FAIR SEX!                 DFO 326B                  2/75

         1. God bless you most faithful ones who can take me at my rawest after many years of faithful service & many hard trials & great tribulations & sacrificial hardships, having proven your loyalty & faithfulness by years of diligent obedience, self-sacrifice & fealty!
         2. --ISN'T THAT AMAZING!--I DON'T BELIEVE I'VE EVER USED THAT WORD BEFORE IN MY WHOLE LIFE, but it suddenly popped into my head when thinking of you just now, & we even had to look it up in the dictionary to see what it really meant, so the Lord must have given it Himself or one of my helpers! Hallelujah! In fact, when I first opened the dictionary to find it, the very FIRST words that my eyes fell upon, believe it or not, were:
         3. "FEUDAL SYSTEM: System in the Middle Ages by which LESSER LORDS, called VASSALS, HELD IN TRUST LARGE LANDED ESTATES from more IMPORTANT LORDS, being bound in return to FIGHT for these lords in time of WAR!" So when I finally found the word "fealty" a few pages over, I could immediately understand what it meant when it said, "THE LOYALTY OF A VASSAL (LESSER LORD) TO HIS LORD"! How about that!
         4. I JUST LOVE THOSE JUICY LITTLE TIDBITS THE LORD GIVES sometimes so miraculously to confirm His Word! Hallelujah! So it must be really true of you & our faith in you is really of the Lord! There was often a great bond of love & loyalty between these lords & their underlords & they often gave their lives for them in battle, as YOU have!
         5. THE LORD MUST HAVE THROWN THAT ONE IN AS A SIGN & PROOF & CONFIRMATION that our feelings about you are right & you are trustworthy of what we hope to do! Praise God for His precious faithfulness & His wonderful Words that give life to our spirits & are food for our souls!
         6. IT'S THESE LITTLE THINGS HE DOES THAT SOMETIMES AMAZE ME, that He's even concerned enough to give us even ONE WORD that is so special & can mean so much! Thank You Jesus! Isn't He wonderful! Praise God! What I was about to say was that because of all of this & our being tested, tried & proven with some truly fiery trials, we come through even purer, "as much fine gold".--1Pet.1:7; Psa.19:10.
         7. HE OFTEN TURNS AROUND & REWARDS US BY ALMOST SPOILING US with such GOOD THINGS that He gives US the DESIRES of OUR hearts for having DELIGHTED ourselves in HIM! (Psa.37:4) He not only gives us the things we NEED, but also many of the things which we simply WANT or would LIKE to have, like a pleased father giving his favourite & most obedient child a new & pleasant toy because he makes the heart of his father glad.
         8. BUT GOD'S A PRETTY SMART FATHER, too, & He knows that the more He loves us & the happier we are, the more we'll love Him & the more obedient we'll be out of pure love, & so do an even BETTER job for Him & accomplish even MORE in serving others that He loves who need us so!--Amen?
         9. BY DRAWING US EVEN CLOSER TO HIM, like the BRIDEGROOM HIS BRIDE, & making even MORE love with MORE caresses, she becomes even MORE productive & bears him even MORE children! There's even a METHOD in His MADNESS, His ofttimes seeming wild, crazy spurts of the Spirit!--They produce even MORE, BETTER & FASTER results! Praise God!