RELATED INDEX TOPICS: Vengeance, Prophets & Warning, Persecution, War.

         1. In the early morning of December 28, 1908, an earthquake totally destroyed the flourishing and extraordinarily beautiful city of Messina, Italy, and 75,000 human beings died. We read:
         "Only a few hours before that devastating earthquake, which laid Messina and the surrounding districts in ruins, the unspeakably wicked and irreligious condition of some of the inhabitants was expressed in a series of violent resolutions, which were passed against all religious principles. And the journal
Il Telefono, printed in Messina, actually published in its Christmas issue an abominable parody daring the Almighty to make Himself known by sending an earthquake! And in three days He did!"

         2. Justice Gray of the Supreme Court once said to a man who had appeared before him in one of the lower courts & had escaped conviction by some technicality: "I know that you are guilty & you know it, & I wish you to remember that one day you will stand before a better & wiser Judge, & that there you will be dealt with according to Justice & not according to law."

         3. On June 7, 1692, the city of Port Royal, on the island of Jamaica, literally slid into the sea when it was struck by two giant quakes. Many had predicted that Port Royal, "the richest & wickedest city in the world," a corrupt city of pirates & cutthroats, would one day suffer God's judgement & be destroyed.
         It was the natural rendezvous for most of the pirates & buccaneers of the day. Liquor, gambling, women, dope--every vice thrived in Port Royal "in greater extravagance than anywhere else in the world." Perpetual brawls raged in the streets & the blood of murdered men flowed endlessly. Rape & theft were commonplace.
         Then disaster struck: The sea was driven back half a mile. The city was split open in a dozen places & into the crevasses toppled scores of screaming men, women & children. Choking sulfur fumes sifted through openings in the earth. Then as the sea returned, a great wall of water swept into Port Royal, smashing ships, washing buildings from their foundations. Suddenly, & with a sullen roar, the whole city slipped slowly into the sea with most of its population.
         One pious man who escaped was Lewis Galdy. When the first shock came, Galdy was buried deep beneath the earth. He remained conscious, understood what had happened, prayed for his soul & resigned himself to death.
         A few minutes later, the ground shook a second time, the earth opened up & Galdy found himself sailing high into the air & out over the churning water. He landed in the harbor unhurt & clung to a piece of wreckage until he was rescued.
         Galdy lived for 47 years after his amazing experience. He died in 1739 & on his tombstone is the story of his miraculous escape.

         4. Those who have had so much Light & have so sinned against the Light as the Americans have, & perpetrated such evil deeds & such monstrous crimes on innocent populations as America has, are going to get the worst judgements, I think, that God has ever meted out on any people on the face of the Earth in all history!

         5. Let me tell you, it's not too funny when God laughs! When God gets to the point that He laughs at His enemies, they're pretty close to the end--their end--& those who have opposed God's Children & God's Work have always come to their end.

         6. If they don't get out of God's way He's going to run right over them!--And He's run over many an enemy & many a country that has opposed His children, & many a power that has persecuted His prophets!

         7. God allowed persecution for a little while, while it was good for His children & it got them scattered out someplace else where they were needed, & some of them were martyred as a testimony. He let the Enemy accomplish His purpose, but then He rolled right over them & ground them to powder every one! (Mt.21:44) Just read down through history & the Bible! He lets His people suffer a little while, but it does them good & it does the work good, but then He socks it to the persecutors in all His fury!

         8. You wonder why they've got those deserts over in Northern Africa? Well, first of all because they disobeyed God & worshipped the Devil & demons & all kinds of deviltry & all kinds of horrible, wicked practices, mistreatment of their children & wives & everything else! They lived like Hell so God gave'm Hell, the hottest Hell of deserts almost in the World, the Sahara Desert, & it's growing!

         9. Nothing on Earth happens without the direct action of God or His direct permission! So don't give the Devil too much credit. God sent it even if the Devil did bring it! Even if it's a volcanic eruption or an earthquake or whatever that destroys the people, or a whole city like Pompeii, it was undoubtedly the judgement of God!--Because they were murdering, persecuting & torturing Christians, & innocent people, trying to compel them by force to worship their gods!--Just like the Antichrist will try to compel some of us to worship the Image in the Last Days.

         10. The Lord waited 40 years after they slaughtered Jesus & after they persecuted & killed Christians, to pour out His wrath on the Jews. He waited 40 years until their children & their grandchildren were there & could watch happen to them what they had done to the children of the Christians & the Son of God!

         11. God doesn't have to send great storms or floods or earthquakes or volcanic explosions or great fires or even atom bombs. One of the most death-dealing catastrophes that God can possibly perpetrate on the Earth comes very quietly & very slowly. He just withholds the rain, which causes a drought, which causes the crops to fail & the beasts to die & then the people die. It's slow death, starvation. The Bible calls it