FRET NOT!        DFO 317B         11/74

         1. SOME OF YOU HAVE BEEN CONCERNED ABOUT A RIPPLE OF RECENT SO-CALLED "BAD" PUBLICITY originating with [a] minority from whom a great deal of our own leadership & many of you yourselves originally came, as well as many of our old & new disciples.
         2. THIS TURNING OF MANY OF THEIR OWN CHILDREN TO REAL GENUINE ARDENT & ZEALOUS CHRISTIANS & therefore separating some of them from their families & their former family religion was ENOUGH to arouse their ire & provoke them to jealousy & verbal attacks upon us, even as they did [to] converts in Jesus' day.
         3. BUT WHEN JESUS BEGAN TO OPENLY EXPOSE THESE PARENTS & RELIGIOUS LEADERS for their own sins & hypocrisy & to warn the World against their wickedness, these enemies of the Truth became very afraid of Him & His exposures of themselves & frightened at the rapid progress of His new unorthodox, unchurched movement of multitudes of mounting converts to God's only law of Love!
         4. THEY THEN BECAME DETERMINED TO SMEAR HIM & HIS WORK, HIS DOCTRINE & HIS FOLLOWERS, & also to do everything they possibly could to discredit His Words & works & disciples, & finally to try to crush both Him & His by inspiring the government to persecute & prosecute them as criminals & traitors, & to eventually crucify Him personally & try to slaughter His little lambs!--And they're still at it, as usual! They haven't changed!
         5. AS JESUS HIMSELF TOLD THEM FACE TO FACE, THEY WERE OF THEIR FATHER THE DEVIL [John 8:44] & not of God & had always persecuted the poor & slain God's Prophets & would soon cap it off with their crowning capital crime of all by slaying Him Himself, their own King & Messiah!--Jn.8:44; Mat.23:29-35.
         6. THEY IMMEDIATELY TURNED AROUND & USED HIS OWN WORDS WITH THE ROMAN GOVERNMENT TO ACCUSE HIM of treason & sedition as well as blasphemy & religious crimes, to persuade the reluctant Romans to kill him & pursue His followers as threats to the State & a danger to Rome!
         8. BUT MOST OF THEM NEVER SEEM TO LEARN FROM HISTORY & are even crazier than Quixote himself in dreaming an even more impossible dream of trying to beat an even more unconquerable foe, the Son of God & God Himself & His Holy Spirit & His innumerable Spirit-filled Children throughout the Earth, as well as all His holy Angels, even turning the Devil & all his forces' "cursing to blessing" & "causing the wrath of Man to glorify God" Himself!--Psa.76:10.
         9. AS BOTH THE ROMANS & THE COMMUNISTS & EVERY OTHER ANTI-GOD POWER THROUGHOUT HISTORY HAS DISCOVERED, THE MORE THEY TRY TO SUPPRESS THE TRUTH & CRUSH ITS FOLLOWERS, THE MORE WE GROW & the faster we follow until they find they are trying to stem the flood with a surfboard & empty the ocean with a teacup & they themselves are overthrown & washed away, like Israel & the Romans both, by the very tide they tried to stem with puny men against God!
         10. "BEWARE LEST THOU BE FOUND TO FIGHT AGAINST GOD!" as one of their own warned them! "For," as he wisely counselled their leaders, "if this thing be of MAN it will come to NAUGHT, but if it be of GOD, NO MAN can stand against it!"--Not even ME or YOU, much less one of THEM!--Acts 5:38,39.
         11. SO NO MATTER WHAT OUR MISTAKES MAY HAVE BEEN OR HOW MUCH THEY LIE ABOUT US OR TRY TO FIGHT US, THEY CAN NEVER WIN, for we are an unbeatable foe of their treacherous tyranny against God & His Children! Hallelujah! They just can't win for losing, & we just can't lose for winning no matter how hard either of us try, because GOD is on OUR side & AGAINST THEM! Praise God!
         12. SO "ALL THINGS STILL WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THEM THAT LOVE THE LORD," & HE WILL AGAIN "CAUSE THE WRATH OF MAN TO PRAISE HIM" by continuing to keep us & our Message in the news as one of the hottest & most controversial newsworthy subjects in the World!--Rom.8:28; Psa.76:10.
         13. SO DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE ATTACKS OF YOUR ENEMIES, MUCH LESS THEIR LIES & their insinuations & a little "bad" publicity from their smear campaigns! They will eventually reap what they sow sooner or later, & God will take care of them in His Own time & way when He's finished with them in using them to help keep us in the news & on our toes!
         14. AS THE ACTOR'S AGENT SAID, "THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS 'BAD' PUBLICITY!"--Whatever God wants to use to keep US in the NEWS & His MESSAGE before the PUBLIC is HIS business!--He knows BEST!--Amen?
         15. JUST BE SURE YOU KNOW IT ISN'T TRUE & YOU DON'T BELIEVE THE DEVIL'S LIES YOURSELF, because you know from your own personal experience & observation that the Enemy's own fabrications just aren't so! Because you know good & well that if any of these things were TRUE & he could PROVE them, he'd do more than LIE about them!
         16. IF THEY REALLY HAD ANYTHING ON US & WE WERE ACTUALLY DOING ANYTHING WRONG OR AGAINST THE LAW, YOU KNOW THEY WOULD HAVE HAD US IN COURT LONG AGO! But they've never been able to prove a thing of all the lies of our enemies & the false witnessing of some of their disgruntled, spiteful & unhappy backsliders or so-called "ex-members," some of whom never spent more than a few hours or days with us & had to try to make excuses & false accusations against us to justify themselves for leaving us as traitors, "who went out from us because they were not of us!"--1Jn.2:19.--Amen?
         17. WE ARE CERTAINLY NOT PERFECT & HAVE MADE OUR SHARE OF MISTAKES just like everybody else, for which may God & others forgive us! But certainly none of them have been serious enough to warrant criminal prosecution or our enemies would have had us prosecuted long ago instead of having to resort to a mere SMEAR campaign of WORDS in place of WEAPONS!
         18. NO ACTUAL CRIMES CAN BE LEGALLY PROTECTED BY RELIGION, so their ridiculous excuses that they can't prosecute us for crimes because we're religious are a real laugh, like the charges against Jesus before Pilate! He threw the whole charge out of court & said he "found NO FAULT in this JUST MAN" under Roman LAW!--Jn.19:4.
         19. SO DON'T WORRY ABOUT A LITTLE "BAD" PUBLICITY, oral persecution or even a few verbal or literal beatings! They'll only make more news & keep you & your Message before the public until you have reaped the harvest, grown even stronger through opposition & even grown in numbers through attempted suppression, as history has so often proven!
         20. AGAIN, GOD WILL THEREBY MAKE PEOPLES & GOVERNMENTS MAKE CHOICES & decisions either for or against you & Him, for which He will judge them accordingly while you're driven to a new country & a new crop!--Amen?
         21. EVEN IF THEY IMPRISON, TORTURE &/OR KILL YOU, THEY CANNOT CAPTURE YOUR SPIRIT NOR IMPRISON THE TRUTH nor torment your immortal soul nor kill the everlasting Children of God & His Eternal Kingdom, which shall reckon with them some day soon as they deserve!
         22. NOTHING CAN STOP GOD OR HIS REIGN OR ALL OF HIS MESSENGERS, Prophets & holy Children who are here to stay forever, even if He has to jerk the World & the wicked out from under them & create a new one in which they'll live in peace, plenty, beauty & harmony forever!--And He will! Hallelujah!
         23. SO "FRET NOT THYSELF BECAUSE OF EVIL-DOERS, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass & wither as the green herb! Trust in the Lord & do good, so shalt thou dwell in the land & verily thou shalt be fed! Delight thyself also in the Lord & He shall give thee the desires of thine heart! Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in Him & He shall bring it to pass...Rest in the Lord & wait patiently for Him."
         24. "FRET NOT THYSELF BECAUSE OF HIM WHO PROSPERETH IN HIS WAY, BECAUSE OF THE MAN WHO BRINGETH WICKED DEVICES TO PASS...Cease from anger & forsake wrath: Fret not thyself in any wise to do evil. For evildoers shall be cut off, but those that wait upon the Lord shall inherit the Earth! For yet a little while & the WICKED shall not be: Yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place & it shall not be! But the MEEK shall inherit the Earth & shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace! Forever!"--Read the rest in Psalm 37!
         25. I DON'T BELIEVE IN ADVERTISING THE DEVIL'S BUSINESS NOR HIS LIES, SO DON'T BE TRICKED BY YOUR ENEMIES INTO COMING DOWN FROM YOUR WALL OF GREAT WORKS TO WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM & letting yourself get trapped by their treacherous questions, much less get tempted into a worrying wasteful war of words which will only advertise the Devil's accusations & serve to spread his lies the more to the vast majority of the people who never even heard them in the first place & couldn't care less!
         26. EVEN IF THEY HEARD, LIES ARE SOON FORGOTTEN, SO DON'T REMIND'M! Your friends don't need an explanation & your enemies wouldn't believe you anyway! If they really want to know the Truth, let them come & see you for themselves & taste your samples!
         27. ANSWER SINCERE QUESTIONS HONESTLY & SHOW THE SINCERE THE TRUTH, & if they really wanna know, God will show'm! Amen?--If not, God DAMN them!--And He WILL, don't worry! Praise the Lord! God bless you & keep you!--And He WILL! I love you!
         28. GOD HAS WAYS OF REPAYING THOSE WHO ATTACK HIS CHILDREN! So "fret not"!--"Vengeance is MINE," saith the Lord, "and I will repay!"