1. Since the ACs are behind the Serbs in Yugoslavia, and they don't seem to want America or Europe to get involved, maybe that's an indication that they're not quite ready yet to introduce their man--the Antichrist. Maybe they're waiting for a situation where it will look like he's the only solution, the only way to get things under control. Of course, if the U.S. and the rest of Europe did get involved and it were to blow up into a huge war that spread into the rest of Europe, that could provide the ACs with an ideal opportunity to introduce him. They could then promote him as the only one who can solve the war and the terrible recession-depression that's plaguing the world's economy.
         2. The Lord showed him to me in vision. I saw him! His back was to me, and he was storming back and forth, literally stomping across a room completely circled with all these [ACs]. I suppose that's in Jerusalem, which they're making a world headquarters now. He was almost yelling and screaming, "You haven't done enough about those people and you've got to go after them! Stop them! They're revealing our secrets!" There's nothing the Enemy hates worse than for you to find out his secrets and publish them, and that's what we've been doing.
         3. He was raging, and I got that scripture, "He's furious because he knows his time is short" (Rev.12:12). If the war in Yugoslavia were to get worse, it could be the ideal time for them to bring him on the scene and reveal him.--Or if not in this war, then another one? The Bible speaks of it as the "revelation" of the Antichrist. "Then shall that Man of Sin be revealed" (2Th.2:3,8).
         4. It sounds like he's being kept in secret until he's revealed. The ideal time for the ACs to reveal their man would be if things get worse in Yugoslavia, or war spreads over Europe, and it's in the middle of a depression when the world is in such bad shape that it can't make up its mind about anything. World leaders don't know what to do about the war or the depression or anything. There's uncertainty, confusion!
         5. They're totally confused! They don't know what to do and nobody wants to do anything. It's a perfect time to introduce the Antichrist.--A guy who is supernatural, who can do miracles and knows exactly what to do. He's got the fire and the force and the persuasion of Satan himself to literally drive people and force them to do what he wants them to do. The ACs are going to be ready for him and the world's going to be ready for him.

Are We Already in the First 3-1/2 Years?

         6. From what I saw in my vision, it leads me to believe that he's already into his seven-year rule, and the Covenant has been signed in secret and he's already running things from behind the scenes!--Which would mean that we're already into the first 3-1/2 years, and the next sign we would be waiting for is his Revelation. And when that time comes and he's ready to be revealed and run the world, he's going to sit in the Temple claiming he's God, set up his Image and the Mark of the Beast and demand worship. That's when Jesus Himself said the Tribulation would begin (Mat.24:15,21). Because then he's obviously ruling the world and demanding worship, offering the Mark of the Beast and imposing death on those who will not bow.
         7. Okay, let's suppose we are now in that first 3-1/2 years. What does the Bible tell us is coming next? (Fam: The Revelation of the Antichrist?) Yes, and this begins what? (Fam: The Tribulation.) The Tribulation! So what comes next after this 3-1/2 years we're in right now? What 3-1/2 years follow? (Fam: The Tribulation.) The Tribulation!
         8. I don't see how we could be in the second half of his reign, because he has to be revealed and set up his Image and sit in the Temple claiming he is God, demanding worship and the Mark of the Beast and killing everybody that won't follow. That's the Great Tribulation, and I can't see that that has started at all. Of course, some people are already having tribulation, and some people have had tribulation ever since the beginning of the world; especially Christians since the crucifixion of Christ.--But not the Great Tribulation and the specific time which is definitely predicted.
         9. In order for the Tribulation to begin, he has to first be revealed. He has to set up the Abomination, the Image, and he has to establish the Mark of the Beast and start killing Christians and anybody who refuses to worship him. So I can't see that that has begun yet. He is not the world ruler now. He may be, but the world doesn't know it yet. He hasn't been revealed. The Scripture says, "Then shall the Man of Sin be revealed." Well, I can't see that he has been revealed yet. He's been revealed to us, but not to the world, and he hasn't done all those things the Bible indicates. So I can't see that the Tribulation has begun.
         10. But I could certainly see how the first 3-1/2 years of his reign could have begun, from the things we've seen and felt and suffered.--And from that vision I had of him ranting and raving before those ACs, yelling at them and asking them why hadn't they done something about us! We know that the ACs have really taken over and it certainly looks to me like it could be the first half of his reign that we're now in, and it's secret.
         11. From the looks of things, the Covenant could have been made more or less under the table. The Scripture doesn't make it clear as to whether that is revealed or not. I've often said that it could be a secret Covenant; we don't know whether it's going to be made public or not. Well, the way things have gone, it sure looks to me like they're already acting like it's in force, both he and the ACs.
         12. Things are going real fast!--The persecution against us and other small vocal religious groups. They're pressing hard and fast worldwide, obviously internationally, to eliminate the small new religious groups first, and the churches are cooperating with them on that. And then it won't take much to turn them from that to attack the televangelists, which they've already done. The cults and small religions are already being suppressed, and in a few cases even some of the major denominations are being attacked. I think this big expos of Catholic priests' abuse of children and sodomy is a part of their attack on the Catholic Church. They had to have something pretty serious to accuse them of to destroy people's confidence in their own church, and that's what they're trying to do, of course.
         13. So for all the above reasons and others, I have the feeling that we are now in the first half of the AC's reign! I may be wrong! Who knows, we might go on for years yet! But the Word is specific, you certainly can't deny that.
         14. So I have the feeling that it's possible. And if this is true and we are in it, the question then is, how far in? Well, if the ACs are already running the world and controlling it, as they obviously are--both Europe and North America--and if we're already in it, it must have been going on for some time! And it's only supposed to be for 3-1/2 years, so how much longer do we have? As some of our people used to sing, "Oh my Lord, oh my Lord, how much longer?--Lord, how long can this go on?!"

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