How to Get Things Done Index

5 W's & H, for notes, 191


A while, awhile, 114
A, an, 115
Abbreviations, 62
         common, 150
         Dad's, 62-66
         symbols & numbers, 62
ABN (Algemene Bank Nederland), 258
Absent-mindedness, 97,99
Abstract nouns, 101
Accept, except, 114
Accidents, avoiding, 191
Accordion file, 27
         in Switzerland, 272
         opening, 258,268
         opening by mail, 270
         references for opening, 259
Accuracy, note-taking, 62
Active voice, 103-104
Adding, tips, 301
Addition, 294
         checking results, 304
         horizontal, 304
         verifying, 294
Addition, edition, 117
         business letters, 168,
         personal letters, 202
Adjectives, 104
Adoption, legal forms, 482
Adverbs, 105
         of degree, 105
         of manner, 105
         of number, 105
         of place, 105
         of time, 105
Advice from Dad,
         answering mail, 171
         appointments, 176
         decisions, 35
         finances, 264
         outgoing mail, 172
         picture-taking, 245
         reports, 159
         schedules, 13
         security & filing, 166
         typing, 166
Advice, advise, 116
Affect, effect, 111
Age, & memory, 84
Agenda, for meetings, 48
Agreement as to Custody & Support of Children,
         legal forms, 477
Aid, aide, 116
Airmail envelopes, 173
Alcohol, effect on memory, 86
Alertness, on telephone, 177
Alexander the Great,
         "By not delaying", 8
Alibis, 37
Aliquot parts, 299
All right, already, 113
Allude, elude, 117
Almanacs, 176
Alcohol, effect on memory, 86
Alphabetic file, 180
Alphabetical arrangement, memory technique, 92
Alphabetising, 181-182
         in stages, 187
American banks, 258
Among, between, 117
"ance" ending, 108
         Benjamin Franklin, 32
         Charles Goodyear, 36
         Eisenhower, 18
         Eleanor Roosevelt, 19
         George Bernard Shaw, 27
         Henry Ford, 19
         insignificant shoe clerk, 6
         Jean-Baptiste Colbert, 36
         Henry Kaiser, 32
         making do with little, 37
         Napoleon & success, 28
         overcoming difficulty, 56
         overcoming handicaps, 32, 51
         simplicity, 51
         Sir Walter Raleigh, 36
         "The Three Bones", 29
         Thomas Watson, 37
         to do list, 9, And...are, usage of, 112
Anderson, U.S., author of Success Cybernetics, 50
Anxious, eager, 114
Aperitif, 360
Apollos, Condensing the
         Lord's Letters, 357
Apostrophe, 120,122
         for business, 271,279
         for secretaries, 162
Application for Clearance
         to the Field, 375
Application for Copyright
         Philippines, legal forms,
Appointment of Guardian,
         legal forms, 478
         advice from Dad, 176
         for interviews, 365
         punctuality, 22
         PR checklist, 176
Appraise, apprise, 117
"ar" endings, 108
Arab & Oriental banks, 258
Arise, rise, 115
Articles for FN/FSM/HH, diagram, 241
Articles, grammar, 106
As, like, 117
Ascent, assent, 117
Association, memory aid, 54,85,94,99
Assurance, usage of, 115
Attendance Record, school forms, 451
Australian 100 Kroner, 274
Austria, banking, 270
Automatic gain control, 352, 354
Auxiliary verbs, 103
Averages, 299
Avoiding interference, work habits, 54


Babes Chart, 425
Bahamas, banking, 270
Balance, rest, remainder, usage of, 114
Bank book, 281,
Bank book, Chart, 287
Bank cheque,
         cashing of, 259
         sending money, 260
Bank Draft, (Banker's
         cheque), 260,265,268
Bank of Nova Scotia, 258
Bank of Tokyo, 258
Bank secrecy laws, 270
Bank secrecy, 273
Bank statement, 267,282
         checking, 267
         services, 267
         using the, 265
         currency regulations, 270
         Family, 258-264
         laws, 268
         liberal countries, 270
         PR, 272
         references, 269
         sending money, 271
         service, 263,
         service charges,265
         tips, 268
Bankrupt, 258
Bar chart, 312
Bar graph, 314,316,319
Bare, bear, 116
Batteries, for recording, 352
Be on time, how-to, 22
Beethoven, overcoming handicap, 19
Belittling yourself, 56
Bennett, Arnold, British novelist, 58
Beside, besides, 117
Between, usage of, 109
Bibliography, 505
Bill to a third member phone calls, 200
Bobby Burns, overcoming handicap, 19
Boredom, cause of fatigue, 31
Born, borne, 115
Brackets, 122
Brashears, the, making do with little, 37
         for desk workers, 28
         taking, 12-14
Brevity, note-taking, 61-62
Bring, take, usage of, 111
British & American Spelling, 132-136
Business correspondence, styles of, 204-207
Business letters,
         body of, 168
         diagram, 203
         five essentials of, 167
         forms of, (diagrams) 169
         layout of, 168
         tips, 203
         writing, 167
Busy signals, (phone) 201


Calculators, pocket, 164
Calendar pad, 27
Calendar, monthly planning, 193
Calendars, office, 188
         35 mm., 245
         instamatics, 245
Can, may, 114
Canadian $50 Maple Leaf, coins, 275
Cannot, usage of, 114
Capital, capitol, 114
Capitalization, 120,127
Carbon copies, 165,166,184
Carbon papers, 165
Casa de Cambio, 259,276
Case form, 110
Cash book, 281
         Chart, 286
Cashier's cheque, 265
Casting out nines, 304,306
Catacomb Disciple Report Forms, 403,404
Cayman Islands, banking, 270,277
"ce" endings, 107
Censor, censure, 117
Centering headings, typing, 231
Certificates of deposit, 2
Certified cheque, 265
Chain method, memory technique, 86
Challenge, 51
Change, yourself, 6
Charts, (See also Diagrams),
         Bank book, 287
         Cash book, 286
         Expenses book, 288
         Finance report, 289
         Gifts book, 285
         Income & Expense Journal, 290
         Notebook, 41
         Problem-solving, 18
         Reading rate, 70
         Visual aids, 312-319
         Weekly Planner, 11
Checking account, 258,265
Checklists, memory aid, 99
         cleared, 283
         clearing time, 258
         how to make out, 259
         types of, 265
Children's articles, for the FN, 236
Children's School & Training, Chart, 424
Children, & memorising, 96
Chopin, Frederic, overcoming handicaps, 32
Churchill, Sir Winston, master of language, 56
Cite, sight, site, 117
Citibank, 258
Classification, memory technique, 86
Cleaning heads, 353
Clearness, in business letters, 167
Colbert, Jean-Baptist, work habits, 36
Collage pages, 248
Collating mail, how to speed up, 190
Collect calls, 199,200
Collective nouns, 101
Colons, 110,122
Colour photos, for the FN, 240,244
Column chart, 312
Comfort, work position, 26, 31
Commas, 110,122,123
         standard uses, 118
Commission, banking, 275
Common mistakes, in grammar, 109
Common nouns, 101
Commonly misspelled words, 110, 129-131
Communion, in marriage, 443
Comparative adjectives, 104
Comparisons, in math, 298
Compass, 317
Complacency, 51,52
Complement, compliment, 114
Completeness, in business letters, 167
Complimentary close, business letter, 168
         a guide to, 320-351
         & art, 348
         can they think?, 338
         communications, 344
         firsts, 350
         home, 342
         how they work, 328
         offices & factories, 340
         memory, 330
         models, 346
         parts, 325
         telling it what to do, 332
         things they can do, 336
         types, 324
         what is a computer?, 322
         words, 351
         writing a program, 334
Concentration, 12
         a habit, 53
         focusing attention, 27
         how to develop, 52
         in reading, 59,71
         memory, 80,85,86
Conciseness, in business letters, 167
Condensing the Lord's Letters, by Apollos, 357
Confidential Questionnaire, 456
         screening personnel, 457
Conjunctions, 105
Consent by Mother, legal forms, 484
Consent to Adoption, legal
         forms, 484
Consent to Custody &
         Guardian of Minor, legal
         forms, 481
Consistency, using paper power, 46
Consulate, 476
Contact proofsheet, 244
Continual, continuous, 111
Contract of Lease, 471
Conversion table,
         general, 503
         weights & measures, 502
Conviction, 28
Coolidge, Cal, simplicity, 51
Cooper, Gary, no aptitude for acting, 56
Copyright, legal forms, 491
Correctness, in business letters, 167
         fast answers, 17
         handling, 159-161
         one-take revolution, 160
         shortcuts, 186
Correspondents, to the FN, 236
Correspondents, correspondence, usage of, 117
Council, counsel, 113
Countable nouns, 101
Courtesy, in business letters, 167
Cramming, 14
Credit Suisse, 276
Creditable, credible, 117
         anticipating, 18
         preventing, 14
Cue words, memory, 86-88,96
Cumulative School Record, school forms, 450
Cunningham, Glenn, overcoming handicap, 50
Curies, the, making do with little, 37
Currency & Gold, crossing borders, 279
Currency controls, 262
Current accounts, 258
Custody & Guardianship, legal forms, 476
Custody of Children, Power of Attorney, 467


Dad on FN Photos, 247
Dad's Abbreviations, 62-66
Daily Litnessing, Witnessing, FFing,Stats, Chart, 416
Daily Might Memory Chart,
         by Ruthie, 432
         by Month, 433
Daily Schedule, Chart, 407
Dash, 110,123
Data, 322
Dating, a business letter, 168
Daydreaming, 21,54
Deadlines, 11,46,48
         forces action, 20
         lifelines, 13
         marking, 193
Decent, descent, dissent, usage of, 117
Decimal equivalents of fractions, 503
Decimals, 294
Decision-making, 15
         helpful hints for, 34
         hindrances to, 34
Decisions, 50
         advice from Dad, 35
         putting off, 27
         snap, 35
Declaration sticker, 173,174
Declarations, 262
Declaring customs, 173
Deed of Donation, legal forms, 489
Definite article, 106
Degrees & titles, forms of address, 208
Deja vu, 52
Delays, handling, 177
Delegating, 36,43
         benefits of, 47
         ensure understanding, 17
         reading, 17
Delusion, illusion, 115
Demonstrative adjectives, 104
Demonstrative pronouns, 102
Demosthenes, small opportunities, 51
Dependability, for secretaries, 162
Deposit slip, 265
         doublechecking, 259
Deposits, 259
         making, 267
Descartes, Rene, 316
Descendant, descendent, 115
Desert, dessert, 113
         use of, 27
         workspace, 25
Detours, work habits, 33
Developing yourself, 6
Device, devise, 117
         articles for FN/FSM/HH, 241
         business letter, modified block, 205
         block style letters, 169
         business letter, 203
         business letter, block, 204
         business letter, indented, 207
         figuring dimensions, 242
         full block style, 169
         home keys, 226
         how to fill out a cheque, 266
         keyboard, 226
         layout form for the FN, 239
         modified semi-block, 206
         notebook planner, 41
         parts of the typewriter, 224
         review cards, 81
         review system (File Box), 82
         review system (Scratch Sheet), 82
         semi-block style letter, 169
         simplified style letters, 169
         writing on photo backs, 244
Dictating machine, (See tape recorder), 43,159
         use of, 161
         habit, 129,145
         increasing vocabulary, 59
         need for, 176
Diligence, in business, 171
Diplomas, Samples, 434-438
Diplomatic Clause, rental contracts, 475
Direct distance dialing, 199
Directory assistance, (Information), 200
Disciple Checklist, New, 387
Discreet, discrete, 114
Disinterested, uninterested, 114
Distinctness, on the telephone, 177
Distortion, recording, 355
Distributive adjectives, 104
Division, math, 296
Dodges, memory aid, 95
Dollars, dumping, 273
Donations, asking for, 236
Double negatives, 109
Doyle, A.Conan, making do with little, 37
Dress neatly,
         banking, 271
         travelling, 279
Drop-in visitors, how to handle 17
Due to, because of, 114
Duration, making contracts, 472
Dvorak keyboard, 233
Dvorak, August, 233


"e" (final), keeping or dropping, 107
Ear-minded, memory, 83
Early start, work habits, 36
Earphones, 354
Ecuador, banking, 270
Edison, Thomas,
         catnaps, 32
         rising above failure, 19
Editing symbols, 219-222
         conventional, 219
         Dad's, 220
"ee" endings, 107
Effective, effectual, 117
Effectiveness, work habits, 6
         making do with little, 37
         overcoming handicap, 50
Eisenhower, handling urgent matters, 18
Either, neither, 115
Eleanor Roosevelt, feeling inferior, 19
Electronic Switching Systems, 199
Elementary Report Card, school forms, 448
Elicit, illicit, 117
Ellipses (dots), 110,123
Embassy, 476
Emergency calls, 200
Emergency verify, phone calls, 200
Emigrant, immigrant, 115
Eminent, imminent, 115
"ence" ending, 108
English Sovereigns, coins, 275
Enlargements, how to figure, 252
Ensure, insure, assure, 115
"ent", "ant" endings, 108
Enthusiasm, how to develop, 29
Enthusiasm & success, 56
Enunciation helps, on the telephone, 178
Envelope opener, 189
Envelopes, for letter writing, 202
"er" ending, 108
Erasing, typing, 231
Especially, specially, 116
Etiquette, in the restaurant, 360
Evaluation Form for Trips into Closed Countries, 398
Evening sleepers, 84
Every day, everyday, 116
Exclamation point, 124
Except, accept, 117
Exchange rates, 268
Exchange slip, 259,260
Exchanging currency, 264
Executive judgement, 33
Exercise, importance of 31
Expect, suppose, suspect, 114
Expenses book, 283
         Chart, 288
Expressiveness, on the telephone, 177
Eye movements, reading, 54
Eye-minded, memory, 83
Eye-mindedness, 84
         care of, 55,58
         eyestrain, 26,31
         lighting, 26
         relaxing, 31


Family Medical History, school forms, 452
Farther, further, 115
         emotional & mental, 31
         overcoming, 31
         sleep on your problems, 32
Fear of failure, 18,19,50
Fear of mistakes, 18
Fewer, less, 114
         manners, 360
         restaurant terms, 362
Fields of study, 155-157
Figuring dimensions,
         diagram, 242
         FN layout, 242
File baskets, 26
Files, security of, 166
Filing, 179-181
         steps of, 180
         streamlining, 188
         tips & suggestions, 180,187
Filtering information, speed reading, 43
Finance report,
         chart, 289
         monthly, 284
         advice from Dad, 264
         Chart, 419
         keeping for large Homes, 280
Finding the Time, 42-43
Flexibility, 12
FN address,
         Eastern Hemisphere, 240
         Western Hemisphere, 240
FN rules, 238
Follow-through, for secretaries, 162
Footnotes, how-to, 223
Forbid, forbad(e), 116
Foreign vocabulary, memory technique, 90
Foreign words & phrases, 137-139
         causes of, 52
         how to, 54
Form letters, 17,159
Form paragraphs, 159
Formally, formerly, 113
Format, for business letters, 203
Formerly, formally, 117
Forms of address,
         American, 208-214
         British, 214-216
         ceremonious, 214-216
         for business letters, 170
Fractions, 196
         forms, 299
Fragrant, flagrant, 113
Franklin, Benjamin,
         "Do it today!" 32
         "speak ill of no one", 33
         early riser, 32
         writing, 77
Free time, 13
French Napoleon, coins, 274
Fruitfulness, 45
         examine your results, 33
Future continuous tense, 103
Future tense, 103


"ge" endings, 107
Gender, common, 153
Gender, neuter, 153
Gender, of creatures, 152-153
Gender, of persons, 151
Genius, 18
Germany, banking, 270
Get-Out, (See exercise), 12
         importance of, 31
Getting things done, 26-37
         Summary, 38-39
Gifts book, 280
         Chart, 285
Glossary, of computer words, 351
Go, Went, Gone, usage of, 106
Goal setting, 42,44
         3 categories, 8
         be dissatisfied, 32
Goals, 6,15,50
         essential steps, 7
         for leaders, 6
         long-term, 9
         persistence, 56
         practical, 7
         priorities, 7
         special emphasis, 7
         specific, 6
         subgoals, 13
         success, 7
         writing down, 7
Gold bars, 274
Gold coins, 261,268,274
         forged, 275
         buying & selling, 275
         in transit, 276
         refunding, 276
         security of, 277
         when travelling, 278
         selling, 277
         storage & transport, 277
Good habits, how to develop, 10
Goodyear, Charles, work in prison, 36
Grammar checklist, 110
Grammar, 110-121
         importance of, 100
Graphs, what are they?, 314
Gresham, W.R., "Nothing is Impossible", 56
Guide sheet, 184
Guilt, 19


Habits, 10,60
         effectiveness of, 6
         make it your friend, 37
         of concentration, 59
         tension, 31
Handicaps, overcoming, 19
Heading, of business letter, 168
Henry Ford, breaking down tasks, 19
Heteronyms, 149
High School Graduate
         Diploma, sample, 437
High-lighting, 357
         mail, 171
Holland, banking, 270
Home Checklist, New, 379-383
Home Council, 11
Home keys,
         diagram, 226
         typewriter, 225
Homonyms, 146-149
Hong Kong, banking, 268,270
Hosanna, banking footnotes, 258
Hospital, hospitable, 113
House-hunting, 470
How to fill out a cheque, diagram, 266
How to Use Charts 1-9, 405
Hung, hanged, 112
Hyphen, 124
         double, 124
Hyphenating, how-to, 237
Hyphenation, 118


"ick", "ic" endings, 108
IDing letters, 168
"ie" endings, 107
"ify", "efy" endings, 108
Income & Expense Journal, Chart, 290-293
Indecision, 34,50
Indefinite articles, 106
Indefinite pronouns, 102
Index charts, 318
Index, 506-512
Ingenious, ingenuous, 117
Insight, 50
Inspection of the Premises, rental contracts, 474
         following, 197
         giving, 192
Interest, memory aid, 83,85
Interjections, 105-106
International calls, 200
International code, telephone, 178
Interrogative adjectives, 104
Interrogative adverbs, 105
Interrogative pronouns, 102
Interruptions, 12,14
         hideaway, 16
         how to handle, 17
Interview form, sample, 461
         for personnel, 455
         for research mat'l, 365
         making them pay off, 365
         on video, 455
         setting up, 456
Into, in to, 116
Intransitive verbs, 102
Introduction, writing, 235
Inventory books, 47
Irregular verbs, 102
Is & Are, usage of, 106
Isaac, Office & Organisation
         Supplies Planner, 194
         Tips, 193
"ise, ize, yse" endings, 108
Isn't & Aren't, usage of, 106
It's, its, 110,112
Italicization, 126


James, William, developing yourself, 6
Japanese Yen, 268,273
Job adjustment, for secretaries, 163
Jones, John Paul, duty, 34
Jumping tenses, 109


Kaiser, Henry,
         joy of work, 57
         sleeping on his problems, 32
Keller, Helen, overcoming handicap, 51
Kepler, Johann, overcoming handicaps, 32
         diagram, 226
         for typing, 225
Krugerrand, 268,274-275


"l" & "ll" endings, 107
Labels, typing small labels, 198
Language learning tips, 91
Law of Increasing Returns, 30
Law of inertia, 20
Lay, lie, 113
Layout form for the FN, diagram, 239
Layout, basic tools for, 243,253
"le" & "el" endings, 108
Leaders, characteristics of, 56
Learning & Memory, 66
Learning power, 52-55
Learning, the best time, 84
Lee, Ivy, to do list, 9
Lend, borrow, 117
Lessee, 470
Lesson, lessen, 117
Lessors, 470
Let, leave, 112
Letraset, 243
         by photocopying, 252
         catalogues, 253
         making your own, 252-257
         samples, 254-257
Letter log, 172
Letter writing, 167-170
         the paper, 202
         when to, 158
Letterhead stationery, use of, 167
         making appointments, 170
         making reservations, 170
         openings & closings, 196
         receipt of a letter, 170
         reply to a letter, 170
         routine, 170
Liable, libel, 113
Liable, likely, 114
Library/Get Out, Chart, 411
Licence, license, 116
Lightning, lightening, 113
Like, as, 114
LIM/LIT PIC Activity Report, 394
Line graph, 314-316
Link system, memory, 88,89
Link word, memory, 91
Lip movements, reading, 54
List of jobs, for secretaries, 163
Live-In Disciple Form, 386
Lloyds Bank, 258
Logs, hourly, 14
Lose, loss, loose, 116
Lost Mail Report, 378
Loyalty, for secretaries, 162


Mackenzie, Alec, author of "Time Trap", 44
Mail, 170-176
         advice from Dad, 171,172
         answering, 158
         certified or registered, 175, 194
         classes of, 174
         express, 175
         folders, 193
         forwarding of, 179
         handling incoming, 170
         handling tips, 194
         indelible markers, 174
         insurance of, 175
         marking, 171
         outgoing, 194
         packages, 175
         parcel post, 175
         printed matter, 174
         registered, 264
         return address, 174
         security of, 173,174
         small packet, 174
         sorting, 171
         stamping, 194
         stuffing envelopes, 194
         weighing, 174
         wrapping, 173
Mail-answering conference, 43
Mailing list, security of, 166
Mailing machines, 189
         FN articles, 240
         packages, 173
         tips, 174
         by crisis, 45
         by objectives, 6,45
         your time, 42
Managing Your Time, Summary, 23-25
Manners, kindness & courtesy, 360
Map charts, 319
Marital, martial, 113
Marks & Spencer, if in doubt throw it out, 159
Marriage Certificate, 440
Marriage vows, 442
         accountant's method, 301
         basic for business, 294
Maxell tapes, 353
Maybe, may be, 116
Maybe, not accepting, 57
Mean, Mode, Median, 300
Measles is, measles are, 112
Meetings, 48
         ending with a summary, 15
         keeping minutes, 49
         summary of, 49
Memo entries, 280
Memorisation tips, 81
Memorisation, 96
         best time, 80
         notebook, 82
         of the Word, 80
         projects, 80
         regularity, 80
         repetition, 80
         review, 82
         review system, 81
Memory aids, 118
         for spelling, 91,92,118
Memory, 22
         guidelines, 80
         how do we remember?, 83
         how to increase, 83-98
         making the most of, 66
         what do we remember?, 83
Menstrual Record Chart, 497
Mental blocks, 32
Menus, understanding, 360
Metering machine, 189
Metric Body Measurement, Chart, 498
Mexican Peso, 274
Michael, Recording on Your Own?, 352
Microphone, the, 352,354
Miller, Dr. Henry Knight, "The Ministry of Forgetfulness", 54
Milton, overcoming handicap, 19
Minimum balance, 258
Misplaced clauses, 108
Misplaced phrases, 108
Misplaced words, 108
Missionary Activity Report
         Form, 400
Mistakes, fear of, 18
Misused words, 111-118
Mmes., 208
Modifiers, 111
Money belt, 278,279
Money, sending money by mail, 260,264
         sending, 269
         ways to send, 260
Monthly Production Calendar, 46
Monthly Schedule, Chart, 410
Moody, Dwight L., insignificant shoe clerk, 6
Moral, morale, 113
Morning sleepers, 84
Morse, Samuel F., "better to wear out", 37
Motivation, 50
         memory aid, 99
Motor-mindedness, 83,84
Motto, "Get the job done!", 57
Ms., 208
Mssrs., 208
Much, many, 117
Multiplication, 295
         by specific numbers, 306
         tips, 307-311


Names & faces, remembering, 93
Napoleon, achieving success, 28
Napoleon, motto about time, 36
Naps, 32
NAS Report, 374
National Combo Visitors & Retrainees Form, 396
Naturalness, on the telephone, 177
neither, nor, 108
Nervous tension, 31
Netherland Antilles, banking, 270
New Zealand, banking, 268
news, usage of, 112
Newsletters, for the FN, 240
"No", ability to say "no", 12,34
Notary Public, 466,476
Note-taking, 61
         book notes, 61
         checking notes, 61
         lecture notes, 61
Notebook, 40
         to-do list, 9
         brevity, 61
         jotting, 193
         organisation of, 61
Nothing is Impossible, by W.R. Gresham, 56
Notice of enclosure, business letter, 168
Nouns, 101
         properties of, 101
Number, use in grammar, 118
Numerical method, memory technique, 92


"oe" endings, 107
Office Business Report, 392
Office equipment, care of, 164
Office tips, 191-198
On, upon, 118
Operator-assisted call, 199
"or" ending, 108
Ordering supplies, 163
Organisation charts, 319
         daily memory aid, 99
         office, 193
         paperwork, 158
         time management, 44-49
Original awareness, 85
Oshea Acts, Family Banking, 258
         checklist system, 218
         conventional, 218
         how-to, 218
         table of contents method, 218
Outreach Appraisal Questionnaire, 401
Overcommitment, 20
Overdo, overdue, 113
Overdrafts, 267


Packages, how to wrap, 194
Panama, banking & gold, 270,276,277
Paper power,
         Dad on FN photos, 247
         following instructions, 19
         if in doubt throw it out, 159
         jotting notes, 193
         making lists, 43
         notebooks, 46
         pen & paper, 42
         to-do list, 46
         thinking with a pencil, 27
         use of notebook, 33
Paper, using for FN articles, 236
Paperwork tips, 158-182
Paragraphings, for FN articles, 237
Parallel sentence structure, 110
Parent Consent Form, school forms, 447
Parent Permission Form, 446
Parentheses, 110,125
Pareto principle, priorities, 45
Parkinson's Law, 10
Participles, 104,110
Parts of speech, 101
Passed, past, 116
Passive voice, 103-104
Past continuous tense, 103
Past participle, 104
Past tense, 103
Paul & Marianne, Tips on Personal Organization, 40
Pauper's Plea Questionnaire, 384
Pause button, 354
PBX, phone on hold, 200
People, usage of, 113
Percent, usage of, 113
Percentages, math, 298
         of charts, 313
Perfectionism, 19,27
         cause of procrastination, 43
         in writing, 160
Performing a Marriage Ceremony, how-to, 441
Performing a Marriage Ceremony, Johannes & Milcah, 439
Period, 125
Persecute, prosecute, 113
Perseverance, "The Three Bones", 29
Persistence, setting goals, 56
Person to Person calls, 199
         collect calls, 200
Personal cheques, 259
Personal Monthly Summaries, Chart, 417
Personal organisation, 40-42
Personal Planner, Chart, 422
Personal pronouns, 101
Personal questionnaire, 455
Personal, personnel, 114
Personnel Recommendation Form, 463
Perspective, 18
Philippines, banking, 268
Phone Installation, 199
Phone jack, 177
Photo layout for pubs, 239
Photocopying, letraset, 253
         close-ups, 249
         contrast, 248
         cropping for FN, 239
         crowd shots, 246
         development, 250
         exposure, 248
         for PR, 245
         for publication, 248
         for the FN, 244-246
         group, 249
         low contrast, 250
         numbering for FN, 239
         numbering, 253
         picture pointers, 246
         problem photos, 249,251
         too contrasty, 250
         under-exposure, 249
         writing on the back, 244
Pictograph, 314,316
Picture-taking, advice from Dad, 245
Pie chart, 313
Pie graph, 314,317,319
Planning, 45
         importance of, 9
         night before, 40
         step by step, 56
         takes time, 7
         use of notebook, 40
         when you're fresh, 11
Planning work, for secretaries, 162
Plotting data points, 318
Plural possessives, 120
         adding "en", 120
         adding "fs" or "ves", 120
         adding "s", 120
         complete change, 120
         compound words, 120
         for "ch" endings, 119
         for "f, fe, ff" endings, 120
         for "ix" or "ex" endings, 120
         for "o" endings, 119
         for "on" endings, 120
         for "s, sh" endings, 119
         for "tch" endings, 119
         for "x", "z" endings, 119
         for "y" endings, 119
         of Greek & Latin words, 120
         of nouns, 128
         of nouns, adding "s" or "es", 128
         rules for, 119
         words that stay the same, 120
         "Get the Job Done" by Henry Kaiser, 57
         Will Rogers, 28
Pop screen, 355
Positive attitude, 51
Possessive adjectives, 104
Possessive pronouns, 102,120
Possessives & plurals, 110
Possessives, 120
Post office information, 173-174
Postage, mail, 172
Postal mandat, sending money, 260
Positive thinking, 50
Postscript, business letter, 170
Posture, for typing, 165,229
Power of Attorney Forms, 466-469
         banking, 272
         marriage ceremony, 441
Practicable, practical, 117
Practice, practise, 116
Prayed for, Chart, 413
Precede, proceed, 116
         Anglo-Saxon, 140
         Greek, 141
         Latin, 140
Premiums, 274
Prepositions, 105,109
Present continuous tense, 103
Present participle, 104
Present tense, 103
Presentations of rings, 442
Principle, principal, 112
Priorities, 8
         adhering to, 45
         crisis, 8
         for the next day, 193
         low-priority jobs, 8,42
         making decisions, 8
         sticking to, 26
         to-do list, 9
Privacy, rental contracts, 472,474,475
Private tutoring, 445
Problem-solving, 15-18
         Chart, 18
Procrastination, 19-22,49
         7 common mistakes, 21
         do it now!, 8
         overcoming, 19-20
         price of, 22
         Swiss cheese approach, 43
Professional titles, form of address, 208
Progress Chart, 10
Progress report, 191
Pronouns, 101, 110
         editing symbols, 219
         habit, 129
         letters, 167
         your typing, 231
         your writing, 235
Proper adjectives, 104
Proper nouns, 101
Prophecy, prophesy, 112
Proportions, 298
         how to figure dimensions, 242
Prosperity, a handicap, 33
Protractor, 317
Public Relations, 8 points for secretaries, 196
         Dad on FN photos, 247
         letraset & photocopying, 253
Punctuality, importance of, 360
Punctuation, 122-126
         in writing, 235
Pythagoras, 7
         review of your day, 33


Question mark, 125
Quiet hours, 43
Quiet time, 16
         availability hours, 16
Quotas, setting, 34
Quotation marks, 118
         double, 125
         single, 126


Radio Report Form, 388
Raleigh, Sir Walter, how to get things done, 36
Ratios, 298
Razor knife, 253-254
"re" ending, 108
Reading & Study Summary, 67-68
Reading & Study, 58-66
Reading purpose, selectivity, 70
Reading Rate Chart, 70
Reading test, 69
         books, 72,158
         business reports, 72
         calculating speed, 74
         chapters of books, 72
         comprehension, 74,79
         concentration, 59,72,77
         effectiveness, 60
         evaluation, 59
         faster, 54
         faster & better, 69-79
         habits, 58
         how to find info, 59
         increasing speed, 70
         key words, 77
         magazine articles, 71
         newspapers, 72
         pacing, 74,76,77
         phrase reading, 77
         phrases, 73
         pre-reading, 70,77
         rate, 69
         research material, 72
         retention, 77
         skills, 70
         skimming, 75
         skipping & scanning, 59
         skipping & skimming, 71,75,77
         space reading, 75
         speed, 71
         stretch your vision, 74,77
         summarising, 78
         vocabulary building, 77
         vocabulary, 71,76
Reaper Report Form, 390
Reaper's Stats Form, 391
Reason, usage of, 109
Receipts, 281
Reception Center Report, 373
Recommendation for Clearance to Field, 377
Recording on your own, 351
Recording, recap, 356
Records of Illness, school form, 453
Records, keeping, 10
Recycled paper, 191
Reductions, figuring, 252
Reference books, types of, 176
Reflexive pronouns, 102
Regardless, irregardless, 114
Registered mail, sending money, 264
Registration form for Tutorial Services, 446
Regular verbs, 102
Regularity, 13
Relationship with others, cooperation, 57
         interest in others, 57
Relative pronouns, 102
         releasing tension, 28
         while reading, 54
         while working, 31
Remembering, 52
         addresses/phone numbers, 95
         dates, 95
         how-to, 52
         training your mind, 99
         (See also Memory)
Reminder files, 22
Rental Contracts, how-to sample, 470-475
Repetition, aid to memory, 53,84
         advice from Dad, 159
         brevity, 159
         dating & signing, 159
         one-take revolution, 160
Reports, Charts & Forms, 367-504
Repression, of memory, 54
Reservations, making, 360
Reserves, best currencies, 263,273
Restaurant terms, 362
         diagram, (File Box), 82
         diagram, (Scratch Sheet), 82
Review cards, diagram, 81
Review system, 81
Review, revue, 116
Rewards, 20
Rhymes & jingles, memory aid, 95
Ribbons, typewriter, 236
Rogers, Will, how to be successful, 28
Roman numerals, how to write, 217
Rounding off numbers, 297
Royal Bank of Canada, 258
Run-on sentences, 118
Russian 10 Rubel, 274


Safety deposit box, 166,261
Salutation, business letter, 168
Salutations & endings, letter writing, 202
Sanitation & repairs, rental contracts, 473
Savings account, 261,265,269
         Time deposit account, 271
Scheduling, 10-14
         for the office, 188
         play & recreation, 33
         sample Chart, 406
         unpleasant tasks first, 34
Scheduling, 11
         advice from Dad, 13
         paperwork, 158
         prime time, 12
Schiller, Johann, German poet, 36
School & Training Form, 454
School Forms, 445-453
School Registration Form, 447
School, setting up, 445
Schwab, Charles, to do list, 9
Scott, Sir Walter, never be doing nothing, 36
Screening Personnel, how-to, 455-465
Secretarial handbook, 176
         importance of, 162
         sense of anticipation, 161
Secretary's job, 162
Secretary, ideal, 161-164
Security Deposit, rental contracts, 474
         banking, 268,269
         carry money & theft, 263
         check on luggage, 278
         filing, 166
         in the office, 191
         of FN articles, 236,240
         of gold, 277
         on the telephone, 177
         watch your wallets, 261
See, Saw, Seen, usage of, 106
Selah, 359
Self discipline, 6
Semicolons, 110,126
Sentence adverbs, 105
Service charge, banking, 265
Service, 30
Set, sit, 113
Sew, sow, 116
Shadrack Soldout, Telephone Tips, 199
Shaw, George Bernard, perseverance, 27
Shemariah Books,
         Banking, Currency Regulations, 270
         How to Keep Finances for Large Homes/Offices, 280
Should have, should of, 113
Shutter speed, 245,249
Siesta, 13,32
Signature of, business letter, 168
Simplicity, 51
Singapore, banking, 268,270
Singular possessive, 120
Skimming, reading, 55
Sleep, 15
         aid to memory, 54
Small talk, 15
Solutions, finding, 51
Some time, sometime, 114
Speech habits, on the telephone, 177
Speech recording, 352
Spelling, 110,129-131
Spelling dictionary, 176
Spelling rules, 107-108,146
Spelling tips, 121
         cede, ceed, sede endings, 121
         e after c, 121
         e after g, 121
         ie & ei, 121
Split infinitives, 108
Split verb & subject, 109
Stamping envelopes, 186
Stamps, purchasing, 164
Standard & Chartered Bank, 258
Stationary, stationery, 112
Stems, Latin, 143-145
Stopping payment, 267
Straight copy practice, typing, 229
Strait, straight, 116
Subconscious, decision making, 18
Subject & predicate, 106
Substitute words, memory technique, 89
Subtraction, 295
         proving, 306
         quick, 305
         2 main criteria of, 28
         techniques, 15
Success & failure, 19,57
Success Cybernetics, 50-51
Success, & attitudes, 56
         Anglo-Saxon, 142
         Latin, Greek, French, 142
         Getting Things Done, 38
         Managing Your Time, 23
         Reading & Study, 67-68
Sunday Schedule or Special
         Jobs, Chart, 409
Superlative adjectives, 104
Supervision, double-checking, 48
Supplies planner, by Isaac, 194
         Chart, 195
Supplies, handling, 164
Sweet, suite, 117
Swiss Bank Corporation, 258
Swiss banks, 258
Switzerland, banking, 270, 272, 273


Tact & courtesy,
         for secretaries, 161
         in the office, 196
Taiwan, banking, 268
Take action, paperwork, 158
Tape recorder,
         for interviews, 365
         for telephone, 177
         memory aid, 99
Tapping & eavesdropping, 201
Taxes & insurance, rental contracts, 474
Teaching diploma, 436
Telegrams, 176
Telephone Tips, by Shadrack Soldout, 199
Telephone, 16,49,176-179
         care of, 189
         courtesy, 177
         long distance calls, 49,177,178
         messages, 177
         recording, 177
         rules, 178
         security of, 177
         time wasting, 16
         tips for Family, 177
         when cut off, 178
Telex, 176
         sending money, 260
Tenses, 103
That, which, 115
There is & There are, usage of, 106
There's, there're, 113
Thesaurus, 176
These & This, usage of, 106
Thieves, 279
Thoroughness, importance & value of, 30
Those & That, usage of, 106
Those & Them, usage of, 106
Time log & logging, 10,42
Time policy, reserving time, 43
Time robbers, 14,17
Time savers, 17
         for the office, 190
"Time Trap", by Author Mackenzie, 44
Time zones, 504
         analysing, 10
         do it now!, 8
         management, 7,15,42,47
         Parkinson's Law, 10
         redeeming, 6,12
Timidity, 36
Tips on learning, 66
         for FN articles, 237
         using letraset, 243,253
To try to, to try &, 109
To, too, two, 115
To-Do list, 9
Toasts in foreign languages, 139
Topical systems, memory technique, 92
Toronto Life Magazine, 42
Touch typing, 224-232
Training others, 36
Traits, for personnel, 456
Transitive verbs, 102
Traveller's Cheques, 259, 261
Travelling, carry on, 278
TRF & Video Report, Checklist, 370
TRF, 368-369
Tricky endings, able, ible, ery, ary, 107
Trips & itineraries,
         checklist, 179
         planning of, 179
         trip folder, 170
Trivia, 15
Tunnel vision, hindrance to solutions, 32
Type faces, 165
         care of, 189,231
         changing the ribbon, 232
         cleaning of, 185
         cleaning, 190
         parts of, diagram, 224
         ribbon, 165,231
         types of ribbons, 232
Typewriting cautions, 165
Typewriting, 165-166, posture & position, 165
         advice from Dad, 166
         articles, for FN/FSM/HH, 236,241
         centering & spacing, 183
         centering a heading, 197,230
         corrections, 192
         dvorak keyboard, 233
         inserting numerous sheets, 198
         lists, 192
         numbers, 192
         small labels, 198
         special characters, 185
         statistical mat'l, 197
         tips, 197
         touch typing, 224


U.S. $20 Eagle, coins, 275
U.S. Registration of a Claim to Copyright, 492
UBS Bank, 258,276
Uncountable nouns, 101
Underlining, 158
         mail, 171
Union Bank of Switzerland, 258
Unique, usage of, 109
Unity, 29
Unless, except, 114
Unlisted numbers, 201
"ure" ending, 108
Uruguay, banking, 270
Usborne, Computers, A Guide To, 320
Useful Legal Forms,
         by Armando & Charity, 476
         Samples, 476-496


Variety, 13
Vehicle, Power of Attorney, 469
Venezuela, banking, 270
Verbs, 102-103
         do they agree, 111
Video Logsheet, Chart, 412
Video Report, 371
Videos, filming tip, 247
Virgule (slash mark), 126
Visual aids charts, 312-319
Vocabulary, 59
         word building, 140-149
Voice qualities, for the telephone, 176
Voltaire, always at work, 36
Voucher, 281
VU meter, 355


Waiting, 16
Wasn't & Weren't, usage of, 106
Wastebasketry, 17
Watson, Thomas, founder of IBM, 37
Weekly Planning Chart, school form, 451
Weekly Schedule, Chart, 408
Weights & Measures, Chart, 501
Weld, wield, 116
Wells, H.G., writing plots, 33
Wesley, John, redeeming the time, 36
Wet, whet, 116
When to stop & start, work habits, 28
Whether, if, 114
Who & Whom, usage of, 106-107
Who's, whose, 116
Who, which, 117
Will, 34
Wills & Deeds of Donation, Legal forms, 485
Windscreens, 355
Wines, choosing, 361
Word building, 140-149
Word division, 236
Word order in sentences, 108
Word-division book, 176
Wording of FN articles, 240
Work habits (See Habits)
         best place to work, 36
         for screening personnel, 456
Work Progress Report, Chart, 423
Workspace, 26,60,357
         for secretaries, 163
         managing, 164
Worldwide Ave. Temperatures
         & Humidities, Chart, 499
Worry, apprehension, 34
         hindrance to concentration, 53
         overcoming, 31
Writing & layout, FN articles, 234
Writing on photo backs, diagram, 144
Writing your article (FN), 235
Wrong numbers, 201


Xeroxing labels, 185
Xeroxing, 191
"y" (final) endings, 107
"ye" endings, 107
Yearly Summaries, Chart, 419
Yen, Japanese, 268,273
Young of creatures, 154
Zeb & Leah,
         banking footnotes, 258
         office tips, 193

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