THEY BEHOLD HIS FACE!    GP397    20/1/76

         1. (One of the babies stirred & whimpered, so we were praying for him when we got this Scripture:)
         2. "IN HEAVEN THEIR ANGELS DO ALWAYS BEHOLD THE FACE OF THE FATHER"--their spirit doth always behold the face of the Father! (Mt.18:10) I was always taught their guardian angel stands before the Lord & is constantly protecting them & has the Lord's ear, but if this word "angel" is a word that is also sometimes used for "spirit", & if you use it in that meaning, that's the way it came to me just now. Hallelujah!
         3. If that verse means their OWN SPIRITS do always behold the face of the Father, that means the little children are in such close communication with the Lord that they see the Lord Himself! In other words, there is direct communication, face to face, they're so close to the Lord!
         4. "In Heaven their angels do always behold the face of My Father which is in Heaven." If you take Heaven in the sense the churches think of it, it's far off in the sky somewhere. But the word "heaven" sometimes simply means in the "spirit world", as used in the Bible: "In the spirit."
         5. "The face of My Father!" Of course this could mean Jesus, because Jesus in a sense is the face of God, the manifestation of God. The only way we ever see God is in seeing Jesus. But one way or the other, it's wonderful whether they see Jesus as God's face or God Himself! When life is all a great new mystery to them & all so marvelous & wonderful & yet mysterious & frightening, how reassuring it must be to see the Lord & the visions He wants to show them!
         6. IF THIS MEANING OF "ANGELS" IS "SPIRITS", it means that the spirits of these little tiny children constantly behold the face of the Father in Heaven! If His "face" means Jesus, then it means they see Jesus! Or if you prefer the old churchy interpretation, their guardian angels are always in touch with the Lord to protect them. But the thing that came to me just then when I was praying for the Lord to comfort him was that "their spirits do always behold the face of the Father!"
         7. I have gotten time & time again a Scripture that sounded familiar but wasn't exactly what I was used to. But I believe the ones I get in the Spirit are more exact & perfect than even in the translation of the Bible!
         8. "THESE LITTLE ONES WHICH BELIEVE IN ME" shows that some even believe in Him! (Mt.18:6) The little ones that believe! He says in His Word, "For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, & the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now they are holy." (1Cor.7:14)
         9. If even ONE parent is a believer, then the children are clean, meaning that they somehow partake of the parent's faith & are in some sense a believer. He's comforting the mates that have an unbelieving partner--"Don't worry about it. Even if your mate doesn't believe, your children are still saved". But if both are unbelieving, then, unless one finds the Lord, the child is unclean!--What an awesome thought & responsibility!
         10. But what a comforting thought to know our little ones do always behold the face of Jesus to constantly comfort & reassure them in times of distress or fear!--Even when alone in a dark room, they can still see Jesus!--Hallelujah!--And He can lead & comfort & guide them even when you're not there! PTL!
         11. Are you a believer? Are your children clean? Do they too have faith? Do they see Jesus' sweet & kindly face in the night seasons & in sweet dreams to always comfort them even when you're not there?--They do if you love Jesus!--He's there with them if you have Jesus!--It's up to you!--Think about it! Pray about it!--Ask Him into your heart today without delay so your children's spirits can always behold His face in their dreams or wherever they may be!