RELATED INDEX TOPICS: Sin, Trials & Triumphs, Resist the Devil.

         1. If you would not fall into sin, keep away from the brink of temptation.

         2. If you don't want the Devil to tempt you with forbidden fruit. you had better keep out of his orchard.

         3. What makes resisting temptation difficult for many people is that they don't want to discourage it completely.

         4. Christ will not keep us if we carelessly & wantonly put ourselves into the way of temptation.

         5. Nothing is so conducive to real humility as temptation. It teaches us how weak we are.

         6. Temptations are everywhere, & so is the grace of God.

         7. The best of saints may be tempted to the worst of sins.

         8. Satan, like a fisher, baits his hook according to the appetite of the fish.

         9. Temptation is the Tempter looking through the keyhole into the room where you are living; sin is our drawing back the bolt & making it possible for him to enter.--J. Wilbur Chapman

         10. Temptation always promises more than it produces.

         11. Temptation is not sin; it is the call to battle.

         12. In the line of duty adult Christians are bound to face many temptations, but to expose oneself needlessly to temptation is to tempt God.

         13. Temptation has its uses. As we grapple we grow.

         14. The best way to escape evil is to pursue good.

         15. The person who persists in courting trouble will soon find himself married to it.

         16. If you want to keep from trouble,
         Here's a mighty easy way:
         Always put off till tomorrow
         What you shouldn't do today.