A SHEPHERD-TIME STORY!            GP 113                   2/71

         1. ALL THEY HAVE TO DO IS CALL & ALL THE SHEEP COME RUNNING! Nobody ever really called before. All the other shepherds just sang to themselves. They didn't sing to the sheep! OUR SHEPHERDS go out in the fields & hills & mountains where the sheep ARE & sing to the sheep & they come running--but the other shepherds just sit around in their folds & sing a little tune to each other!--And nobody can hear them, so nobody comes. But our shepherds go out & call loudly & the sheep come running & they gather them tenderly into the fold. They don't have very fancy folds, but they have sweet sheep.
         2. THE FAT SHEPHERDS HAVE FAT FOLDS WITH FAT SHEEP too lazy even to bear lambs. But our sheep are lively MOUNTAIN SHEEP! They're not these lazy fat city sheep that are sick & asleep & barren! But our mountain sheep are strong & lively & bear many lambs! Our lambs are not lazy from sleeping!--They're just tired from running to get away from the wolves & the false shepherds that beat them because they want them to give more wool--so they run out of those robbers' folds! THEY are cattle rustlers, sheep stealers & our lambs don't even belong in their folds!
         3. SO AS SOON AS THEY CAN GET AWAY, THEY RUN AWAY FROM THOSE ROBBERS! THEY RUN TO JESUS!--TO JESUS' SHEPHERDS! They cuddle down together so sweet with such love in Jesus' Fold with Jesus' true shepherds! They know where they belong, & they hear the Shepherd's Voice & they follow, but a stranger's voice will they NOT follow--never ever!
         4. THOSE ROBBERS MAKE BEAUTIFUL FOLDS TO TRY TO ENTICE THE SHEEP, but they don't have anything but LAZY FAT SHEEP. The minute the LAMBS hear the TRUE SHEPHERD'S VOICE, they run fast!--Away from the wolves & run to their true shepherds! They run so fast when our little shepherd boys & girls call them!--And they sing & play to them & they are so glad to be with David's sheep in David's Fold! DAVID REBELLED FROM THOSE FALSE FOLDS & those false shepherds--those robber-wolves in sheep's clothing!
         5. JESUS IS A BIG SHEPHERD & when the wolves get too close, He SOCKS'M with a rod!--He WALLOPS them! He KILLS them! That's TRUE!--And He saves His little sheep! They better not get near our sheep or Jesus will clobber them!
         6. THEY CAN'T TEAR OUR LITTLE LAMBS UNLESS THEY DISOBEY & STRAY AWAY! But if they wander away, then they get torn by the false wolves! If they wander away & disobey, then they always have to pay! They get wounded & torn by the wolves! But if they stay with the sheep & the Shepherd, Jesus is there with a great big rod & protects the sheep of David!
         7. OUR LITTLE FOLDS--THEY'RE NOT VERY BIG & BEAUTIFUL, but they have such a great big Jesus with a GREAT BIG STICK protecting them! And OUR SHEEP ARE SO HAPPY! They laugh & play & sing, like little lambs! They gambol & play! They jump up in the air & wiggle! They're dancing--when the shepherd plays them a tune!
         8. THERE IS NO GREATER HAPPINESS THAN IN THE FOLDS OF DAVID! No more happy sheep than the sheep in Jesus' folds in David's care & all of David's men--mighty mighty men of valour that do exploits--shepherds of renown!--That know how to kill wolves & slay lions to protect the TRUE sheep from the false shepherds, those robbers!--They're robbers--you know that? They're cattle rustlers! They're going to be HUNG!!! Jesus is going to hang them for cattle rustling!
         9. BUT THE LITTLE SHEEP KNOW THEIR SHEPHERD! THEY KNOW WHO REALLY LOVES THEM! Those FALSE SHEPHERDS--all they do is shear them for their wool & they don't feed or protect them or care for them & they don't take them out & give them good pastures & they don't help them to bear lambs! They just devour them! If they keep on devouring the sheep like that, pretty soon they won't have ANY sheep!
         10. BUT OUR SHEPHERDS LOVE THE SHEEP! They don't eat them! They just help them grow wool & bear lambs & be happy & they play & sing to them & feed them & protect them!--Because they're TRUE shepherds! They love the sheep! They live with the sheep right in the fold & take care of them!
         11. WE RESTORE THEIR SOULS! WE LEAD THEM IN PATHS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS THROUGH THE MOUNTAINS FOR HIS NAME'S SAKE! Yea, though we walk through the Valley of Death, we fear no evil!--For Jesus is with us! His rod & His staff, they comfort us! He even prepares a BIG Banquet right in front of our enemies & it makes them so mad--because our cup runs over with joy! Because He has anointed our heads with the oil of His Spirit, so we're smarter than they are with all their education! Surely goodness & mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives & we shall dwell in the TRUE House of the Lord--the fellowship of His Sheep & the folds of His TRUE Shepherds!--Forever & ever!
         12. DID WE GET ALL THE SHEEP IN? NOT YET! There are STILL LOTS MORE SHEEP TO COME IN--many many more folds with multitudes of good shepherds! TYJ!--Many little folds! So many they can't even find them all! So MANY little sheep, those bad wolves & shepherds can't even catch them all!--And JESUS comes sockin' it to those false shepherds! He socks them & He kills the wolves & smites the bad shepherds & He tenderly cares for His sheep!--And He gently gathers them in His sweet little folds with His sweet little shepherds who play to them & sing sweet songs to them! And we love them & feed them good with much green grass & good pure water--not that old dry hay & stubble & stinky, muddy, foul water in those false folds! And they become beautiful young strong sheep--so strong & pretty with pure white wool!--And so lively they bear lots of lambs! They're the happiest sheep in the whole World, 'cause they dwell in the folds of the Lord forever!
         13. BUT THE FALSE SHEPHERDS & THE WOLVES & THOSE FAT SHEEP--THEY'RE NOT SHEEP!--THEY'RE GOATS!--And they will be cast into outer darkness forever & there will be weeping & wailing & gnashing of teeth!
         14. THE SHEPHERD SLEEPS, BUT WHILE HE SLEEPS, JESUS NEVER SLEEPS! HE watches all the time & all of His Angels & His Saints! Those bad wolves can't hurt us!--They can't possibly hurt us unless Jesus lets them! And He only lets them touch us a little bit sometimes to purify us & make us good & teach us a lesson to make us stay closer to Him so we won't stray away any more! And the WOLVES ATTACK THE LITTLE SHEEP THAT STRAY away when they're out there by themselves away from the Shepherd & away from the fold & the other sheep! When they backslide, then the wolves attack them! But if they listen to the Shepherd's voice, they come running real fast!--Then the wolves won't get them! But if they don't hear the Shepherd's voice, the wolves attack'm & tear'm & kill them! So the sheep have to stay together in ONE FOLD WITH ONE SHEPHERD--JESUS!
         15. WE HAVE THE ONLY HAPPY SHEEP & HAPPY SHEPHERDS IN THE WHOLE WORLD! We have the happy folds! We laugh & sing & dance & play & fuck & bear lots of little lambs! And the shepherds like it! And we eat good green grass & drink fresh pure crystal spring water & we follow nice young handsome good tender loving gentle shepherds who LOVE the sheep, & they even like to play with them!--We have beautiful shepherdesses, too! And everybody's so happy! Nobody ever had so much fun as we have--loving & living & dancing & playing & singing & fucking & bearing little lambs & gathering in more sheep!
         16. THEY'RE EATING OUT OF OUR SHEPHERDS' HANDS! The sheep that come closest to the shepherd get to eat out of his hand--even the little lambs! They like it! Jesus feeds His sheep & for those who get real close to Him, He even feeds them out of His hand, He picks them up & nurses them in His Bosom & kisses them & loves them!--Isa.49:23.