GET OUT!         DFO805   7/7/79

WE HAVE SOME PEOPLE IN THE FAMILY WHO HAVE ACTUALLY DEVELOPED ASTHMA, tuberculosis & other lung diseases because of their over-devotion to their daily work & their failure to take proper daily exercise in the sunshine & fresh air. They will probably protest that they are too tired & haven't got energy enough to get out for a daily walk. But that's why they are tired! It will probably be hard for them at first because they are not used to it, but I can almost guarantee that exercise is the cure!
You have got to set aside a certain time every day to get out, an hour or two every day with fresh air & vigorous exercise & sunshine if possible. I just insist that our whole local Family stop & go somewhere, at least once a day, for an hour or two--vigorous walks, swim, play ball with the kids, whatever, to get some good healthful fresh air & sunshine & exercise. Your body wasn't built just to sit or lie around all day, it was built for vigorous activity!
YOU SECRETARIES & TYPISTS & MAIL EXPERTS & BOOK-KEEPERS & ARTISTS & PRINTERS & LAYOUT MEN just must realise you cannot hover over a desk scrunched up, bent nearly double over your work all day long & half the night, & nearly every day of the week, & think you are going to get away with it.--You're not! Sooner or later you're going to come down with a cough, asthma, bronchial trouble, spitting up blood, tuberculosis, you name it! You just are not going to get away with abusing your bodies like that! (1Co.3:16,17; 6:19)
There's no excuse for it, just no excuse for it! If you obey God's laws & rules & my advice, you will stay in good health, just like Maria & I do, but you've gotta do it. You've just gotta get out every day whether you like it or not, whether you want to or not.--Just stop & get out!
If you want to be any good to the Lord, you'd better stay healthy! The recipe is the same as it always was: Good rest, good exercise, good food & good living. If you violate these rules, then you're going to have bad health & bad living & quick dying!
You don't even necessarily have to have direct sunlight to stay healthy; too much direct sunlight is not even good for you. But you guys hovering over a desk working by electric light, 50-60 cycles going off & on that many times a second, don't notice the effect on your eyes, but it does affect them, & no matter how good the electric light is, it is not daylight. You're far better off working with a window & daylight if you can.
YOU GUYS HAVE GOT TO REALISE THAT YOU ARE NOT YOUR OWN: YOU'RE BOUGHT WITH A PRICE (1Cor.6:19,20), & you can't do as you please! You just can't sit around doing the work you love to do all day & all night & all week long, & never get out! You cannot abuse your body like that & not get any exercise or any fresh air or any vigorous regular activity to exercise your muscles & heart & circulate your blood & flush out your lungs & your blood stream & keep all your bodily functions in repair.
And if you can possibly walk where there are woods or trees or grass--plants that God made give off oxygen in the daytime--you'll get nice pure fresh air, full of oxygen! Of course, if you live in the heart of a stinking city, you don't have much chance, but even the New Yorkers survive by all that running around they do in the subways & some air!
You don't have to overdo it & have strenuous exercise if you are not up to it & it is too hard on you, but just regular moderate exercise, temperate exercise--but daily, don't miss a day! Consider it just as important as your work & just as essential to your health as eating, which it is, maybe more essential.
But you've got to do it every day, every day, every day, regularly, & live regularly, & have good diet, good exercise, good hard work, good rest, good elimination, lots of liquids & water, keep the juices flowing, & keep going for God. PTL?
GET OUT FOR GOD!--Or get in your grave!--Which'll it be for you?!