OPLEXICON!                DO 261            7/73

         1. (Prophecy:) "Seek & ye shall find, knock & it shall be opened unto you. You ask such foolish things that are of no consequence, when thou couldst seek the secrets of the Universe! Ask what thy soul desirest & thy heart seeketh.
         2. "O little one, if thou knewest the power at thy command, thou wouldst ask & thou wouldst receive! Thou art as a little child which knowest not what wonders are at thy command! Ask & thou shalt receive! (Maria to David: Could you please tell me what I should ask?) YOU must ask. I but answer. For it must be according to THY faith, not mine. Thou shalt seek for thyself & not for another.
         3. "O the truths that are at thy hand & thou seekest them not! Is there nothing that you wish to know? (Maria: I don't know what to ask, for when I ask some things sometimes He won't answer me specifically.) He will in His time, for thou art His beloved & He shall reveal unto you that which is needful when it is needed. For it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom according to His Will.
         4. "I could reveal unto you the secrets of the Universe, but thou art a little child & knowest not what to ask! What seekest thou, O little one! Desirest thou not to know that which is to be? (Maria: But when I ask specific times, places or names, the Lord usually won't tell me!) It is not for you to know the day nor the hour until the time comes, but ye shall know the season. Thou canst ask what thou wilt, yet thou askest nothing. (Maria: What shall I ask?) Whatsoever thy heart seeketh." (With this, David is silent & Maria says no more. But David is wondering why we're having such difficulty with these questions & answers.)

         5. (Suddenly:)..."His name is Oplexicon! (Maria: Who is he?) That one who would oppose the answers of God! (Where is he?) He comes out of the World of the spirits! (How does he oppose the answers?) He seeks to quell the springs of God! (How does he do that?) By denying the Truth to all who would listen. (Maria: Who is the one who fights him?) That's our Angel Gabriel--& Michael! (What can we do about Oplexicon?) Commit him to the wrath of God, for God shall destroy him!
         6. (Is he a fallen angel?) Yes, one of the archangels of Satan! (Who does he work with the most?) His father the Devil, of course! (I mean, who does he try to oppose the most?) US, of course! (Any particular person?) ME, of course. For we are the most powerful force of God & bear His TRUTH & Satan hateth it but he cannot stop it."

         7. Suddenly the Lord says: "FEARFUL IS THE POWER OF THIS ONE & GREAT IS HIS MIGHT, FOR HE IS ONE OF THE MIGHTY ONES! He is the mightiest spiritual enemy of David & the one assigned to fight him!" (Rebuke him, O Lord, in Jesus' Name!) (I was marvelling at his name, almost in wonderment, & the Lord said:) "He is not the match of your father!" (It was as though the Lord was rebuking us for marvelling at him as almost like a form of worship!) "God Himself is the only real match for your father!" (But Lord!-That's a pretty strong statement! Surely the Archangels of God are a match for David?) "Nay! Even these obey thy will!"
         8. (Prays:) "Oplexicon is nothing to Thee! Help us to be fearless in our rebuke of him, fearless in our resistance of all our enemies in the Spirit World. We rebuke you, Oplexicon, in JESUS' Name!" There must be something symbolic about that "O", too. Each time I rebuke him, he falls flat on his back, just like a stiff idol! He IS an idol, apparently, with which people become entrapped or snared.
         9. Many of these ancient idols represented actual demon spirits. This is why God didn't like the idols, because of the spirits they represented. The Lord has given us that name for some reason, so try it on some of them. Say, "I rebuke you, Oplexicon, in the Name of JESUS!" It's almost like that "O" is a sign of his rank & his status. To whom did the people say, "O King", "O Daniel"?--Only to people of great importance! These devils are AFRAID of you knowing their NAME! There must be some special power in rebuking them by NAME.
         10. Our word "PERPLEX", which means to PUZZLE with difficulties, comes from the Latin word "PERPLEXUS", meaning ENTANGLED. Our English word "PLEXUS", a NETWORK, comes from the Latin "PLEXUS" which means a WEAVING. Our word "ICON", meaning IMAGE, is from the Latin "icon" & Greek "eikon", meaning the same, an image. SO "O-PLEX-ICON" MUST BE AN "IMPORTANT ENTANGLING IMAGE" OR DEMON ARCHANGEL!
         11. Another related subject is the "solar plexus", a radiating network of nerves centering near the stomach & very important to our spiritual emotions. Speaking of the inspiration of God's Spirit, the Lord says: "Out of thy BELLY shall flow forth rivers of living water!"--It is the PHYSICAL seat of the fountain of the SPIRIT. In Oriental religions like Yoga, it is this centre of spiritual emotion which the demons seek to control through trance-like meditation resulting in actual "DEMON POSSESSION" or a complete SNARING of the human spirit by an ICON demon!
         12. So obviously Oplexicon is a demon image or idol who evidently opposes the answers & denies the Truth! The Devil casts a snare, tries to entrap or weave a snare to stop the Truth. Oplexicon either entangles the answers with idols or he is some kind of an idol that entangles.
         13. The "Abomination of Desolation" is going to be an "Image of the Beast" or a demon-possessed Idol of the Antichrist!--It has something to do with money, too. The monetary system itself is an idol, the money-god of Mammon, an abomination of desolation which the World worships! Money, in a way, IS the "IMAGE of the Beast" of this World, a reflection of his power--the ENTANGLING IDOL of governments of today! It is the Antichrist's image--the entangling demon idol the people worship--which represents him & what he has to give! That is why the "LOVE of MONEY is the root of all EVIL"!--1Tim.6:10

         14. The Lord has given us an illustration of what He thinks is most important: The things & powers & conflicts of the Spirit World--the REAL World--where WORLD DESTINIES are being decided by the struggles of the Spirits & Archangels, whose powers are released or bound by OUR decisions, choices & prayers! Our daily lives & the World's future are being influenced by the battles in the Spirit World between the Lord & His Angels on the one hand & the Devil & his angels on the other--including Oplexicon!
         15. Thank God, one little word shall fell him!--Jesus!--The Master of all! Hallelujah!--You have but to utter the Name of JESUS to fell all the demons of Hell, Oplexicon & Satan himself!--So why worry about our EARTHLY enemies who are but mere mortal MEN! We don't need to fear the Devil or any & all of his angels!--JESUS is with us! "RESIST the Enemy & he shall FLEE from thee!"--Jam.4:7.
         16. "For God hath not given us a spirit of fear, but of power & of love & of a sound mind!" Hallelujah! "For perfect LOVE casts out ALL fear!" Amen!--And "THOU shalt keep him in PERFECT PEACE whose MIND is STAYED on THEE because he TRUSTETH in THEE!"--2Tim.1:7; 1Jn.4:18; Isa.26:3. Praise God forever! GOD is bigger than ANY devil!--And much bigger than OPLEXICON! Amen?