WE'RE "MORE THAN CONQUERORS!"    DFO 1703         12/83
--Looking Like Losers!--But Give God the Glory!

         1. THIS IS YOUR TRAINING RIGHT NOW--THE LORD IS PREPARING YOU TO HELP HIM RUN THE WORLD! We've still got a lot to learn to run this World & it's going to be a big job! That's what we're doing right now, & if we'll be faithful in our jobs right now with these few things He's given us to do, He's going to make us rulers over many things! If we're faithful in a few cities, He'll give us many cities. (Lk.19:17)
         2. IN A WAY, WE'RE ALREADY RUNNING THE WORLD! God runs history & the course of events according to what we do & our efforts & choices & how much of our job we get done & how well we do it & how we do it & where & when we do it. If He is guiding the course of time & the events of history according to us, then we're a pretty powerful influence on World History right now!
         3. SO GOD'S REALLY PREPARING US FOR A BIG JOB & WE'VE GOT TO DO IT, & I believe He is really turning the wheels of His omnipotence on infinitesimally small pivots or bearings or fulcrums, you & me. He is running history, believe it or not, to suit Himself & His Kingdom & you & what He wants to happen. I believe that the only thing holding back the floodtide of iniquity & evil of the Antichrist kingdom is us! That's how important you are!
         4. WE'RE ONE OF THE FEW OUTFITS IN THE WHOLE WORLD THAT IS ON THE ATTACK! We are invading the Devil's territory! We are attacking the gates of Hell & we are winning!--Winning souls & citizens from his kingdom, & we are winning this War! And God knows Satan hates us for it, & that's why he attacks us every way he possibly can, & tries to stop us, but he can't stop us! "They Can't Stop Our Rain!" (No.128)
         5. LOOK HOW LONG I'VE BEEN SCREAMING MY HEAD OFF ABOUT SOME OF THESE THINGS & THESE PEOPLE & OUR ENEMIES, & they haven't found me yet, thank the Lord, & they won't unless it suits God's purpose! Maybe the Lord can let me die in peace like He did Martin Luther.--He suffered his martyrdom all his life! They're looking around for a modern Martin Luther--where've they been?--He's been here for quite a few years!--Ha! Hallelujah! Well, they won't listen to him, there have been very few that have recognised the Voice of God & His Prophet. But I believe it.
         6. I KNOW IT BECAUSE I KNOW IT'S THE LORD & I KNOW IT'S NOT ME, BECAUSE I NEVER COULD HAVE ACCOMPLISHED ALL THIS! Don't give me the credit for it. I don't want to accept that praise of man, because it belongs to the Lord. I don't mind accepting your thanks if I've helped you any, fed you any, guided you any, showed you anything & told you what the Lord had to say, but it was all the Lord, so you'd better keep giving Him the credit. PTL?
         7. BUT I MUST ADMIT, I CAN SEE WHERE THIS GENERATION IN PARTICULAR, when the World is in such a Hell of a mess & the Church is such a Hell of a dandy bad example, that they did have to have a leader! They had to have somebody to lead them, somebody they could see & hear & believe.
         8. (TONGUES & PROPHECY:) "HEAR THOU THE VOICE OF THE LORD THROUGH THY FATHER, for thy father telleth thee many things which shall be that I have told unto thy father!" Hallelujah! TYJ! PYL! TYJ! "Hear ye him! Believe these things that he tells." TYJ! PTL!
         9. WHEN I THINK OF THOSE POOR SHEEP & THOSE HIPPIES, WHEN I SAW THOSE POOR SHEEP WITHOUT A SHEPHERD WANDERING ASTRAY, OH, THE LOVE GOD PUT IN MY HEART FOR THEM! How my heart went out to them! I saw they had to have somebody, they had to have a man! Somebody had to speak, somebody had to lead, somebody had to get in there & show himself & say something & fight & lead'm!--And so I did. I risked my life to do it & I'm still risking my life to do it!
         10. EVERY PUB WE PUT OUT IS DANGEROUS! ALMOST EVERY WORD I SAY IS DANGEROUS! WE'RE ALL DANGEROUS! We're every one of us a threat to the kingdom of the Antichrist & the kingdom of Satan, & he hates us! But the Lord won't let him touch us till we get the job done, thank the Lord! Oh, He's let him touch a few of us to be glorified as martyrs & suffer a little bit. "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him out of them all!" (Ps.34:19)
         11. I'M JUST TRYING TO TELL YOU, WE'RE NOT LOSING, WE'RE WINNING! Even when it looks like we're losing, we're winning!--Even by winding down with the austerity, preparing for the Crash & the War or the Antichrist or whatever's coming next! One of the three has got to come next, so praise the Lord, we're trying to get ready for that now & prepare for it now so it won't catch us unawares.
         12. WE'RE TRYING TO GET YOU INDIGENISED, make you indigenous so you can pretty much take care of yourselves & run yourselves & do the job by yourselves, so we'll be able to live through whatever's coming & survive & come out on the other side--still alive, still kicking, still operating, still working & still publishing, if possible! Amen?
         13. "WHERE INIQUITY DOTH ABOUND, GRACE DOTH MUCH MORE ABOUND" (Ro.5:20), & in those last, worst, most awful days of all, we are going to be the most powerful witnesses we have ever been! We're going to do the greatest signs, wonders, miracles & supernatural things we have ever done, & we are going to be the greatest witnesses we have ever been! The whole World is going to hear about us!
         14. THE MORE THE ANTICHRIST TRIES TO SUPPRESS US & BEAT US DOWN & KILL US OFF & GET RID OF US, THE MORE MIRACULOUS OUR SURVIVAL WILL BE & the more publicity the Message will get, the more he tries to fight it! And with all his power, all his signs & wonders & all his deviltry & all his Satanic majesty, he cannot conquer us, he cannot wipe us out, he cannot stop us any more than he can right now! He won't be able to do it any more in the Tribulation than he can now!
         15. I DON'T WANT YOU TO FORGET THAT! I WANT YOU TO REMEMBER THAT! It's not going to be just a time of defeat & total destruction. It's going to be a time of tremendous battles & terrific war, but as a result, great victories!--Victories such as we have never known before!--Victories over armies, over governments, victories over all the big guns they can pull out!
         16. GOD'S WORD SAYS THAT "THEY THAT DO KNOW THEIR GOD SHALL DO EXPLOITS, & they which understand amongst the people shall instruct many!" (Dan.11:32,33) We are going to do the greatest work we have ever done & we are going to preach the greatest Gospel & be the greatest witnesses we have ever been, until the whole World is going to hear & the whole World is going to know us!
         17. YES, SOME OF US WILL BE MARTYRED, YES, SOME OF US WILL DIE FOR IT--joyfully, gladly, happily, in a blaze of glory as we witness & testify, & the Antichrist can't stop us, & can't even kill us half the time! Think of it! Quit getting down in the mouth & discouraged about all the horrors described--most of which will befall the wicked!
         18. FOR GOD'S SAKE, WHY DON'T WE LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE! Why don't we look on the good side, why don't we look on the victories, why don't we thank God for the marvels that are going to happen, how He's going to protect us!--With miracles & monsters & plagues & all kinds of things God's going to do for us! The whole World's going to be after us! The armies of the Antichrist, the governments of the World are going to be after us & can't stop us! Think of that! HAL! TYJ! GTG! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Doesn't that thrill you? Doesn't that excite you & cheer you up a little bit? PTL! GBAKY all!--In Jesus' name, amen!