Index (Daily Bread 12)

         This index is similar to the one in Daily Bread 10 or 11, in that it points you to specific
pages and paragraphs rather than just to a page number. For example, to look up the first reference below, "6th Fleet, U.S." you first go to page 117 (which is the first page of ML #2931), then look for paragraph 75, which you'll find on page 133. The paragraph listed is either the actual paragraph or the first of several consecutive paragraphs that cover the index entry or topic.

6th Fleet, U.S., 117:75

Aborigines, 58:1-11
Abraham, 65:2; 307:8, 12, 14-15; 406:25
Abrahim, 278:18
academics, 86:10; 138:1, 7-10; 307:20; 312:118; 393:
all; 401:12-17; 526:all
Acts 2:44 and 45, 96:46.12
"Acts of the Revolution" videos, 162:2
administration and organization, 284:68-74; 369:2-10, 23-28; 358:
all; 449:all; 485:all
affection, 152:15; 469:21; 485:19; 548:16-56
Africa, 91:4-6; 434:37, 53-55; 599:26
"amen," use of, 80:11-12
See also communication
Antichrist, 65:9, 16; 86:4; 138:18; 434:9
Apollos, 91:1, 3, 12; 406:15-18, 33-38
Apostles, 225:39
appeal letters and videos, 355:6-12
See also fundraising
appreciation, 152:17; 503:25
Argentina, 8:12; 52:10, 19; 65:1, 11-27; 379:23-24
"Arrivederci Roma," 434:23
Australia, 58:1-5; 379:4; 401:1-10

Babes status, 180:41-43
See departing members; former members
Bible, 65:20; 75:5, 18-19; 91:1-12; 134:
all; 138:21-23, 44-60; 194:3; 401:8
         verses on forgiveness, 43:
See also Word
birth control, 312:
bitterness, 24:37-43, 66; 358:34; 548:25; 585:11-12
Blacks, 58:11, 17-20; 91:
books, 117:7, 12-16; 401:7-8
Booth, William, 65:7
brain, human, 278:9-18
Brazil, 355:8
Burma, 355:7

Cambodia, 599:26
CAN (Cult Awareness Network), 65:16
Canaan (son of Ham), 91:2-12
Canada, 176:1
Carmen, 379:24
catacombers, 117:75
Catholics/Catholicism, 65:20; 138:35-37; 307:7; 467:10; 522:3-4, 8
change, 52:7; 75:15-19; 138:34-37; 191:
all; 249:35; 485:27-34; 513:29-33; 563:75-81; 585:1-4, 26-29
Charter, 312:160-161; 358:16-36; 369:
all; 449:all; 485:all; 513:1, 4, 38
"Children of God," 307:19
children of Israel, 563:64-66
children, 312:27-70
         attitude toward other races, 58:
all; 91:all
         educating, 96:46.11; 284:
         memorization, 134:
         mistreatment in Argentina, 65:14
         need for fathers, 503:16-22
         of single moms, 274:
all; 503:16-30
         our attitude toward, 312:4-8, 21, 108
         prayer for, 284:46-48, 53-55
         System tests, 65:17-19
         System videos, influences, 401:12-17
         teaching and training, 58:10-26; 117:41-48; 194:12
See also young people
choice and decision-making, 284:26-28; 312:47-59, 69-70, 136-140; 406:19-37; 449:33-43; 485:10-15; 513:13-16, 38-40; 548:5-15, 60; 563:49-53, 67
         young people, 180:12-13
Christmas, 245:
church system, 52:1; 65:6-7; 138:20-23; 180:2; 307:6-7; 421:9-11; 548:41-42
CNN, 278:15
Coca-Cola, 401:13
Columbus, 307:3, 16
comfort, 86:1-8, 13-19; 117:1-2; 239:
all; 259:4-12
commitment, 8:7-11, 53-54; 24:57-65; 52:1-6; 138:30-33; 180:7-21; 211:12, 38-60; 225:60-74; 245:
all; 267:all; 284:49-52, 56-58; 401:all; 415:21-22; 433:1; 449:26-28, 33-43; 485:68-69
communal living, 48:5-6; 176:5-6
communication, 8:37-40; 80:
all; 262:17; 375:all
See also relations with others
communion, 24:68; 522:1
comparing, 249:14; 284:43, 89-96; 379:52-55
"Conakry Ripoff, The," 434:55
concentric circles of service, 513:4,34,42
condemnation, 1:24-25; 117:68-72; 379:25-31, 32-51; 421:18-24
condoms, 312:144-146, 162-164
contentment, 379:52-56; 421:3-7
See birth control
conviction/compromise, 24:14-15, 20; 96:46.13; 176:14-15; 393:
all; 401:all; 421:13-17, 46; 526:5
counseling with others, 358:24-29; 469:50; 548:5-15, 60
criticism, 152:1-9, 16-24; 267:20; 379:31; 548:26, 29
Crystal Haas, 259:6
CTP ministries, 96:21
Cush, 91:4
CVC course, 262:19

"damn," use of, 8:39
Daniel, 278:3
David, Father, 75:17; 86:
all; 91:7-17; 138:7-10, 19, 20-23; 162:1; 208:all; 211:all; 225:all; 239:all; 245:3-4; 249:all; 259:all; 278:all; 307:all; 369:11-12, 21, 25; 393:2-3; 406:1-4; 421:all; 449:32, 48; 469:21-25; 481:4-5; 548:35-36, 39, 47-50; 585:32
         love for the Family, 8:13-16
         prayer of, 52:12-15, 20; 65:1; 138:4-6, 15-17; 191:
         Words of, 312:44-47
David, King, 138:12; 284:68-74; 513:10
Davidito, 312:9
"day of women," 585:19-20
death, 152:7; 208:
all; 211:all; 225:1-15; 239:all; 249:22-23, 29-32, 36-38; 259:all; 421:1, 8
demon possession, 58:1-2, 9-11
departing members, 1:5; 8:6; 24:27; 138:33; 180:
all; 401:4; 513:all
detractors, 65:15-16, 28-34; 75:1-13; 138:12; 176:4-10; 434:9-10
Devil, 278:2
Devil's devices, 117:36-38
         disunity, 8:49
         music, 8:25-27
disaster relief, 355:11
disasters, 415:
discernment, 24:19
discipline and correction, 8:4; 24:10-15, 28-36, 45-51; 249:20; 469:43-48; 548:44-45; 585:15-22
discouragement, 162:
all; 379:25-31, 32-51; 531:4-5, 17-19; 563:40-48; 585:7-9
See prejudice
Dito book, 117:17
divine nature, 259:9-12
See separation/divorce
doctors, 152:1-2, 4; 406:30-31
donation box, 96:12, 14
double standard, 8:30
dreams, 249:30; 259:6; 406:6
         "Dream About Finances," 159:
         "Prayer Closet Dream," 467:
         "Rest for the Weary," 86:
         "Rock by the Road Dream," 449:32
dress (appearance), 8:43-45

See disasters
Eastern Europe, 262:9; 599:38-52
Edison, Thomas, 421:26
education, Family/worldly, 117:41-46; 134:
all; 138:55-56; 249:7; 284:all; 393:20-21
Elijah/Elisha, 211:23
Endtime, 138:1-3; 176:4-13; 312:212-217
         knowledge of, 65:9-10
         signs of, 58:6
         songs of comfort, 86:14-19
England, 91:15; 117:17; 401:1-10; 434:10
See jealousy and envy
Ethiopia, 91:4
Europe, 1:
all; 8:all; 24:all; 434:all
See also Eastern Europe
Eve, Mother, 307:22; 312:112, 115, 123
explanations, importance of, 24:50

faith and trust, 162:
all; 180:26-37; 194:10-11; 239:5; 259:7-12; 312:35-59, 64-66; 406:24-25; 563:69-70; 585:23-25
faithfulness, 167:10-16; 225:65, 71-72; 249:14; 379:7-8, 52-55
familiarity, 548:19
"Family of Love," 307:19
Family, Our, 48:5-6; 52:5-7; 65:6-10; 75:15-19; 86:
all; 117:all; 138:1-2, 7-10, 34-37; 239:5; 307:all; 358:all; 393:2; 485:all; 585:all
         problems, 1:
all; 8:all; 24:all
"father," use of, 138:20-23
fathers, need for, 274:1-2, 6-16; 503:21-22
fear, of future, 513:17-28, 29-36
F, 249:5
FFing, 117:17-24
fighting, 1:11; 24:8
finances and supply, 48:
all; 96:all; 114:all; 159:all; 191:6; 249:24-27; 284:8; 355:all; 434:41, 62-63; 599:20, 47-48, 50
         checklist, 96:46
flesh vs. spirit, 563:54-62
follow-up, 96:46.6; 249:24
See also friends, ministering to
forgiveness and mercy, 1:23; 43:
all; 379:37-49; 421:18-26
former members, 8:46-47; 52:1-6; 75:2, 5-8; 86:8; 117:63-77; 401:3
fountain of youth, 563:75-81
freedom, 8:43-45; 358:4-9; 449:70-73
         excessive, 1:9; 8:2-6
friends, ministering to, 58:21; 138:24-29; 393:12-36; 401:12-17; 421:13-17; 526:
fruitfulness, 167:15-16; 434:1-4
fundraising, 96:6-35; 114:
all; 355:all; 434:62-63

Gabe, 469:2,10,50; 548:3-5, 60; 580:14
Germany, 434:8
gifts and talents, 249:5-6; 267:15-16; 284:35-38, 39-43, 59-67
See selfishness/unselfishness
goddesses, of India, 599:31-32
God's way vs. man's way, 563:54-62
Goliath, 284:68-72
gossip, 138:24-29
"graduation," 225:6-8
Grandmother (Virginia Brandt) Berg, 65:37-40; 312:120-123
grandparents, System, 180:2-4, 22
Greece, 434:8
grief, 225:12-15; 239:
all; 259:4-12; 421:1

hairstyles, 8:43-45
halfway houses, 513:42
Ham, 91:
handbills, in fundraising, 96:16
handicaps, 249:5, 8; 379:1-18
Haran, 307:14-15
Harris, Dr. Frederick, 65:39
HCS (Heavenly City School), 415:1
healing, 406:1-14, 30-32
Heaven, 208:8-15; 211:
all; 225:2-11, 16-22, 45-46, 71-74; 239:14; 259:all; 278:all; 421:1, 9-12, 27-28
"Heaven's Children," 211:18; 225:71-74; 278:6
HER funds, 159:19
herpes, 312:162-164
"Hiding the Word in Your Heart," 134:9
"Hold On," 531:67
Holland, 434:8
Holy Spirit, 134:12; 421:39-41; 434:32-37
home schooling, 284:
all; 434:8
"Hong Kong Goolagong," 58:1
Hosea David, 312:112
human nature, 8:10; 75:2-3; 239:1-2; 485:27-34
humanitarian aid, 355:11
humility and pride, 267:5; 548:42-43, 51-53
Huntington Beach, CA, 307:4

"I Gotta Split," 239:8
"I was wrong," 180:39
independence, 52:5-6
India, 599:30-37
initiative, 358:6-7, 9, 12-15, 19-21
introversion, 162:19-20

Japan, 117:75; 415:1-3, 23-24; 503:9
jealousy and envy, 267:
all; 503:1-6; 548:20
Jehovah's Witnesses, 421:16
Jesus and salvation, 58:19; 75:5, 12-13; 225:23-25, 39; 245:6-7; 375:9; 379:41-47; 415:4-5, 9-11; 531:15-16, 40-42, 68; 563:22-29
         name of Jesus, 80:1-10
Jews, 58:21-22; 91:14-17
Job, 194:15; 278:2
Jonah, 406:18, 27-28
Jonestown, 176:3
Jordan, 563:22-35, 49-53; 585:13-14
Jordan, Fred, 249:26
Joseph Willing, 194:5-27
Judas, 563:25
judgment, God's, 65:23-24; 138:18; 434:42-43
Judson, Adoniram, 52:8
junk food, 401:13-15

Karen tribes, 355:7
"Keep on Believing," 449:41
"Key of David," 449:75
kings and supporters, 96:20-30; 114:
See also friends, ministering to
Knox, John, 65:7
Kobe earthquake, 415:

labeling, 8:41-42; 58:8; 469:31-37, 42
See also relations with others
Lamont Haas, 259:6
Laos, 599:26
Latin America, 522:
Latin mass, 138:35-37
Law of Love, 312:73-78; 393:8; 485:16-25; 503:13-30; 585:33-42
Lazarus, 585:51
leaders and shepherds, 167:
all; 358:12-15; 449:all; 485:63-65
         children, 312:218-222
         European, 24:5
         immature, 52:2
         mistakes, 75:7-8
         young people, 117:54-55, 62
See also shepherding
learning and progressing, 421:9-12
LeTourneau, R.G., 159:1
Libby, 152:
little people and little things, 65:6-10; 379:52-55; 421:34, 37; 481:7; 531:51-55
love for others, 152:
all; 180:34; 194:16; 262:9-11; 274:all; 284:11-12, 89-96; 358:30-33, 36; 369:all; 449: 44, 47, 76-81; 469:all; 485:all; 503:16-30; 510:7; 513:2-5, 8-11, 18, 21; 531:8-11, 18-19, 24-25, 39, 51-55, 63, 66; 548:all; 585:33-42, 48-56
love for the lost, 8:50; 211:21; 245:5-11; 415:4-18, 22; 434:34-36; 522:
all; 599:1-10
love of God, 58:12, 17-19, 23-27; 117:66-71; 249:17-18; 415:4-18; 503:31-34; 513:38, 40-41; 522:2-10; 531:
all; 563:2, 33-35; 599:1-10
love, prayer for, 481:
all; 485:73-77
Luther, Martin, 65:7

Manson Family, 176:3
mantle of David, 225:29-32
Marco Polo, 307:1
Maria, 167:27; 191:5,8; 211:10, 13, 18, 23, 27, 30-31; 225:25-59; 239:15; 249:12-13, 31; 259:1-5; 278:1, 4, 19-22; 369:13-20; 375:
all; 379:35-36; 406:9-10; 421:1, 14, 18-22, 29-47; 469:all; 485:6-7; 510:8-14; 548:all; 580:all
         attitude toward pregnancy, 312:9-18
         personal Letters, 117:
all; 194:all; 262:all; 267:all; 274:all; 379:all
         prayer of, 312:21-26; 375:5-15; 433:
all; 481:all; 503:9-12; 563:19-21, 36-39; 585:53
Mark Elder, 117:63-77
marriage, 117:49-53, 57-61; 312:75, 82-93, 153-156, 165-166, 169-204; 485:50
Martha/Mary, 585:51
masturbation, 312:76-77, 91-92, 168, 207
Matthew (Family), 469:
all; 481:2
maturity, 267:2-14
media, 176:2-4; 434:10
media outreach, 65:14
"Meditation Moments," 65:37-40
Melbourne teens, 117:27-40
memorization, 134:
Mene, 75:2
Methodists, 65:7
Mexico, 65:19
Michael Wheelchair, 249:5; 379:1-18
migraine headaches, 152:4
Millennium, 180:27
ministries, desire for, 284:89, 92, 94-96
ministry training, 262:6-7, 11, 19
missionaries, 8:32-33; 434:
all; 599:11-29, 38-52
See also love for the lost
mistakes, 8:9-10; 24:40; 75:7-8; 449:9-12
Mizraim, 91:4
Mormons, 421:16
Moses, 65:2; 375:4; 563:66
motives, 8:43-45; 469:45-47; 548:44-45
Mountain Man chart, 449:33
MTV, 138:51
murmuring, 8:11; 24:44-46; 284:63-65
         Family, 245:2
         memory book song tapes, 134:2-4
         System, 1:10; 8:20-38; 401:6-8

Napoleon, 65:37
National Association for the Blind (India), 599:30
nationals, 262:
all; 267:1-5
Navy, U.S., 117:75
nerds, spiritual, 8:41-42
nervous breakdowns, 167:1-7, 19-21, 26-27
new day, 585:1-4
New Year, 433:
all; 548:3-5, 60
Nineveh, 406:18, 27-28
Noah, 91:1-4
See reading and viewing
nudity, in our lit, 138:51-54

obedience/disobedience, 96:41-45; 312:44-48, 69; 449:33-43
old age, 211:17; 239:14
older adults, 1:4, 9; 8:30; 24:

Pandita Ramabai, 369:27; 599:8
parents, 24:
all; 180:all; 284:all; 312:27-70; 510:all; 513:all
         single, 274:
all; 312:3, 85; 503:all
See also children; young people
patience, 167:
all; 379:52-55; 485:27-34; 531:67
Paul, Apostle, 138:22; 379:45; 513:7; 563:40-48
Paula (Bithia), 379:32-51
peace, 259:4-12; 312:35-36, 64-65
Pearl, 75:1; 117:17
penance, 379:42-43; 421:19-20
persecution, 1:13; 52:
all; 65:all; 75:all; 86:5-6, 22; 138:all; 176:all; 485:45
         reasons for, 65:16, 28-36
perseverance, 65:37-40; 167:15-16; 194:10-11; 379:7, 55; 485:43-48, 49-52; 531:67; 563:40-48
personal letters.
See Maria, personal Letters
Peru, Family young people, 379:19-31
Peruvian investigation, 65:18
Peter A., 52:9; 91:1, 12; 312:9; 369:17; 393:12-21; 481:6; 599:1-2, 38
Phut, 91:4
pioneering, 307:1-3; 434:
all; 485:43-48, 66-68; 599:11-29, 38-52
positiveness, 162:
all; 180:26-37
pow-wows, finances, 96:47-49
PPCs, 159:10-11
praise and thankfulness, 96:46.2; 585:44-47
prayer, 467:
         against enemies, 138:12
         desperate, 24:64-65
         for court case, 138:4-6, 15-17
         for finances, 48:3-4, 11-13; 96:18, 46.1
         for forgiveness, 43:
         for love and yieldedness, 152:15; 481:
         for Maria, 580:
         for mate, 274:9-14
         for persecuted, 52:13-15
         for senior teens, 510:6
         for single parent, 503:9-12
         how-to's, 80:
         importance of, 469:41, 49
         need for, 284:26-28, 47-48, 53-57, 97-100; 312:88-89
         power of, 563:54-57
         spirit of, 52:16-19
         thankfulness for change, 191:
         vigil, 52:16; 467:
pregnancy, 312:
prejudice, 58:
all; 91:all
Presbyterians, 65:7
See humility and pride
Prince of Persia, 278:3
See departing members; former members
See swearing
prophecy, specific
         "Apostle Paul's Afflictions, The," 563:36-48
         "Becoming New Creatures," 585:5-6
         "Braving the Winds of Change," 513:6-41
         Charter, 369:23-28; 449:
         children in the Endtime, 312:214-217
         "Choosing to Cross Jordan!" 563:49-53
         "Dad's Heavenly Welcome" & our commission, 211:5-32, 43-60
         "Dad's New Missions," 585:32
         "Day of the Weak, The," 585:23-25
         "Desperate Plea for the Children of India," 599:30-37
         "Encouragement from Dad," 563:82-84
         "Faint Not," 563:13-18
         finances and supply, 96:29-30, 37
         "Find Fertile Fields," 434:22-62
         for battle-weary soldier, 194:34-54
         for Dad, 225:2-4, 11
         for Joseph Willing, 194:15-27
         for Maria, 225:27, 32-35, 47-50, 54-57; 580:3-19
         for Michael Wheelchair, 379:7-17
         for single mom, 503:13-34
         "Forever Young with the Fountain of Youth," 563:75-81
         "Forget the Past and Say Yes to the New," 585:11-12
         "Freedom to Live the Law of Love," 312:73-78
         "Go for the Gold," 312:27-59
         "How to Have a Happy Home," 284:14-100
         "I Love You!--Just You," 531:
         "Jesus Has All the Answers," 563:3-12
         Kobe earthquake situation, 415:6-22
         "Launch Forth by Faith--into All the World," 599:11-29
         "Let Love Lead," 585:15-22
         "Lord's Compassion in Our 'Crossing the Jordan'!" 563:19-35
         "Man's Struggle Throughout the Ages," 563:54-62
         "Marching Forth to a New Day," 563:71-74
         "My Heart Hurts for the Lost," 599:1-10
         "New Children," 585:7-10
         "New Day of Love, A" 585:48-56
         "New Promised Land of the Spirit, The," 585:13-14
         "New Vessel, A," 585:28-29
         "Power of Saying Yes, The," 563:69-70
         pregnancy & marriage, 312:173-176, 181-185, 190-195, 199-204
         "Promised Land Beyond Jordan, The," 563:63-68
         "Prophecies for Eastern Europe, Russia and the Republics," 599:38-52
         "Prophecies for Our Academic, Legal & Other Friends," 526:1-24
         "Reassurance and Unconditional Love for Our Teens," 510:
         "Retooled Vessels--More Humble and Yielded," 585:26-27
         "Serve One Another in Love," 585:33-42
         "Sit Still and Listen," 585:43-47
         "Step-by-Step Journey of Love," 312:82-89
         "Time to Grow Up," 585:30-31
         "Urgent Call to Our Latin American Family," 522:1-9
         "When Married Couples Share Outside Their Marriage," 312:96-99
         withdrawal, 312:210-211
         young leaders and children, 312:219-222
prophecy & revelation, 138:14; 152:17; 239:12; 259:3; 278:
all; 406:all
         before marriage, 117:49-51, 57-58
         Maria, 225:32-33, 45-50
protection, 138:18; 531:30

Queen of Heaven, 211:6; 585:16-17

Rahab, 434:57-58
reading and viewing, 117:6-16, 30-39; 401:6-9, 12, 16
"really," use of, 80:13-15
reassurance, 469:43; 510:5-8, 11
rebelliousness, 1:7; 8:10; 24:6-9, 31
recession, 48:10
Recife, Brazil, 355:8
recommendation letters, 114:7; 355:4
reconciliation ministry, 401:1
redeem the time, 117:30-39; 152:9; 421:29-33, 42-43, 45; 434:1-2
Reformation, 65:7
rejoining Family, 52:3; 180:38-43
relations with others, 1:7-8; 8:11; 24:66-68; 58:7-8; 152:
all; 180:22-25, 34; 249:19-20; 262:all; 369:2-20, 26; 379:30-31; 469:all; 585:15-22, 33-42, 54-56
relationship with the Lord, 8:53-57; 191:2-5; 284:10-13, 22-24, 46-58; 434:1-2; 449:19, 50-53; 485:12-14, 65; 531:1-5, 56-60; 548:22-24
religious rights, 138:38-39
remorse, 239:9-11; 421:22-26
See also condemnation
repentance, 1:23; 8:17-18, 61-64; 43:
all; 180:38-39; 379:39; 406:28
reporting, 24:21-24
resentment, 1:6; 24:37-43, 44-46, 66-69
See also bitterness
         financial, 159:8, 18-20
         WS, 245:3
resist the Devil, 1:16; 379:28, 33-34
responsibilities, Family, 358:19, 22-23
rest/resting in the Lord, 86:
all; 167:all; 194:20, 28-54; 503:33-34; 563:4-12, 54-62
"retooling," 585:26-27
rewards, 138:11; 211:5-9, 14-15, 19; 225:2-4; 312:49-59, 67, 69-70; 563:69-70
Right of Mobility, 485:35-42, 43-48
rights, Family, 358:19, 22-23, 32
RNR, 358:6; 485:56
"Rock by the Road Dream," 449:32
Romans 8:28, 8:60; 24:38-39; 138:5; 194:11-13, 21-25; 379:40
rotten apples, 8:5-11
Russia and republics, 522:
all; 599:26, 38-52

sacrifice, 8:32-33; 75:4-5; 117:30-39; 503:13-16
Salvation Army, 65:7
"Scatteration," 449:25
scheduling, 167:9, 29-34; 284:47, 49
selfishness/unselfishness, 159:
all; 274:all; 284:59-67; 485:20-22, 75; 503:all; 548:17-18
self-righteousness, 152:1-16; 469:27, 31, 39, 44; 481:9; 548:21-23
senior teens, 510:
all; 513:all
         sex and sharing, 312:127-129; 485:53-62
separation/divorce, 117:52-53, 59-61; 503:14-15
sex and sharing, 312:
         FFing, 117:17-24
         in our lit, 138:51-54
         oral, 312:105, 168
         senior teens, 312:127-129; 485:53-62
See also birth control
"share the know," 96:32, 46.16
Sharon (Sara D.), 167:27
shepherding, 24:
all; 249:18-20; 358:4-9; 469:all; 485:53-62; 548:44-45; 585:15-22
See also leaders and shepherds
sickness/health, 152:
all; 167:3-7; 580:4-7
single moms.
See parents, single
socialization, 138:48-49; 401:9
See academics
sodomy/sodomites, 91:14-17; 434:11
Solar Temple sect, 176:
         "A Tent or a Cottage, Why Should I Care?" 421:6
         "Does Jesus Care?" 194:6
         "Keep Your Eyes on Jesus," 162:8
         "Lean Hard on Him," 194:9
         "Rest for the Weary," 86:1
         "There's Never a Care or Burden," 194:7
         "They're Building a Mansion for Me Over There," 86:13
         "What a Day That Will Be," 86:17
         "When Your Heart Is Aching," 86:7
"Songs of Heaven" tape, 421:22
"Songs of Life" tapes, 134:2-4
Sophie the washerwoman, 379:53
sorrow, 86:7; 194:5-14; 225:2-4; 239:
all; 259:4-12
Soviet Union.
See Russia and republics
Spain, 86:6; 117:75; 307:19; 434:8, 43
speech habits.
See communication
SPES (anti-cult group), 65:16
spirit world, 239:14; 245:12; 278:
all; 369:11; 406:5-9, 19-26; 563:83; 580:15-19
standard, of discipleship, 449:26-28
stealing, 1:11
street children, 355:8
strength and power, 194:34-37, 40-50; 284:30-31; 531:47-48; 563:4-12, 13-15, 54-62, 63-68, 84; 580:4-7
stress and pressure, 24:52-54; 167:
all; 284:53-58
suicide, 176:5, 10-13
Summit '95, 358:28-30; 434:17; 449:
all; 469:1; 485:1
swearing, 1:11; 8:37-40
Switzerland, 176:1,15

See gifts and talents
teachers, 117:41-48
teaching and training others, 134:
all; 284:1-2; 449:63-69
Techi, 162:
all; 312:9; 369:16; 421:26; 510:all
"Techi's Life Story," 134:6
Teens for Christ, 312:112
See young people
Tenerife, 91:15; 469:22, 25
Terah, 307:14-15
testimony, personal, 117:24; 249:3-12; 355:7-12
Texas Soul Clinic, 307:13
Thailand, 355:7; 434:61
thesaurus, 80:16
Tigris River, 467:1
time management, 24:52-54; 167:
all; 434:1-2
Timothy Concerned, 421:23-28
Tommy, the crippled boy, 379:53
tools, 48:2; 159:
TRF Supporters, 401:3; 434:56-58, 62
trials and tests, 1:16-17, 22-26; 8:9-10, 25-27; 117:69-73; 162:
all; 194:all; 249:15-20; 379:9-12, 17, 25-31, 32-51; 421:18-24; 433:all; 485:49-52, 67-69; 503:1-15; 513:17-28, 29- 41; 531:all; 563:all; 580:1-7; 585:13-14
Tribulation, Great, 138:3; 312:212-217
Tucson, Arizona, 307:5
Two Witnesses, 225:42

unity/division, 1:
all; 8:all; 24:all; 262:all; 267:all; 284:97-100; 379:20; 485:44; 585:11-12

vacations, 167:8
Vatican II, 138:37
         "Acts of the Revolution," 162:2
         distributing, 48:2; 96:13, 17, 20
         rating, 117:6, 9-11
         sponsoring, 96:13
         YA fundraising, 355:6
See also reading and viewing
Vietnam, 599:26
visions, 278:7
VSs, 358:11.C; 449:28; 485:63-65

Waco, 176:3
Ware, Brother, 307:4-7
Waterloo, Battle of, 65:37
weakness, 8:9-10; 249:15-20; 259:7; 284:29-30, 39-40; 531:41-44; 580:4-7; 585:23-25
See also strength and power
wealth and riches, 48:10
Wellington, Duke of, 65:37
Wesley, John, 65:7
"When You Need Him Most" tape, 194:8
"Why Cry," 239:
all; 406:1
will of God, 406:19-37
wisdom, 52:11; 167:25; 406:36; 526:3-5; 563:83-84
withdrawal (in intercourse), 312:205-209
witnessing, 8:48-52; 48:2; 58:
all; 91:13-21; 96:17, 34, 46.5; 114:all; 117:75; 138:24-29; 176:14-15; 211:38-60; 225:71-74; 245:all; 249:1-29; 262:6-7, 11, 19; 284:15-21, 75-88; 355:all; 369:27; 393:all; 401:12-17; 415:4-18, 22; 421:13-17, 39-40; 434:all; 449:74; 469:20-22, 25; 485:76-77; 522:all; 526:all; 599:all
         persecution, 65:11-27, 28-36
Word, 194:2-3; 239:6-8; 467:3-4
         applying, 24:51
         as defense, 138:40-60
         familiarity with, 267:7-12
         in witnessing, 284:78, 85
         interpreting, 138:20-23
         memorization, 134:
         need for, 1:6; 194:51-53; 211:32; 393:16-18
         power of, 194:27; 449:2, 6, 13-15
         standard of, 24:15-20
         studying, 8:53-59; 96:43, 46.10; 117:13-15; 134:
all; 194:43-47; 225:62; 284:32; 449:23
Word and Rest days, 167:8
Word Curriculum, 134:4, 10
world system, our relation to, 117:29-39; 138:30-33; 194:43-47; 267:3; 284:58; 393:
all; 526:4
worry, 162:
See also faith and trust

X - Y - Z
yieldedness, 162:11; 249:7-8; 267:9-10, 15-21; 274:9; 284:89-95; 312:9-17, 56; 563:69-70; 585:5-6, 10
         prayer for, 481:
young people, 485:66-72; 510:
         choice and decision-making, 180:12-13
         commitment, 180:14-21; 267:
         departing, 180:
         education, 284:
         facing change, 513:
         faithfulness, 379:52-55
         fundraising, 96:20; 355:
         marriage, 117:49-53, 57-61
         Melbourne, 117:27-40
         need for change, 8:52
         need for patience, 485:27-34
         Peru, 379:19-31
         pioneering, 522:12
         problems, 1:
all; 8:all; 24:all
         rejoining Family, 180:38-43
         relation to world system, 138:30-33
         shepherding others, 117:54-55, 62
         studying Word, 117:13-15
         System influences, 117:27-40; 401:5-9
         views on sex, 117:18-24
         witnessing, 393:6, 19-20, 28-36; 434:38, 48-50, 52, 59-61

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