My ways are as high as the heavens above, higher than the ways of man. Many things that you interpret as punishment are Me granting your heart's desires! What you often call punishment, I call a
gift! Be not as a blind man who cannot see when I pour out My gifts. When you ask for bread I will not give you a stone, and I do pour out many gifts in answer to your prayers.
         When you ask for more love and I put that difficult personality in your path, that one person who needs more care and greater understanding--this is from My hand, that I may shower you with My gift of Love. I give you gifts of patience in many forms as you pass through the trials and tests that are set before you. And My gift of humility is your great reward only as you walk the humble road.
         When you feel weak and incapable and insufficient in yourself, as you lie stripped of all earthly strength, this is My gift of weakness, that you may find My strength. When you say you want to love Me above all else and you desire Me as your most intimate spouse, think it not strange that I grant you the gift of loneliness, for with this gift you become My intimate bride, with all other distractions aside.
         When you find yourself in seemingly impossible situations and the tasks before you appear too big, too hard for your human hands, this is when I give you My gift of faith, and My gift of divine power. To some I give the gift of affliction, that you may come to know My healing power.
         When you feel lost and misunderstood, I am able to pour out My gift of understanding to you. When you feel down and discouraged, I am able to grant you the gift of encouragement. I pour My gift of praise on those who feel at wits' end corner. Gifts of mercy do I bestow on those who stumble and fall.
         So many gifts I give to you--and in all these, I pour out the gift of greater closeness to Me, of coming to My arms, of greater intimacy and hearing My voice, of greater enlightenment and love. Therefore, My love, do not question My gifts of love to you. And although at times you only see through a glass darkly, know that as you continue to walk, as you continue to trust, all things will become clearer.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family