PERSONAL LETTERS!--No.2  Maria #231       DO 2944  9/94
Letters to Mama and Her Replies!

Dear Family,
1. Here are some more personal answers which we would like to share with you. As we've said before, we wish we had the time to answer each of you by name in a very individual way, but please be assured that we do read each of your letters to us, and we pray for you. When you bring up questions or problems, we often discuss these with your leadership, prayerfully trying to decide what we can do to make things easier for you and all the other members of our precious Family who may be encountering similar difficulties. So if you don't get a personal letter from us addressing your specific question or problem, don't despair. Please know that we are praying for you and are trying to do everything we can to help you.
         2. Some day soon, you may be reading a Letter from Dad or me in a GN and find some words from the Lord that will be exactly what you need, or the key to your situation, something that will answer your questions and help resolve the problems.--Something from the Lord that you will see as His loving answer to your need! Even though you may not find your name in print, you will know that the Lord and we are doing our best to love you and care for you and attend to your needs.
         3. It's like reading the Bible--God's Love Letters to us!--It may not be directed by name to us, but when reading it, we have no doubt that He is speaking right to us. Those precious Words jump out at us and comfort us and edify us and instruct us and inspire us, and we know He is speaking to us personally.
         4. So please be assured that you're each very precious to the Lord--as well as to Dad and me--and we want to do all we can to make you happy and fruitful. So do your part--what you can--and we know that the Lord will do what you can't, and will also help us to do what we can.
         Love, Mama

         (Joseph Willing [formerly Willing] is the father of Mark Elder [see GN 600 and Hope 57].)

From Mama, 31/7/94:
Dear Joseph,
         5. Thank you for writing and sharing your heart with us. Isn't it wonderful to know that no matter how heavy our sorrow or how deep our heartache, Jesus knows all about it and He understands? It's just wonderful to know that Someone not only cares, but can understand what we've gone through and can feel the hurt and the heartache--and not only feel it, but do something about it. He can reach down and heal and renew and strengthen.
         6. One of my favorite songs which I liked to play over and over on the piano when I was a young teen was "Does Jesus Care?" My biggest heartbreak at that time was what many teens go through: Being emotionally attracted to someone who didn't return the feelings. But taking my heartache to Jesus made things so much better.

         Does Jesus care when my heart is pained
         Too deeply for mirth or song;
         As the burdens press and the cares distress,
         And the way grows weary and long?

         Does Jesus care when my way is dark
         With a nameless dread and fear?
         As the daylight fades into deep night shades
         Does He care enough to be near?

         Does Jesus care when I've tried and failed
         To resist some temptation strong;
         When for my deep grief I find no relief,
         Tho' my tears flow all the night long?

         Does Jesus care when I've said "good-bye"
         To the dearest on Earth to me,
         And my sad heart aches
         Till it nearly breaks--
         Is this aught to Him? Does He see?

         Oh yes, He cares; I know He cares,
         His heart is touched with my grief;
         When the days are weary,
         The long nights dreary,
         I know my Savior cares.

         7. I can't tell you that I completely understand, Joseph, but I can point you to One Who I know does. My heart aches for you, but I know that the closer you draw to Jesus, the lighter the load will be.

         There's never a care or burden,
         There's never a grief or loss,
         But that Jesus in love will lighten
         When carried to the cross.

         Wonderful, wonderful Jesus.
         In my heart He implanteth a song.
         A song of deliverance, of courage, of strength,
         In my heart He implanteth a song.

         8. I was thinking about writing this letter to you and I was praying about what I should say, and the Lord reminded me of our "When You Need Him Most" tape. I don't think there is anything I could say that could be of more comfort to you than to point you to the beautiful Bible-based words of this tape, which were composed by those going through deep waters, tragedy and heartache, but who looked to Jesus for their deliverance and were not disappointed.
         9. I pray that these words will sink deeply into your heart, that you will memorize them; and that even when you don't have this tape, these words will run through your mind and be a comfort to you and cause you to:

         Lean hard on Him, O tested soul.
         On Him your cares and troubles roll.
         Our God still hears and has control.
         He will not fail you now.

         10. Joseph, we probably don't have to tell you all of this, because if you hadn't known how to hold on to the Lord for dear life, you wouldn't have made it. You certainly have gone through deep waters that have almost overwhelmed you, and through the raging fires which have almost devoured you. You have been through the hell of the System, and experienced deep disappointment with some Family members who may have been unwise and unloving. You've battled long and hard against the very vicious attacks of doubt and discouragement that the Enemy tried to destroy you with; you've gone through difficult and painful physical afflictions; you've known great heartbreak over the loss of a wife and five precious children to the System; you've battled condemnation; you've wrestled against the temptation to become bitter; you've experienced continual discouragement over NWOs.
         11. You've endured all these things, but like Job you've said, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him!" And you hung on! And you made it! I suppose that often you couldn't even see how "all these things were working together for your good," and you couldn't see how He was "doing all things well!" (Rom.8:28; Mk.7:37). You couldn't see! But you believed that somehow, some time, in some way everything was going to work out all right. It's almost impossible to see it when you're going through it, the price is so great. But when we remember that we could never pay as great a price as Jesus did, and that these sufferings are only for a little time, and then we'll reap rewards forever for our sacrifices, it makes it easier to bear.
         12. We can see why the Devil has been fighting you so furiously. You are engaged in a great job for Jesus, one of the most important--teaching our young people, training our babes and rescuing souls from the Devil's clutches. If you thought you were just a "nobody," forget that notion. You are special to the Lord, precious in His sight, and He needs you desperately. He needs you free of your fears, your condemnation, your bitterness. He wants to free you from the things that keep you bound so that you can serve Him with joy.
         13. Perhaps from a very self-righteous man you have become the humble sinner that He can use, a broken man that He can work through, and now a comforted man who can "comfort others with the comfort wherewith you are comforted" (2Cor.1:4).
         14. I'm writing this letter on my birthday, July 31st, and at this moment our Home members are gathered together to ask the Lord, upon my request, for some specific words of encouragement for you. I asked them to do this as their birthday present to me, and they wholeheartedly agreed. They were planning to hear from the Lord for me, but I've had so much wonderful encouragement that I wanted to give someone else a chance, and you were the one that the Lord especially laid on our hearts. I'm asking the Lord to use these special Words from Him to turn your mourning into joy, to take away your spirit of heaviness and dispel the clouds of confusion that have descended upon you to try to destroy your usefulness.
         Much love and prayers, Mama

         15. As it was with Job, so has it been with thee. I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction, and I have taken all that thou hast, and yet thou hast not denied My Name nor turned back from serving Me, and thou hast become a testimony to many. And thou shalt yet be an encouragement and an inspiration to many, that though the battles are strong and the Devil fights hard, I will be with him that looks to Me in his hour of need, and I will carry him through. I will bring thee--and all of My dear children--through the battles that are ahead.
* * *
         16. No greater love hath any man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Blessed is this one who hath laid down his life for the lives of the little ones of others, even though he feels defeated and as nothing in his own sight. I will lift him up, I will raise him and lift his heart and lift his spirit unto Me. He has cast his bread upon the waters and he shall find it after many days.
* * *
         17. Think it not strange concerning this fiery trial which hath tried thee, as though some strange thing happened unto thee. But rejoice, inasmuch as thou art a partaker of Christ's suffering, that when His glory shall be revealed, thou shalt be glad also with exceeding joy. For these manifold temptations came not to stay, but they came to pass, and every wrong will be made right again.
         18. Thou art wise to hold on, for I will bless thee and I will restore everything unto thee many fold. For if thou shalt continue to serve Me with thy whole heart, thy children shall be blessed; for if one parent serves Me, the children are blessed wherever they are. And even though thy sons are sojourning in a dry land, I will feed them and I will keep them, and at the time appointed I will bring them back in full service. Therefore trust in Me and follow Me and I will help thee and keep thee and uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness. I will encourage thee, I will wipe away all sorrow and all tears and discouragement and attacks of the Enemy. If thou shalt draw nigh unto Me, I will draw nigh unto thee. For it is in Me that thou shalt overcome the attacks of the Enemy.
* * *
         19. I love thee, my precious one, on bended knee to Me, looking unto Me. Thou shalt be as one who looked unto Him and was lightened. I shall be thy sun and thy shield and thy buckler and I will defeat the Enemy for thee. I have defeated the Enemy for thee. But in all thy battles continue to look steadfastly unto Me and I will bless thee, I will give thee victory. Continue to look into My face and I will strengthen thee and help thee and answer thy every prayer.
* * *
         20. Come unto Me, thou who art weary and heavy laden, and I will give thee rest. Take My yoke upon thee and learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart and thou shalt find rest unto thy soul. I shall wipe all tears away from thine eyes and soothe thy broken heart and give thee peace of mind that passeth all understanding in just one moment. Trust in Me. Keep thy confidence, keep thy heart with all diligence. There hath not one thing been promised by Me that shall not come to pass. Hold on one step at a time.
* * *
         21. (Peter:) Behold the strength of the arm that holds the hammer that hits the anvil, and with what fury it smashes down upon the heated metal that layeth upon the anvil.--And how it beats and beats and beats again, and then throws it once again in the burning furnace. And again and again it beats and hits and smashes, and heats again and casts into the water to cool. And then again it heats and then again it bangs, and with real strength and almost anger.--But yet it is not in anger, for it is to fashion the metal into the vessel that I would make it.
         22. The metal cannot tell the end result, it only feels the beating and the heat and the cold and the beating again. It does not see the way it is being formed, and the thing of beauty that I am making it into. It only feels the pain and the crushing and the blows and the heat and the cold. It does not see the end result.
         23. But I am the Blacksmith, the One Who is forming and molding it into the useful tool which I will make thee into. It is not for the metal to question or to worry or to doubt. It must know that the Blacksmith is in control and knows exactly what He is doing--that each thrust of the hammer is measured, every amount of time in the heat is measured, every thrust into the cold water is measured, because I am bending and molding and making thee into a vessel for My use.
         24. Therefore be not afraid, for thou knowest not the beauty that thou shalt have. These things do not weaken the metal, but they strengthen it and they form it into the tool that I make it--into a strong tool. For it is no longer just brittle metal, but it is metal that is molded into the shape I desire. And although it is painful and it is long and it hurts, yet in the end thou shalt know and thou shalt be strong and be useful and thou shalt be of benefit to others.
         25. Therefore fear not, for thou art in the Master's hand, and I am molding thee and shaping thee for the purpose that I have for thee. Your part is to hold on, to trust in utter faith that I know what I am doing. I shall bring thee forth to great reward and thou shalt be strengthened, and through this thou shalt strengthen many, for thou shalt have been through the beating and the heat, and thou shalt know in the end that it is of Me and that I have created thee into what I will have thee to be. And thou wilt be able in turn to help others during their time on the anvil and through their time of beating.

Visions and Verses:
         26. While receiving the prophecy about the Lord being his shield and buckler, I had a vision of Joseph as a knight. He was kneeling on his right knee, his left leg was kind of crooked up, and he was leaning heavily on a staff. And though he himself looked a bit bedraggled, he still had a very bright and shiny helmet and a shiny shield right in front of him.
         27. It seemed he was feeling so weak that all he could do was prop himself up on one knee and then lean fully and heavily on the staff with this shield held upright. His shield was real shiny and bright, like he had faithfully kept it polished. It seemed that the shield, like the Word, was the only thing that was keeping him, because the rest of him looked so tired and beaten down. He was looking up toward the light and he became so joyous, with this incredible look of happiness on his face. It was so sweet and he was so thankful and relieved and happy.

         28. (The following letter was written to M., a member of one of our media teams, who, after many years of faithful service to the Lord and the Family, has taken a leave of absence, along with his mate, J. Having to wade through all of the Enemy's lies and garbage during the last few years of one of our court cases had taken quite a toll on M. spiritually, and he felt he couldn't continue "business as usual," but had to re-evaluate and reassess what direction he wanted to take.)

From Mama, 8/94:
M., dear one!
         29. Thank you for your letter explaining your need for a period of rest. We want to reassure you that our love for you hasn't changed since we wrote you last, nor has the depth of our appreciation for the sacrifices you have made.
         30. When we read your letter, we shed some tears.--Not because of your desire to take a rest--which you certainly need and deserve--but because of our realization of the losses and spiritual wounds you have sustained in the battle.
         31. We were deeply burdened for you, and both Peter and I talked about writing you immediately. We felt that the Lord wanted us to reassure you of His love and compassion. I knew, however, that we couldn't express it for the Lord in the way that He could express it. We could get the general idea, but we thought it would be wonderful for the Lord to say it to you directly in prophecy. Therefore, I asked the Family here to pray for your renewed strength and spiritual healing, and to ask the Lord if He had anything which He wanted to say to you.
         32. The Lord answered wonderfully! He said He loves you with an everlasting love and wants to draw you close to Him. You have been a faithful soldier in His Kingdom, but during this long and drawn-out conflict you have been severely wounded and your shield has gone missing. He has great compassion for you in your pain and He has given you this rest time to fellowship with Him and to draw strength and courage from His Word, and to become refilled and refreshed and restocked at His armory. You may feel inside that hope has died, but as you turn to Him, He will revive your spirit, restore your shield of faith and renew your joy.
         33. And dear J., when I first heard that you had gone with M. I was glad, because I knew you would be a great comfort and strength to him. However, I wanted to hear the Lord confirm my feelings--and your decision--so I asked our Home to pray for you, also, and the Lord spoke, confirming your decision to support M. during this difficult time. He gave you some beautiful words of encouragement and counsel to hang on to.
         Yours in His love, Mama

Prophecies for M.:
         34. (Gary:) He has become weary in well-doing. The spirit of a man shall sustain his infirmities, but this one hath no spirit to sustain him at this time of weakness.
         35. He has stood mighty in battle, to the laying down of his own life and that of his family. But the spears of the Enemy have pierced his armor and have caused mortal pain and mortal wounds that only I can heal.
         36. He must take upon him the whole armor of God, for in the midst of battle the shield of faith hath been lost. But this can be restocked from the armories of God if ye will pray for this one. For I have strength that ye know not of and that he knows not of, which shall be given unto him in My time.
         37. If thou, My son, will hold fast to My Words, I will strengthen thee and I will uphold thee, and thou shalt make it through this time of temptation. The choice shall be thine. If thou wilt cling to Me in thy time of need, I will strengthen thee and build up thy armor for the time of battle.
* * *
         38. This one has been faithful to Me--faithful in time of great testing. But he has become weary, he has lain down his shield; thus he has lost this battle for himself.
         39. In his laying down of his shield, he has laid himself wide open to the attacks of the Enemy. He has opened his mind and listened to the doubts of the Enemy. But in his time of testing I will strengthen him, I will draw him close to Me. I will answer his every question, and assail and defeat all the doubts of the Enemy, and I will restore him. For he has been faithful. He has been a true soldier of Mine, fighting the good fight of faith, and I will reward him and bless him for this.
* * *
         40. Cast not away thy confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. For thou hast need of patience, that after thou hast done the will of God, thou might receive the promise. Cast all thy cares on Me and I will sustain thee, even though thou mayest feel it is too late or it has been too long and it is too hard to change the circumstances.
         41. There have been so many weights and burdens on thy shoulders that have clouded thy thinking and made it hard for thee to see clearly. But it is never too late to be one of My little ones, for I love the simple of the world and those that are weak. I will be thy strength. Fear not to come unto Me with all thy problems and all thy thoughts.
* * *
         42. There is a place of quiet rest near to the heart of God, and as I have said, "All things are possible to him that believeth." But many say, "Lord, I believe. Help Thou mine unbelief." For a man must turn to Me for his strength. For strength cometh not from the east, nor from the west, nor from above, nor from below, but only from Me. I am thy strength and I am thy courage, and thou canst not fight on without Me. If thou wilt turn to Me, I will help and I will strengthen thee and I will bring thee through this time of trial.
* * *
         43. (Peter:) When thou wast little in thine own sight, I did strengthen thee. But as thou didst hearken unto the voice of man and the words which they spoke and the thoughts which they implanted in thy mind, it began to cloud the clarity of My voice. It began to shield thy heart from the penetration of My Words. And because of this, it weakened thee and caused thee to be buffeted and to lose some of thy light, which caused thee to turn thy eyes away from the clarity and beauty of My Word. This left thee without the strength to fight the battle that was before thee, causing thee to have to fight in thine own strength and in thine own arm, which wearied thee.
         44. Many have fought battles and many have been scourged, but because they looked straight on to Me, they were able to endure. But because thou fought so much in thine own arm and in thine own strength, thou wast weakened physically and mentally and spiritually, until thou wast drained of all thy strength.
         45. Take heed, therefore, now that thou hast this time of rest and respite from battle, that thou listen not to the words of man, but to the Words of God. Use this time wisely, for besides being a time of rest, it is a time of test--a test to see if thou wilt soak thyself in the cool and refreshing waters of My Word, to be restrengthened and renewed and to return once again as a strong soldier who is focused and who clearly hears My voice.--Or if thou wilt choose to swim in the murky waters of the System and of man's words and of distractions that will weaken thee and defeat thee.
         46. Take heed, therefore, and hearken unto My Words. Be strengthened in Me and listen not to the voice of man nor to the voice of thy relatives, who will say that this is the way, and that is the way. For I say unto thee, thou shalt hear My voice behind thee saying, "This is the way, walk ye in it." I have given thee this time of rest and respite, but thou must use it wisely and according to My will, that I may bless thee and strengthen thee.
         47. But I can only feed thee if thou art willing to eat, and I can only strengthen thee if thou wilt imbibe My Words, and if thou wilt seek Me and commune with Me. For lo, not many have these days as thou hast, to fellowship with Me and to become strengthened. Therefore use them wisely that thou mayest be better for it, and may be strengthened in it, and not weakened in defeat.
* * *
         48. If one faints in the time of adversity, his strength is small. I have allowed this to show thee that thy strength is small; in fact, it is nonexistent without Me, for strength cometh from the Lord. If thou desirest to go on and have a place of usefulness in My Kingdom, thou must seek My face and seek My strength. For the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the Vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in Me. Thou didst run well, who hath bewitched thee? Whosoever confesseth and forsaketh his sins shall have mercy.
         49. If thou hast grievances in thine heart, things that cause thee to waver and look back, thou must confess them and forsake them. Thou must come clean and thou shalt have mercy. Share thy heart, for in My love there is forgiveness, and I will forgive thee, and the Family will forgive thee. For I love thee, and they love thee.
* * *
         50. Be not weary in well-doing, for in due season ye shall reap if ye faint not. For have I not begun a work in thee that I will complete? Have I not given thee the experience in this battle that thou wilt have in the future for My use? Thou art My soldier. I have called thee to this army. Do not desert at this time. Stand strong with Me, for I have need of thee! Hold on to Me and hold on to My Word. Thou needest but to be refilled and refreshed. For now thou wilt be clean through the Word which I have spoken unto thee.--Draw it unto thee and be refreshed.

Prophecies for J.:
         51. (Peter:) As the nurse heals the wounds of the flesh, so thou must help to heal the wounds of the spirit. For thou art called and chosen for this task, and all that I have poured into thee will give strength unto thee at this time as thou strengtheneth another. Though thou art small in thine own eyes, I have chosen thee as the small link that will help hold the larger link to the overall chain. My hand will strengthen thee, and thou must in turn be a blessing and a help and a strength to this one who is wounded in spirit.
         52. As the nurse sops the wounds with medication and bandages, so thou must help sop the wounds of the spirit through My Word and through love and through understanding. But as the nurse who works around those that are sick runs the risk of coming down with the same disease, so dost thou. Therefore thou must take the antidote, which is a good dose of My Word daily.
         53. Thou must believe in thine heart all the Words of David, that thou canst help this one who is wounded and is sore lacking. But if thou wilt look unto Me and face My light, I will give thee the strength to help care for and nurture this sick and wounded one, that thou mayest help to bring him back to life, and in so doing, strengthen him and make him useful once again for My service.
         54. As a mother is to the child in helping to grow and strengthen and feed, so is this calling that I have given unto thee to help strengthen this one and help him to feed. As a mother holds and loves one who is hurt or wounded, so must thou hold this one and love him and encourage him. And as a mother shows the young one where he has gone wrong or has made wrong decisions or has been thinking the wrong way, as a teacher thou must lead this one to the Word to show him the areas in which he is thinking wrong or is coming to wrong conclusions. As a student grows and becomes the teacher, so is it in this case, that all that thou hast learned through thy many years of growing up serving Me will I use as a strength and help for him that is wounded.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family