(A Taped Message to Apollos:)
         1. THIS LAST CHAPTER OF HEAVEN'S GIRL IS REALLY EXCITING, about her getting captured. A good Scripture for that is where He said He's going to allow some of us to be captured & brought before kings & magistrates & judges in order to be a testimony against them! (Mt.10:18)
         2. SHE'S GOING TO BE A REAL WITNESS WHILE SHE'S IN CAPTIVITY, like a lot of Christians we've heard about. It's all through the Bible & church history & even modern history, like Wurmbrandt & different ones. You know Wurmbrandt, the famous captive who was imprisoned by the Communists in Russia for years, he finally won his own jailer to the Lord. He had a wonderful sweet spirit & was a real witness.
         3. SO NOW THAT BRINGS UP A QUESTION: --It's a big question. Here we've got all these people going out to witness to the folks in the World & a lot of these Worldlings are already branded, & they're even going to witness to their captors who are obviously branded, etc. So the question is, once having received the Mark of the Beast, can they ever be delivered from it during the Tribulation/Wrath period? When Armageddon is over, that's finito, because then the Beast & the False Prophet are cast into the Lake of Fire & the rest of their people are slain. (Rev.19:20,21) But can anybody with the Mark of the Beast possibly be saved during this Tribulation Period?--In other words, get rid of the Mark? I've been thinking & thinking about this for the past week.
         4. AND THE FUNNIEST THING CAME TO ME! The nearest modern historically relative fact of history was that many Jews under Hitler were tattooed with a Mark, & whether they wanted it or not, he forced it on'm! They didn't even want it, & they were very happy to get delivered later! Could it be that the Antichrist is going to force that Mark on some people that don't even want it?
         5. NEXT QUESTION! We can take it for granted that if some of these people who are Marked have already heard the Gospel & rejected it & chose the Mark of the Beast instead, I wouldn't say there was any hope for them whatsoever, any more than there is for rejectors right this minute, Mark or no Mark! I mean, once they've made their decision & rejected the Lord, I don't think they deserve any more chance at all!
         6. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE MILLIONS & MAYBE EVEN BILLIONS, WHICH THERE ARE BOUND TO BE DURING THIS TIME OF THE TRIB, WHO HAVE NOT YET HEARD THE GOSPEL & have not heard the Warning, who don't even know they're not supposed to receive the Mark? Doesn't that sort of fit our doctrine of mercy for the undecided & the unreached? Don't you think during that time there will be an awful lot of Easterners & heathen who will just accept the Mark as another form or sign of one more government?
         7. THE THING THAT REALLY KIND OF GOT ME THINKING ABOUT IT IS HOW IS HEAVEN'S GIRL GOING TO WIN THE SOULS OF HER CAPTORS? How is she going to influence already Beast-marked commanders & officials? Why worry about witnessing to them at all? How is she going to influence them or get favours out of them? Or how are our girls going to do it in the future? We're advising our people, we're talking to our girls! Are we going to give them a hopeless feeling of, "What's the use of witnessing to those people? They're dead ducks, hopeless cases! Don't love'm, treat'm mean, kill'm, get the hell out of here, it's no use!"
         8. WHAT KIND OF A GOD HAVE WE GOT WHO WOULD LET THESE PEOPLE BE DAMNED, LIKE A LOT OF THE IGNORANT HEATHEN & UNREACHED WHO'VE NEVER HEARD THE GOSPEL? It seems to me that the same logic applies that applies to the billions who never heard the Gospel, whom the church say are going to be sent straight to Hell in eternal fire & damnation because they never got saved! Well, the reason they never got saved is because the church never saved them! We have a doctrine for that, the in-betweens who never heard the Gospel & never had a chance! Aren't they just as branded, in a sense, by their evil religions & evil governments as this final one will do?
         9. DO YOU THINK GOD WOULD BE SO CRUEL THAT IF THESE PEOPLE JUST TOOK THIS BRAND, NOT EVEN REALISING WHAT IT MEANT or how evil it was, that He'd damn them? Maybe they went ahead & took it just like having a Social Security card or an ID card or something, they had to have it, not really knowing what it meant. Hasn't the Lord made a provision for them in the future according to our teachings? What have I been teaching you anyhow, about the in-betweens who never heard? Don't you think a lot of them are going to get branded just because it's the law?
         10. LOOK AT ALL THE GUYS WHO GOT INDUCTED INTO THE ARMY & HAD TO REGISTER FOR THE DRAFT JUST BECAUSE THEY WERE FORCED TO, who didn't even like the government & didn't like the war! A lot of them who didn't even want to fight the God-damned war had to go to war & get killed! Who's going to get blamed for it?--Them?--The government is going to be to blame!
         11. PERHAPS WE SHOULD ACCEPT THE LOGIC OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ESCAPE FROM THE MARK!--And not only by those who refused the Mark because they don't like it & don't want it & especially because they're Christians or some other religion.
         12. THE ONLY REQUIREMENT MENTIONED ABOUT THE MARK IS THAT YOU CAN'T BUY OR SELL WITHOUT IT, but it doesn't say that if they take the Mark they've got to worship the Beast. Where does it say if they take the Mark they've got to worship the Beast? When the Antichrist demands worship, it says he orders those that refuse to worship the Beast to be killed, but that order may come later.
         13. THE LOGIC & THE NATURAL ORDER OF THINGS IS THAT HE'S GOING TO INSIST ON THIS MARK AS WHAT LOOKS LIKE A MATTER OF ECONOMICS & trade & identity & credit & all that sort of thing, like it's just the natural course of events, like a Social Security card or an ID card or a bank card. They can sell'm on that idea. How are they going to get so many people to accept it unless they make it as just a natural thing they need to get in order to buy & sell?
         14. BUT ARE YOU GOING TO TELL ME THAT THOSE PEOPLE WHO IGNORANTLY, INNOCENTLY RECEIVE THE MARK OF THE BEAST merely as a commercial necessity in order to buy & sell just like a business licence, & yet who never heard the Gospel, never heard about Jesus, don't know anything about how to get saved, will be damned? Do you mean there's no possible chance of us getting to'm & witnessing to'm & loving'm & telling them about Jesus & getting them to receive the Lord? Do you mean it's too late?
         15. AND WHY EVEN WORRY ABOUT GOING OUT THERE NOW TO TRY TO SAVE THEM? If by worshipping the beasts they already worship right now & the marks they've already received right now, their false religions & their symbols, if that means they're a hopeless case, then why worry? Why don't we quit & pack up & go home & forget it?
         16. I'M TALKING ABOUT PEOPLE WHO NEVER REALLY HAD A CHANCE TO GET SAVED, who never really had an opportunity to make their decision, because they were never confronted with the Love of Christ & the understanding of the Gospel, & they never knew how to get saved, & they went ahead ignorantly & innocently & didn't know any better. Is God going to be so cruel & unmerciful as to damn them to hellfire forever, or whatever, like the churches say?--That it's no use for us to even go to them & witness to them? Then what's the use of our Heaven's Girls' testimonies? What's the use of our girls witnessing to top officials?
         17. I DON'T THINK THERE'S ANY WAY YOU CAN PROVE TO ME THAT THOSE PEOPLE WHO GET THE MARK OF THE BEAST JUST AS A COMMERCIAL & SURVIVAL NECESSITY, & even fall down & worship the Beast as a survival necessity, ignorantly, not having heard the Gospel or had a chance to get saved, can't get saved! Don't tell me that there's no chance for them to get saved at all, that it's too late, while we're still here & Jesus hasn't come yet & we're still preaching the Gospel & it's still the Age of Grace! That would be a travesty against God's justice! I don't see how God could be that cruel!
         18. IF A GUY LIKE PAUL CAN GET SAVED, WHY CAN'T THESE OFFICERS OF THE BEAST GET SAVED? Look how long God was merciful to Paul, & changed him from a Saul to a Paul. It looks to me like he already had the Mark of the Beast & was working for the Beast, he was already worshipping the Beast of his day, the Jews & the Romans! So let me tell you, it looks to me like if a guy like that can be saved, so can these officers of the Beast who never really got a chance to get saved or ever heard the Gospel or really knew or understood or really felt the Power & Love of God!
         19. I THINK YOU'LL COME TO THE SAME CONCLUSION I DID, THAT WITH GOD NOTHING SHALL BE IMPOSSIBLE & all things are possible to him that believeth! (Lk.1:37; Mk.9:23) That condemnation there in Revelation 14 & other places later is for the people who literally have known but are actually anti-Christ, who really hate Christ! But how can they be anti-Christ when they don't know Christ? How can you hate somebody you don't even know? It doesn't necessarily make them actually anti-Christ themselves just because they follow the Antichrist, receive his Mark & worship him, when they don't even know Christ themselves!
         20. HOW CAN YOU BE ANTI-CHRIST IF YOU DON'T KNOW CHRIST? Now think that one over! I mean, you've got to know about Him & know Him in some way or understand His Gospel & His Love & the Message of Salvation in order to refuse Him, in order to reject it! How can you reject the Gospel if you've never heard the Gospel? How can you reject Jesus if you've never really known His Love & the Message of Salvation?
         21. SO I THINK YOU KNOW BY THIS TIME WHAT CONCLUSION I CAME TO! We're still going to witness with the hope that some of those guys are going to get saved! Unless they already had a chance & their receiving the Mark of the Beast was their absolute direct decision to reject Jesus & literally become anti-Christ, then it doesn't matter if they receive the Mark of the Beast or fall down & worship the Beast, they can still be saved! Do you think that anybody who really wants to get saved, can't get saved? God's Word says, "Him that cometh unto Me I will in no wise cast out!" (Jn.6:37)
         22. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH THOSE SCRIPTURES? How are you going to reconcile those Scriptures of God's Mercy & that "nothing is impossible with God & all things are possible to him that believeth"--& a whole lot of others. How are you going to reconcile all that & the Mercy & the Love of God with a doctrine that says those people can't get saved even if they want to?
         23. DO YOU MEAN THEY CAN'T ACCEPT CHRIST? When He's knocking at the door & they open the door & want Him to come in, does He say, "No, I'm not going to come in because you once worshipped the Beast & you took that brand in your forehead"! Is He going to refuse to come in when they ask Him to come in?--Absolutely not! I can't believe it! Well, here's a new bomb, hallelujah!
         24. THAT OUGHT TO GIVE US A LITTLE MORE FAITH, A LITTLE MORE HOPE & A LITTLE MORE CONFIDENCE IN THE LOVE OF GOD, that anybody can get saved if they want to be, if they have a chance to be!--Even the people who already have the Mark & are worshipping the Beast because they didn't know better!
         25. SO THERE YOU HAVE IT! YOU DON'T HAVE TO BELIEVE IT IF YOU DON'T WANT TO, BUT I'VE COME TO THAT CONCLUSION THAT GOD CAN DO ANYTHING--anything but fail!--And that the only unpardonable sin is the sin against the Holy Ghost! It's not the receiving of the Mark of the Beast, it's not falling down & worshipping the Image, but it's rejecting the Holy Spirit! There's only one unpardonable sin & that's to deliberately, knowingly, wilfully by direct decision reject the Holy Spirit & Jesus Christ! Amen? GBY!
         26. LORD, HAVE THY WAY ABOUT THIS, IN JESUS' NAME! If we're right, Lord, help us to be bold enough & courageous enough to preach the Truth whether people like it or not! It's not the first time I've had a revelation that helped change my doctrine or change church doctrine I had been taught! So if we're not willing to change, we've quit being a Revolution. A Revolution keeps revoluting, keeps revolving! GBY! ILY! Amen?