GETTING BACK ON TRACK FOR JESUS!--Part 2         Maria #206       DO 2891  9/93
Mama's Letter to the Family in Europe

1. Are you teens and YAs still with me? I love you and I don't want to hurt you or offend you, but I need to shoot straight with you in order to help clear up any misunderstandings or wrong attitudes you may have, so you can get back on track for Jesus!

Europe's Unique and Misguided "Revolution"!
         2. An unchecked desire to indulge in and take advantage of your so-called teen "liberties" and "freedoms" seems to have swept across the whole continent of Europe. It seems like you European teens have had your own private "revolution"; you've toyed and experimented with different liberties in a way that is unique only to Europe. Maybe you didn't know that this "revolution" wasn't happening elsewhere!
         3. Your blatant disregard for Family rules and horrible lack of respect for your elders is in no way the reaction Grandpa and I hoped and prayed for when we initiated the PER. It was certainly not our intention that you would walk off your jobs and neglect your ministries, disregard the needs of the Home or your duties on the schedule, bad-mouth or talk back to or insult your shepherds or parents, swear or use foul language, listen to all types of System music at all hours of the day and night, ignore the dating and sharing guidelines for teens and YAs, be unloving and unkind to the children, stop reading the Word and praying, and stop having a desire to witness!
         4. I'm sure not every single one of you teens is guilty, and I'm sorry to have to reprimand you all for what may be the sins of only some! But this is a case where public exposure and correction is necessary, to set the record straight and clarify the misunderstandings and confusion that continue to plague your field.

Liberties Are a Privilege!
         5. Some have gotten the idea that certain teen "liberties" are a "right," and the adults or shepherds have no business touching or even questioning such liberties. This idea is wrong. Liberties are a privilege, and only those people who are truly dedicated to the Lord and whose motivation is to love others and serve the Lord can wisely handle the freedom that is available to us in the Spirit according to the Law of Love. In fact, we've learned from the example of what has happened in Europe that we cannot afford to give our teens more freedom and leeway unless we rid the rebels, those who are not dedicated enough to be trusted with such freedom. We've learned from sad experience that the rotten apples will only misuse such freedoms, because they're already rebelling against the Lord and His Family.
         6. Most of the teens and YAs who left the Family in Europe over the past year or so weren't satisfied no matter how much "liberty" they got. And they eventually left, because that's all they wanted, the liberties. They weren't willing to yield or commit themselves to the Lord. They weren't serious about serving the Lord. So when the adults started to pull the reins in on them and demand obedience and the Family standard, they realized the jig was up, and they walked out. The troublemakers left!--But before they left, they succeeded in spreading their poison far and wide. It reminds me of the story in the "Good Thots" of the thistledown that floats over the whole world as it's blown by the wind. (See GT2, pg.1203.)

Rotten Apples!
         7. Our Family is a place for dedicated disciples who want to forsake all to be a part of this army. If any of our members show that they don't want to be disciples, don't want to fight for the truth, and don't want to sacrifice to do whatever is necessary to bring that truth to others, then we're better off without them.
         8. Our criterion has always been quality rather than quantity, and our teen population is no exception! Some of these teens were no longer part of the Family in heart or spirit and they needed to leave, but unfortunately this wasn't discerned soon enough, and they were given the platform to spread a lot of lies, poison, rebelliousness, worldliness, division, and absolute demonic attitudes and behavior throughout Europe before leaving.
         9. You teens and YAs might be wondering, "Just exactly what is a rotten apple?" If you feel pretty sinful and bad, if you're disgusted with yourself and you're feeling ashamed of your sins and mistakes and shortcomings, then you may wonder if you are a rotten apple and if the Family would be better off without you! Well, it's difficult to give a 1-2-3 description of a rotten apple.
         10. Everyone has some problems and weaknesses. In fact, most people even have some serious problems every once in a while. So just because you have problems and weaknesses, or just because you may have been rebellious for a while or you may have fallen in with the wrong crowd doesn't mean you're a rotten apple. The fact that you have battles and tests and trials and you feel weak does not mean you're a rotten apple. We and the Lord are not looking for perfection! The Family is full of imperfect people, which is what causes us to call out to the Lord and depend on Him! But the key is, are you willing to take a stand against your problems, and will you try, by His grace, to do better, with the Lord's and others' help? Are you trying to improve and obey and do what's right, in spite of your weaknesses? Do you have a desire to change and grow and be a blessing?
         11. Often rotten apples have very long-standing problems, meaning they've had them for a very long time without making any progress, or sometimes without even trying or desiring to make progress. Their problems are also usually very disruptive, corruptive and damaging to others. If you have problems with ongoing weaknesses such as pride, independence, jealousy, negative thinking, sensitivity, etc., these things are not nearly as bad as problems that hurt others--such as perpetual, chronic murmuring and complaining that infects others, being violent and hurting others, or sowing doubts, discord and division. Rotten apples are troublemakers who contaminate, hurt, hinder and lead others astray. Their problems are so overwhelming and affect others so much that their negative influence on the Home or the work of the Lord outweighs their positive contribution. (For more on this subject, please read "Different Strokes for Different Folks," ML #2717, Lifelines 20.)

Shocking and Heartbreaking News!
         12. When many of our Family young people and adults are literally fighting for their very survival in Argentine jails and institutions right now, and the whole Family is rallying around them and fighting with them in spirit during this crisis period, to hear that you teens are actually fighting against the Family, and you adults have completely abdicated your responsibilities of shepherding, is extremely disappointing and very sad for me, to say the least. To hear that instead of helping to build and strengthen the Family and fight for its survival, you have actually been fighting against it and tearing it down and destroying it through your disobedience, backsliding and selfishness has been very difficult for me.
         13. As you know, Grandpa is always very affected when our dear Family members are undergoing persecution. Hearing of their suffering breaks his heart, and he weeps for them and earnestly, desperately prays for them night and day. Although he knows that the Lord has promised to be with our suffering brethren, and that persecution is something that He is allowing them to experience, at the same time he really feels their sufferings, and it's terribly hard for him to see them have to go through such mistreatment at the hands of vicious, cruel, demonic enemies. One of the main things that helps him to bear it is that he knows that they're standing strong, he knows they're staying true to Jesus and His Word in spite of everything.
         14. But how do you suppose he would feel if he were to learn how many of you teens in Europe, as well as you adults, had chosen to virtually turn your backs on the Lord and His Word at this crucial time? Now, when a good number of our Family members--teens and adults--are unitedly fighting for their lives, enduring real persecution, imprisonment and cruel treatment from their captors and enemies, you all are making a mockery of the truth and are rejecting the Word and plunging into the same kind of anti-God rebellion and folly as the lost teens in the world who have never even heard the Good News about Jesus and God's truth and love!
         15. How do you YAs and teens think Grandpa would react if he were told that you, the young people whom he has loved from the very beginning and has prophesied about and prayed for and written to and poured into, were spurning everything he has ever told you and were acting like a bunch of absolute pagans who have gone absolutely wild, who have gotten so far off course that much of your behavior is absolutely crazy? How would he feel to learn that you have thrown out the door every bit of training and teaching and Word from the Lord that he has given you?
         16. Well I, who know him so well, can tell you exactly how he would feel. I can guarantee you that he would be absolutely heartbroken, grieved beyond measure and discouraged beyond words.

It's Not Too Late to Turn Around!
         17. So if you still have a heart for your father in the Lord, if you have any concern or love for the prophet God has given you, there is still time for you to make amends, and to try to make him proud of you. It's not too late to turn around and repent and change your ways and yield to Jesus, and thus become the strong soldiers that Grandpa and I expect you to be, and know you can be.
         18. Of course, it's going to take a lot of work to get back on where you ought to be. As with climbing any mountain, it's going to be tough. But haven't you had enough of leading a life in rebellion against the Lord and His ways? Hasn't that been tough also? Haven't you found that God's Word is true, that "the way of the transgressor is hard"? (Pro.13:15). Aren't you ready for a change?
         19. For those who are sincerely seeking the truth and want a new start, read on. It's not possible for me to address every single problem that has been so rampant in Europe, but I do want to talk specifically about some of the most important points.

The Curse of Excessive System Music!
         20. Grandpa has explained many times that music is very powerful, and it can have either a positive or negative effect on us. Music is a vehicle for the spirits who inspired the composers to convey their message to generations afterwards. Knowing this, we can all agree that listening to the wrong music is like playing with fire; and I think you, our dear European young people, have been singed or even badly burned by the music you've been listening to. You've gone way past any guidelines and have insisted on listening to practically anything and everything, so that you may have developed some kind of addiction to it or fascination for it!
         21. And the result? It's obvious that something has crept in that's perverting your spirits, destroying your faith, making you feel confused, getting you down and causing many to backslide! And in all honesty, you can't ignore that System music may be that factor! The music you've been listening to is undermining the very foundation of your faith.
         22. In addition to snatching some from the high calling which the Lord has ordained for you by actually causing some teens to leave the Family, I believe the System music and other outside influences that have been allowed have also resulted in other bad fruit, such as foul language and swearing; being sarcastic, unloving, unaffectionate and distant from each other; being argumentative and rough and even violent in some cases.
         23. Listening to System music, ungodly rock music by ungodly artists, is death to your spirit! You can't just say, "I can take it," because you can't! Even though you may not realize it or even believe it, that music will take a toll on you! Like Grandpa has said, when you're open to the good spiritual world, you can be equally as open to the bad, if you get on the wrong track. And because you, our young people, are so spiritual and have been open to the Lord's channels all your lives, it may be that even this little "touch" of System music you have heard has had a far greater effect on you than it would have had on some flatlander Systemite kids.
         24. You need to be careful about what you're feeding your spirit, because with time you'll begin to feed off the System music and even try to get your inspiration from it; and eventually you won't be able to understand why you're so confused and feel so lost, why you can't find happiness or freedom or the truth.

A Boxing Match with the Enemy!
         25. Some teens have said that what they do now when they're going through trials is listen to System music--because, they say, it expresses what they're feeling or going through. But these teens aren't discerning enough to realize that in the same breath that they confess that they're turning to System music for solace, inspiration and feeding, they also admit that they feel discouraged and spiritually dead!
         26. It's the Enemy who is stealing away your faith, through those very words you listen to for "comfort" or "inspiration." The Devil, through that System music, is destroying your faith! As Grandpa has taught us, "Words are real things! They bless or they curse; they lift up or they knock down; they save or they damn! There's no in-between!" (ML #33:13, DB4).
         27. You could compare it to being in a battle--like a boxing match. Your opponent is really beating up on you and hurting you. He's kicking you in the stomach, jabbing you in the ribs, and punching you in the face. But somehow, all this danger and the threat is so camouflaged under the cover of "variety" and "a great beat" and "a good message" that you actually begin to think it's inspiring! You don't even realize you're taking a beating, until he's finally weakened you so much that he clobbers you with the KO punch--that knock-out punch--and all of a sudden you're out of the fight!

No System Music for Six Months for Europe!
         28. I hate to say it, but it looks like we'll have to ban all System music in Europe completely! You have taken this liberty so far to the extreme and misused it and abused it so much that it seems the only way we'll be able to rid the camp of the Devil's pollution through that evil music is to ban all System music, period. After we have closed the door to System music completely for a while, then maybe we can try opening it a little later, after you've had a time of abstinence and cleansing.
         29. I hate to have to go that far. I'd prefer to not have to lay down some strict rules and try to legislate righteousness. I'd prefer that you give up your System music tapes voluntarily, but often when people are addicted to some vice, they need help to kick the habit!
         30. And as for you adults, if what the teens consider to be a "double standard" is causing a lot of trials for them, if they are bothered by the fact that you have the freedom to listen to your choice of System music, whether it be classical, country western, easy listening or whatever, but they don't, then I'd say your System music tapes should go too! An inordinate desire for too much System music has a bad effect on anyone, I don't care what kind of music it is, nor who is doing the listening!
         31. Getting rid of your System music will be good for all of you--adults and teens! I know it's a forsake-all, especially if you've grown accustomed to listening to a lot of System music, having lots of variety, and it's become your little hobby or your crutch or your source of inspiration or relaxation. But if you really are serious about turning your life around for the Lord and turning your Home around, then getting rid of your System music would be a good start.
         32. After all, teens, true Christian teenagers through the ages have given up much more than a few System music tapes. They've volunteered to go as missionaries to dark, heathen countries where there was no possibility of fellowship with others their own age, or of finding a husband or wife and having sex and children. Oftentimes they were alone on some far-flung mission field and surrounded by people who didn't even speak their language! Priests and nuns have gone into cloistered monasteries or convents knowing that they were forsaking all, not only all their worldly possessions, but also all the luxuries or "goodies" of the System, as well as any possibility of ever experiencing the thrill of falling in love and having a family.
         33. If you want to talk about sacrifice, most dedicated Christian missionaries through the years have had to sacrifice much more than you Family teens have ever dreamed of. I know you have battles, but please try to put these battles in perspective and realize that all true Christians have to make many sacrifices for the sake of their Father in Heaven and His Kingdom to come, where we will be incredibly repaid for all we have had to give up for this very short moment in time.
         34. I have been burdened lately that you teens seem to be of the mind that constant music is your inalienable right, and if we don't give you what you want, you're going to get it somehow, by hook or by crook. It almost seems like you're trying to put us over a barrel and practically blackmail us, saying, "If you don't give us the music we want we're going to backslide, or we're going to listen to System music whether you like it or not.--And it's going to be your fault!" You may not actually be saying this in so many words, but at least in spirit that seems to be what your attitude is.
         35. A very large percentage of you teens seem to be very thoroughly indoctrinated by the Enemy with the idea that you must have music or you can't survive. But this is simply not true! It's true that good music is an asset, it is good for you, it does inspire you, it does help you. But it isn't an absolute necessity. And if we don't have it, we don't have it. Thank the Lord, it looks like we're now getting closer to the goal of giving you teens more Family music.
         36. Even though Europe is the only area that will be having an official six-month System music fast, I pray that you adults and teens in other areas of the world will also take this warning about System music to heart.

Swearing and Foul Language!
         37. I'm disappointed to hear about the dreadful language you teens have gotten in the habit of using. It's very sad to think that young people in our Family would be in the habit of swearing and using profanity! I wonder what your little brothers and sisters think? Do you hear our adults speaking like that? I would certainly think not! And if not, then where do you get that kind of language?
         38. I believe this drastic change in your language is also partly a result of System music, as judging from all I've heard about modern rock music, it's full of atrocious language, lots of swearing of the worst kind! Believe me, if you listen to that kind of input enough, either through System music or movies or whatever, then it's only natural that those words will come to your mind. And pretty soon they'll come out your mouth!
         39. Now once in a while you might hear someone use a "cuss word" when saying something like, "Lord, damn these wicked enemies who are causing us so much trouble!" But that use of the word "damn" is very different from the type of swearing that is common to the people of the world. Maybe there would be rare occasions where you might use a swear word for shock value or to make a point or to become one to be able to relate to and win others, like Grandpa did with the hippies. But swearing and using the System's foul language in your casual conversations around our Heavenly Homes is a different thing entirely!
         40. You should be turned off by such vulgarity and ashamed of that kind of sample, knowing that such language is not what the Family is all about! So clean it up! From now on, that foul language is out! You teens and YAs will need to try to help and support each other in your campaign to purge this bad language from your conversations.

Labeling the "Spiritual Nerds"!
         41. I think it's interesting that teens and YAs are so discouraged by what they call "labeling" and so against it. It really bothers you, and justifiably so, when the adults label you teens according to your past problems or NWOs, etc. And yet, it has been reported that there is an undercurrent throughout Europe where the good teens, the faithful ones who still want to pray, praise the Lord, read the Word, and obey their shepherds are called the "nerds." How's that for labeling?! My God! No wonder the negative peer pressure is so great! Just think, it's become a stigma or a disgrace in Europe to even read the Word! When you think about it, is it really so surprising that you're having such problems, when this kind of attitude is so prevalent?
         42. Would it surprise you to know that in many Homes in other areas, the teens look up to the dedicated, on-fire, obedient, Spirit-filled teens and YAs who are going somewhere and doing something for the Lord? They aren't "nerds," they aren't "square." The dedicated teens and YAs are the ones other young people admire.

Finding the Balance in Dress and Styles!
         43. Some of the freedoms you teens have experimented with might seem pretty harmless, like trying more freedom in your dress and hairstyles. I recently explained how I feel about these things in my Letter "Jewels about Teens." (See ML #2864, Lifelines 21.) If the styles you choose to wear don't bear bad fruit and don't carry with them the spirit of the world or coolness or independence, then they're probably okay. And if your motives are right, then the desire to dress a little different or have hair that's a little different is fine.
         44. But it takes maturity and a responsible attitude to take such freedoms in the right way and not abuse them, nor let the spirit of them use and control you, so that they get out of hand. We're all in this together, and what one person decides to do even about something as seemingly simple as their dress or hair affects everyone.
         45. If you've been into extreme styles, then you'll probably need to change your tastes and find a more acceptable way to dress that is still relatable to the kids on the streets. Some discernment and prayerfulness and openness to counsel is a prerequisite to being able to have the freedom to dress a little freer or wear your hair a little differently, if you want to be able to relate to others, without making the mistake of going too far to where it becomes an avenue for rebellion, independence and worldliness.

How to Relate to Backsliders!
         46. I know it hasn't been easy on you to have your brothers and sisters and friends leave the Family, and it's easy to want to sympathize with them. But you must ask the Lord to strengthen your loyalties to the Family, so you don't feel so much of the pull from those who have left. I know this is asking a lot and it's a hard saying. I'm not expecting you to just quit loving them or caring for them. The Lord says He's married to the backslider (Jer.3:14), so we know He never stops loving them. But it's important for you to realize that some of these backsliders are already actively working against the Family. Some have already gotten in cahoots with our enemies.
         47. Of course, you can have some contact with some of the backslidden teens and YAs with counsel, because we do want to make it possible for the sincere ones who got swept away by the evil tide to come back. But while we want to give the sincere ones the opportunity to return, when someone has made it clear that they've made their choice and they do not want to have positive contact with the Family, then the Word admonishes us, for very good reasons, to have no further contact with them! "Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them!" (Eph.5:11).

How Fruitful Has Your Witnessing Been?
         48. I understand you teens have been frustrated and discouraged by some unsuccessful teen witnessing endeavors. Apparently there is a difference of opinion between the adults and the teens in some Homes concerning how to go about reaching the youth. In other cases you've been hampered in your efforts by a lack of finances, lack of shepherding, not knowing the local language, etc. Many of you feel the adults are old bottles who won't let you burn free.
         49. In some cases, your personal problems and the inside attacks of the Enemy have succeeded in getting you off the wall quite a bit in your witnessing and follow-up. That's too bad. But that's the goal of the Enemy, to get you looking at yourselves and your own problems, and fighting amongst yourselves, so you don't have the time or the burden to lift up your eyes and look upon the fields that are white already to harvest. Of course the Devil doesn't want you to be motivated to go out and rescue the poor people who are caught in his clutches. If he can distract you and get you so tripped off and embroiled in your own problems, that makes him happy, because he knows he's not going to lose anyone else because of your faithful witnessing.
         50. I wonder if the dissatisfaction some of you teens are feeling concerning your witnessing opportunities is partly due to your own lack of vision and love for the lost! If you show so little enthusiasm and such a lack of interest and willingness to participate wholeheartedly when you're involved with tremendous witnessing opportunities that should be thrilling and challenging and exciting for you, then it's very obvious that a large part of the problem and cause for your dissatisfaction in witnessing is you! The desire to witness and win souls must come from within your own hearts, and it should not be contingent on what you consider to be the perfect circumstances or being at the perfect place with the perfect shepherds! Think about it.

The Desire for New-bottle Witnessing!
         51. On the other hand, I realize that some of you teens may not have had the opportunity to participate in the kind of exciting, new-bottle witnessing adventures that you've desired, such as witnessing to the youth, going to the universities, having meaningful meetings, doing Holy Ghost samples, reaching delinquents, ministering to refugees or the homeless, having a show group and performing, doing sackcloth vigils and public prayer vigils, contending for the faith at anti-cult conferences, etc. I understand that it can be frustrating and disappointing for you if you feel you haven't been freed from your Home duties to be able to witness as much as you would like, or if when you have gone out, you've been limited to only accompanying adults as a buddy for their witnessing burdens.
         52. Adults, the teens and YAs need to burn free! Teens and YAs have a God-given desire to do new things, experience new adventures, go new places, see new people! They want to do something that's daring, adventurous and exciting.

The Key: Fall in Love with Jesus!
         53. I believe you teens and YAs want to do your best for Jesus. I believe you want to be happy and victorious and fruitful, and that you're crying out for the direction and guidance and changes you need to bring you closer to the Lord. But you know what?--Having more liberties and enjoying more variety in music or activities, or moving from one place to another, or having more ministry training, or witnessing at discos or on the "strip" of some major city isn't necessarily going to be enough to bring the victories you need. The Word, prayer and falling in love with Jesus is really the only lasting answer.
         54. No matter what other fancy programs we or your shepherds put into effect, no matter how many freedoms you can experience, no matter how much change and variety and challenge you have, you are not going to make it unless you get turned on to Jesus and the power of the Word and the exciting life of prayer. It does exist, and you just need to discover it! Getting into the Word is hard work and takes time, but once you see how thrilling and challenging and how much fun it can be and the benefits of it, you will get addicted.
         55. You may have a hard time getting fed from the Word for a while. Many of you have been away from the Word for a long time, so you'll have to really work to concentrate and bring your thoughts into captivity. Like one teen commented, "I know that the answer must be the Word, but I just don't know how to apply it. I've been living without it for about a year now, so it's difficult to know where to start or how to go about it." It was reported that many have fallen into the habit of critiquing the Word instead of learning and growing from it. Remember, "the letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life" (2Cor.3:6). Reading and studying the Word is not simply an exercise for your intellect. It's not just a search for knowledge or some kind of a mind trip where you analyze the message or critique the way it's written or presented.
         56. Reading the Word and reflecting on it in prayer should be like having a personal conversation with someone you love. The Word is Jesus. He talks to you and loves you through the Word. If you look at the Word skeptically or critically or only from an intellectual point of view, you'll miss a lot of what the Lord wants to give you.
         57. If you find you're having a real hard time getting fed from the Word, you may have to let the adults help you until you get over the hump and can start feeding yourselves. But the most important thing is to not give up. Even if you feel like you're not getting anywhere and the Word isn't making any sense and you're not getting fed, just keep reading! The Enemy will try to dissuade you and trip you off and discourage you and get you to give up on the Word by telling you that you can't understand it or it's not doing any good or you're not getting fed, but don't listen to him! Keep reading! Keep fighting! The understanding and inspiration will come with time!

The Word Will Keep Us Through Trying Times!
         58. The Lord has emphasized over and over that in these perilous times we are going to have to have a strong working relationship with Him and the Word, and that is the only thing that will be able to pull us through.
         59. Compared to the majority of people in the rest of the world, we are so blessed with a wealth of Word, fellowship, abundant supply of our every need, and bountiful comforts, pleasures and luxuries. The Lord has been so good to us. Not only do we have it a lot better than most people of the world, but we certainly are living a life of peace and plenty as compared to our dear brethren in bonds. God bless them!

Seeing the Romans 8:28!
         60. I understand that it's hard to face the Lord when you know you've been unappreciative and ungrateful and murmuring and rebellious. When the conviction of the Holy Spirit is upon your heart and you feel like you've been so bad, you can hardly bear to turn to Jesus, as you're so embarrassed and humiliated. But as bad as things have been in Europe, and even though you teens probably feel pretty down and discouraged and almost without hope, one positive way to look at this is that at least you've tried all these things now and you know they're not going to bring happiness or satisfaction, so you don't have to go out of the Family to try them.

Come Back to the Father's House!
         61. How about it, teens? Are you ready to get back to the truth and the realities of the Spirit? It will make you happier than you've ever been, if you'll just give Jesus and the Word a chance! Remember, God's way up is down, and if you're longing to be back in the Father's house, to sit again at His table, in loving fellowship with Him and with us, it doesn't matter how far away you've strayed, you can come back right now. You just have to determine that the "far country" and the "riotous living" of the System, which always leads straight to the muck and mire of the swine pit, is not what you want any more. And if you're sick of the filthy "husks" of the System, then we welcome you back; your place at the table is still here for you.
         62. And please don't get too discouraged about the problems and mistakes of the past. The important thing is that the Lord is working in your lives and He's making of you better vessels, fit for the Master's use, if you'll just yield to Him.
         63. One of the boys at one of the Combos said that one thing that made him really want to change was knowing that I am involved. He said that if I'd ask something, he'd do it, because he doesn't want to disappoint me. So I'm asking all you YAs and teens to get on board for Jesus!--And I know you won't disappoint Grandpa and me!
         64. Please give the Family another chance by yielding and obeying and trying to do your part, while we, your shepherds and parents, do our part. We can wipe the slate clean of all past sins, mistakes, problems and bad attitudes, and start over afresh! The Lord's love and forgiveness will carry you through, and you can never be too bad for Him, as long as you repent, turn around and start doing what needs to be done to change. Jesus loves you and He'll never let you down, if you'll just turn to Him and trust Him. Praise the Lord! God bless you! I love you!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family