GOD'S PICTURES!          DFO1317          5/2/82
--God's Good Gold vs. the Devil's Dirty Poison!

         1. I WAS JUST FINISHING MY MORNING NAP WHEN I HAD THIS STRANGE DREAM WITH ITS SHOCKING ENDING! Now I can understand why the Lord has given me so many dreams like this of various kinds & revelations full of so many pictures!--He knew we were going to use a lot of pictures & need a lot of pictures, particularly for our children, & especially for the smaller children, to interest them in the tales I have to tell.
         2. I'M CONVINCED THAT'S WHY HE GAVE MANY OF THEM THAT WAY, so that I could relate them & describe their pictures so that our inspired artists could illustrate them for our children & even their parents & others of us simple adults who are a bit thick-headed sometimes!
         3. IN FACT, THE GREAT MASTERPIECES OF THE STORIES, CHARACTERS & PARABLES OF THE BIBLE BY THE GREAT MASTER-ARTISTS OF HISTORY have been a great asset to Christian families for centuries, enabling them to hold before their children copies of this great art, truly inspired by the Lord to illustrate the characters, stories & parables of the Bible comparable to the truths of the Bible, illustrating those truths.
         4. SO GOD DOES USE PICTURES & PARABLES & HE CERTAINLY HAS USED PICTURES WITH ME, in both dreams & visions of truths which He was trying to illustrate to give me some message, to give me a picture of what was going to happen or was happening behind the scenes, or to illustrate some truth that He wanted me to bring out.
         5. FIRST OF ALL IN MY DREAM, I WAS LOOKING AT SOME PAGES OF ONE OF OUR BOOKS OR PUBLICATIONS. And oddly enough, the pictures in the book that I was looking at seemed to be little golden plaques, beautifully etched in blue & red! They were like carvings, almost like golden medals or medallions or some of those beautiful little Russian icons decked with precious stones, precious gems & jewels!
         6. I REALISE NOW THAT THE LORD WAS COMPARING HIS WORD & ITS ILLUSTRATIONS IN OUR BEAUTIFUL PUBLICATIONS TO VALUABLE PRECIOUS MEDALS & beautiful art, full of precious gems & jewels of His Word, & I was busy placing these beautiful little medallions of various shapes & sizes in their respective spots on the pages of this book.
         7. IN THE NEXT SCENE I WAS SUDDENLY IN A SMALL LAKE OR SHALLOW POND, lying on a rubber mattress, bathing & paddling around with my hands & feet. But I kept running into these mud banks or mud bars, like sand-bars, & they would stir up a lot of mud & dirty up the water.
         8. MY HEAD & SHOULDERS WERE WELL ABOVE WATER, AS WERE MY ARMS & KNEES, but my hands & feet were in the water & my bottom was sunk down--in fact, the water covered my lap. And I was a bit annoyed, running into these stubborn mud banks that stirred up so much dirt & mud & trouble, so I was trying to avoid them & paddle my way around them.
         9. I FINALLY GOT FREE OF THE MUD BANKS & I WAS SAILING HAPPILY ALONG, when all of a sudden I saw the loop of part of the body of a huge serpent sticking up out of the water, sort of in front of me & over a bit to the right beyond my feet. Its body was at least as big around as my arm & the loop or coil lifting up out of the water was about two feet long--which was obviously only a small part of this huge black & yellow serpent's body!
         10. SO I BEGAN TO PADDLE RAPIDLY AWAY--BUT TOO LATE! Under the cloudy camouflage of the muddy water, he was swimming angrily toward me to attack me! Suddenly I felt the thud of his huge head strike my hip, the part of me buried beneath the water & almost out of sight!
         11. I REACHED DOWN IMMEDIATELY & GRABBED HIS HEAD IN MY TWO HANDS, slammed his jaws shut & squeezed with all my might till I crushed his head, just like an egg shell! And just as I was thinking, "I hope he didn't see well enough to sink his fangs into me!", I felt a sudden tingling numbing sensation in my left hip. I thought, "Oh my Lord! I have actually gotten a scratch or a pinprick from one of those fangs!"
         12. SO I THOUGHT, "I MUST TAKE MY KNIFE QUICKLY NOW & MAKE A CUT THERE TO LET THE BLOOD FLOW so that the venom will not take effect on the rest of my body"--and I woke up! Perhaps that final scene symbolises that only the Blood can cleanse you from the venom of the Serpent's poison, the Devil's own poison of his lies or his attacks, or even from your own sins.
         13. ONLY THE SOUL-CLEANSING BLOOD OF THE LAMB CAN CLEANSE & PURIFY YOUR SPIRITUAL BLOODSTREAM from the venom of the Devil & his sin & save you from spiritual paralysis & even death! It was obviously an attack of the Devil in the muddy waters of the enemies' propaganda, & although I was trying to avoid them, our collisions had already stirred up enough mud to have made the water so murky that I couldn't see the serpent in time, & he was able to get close enough to me to strike.
         14. BUT THANK GOD, "THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST HIS SON"--GOD'S SON--"CLEANSES US FROM ALL SIN!" (1Jn.1:7) TYJ! So that was certainly a frightening scary picture from the Lord to illustrate one of His pictures & teach us one of His lessons, amen? Don't let it happen to you!
         15. TRY TO AVOID THOSE MUD BANKS OF THE ENEMY! Watch out that you don't bump into the dogs & the hogs & cast your pearls before swine who will trample them underfoot & then turn again & rend you! (Mt.7:6) Stay clear of the waters muddied by the lies of our enemies. You can only plead for the Blood of Jesus to cover you for your protection & to cleanse you from your sins & the Devil's lies & poisonous influence.
         16. "FOR WHEN THE ENEMY COMES IN LIKE A FLOOD, THE SPIRIT OF GOD WILL RAISE A STANDARD AGAINST HIM!" (Is.59:19) TYJ! The Lord does allow him to attack sometimes in order to teach us lessons & to drive us close to Jesus, but He never allows him to overcome us if we hold onto the Lord & plead His protection & let the Blood of Christ wash away the poison of his venom & the sins which do so easily beset us!
         17. SO WATCH OUT FOR THOSE DIRTY MUD BANKS OF THE ENEMIES' PROPAGANDA! Don't get careless, keep a wary eye open, keep your guard up, don't allow him to attack you in an unguarded moment!--Don't get careless by getting too deep into their territory & inviting an attack of the Devil through our enemies.
         18. DON'T LET THE ENEMY ADULTERATE THE PURE WATERS OF THE WORD WITH HIS DIRTY LIES & PROPAGANDA & HIS DOCTRINES OF DEVILS! Don't believe them! Resist them!--For his doubts & fears & lies can hide an even more fatal attack on your very life! But if he does manage to scratch you, let the Blood of Jesus flow & cleanse you from all sin!--The Enemy may sometimes bruise our heel, but we shall crush his head! (Ge.3:15) Hallelujah! TYJ!
         19. GOD BLESS & KEEP YOU & THANK GOD FOR HIS WARNING PICTURES!--And God help you to heed the warning & to know the remedy if attacked! Pray desperately & let the Blood of Jesus flow to cleanse the wound & purify your spiritual body from the venom, washed in the pure Water of the Word! GBAKYA! WLY!--And the Lord loves you & that's why He gives you these amazing pictures to teach you & His children His ways. In Jesus' name, amen!