1. YOU WOULD HAVE LEARNED LOTS IF YOU'D LIVED ON A FARM! That's why people are so ignorant today, they just live in cities & they don't know anything! They hardly even realise that God made the World & He grows the food! On a farm you're really dependent on the Lord & the rain & the weather, so you know there's a God! You have to really pray that He'll give the rain so things will grow. In the cities they hardly ever see a tree or a flower or even the bare ground, it's all "asphalt jungle"!--And a lot of weird savages too, more dangerous than the jungles of the Tropics!
         2. BUT IT'S PITIFUL HOW IGNORANT THIS GENERATION IS! They have forsaken the Lord, Who is the Source of all wisdom & all knowledge that is good, helpful & useful. They think they are becoming smarter & more scientific all the time, but they are actually becoming dumber & more ignorant all the time in the things that really count! They may be able to invent computers & robots & all the rest of that mechanical junk, but that stuff is eventually going to lead the World to its destruction!
         3. SO IT'S SAD THAT YOUTH TODAY ARE SO IGNORANT.--Although they have gained so much scientific knowledge about the Universe & the Solar System, they're so ignorant of the beautiful order & perfection & marvelous synchronisation of simple little things like phases of the moon!
         4. YOU CAN ALMOST TELL WHAT DAY OF THE MONTH IT IS JUST BY LOOKING AT THE MOON! People were a lot smarter in the days before they had clocks & calendars. They could tell you what time of the year it was--what month of the year it was, what week of the month it was, & if they were real good at it, they could even tell you what day of the week or the month it was--just by looking at the Moon or the stars!
         5. GOD HAS MADE A LOT OF MARVELOUS THINGS & HE PUT THEM UP THERE FOR THAT REASON--FOR LIGHTS, TO LIGHT THE DAY & THE NIGHT, & FOR SIGNS & SEASONS SO YOU'D KNOW THE DIFFERENCE! (Gen.1:14) And it's all still there & it still works & you can still do it! If you ever got lost out in the woods or out in the desert or somewhere, as many people have, people who were smart & knew about these things managed to find their way home!
         6. SO GOD HAS MADE EVEN THE PLANETARY SYSTEM OF THESE TWO LITTLE PLANETS, THE EARTH & THE MOON, TO BE A MARVELOUS TIME CLOCK TO ENABLE YOU TO TELL THE TIME & even the days of the year, think of that!--If you're smart enough to be able to read the signs in the sky that God put there for that purpose. You can see the Hand of God, hear the Voice of God in it & learn so much about God from it that the Lord Himself even said that "He which is invisible can be seen in the things that He has made!" (Rom.1:20)
         7. THAT'S WHY THE DEVIL HAS TRIED SO HARD TO DEBUNK CREATION & CREATE A LIE SUCH AS EVOLUTION! And I believe that's also why they try to pervert astronomical knowledge into a batch of lies, & even the things that the Earth can tell you & the rocks can cry out & tell you! They pervert geology into paleontology, which is nothing but a pack of lies!--Trying to tell you how many millions of years old the World is & how many millions of years old this fossil or that skeleton is, blah blah--a lot of shit! It's the Devil's shit, his horrible lies!
         8. THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW HOW MARVELOUS THE CREATION IS! They don't want you to know how marvellously designed & planned it is & how perfectly it operates--better than a clock or any of their machinery! They don't want you to marvel at it! But true scientists, honest scientists, are beginning to marvel more & more at it! When I was a kid, in the 20's, evolution was extremely popular at first.
         9. BUT THE MORE THEY LEARNED ABOUT HIS CREATION, THE MORE THEY SAW THE HAND OF GOD & THE DESIGN & THE PLAN & THE PERFECTION! Many great scientists have confessed this & I've quoted some of them to you. That's why these modern anti-Christ educators don't want you to learn simple things like the phases of the moon, unless you take Astronomy.
         10. AMERICANS DON'T LEARN ANYTHING, & THEY'RE LEARNING LESS ALL THE TIME, until it's getting to be a serious concern. They're finally getting concerned about it because they're turning out so many dumb idiots who don't even know how to read, much less write! Well, they were concerned about it even when I was in High School. My brother was head of a California Educational Commission that was studying the problems of American High School students who were arriving in their Universities still unable to read & write--High School graduates! That's what they call Progressive Education!
         11. PROGRESSIVE EDUCATION IS THE LATEST, MOST MODERN KIND OF EDUCATION--WHETHER YOU CAN READ OR WRITE OR NOT, WHETHER YOU STUDY OR NOT, WHETHER YOU MAKE GOOD GRADES OR NOT, THEY'LL PROGRESS YOU FROM GRADE TO GRADE EVERY YEAR!--That's a fact! After all, what else can they do?--Some of those guys would be six feet tall still sitting in the first grade along with the little kids! I can remember classes when I was in 1st & 2nd grade & there were great big guys, full-grown teenagers, sitting there in the lower grades!--Because in those days they refused to pass them if they didn't study & learn something & actually pass the tests. Nowadays, in progressive education, they just pass them along according to age groups, regardless!
         12. AND VERY LITTLE OF THE JUNK YOU LEARN IN HIGH SCHOOL & COLLEGE WILL EVEN TEACH YOU HOW TO FIX A LIGHT SWITCH OR MAKE AN EXTENSION CORD or do necessary maintenance! You learn very little that's practical or that can be used around the house as a handyman, which is one of the most important things you could learn--to be able to fix things, repair things, mend things & maintain things. And of course the System girls couldn't care less about learning to cook or sew or make dresses or mend or anything like that! They all plan to be movie stars, so why should they worry about mundane things like that?
         13. I NEVER DID FINISH TELLING YOU ABOUT MY BROTHER. The California Board of Education appointed a Commission of all these top educators, smart men like my brother & a lot of others, rabbis, preachers, priests & top laymen, & they worked on their reports for two or three years, making investigations & getting all kinds of proof & evidence & everybody's stories & talking to teachers & educators & High School principals & all the rest, until they finally came up with this:
         14. TO MAKE IT BRIEF, IT JUST SAID, "TOSS OUT ALL OF THIS PROGRESSIVE EDUCATIONAL ROT! We need to institute tough discipline, tough study & just the old basic three R's again to teach these High School kids! Teach'm how to read, teach'm how to write, teach'm how to do arithmetic so they can go to college & at least be able to read & write, but throw out all that other rot!"
         15. BUT DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE CALIFORNIA BOARD OF EDUCATION DID WITH THAT REPORT?--THEY DIDN'T THROW OUT THE ROT, THEY THREW OUT THE REPORT, & YOU CAN SEE WHERE IT GOT'M! They didn't want to crack down on the kids & make'm behave--it's hard work! They didn't want to crack down & really teach'm, really work hard teaching'm to read & write. It's a lot easier for a teacher to come in & sit down & put his feet on the desk & read a book while the kids do whatever they want to do!--That's Progressive Education!
         16. THE U.S. USED TO PRIDE ITSELF ON LITERACY, but by actual testing, the U.S. is now way down the list on literacy with one of the lowest standards of the ability to read & write of some of the richest & most industrial nations of the World! (Fam: I read a report that said the literacy of Sri Lanka is higher than that of Washington, D.C.!)
         17. SO ANYHOW, THAT'S THE SAD END OF THAT STORY ABOUT THE COMMISSION ON HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION THAT WAS TRYING TO REFORM THE HIGH SCHOOLS. That was 45 years ago now, & they've done nothing about it, in fact, they've done worse! No wonder they've got such a bunch of hellions & rapscallions!
         18. THIS WAS AFTER PROGRESSIVE EDUCATION HAD MADE ITS INROADS IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION IN CALIFORNIA--one of the most progressive, liberal-minded States. Progressive Education not only meant that you just passed them from grade to grade, but the fundamental theme of the progressive educators was, "Don't make them learn if they don't want to. Try to interest them, & if you can catch them in the mood when they're curious about something that they want to know, then teach'm, then tell'm, then give'm a book on the subject to read."
         19. WELL, THE ONLY TROUBLE WITH MOST OF THAT WAS THAT MOST OF THOSE LITTLE WILD HELLIONS COULDN'T CARE LESS ABOUT ANYTHING EXCEPT DOPE & DRUGS & MISCHIEF! That was all that interested them, therefore they didn't want to read, they didn't want to write, they didn't want to learn math!--Until the classrooms became bedlam & the teachers couldn't even be heard or keep order in the so-called "progressive education" system. They were progressing, all right, straight toward Hell, & have been going that direction ever since!
         20. BUT THAT WAS THE WHOLE PRINCIPLE OF MODERN PROGRESSIVE EDUCATION: "LET THE KIDS DO WHATEVER THEY WANT TO, LET THEM DO WHAT THEY FEEL LIKE DOING!" Dr. Spock taught that & ruined a whole generation or two: "Don't spank the poor little kid or you might injure his psyche & you might impair him psychologically for the rest of his life! Don't say 'no'--it will result in frustration! Don't teach him right & wrong--it will result in a sense of guilt!"--The Devil's whole system from start to finish! "Just let the little rapscallion do as he pleases & that will make him happy."--That's a lie of the Devil!
         21. THE ONLY THING THAT MAKES ANYBODY HAPPY IS OBEYING THE RULES--the rules that God set down in the first place--& even some of the rules of the System. The System is here to bring at least some kind of order out of chaos & anarchy, & we're to obey the "powers that be", the government. (Rom.13:1) But all this latest philosophy is anarchy & will result in total chaos, as it's doing today!
         22. SO THE WHOLE SYSTEM OF EDUCATION HAS TAKEN ON THAT ATTITUDE THAT THERE ARE NO ABSOLUTES: "There's no God, therefore there are no commandments, there are no rules, there's no right or wrong, there are no absolutes, there's no reason why you should be considerate of your fellow man, there's no reason you shouldn't be for yourself--'me first'!" They've even got guys writing books now about, "The way to be happy is me first! Don't worry about anybody else, just think about me, I! The big I! The big me!"--Books!--Absolute lies of the Devil, because that's the way to be miserable!
         23. SEEKING THE HAPPINESS OF OTHERS & TRYING TO HELP OTHERS, AS GOD HAS ORDERED US TO DO, IS THE ONLY WAY TO FIND TRUE HAPPINESS, GENUINE HAPPINESS! That little song has got it all summed up beautifully: "The way to be happy is to make others happy & we'll have a little Heaven right here!" If you'll try to make others happy, it'll make you happy, & you'll have a little Heaven right here on Earth!--Because you don't find happiness by chasing it, happiness finds you by your bringing happiness to others! That's God's system, that's God's rule, that's God's way, that's God's Law of Love. God'll make you happy if you make others happy!--It's that simple!
         24. THAT WHOLE SYSTEM OF PROGRESSIVE EDUCATION BEGAN IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN, THE DEVIL'S OWN FIRST LESSON IN PROGRESSIVE EDUCATION, THE LIES OF THE DEVIL, THAT THE KNOWLEDGE OF EVIL COULD HELP TO MAKE YOU HAPPY! Well, the Lord allowed it because He saw it was the only way that man, His creation, would ever learn--through that bitter experience. And Adam & Eve learned, let me tell you, when they were driven out of the Garden & had to go out & find clothes to wear & till the soil for their food instead of just running around naked in a perfect climate picking their food off the trees & enjoying sex to the full without even thinking that nudity & sex were evil!
         25. LET ME TELL YOU, THEY FOUND OUT WHAT GOOD WAS AFTER THEY LOST IT! They then realised that they'd never had it so good as they'd had it in the Garden when they obeyed God & kept His rules & had perfect liberty & freedom in everything. The trouble was, in the Garden before the Fall they didn't know what good was, because they didn't have anything to compare it with. So the Lord had to let the Devil in & He had to allow evil to come in & He had to let the Devil lie to them & test them so that they would learn--not only what evil was, but for the first time in their lives really understand & learn what good was. So it was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil, because until they partook of that tree & the knowledge of evil, they never knew what the knowledge of good was.
         26. THE LORD HAD TO LET ALL THAT HAPPEN SO THAT YOU WOULD REALLY LEARN & APPRECIATE THE GOOD & THE MARVELOUS GOOD WORLD YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE IN THE FUTURE without so much of that pain & evil etc.--the kind of World He expected you & wanted you to live in in the first place & which He made the World to be & the way it was to begin with, & the way Man was to begin with. But He saw that Man didn't really appreciate it, didn't really understand it, had nothing to compare it with to know it was so good & so beautiful & so wonderful & such Heaven-on-Earth & so perfect with no evil!
         27. SO HE HAD TO LET MAN EXPERIENCE EVIL TO REALLY APPRECIATE GOOD, TO EXPERIENCE SIN IN ORDER TO APPRECIATE SALVATION! So that when He re-creates a heavenly life in the Millennium & puts you & me in it along with all the rest of these sinners, at least some of us are going to appreciate it & appreciate the difference! Don't you think you'll know the difference in the Millennium between that & the kind of Hell-on-Earth the World is living in today?--Thank God in our Homes we have a little Heaven-on-Earth now! Amen? PTL!