HEAVENLY COMMUNICATION WITH DAD!         Maria #240       DO 2955  11/94
By Maria

I'd been wondering, and I'm sure you have, too, how Grandpa can be enjoying his new life in Heaven and exploring that magnificent Place, while at the same time being close to me, whispering in my ear and never leaving my side.
         2. God is omnipresent--everywhere at once--but the Word teaches us that this is not true of other spirits. Even the Devil cannot be everywhere at once. The Bible says that "he walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour" (1Pet.5:8). In other words, he has to go from one place to another and cannot be everywhere at once. In Job, the Lord said to Satan, "From whence comest thou? And Satan answered the Lord, and said, From going to and fro in the Earth, and from walking up and down in it" (Job 2:2).
         3. It also says of one angelic messenger, that when he was trying to get to Daniel to give him a message, it took him three weeks since he was delayed by the Prince of Persia (Dan.10:13). And certainly departed human spirits have the same restrictions. Dad has brought this principle out very clearly in a number of Letters.
         4. So Dad cannot be everywhere all at once. Then how could the Lord say to me that Dad would always be by my side whispering in my ear? It seems that for him this would be a terrible fate! Here he has finally been released into the wonderful new world of Heaven with Jesus and all the saints and all of eternity to enjoy and explore, and he is having to be restricted and confined to being on constant duty ready to tell me what I need to know! I just couldn't believe that God would work it this way.
         5. Here is a question for you: Can someone from around the world, thousands of miles away, pick up a phone, call your number, and when you pick up the receiver, whisper sweet things in your ear? Yes, of course! And weren't they at that moment right beside you in voice and in spirit? Well, this is my answer as to how Dad would not have to leave his wonderful Heavenly Home to come here and hover in his spirit beside me like the spirits in some movies you have seen. Instead he can have a continual line of open communication to me.--And not just a mere humanly created telephone line, but a more advanced communication system than human minds with their inventions have ever been able to come close to.
         6. Dad, from his Heavenly mansion and with his new communications system, which is far beyond our comprehension, can be right here beside me tuning in and giving me the counsel that I need. Remember how Dad in the "Heaven's Children" story could go to the Heavenly communicator and tune in to whatever scenes he was interested in on the Earth below? Well, I'm sure that's just one of the many marvelous methods of communication that the Lord has available to His children. Whenever Dad wants to see me or any of us, he can just think the thought and we appear in his mind. Or we can call for help and we'll appear before him. Why not?
         7. Look at what we here on Earth can see when God shows us Heavenly visions. If we can see pictures of Heaven right here and now through the medium of our minds, how much more can they in that great realm of the most super advanced "technology" ever imagined--and even more than has been imagined--be able to see us in their minds!
         8. "Well," you say, "if Dad is having to receive these images of us on the screen of his mind, he is going to be kept pretty busy! How is he going to do anything else? What's the sense of his even being up There with all of Heaven to explore if he is going to be continually bothered by requests from us down here? After all, you can only concentrate on one thing at a time."
         9. You can only concentrate on one thing at a time, but Dad is different now! You've probably heard all your life about how only about a tenth of your brain is used, and scientists have never been able to understand why. What a seeming waste of body space and potential! However, even operating at only one-tenth of its capacity or less, the human brain is still considered the world's finest, most advanced computer.
         10. Apparently God figured that it would be much more efficient to make a brain with a full potential of what He had in mind for us for all eternity, even if its use would be very limited and restricted here on this Earth--probably because we couldn't be trusted with any greater mental powers, and also because we don't need them here. Besides, because our time here on this Earth is nothing compared to all eternity, He wanted to save most of it for our "forever life," where it can be used only to bring about good and joy and happiness and love, and to enjoy God and His World eternally--like Dad does now!
         11. Imagine! With the super technology that man now has--with the greatest achievements of the finest minds on Earth, with the pooled resources of all science--no machine can even begin to match our little brain operating at only one-tenth of its capacity!
         12. We look at man's great supercomputers and we marvel at what they can do, but we fail to realize the marvels of the brain. After all, we live with it every day and we complain about it if it doesn't always seem to do what we want it to. And we have no concept of the wonderfully amazing machine that God has put within our bodies.
         13. Mind you, this is only one-tenth of the brain that is responsible for all of this! Think of all the power and the potential of a brain ten times this effective and ten times this amazing, when in the wonderful realm of Heaven its full potential is realized. The possibilities are unlimited!
         14. Besides being able to know whatever he wants to know on any subject, Dad can now fully tune in to many subjects or people at once, and can be engaging in multiple activities simultaneously. He can be giving me messages from Jesus; he can be tuning in to your activities; he can be exploring the Heavenly City and learning its mysteries, and much more.
         15. One extremely insufficient earthly illustration is a newscaster on CNN: From his studio he can be talking to someone from Los Angeles, someone from Tokyo, and someone from Stockholm on the various screens in front of him, and simultaneously see each of the people and what they are doing.
         16. But with Dad, he has many more "channels" and he really truly can concentrate on each one at the same time--and communicate words, thoughts and pictures of a totally different nature to each person. I don't know how many channels he has. Our minds can process information at a tremendous speed, and computers can take in so much information at a time that it is almost like everything is being computed simultaneously; whereas in actuality it is getting processed one piece of information at a time.
         17. Dad can tune in to any of us at will. But if we need special help we must send the signal and make the request, and that gives him a certain signal that will turn his communication on with us. It's a little like with the Lord; He says, "Call unto Me and I will answer" (Jer.33:3). He usually waits for us to do the calling before He answers.
         18. Some folks might wonder how Dad could use the same brain he used down here when Dad's physical human brain is still here on Earth, and Dad won't be reunited with it and the rest of his body until the Rapture. In other words, how could he use his brain more efficiently when it's still here! Well, as I said before, we "see through a glass darkly" when it comes to these Heavenly matters. But Dad obviously has his mind and some spiritual equivalent of his earthly brain in Heaven, and therefore still has the same memories, thoughts and emotions that he had here on Earth, just like Abrahim or the prophets and patriarchs of the Bible, as well as all the other saints in Heaven have. Even if Dad's so-called physical brain isn't there, that shouldn't make a difference. Besides, I don't believe our minds are merely the physical three-pound lump of flesh that makes a human brain, and I'm sure Dad took his mind and thoughts with him when his spirit left his earthly body behind.

Merging of Minds and Thoughts and Hearts!
         19. I had been thinking how it would be so much easier if Dad would just literally speak audible words into my ear--or if not audible, at least thoughts that would come in direct words from him, things I could clearly hear him say in my mind. In a recent prophecy session, someone looked up and saw a picture of Dad and heard him say something in her mind, and I thought, "Boy, it would be so easy if Dad would just dictate to me a running commentary that I could simply write down!" But I haven't expected that that was actually going to happen, so I can't say that I am extremely disappointed.--Although, as I say, it would be a lot easier and we could get things a lot more clearly.
         20. However, I know that the way things are usually going to operate is that God's Word and promises are going to be fulfilled in an even greater way than if Dad were to speak audible words into my ear. What the Lord has said is that He would make us one--one mind and one heart, that we would truly be one when Dad was gone from me. How much more "one" can someone be with someone else than by actually thinking their thoughts? In a way, it's as though their mind has become your mind. And I think that this is how the Lord has chosen to work and the main way in which I will hear Dad whispering in my ear. It will be in my thoughts and my mind, which I believe will not be just my thoughts, but Dad's thoughts.
         21. I don't know exactly to what degree this will happen or is happening, but from what the Lord has said, it will be quite significant. That's not so strange when you think of how the Lord operates with us. Don't we all pray the prayer, "Please, Lord, help me to think Your thoughts and say Your Words"? And the Word says, "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil.2:5). So I guess it's not such an unusual thing or such a revelation if Dad operates this way with me. If we can all have the mind of Christ and think His thoughts and speak His Words, certainly I ought to be able to have Dad's mind and thoughts as well. Praise the Lord!
         22. How much more one can you be than that! And how much more one can you be with the Lord than to think His thoughts and speak His Words? In our working together for the Lord we're already doing something that is absolutely amazing and almost incomprehensible--a merging of our minds and thoughts and hearts with the mind of Christ, the Son of God, the great Creator of the universe--one of the great wonders of the Spirit! (See 1Cor.2:9-16.) So why should it be so unusual for Dad to speak his thoughts in my thoughts, and that my thoughts would be his thoughts?
         23. Well, I know this presentation is coming out a bit muddy or cloudy, and I'm sure this is the same way that it will be with me in getting Dad's messages. Normally, we just are not meant to see too much "beyond the veil." The Lord wants to keep a lot of His mysteries hidden from us until we get There! Like that old song goes, "We will understand it better by-and-by!"--And now Dad understands it better, because that wonderful time has come for him, his "by-and-by."--And that's why we can understand it better, too, because he gives his thoughts to us!

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