SATAN KING OF EMPIRES!   DO 961   9/8/80

THERE'S AN AMAZING DESCRIPTION OF SATAN IN THE 28TH CHAPTER OF EZEKIEL WHERE HE'S CALLED THE PRINCE OF TYRUS. Now why would the Lord call the Devil the Prince of Tyre unless the Devil himself loved Tyre & ruled over Tyre as its King? It must have been that the King of Tyre was actually Satan-possessed by the Devil himself! It was a very wicked city & a great commercial empire run by the Phoenicians, & spread its iniquity all over the whole World.

SATAN WAS ALSO KING OF BABYLON IN THE DAYS OF HER GLORY. In Ezekiel he's called the King of Tyre, & in Isaiah 14 he's called the King of Babylon. Well, if the Devil was at one time King of Tyre, & then another time King of Babylon, the capital of the great World Empire of Babylonia, then it stands to reason logically that he must have been the King of each of these great World Empires, or possessed their kings & ruled them & lived in splendour & grandeur in their great lavish capital cities!

IN EVERY ONE OF THESE WORLD EMPIRES, APPARENTLY ONE OR MORE OF ITS KINGS WERE POSSESSED BY SATAN HIMSELF in his effort to rule the World.--But every time God destroyed his Empire & its capital city & its kings. Then he'd go right on to another Empire & build a new one! So apparently the Devil has been possessing the greatest kings of the Earth down through the ages, some more than others.

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MARIA: DO YOU THINK MAYBE HE FLITS AROUND TO GREAT ANTI-CHRIST MEN LIKE HITLER & NAPOLEON?) I wouldn't be surprised that he's possessed some of the World's great conquerors & great World leaders. Of course, why not?--He wants to rule the World, why shouldn't he?--And not one of them was ever a great Christian. There were no truly great World leaders who were Christians.

THOSE WHO WANT TO RULE THIS WORLD ARE NOT CHRISTIANS; THEY'RE USUALLY ANTI-CHRIST & they do it cruelly with slaughter & armies & murder & by any means possible.

AND CERTAINLY THE BIBLE DEFINITELY TEACHES THAT THE ANTICHRIST WILL BE THE DEVIL IN PERSON, the Devil in the flesh, to rule the World's last great World Government or Kingdom. So apparently the Devil has been the King of all these great World Empires & their capitals, possessing their kings & running their governments, & every one of them always persecuted God's people!

THERE HASN'T BEEN A SINGLE GREAT WORLD EMPIRE THAT HAS NOT PERSECUTED THE PEOPLE OF GOD! So obviously these World Empires were ruled by the Devil, who persecuted God's Kingdom & God's people right to the very End, from Pharaoh to the Antichrist!

I'VE NEVER HEARD THAT THEORY ADVANCED BEFORE; MAYBE IT WAS A REVELATION! I got it when I was reading Ezekiel 28, & then I turned to Isaiah 14 & read that. I thought, "Well, that's strange, the Devil in one place is described as the King of Tyre, & here in another he's described as the King of Babylon.--How could he be both?" So that's a new theory, a revelation!

THERE IT IS, AS PLAIN AS DAY, RIGHT IN THE BIBLE! It specifically mentions the King of Tyre & the King of Babylon in descriptions which could only fit the Devil himself! So the Devil went from one Kingdom to the other to possess its king & its capital & its empire in an attempt to continue to rule the World. Every time God would destroy one, he'd go to the next one & start over, or continue.

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SATAN--KING OF EMPIRES" CERTAINLY IS, I THINK, A PROVEN THEORY. It's very logical & consistent, that he has been the King of every World Empire. He's been the ruler of all the World's capitals, & his Kingdom is always opposed to the Kingdom of Christ.

Jesus is my King of kings!--Who's yours?