they didn't know how to lift their hand to do a lick of work in the whole house!--Nothing but sit around reading magazines or watching television.
         26. BUT GOD'S PLAN IS THAT CHILDREN ARE SUPPOSED TO GROW UP IN EXPERIENCE & in strength & grow in maturity, physically, mentally & spiritually, thoroughly prepared from the time they're babies to the time they start having babies of their own! So let's train them up now in the way they should go, from the time they're babies, right on up until they're ready to have babies of their own, & then they are mature adults when they undertake responsibilities of adults. That's when you really become an adult, when you have children of your own, then you're actually an adult, even if they're not your own children.
         27. EVERYBODY IN OUR FAMILY HAS CHILDREN! We don't have a barren woman in the Family! We haven't got a childless woman in our whole Family! You all have children! Behold, these are your children! Who is your father or your mother, your brother or your sister? As Jesus said, "Behold, these that do the will of God!" (Mat.12:48-50) They're your children, amen? Praise God! These are your children. You've all got children. There's not a man in this Family that hasn't got children, children of his own!
         28. THAT'S WHAT GOD WANTS MOST OF ALL, MORE CHILDREN FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD! There's nothing He likes better than more children for the Kingdom of God! "For ye cannot enter into the Kingdom of God except ye be as a little child!" (Mat.18:3) Praise God? The Kingdom belongs to the children, praise God, & only those that are like children & are childlike at heart, "for of such is the Kingdom of God!" (Luk.18:16)
         29. SO THEY'RE CHILDREN OF THE KINGDOM, AMEN?--THE CHILDREN OF KINGDOM COME!--AND THE KINGDOM NOW TOO! Thank You Jesus for a little bit of Heaven right here & now! Amen! PTL! Lord bless & keep us all safely in Thy care. Help us to accomplish a lot for Thee, Lord, & make us a blessing, in Jesus' name. Thank You for these wonderful birthdays as we grow as children of the Kingdom, in Jesus' name!--Amen. ILY! God bless you all!