THE WAVE!        DO 2881  5/93

         1. As I was praying I saw a wave of Family refugees sweeping across the world, from one side of the world to the other! At first it looked like a wave of water, except that the wave was made up of people. It wasn't so much a retreat as a withdrawal, or maybe a recall wave. In other words, it was like the Lord was recalling us from the fields where we had finished our jobs. It was not a defeat. It meant that people didn't want us any more and we had finished the job. We had reaped as much as we could reap, so the Lord was allowing persecution in difficult areas to the point where it was impossible to stay in those places.
         2. We've had a lot of persecution already and it's getting hotter all the time! Our enemies are strong now and they're going to be trying to force us out of as many countries as possible as soon as they can. How long this will take, we don't know, but I believe it could start happening soon!
         3. It'll take a little while. We may have some work yet to do, but I believe it's not too far away! The Family has gone around the world! We've been preaching the Gospel to every creature, into all the world as far as we could, to as many as we could reach!
         4. And then will come ouster and evacuation! When the Antichrist gets firmly entrenched and gains enough power to force us out, and when God knows we've done our job, it'll come.

The Ball Is Rolling!

         5. The ball is already rolling, and God has got to keep His Word! And it's got to happen within the time limit that He has given, almost specific dates. If we knew when the Covenant was signed, we could predict it to the day!--And I wouldn't be surprised that we'll be able to, certainly when the Antichrist is revealed, and the Image is set up and the Mark of the Beast and all of that. Then we will know it is going to be exactly so much longer.
         6. Well, if that ball is already rolling and we've already entered the first half of the last seven years, then God has got to keep His Word. He can't stall any longer, not even for our sakes. So the only thing that He can really do to protect us, and in some ways reward us, is to recall us and move us to safer territories.
         7. I saw that wave of refugees sweeping across the world, from one end to the other!--And I have the feeling it's going to be soon! There is a time limit. The ball is rolling and it's got to come to certain dates, time periods and fulfilled Scripture. God has got a limit. He knows that His time is short too. So when He feels that we've done enough in certain places, He may want to recall us and move us to safer territories until the end.
         8. We fared well and we did what the Lord told us to do, and look what we've accomplished! We've circled the globe! I kind of have a feeling in my heart that we're finishing the job. And if the Lord is going to get the Family out of some places and save some of us at least till His Coming, He has to start doing it pretty soon.
         9. The Lord always shows us in advance the general trend and the way things are going to move. (Tongues:) Hallelujah! Thank You Lord! "Listen to the voice of thy father and the things that I am showing him that shall happen." Thank You Lord! Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus! Lord, You're so good to us! There's nothing the Lord will not reveal to His prophets, and the time has come that we need to know.
         10. Thank You Jesus for Thy revelations and for showing us how You're going to work, so we can plan accordingly. We have to have a little knowledge of the future so we can plan, Lord, and so that we will be able to help Thy troops when it comes time for them to withdraw from their present fields and countries, before You direct our withdrawal from this world! Thank You Jesus! Praise the Lord!
         11. We can see how You work in a mysterious way Your wonders to perform, and that You have shown us the overall picture to help us understand and to prepare us for the future. Thank You Lord! It's so wonderful, Lord, how You've shown us the picture so clearly, not every detail, but just the general overall plan of what is to happen in the future. Thank You Jesus! Bless now and help us to be faithful and wise and extremely prayerful about every move we make, because things are going to get more ticklish and more dangerous all the time. Work out the details. We know You will. Thank You Lord!

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Fleeing to the Lord!

         12. (Sings:)
How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,
Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word!
         What more can He say than to you He hath said,
         To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?"

So when you have to flee, where are you going to flee? (Fam: To
Jesus!) That's a fitting song to end this talk. The Lord knows how to pick the songs, too. Isn't that amazing? He's saying that when we have to flee from the Enemy, we still have the foundation of the Word, and we can flee to Jesus! Hallelujah! Thank You Lord!
         13. The picture I see is that the Family is going to have to flee and retreat in a way, not in defeat, but having won the battle and the victory, and conquered many countries and millions of souls! And when we have to flee for refuge, where are we going to flee? (Fam: To Jesus.) (Tongues:) "Indeed I shall meet thee and thy father in that Heavenly Land that I have prepared for thee!" Praise You Jesus! "Oh, how precious is the Word of Jesus!" Thank You Jesus! Hallelujah! Amen!
         14. When it comes time for us to flee for the last time, we'll flee to Jesus, and He'll meet us There! Thank You Jesus! Hallelujah! Praise You Lord! (Cries:) Amen, Lord, we don't cry for sorrow; we cry with joy that You answer these questions that we so often ask. We asked you where the Family is going to flee, and You told us in this one little simple song: We'll flee to You, Jesus! Hallelujah! Praise You Jesus! Thank You Lord!
         15. What better place of hiding could we flee to than the Lord! Amen? (Fam: Amen!) So, cheer up! Don't worry about what we're going to do, the Lord is saying to us, "You may have to retreat in a way and flee from the enemies and the countries that cast you out, but you're going to flee to Me!" And at the very end of the journey He is going to meet us. I believe He means by that in the air! We won't need a passport or luggage or things from this Earth, we will just fly up to meet Jesus! Isn't that wonderful? Praise the Lord!
         16. To me that means He is going to come pretty soon and we're going to meet Him in the air! Hallelujah! Isn't that wonderful? Thank You Jesus for Your reassurance, and to know that when we have to utterly flee, it couldn't be to a better Place! Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus!
         17. "For if they had been satisfied with the country from whence they came, then they would have had the opportunity to have returned. But because they were not satisfied, but they sought a better country, therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared for them a city!" (Heb.11:15,16).

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(Later, to Mama:)
         18. The Family is going to be fleeing from all over the world, but I've been concerned about where they'd go. What a strange and amazing answer for the Lord to give right out of an old hymn: "To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled!" Where are we going to flee?--To Jesus! And the picture I got was the Rapture! The end of this journey is going to be the Rapture! Isn't that encouraging? (Maria: Yes, definitely! Thank the Lord!) So that's where we're all going--to Heaven! When there is no other place to flee to, the Lord is going to take us to Heaven. What better place could there be?
         "What more can He say than to you He hath said,
         To you who for refuge to
Jesus have fled!"

         19. What other countries could we get into? What more could we have done? And what more could He say than His Words to us: "To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled!" Where are we fleeing to?--To Jesus! Thank You Lord! Thank You Jesus for Thy encouragement! Thank You Lord for Thy messages and confirmation and inspiration and information.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family