My beautiful, vibrant, sexy lover! My faithful, adoring, loving Bride! My caring, tender, kind and diligent mother of My children! I love you! Yes, I am your Maker, I am your Husband, I am your Lover, your Friend and your Companion forever.
         When I see you weep in loneliness, when I see you cry during your desperate moments in the night seasons, My heart weeps with you! Yes, I know what loneliness is like. I, too, experienced the pain of separation from My Father and My Mother and My loved ones. I, too, experienced the longing for a loving, doting wife by My side, with children around Me. I know that feeling, and I know the test it is to believe, to keep the vision. I know the test it was to keep the Heavenly vision and to believe that My Father would reward Me for any sacrifice I was making. All these things were a test for Me, and I know they're a test for you.
         I heartily admire you, My dear one, for you do trust, and you do keep the vision, and you do put others before your own desires, and you do love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your mind.
         Just know and believe that many rewards await you in My Heavenly Kingdom to come, many of which I will be honored to personally bestow upon you, because to Me you are a special, personal and dear friend whom I have known and have grown ever closer to throughout the years. I will count it an honor to see you face to face.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family