MILLENNIAL PREP!         DO 1780  6/84
--What This Life Is For!

         1. IN THE MILLENNIUM YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO THINK & PLAN & SCIENTIFICALLY ANALYSE LOTS OF THINGS, because your mind is going to be clearer & better than it ever was before, with supernatural wisdom. But you're going to supervise normal human beings who are still in their normal mortal bodies who've managed to survive through the Tribulation & Armageddon & the Wrath of God!--And they certainly will have to be blessed of God to do that! But they're going to be the best of the people who were on the Earth, as God is going to have destroyed the worst.
         2. MY IDEA OF HEAVEN & THE OTHER WORLD IS A PRETTY PRACTICAL, COMMON SENSE, DOWN-TO-EARTH JOB! That is why I think even the handyman work we're doing & learning about water systems & electrical systems & ventilation systems & all kinds of things are very important, because we'll have whole cities, & even whole countries! God help us to try to get them out of cities, & have no more cities than necessary! But we'll have whole countries full of people who are still natural, normal human beings who will need water & lights & power & sewage disposal & all the normal, natural things that people need, that we need today! And you guys are learning these fundamental basic things just in taking care of our Family now.
         3. SO IF YOU ARE FAITHFUL IN THESE FEW THINGS, THEN YOU ARE GOING TO BE FAITHFUL IN THOSE MANY THINGS. (Lk.19:11-27) The ruler told the guy that he'd only given one pound but who'd gained 5 pounds from it, "I'll make you a ruler over five cities!" And the guy who gained 10 pounds, he gave 10 cities! Well, that's quite a bit nowadays! A pound then was 1/60 of a talent, which was about a hundred pounds of gold!--That's a talent--exactly 104 pounds, I think it is. That's the old Biblical term, "talent." You add up a hundred pounds of gold today & you've got 1,600 ounces & you multiply that by about $400 & see what you get! In Matthew 25 it was talents, not just pounds, so there you've got $640,000!--That's just one talent of gold! That's 2/3 of a million dollars!--Times 10 talents, which is what he had gained, that's $6,400,000! So the Lord figured, I'm sure, if He could trust him with his talents to earn over six Million Dollars that he could sure trust him with more!--Right?
         4. ALL THAT TO SAY THIS, THAT THESE LITTLE JOBS OF YOURS RUNNING THIS HOUSE, LEARNING HOW TO TAKE CARE OF PEOPLE & THEIR PHYSICAL NEEDS & SUPERVISION, ARE ALL PART OF YOUR TRAINING FOR THE FUTURE IN WHICH YOU ARE GOING TO BE SUPERVISING WHOLE TOWNS, COUNTIES, COUNTRIES, CITIES, NATIONS, CONTINENTS & THE WORLD! So don't belittle it! Don't pooh pooh it! Don't underestimate what God is now training you for & how important it is!--Just me getting out there hammering away with a hammer showing you how to hammer, how to straighten bent nails or figuring out some of these little technical jobs & how to analyse a situation, how to regulate the ventilation or adjust the electricity or take care of the water, whatever it may be.
         5. YOU MAY FIND YOU ARE GOING TO BE USING SOME OF THESE SAME GENERAL BASIC PRINCIPLES TO RUN WHOLE CITIES! If the reservoir keeps running dry, like it did in Tenerife, you know you've got to have an extra auxiliary tank of some kind, & maybe proportion it just exactly like what we've done with nothing but our little tanks! Savvy? And if you have trouble with the water supply, you may just find that's the solution just like we solved it before, or any of the other little things, that may seem small to you now around the house, are going to be very very important, & the knowledge you learned, just this basic knowledge you learn in taking care of people & their physical needs & safety is very important!
         6. AND HAVING BEEN FRESH FROM THIS WORLD, YOU ARE GOING TO UNDERSTAND IT IN MORE MODERN TERMS EVEN THAN MAYBE THE BILLIONS OF SAINTS ALREADY IN HEAVEN, except for the ones who have perhaps been operating down here, like some of the angels, & are pretty familiar with Earthly scenes & Earthly circumstances & conditions, because that is their job. But not all the angels & all the Saints are down here on Earth supervising all of us. Everybody has got their job there just like we have here. So I'm sure the Lord can't spare all the angels & all the Saints just to take care of us on the surface of the Earth! He's got billions up There to take care of! Right?--And millions more dying every day who have to be taken care of!
         7. SO I'LL TELL YOU, THE NEXT WORLD IS A BIG JOB & THERE IS A LOT TO BE DONE!--AND THE MILLENNIAL WORLD IS A BIG JOB & THERE'S A LOT TO BE DONE! So thank God you're getting ready for it! He is testing you right now to see how well you take these little jobs & how patient you are, how willing you are to do the most menial tasks, carry the mop bucket or empty the slop or fix the sewer or take care of the garbage or wash the dishes or mop the floor or clean the toilet, or fix the fans or fix the water or fix the lights, all these little things that you have to do. God is testing you & even judging you right now about how faithful you are, how concerned you are, how loving you are, how willing you are to do the least little thing to help others & make sure that they are happy & comfortable & satisfied & that things are convenient & conducive to His Work.
         8. THAT'S WHY THESE LITTLE THINGS ARE IMPORTANT! They don't seem important to some people. Some people don't even want to do them! "Oh, that's too low for me to clean toilets or mop floors or do dishes! I ought to have some big important job!" Well, let me tell you right now, that may be the biggest & most important that some people can do, until they have been tested & found that they are willing & cheerful to do it & do it well before He can trust them with any more! Savvy?
         9. THAT'S THE WAY WE USED TO DO WITH OUR BABES IN OUR FIRST COLONIES. WE PUT THEM RIGHT ON THE LOWEST JOBS OF ALL, cleaning toilets, mopping floors, doing dishes, changing diapers, whatever it was. If they couldn't take that, they flew the coop! But those who survived the lowest, hardest, most menial jobs of all & were willing & sweet & cheerful & loyal & faithful & diligent & did it well & took a pride in their work, they soon won advancement. You found out if you could trust them with the littlest things, you could trust them with bigger things, more important things, that they would do those just as well, just as faithfully, diligently, cheerfully, thoroughly & well.
         10. THAT'S JUST THE WAY THE LORD DOES: HE'S PUTTING US ALL THROUGH THIS SCHOOL OF TESTINGS, TRIALS & TRIBULATIONS RIGHT NOW TO FIND OUT JUST HOW MUCH WE CAN TAKE, WHAT WE'RE WORTHY OF, WHAT WE CAN HANDLE. And He is going to assign the jobs Then in the Millennium according to your score card down here, what grades you made down here!--And what your talents are.--And your gifts & your skills.
         11. YOU'RE GOING TO GO UP THERE TO THE GUY WHO ASSIGNS THE JOBS, & HE IS GOING TO KNOW ALL ABOUT YOU, of course, & say, "Well now, let's see, I can trust you to run this town." Or, "I can trust you to run that school." Or, "I can trust you to supervise that city." Or, "You can be the governor of that state or that whole country", according to how well you did your job down here & what kind of experience you've had. Because it takes experience to teach you a task, to learn a real job!--Not just because you had the training or the skill or the education, you've got to do it to show how well you can do!
         12. SO IN THE MILLENNIUM, IT IS GOING TO TAKE THE PEOPLE WHO CAN DO THE JOB, & probably a lot of the same workers & leaders who are workers & leaders here now because they have been faithful & diligent, hard working & willing to suffer & willing to do anything just to make others happy because they love them, & they are good supervisors. They will probably have the same kind of jobs over there, only much bigger! I believe it!
         13. LITTLE THINGS ARE IMPORTANT! I am very very careful & faithful about little things, the tiniest details! I keep careful records of everything. That's another thing. God is going to need bookkeepers, the World is going to need bookkeepers & scientists & analysts & people to figure it all out & systemise it & analyse it & get everything organised. That is a big job, & we are going to have billions of people to take care of! Thank God we've got billions in Heaven to help us & millions of angels!--And the Lord Himself! So He is going to make it so it is not too hard for us.--Just whatever we can do.
         14. BUT OUR TASK THERE IS GOING TO BE PRETTY WELL JUDGED BY HOW WELL YOU DID HERE & NOW! What you get in the way of reward there & then & what kind of job you are qualified for when that time comes in the Millennium, will depend on how you did yours here! So he that is faithful in the smallest things is going to be made ruler over many things--ruler, think of that! If you are faithful in a few little things, He may make you a ruler over many cities! "He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in that which is much!" (Lk.16:10) That's how God looks at things--not how big your job is, but He looks at how small it is & how big you are to be willing to do it no matter how small it is! That's how God judges bigness.
         15. IF YOU ARE WILLING TO DO A LITTLE JOB FAITHFULLY, WELL & DILIGENTLY, SUCCESSFULLY, THEN YOU'RE BIG IN GOD'S SIGHT, & HE IS ABLE TO TRUST YOU WITH MORE! But if you fiddle around & waste time & waste energy & waste materials & waste people & waste money with jobs you do here because you don't think they're very important, even sometimes maybe bigger jobs, then you are not God's kind of big man! You're just a little fellow who doesn't deserve a very big job either Here or in the Hereafter! In fact, you not only don't deserve it, you couldn't even handle it! Some of those people may still be cleaning toilets & mopping floors & doing dishes because they never learned how to do it cheerfully, willingly & well here & now, so they've got to go back to kindergarten & first grade & learn it all over again! Think of that!--That's what the Millennium is for!--And that's what Now is for!
         16. YOU MIGHT SAY, "WHAT'S THIS LIFE FOR RIGHT NOW?"--WELL, IT'S TRAINING FOR THE MILLENNIUM!--And what's the Millennium for?--Training for Heaven! Praise God? So there you are! I didn't intend to say all that, but I guess it was important! I've been thinking a lot about that lately!--Have you?